path: root/fedoratheme/kindofblue
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fedoratheme/kindofblue')
2 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fedoratheme/kindofblue/skins/fedoratheme_kindofblue_custom_templates/ b/fedoratheme/kindofblue/skins/fedoratheme_kindofblue_custom_templates/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eadc054
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fedoratheme/kindofblue/skins/fedoratheme_kindofblue_custom_templates/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+<metal:page define-macro="master"><metal:doctype define-slot="doctype"><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""></metal:doctype>
+<metal:block define-slot="top_slot" />
+<metal:block use-macro="here/global_defines/macros/defines" />
+<html xmlns=""
+ xml:lang="en"
+ lang="en"
+ tal:define="lang language"
+ tal:attributes="lang lang;
+ xml:lang lang">
+ <tal:cache tal:define="charset site_properties/default_charset|string:utf-8">
+ <metal:cache use-macro="here/global_cache_settings/macros/cacheheaders">
+ Get the global cache headers located in global_cache_settings.
+ </metal:cache>
+ </tal:cache>
+ <head>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"
+ tal:define="charset site_properties/default_charset|string:utf-8"
+ tal:attributes="content string:text/html;;charset=${charset}" />
+ <metal:baseslot define-slot="base">
+ <base tal:attributes="href here/renderBase" /><!--[if lt IE 7]></base><![endif]-->
+ </metal:baseslot>
+ <meta name="generator" content="Plone -" />
+ <div tal:replace="structure provider:plone.htmlhead" />
+ <meta tal:define="metatags python:putils.listMetaTags(here).items()"
+ tal:condition="metatags"
+ tal:repeat="keyval metatags"
+ tal:attributes="name python:keyval[0];
+ content python:keyval[1];" />
+ <!-- Internet Explorer CSS Fixes -->
+ <tal:iefixstart replace="structure string:&lt;!--[if IE]&gt;" />
+ <style type="text/css" media="all" tal:condition="exists: portal/IEFixes.css"
+ tal:content="string:@import url($portal_url/IEFixes.css);">
+ </style>
+ <tal:iefixend replace="structure string:&lt;![endif]--&gt;" />
+ <link tal:replace="structure provider:plone.htmlhead.links" />
+ <!-- Disable IE6 image toolbar -->
+ <meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" />
+ <tal:comment replace="nothing"> A slot where you can insert elements in the header from a template </tal:comment>
+ <metal:headslot define-slot="head_slot" />
+ <tal:comment replace="nothing"> A slot where you can insert CSS in the header from a template </tal:comment>
+ <metal:styleslot define-slot="style_slot" />
+ <tal:comment replace="nothing"> This is deprecated, please use style_slot instead. </tal:comment>
+ <metal:cssslot define-slot="css_slot" />
+ <tal:comment replace="nothing"> A slot where you can insert javascript in the header from a template </tal:comment>
+ <metal:javascriptslot define-slot="javascript_head_slot" />
+ </head>
+ <body tal:attributes="class string:${here/getSectionFromURL} template-${template/id};
+ dir python:test(isRTL, 'rtl', 'ltr')">
+ <div id="visual-portal-wrapper">
+ <div id="portal-top" i18n:domain="plone">
+ <div tal:replace="structure provider:plone.portaltop" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="visualClear" id="clear-space-before-wrapper-table"><!-- --></div>
+ <metal:mainbody define-slot="mainbody">
+ <table id="portal-columns">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <tal:comment replace="nothing"> Start of the left column </tal:comment>
+ <td id="portal-column-one"
+ metal:define-slot="column_one_slot"
+ tal:condition="sl">
+ <div class="visualPadding">
+ <metal:portlets define-slot="portlets_one_slot">
+ <tal:block replace="structure provider:plone.leftcolumn" />
+ </metal:portlets>
+ &nbsp;
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ <tal:comment replace="nothing"> End of the left column </tal:comment>
+ <tal:comment replace="nothing"> Start of main content block </tal:comment>
+ <td id="portal-column-content"
+ tal:define="tabindex python:Iterator(mainSlot=False)">
+ <metal:block define-slot="content">
+ <div metal:define-macro="content"
+ tal:define="show_border context/@@plone/showEditableBorder"
+ tal:attributes="class python:test(show_border,'documentEditable','')">
+ <div tal:replace="structure provider:plone.contentviews" />
+ <div id="region-content"
+ class="documentContent">
+ <span id="contentTopLeft"></span>
+ <span id="contentTopRight"></span>
+ <a name="documentContent"></a>
+ <div metal:use-macro="here/global_statusmessage/macros/portal_message">
+ Portal status message
+ </div>
+ <div id="viewlet-above-content" tal:content="structure provider:plone.abovecontent" />
+ <metal:slot metal:define-slot="body">
+ <tal:comment replace="nothing">
+ The div with ID #content will only show up if we're actually on a content
+ view, never on edit forms, control panels etc. It's meant to only wrap the
+ actual content that gets rendered on a page, not the other UI elements.
+ </tal:comment>
+ <div id="content"
+ tal:omit-tag="not:context/@@plone_context_state/is_view_template">
+ <metal:header metal:define-slot="header" tal:content="nothing">
+ Visual Header
+ </metal:header>
+ <metal:bodytext metal:define-slot="main" tal:content="nothing">
+ Page body text
+ </metal:bodytext>
+ </div>
+ </metal:slot>
+ <metal:sub metal:define-slot="sub">
+ <div tal:replace="structure provider:plone.belowcontent" />
+ </metal:sub>
+ <span id="contentBottomLeft"></span>
+ <span id="contentBottomRight"></span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </metal:block>
+ </td>
+ <tal:comment replace="nothing"> End of main content block </tal:comment>
+ <tal:comment replace="nothing"> Start of right column </tal:comment>
+ <td id="portal-column-two"
+ metal:define-slot="column_two_slot"
+ tal:condition="sr">
+ <div class="visualPadding">
+ <metal:portlets define-slot="portlets_two_slot">
+ <tal:block replace="structure provider:plone.rightcolumn" />
+ </metal:portlets>
+ &nbsp;
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ <tal:comment replace="nothing"> End of the right column </tal:comment>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </metal:mainbody>
+ <tal:comment replace="nothing"> end column wrapper </tal:comment>
+ <div class="visualClear" id="clear-space-before-footer"><!-- --></div>
+ <div tal:define="context_state context/@@plone_context_state;
+ portlet_assignable context_state/portlet_assignable"
+ tal:condition="python:not sl and not sr and portlet_assignable and checkPermission('Portlets: Manage portlets', context)">
+ <a class="managePortletsFallback"
+ tal:attributes="href string:${context_state/canonical_object_url}/@@manage-portlets"
+ i18n:translate="manage_portlets_fallback">
+ Manage portlets
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ <metal:block i18n:domain="plone">
+ <div tal:replace="structure provider:plone.portalfooter" />
+ </metal:block>
+ <div class="visualClear"><!-- --></div>
+ </div>
+<div id="kss-spinner"><img tal:attributes="src string:${portal_url}/spinner.gif" alt="" /></div>
diff --git a/fedoratheme/kindofblue/skins/fedoratheme_kindofblue_styles/ploneCustom.css.dtml b/fedoratheme/kindofblue/skins/fedoratheme_kindofblue_styles/ploneCustom.css.dtml
index da69f89..965005a 100644
--- a/fedoratheme/kindofblue/skins/fedoratheme_kindofblue_styles/ploneCustom.css.dtml
+++ b/fedoratheme/kindofblue/skins/fedoratheme_kindofblue_styles/ploneCustom.css.dtml
@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ li.formTab .selected {
+.portlet {
+ width:200px;
/* ploneboard */
.boardCommentDetails {