path: root/fedoratheme/kindofblue/profiles
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fedoratheme/kindofblue/profiles')
7 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fedoratheme/kindofblue/profiles/default/cssregistry.xml b/fedoratheme/kindofblue/profiles/default/cssregistry.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c683af0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fedoratheme/kindofblue/profiles/default/cssregistry.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- This file holds the setup configuration for the portal_css tool. -->
+<object name="portal_css">
+ <!-- Stylesheets that will be registered with the portal_css tool are defined
+ here. You can also specify values for existing resources if you need to
+ modify some of their properties.
+ Stylesheet elements accept these parameters:
+ - 'id' (required): it must respect the name of the css or DTML file
+ (case sensitive). '.dtml' suffixes must be ignored.
+ - 'expression' (optional - default: ''): a tal condition.
+ - 'media' (optional - default: ''): possible values: 'screen', 'print',
+ 'projection', 'handheld'...
+ - 'rel' (optional - default: 'stylesheet')
+ - 'title' (optional - default: '')
+ - 'rendering' (optional - default: 'import'): 'import', 'link' or
+ 'inline'.
+ - 'enabled' (optional - default: True): boolean
+ - 'cookable' (optional - default: True): boolean (aka 'merging allowed')
+ See registerStylesheet() arguments in
+ ResourceRegistries/tools/ for the latest list of all
+ available keys and default values.
+ -->
+ <stylesheet title=""
+ id="++resource++fedoratheme.kindofblue.stylesheets/main.css"
+ media="screen" rel="stylesheet" rendering="import"
+ cacheable="True" compression="safe" cookable="True"
+ enabled="1" expression=""/>
diff --git a/fedoratheme/kindofblue/profiles/default/fedoratheme.kindofblue_various.txt b/fedoratheme/kindofblue/profiles/default/fedoratheme.kindofblue_various.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93a0384
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fedoratheme/kindofblue/profiles/default/fedoratheme.kindofblue_various.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+This file is used as a marker in \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fedoratheme/kindofblue/profiles/default/import_steps.xml b/fedoratheme/kindofblue/profiles/default/import_steps.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..905dc5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fedoratheme/kindofblue/profiles/default/import_steps.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <import-step id="fedoratheme.kindofblue.various"
+ version="20080516-01"
+ handler="fedoratheme.kindofblue.setuphandlers.setupVarious"
+ title="kindofblue: miscellaneous import steps">
+ <dependency step="skins" />
+ Various import steps that are not handled by GS import/export
+ handlers.
+ </import-step>
diff --git a/fedoratheme/kindofblue/profiles/default/jsregistry.xml b/fedoratheme/kindofblue/profiles/default/jsregistry.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f15403e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fedoratheme/kindofblue/profiles/default/jsregistry.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- This file holds the setup configuration for the portal_javascripts tool.
+ -->
+<object name="portal_javascripts">
+ <!-- Javascript files that will be registered with the
+ portal_javascripts tool are defined here. You can also specify values
+ for existing resources if you need to modify some of their properties.
+ Javascript elements accept these parameters:
+ - 'id' (required): same rules as for stylesheets (see
+ 'cssregistry.xml').
+ - 'expression' (optional - default: ''): a tal condition.
+ - 'inline' (optional - default: False)
+ - 'enabled' (optional - default: True): boolean
+ - 'cookable' (optional - default: True): boolean (aka 'merging allowed')
+ See registerScript() arguments in ResourceRegistries/tools/
+ for the latest list of all available keys and default values.
+ -->
+ <javascript title=""
+ id="++resource++fedoratheme.kindofblue.javascripts/something.js"
+ cacheable="False" compression="safe" cookable="False"
+ enabled="True" expression="" inline="False"/>
diff --git a/fedoratheme/kindofblue/profiles/default/metadata.xml b/fedoratheme/kindofblue/profiles/default/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..820f54a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fedoratheme/kindofblue/profiles/default/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <version>0.1</version>
diff --git a/fedoratheme/kindofblue/profiles/default/skins.xml b/fedoratheme/kindofblue/profiles/default/skins.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6cd429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fedoratheme/kindofblue/profiles/default/skins.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- This file holds the setup configuration for the portal_skins tool -->
+<!-- Change the value of these parameters to modify portal_skins behavior:
+ - allow_any: change it to True if you want users to be able to select the
+ skin to use from their personal preferences management page. In the
+ ZMI, this value is known as 'Skin flexibility'.
+ - cookie_persistence: change it to True if you want to make the skin cookie
+ persist indefinitely. In the ZMI, this value is known as 'Skin Cookie
+ persistence'.
+ -->
+<object name="portal_skins" allow_any="False" cookie_persistence="False"
+ default_skin="kindofblue">
+ <!-- This list registers the folders that are stored in the skins directory
+ of your product (on the filesystem) as Filesystem Directory Views within
+ the portal_skins tool, so that they become usable as skin layers.
+ -->
+ <object name="fedoratheme_kindofblue_custom_images"
+ meta_type="Filesystem Directory View"
+ directory="fedoratheme.kindofblue:skins/fedoratheme_kindofblue_custom_images"/>
+ <object name="fedoratheme_kindofblue_custom_templates"
+ meta_type="Filesystem Directory View"
+ directory="fedoratheme.kindofblue:skins/fedoratheme_kindofblue_custom_templates"/>
+ <object name="fedoratheme_kindofblue_styles"
+ meta_type="Filesystem Directory View"
+ directory="fedoratheme.kindofblue:skins/fedoratheme_kindofblue_styles"/>
+<object name="fedoratheme_kindofblue_images"
+ meta_type="Filesystem Directory View"
+ directory="fedoratheme.kindofblue:skins/fedoratheme_kindofblue_images"/>
+<object name="fedoratheme_kindofblue_logos"
+ meta_type="Filesystem Directory View"
+ directory="fedoratheme.kindofblue:skins/fedoratheme_kindofblue_logos"/>
+ <!-- A skin-path in this file corresponds to a Skin Selection in the
+ 'Properties' tab of the portal_skins tool, in the ZMI.
+ You can define for each new skin path the layers that it holds. A new
+ skin can be based on another existing one by using the 'based-on'
+ attribute.
+ The definition of a layer accepts these parameters:
+ - name: quite self explanatory, the name of the layer.
+ - insert-before: name of the layer before which it must be added.
+ - insert-after: name of the layer after which it must be added.
+ Note: insert-before (and -after) accepts the value "*" which means
+ "all".
+ -->
+ <skin-path name="kindofblue" based-on="Plone Default">
+ <layer name="fedoratheme_kindofblue_custom_images"
+ insert-after="custom"/>
+ <layer name="fedoratheme_kindofblue_custom_templates"
+ insert-after="fedoratheme_kindofblue_custom_images"/>
+ <layer name="fedoratheme_kindofblue_styles"
+ insert-after="fedoratheme_kindofblue_custom_templates"/>
+ </skin-path>
diff --git a/fedoratheme/kindofblue/profiles/default/viewlets.xml b/fedoratheme/kindofblue/profiles/default/viewlets.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1aa5f7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fedoratheme/kindofblue/profiles/default/viewlets.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- This file holds the setup configuration of the viewlet managers
+ for the "kindofblue" skin.
+ -->
+ <!-- Viewlets keep the same ordering than the default skin ('Plone Default'
+ out of the box).
+ You can specify skinname="*" if you want changes apply for all skins.
+ Using "True"" for the 'make-default' parameter will make the 'skinname'
+ value set as default skinname. Means the name of the skin that would be
+ used in case the viewlets ordering was not specified for the currently
+ used skin.
+ The 'based-on' attribute lets you inherit the viewlets ordering from an
+ existing skin.
+ -->
+ <order manager="plone.portalfooter" skinname="kindofblue"
+ based-on="Plone Default">
+ <!-- The definition of a viewlet accepts these parameters:
+ - name: quite self explanatory, the name of the viewlet.
+ - insert-before: name of the viewlet before which it must be added or
+ moved.
+ - insert-after: name of the viewlet after which it must be added
+ or moved.
+ - remove: supported but rarely needed, removes the viewlet from the
+ ordering list (doesn't mean that it hides the viewlet).
+ Note: insert-before and -after accept the value "*" which means
+ "all".
+ -->
+ <viewlet name="fedoratheme.someviewlet"
+ insert-before="*" />
+ </order>
+ <hidden manager="plone.portalheader" skinname="kindofblue">
+ <viewlet name="plone.global_sections" />
+ </hidden>