diff options
authorJarek Prokop <>2022-11-22 10:59:00 +0100
committerJarek Prokop <>2022-11-22 10:59:00 +0100
commitc57499eaa02f9b7a4ee5fcb738cab26737c8d96f (patch)
parent864c20deb35ca5c40501a28e30d14c44acc879f1 (diff)
New data output.
5 files changed, 1453 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/fedora2spdx.rb b/fedora2spdx.rb
index 6fe80de..7e11173 100644
--- a/fedora2spdx.rb
+++ b/fedora2spdx.rb
@@ -45,16 +45,27 @@ class ThreadWorker
+ class CommandError < StandardError
+ attr_reader :status, :stdout, :stderr
+ def initialize(msg, stdout, stderr, status)
+ super msg
+ @stdout = stdout
+ @stderr = stderr
+ @status = status
+ end
+ end
class << self
def execute(command, pwd: nil)
options = {}
options[:chdir] = pwd if pwd
- puts "Executing: #{command}"
+ $stderr.puts "Executing: #{command}"
stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(command, options)
- raise "Failed command, stderr: #{stderr}, stdout: #{stdout}, cmd: #{command}" unless status.success?
+ raise"Command failed: #{command}", stdout, stderr, status.exitstatus) unless status.success?
- stdout
+ status.exitstatus
@@ -206,38 +217,49 @@ end
ret = do |arr|
gem2rpm_name = arr[0]
gem2rpm_ver = arr[1]
- gem2rpm_license = arr[2]
+ gem2rpm_license = arr[2]&.strip
gem2rpm_license_file = arr[3]
fedora_gem = csv.find { |row| row["gem_name"] == gem2rpm_name }
fedora_name = fedora_gem["gem_name"]
- fedora_license = fedora_gem["fedora_license"]
+ fedora_license = fedora_gem["fedora_license"]&.strip
fedora_gem_license = fedora_gem["gem_license"]
raise "The names of gems differ. Leading me to this is gem2rpm: #{gem2rpm_name} fedora: #{fedora_name}" if gem2rpm_name != fedora_name
str = ''
if fedora_license == fedora_gem_license && fedora_license == gem2rpm_license
- str = "fedora matches gem2rpm"
- # validate_mit_text(gem_path, license_file_name)
- if fedora_license =~ /MIT/ && gem2rpm_license_file && !gem2rpm_license_file.empty?
- str += ";" + licensee_mit(Dir["rubygem-#{fedora_name}/#{fedora_name}*.gem"].sort.first, gem2rpm_license_file)
- elsif fedora_license =~ /MIT/
- str += ";" + "inspection required, MIT without licensefile detected"
- elsif fedora_license == "BSD-2-Clause" || fedora_license == "BSD-3-Clause" || fedora_license == "Apache-2.0"
- str += ";" + "Valid SPDX ID, no intervention required."
- else
- begin
- # ThreadWorker.execute("license-validate #{fedora_license}")
- str += ';' + licensee_general(Dir["rubygem-#{fedora_name}/#{fedora_name}*.gem"].sort.first, gem2rpm_license_file)
- rescue RuntimeError => e
- puts e.message
- end
- end
+ # Matches
+ str = true.to_s
+ res = begin
+ status = ThreadWorker.execute("license-validate \"#{fedora_license}\"").to_s
+ "#{status}"
+ rescue ThreadWorker::CommandError => e
+ "#{e.status}"
+ end
+ str += ";" + res
- str = "Fedora does not match gem2rpm" + ";" + "Inspection needed"
+ # Doesn't match
+ str = false.to_s + ";" + begin
+ status = ThreadWorker.execute("license-validate \"#{fedora_license}\"").to_s
+ "#{status}"
+ rescue ThreadWorker::CommandError => e
+ if e.status == 1 then "#{e.status}" else "#{e.stderr}######{e.stdout}" end
+ end
str + ";" + fedora_name + ";" + fedora_license.to_s + ";" + gem2rpm_license.to_s
-puts ret.sort.unshift("matches;action;gem_name;fedora_license;gem2rpm_license")
+final = ret.sort { |a, b| c = a.split(";"); d = b.split(";"); c[1] <=> d[1] }.unshift("gem2rpm_and_fedora_matches?;license_validate_exit_code;gem_name;fedora_license;gem2rpm_license")
+puts final
+# The state of Fedora Rubygems (excl a few that dont have gem as their source in Fedora lookaside cache)
+File.write("rubygems_fedora_spdx_state.csv", final.join("\n"))
+# Where Fedora license == gem2rpm
+File.write("rubygems_fedora_gem2rpm_matches.csv", final.find_all { |a| a.split(";")[0] == "true" }.join("\n"))
+# Where license-check returns 0
+File.write("rubygems_fedora_valid_spdx.csv", final.find_all { |a| a.split(";")[1] == "0" }.join("\n"))
+# Licenses where we know there is valid SPDX and the licenses match
+File.write("rubygems_fedora_valid_no_action.csv", final.find_all { |a| b = a.split(";"); b[0] == "true" && b[1] == "0" }.join("\n"))
diff --git a/rubygems_fedora_gem2rpm_matches.csv b/rubygems_fedora_gem2rpm_matches.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e23a760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rubygems_fedora_gem2rpm_matches.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+true;1;syntax;BSD;BSD \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rubygems_fedora_spdx_state.csv b/rubygems_fedora_spdx_state.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2face31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rubygems_fedora_spdx_state.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+false;0;apipie-rails;MIT AND Apache-2.0;
+false;0;diff-lcs;MIT OR Artistic-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later;MIT and Artistic-2.0 and GPL-2.0+
+false;0;gettext;Ruby;Ruby and LGPL-3.0+
+false;1;POpen4;GPLv2 or Ruby;
+false;1;abstract;GPLv2 or Ruby;
+false;1;addressable;ASL 2.0;Apache-2.0
+false;1;archive-tar-minitar;GPLv2+ or Ruby;
+false;1;aruba;MIT and CC-BY and (MIT or GPLv2) and (MIT or BSD or GPLv2);MIT
+false;1;atomic;ASL 2.0;Apache-2.0
+false;1;aws-sigv4;ASL 2.0;Apache-2.0
+false;1;bcrypt;MIT and Public Domain and ISC;MIT
+false;1;bcrypt_pbkdf;MIT and BSD and ISC;MIT
+false;1;between_meals;ASL 2.0;Apache-2.0
+false;1;cairo;GPLv2 or Ruby;Ruby and GPL-2.0-or-later
+false;1;creole;GPLv2 or Ruby;
+false;1;daemons;MIT and (GPLv2+ or Ruby);
+false;1;dnsruby;ASL 2.0;Apache License, Version 2.0
+false;1;domain_name;BSD and (MPLv1.1 or GPLv2+ or LGPLv2+);BSD-2-Clause and BSD-3-Clause and MPL-2.0
+false;1;elasticsearch-transport;ASL 2.0;Apache 2
+false;1;eventmachine;GPLv2 or Ruby;Ruby and GPL-2.0
+false;1;fattr;BSD or Ruby;same as ruby's
+false;1;file-tail;ASL 2.0;Apache-2.0
+false;1;goocanvas;LGPLv2;LGPLv2.1 or later
+false;1;haml;MIT and WTFPL;MIT
+false;1;hiera-vault;ASL 2.0;Apache-2.0
+false;1;highline;GPLv2 or Ruby or BSD;Ruby
+false;1;hocon;ASL 2.0;Apache License, v2
+false;1;hpricot;MIT and ASL 2.0;
+false;1;hrx;ASL 2.0;Apache-2.0
+false;1;httpclient;(Ruby or BSD) and Public Domain;ruby
+false;1;i18n;MIT and (BSD or Ruby);MIT
+false;1;idn;ASL 2.0 and LGPLv2+;
+false;1;image_size;Ruby or GPLv2;Ruby
+false;1;imagesize;GPLv2 or Ruby;
+false;1;jmespath;ASL 2.0;Apache-2.0
+false;1;json;Ruby or BSD;Ruby
+false;1;locale;GPLv2 or Ruby;Ruby and LGPLv3+
+false;1;lockfile;GPLv2 or Ruby;
+false;1;logstash-event;ASL 2.0;Apache License (2.0)
+false;1;macaddr;Ruby or BSD;Ruby
+false;1;marcel;MIT and ASL 2.0;MIT and Apache-2.0
+false;1;mixlib-cli;ASL 2.0;Apache-2.0
+false;1;mixlib-config;ASL 2.0;Apache-2.0
+false;1;mixlib-log;ASL 2.0;Apache-2.0
+false;1;mixlib-shellout;ASL 2.0;
+false;1;mocha;MIT or Ruby or BSD;MIT and BSD-2-Clause
+false;1;mongo;ASL 2.0;Apache-2.0
+false;1;msgpack;ASL 2.0;Apache 2.0
+false;1;narray;BSD and Ruby;Ruby
+false;1;net-sftp;MIT or LGPLv2;MIT
+false;1;nio4r;MIT and (BSD or GPLv2+);MIT
+false;1;nokogiri;MIT and ASL 2.0;MIT
+false;1;open4;BSD or Ruby;Ruby
+false;1;opennebula;ASL 2.0;Apache-2.0
+false;1;pathspec;ASL 2.0;Apache-2.0
+false;1;pdf-core;GPLv2 or GPLv3 or Ruby;PRAWN and GPL-2.0 and GPL-3.0
+false;1;pdf-inspector;GPLv2 or GPLv3 or Ruby;PRAWN and GPL-2.0 and GPL-3.0
+false;1;pg;(BSD or Ruby) and PostgreSQL;BSD-2-Clause
+false;1;power_assert;Ruby or BSD;BSD-2-Clause and Ruby
+false;1;prawn;(GPLv2 or GPLv3 or Ruby) and APAFML;PRAWN and GPL-2.0 and GPL-3.0
+false;1;prawn-icon;Ruby or GPLv2 or GPLv3;RUBY and GPL-2 and GPL-3
+false;1;prawn-table;Ruby or GPLv2 or GPLv3;RUBY and GPL-2 and GPL-3
+false;1;prawn-templates;Ruby or GPLv2 or GPLv3;Nonstandard and GPL-2.0 and GPL-3.0
+false;1;protobuf;MIT and BSD;MIT
+false;1;public_suffix;MIT and MPLv2.0;MIT
+false;1;puppet-resource_api;ASL 2.0;Apache-2.0
+false;1;rabbit;GPLv2+ and CC-BY;GPLv2+
+false;1;racc;BSD;Ruby and BSD-2-Clause
+false;1;rack;MIT and BSD;MIT
+false;1;rdiscount;ASL 1.1;BSD-3-Clause
+false;1;rdoc;GPL-2.0 AND Ruby AND BSD-3-Clause AND CC-BY-2.5 AND OFL-1.1-RFN;Ruby
+false;1;rdtool;GPLv2+ or Ruby;GPL-2+ and Ruby
+false;1;redcarpet;MIT and ISC;MIT
+false;1;rouge;MIT and BSD;MIT and BSD-2-Clause
+false;1;ruby-dbus;LGPLv2+ and MIT;LGPL-2.1
+false;1;ruby-shadow;Public Domain;Public Domain License
+false;1;rubyzip;Ruby or BSD;BSD 2-Clause
+false;1;sass-twitter-bootstrap;ASL 2.0;
+false;1;sassc-rails;MIT and OFL;MIT
+false;1;selenium-webdriver;ASL 2.0;Apache-2.0
+false;1;semantic_puppet;ASL 2.0;Apache-2.0
+false;1;sinatra-rabbit;ASL 2.0;
+false;1;stomp;ASL 2.0;Apache-2.0
+false;1;sugarjar;ASL 2.0;Apache-2.0
+false;1;sys-uname;ASL 2.0;Apache-2.0
+false;1;test-unit;(BSD or Ruby or Python) and (BSD or Ruby);Ruby and BSDL and PSFL
+false;1;test-unit-notify;LGPLv2+ and (LGPLv2+ or GFDL or CC-BY-SA);LGPLv2.1 or later
+false;1;test-unit-rr;LGPLv2+;LGPLv2 or later
+false;1;thread_safe;ASL 2.0 and Public Domain;Apache-2.0
+false;1;tk;BSD or Ruby;BSD-2-Clause
+false;1;ttfunk;GPLv2 or GPLv3 or Ruby;Nonstandard and GPL-2.0 and GPL-3.0
+false;1;uglifier;MIT and BSD;MIT
+false;1;unf;BSD;2-clause BSDL
+false;1;uuid;MIT or CC-BY-SA;
+false;1;uuidtools;ASL 2.0;Apache-2.0
+false;1;webrick;Ruby and BSD-2-Clause;Ruby and BSD-2-Clause
+false;1;webrobots;BSD;2-clause BSDL
+false;1;websocket-driver;ASL 2.0;Apache-2.0
+false;1;xmlparser;GPLv2+ and ( Ruby or GPLv2+ or MIT ) and ( GPLv2+ or Artistic );
+false;1;xmlrpc;Ruby or BSD;Ruby and BSD-2-Clause
+false;1;yard;MIT and (BSD or Ruby);MIT
+false;1;zoom;LGPLv2+; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rubygems_fedora_valid_no_action.csv b/rubygems_fedora_valid_no_action.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3de0c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rubygems_fedora_valid_no_action.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+true;0;zeitwerk;MIT;MIT \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rubygems_fedora_valid_spdx.csv b/rubygems_fedora_valid_spdx.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adec226
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rubygems_fedora_valid_spdx.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+false;0;apipie-rails;MIT AND Apache-2.0;
+false;0;diff-lcs;MIT OR Artistic-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later;MIT and Artistic-2.0 and GPL-2.0+
+false;0;gettext;Ruby;Ruby and LGPL-3.0+
+true;0;zeitwerk;MIT;MIT \ No newline at end of file