path: root/base/tps/shared/webapps/tps/ui/index.jsp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'base/tps/shared/webapps/tps/ui/index.jsp')
1 files changed, 559 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/base/tps/shared/webapps/tps/ui/index.jsp b/base/tps/shared/webapps/tps/ui/index.jsp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b7776c91c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/tps/shared/webapps/tps/ui/index.jsp
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
+ All rights reserved.
+ <title>Token Processing System</title>
+ <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
+ <link href="/pki/css/patternfly.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen, print">
+ <link href="/pki/css/pki-ui.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
+ <script src="/pki/js/jquery.js"></script>
+ <script src="/pki/js/underscore.js"></script>
+ <script src="/pki/js/backbone.js"></script>
+ <script src="/pki/js/bootstrap.js"></script>
+ <script src="/pki/js/patternfly.js"></script>
+ <script src="/pki/js/pki-ui.js"></script>
+ <script src="/tps/js/tps.js"></script>
+ <script src="/tps/js/account.js"></script>
+ <script src="/tps/js/activity.js"></script>
+ <script src="/tps/js/audit.js"></script>
+ <script src="/tps/js/authenticator.js"></script>
+ <script src="/tps/js/cert.js"></script>
+ <script src="/tps/js/config.js"></script>
+ <script src="/tps/js/connector.js"></script>
+ <script src="/tps/js/group.js"></script>
+ <script src="/tps/js/profile.js"></script>
+ <script src="/tps/js/profile-mapping.js"></script>
+ <script src="/tps/js/selftest.js"></script>
+ <script src="/tps/js/token.js"></script>
+ <script src="/tps/js/user.js"></script>
+ <script>
+$(function() {
+ function getAttribute(attributes, name) {
+ for (var i=0; i<attributes.length; i++) {
+ var attribute = attributes[i];
+ if (name != continue;
+ return attribute.value;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ function getElementName(component) {
+ if (component == "Generals") {
+ return "config";
+ } else if (component == "Authentication_Sources") {
+ return "authenticators";
+ } else if (component == "Subsystem_Connections") {
+ return "connectors";
+ } else if (component == "Profiles") {
+ return "profiles";
+ } else if (component == "Profile_Mappings") {
+ return "profile-mappings";
+ } else if (component == "Audit_Logging") {
+ return "audit";
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ var account = new Account();
+ account.login({
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ tps.user = data;
+ var roles = tps.user.Roles.Role;
+ var user = $("#navigation [name=account] [name=username]");
+ user.text(data.FullName);
+ var accounts_menu = $("#navigation [name=accounts]");
+ var system_menu = $("#navigation [name=system]");
+ if (_.contains(roles, "Administrators")) {
+ } else {
+ accounts_menu.hide();
+ }
+ var attributes = tps.user.Attributes.Attribute;
+ var values = getAttribute(attributes, "components");
+ var components;
+ if (values) {
+ components = values.split(",");
+ } else {
+ components = [];
+ }
+ if (components.length > 0) {
+ // display menu items for accessible components
+ for (var i=0; i<components.length; i++) {
+ var name = getElementName(components[i]);
+ if (!name) continue;
+ $("[name=" + name + "]", system_menu).show();
+ }
+ } else {
+ system_menu.hide();
+ }
+ // homePage.update();
+ },
+ error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
+ window.location.href = "/tps";
+ }
+ });
+ var content = $("#content");
+ var router = new Backbone.Router();
+ var homePage = new HomePage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "home.html"
+ });
+ var tokensPage = new TokensPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "tokens.html"
+ });
+ router.route("", "home", function() {
+ //;
+ });
+ router.route("activities", "activities", function() {
+ new ActivitiesPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "activities.html"
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("activities/:id", "activity", function(id) {
+ new ActivityPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "activity.html",
+ model: new ActivityModel({ id: id })
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("audit", "audit", function() {
+ new AuditPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "audit.html"
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("authenticators", "authenticators", function() {
+ new AuthenticatorsPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "authenticators.html"
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("authenticators/:id", "authenticator", function(id) {
+ new ConfigEntryPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "authenticator.html",
+ model: new AuthenticatorModel({ id: id })
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("new-authenticator", "new-authenticator", function() {
+ new ConfigEntryPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "authenticator.html",
+ model: new AuthenticatorModel(),
+ mode: "add",
+ title: "New Authenticator",
+ editable: ["authenticatorID"],
+ parentHash: "#authenticators"
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("certs", "certs", function() {
+ new CertificatesPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "certs.html",
+ collection: new CertificateCollection()
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("certs/:id", "cert", function(id) {
+ new CertificatePage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "cert.html",
+ model: new CertificateModel({ id: id })
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("config", "config", function() {
+ new ConfigPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "config.html"
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("connectors", "connectors", function() {
+ new ConnectorsPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "connectors.html"
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("connectors/:id", "connector", function(id) {
+ new ConfigEntryPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "connector.html",
+ model: new ConnectorModel({ id: id })
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("new-connector", "new-connector", function() {
+ new ConfigEntryPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "connector.html",
+ model: new ConnectorModel(),
+ mode: "add",
+ title: "New Connector",
+ editable: ["connectorID"],
+ parentHash: "#connectors"
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("groups", "groups", function() {
+ new GroupsPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "groups.html"
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("groups/:id", "group", function(id) {
+ new GroupPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "group.html",
+ model: new GroupModel({ id: id }),
+ editable: ["description"]
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("new-group", "new-group", function() {
+ new GroupPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "group.html",
+ model: new GroupModel(),
+ mode: "add",
+ title: "New Group",
+ editable: ["groupID", "description"],
+ parentHash: "#groups"
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("profiles", "profiles", function() {
+ new ProfilesPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "profiles.html"
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("profiles/:id", "profile", function(id) {
+ new ConfigEntryPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "profile.html",
+ model: new ProfileModel({ id: id })
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("new-profile", "new-profile", function() {
+ new ConfigEntryPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "profile.html",
+ model: new ProfileModel(),
+ mode: "add",
+ title: "New Profile",
+ editable: ["profileID"],
+ parentHash: "#profiles"
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("profile-mappings", "profile-mappings", function() {
+ new ProfileMappingsPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "profile-mappings.html"
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("profile-mappings/:id", "profile-mapping", function(id) {
+ new ConfigEntryPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "profile-mapping.html",
+ model: new ProfileMappingModel({ id: id }),
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("new-profile-mapping", "new-profile-mapping", function() {
+ new ConfigEntryPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "profile-mapping.html",
+ model: new ProfileMappingModel(),
+ mode: "add",
+ title: "New Profile Mapping",
+ editable: ["profileMappingID"],
+ parentHash: "#profile-mappings"
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("selftests", "selftests", function() {
+ new SelfTestsPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "selftests.html"
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("selftests/:id", "selftest", function(id) {
+ new SelfTestPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "selftest.html",
+ model: new SelfTestModel({ id: id })
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("tokens", "tokens", function() {
+ });
+ router.route("tokens/:id", "token", function(id) {
+ new TokenPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "token.html",
+ model: new TokenModel({ id: id }),
+ editable: ["userID", "policy"]
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("tokens/:id/certs", "certs", function(id) {
+ new CertificatesPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "certs.html",
+ collection: new CertificateCollection(null, { tokenID: id })
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("new-token", "new-token", function() {
+ new TokenPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "token.html",
+ model: new TokenModel(),
+ mode: "add",
+ title: "New Token",
+ editable: ["tokenID", "userID", "type", "appletID", "keyInfo", "policy"],
+ parentHash: "#tokens"
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("users", "users", function() {
+ new UsersPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "users.html"
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("users/:id", "user", function(id) {
+ new UserPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "user.html",
+ model: new UserModel({ id: id }),
+ editable: ["fullName", "email", "tpsProfiles"]
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("users/:id/roles", "user-roles", function(id) {
+ new UserRolesPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "user-roles.html",
+ collection: new UserRoleCollection(null, { userID: id })
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("users/:id/certs", "user-certs", function(id) {
+ new UserCertsPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "user-certs.html",
+ collection: new UserCertCollection(null, { userID: id })
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("new-user", "new-user", function() {
+ new UserPage({
+ el: content,
+ url: "user.html",
+ model: new UserModel(),
+ mode: "add",
+ title: "New User",
+ editable: ["userID", "fullName", "email", "tpsProfiles"],
+ parentHash: "#users"
+ }).open();
+ });
+ router.route("logout", "logout", function() {
+ // destroy server session
+ account.logout({
+ success: function() {
+ tps.user = null;
+ // clear browser cache
+ PKI.logout({
+ success: function() {
+ window.location.href = "/tps";
+ },
+ error: function() {
+ alert("Logout not supported by the browser. Please clear Active Logins or close the browser.");
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ error: function() {
+ alert("Logout failed. Please close the browser.");
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ Backbone.history.start();
+ </script>
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+ <li name="tokens"><a href="#tokens">Tokens</a></li>
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+ <li name="profiles" style="display: none;"><a href="#profiles">Profiles</a></li>
+ <li name="profile-mappings" style="display: none;"><a href="#profile-mappings">Profile Mappings</a></li>
+ <li name="audit" style="display: none;"><a href="#audit">Audit Logging</a></li>
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