path: root/src/tests/
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authorGreg Hudson <>2013-08-05 16:10:10 -0400
committerGreg Hudson <>2013-08-15 12:39:58 -0400
commit7ad5f3bfd8b57d2f4c001182792e25968309ca8a (patch)
tree56092fc925f574c72c9f0a0afae396ed5387c093 /src/tests/
parent4f7f1fce6edca17db625d76c1f81ea098f29c313 (diff)
Add hostrealm interface tests
Create a test module for the hostrealm interface, a harness to call the realm mapping functions and display their results, and a Python script to exercise the functionality of the interface and each module (except the dns module, which we cannot easily test since it relies on TXT records in the public DNS). ticket: 7687
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tests/')
1 files changed, 128 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tests/ b/src/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76b282d2ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+from k5test import *
+plugin = os.path.join(buildtop, "plugins", "hostrealm", "test",
+ "")
+# Disable the "dns" module (we can't easily test TXT lookups) and
+# arrange the remaining modules in an order which makes sense for most
+# tests.
+conf = {'plugins': {'hostrealm': {'module': ['test1:' + plugin,
+ 'test2:' + plugin],
+ 'enable_only': ['test2', 'profile',
+ 'domain', 'test1']}},
+ 'domain_realm': {'.x': 'DOTMATCH', 'x': 'MATCH', '.1': 'NUMMATCH'}}
+realm = K5Realm(krb5_conf=conf, create_kdb=False)
+def test(realm, args, expected_realms, msg, env=None):
+ out =['./hrealm'] + args, env=env)
+ if out.split('\n') != expected_realms + ['']:
+ fail(msg)
+def test_error(realm, args, expected_error, msg, env=None):
+ out =['./hrealm'] + args, env=env, expected_code=1)
+ if expected_error not in out:
+ fail(msg)
+def testh(realm, host, expected_realms, msg, env=None):
+ test(realm, ['-h', host], expected_realms, msg, env=env)
+def testf(realm, host, expected_realms, msg, env=None):
+ test(realm, ['-f', host], expected_realms, msg, env=env)
+def testd(realm, expected_realm, msg, env=None):
+ test(realm, ['-d'], [expected_realm], msg, env=env)
+def testh_error(realm, host, expected_error, msg, env=None):
+ test_error(realm, ['-h', host], expected_error, msg, env=env)
+def testf_error(realm, host, expected_error, msg, env=None):
+ test_error(realm, ['-f', host], expected_error, msg, env=env)
+def testd_error(realm, expected_error, msg, env=None):
+ test_error(realm, ['-d'], expected_error, msg, env=env)
+### krb5_get_host_realm tests
+# The test2 module returns a fatal error on hosts beginning with 'z',
+# and an answer on hosts begining with 'a'.
+testh_error(realm, 'zoo', 'service not available', 'host_realm test2 z')
+testh(realm, 'abacus', ['a'], 'host_realm test2 a')
+# The profile module gives answers for hostnames equal to or ending in
+# 'X', due to [domain_realms]. There is also an entry for hostnames
+# ending in '1', but hostnames which appear to be IP or IPv6 addresses
+# should instead fall through to test1.
+testh(realm, 'x', ['MATCH'], 'host_realm profile x')
+testh(realm, '.x', ['DOTMATCH'], 'host_realm profile .x')
+testh(realm, 'b.x', ['DOTMATCH'], 'host_realm profile b.x')
+testh(realm, '.b.c.x', ['DOTMATCH'], 'host_realm profile .b.c.x')
+testh(realm, 'b.1', ['NUMMATCH'], 'host_realm profile b.1')
+testh(realm, '', ['4', '3', '2', '1'], 'host_realm profile')
+testh(realm, 'b:c.x', ['b:c', 'x'], 'host_realm profile b:c.x')
+# hostname cleaning should convert "X." to "x" before matching.
+testh(realm, 'X.', ['MATCH'], 'host_realm profile X.')
+# The test1 module returns a list of the hostname components.
+testh(realm, 'b.c.d', ['b', 'c', 'd'], 'host_realm test1')
+# If no module returns a result, we should get the referral realm.
+testh(realm, '', [''], 'host_realm referral realm')
+### krb5_get_fallback_host_realm tests
+# Return a special environment with realm_try_domains set to n.
+def try_env(realm, testname, n):
+ conf = {'libdefaults': {'realm_try_domains': str(n)}}
+ return realm.special_env(testname, False, krb5_conf=conf)
+# The domain module will answer with the uppercased parent domain,
+# with no special configuration.
+testf(realm, 'a.b.c', ['B.C'], 'fallback_realm domain a.b.c')
+# With realm_try_domains = 0, the hostname itself will be looked up as
+# a realm and returned if found.
+try0 = try_env(realm, 'try0', 0)
+testf(realm, '', ['KRBTEST.COM'], 'fallback_realm try0', env=try0)
+testf(realm, '', ['B.KRBTEST.COM'],
+ 'fallback_realm try0 grandparent', env=try0)
+testf(realm, 'a.b.c', ['B.C'], 'fallback_realm try0 nomatch', env=try0)
+# With realm_try_domains = 2, the parent and grandparent will be
+# checked as well, but it stops there.
+try2 = try_env(realm, 'try2', 2)
+testf(realm, '', ['KRBTEST.COM'], 'fallback_realm try2', env=try2)
+testf(realm, '', ['KRBTEST.COM'],
+ 'fallback_realm try2 grandparent', env=try2)
+testf(realm, '', ['B.C.KRBTEST.COM'],
+ 'fallback_realm try2 great-grandparent', env=try2)
+# The test1 module answers with a list of components. Use an IPv4
+# address to bypass the domain module.
+testf(realm, '', ['1', '2', '3', '4'], 'fallback_realm test1')
+# If no module answers, the default realm is returned. The test2
+# module returns an error when we try to look that up.
+testf_error(realm, '', 'service not available', 'fallback_realm default')
+### krb5_get_default_realm tests
+# The test2 module returns an error.
+testd_error(realm, 'service not available', 'default_realm test2')
+# The profile module returns the default realm from the profile.
+# Disable test2 to expose this behavior.
+disable_conf = {'plugins': {'hostrealm': {'disable': 'test2'}}}
+notest2 = realm.special_env('notest2', False, krb5_conf=disable_conf)
+testd(realm, 'KRBTEST.COM', 'default_realm profile', env=notest2)
+# The test1 module returns a list of two realms, of which we can only
+# see the first. Remove the profile default_realm setting to expose
+# this behavior.
+remove_default = {'libdefaults': {'default_realm': None}}
+nodefault_conf = dict(disable_conf.items() + remove_default.items())
+nodefault = realm.special_env('nodefault', False, krb5_conf=nodefault_conf)
+testd(realm, 'one', 'default_realm test1', env=nodefault)
+success('hostrealm interface tests')