diff options
authorIzhar Firdaus <>2011-04-12 02:58:41 +0800
committerIzhar Firdaus <>2011-04-12 02:58:41 +0800
commit8a448909aee41503c10b221cdfce87dafe7e7056 (patch)
parent3fe82495c0b8c5742a6ae5d75147b3b5ab8ed603 (diff)
add pidgin gnomeshell extension
4 files changed, 317 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2ccc21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Known bugs
+* URL HREF not displaying correctly
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15da77d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+const DBus = imports.dbus;
+const Gettext = imports.gettext.domain('gnome-shell');
+const GLib =;
+const Lang = imports.lang;
+const Signals = imports.signals;
+const St =;
+const Tp =;
+const Main = imports.ui.main;
+const Mainloop = imports.mainloop;
+const MessageTray = imports.ui.messageTray;
+const Shell =;
+const TelepathyClient = imports.ui.telepathyClient;
+const _ = Gettext.gettext;
+function wrappedText(text, sender, timestamp, direction) {
+ return {
+ messageType: Tp.ChannelTextMessageType.NORMAL,
+ text: text,
+ sender: sender,
+ timestamp: timestamp,
+ direction: direction
+ };
+function Source(client, account, author, initialMessage, conversation) {
+ this._init(client, account, author, initialMessage, conversation);
+Source.prototype = {
+ __proto__: MessageTray.Source.prototype,
+ _init: function(client, account, author, initialMessage, conversation) {
+, author);
+ this.isChat = true;
+ this._author = author;
+ this._client = client;
+ let proxy = this._client.proxy();
+ this._account = account;
+ this._conversation = conversation;
+ this._initialMessage = initialMessage;
+ this._iconUri = null;
+ this._presence = 'online';
+ this._notification = new TelepathyClient.Notification(this);
+ this._notification.setUrgency(MessageTray.Urgency.HIGH);
+ this._iconUri = 'file://' + proxy.PurpleBuddyIconGetFullPathSync(proxy.PurpleConvImGetIconSync(proxy.PurpleConvImSync(this._conversation)));
+ global.log(this._iconUri);
+ this._buddyStatusChangeId = proxy.connect('BuddyStatusChanged', Lang.bind(this, this._onBuddyStatusChange));
+ this._buddySignedOffId = proxy.connect('BuddySignedOff', Lang.bind(this, this._onBuddySignedOff));
+ this._deleteConversationId = proxy.connect('DeletingConversation', Lang.bind(this, this._onDeleteConversation));
+ this._messageSentId = proxy.connect('SentImMsg', Lang.bind(this, this._onSentImMessage));
+ this._messageReceivedId = proxy.connect('ReceivedImMsg', Lang.bind(this, this._onReceivedImMessage));
+ // Start!
+ //
+ this.title = proxy.PurpleConversationGetNameSync(this._conversation);
+ this._setSummaryIcon(this.createNotificationIcon());
+ let message = wrappedText(this._initialMessage, this._author, null, TelepathyClient.NotificationDirection.RECEIVED);
+ this._notification.appendMessage(message, false);
+ if (!Main.messageTray.contains(this))
+ Main.messageTray.add(this);
+ this.notify(this._notification);
+ },
+ destroy: function () {
+ let proxy = this._client.proxy();
+ proxy.disconnect(this._buddyStatusChangeId);
+ proxy.disconnect(this._buddySignedOffId);
+ proxy.disconnect(this._deleteConversationId);
+ proxy.disconnect(this._messageSentId);
+ proxy.disconnect(this._messageReceivedId);
+ },
+ createNotificationIcon: function() {
+ let iconBox = new St.Bin({ style_class: 'avatar-box' });
+ iconBox._size = this.ICON_SIZE;
+ if (!this._iconUri) {
+ iconBox.child = new St.Icon({ icon_name: 'avatar-default',
+ icon_type: St.IconType.FULLCOLOR,
+ icon_size: iconBox._size });
+ } else {
+ let textureCache = St.TextureCache.get_default();
+ iconBox.child = textureCache.load_uri_async(this._iconUri, iconBox._size, iconBox._size);
+ }
+ return iconBox;
+ },
+ open: function(notification) {
+ // Lookup for the messages window and display it. In the case where it's not o
+ // opened yet fallback to the roster window.
+ let windows = global.get_window_actors();
+ for (let i = 0; i < windows.length; i++) {
+ let metaWindow = windows[i].metaWindow;
+ if (metaWindow.get_wm_class_instance() == "pidgin" &&
+ metaWindow.get_role() == "messages") {
+ Main.activateWindow(metaWindow);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ let app = Shell.AppSystem.get_default().get_app('pidgin.desktop');
+ app.activate_window(null, global.get_current_time());
+ },
+ notify: function () {
+, this._notification);
+ },
+ respond: function(text) {
+ proxy = this._client.proxy();
+ proxy.PurpleConvImSendRemote(proxy.PurpleConvImSync(this._conversation), text);
+ },
+ _onBuddyStatusChange: function (emitter, buddy, old_status_id, new_status_id) {
+ if (!this.title) return;
+ let proxy = this._client.proxy();
+ let buddy_alias = proxy.PurpleBuddyGetAliasSync(buddy);
+ if (buddy_alias != this._author) return;
+ // XXX: this looks wrong. should get string?
+ let old_status = proxy.PurpleStatusGetIdSync(old_status_id);
+ let new_status = proxy.PurpleStatusGetIdSync(new_status_id);
+ this._presence = new_status;
+ this._notification.appendPresence(new_status, false);
+ },
+ _onBuddySignedOff: function(emitter, buddy) {
+ let buddy_alias = proxy.PurpleBuddyGetAliasSync(buddy);
+ if (buddy_alias != this._author) return;
+ this._presence = 'offline';
+ this._notification.appendPresence('offline', false);
+ },
+ _onDeleteConversation: function(emitter, conversation) {
+ if (conversation != this._conversation) return;
+ this.destroy();
+ },
+ _onSentImMessage: function(emitter, account, author, text) {
+ let buddy = proxy.PurpleFindBuddySync(account, author);
+ if (buddy) {
+ author = proxy.PurpleBuddyGetAliasSync(buddy);
+ }
+ if (text && (author == this._author)) {
+ let message = wrappedText(text, this._author, null, TelepathyClient.NotificationDirection.SENT);
+ this._notification.appendMessage(message, false);
+ }
+ },
+ _onReceivedImMessage: function(emitter, account, author, text) {
+ let buddy = proxy.PurpleFindBuddySync(account, author);
+ if (buddy) {
+ author = proxy.PurpleBuddyGetAliasSync(buddy);
+ }
+ if (text && (author == this._author)) {
+ let message = wrappedText(text, this._author, null, TelepathyClient.NotificationDirection.RECEIVED);
+ this._notification.appendMessage(message, false);
+ this.notify(this._notification);
+ }
+ }
+const PidginIface = {
+ name: 'im.pidgin.purple.PurpleInterface',
+ properties: [],
+ methods: [
+ {name: 'PurpleGetIms', inSignature: '', outSignature: 'ai'},
+ {name: 'PurpleAccountsGetAllActive', inSignature: '', outSignature: 'ai'},
+ {name: 'PurpleFindBuddies', inSignature: 'is', outSignature: 'ai'},
+ {name: 'PurpleFindBuddy', inSignature: 'is', outSignature: 'i'},
+ {name: 'PurpleAccountGetAlias', inSignature: 'i', outSignature: 's'},
+ {name: 'PurpleAccountGetNameForDisplay', inSignature: 'i', outSignature: 's'},
+ {name: 'PurpleBuddyGetAlias', inSignature: 'i', outSignature: 's'},
+ {name: 'PurpleBuddyGetName', inSignature: 'i', outSignature: 's'},
+ {name: 'PurpleStatusGetId', inSignature: 'i', outSignature: 's'},
+ {name: 'PurpleBuddyIconGetFullPath', inSignature: 'i', outSignature: 's'},
+ {name: 'PurpleConvImSend', inSignature: 'is', outSignature: ''},
+ {name: 'PurpleConvIm', inSignature: 'i', outSignature: 'i'},
+ {name: 'PurpleConvImGetIcon', inSignature: 'i', outSignature: 'i'},
+ {name: 'PurpleConversationGetName', inSignature: 'i', outSignature: 's'}
+ ],
+ signals: [
+ {name: 'ReceivedImMsg', inSignature: 'issiu'},
+ {name: 'SentImMsg', inSignature: 'iss'},
+ {name: 'BuddyStatusChanged', inSignature: 'iii'}, // ????
+ {name: 'BuddySignedOff', inSignature: 'i'},
+ {name: 'BuddySignedOn', inSignature: 'i'},
+ {name: 'DeletingConversation', inSignature: 'i'}
+ ]
+let Pidgin = DBus.makeProxyClass(PidginIface);
+function patchSynchronousMethods(obj, iface) {
+ if ('methods' in iface) {
+ let methods = iface.methods;
+ for (let i = 0; i < methods.length; ++i) {
+ let method = methods[i];
+ if (!('name' in method))
+ throw new Error("Method definition must have a name");
+ if (!('outSignature' in method))
+ method.outSignature = "a{sv}";
+ if (!("inSignature" in method))
+ method.inSignature = "a{sv}";
+ if (!("timeout" in method))
+ method.timeout = -1;
+ let name = + 'Sync';
+ obj[name] = function () {
+ let arg_array =;
+ log('calling ' + + ' with parameters ' + arg_array + ' arguments ' +
+ arguments);
+ return
+ obj._dbusBusName,
+ obj._dbusPath,
+ obj._dbusInterface,
+ method.outSignature,
+ method.inSignature,
+ false,
+ 1000,
+ arg_array || []
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return obj;
+function PidginClient() {
+ this._init();
+PidginClient.prototype = {
+ _init: function() {
+ this._sources = {};
+ this._proxy = new Pidgin(DBus.session, 'im.pidgin.purple.PurpleService', '/im/pidgin/purple/PurpleObject');
+ patchSynchronousMethods(this._proxy, PidginIface);
+ this._proxy.connect('ReceivedImMsg', Lang.bind(this, this._messageReceived));
+ },
+ proxy: function () {
+ return this._proxy;
+ },
+ _messageReceived: function(emitter, account, author, message, conversation) {
+ let proxy = this.proxy()
+ let buddy = proxy.PurpleFindBuddySync(account, author);
+ if (buddy) {
+ author = proxy.PurpleBuddyGetAliasSync(buddy);
+ }
+ let source = this._sources[author];
+ if (!source) {
+ source = new Source(this, account, author, message, conversation);
+ source.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this,
+ function() {
+ delete this._sources[author];
+ }
+ ));
+ this._sources[author] = source;
+ }
+ }
+function main() {
+ let client = new PidginClient();
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17ff335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"shell-version": [""], "uuid": "", "name": "Pidgin Integration", "description": "Integrate the Shell chat notification with Pidgin IM"} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8dc980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/* Example stylesheet */
+.helloworld-label {
+ font-size: 36px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: #ffffff;
+ background-color: rgba(10,10,10,0.7);
+ border-radius: 5px;