path: root/src/include/kim/kim_identity.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/include/kim/kim_identity.h')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/src/include/kim/kim_identity.h b/src/include/kim/kim_identity.h
index 14fce8cc42..8e3facada4 100644
--- a/src/include/kim/kim_identity.h
+++ b/src/include/kim/kim_identity.h
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ extern "C" {
* \param out_identity on exit, a new identity object. Must be freed with kim_identity_free().
* \param in_string a string representation of a Kerberos identity.
* Special characters such as '/' and '@' must be escaped with '\'.
- * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error object representing the failure.
+ * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
* \brief Create a identity from a string.
kim_error kim_identity_create_from_string (kim_identity *out_identity,
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ kim_error kim_identity_create_from_string (kim_identity *out_identity,
* order (ie: the 4th argument to kim_identity_create_from_components() will be
* the 2nd component of the identity).
* \note The last argument must be a NULL or kim_identity_create_from_components() may crash.
- * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error object representing the failure.
+ * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
* \brief Create a identity from a realm and component strings.
kim_error kim_identity_create_from_components (kim_identity *out_identity,
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ kim_error kim_identity_create_from_components (kim_identity *out_identity,
* Must be freed with kim_identity_free().
* \param in_krb5_context the krb5 context used to create \a in_krb5_principal.
* \param in_krb5_principal a krb5 principal object.
- * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error object representing the failure.
+ * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
* \brief Create an identity object from a krb5_principal.
kim_error kim_identity_create_from_krb5_principal (kim_identity *out_identity,
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ kim_error kim_identity_create_from_krb5_principal (kim_identity *out_identity,
* \param out_identity on exit, a new identity object which is a copy of \a in_identity.
* Must be freed with kim_identity_free().
* \param in_identity an identity object.
- * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error object representing the failure.
+ * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
* \brief Copy an identity object.
kim_error kim_identity_copy (kim_identity *out_identity,
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ kim_error kim_identity_copy (kim_identity *out_identity,
* \a in_compare_to_identity which determines whether
* or not the two identities are equivalent and their
* sort order (for display to the user) if they are not.
- * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error object representing the failure.
+ * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
* \brief Compare identity objects for equivalency.
kim_error kim_identity_compare (kim_identity in_identity,
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ kim_error kim_identity_compare (kim_identity in_identity,
* \param in_identity an identity object.
* \param out_string on exit, a string representation of \a in_identity.
* Must be freed with kim_string_free().
- * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error object representing the failure.
+ * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
* \brief Get the string representation of a identity.
* \note Special characters such as '@' and '/' will be escaped with '\'.
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ kim_error kim_identity_get_string (kim_identity in_identity,
* \param in_identity an identity object.
* \param out_display_string on exit, a string representation of \a in_identity appropriate for
* display to the user. Must be freed with kim_string_free().
- * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error object representing the failure.
+ * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
* \brief Get a human-readable string representation of an identity.
* \note Special characters such as '/' and '@' are \em not escaped with '\'. As a result the
* string returned from this function cannot be used with kim_identity_create_from_string()
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ kim_error kim_identity_get_display_string (kim_identity in_identity,
* \param in_identity an identity object.
* \param out_realm_string on exit, a string representation of \a in_identity's realm.
* Must be freed with kim_string_free().
- * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error object representing the failure.
+ * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
* \brief Get the realm string of an identity.
kim_error kim_identity_get_realm (kim_identity in_identity,
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ kim_error kim_identity_get_realm (kim_identity in_identity,
* \param in_identity an identity object.
* \param out_number_of_components on exit the number of components in \a in_identity.
- * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error object representing the failure.
+ * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
* \brief Get the number of components of an identity.
kim_error kim_identity_get_number_of_components (kim_identity in_identity,
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ kim_error kim_identity_get_number_of_components (kim_identity in_identity,
* \param in_index the index of the desired component. Component indexes start at 0.
* \param out_component_string on exit, a string representation of the component in \a in_identity
* specified by \a in_index. Must be freed with kim_string_free().
- * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error object representing the failure.
+ * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
* \brief Get the Nth component of an identity.
kim_error kim_identity_get_component_at_index (kim_identity in_identity,
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ kim_error kim_identity_get_component_at_index (kim_identity in_identity,
* \param out_krb5_principal on exit, a krb5_principal representation of \a in_identity
* allocated with \a in_krb5_context. Must be freed with
* krb5_free_principal() using \a in_krb5_context.
- * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error object representing the failure.
+ * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
* \brief Get the krb5_principal representation of an identity.
kim_error kim_identity_get_krb5_principal (kim_identity in_identity,
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ kim_error kim_identity_get_krb5_principal (kim_identity in_identity,
* \param in_identity an identity object.
* \param out_gss_name on exit, a gss_name_t representation of \a in_identity.
* Must be freed with gss_release_name().
- * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error object representing the failure.
+ * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
* \brief Get the gss_name_t representation of an identity.
kim_error kim_identity_get_gss_name (kim_identity in_identity,
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ kim_error kim_identity_get_gss_name (kim_identity in_identity,
* \param in_identity an identity object whose password will be changed.
* \param in_options initial credential options to be used if a new credential is obtained.
- * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error object representing the failure.
+ * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
* \brief Change the password for an identity.
* \note kim_identity_change_password() will acquire a temporary credential to change
* the password. It uses the \a in_options structure to obtain information about the desired
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ kim_error kim_identity_change_password (kim_identity in_identity,
* \param in_identity an identity object whose password will be changed.
* \param in_options initial credential options to be used if a new credential is obtained.
* \param in_new_password a string representation of the identity's new password.
- * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error object representing the failure.
+ * \return On success, #KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
* \brief Change the password for an identity to a caller-provided new password.
* \note kim_identity_change_password_with_passwords() will acquire a temporary credential
* to change the password. It uses the \a in_options structure to obtain information about