path: root/base/kra/src/com/netscape/kra/
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Diffstat (limited to 'base/kra/src/com/netscape/kra/')
1 files changed, 693 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/base/kra/src/com/netscape/kra/ b/base/kra/src/com/netscape/kra/
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index 000000000..da3c3a87c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/kra/src/com/netscape/kra/
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+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+// (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+package com.netscape.kra;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.math.*;
+import com.netscape.cmscore.util.*;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.util.*;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.logging.*;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.base.*;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.dbs.*;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.kra.*;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.apps.*;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.dbs.repository.*;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.dbs.keydb.*;
+import com.netscape.cmscore.cert.*;
+import com.netscape.cmscore.dbs.*;
+import com.netscape.cmscore.dbs.*;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.request.*;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.authentication.*;
+import org.mozilla.jss.CryptoManager;
+import org.mozilla.jss.asn1.*;
+import org.mozilla.jss.crypto.PBEAlgorithm;
+import org.mozilla.jss.pkcs12.*;
+import org.mozilla.jss.pkix.primitive.*;
+import org.mozilla.jss.pkcs11.PK11RSAPublicKey;
+import org.mozilla.jss.crypto.PrivateKey;
+import org.mozilla.jss.crypto.CryptoToken;
+ * A class represents recovery request processor. There
+ * are 2 types of recovery modes: (1) administrator or
+ * (2) end-entity.
+ * <P>
+ * Administrator recovery will create a PKCS12 file where
+ * stores the certificate and the recovered key.
+ * <P>
+ * End Entity recovery will send RA or CA a response where
+ * stores the recovered key.
+ *
+ * @author thomask (original)
+ * @author cfu (non-RSA keys; private keys secure handling);
+ * @version $Revision$, $Date$
+ */
+public class RecoveryService implements IService {
+ public static final String ATTR_NICKNAME = "nickname";
+ public static final String ATTR_OWNER_NAME = "ownerName";
+ public static final String ATTR_SERIALNO = "serialNumber";
+ public static final String ATTR_PUBLIC_KEY_DATA = "publicKeyData";
+ public static final String ATTR_PRIVATE_KEY_DATA = "privateKeyData";
+ public static final String ATTR_TRANSPORT_CERT = "transportCert";
+ public static final String ATTR_TRANSPORT_PWD = "transportPwd";
+ public static final String ATTR_SIGNING_CERT = "signingCert";
+ public static final String ATTR_PKCS12 = "pkcs12";
+ public static final String ATTR_ENCRYPTION_CERTS =
+ "encryptionCerts";
+ public static final String ATTR_AGENT_CREDENTIALS =
+ "agentCredentials";
+ // same as encryption certs
+ public static final String ATTR_USER_CERT = "cert";
+ public static final String ATTR_DELIVERY = "delivery";
+ // for Async Key Recovery
+ public static final String ATTR_APPROVE_AGENTS = "approvingAgents";
+ private IKeyRecoveryAuthority mKRA = null;
+ private IKeyRepository mStorage = null;
+ private IStorageKeyUnit mStorageUnit = null;
+ /**
+ * Constructs request processor.
+ */
+ public RecoveryService(IKeyRecoveryAuthority kra) {
+ mKRA = kra;
+ mStorage = mKRA.getKeyRepository();
+ mStorageUnit = mKRA.getStorageKeyUnit();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Processes a recovery request. Based on the recovery mode
+ * (either Administrator or End-Entity), the method reads
+ * the key record from the database, and tried to recover the
+ * key with the storage key unit.
+ *
+ * @param request recovery request
+ * @return operation success or not
+ * @exception EBaseException failed to serve
+ */
+ public boolean serviceRequest(IRequest request) throws EBaseException {
+ CryptoManager cm = null;
+ IConfigStore config = null;
+ String tokName = "";
+ CryptoToken ct = null;
+ Boolean allowEncDecrypt_recovery = false;
+ try {
+ cm = CryptoManager.getInstance();
+ config = CMS.getConfigStore();
+ tokName = config.getString("kra.storageUnit.hardware", "internal");
+ if (tokName.equals("internal")) {
+ CMS.debug("RecoveryService: serviceRequest: use internal token ");
+ ct = cm.getInternalCryptoToken();
+ } else {
+ CMS.debug("RecoveryService: serviceRequest: tokenName="+tokName);
+ ct = cm.getTokenByName(tokName);
+ }
+ allowEncDecrypt_recovery = config.getBoolean("kra.allowEncDecrypt.recovery", false);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ CMS.debug("RecoveryService exception: use internal token :"
+ + e.toString());
+ ct = cm.getInternalCryptoToken();
+ }
+ if (ct == null) {
+ throw new EBaseException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_BASE_CERT_ERROR"+ "cannot get crypto token"));
+ }
+ IStatsSubsystem statsSub = (IStatsSubsystem)CMS.getSubsystem("stats");
+ if (statsSub != null) {
+ statsSub.startTiming("recovery", true /* main action */);
+ }
+ if (Debug.ON)
+ Debug.trace("KRA services recovery request");
+ mKRA.log(ILogger.LL_INFO, "KRA services recovery request");
+ // byte publicKey[] = (byte[])request.get(ATTR_PUBLIC_KEY_DATA);
+ // X500Name owner = (X500Name)request.get(ATTR_OWNER_NAME);
+ Hashtable params = mKRA.getVolatileRequest(
+ request.getRequestId());
+ if (params == null) {
+ // possibly we are in recovery mode
+ return true;
+ }
+ // retrieve based on serial no
+ BigInteger serialno = request.getExtDataInBigInteger(ATTR_SERIALNO);
+ mKRA.log(ILogger.LL_INFO, "KRA reading key record");
+ if (statsSub != null) {
+ statsSub.startTiming("get_key");
+ }
+ KeyRecord keyRecord = (KeyRecord) mStorage.readKeyRecord(serialno);
+ if (statsSub != null) {
+ statsSub.endTiming("get_key");
+ }
+ // see if the certificate matches the key
+ byte pubData[] = keyRecord.getPublicKeyData();
+ X509Certificate x509cert =
+ request.getExtDataInCert(ATTR_USER_CERT);
+ byte inputPubData[] = x509cert.getPublicKey().getEncoded();
+ if (inputPubData.length != pubData.length) {
+ throw new EKRAException(
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < pubData.length; i++) {
+ if (pubData[i] != inputPubData[i]) {
+ throw new EKRAException(
+ }
+ }
+ boolean isRSA = true;
+ String keyAlg = x509cert.getPublicKey().getAlgorithm();
+ if (keyAlg != null) {
+ CMS.debug("RecoveryService: publicKey alg ="+keyAlg);
+ if (!keyAlg.equals("RSA")) isRSA = false;
+ }
+ // Unwrap the archived private key
+ byte privateKeyData[] = null;
+ X509Certificate transportCert =
+ request.getExtDataInCert(ATTR_TRANSPORT_CERT);
+ if (transportCert == null) {
+ if (statsSub != null) {
+ statsSub.startTiming("recover_key");
+ }
+ PrivateKey privKey = null;
+ if (allowEncDecrypt_recovery == true) {
+ privateKeyData = recoverKey(params, keyRecord);
+ } else {
+ privKey= recoverKey(params, keyRecord, isRSA);
+ }
+ if (statsSub != null) {
+ statsSub.endTiming("recover_key");
+ }
+ if ((isRSA == true) && (allowEncDecrypt_recovery == true)) {
+ if (statsSub != null) {
+ statsSub.startTiming("verify_key");
+ }
+ // verifyKeyPair() is RSA-centric
+ if (verifyKeyPair(pubData, privateKeyData) == false) {
+ mKRA.log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
+ throw new EKRAException(
+ }
+ if (statsSub != null) {
+ statsSub.endTiming("verify_key");
+ }
+ }
+ if (statsSub != null) {
+ statsSub.startTiming("create_p12");
+ }
+ if (allowEncDecrypt_recovery == true) {
+ createPFX(request, params, privateKeyData);
+ } else {
+ createPFX(request, params, privKey, ct);
+ }
+ if (statsSub != null) {
+ statsSub.endTiming("create_p12");
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (CMS.getConfigStore().getBoolean("kra.keySplitting")) {
+ Credential creds[] = (Credential[])
+ mKRA.getStorageKeyUnit().login(creds);
+ }
+ if (statsSub != null) {
+ statsSub.startTiming("unwrap_key");
+ }
+ PrivateKey privateKey = mKRA.getStorageKeyUnit().unwrap(
+ keyRecord.getPrivateKeyData(), null);
+ if (statsSub != null) {
+ statsSub.endTiming("unwrap_key");
+ }
+ if (CMS.getConfigStore().getBoolean("kra.keySplitting")) {
+ mKRA.getStorageKeyUnit().logout();
+ }
+ }
+ mKRA.log(ILogger.LL_INFO, "key " +
+ serialno.toString() +
+ " recovered");
+ // for audit log
+ String authMgr = AuditFormat.NOAUTH;
+ String initiative = AuditFormat.FROMUSER;
+ SessionContext sContext = SessionContext.getContext();
+ if (sContext != null) {
+ String agentId =
+ (String) sContext.get(SessionContext.USER_ID);
+ initiative = AuditFormat.FROMAGENT + " agentID: " + agentId;
+ AuthToken authToken = (AuthToken) sContext.get(SessionContext.AUTH_TOKEN);
+ if (authToken != null) {
+ authMgr =
+ authToken.getInString(AuthToken.TOKEN_AUTHMGR_INST_NAME);
+ }
+ }
+ CMS.getLogger().log(ILogger.EV_AUDIT,
+ ILogger.S_KRA,
+ AuditFormat.LEVEL,
+ AuditFormat.FORMAT,
+ new Object[] {
+ request.getRequestId(),
+ initiative,
+ authMgr,
+ "completed",
+ ((X509CertImpl) x509cert).getSubjectDN(),
+ "serial number: 0x" + serialno.toString(16)}
+ );
+ if (statsSub != null) {
+ statsSub.endTiming("recovery");
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*
+ * verifyKeyPair()- RSA-centric key verification
+ */
+ public boolean verifyKeyPair(byte publicKeyData[], byte privateKeyData[])
+ {
+ try {
+ DerValue publicKeyVal = new DerValue(publicKeyData);
+ DerInputStream publicKeyIn =;
+ publicKeyIn.getSequence(0);
+ DerValue publicKeyDer = new DerValue(publicKeyIn.getBitString());
+ DerInputStream publicKeyDerIn =;
+ BigInt publicKeyModulus = publicKeyDerIn.getInteger();
+ BigInt publicKeyExponent = publicKeyDerIn.getInteger();
+ DerValue privateKeyVal = new DerValue(privateKeyData);
+ if (privateKeyVal.tag != DerValue.tag_Sequence)
+ return false;
+ DerInputStream privateKeyIn =;
+ privateKeyIn.getInteger();
+ privateKeyIn.getSequence(0);
+ DerValue privateKeyDer = new DerValue(privateKeyIn.getOctetString());
+ DerInputStream privateKeyDerIn =;
+ BigInt privateKeyVersion = privateKeyDerIn.getInteger();
+ BigInt privateKeyModulus = privateKeyDerIn.getInteger();
+ BigInt privateKeyExponent = privateKeyDerIn.getInteger();
+ if (!publicKeyModulus.equals(privateKeyModulus)) {
+ CMS.debug("verifyKeyPair modulus mismatch publicKeyModulus=" + publicKeyModulus + " privateKeyModulus=" + privateKeyModulus);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!publicKeyExponent.equals(privateKeyExponent)) {
+ CMS.debug("verifyKeyPair exponent mismatch publicKeyExponent=" + publicKeyExponent + " privateKeyExponent=" + privateKeyExponent);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ CMS.debug("verifyKeyPair error " + e);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Recovers key. (using unwrapping/wrapping on token)
+ * - used when allowEncDecrypt_recovery is false
+ */
+ public synchronized PrivateKey recoverKey(Hashtable request, KeyRecord keyRecord, boolean isRSA)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ if (!isRSA) {
+ CMS.debug("RecoverService: recoverKey: currently, non-RSA keys are not supported when allowEncDecrypt_ is false");
+ throw new EKRAException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_KRA_RECOVERY_FAILED_1", "key type not supported"));
+ }
+ try {
+ if (CMS.getConfigStore().getBoolean("kra.keySplitting")) {
+ Credential creds[] = (Credential[])
+ mStorageUnit.login(creds);
+ }
+ /* wrapped retrieve session key and private key */
+ DerValue val = new DerValue(keyRecord.getPrivateKeyData());
+ DerInputStream in =;
+ DerValue dSession = in.getDerValue();
+ byte session[] = dSession.getOctetString();
+ DerValue dPri = in.getDerValue();
+ byte pri[] = dPri.getOctetString();
+ /* debug */
+ byte publicKeyData[] = keyRecord.getPublicKeyData();
+ PublicKey pubkey = null;
+ try {
+ pubkey = X509Key.parsePublicKey (new DerValue(publicKeyData));
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ CMS.debug("RecoverService: after parsePublicKey:"+e.toString());
+ throw new EKRAException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_KRA_RECOVERY_FAILED_1", "pubic key parsing failure"));
+ }
+ byte iv[] = {0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1};
+ PrivateKey privKey =
+ mStorageUnit.unwrap(
+ session,
+ keyRecord.getAlgorithm(),
+ iv,
+ pri,
+ (PublicKey) pubkey);
+ if (privKey == null) {
+ throw new EKRAException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_KRA_RECOVERY_FAILED_1", "private key unwrapping failure"));
+ }
+ if (CMS.getConfigStore().getBoolean("kra.keySplitting")) {
+ mStorageUnit.logout();
+ }
+ return privKey;
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ CMS.debug("RecoverService: recoverKey() failed with allowEncDecrypt_recovery=false:"+e.toString());
+ throw new EKRAException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_KRA_RECOVERY_FAILED_1", "recoverKey() failed with allowEncDecrypt_recovery=false:"+e.toString()));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a PFX (PKCS12) file. (the unwrapping/wrapping way)
+ * - used when allowEncDecrypt_recovery is false
+ *
+ * @param request CRMF recovery request
+ * @param priKey private key handle
+ * @exception EBaseException failed to create P12 file
+ */
+ public void createPFX(IRequest request, Hashtable params,
+ PrivateKey priKey, CryptoToken ct) throws EBaseException {
+ CMS.debug("RecoverService: createPFX() allowEncDecrypt_recovery=false");
+ try {
+ // create p12
+ X509Certificate x509cert =
+ request.getExtDataInCert(ATTR_USER_CERT);
+ String pwd = (String) params.get(ATTR_TRANSPORT_PWD);
+ // add certificate
+ mKRA.log(ILogger.LL_INFO, "KRA adds certificate to P12");
+ CMS.debug("RecoverService: createPFX() adds certificate to P12");
+ SEQUENCE encSafeContents = new SEQUENCE();
+ ASN1Value cert = new OCTET_STRING(x509cert.getEncoded());
+ String nickname = request.getExtDataInString(ATTR_NICKNAME);
+ if (nickname == null) {
+ nickname = x509cert.getSubjectDN().toString();
+ }
+ byte localKeyId[] = createLocalKeyId(x509cert);
+ SET certAttrs = createBagAttrs(
+ nickname, localKeyId);
+ // attributes: user friendly name, Local Key ID
+ SafeBag certBag = new SafeBag(SafeBag.CERT_BAG,
+ new CertBag(CertBag.X509_CERT_TYPE, cert),
+ certAttrs);
+ encSafeContents.addElement(certBag);
+ // add key
+ mKRA.log(ILogger.LL_INFO, "KRA adds key to P12");
+ CMS.debug("RecoverService: createPFX() adds key to P12");
+ org.mozilla.jss.util.Password pass = new
+ org.mozilla.jss.util.Password(
+ pwd.toCharArray());
+ SEQUENCE safeContents = new SEQUENCE();
+ PasswordConverter passConverter = new
+ PasswordConverter();
+ byte salt[] = {0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01};
+ ASN1Value key = EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo.createPBE(
+ PBEAlgorithm.PBE_SHA1_DES3_CBC,
+ pass, salt, 1, passConverter, priKey, ct);
+ SET keyAttrs = createBagAttrs(
+ x509cert.getSubjectDN().toString(),
+ localKeyId);
+ SafeBag keyBag = new SafeBag(
+ keyAttrs); // ??
+ safeContents.addElement(keyBag);
+ // build contents
+ AuthenticatedSafes authSafes = new
+ AuthenticatedSafes();
+ authSafes.addSafeContents(
+ safeContents
+ );
+ authSafes.addSafeContents(
+ encSafeContents
+ );
+ // authSafes.addEncryptedSafeContents(
+ // authSafes.DEFAULT_KEY_GEN_ALG,
+ // pass, null, 1,
+ // encSafeContents);
+ PFX pfx = new PFX(authSafes);
+ pfx.computeMacData(pass, null, 5); // ??
+ ByteArrayOutputStream fos = new
+ ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ pfx.encode(fos);
+ pass.clear();
+ // put final PKCS12 into volatile request
+ params.put(ATTR_PKCS12, fos.toByteArray());
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ mKRA.log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_KRA_CONSTRUCT_P12", e.toString()));
+ throw new EKRAException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_KRA_PKCS12_FAILED_1", e.toString()));
+ }
+ // update request
+ mKRA.getRequestQueue().updateRequest(request);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Recovers key.
+ * - used when allowEncDecrypt_recovery is true
+ */
+ public synchronized byte[] recoverKey(Hashtable request, KeyRecord keyRecord)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ if (CMS.getConfigStore().getBoolean("kra.keySplitting")) {
+ Credential creds[] = (Credential[])
+ mStorageUnit.login(creds);
+ }
+ mKRA.log(ILogger.LL_INFO, "KRA decrypts internal private");
+ byte privateKeyData[] =
+ mStorageUnit.decryptInternalPrivate(
+ keyRecord.getPrivateKeyData());
+ if (CMS.getConfigStore().getBoolean("kra.keySplitting")) {
+ mStorageUnit.logout();
+ }
+ if (privateKeyData == null) {
+ throw new EKRAException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_KRA_RECOVERY_FAILED_1", "no private key"));
+ }
+ return privateKeyData;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a PFX (PKCS12) file.
+ * - used when allowEncDecrypt_recovery is true
+ *
+ * @param request CRMF recovery request
+ * @param priData decrypted private key (PrivateKeyInfo)
+ * @exception EBaseException failed to create P12 file
+ */
+ public void createPFX(IRequest request, Hashtable params,
+ byte priData[]) throws EBaseException {
+ CMS.debug("RecoverService: createPFX() allowEncDecrypt_recovery=true");
+ try {
+ // create p12
+ X509Certificate x509cert =
+ request.getExtDataInCert(ATTR_USER_CERT);
+ String pwd = (String) params.get(ATTR_TRANSPORT_PWD);
+ // add certificate
+ mKRA.log(ILogger.LL_INFO, "KRA adds certificate to P12");
+ SEQUENCE encSafeContents = new SEQUENCE();
+ ASN1Value cert = new OCTET_STRING(x509cert.getEncoded());
+ String nickname = request.getExtDataInString(ATTR_NICKNAME);
+ if (nickname == null) {
+ nickname = x509cert.getSubjectDN().toString();
+ }
+ byte localKeyId[] = createLocalKeyId(x509cert);
+ SET certAttrs = createBagAttrs(
+ nickname, localKeyId);
+ // attributes: user friendly name, Local Key ID
+ SafeBag certBag = new SafeBag(SafeBag.CERT_BAG,
+ new CertBag(CertBag.X509_CERT_TYPE, cert),
+ certAttrs);
+ encSafeContents.addElement(certBag);
+ // add key
+ mKRA.log(ILogger.LL_INFO, "KRA adds key to P12");
+ org.mozilla.jss.util.Password pass = new
+ org.mozilla.jss.util.Password(
+ pwd.toCharArray());
+ SEQUENCE safeContents = new SEQUENCE();
+ PasswordConverter passConverter = new
+ PasswordConverter();
+ byte salt[] = {0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01};
+ PrivateKeyInfo pki = (PrivateKeyInfo)
+ ASN1Util.decode(PrivateKeyInfo.getTemplate(),
+ priData);
+ ASN1Value key = EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo.createPBE(
+ PBEAlgorithm.PBE_SHA1_DES3_CBC,
+ pass, salt, 1, passConverter, pki);
+ SET keyAttrs = createBagAttrs(
+ x509cert.getSubjectDN().toString(),
+ localKeyId);
+ SafeBag keyBag = new SafeBag(
+ keyAttrs); // ??
+ safeContents.addElement(keyBag);
+ // build contents
+ AuthenticatedSafes authSafes = new
+ AuthenticatedSafes();
+ authSafes.addSafeContents(
+ safeContents
+ );
+ authSafes.addSafeContents(
+ encSafeContents
+ );
+ // authSafes.addEncryptedSafeContents(
+ // authSafes.DEFAULT_KEY_GEN_ALG,
+ // pass, null, 1,
+ // encSafeContents);
+ PFX pfx = new PFX(authSafes);
+ pfx.computeMacData(pass, null, 5); // ??
+ ByteArrayOutputStream fos = new
+ ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ pfx.encode(fos);
+ pass.clear();
+ // put final PKCS12 into volatile request
+ params.put(ATTR_PKCS12, fos.toByteArray());
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ mKRA.log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_KRA_CONSTRUCT_P12", e.toString()));
+ throw new EKRAException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_KRA_PKCS12_FAILED_1", e.toString()));
+ }
+ // update request
+ mKRA.getRequestQueue().updateRequest(request);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates local key identifier.
+ */
+ public byte[] createLocalKeyId(X509Certificate cert)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ try {
+ // SHA1 hash of the X509Cert der encoding
+ byte certDer[] = cert.getEncoded();
+ // XXX - should use JSS
+ MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA");
+ md.update(certDer);
+ return md.digest();
+ } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
+ mKRA.log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
+ CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_KRA_CREAT_KEY_ID", e.toString()));
+ throw new EKRAException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_KRA_KEYID_FAILED_1", e.toString()));
+ } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
+ mKRA.log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
+ CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_KRA_CREAT_KEY_ID", e.toString()));
+ throw new EKRAException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_KRA_KEYID_FAILED_1", e.toString()));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates bag attributes.
+ */
+ public SET createBagAttrs(String nickName, byte localKeyId[])
+ throws EBaseException {
+ try {
+ SET attrs = new SET();
+ SEQUENCE nickNameAttr = new SEQUENCE();
+ nickNameAttr.addElement(SafeBag.FRIENDLY_NAME);
+ SET nickNameSet = new SET();
+ nickNameSet.addElement(new BMPString(nickName));
+ nickNameAttr.addElement(nickNameSet);
+ attrs.addElement(nickNameAttr);
+ SEQUENCE localKeyAttr = new SEQUENCE();
+ localKeyAttr.addElement(SafeBag.LOCAL_KEY_ID);
+ SET localKeySet = new SET();
+ localKeySet.addElement(new OCTET_STRING(localKeyId));
+ localKeyAttr.addElement(localKeySet);
+ attrs.addElement(localKeyAttr);
+ return attrs;
+ } catch (CharConversionException e) {
+ mKRA.log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
+ CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_KRA_CREAT_KEY_BAG", e.toString()));
+ throw new EKRAException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_KRA_KEYBAG_FAILED_1", e.toString()));
+ }
+ }