path: root/tools/jar/README.jar-tools
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+Q: What does jar-query do?
+A: It scans a set of directories containing jars, it opens every jar
+ it finds and records the classes in that jar. It stores that
+ information and permits queries to be run against it.
+Q: What kind of information can jar-query give me?
+A: * Given a class list which jars provide it
+ * Given an import specification list which jars provide the
+ classes which match the specification
+ * List which classes appear in more than one jar
+ (e.g. multiple definitions) and which jars they appear in.
+ * For classes with multiple definitions determine which classes have
+ the same implementation (e.g. a copy) and which have different
+ implementations (typically different versions).
+ * Show the symbolic links which point to a given jar (full link
+ traversal).
+ * List which RPM provides a given jar.
+ * List closed set of which jars and RPM's are necessary to resolve
+ a set of classes (e.g. what jars/RPMs are necessary to build/run)
+Q: Can jar-query give me information about jars not installed on my
+ system?
+A: No. If the jar isn't installed or isn't in the set of directories
+ jar-query is told to scan no information will be available for
+ those classes. This is a little bit of a chicken and egg problem,
+ you might not know you need to install a jar that contains a class
+ you need. Not much can be done about that though.
+Q: What does java-imports do?
+A: It locates a set of Java source files in one or more directories
+ and extracts the import specifications from each source file. It
+ then lists on stdout the set of unique import specifications. This
+ is useful as input to jar-query.
+Q: What kind of information can java-imports give me?
+A: * The unique import specifications across a collection of java
+ files.
+ * The list of java files each unique import specification appears
+ in.
+ * The list of java files given a set of directories and exclude
+ filters (e.g. the files it will scan)
+Q: How do I control which java files java-imports scans?
+A: There are 3 basic controls. The set of paths provided on the
+ command line. A path may be either a plain java file or a
+ directory. The -r (--recursive) argument controls whether directories
+ are recursively scanned or not. One or more exclude regular
+ expressions can be provided via the -x (--exclude) argument. The
+ regular expression is tested against each path candidate, if any of
+ the exclude regular expressions match the path is discarded.
+Q: Which directories does jar-query scan and can I modify that?
+A: By default jar-query scans the system default jar directory and the
+ system default jni directory. Running jar-query with the help
+ argument (-h) will print these out. You can add any number of
+ additional directories to scan with the -d (--dir) argument. If you
+ don't want to include the default directories you can specify the
+ -D (--clear-dirs) argument which will zero out the existing
+ directory list, then add your directories with one or more -d
+ arguments.
+Q: I want jar-query to ignore some jars, can I do that?
+A: Yes. Use the -x (--exclude) argument. It is a regular expression
+ pattern applied to a jar path name, if any of the exclude regular
+ expressions match the jar will be ignored. Multiple exclude
+ patterns may be specified.
+Q: How does jar-query handle symbolic links?
+A: It's common for a directory to have symbolic links which point jar
+ files. Typically this occurs when an unversioned name
+ (e.g. foo.jar) points to a specific jar version
+ (e.g. foo-1.2.jar). Sometimes links are established for backward
+ compatibility when jar names change.
+ jar-query is designed to tell you the ACTUAL jar file a class is
+ located in. Which one of the (many) links which point to it are
+ usually not of interest and would complicate the
+ reporting. Therefore jar-query never gives link names, it always
+ does a full link traversal and reports only the ACTUAL jar
+ file. However, sometimes it's useful to know how an ACTUAL jar file
+ is pointed to by various links. You can use the -L (--links)
+ argument which will dump out the link traversal information for
+ every ACTUAL jar file located.
+Q: How are class names matched in jar-query?
+A: By default the match is done as if the class is a import
+ specification with support for wildcards
+ (e.g.*). If the -R (--regexp) argument is
+ provided matches are done using a general purpose regular
+ expression. In the special case of interactive use class names will
+ auto-complete (via TAB) up to the next dot.
+Q: jar-query must build a database of class information each time it's
+ run, that's a somewhat expensive operation and the data seldom
+ changes. Can I put jar-query in a mode where after it builds it's
+ database it sits waiting for me to enter individual queries?
+A: Yes. Use the -I (--interactive) argument. After the database is
+ built it will prompt you on the command line for a class to
+ query. You may use TAB to auto-complete the class name. Each TAB
+ will complete up to the next dot (.) in the class path.
+Tutorial examples of how to use these tools:
+Let's say we have Java application and need to know which jars must be
+present to satisfy the class loading. Here is how you might tackle
+that problem. We'll use the example of pki-core. First we need to
+determine the imports used in the source code, java-imports can do
+this for us. We might do something like this:
+$ java-imports \
+ -x /test/ \
+ -r \
+ ~/src/dogtag/pki/base/setup \
+ ~/src/dogtag/pki/base/symkey \
+ ~/src/dogtag/pki/base/native-tools \
+ ~/src/dogtag/pki/base/util \
+ ~/src/dogtag/pki/base/java-tools \
+ ~/src/dogtag/pki/base/common \
+ ~/src/dogtag/pki/base/selinux \
+ ~/src/dogtag/pki/base/ca \
+ ~/src/dogtag/pki/base/silent \
+ > ~/pkicore-imports
+This instructs java-imports to recursively scan (-r) the set of source
+code directories comprising pki-core, but exclude any java file in a
+test directory. The result is written to ~/pkicore-imports and we'll
+show you a partial snippet below:
+Now we want to know which jars and RPM's provide those classes,
+jar-query will help do this. Let's develop a strategy. As a first cut
+we could do this:
+$ jar-query -d /usr/share/java/pki `cat ~/pkicore-imports`
+This adds the pki specific jar directory to the jar search path and
+performs a query for every import statement we located earlier. Looking
+at the output we see some immediate problems, there are more than one
+jar providing some of the classes, which one do we want?
+If we add the -m argument that will list only classes which have
+multiple definitions and which jars they occur in.
+$ jar-query -m -d /usr/share/java/pki `cat ~/pkicore-imports`
+Some examples might be:
+ /usr/share/java/libgcj-4.4.4.jar
+ /usr/share/java/xml-commons-apis-1.4.01.jar
+ /usr/share/java/qname-1.5.2.jar
+ /usr/share/java/wsdl4j-1.5.2.jar
+ /usr/share/java/junit-3.8.2.jar
+ /usr/share/java/junit4-4.6.jar
+O.K. so we run jar-query again and ask it to compare the class
+implementations for the duplicates using the -M argument
+$ jar-query -M -d /usr/share/java/pki `cat ~/pkicore-imports`
+For the above examples this is what it reports:
+comparing org.w3c.dom.Document
+ equal /usr/share/java/libgcj-4.4.4.jar /usr/share/java/xml-commons-apis-1.4.01.jar
+ equal /usr/share/java/qname-1.5.2.jar /usr/share/java/wsdl4j-1.5.2.jar
+comparing junit.framework.TestCase
+ not equal /usr/share/java/junit-3.8.2.jar /usr/share/java/junit4-4.6.jar
+One thing to notice is that libgcj appears frequently in the duplicate
+list and is somewhat of a kitchen sink providing copies of many
+classes. We never explicitly include libgcj directly anyway. So let's
+exclude libgcj from consideration by providing this argument to
+jar-query: -x libgcj the next time.
+qname-1.5.2.jar and wsdl4j-1.5.2.jar both provide copies of the same
+classes, they both have the same version number, thus we can conclude
+they are synonyms for one another and we should pick which we'll use.
+Ah, but junit-3.8.2.jar and junit4-4.6.jar are not providing the same
+implementation of the class and we notice they have different versions
+embedded in their jar names. Thus we can conclude multiple versions of
+a jar have been installed and we must be careful to pick the jar whose
+version matches our needs.
+O.K. So armed with this knowledge lets try it again, we'll exclude the
+libgcj jar (-x libgcj) and ask for RPM information (-r) and summary
+information (-s):
+$ jar-query -s -r -d /usr/share/java/pki -x libgcj `cat ~/pkicore-imports`
+The summary is listed below:
+21 Unique Jar's
+ /usr/lib/jss/jss4-4.2.6.jar
+ /usr/lib/osutil/osutil-2.0.0.jar
+ /usr/lib/symkey/symkey-9.0.0.jar
+ /usr/share/java/jakarta-taglibs-core-1.1.1.jar
+ /usr/share/java/ldapbeans-4.18.jar
+ /usr/share/java/ldapfilt-4.18.jar
+ /usr/share/java/ldapjdk-4.18.jar
+ /usr/share/java/pki-console-2.0.0.jar
+ /usr/share/java/pki/certsrv-9.0.0.jar
+ /usr/share/java/pki/cms-9.0.0.jar
+ /usr/share/java/pki/cmscore-9.0.0.jar
+ /usr/share/java/pki/cmsutil-9.0.0.jar
+ /usr/share/java/pki/nsutil-9.0.0.jar
+ /usr/share/java/tomcat5-jsp-2.0-api-5.5.27.jar
+ /usr/share/java/tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api-5.5.27.jar
+ /usr/share/java/tomcat6-jsp-2.1-api-6.0.26.jar
+ /usr/share/java/tomcat6-servlet-2.5-api-6.0.26.jar
+ /usr/share/java/velocity-1.6.3.jar
+ /usr/share/java/xerces-j2-2.9.0.jar
+ /usr/share/java/xml-commons-apis-1.4.01.jar
+ /usr/share/java/xml-commons-apis-ext-1.4.01.jar
+15 Unique RPM's
+ jakarta-taglibs-standard
+ jss
+ ldapjdk
+ osutil
+ pki-common
+ pki-console
+ pki-symkey
+ pki-util
+ tomcat5-jsp-2.0-api
+ tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api
+ tomcat6-jsp-2.1-api
+ tomcat6-servlet-2.5-api
+ velocity
+ xerces-j2
+ xml-commons-apis
+What this is telling us is that there are 21 jars which provide all
+the classes needed to satisfy the import statements. However there may
+be some duplicates in the list. Also because of wildcard import
+statements some classes and hence jars may have been included which
+are not actually utilized in the code.
+Those 21 jars are provided by the 15 RPM's listed. Once again there
+may be some class duplication and/or unnecessary RPM's due to
+wildcarding. But this gives a very small manageable list to manually
+pick through and make our choices. For example, one thing we can
+immediately see is that both tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api and
+tomcat6-servlet-2.5-api appear in the list, we clearly need only one
+version and pick the one for the version of tomcat we're targeting,
+hence tomcat6-servlet-2.5-api, same applies to tomcat6-jsp-2.1-api.