astmanproxy.gitAsterisk Manager ProxyJeffrey C. Ollie17 yearssummarylogtree
cisco_ringtone_convert.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.Jeffrey C. Ollie15 yearssummarylogtree
cvsmessaging.gitUse AMQP messaging to manage CVS commit messages.Jeffrey C. Ollie16 yearssummarylogtree
fedora-devshell.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.Jeffrey C. Ollie16 yearssummarylogtree
ftalk-asterisk-configs.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.Jeffrey C. Ollie15 yearssummarylogtree
gitsymlinks.gitConvenience symlinks for git repos.Jeffrey C. Ollie16 yearssummarylogtree
iksemel.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.Jeffrey C. Olliesummarylogtree
jrtplib.gitJeff's patches for jrtplib 3.7.1Jeffrey C. Ollie16 yearssummarylogtree
libresample.gitJeff Ollie's patches for libresample.Jeffrey C. Ollie16 yearssummarylogtree
nohgooee.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.Jeffrey C. Ollie16 yearssummarylogtree
rancid.gitJeff Ollie's RANCID PatchesJeffrey C. Ollie16 yearssummarylogtree
releng.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.Jeffrey C. Ollie16 yearssummarylogtree
zabbix.gitJeff Ollie's Zabbix PatchesJeffrey C. Ollie16 yearssummarylogtree