path: root/wixl/builder.vala
diff options
authorPaolo Bonzini <>2013-01-09 18:23:54 +0100
committerPaolo Bonzini <>2013-01-09 18:23:54 +0100
commit0523a90f210bd443c64b92119de0ea30ae8bcaa0 (patch)
tree63fbe40850f951aa83c729f94e57df4f728f491a /wixl/builder.vala
parenta53f42abfbf6d3c0eb05c7cb7210dd537e55194a (diff)
move wixl source to tools/wixl/
Fixes in-tree build.
Diffstat (limited to 'wixl/builder.vala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 590 deletions
diff --git a/wixl/builder.vala b/wixl/builder.vala
deleted file mode 100644
index 80c2ff6..0000000
--- a/wixl/builder.vala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,590 +0,0 @@
-namespace Wixl {
- class WixBuilder: WixNodeVisitor {
- public WixBuilder () {
- add_path (".");
- }
- WixRoot root;
- MsiDatabase db;
- HashTable<string, string> variables;
- construct {
- variables = new HashTable<string, string> (str_hash, str_equal);
- }
- public void define_variable (string name, string value) {
- variables.insert (name, value);
- }
- List<File> path;
- public void add_path (string p) {
- var file = File.new_for_path (p);
- path.append (file);
- }
- List<WixRoot> roots;
- public void load_doc (Xml.Doc doc) throws GLib.Error {
- for (var child = doc.children; child != null; child = child->next) {
- switch (child->type) {
- case Xml.ElementType.ELEMENT_NODE:
- if (child->name != "Wix")
- warning ("unhandled node %s", child->name);
- var root = new WixRoot ();
- root.load (child);
- roots.append (root);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- public void load_file (File file, bool preproc_only = false) throws GLib.Error {
- string data;
- FileUtils.get_contents (file.get_path (), out data);
- var p = new Preprocessor (variables);
- var doc = p.preprocess (data, file);
- if (preproc_only) {
- doc.dump_format (FileStream.fdopen (1, "w"));
- return;
- }
- load_doc (doc);
- }
- public G? find_element<G> (string Id) {
- foreach (var r in roots) {
- var e = r.find_element<G> (Id);
- if (e != null)
- return e;
- }
- return null;
- }
- public G[] get_elements<G> () {
- G[] elems = {};
- foreach (var r in roots)
- elems = r.add_elements<G> (elems);
- return elems;
- }
- delegate void AddSequence (string action, int sequence) throws GLib.Error;
- private void sequence_actions () throws GLib.Error {
- MsiTableSequence? table = null;
- AddSequence add = (action, sequence) => {
- var seq = table.get_action (action);
- seq.sequence = sequence;
- };
- // AdminExecuteSequence
- table = db.table_admin_execute_sequence;
- add ("CostInitialize", 800);
- add ("FileCost", 900);
- add ("CostFinalize", 1000);
- add ("InstallValidate", 1400);
- add ("InstallInitialize", 1500);
- add ("InstallAdminPackage", 3900);
- add ("InstallFiles", 4000);
- add ("InstallFinalize", 6600);
- table.add_sorted_actions ();
- // AdminUISequence
- table = db.table_admin_ui_sequence;
- add ("CostInitialize", 800);
- add ("FileCost", 900);
- add ("CostFinalize", 1000);
- add ("ExecuteAction", 1300);
- table.add_sorted_actions ();
- table = db.table_advt_execute_sequence;
- add ("CostInitialize", 800);
- add ("CostFinalize", 1000);
- add ("InstallValidate", 1400);
- add ("InstallInitialize", 1500);
- if (db.table_shortcut.records.length () > 0)
- add ("CreateShortcuts", 4500);
- add ("PublishFeatures", 6300);
- add ("PublishProduct", 6400);
- add ("InstallFinalize", 6600);
- table.add_sorted_actions ();
- // InstallExecuteSequence
- table = db.table_install_execute_sequence;
- if (db.table_upgrade.records.length () > 0)
- add ("FindRelatedProducts", 25);
- if (db.table_launch_condition.records.length () > 0)
- add ("LaunchConditions", 100);
- add ("ValidateProductID", 700);
- add ("CostInitialize", 800);
- add ("FileCost", 900);
- add ("CostFinalize", 1000);
- add ("InstallValidate", 1400);
- add ("InstallInitialize", 1500);
- add ("ProcessComponents", 1600);
- add ("UnpublishFeatures", 1800);
- if (db.table_registry.records.length () > 0)
- add ("RemoveRegistryValues", 2600);
- if (db.table_shortcut.records.length () > 0)
- add ("RemoveShortcuts", 3200);
- if (db.table_file.records.length () > 0 ||
- db.table_remove_file.records.length () > 0)
- add ("RemoveFiles", 3500);
- if (db.table_file.records.length () > 0)
- add ("InstallFiles", 4000);
- if (db.table_shortcut.records.length () > 0)
- add ("CreateShortcuts", 4500);
- if (db.table_registry.records.length () > 0)
- add ("WriteRegistryValues", 5000);
- add ("RegisterUser", 6000);
- add ("RegisterProduct", 6100);
- add ("PublishFeatures", 6300);
- add ("PublishProduct", 6400);
- add ("InstallFinalize", 6600);
- table.add_sorted_actions ();
- table = db.table_install_ui_sequence;
- if (db.table_upgrade.records.length () > 0)
- add ("FindRelatedProducts", 25);
- if (db.table_launch_condition.records.length () > 0)
- add ("LaunchConditions", 100);
- add ("ValidateProductID", 700);
- add ("CostInitialize", 800);
- add ("FileCost", 900);
- add ("CostFinalize", 1000);
- add ("ExecuteAction", 1300);
- table.add_sorted_actions ();
- }
- private void build_cabinet () throws GLib.Error {
- var sequence = 0;
- var medias = get_elements<WixMedia> ();
- var files = get_elements<WixFile> ();
- foreach (var m in medias) {
- var folder = new GCab.Folder (GCab.Compression.MSZIP);
- foreach (var f in files) {
- if (f.DiskId != m.Id)
- continue;
- folder.add_file (new GCab.File.with_file (f.Id, f.file), false);
- var rec = f.record;
- sequence += 1;
- MsiTableFile.set_sequence (rec, sequence);
- }
- var cab = new GCab.Cabinet ();
- cab.add_folder (folder);
- var output = new MemoryOutputStream (null, realloc, free);
- cab.write (output, null, null, null);
- var input = new MemoryInputStream.from_data (output.get_data ()[0:output.data_size], null);
- if (parse_yesno (m.EmbedCab))
- db.table_streams.add (m.Cabinet, input, output.data_size);
- db.table_media.set_last_sequence (m.record, sequence);
- }
- }
- private void shortcut_target () throws GLib.Error {
- var shortcuts = get_elements<WixShortcut> ();
- foreach (var sc in shortcuts) {
- var component = sc.get_component ();
- var feature = component.in_feature.first ().data;
- MsiTableShortcut.set_target (sc.record, feature.Id);
- }
- }
- string[] secureProperties;
- public void property_update () throws GLib.Error {
- if (secureProperties.length != 0) {
- var prop = string.joinv (";", secureProperties);
- db.table_property.add ("SecureCustomProperties", prop);
- }
- }
- public MsiDatabase build () throws GLib.Error {
- db = new MsiDatabase ();
- foreach (var r in roots) {
- root = r;
- root.accept (this);
- }
- root = null;
- property_update ();
- shortcut_target ();
- sequence_actions ();
- build_cabinet ();
- return db;
- }
- public override void visit_product (WixProduct product) throws GLib.Error {
- if (product.Codepage != null)
- (int.parse (product.Codepage));
- if (product.Name != null)
- (product.Name);
- (product.Manufacturer);
- db.table_property.add ("Manufacturer", product.Manufacturer);
- db.table_property.add ("ProductLanguage", product.Language);
- db.table_property.add ("ProductCode", get_uuid (product.Id));
- db.table_property.add ("ProductName", product.Name);
- db.table_property.add ("ProductVersion", product.Version);
- db.table_property.add ("UpgradeCode", add_braces (product.UpgradeCode));
- }
- public override void visit_package (WixPackage package) throws GLib.Error {
- (package.Comments);
- if (package.Description != null)
- (package.Description);
- if (package.Keywords != null)
- (package.Keywords);
- if (package.InstallerVersion != null)
- (Libmsi.Property.VERSION, int.parse (package.InstallerVersion));
- }
- public override void visit_icon (WixIcon icon) throws GLib.Error {
- FileInfo info;
- icon.file = find_file (icon.SourceFile, out info);
- db.table_icon.add (icon.Id, icon.file.get_path ());
- }
- public override void visit_property (WixProperty prop) throws GLib.Error {
- db.table_property.add (prop.Id, prop.Value);
- }
- public override void visit_media (WixMedia media) throws GLib.Error {
- var cabinet = media.Cabinet;
- if (parse_yesno (media.EmbedCab))
- cabinet = "#" + cabinet;
- var rec = db.table_media.add (media.Id, media.DiskPrompt, cabinet);
- media.record = rec;
- }
- public override void visit_directory (WixDirectory dir) throws GLib.Error {
- var defaultdir = dir.Name ?? ".";
- if (dir.parent.get_type () == typeof (WixProduct)) {
- if (dir.Id != "TARGETDIR")
- throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("Invalid root directory");
- db.table_directory.add (dir.Id, null, defaultdir);
- } else if (dir.parent.get_type () == typeof (WixDirectory)) {
- var parent = dir.parent as WixDirectory;
- db.table_directory.add (dir.Id, parent.Id, defaultdir);
- } else
- warning ("unhandled parent type %s",;
- }
- [Flags]
- enum ComponentAttribute {
- 64BIT,
- }
- G? resolve<G> (WixElement element) throws GLib.Error {
- if (element.get_type () == typeof (G))
- return element;
- else if (element is WixElementRef) {
- var ref = element as WixElementRef<G>;
- if (ref.ref_type != typeof (G))
- return null;
- if (ref.resolved != null)
- return ref.resolved;
- ref.resolved = find_element<G> (element.Id);
- return ref.resolved;
- }
- throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("couldn't resolve %s", element.Id);
- }
- public override void visit_component (WixComponent comp) throws GLib.Error {
- var attr = 0;
- if (comp.key is WixRegistryValue)
- attr |= ComponentAttribute.REGISTRY_KEY_PATH;
- var parent = resolve<WixDirectory> (comp.parent);
- db.table_component.add (comp.Id, add_braces (comp.Guid), parent.Id, attr,
- comp.key != null ? comp.key.Id : null);
- }
- enum FeatureDisplay {
- HIDDEN = 0,
- }
- WixFeature? feature_root;
- int feature_display;
- public override void visit_feature (WixFeature feature, VisitState state) throws GLib.Error {
- if (state == VisitState.ENTER && feature_root == null) {
- feature_display = 0;
- feature_root = feature;
- } else if (state == VisitState.LEAVE && feature_root == feature) {
- feature_root = null;
- }
- if (state != VisitState.ENTER)
- return;
- int display = FeatureDisplay.COLLAPSE;
- if (feature.Display != null) {
- try {
- display = enum_from_string (typeof (FeatureDisplay), feature.Display);
- } catch (GLib.Error error) {
- display = int.parse (feature.Display);
- if (display != 0)
- feature_display = display;
- }
- }
- switch (display) {
- case FeatureDisplay.COLLAPSE:
- display = feature_display = (feature_display | 1) + 1;
- break;
- case FeatureDisplay.EXPAND:
- display = feature_display = (feature_display + 1) | 1;
- break;
- }
- string? parent = (feature.parent is WixFeature) ? feature.parent.Id : null;
- db.table_feature.add (feature.Id, display, int.parse (feature.Level), 0, parent, feature.Title, feature.Description, feature.ConfigurableDirectory);
- }
- public override void visit_component_ref (WixComponentRef ref) throws GLib.Error {
- if (ref.parent is WixFeature) {
- var feature = ref.parent as WixFeature;
- var component = resolve<WixComponent> (@ref);
- component.in_feature.append (feature);
- db.table_feature_components.add (feature.Id, @ref.Id);
- } else
- warning ("unhandled parent type %s",;
- }
- enum RemoveFileInstallMode {
- INSTALL = 1,
- }
- public override void visit_remove_folder (WixRemoveFolder rm) throws GLib.Error {
- var on = enum_from_string (typeof (RemoveFileInstallMode), rm.On);
- var comp = rm.parent as WixComponent;
- var dir = comp.parent as WixDirectory;
- db.table_remove_file.add (rm.Id, comp.Id, dir.Id, on);
- }
- void visit_key_element (WixKeyElement key) throws GLib.Error {
- var component = key.parent as WixComponent;
- if (component.key == null || parse_yesno (key.KeyPath))
- component.key = key;
- }
- enum RegistryValueType {
- }
- enum RegistryRoot {
- HKU,
- }
- public override void visit_registry_value (WixRegistryValue reg) throws GLib.Error {
- var comp = reg.parent as WixComponent;
- var value = reg.Value;
- var t = enum_from_string (typeof (RegistryValueType), reg.Type);
- var r = enum_from_string (typeof (RegistryRoot), reg.Root.down ());
- if (reg.Id == null) {
- reg.Id = generate_id ("reg", 4,
- comp.Id,
- reg.Root,
- reg.Key != null ? reg.Key.down () : null,
- reg.Name != null ? reg.Name.down () : null);
- }
- switch (t) {
- case RegistryValueType.STRING:
- value = value[0] == '#' ? "#" + value : value;
- break;
- }
- db.table_registry.add (reg.Id, r, reg.Key, comp.Id);
- visit_key_element (reg);
- }
- [Flags]
- enum FileAttribute {
- READ_ONLY = 1 << 0,
- HIDDEN = 1 << 1,
- SYSTEM = 1 << 2,
- VITAL = 1 << 9,
- CHECKSUM = 1 << 10,
- PATCH_ADDED = 1 << 11,
- NON_COMPRESSED = 1 << 12,
- COMPRESSED = 1 << 13
- }
- File? find_file (string name, out FileInfo info) throws GLib.Error {
- info = null;
- foreach (var p in path) {
- var file = p.get_child (name);
- try {
- info = file.query_info ("standard::*", 0, null);
- if (info != null)
- return file;
- } catch (IOError error) {
- if (error is IOError.NOT_FOUND)
- continue;
- throw error;
- }
- }
- throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("Couldn't find file %s", name);
- }
- public override void visit_file (WixFile file) throws GLib.Error {
- file.DiskId = file.DiskId ?? "1";
- return_if_fail (file.DiskId == "1");
- var name = file.Id;
- if (file.Name != null)
- name = file.Name;
- else if (file.Source != null)
- name = Path.get_basename (file.Source);
- var comp = file.parent as WixComponent;
- FileInfo info;
- file.file = find_file (name, out info);
- var attr = FileAttribute.VITAL;
- var rec = db.table_file.add (file.Id, comp.Id, name, (int)info.get_size (), attr);
- file.record = rec;
- visit_key_element (file);
- }
- public override void visit_shortcut (WixShortcut shortcut) throws GLib.Error {
- if (!parse_yesno (shortcut.Advertise))
- throw new Wixl.Error.FIXME ("unimplemented");
- var component = shortcut.get_component ();
- var rec = db.table_shortcut.add (shortcut.Id, shortcut.Directory, shortcut.Name, component.Id);
- shortcut.record = rec;
- if (shortcut.Icon != null)
- MsiTableShortcut.set_icon (rec, shortcut.Icon, int.parse (shortcut.IconIndex));
- if (shortcut.WorkingDirectory != null)
- MsiTableShortcut.set_working_dir (rec, shortcut.WorkingDirectory);
- }
- public override void visit_sequence (WixSequence sequence) throws GLib.Error {
- }
- public override void visit_condition (WixCondition condition) throws GLib.Error {
- return_if_fail (condition.children.length () == 1);
- var text = condition.children.first ().data as WixText;
- db.table_launch_condition.add (text.Text, condition.Message);
- }
- [Flags]
- enum UpgradeAttribute {
- ONLY_DETECT = 1 << 1,
- }
- public override void visit_upgrade (WixUpgrade upgrade) throws GLib.Error {
- }
- public override void visit_upgrade_version (WixUpgradeVersion version) throws GLib.Error {
- var upgrade = version.parent as WixUpgrade;
- UpgradeAttribute attributes = 0;
- if (parse_yesno (version.OnlyDetect))
- attributes |= UpgradeAttribute.ONLY_DETECT;
- if (parse_yesno (version.IncludeMinimum, true))
- attributes |= UpgradeAttribute.VERSION_MIN_INCLUSIVE;
- db.table_upgrade.add (get_uuid (upgrade.Id), version.Minimum, version.Maximum, attributes, version.Property);
- secureProperties += version.Property;
- }
- public override void visit_action (WixAction action) throws GLib.Error {
- var parent = action.parent as WixSequence;
- var table = db.tables.lookup ( as MsiTableSequence;
- var node = table.get_action (;
- warn_if_fail (node.action == null);
- node.action = action;
- if (action.After != null)
- node.add_dep (table.get_action (action.After));
- if (action.Before != null) {
- var before = table.get_action (action.Before);
- before.add_dep (node);
- }
- }
- public override void visit_create_folder (WixCreateFolder folder) throws GLib.Error {
- }
- public override void visit_fragment (WixFragment fragment) throws GLib.Error {
- }
- public override void visit_directory_ref (WixDirectoryRef ref) throws GLib.Error {
- }
- public override void visit_text (WixText text) throws GLib.Error {
- }
- }
-} // Wixl