path: root/client/red_client.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'client/red_client.cpp')
1 files changed, 811 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/client/red_client.cpp b/client/red_client.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..941321fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/red_client.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,811 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat, Inc.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "common.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include "red_client.h"
+#include "application.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+Migrate::Migrate(RedClient& client)
+ : _client (client)
+ , _running (false)
+ , _aborting (false)
+ , _connected (false)
+ , _thread (NULL)
+ , _pending_con (0)
+ ASSERT(!_thread);
+ delete_channels();
+void Migrate::delete_channels()
+ while (!_channels.empty()) {
+ MigChannels::iterator iter = _channels.begin();
+ delete *iter;
+ _channels.erase(iter);
+ }
+void Migrate::clear_channels()
+ Lock lock(_lock);
+ ASSERT(!_running);
+ delete_channels();
+void Migrate::add_channel(MigChannel* channel)
+ Lock lock(_lock);
+ _channels.push_back(channel);
+void Migrate::swap_peer(RedChannelBase& other)
+ DBG(0, "channel type %u id %u", other.get_type(), other.get_id());
+ try {
+ Lock lock(_lock);
+ MigChannels::iterator iter = _channels.begin();
+ if (_running) {
+ THROW("swap and running");
+ }
+ if (!_connected) {
+ THROW("not connected");
+ }
+ for (; iter != _channels.end(); ++iter) {
+ MigChannel* curr = *iter;
+ if (curr->get_type() == other.get_type() && curr->get_id() == other.get_id()) {
+ if (!curr->is_valid()) {
+ THROW("invalid");
+ }
+ other.swap(curr);
+ curr->set_valid(false);
+ if (!--_pending_con) {
+ lock.unlock();
+ _client.set_target(_host.c_str(), _port, _sport);
+ abort();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ THROW("no channel");
+ } catch (...) {
+ abort();
+ throw;
+ }
+void Migrate::connect_one(MigChannel& channel, const RedPeer::ConnectionOptions& options,
+ uint32_t connection_id)
+ if (_aborting) {
+ DBG(0, "aborting");
+ THROW("aborting");
+ }
+ channel.connect(options, connection_id, _host.c_str(), _password);
+ ++_pending_con;
+ channel.set_valid(true);
+void Migrate::run()
+ uint32_t connection_id;
+ DBG(0, "");
+ try {
+ RedPeer::ConnectionOptions con_opt(_client.get_connection_options(RED_CHANNEL_MAIN),
+ _port, _port);
+ MigChannels::iterator iter = _channels.begin();
+ connection_id = _client.get_connection_id();
+ connect_one(**iter, con_opt, connection_id);
+ for (++iter; iter != _channels.end(); ++iter) {
+ con_opt = RedPeer::ConnectionOptions(
+ _client.get_connection_options((*iter)->get_type()),
+ _port, _sport);
+ connect_one(**iter, con_opt, connection_id);
+ }
+ _connected = true;
+ DBG(0, "connected");
+ } catch (...) {
+ close_channels();
+ }
+ Lock lock(_lock);
+ _cond.notify_one();
+ if (_connected) {
+ Message* message = new Message(REDC_MIGRATE_CONNECTED, 0);
+ _client.post_message(message);
+ } else {
+ Message* message = new Message(REDC_MIGRATE_CONNECT_ERROR, 0);
+ _client.post_message(message);
+ }
+ _running = false;
+void* Migrate::worker_main(void *data)
+ Migrate* mig = (Migrate*)data;
+ mig->run();
+ return NULL;
+void Migrate::start(const RedMigrationBegin* migrate)
+ DBG(0, "");
+ abort();
+ _host.assign(migrate->host);
+ _port = migrate->port ? migrate->port : -1;
+ _sport = migrate->sport ? migrate->sport : -1;
+ _password = _client._password;
+ Lock lock(_lock);
+ _running = true;
+ lock.unlock();
+ _thread = new Thread(Migrate::worker_main, this);
+void Migrate::disconnect_channels()
+ MigChannels::iterator iter = _channels.begin();
+ for (; iter != _channels.end(); ++iter) {
+ (*iter)->disconnect();
+ (*iter)->set_valid(false);
+ }
+void Migrate::close_channels()
+ MigChannels::iterator iter = _channels.begin();
+ for (; iter != _channels.end(); ++iter) {
+ (*iter)->close();
+ (*iter)->set_valid(false);
+ (*iter)->enable();
+ }
+bool Migrate::abort()
+ Lock lock(_lock);
+ if (_aborting) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ _aborting = true;
+ for (;;) {
+ disconnect_channels();
+ if (!_running) {
+ break;
+ }
+ uint64_t timout = 1000 * 1000 * 10; /*10ms*/
+ _cond.timed_wait(lock, timout);
+ }
+ close_channels();
+ _pending_con = 0;
+ _connected = false;
+ _aborting = false;
+ if (_thread) {
+ _thread->join();
+ delete _thread;
+ _thread = NULL;
+ }
+ return true;
+#define AGENT_TIMEOUT (1000 * 30)
+void agent_timer_proc(void *opaque, TimerID timer)
+ Platform::deactivate_interval_timer(timer);
+class MainChannelLoop: public MessageHandlerImp<RedClient, RED_MESSAGES_END> {
+ MainChannelLoop(RedClient& client): MessageHandlerImp<RedClient, RED_MESSAGES_END>(client) {}
+RedClient::RedClient(Application& application)
+ : RedChannel(*this, RED_CHANNEL_MAIN, 0, new MainChannelLoop(*this))
+ , _application (application)
+ , _connection_id (0)
+ , _mouse_mode (RED_MOUSE_MODE_SERVER)
+ , _notify_disconnect (false)
+ , _aborting (false)
+ , _agent_connected (false)
+ , _agent_mon_config_sent (false)
+ , _agent_msg (new VDAgentMessage)
+ , _agent_msg_data (NULL)
+ , _agent_msg_pos (0)
+ , _agent_tokens (0)
+ , _agent_timer (Platform::create_interval_timer(agent_timer_proc, NULL))
+ , _migrate (*this)
+ , _glz_window (0, _glz_debug)
+ MainChannelLoop* message_loop = static_cast<MainChannelLoop*>(get_message_handler());
+ message_loop->set_handler(RED_MIGRATE, &RedClient::handle_migrate, 0);
+ message_loop->set_handler(RED_SET_ACK, &RedClient::handle_set_ack, sizeof(RedSetAck));
+ message_loop->set_handler(RED_PING, &RedClient::handle_ping, sizeof(RedPing));
+ message_loop->set_handler(RED_WAIT_FOR_CHANNELS, &RedClient::handle_wait_for_channels,
+ sizeof(RedWaitForChannels));
+ message_loop->set_handler(RED_DISCONNECTING, &RedClient::handle_disconnect,
+ sizeof(RedDisconnect));
+ message_loop->set_handler(RED_NOTIFY, &RedClient::handle_notify, sizeof(RedNotify));
+ message_loop->set_handler(RED_MIGRATE_BEGIN, &RedClient::handle_migrate_begin,
+ sizeof(RedMigrationBegin));
+ message_loop->set_handler(RED_MIGRATE_CANCEL, &RedClient::handle_migrate_cancel, 0);
+ message_loop->set_handler(RED_INIT, &RedClient::handle_init, sizeof(RedInit));
+ message_loop->set_handler(RED_CHANNELS_LIST, &RedClient::handle_channels,
+ sizeof(RedChannels));
+ message_loop->set_handler(RED_MOUSE_MODE, &RedClient::handle_mouse_mode,
+ sizeof(RedMouseMode));
+ message_loop->set_handler(RED_MULTI_MEDIA_TIME, &RedClient::handle_mm_time,
+ sizeof(RedMultiMediaTime));
+ message_loop->set_handler(RED_AGENT_CONNECTED, &RedClient::handle_agent_connected, 0);
+ message_loop->set_handler(RED_AGENT_DISCONNECTED, &RedClient::handle_agent_disconnected,
+ sizeof(RedAgentDisconnect));
+ message_loop->set_handler(RED_AGENT_DATA, &RedClient::handle_agent_data, 0);
+ message_loop->set_handler(RED_AGENT_TOKEN, &RedClient::handle_agent_tokens,
+ sizeof(RedAgentTokens));
+ if (_agent_timer == INVALID_TIMER) {
+ THROW("invalid agent timer");
+ }
+ start();
+ ASSERT(_channels.empty());
+ Platform::destroy_interval_timer(_agent_timer);
+ delete _agent_msg;
+void RedClient::init(const char* host, int port, int sport, const char *password,
+ bool auto_display_res)
+ _host = host;
+ _port = port;
+ _sport = sport;
+ _auto_display_res = auto_display_res;
+ if (password != NULL) {
+ _password = password;
+ } else {
+ _password = "";
+ }
+void RedClient::set_target(const char* host, uint16_t port, uint16_t sport)
+ _port = port;
+ _sport = sport;
+ _host.assign(host);
+void RedClient::push_event(Event* event)
+ _application.push_event(event);
+void RedClient::on_connecting()
+ _notify_disconnect = true;
+void RedClient::on_connect()
+ push_event(new ConnectedEvent());
+ _migrate.add_channel(new MigChannel(RED_CHANNEL_MAIN, 0, get_common_caps(),
+ get_caps()));
+void RedClient::on_disconnect()
+ _migrate.abort();
+ _connection_id = 0;
+ Platform::deactivate_interval_timer(_agent_timer);
+ _agent_mon_config_sent = false;
+ delete[] _agent_msg_data;
+ _agent_msg_data = NULL;
+ _agent_msg_pos = 0;
+ _agent_tokens = 0;
+void RedClient::delete_channels()
+ Lock lock(_channels_lock);
+ Channels::iterator iter = _channels.begin();
+ while (!_channels.empty()) {
+ RedChannel *channel = *_channels.begin();
+ _channels.pop_front();
+ delete channel;
+ }
+RedPeer::ConnectionOptions::Type RedClient::get_connection_options(uint32_t channel_type)
+ return _con_opt_map[channel_type];
+void RedClient::connect()
+ //todo wait for disconnect state
+ if (_connection_id || !abort_channels()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _pixmap_cache.clear();
+ _glz_window.clear();
+ memset(_sync_info, 0, sizeof(_sync_info));
+ _aborting = false;
+ _migrate.clear_channels();
+ delete_channels();
+ enable();
+ _con_opt_map.clear();
+ PeerConnectionOptMap::const_iterator iter = _application.get_con_opt_map().begin();
+ PeerConnectionOptMap::const_iterator end = _application.get_con_opt_map().end();
+ for (; iter != end; iter++) {
+ _con_opt_map[(*iter).first] = (*iter).second;
+ }
+ RedChannel::connect();
+void RedClient::disconnect()
+ _migrate.abort();
+ RedChannel::disconnect();
+void RedClient::disconnect_channels()
+ Lock lock(_channels_lock);
+ Channels::iterator iter = _channels.begin();
+ for (; iter != _channels.end(); ++iter) {
+ (*iter)->RedPeer::disconnect();
+ }
+void RedClient::on_channel_disconnected(RedChannel& channel)
+ Lock lock(_notify_lock);
+ if (_notify_disconnect) {
+ _notify_disconnect = false;
+ int connection_error = channel.get_connection_error();
+ if (connection_error == SPICEC_ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ LOG_INFO("disconneted");
+ push_event(new DisconnectedEvent());
+ } else {
+ push_event(new CoonnectionError(connection_error));
+ }
+ }
+ disconnect_channels();
+ RedPeer::disconnect();
+bool RedClient::abort_channels()
+ Lock lock(_channels_lock);
+ Channels::iterator iter = _channels.begin();
+ for (; iter != _channels.end(); ++iter) {
+ if (!(*iter)->abort()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool RedClient::abort()
+ if (!_aborting) {
+ Lock lock(_sync_lock);
+ _aborting = true;
+ _sync_condition.notify_all();
+ }
+ _pixmap_cache.abort();
+ _glz_window.abort();
+ if (RedChannel::abort() && abort_channels()) {
+ delete_channels();
+ _migrate.abort();
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+void RedClient::handle_migrate_begin(RedPeer::InMessage* message)
+ DBG(0, "");
+ RedMigrationBegin* migrate = (RedMigrationBegin*)message->data();
+ //add mig channels
+ _migrate.start(migrate);
+void RedClient::handle_migrate_cancel(RedPeer::InMessage* message)
+ _migrate.abort();
+ChannelFactory* RedClient::find_factory(uint32_t type)
+ Factorys::iterator iter = _factorys.begin();
+ for (; iter != _factorys.end(); ++iter) {
+ if ((*iter)->type() == type) {
+ return *iter;
+ }
+ }
+ LOG_WARN("no factory for %u", type);
+ return NULL;
+void RedClient::create_channel(uint32_t type, uint32_t id)
+ ChannelFactory* factory = find_factory(type);
+ if (!factory) {
+ return;
+ }
+ RedChannel* channel = factory->construct(*this, id);
+ ASSERT(channel);
+ Lock lock(_channels_lock);
+ _channels.push_back(channel);
+ channel->start();
+ channel->connect();
+ _migrate.add_channel(new MigChannel(type, id, channel->get_common_caps(), channel->get_caps()));
+void RedClient::send_agent_monitors_config()
+ AutoRef<MonitorsQuery > qury(new MonitorsQuery());
+ push_event(*qury);
+ (*qury)->wait();
+ if (!(*qury)->success()) {
+ THROW(" monitors query failed");
+ }
+ double min_distance = HUGE;
+ int dx = 0;
+ int dy = 0;
+ int i;
+ std::vector<MonitorInfo>& monitors = (*qury)->get_monitors();
+ std::vector<MonitorInfo>::iterator iter = monitors.begin();
+ for (; iter != monitors.end(); iter++) {
+ double distance = sqrt(pow((double)(*iter).position.x, 2) + pow((double)(*iter).position.y,
+ 2));
+ if (distance < min_distance) {
+ min_distance = distance;
+ dx = -(*iter).position.x;
+ dy = -(*iter).position.y;
+ }
+ }
+ Message* message = new Message(REDC_AGENT_DATA,sizeof(VDAgentMessage) +
+ sizeof(VDAgentMonitorsConfig) +
+ monitors.size() * sizeof(VDAgentMonConfig));
+ VDAgentMessage* msg = (VDAgentMessage*)message->data();
+ msg->protocol = VD_AGENT_PROTOCOL;
+ msg->opaque = 0;
+ msg->size = sizeof(VDAgentMonitorsConfig) + monitors.size() * sizeof(VDAgentMonConfig);
+ VDAgentMonitorsConfig* mon_config = (VDAgentMonitorsConfig*)msg->data;
+ mon_config->num_of_monitors = monitors.size();
+ mon_config->flags = 0;
+ if (Platform::is_monitors_pos_valid()) {
+ }
+ for (iter = monitors.begin(), i = 0; iter != monitors.end(); iter++, i++) {
+ mon_config->monitors[i].depth = (*iter).depth;
+ mon_config->monitors[i].width = (*iter).size.x;
+ mon_config->monitors[i].height = (*iter).size.y;
+ mon_config->monitors[i].x = (*iter).position.x + dx;
+ mon_config->monitors[i].y = (*iter).position.y + dy;
+ }
+ ASSERT(_agent_tokens)
+ _agent_tokens--;
+ post_message(message);
+ _agent_mon_config_sent = true;
+#define MIN_DISPLAY_PIXMAP_CACHE (1024 * 1024 * 20)
+#define MAX_DISPLAY_PIXMAP_CACHE (1024 * 1024 * 80)
+#define MIN_MEM_FOR_OTHERS (1024 * 1024 * 40)
+// tmp till the pci mem will be shared by the qxls
+#define MIN_GLZ_WINDOW_SIZE (1024 * 1024 * 12)
+#define MAX_GLZ_WINDOW_SIZE MIN((LZ_MAX_WINDOW_SIZE * 4), 1024 * 1024 * 64)
+void RedClient::calc_pixmap_cach_and_glz_window_size(uint32_t display_channels_hint,
+ uint32_t pci_mem_hint)
+#ifdef WIN32
+ display_channels_hint = MAX(1, display_channels_hint);
+ int max_cache_size = display_channels_hint * MAX_DISPLAY_PIXMAP_CACHE;
+ int min_cache_size = display_channels_hint * MIN_DISPLAY_PIXMAP_CACHE;
+ MEMORYSTATUSEX mem_status;
+ mem_status.dwLength = sizeof(mem_status);
+ if (!GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&mem_status)) {
+ THROW("get mem status failed %u", GetLastError());
+ }
+ //ullTotalPageFile is physical memory plus the size of the page file, minus a small overhead
+ uint64_t free_mem = mem_status.ullAvailPageFile;
+ if (free_mem < (min_cache_size + MIN_MEM_FOR_OTHERS + MIN_GLZ_WINDOW_SIZE)) {
+ }
+ free_mem -= MIN_MEM_FOR_OTHERS;
+ _glz_window_size = MIN(MAX_GLZ_WINDOW_SIZE, pci_mem_hint / 2);
+ _glz_window_size = (int)MIN(free_mem / 3, _glz_window_size);
+ _glz_window_size = MAX(MIN_GLZ_WINDOW_SIZE, _glz_window_size);
+ free_mem -= _glz_window_size;
+ _pixmap_cache_size = MIN(free_mem, mem_status.ullAvailVirtual);
+ _pixmap_cache_size = MIN(free_mem, max_cache_size);
+ //for now
+ _glz_window_size = (int)MIN(MAX_GLZ_WINDOW_SIZE, pci_mem_hint / 2);
+ _glz_window_size = MAX(MIN_GLZ_WINDOW_SIZE, _glz_window_size);
+ _pixmap_cache_size = MAX_DISPLAY_PIXMAP_CACHE;
+ _pixmap_cache_size /= 4;
+ _glz_window_size /= 4;
+void RedClient::on_display_mode_change()
+#ifdef USE_OGL
+ Lock lock(_channels_lock);
+ Channels::iterator iter = _channels.begin();
+ for (; iter != _channels.end(); ++iter) {
+ if ((*iter)->get_type() == RED_CHANNEL_DISPLAY) {
+ ((DisplayChannel *)(*iter))->recreate_ogl_context();
+ }
+ }
+void RedClient::set_mouse_mode(uint32_t supported_modes, uint32_t current_mode)
+ if (current_mode != _mouse_mode) {
+ _mouse_mode = current_mode;
+ Lock lock(_channels_lock);
+ Channels::iterator iter = _channels.begin();
+ for (; iter != _channels.end(); ++iter) {
+ if ((*iter)->get_type() == RED_CHANNEL_CURSOR) {
+ ((CursorChannel *)(*iter))->set_cursor_mode();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // FIXME: use configured mouse mode (currently, use client mouse mode if supported by server)
+ if ((supported_modes & RED_MOUSE_MODE_CLIENT) && (current_mode != RED_MOUSE_MODE_CLIENT)) {
+ Message* message = new Message(REDC_MOUSE_MODE_REQUEST, sizeof(RedcMouseModeRequest));
+ RedcMouseModeRequest* mouse_mode_request = (RedcMouseModeRequest*)message->data();
+ mouse_mode_request->mode = RED_MOUSE_MODE_CLIENT;
+ post_message(message);
+ }
+void RedClient::handle_init(RedPeer::InMessage* message)
+ RedInit *init = (RedInit *)message->data();
+ _connection_id = init->session_id;
+ set_mm_time(init->multi_media_time);
+ calc_pixmap_cach_and_glz_window_size(init->display_channels_hint, init->ram_hint);
+ _glz_window.set_pixels_capacity(_glz_window_size);
+ set_mouse_mode(init->supported_mouse_modes, init->current_mouse_mode);
+ _agent_tokens = init->agent_tokens;
+ _agent_connected = !!init->agent_connected;
+ if (_agent_connected) {
+ Message* msg = new Message(REDC_AGENT_START, sizeof(RedcAgentStart));
+ RedcAgentStart* agent_start = (RedcAgentStart *)msg->data();
+ agent_start->num_tokens = ~0;
+ post_message(msg);
+ }
+ if (_auto_display_res) {
+ Platform::activate_interval_timer(_agent_timer, AGENT_TIMEOUT);
+ if (_agent_connected) {
+ send_agent_monitors_config();
+ }
+ } else {
+ post_message(new Message(REDC_ATTACH_CHANNELS, 0));
+ }
+void RedClient::handle_channels(RedPeer::InMessage* message)
+ RedChannels *init = (RedChannels *)message->data();
+ RedChannelInit* channels = init->channels;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < init->num_of_channels; i++) {
+ create_channel(channels[i].type, channels[i].id);
+ }
+void RedClient::handle_mouse_mode(RedPeer::InMessage* message)
+ RedMouseMode *mouse_mode = (RedMouseMode *)message->data();
+ set_mouse_mode(mouse_mode->supported_modes, mouse_mode->current_mode);
+void RedClient::handle_mm_time(RedPeer::InMessage* message)
+ RedMultiMediaTime *mm_time = (RedMultiMediaTime *)message->data();
+ set_mm_time(mm_time->time);
+void RedClient::handle_agent_connected(RedPeer::InMessage* message)
+ DBG(0, "");
+ _agent_connected = true;
+ Message* msg = new Message(REDC_AGENT_START, sizeof(RedcAgentStart));
+ RedcAgentStart* agent_start = (RedcAgentStart *)msg->data();
+ agent_start->num_tokens = ~0;
+ post_message(msg);
+ if (_auto_display_res && !_agent_mon_config_sent) {
+ send_agent_monitors_config();
+ }
+void RedClient::handle_agent_disconnected(RedPeer::InMessage* message)
+ DBG(0, "");
+ _agent_connected = false;
+void RedClient::on_agent_reply(VDAgentReply* reply)
+ switch (reply->error) {
+ break;
+ default:
+ THROW("unknown vdagent error");
+ }
+ switch (reply->type) {
+ post_message(new Message(REDC_ATTACH_CHANNELS, 0));
+ Platform::deactivate_interval_timer(_agent_timer);
+ break;
+ default:
+ THROW("unexpected vdagent reply type");
+ }
+void RedClient::handle_agent_data(RedPeer::InMessage* message)
+ uint32_t msg_size = message->size();
+ uint8_t* msg_pos = message->data();
+ uint32_t n;
+ DBG(0, "");
+ while (msg_size) {
+ if (_agent_msg_pos < sizeof(VDAgentMessage)) {
+ n = MIN(sizeof(VDAgentMessage) - _agent_msg_pos, msg_size);
+ memcpy((uint8_t*)_agent_msg + _agent_msg_pos, msg_pos, n);
+ _agent_msg_pos += n;
+ msg_size -= n;
+ msg_pos += n;
+ if (_agent_msg_pos == sizeof(VDAgentMessage)) {
+ if (_agent_msg->protocol != VD_AGENT_PROTOCOL) {
+ THROW("Invalid protocol %u", _agent_msg->protocol);
+ }
+ _agent_msg_data = new uint8_t[_agent_msg->size];
+ }
+ }
+ if (_agent_msg_pos >= sizeof(VDAgentMessage)) {
+ n = MIN(sizeof(VDAgentMessage) + _agent_msg->size - _agent_msg_pos, msg_size);
+ memcpy(_agent_msg_data + _agent_msg_pos - sizeof(VDAgentMessage), msg_pos, n);
+ _agent_msg_pos += n;
+ msg_size -= n;
+ msg_pos += n;
+ }
+ if (_agent_msg_pos == sizeof(VDAgentMessage) + _agent_msg->size) {
+ switch (_agent_msg->type) {
+ case VD_AGENT_REPLY: {
+ on_agent_reply((VDAgentReply*)_agent_msg_data);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ DBG(0, "Unsupported message type %u size %u", _agent_msg->type, _agent_msg->size);
+ }
+ delete[] _agent_msg_data;
+ _agent_msg_data = NULL;
+ _agent_msg_pos = 0;
+ }
+ }
+void RedClient::handle_agent_tokens(RedPeer::InMessage* message)
+ RedAgentTokens *token = (RedAgentTokens *)message->data();
+ _agent_tokens += token->num_tokens;
+void RedClient::migrate_channel(RedChannel& channel)
+ DBG(0, "channel type %u id %u", channel.get_type(), channel.get_id());
+ _migrate.swap_peer(channel);
+void RedClient::get_sync_info(uint8_t channel_type, uint8_t channel_id, SyncInfo& info)
+ info.lock = &_sync_lock;
+ info.condition = &_sync_condition;
+ info.message_serial = &_sync_info[channel_type][channel_id];
+void RedClient::wait_for_channels(int wait_list_size, RedWaitForChannel* wait_list)
+ for (int i = 0; i < wait_list_size; i++) {
+ if (wait_list[i].channel_type >= RED_CHANNEL_END) {
+ THROW("invalid channel type %u", wait_list[i].channel_type);
+ }
+ uint64_t& sync_cell = _sync_info[wait_list[i].channel_type][wait_list[i].channel_id];
+#ifndef RED64
+ Lock lock(_sync_lock);
+ if (sync_cell >= wait_list[i].message_serial) {
+ continue;
+ }
+#ifdef RED64
+ Lock lock(_sync_lock);
+ for (;;) {
+ if (sync_cell >= wait_list[i].message_serial) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (_aborting) {
+ THROW("aborting");
+ }
+ _sync_condition.wait(lock);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+void RedClient::set_mm_time(uint32_t time)
+ Lock lock(_mm_clock_lock);
+ _mm_clock_last_update = Platform::get_monolithic_time();
+ _mm_time = time;
+uint32_t RedClient::get_mm_time()
+ Lock lock(_mm_clock_lock);
+ return uint32_t((Platform::get_monolithic_time() - _mm_clock_last_update) / 1000 / 1000 +
+ _mm_time);
+void RedClient::register_channel_factory(ChannelFactory& factory)
+ _factorys.push_back(&factory);