diff options
authorNiranjan Mallapadi <>2015-05-21 12:20:27 +0530
committerNiranjan Mallapadi <>2015-05-21 12:21:11 +0530
commite444af55a920534d34ccc63406eb53a27eed0356 (patch)
parentdd4926b4083bcd8898aef703e316403036ce581b (diff)
pki ca,kra,ocsp,tks,tps selftest cli automation
24 files changed, 6371 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/Makefile b/tests/dogtag/Makefile
index 182db1e8e..3b0bab4c4 100755
--- a/tests/dogtag/Makefile
+++ b/tests/dogtag/Makefile
@@ -312,6 +312,33 @@ build: $(BUILT_FILES)
chmod a+x ./acceptance/install-tests/
chmod a+x ./acceptance/install-tests/
chmod a+x ./acceptance/install-tests/
+ #pki ca-selftest tests
+ chmod a+x ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli/
+ chmod a+x ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli/
+ chmod a+x ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli/
+ chmod a+x ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli/
+ chmod a+x ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli/
+ #pki kra-selftest tests
+ chmod a+x ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli/
+ chmod a+x ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli/
+ chmod a+x ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli/
+ chmod a+x ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli/
+ chmod a+x ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli/
+ #pki ocsp-selftest tests
+ chmod a+x ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ocsp-selftest-cli/
+ chmod a+x ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ocsp-selftest-cli/
+ chmod a+x ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ocsp-selftest-cli/
+ chmod a+x ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ocsp-selftest-cli/
+ #pki tks-selftest tests
+ chmod a+x ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tks-selftest-cli/
+ chmod a+x ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tks-selftest-cli/
+ chmod a+x ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tks-selftest-cli/
+ chmod a+x ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tks-selftest-cli/
+ #pki tps-selftest tests
+ chmod a+x ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tps-selftest-cli/
+ chmod a+x ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tps-selftest-cli/
+ chmod a+x ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tps-selftest-cli/
+ chmod a+x ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tps-selftest-cli/
rm -f *~ $(BUILT_FILES)
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d526a9936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/rhcs/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli
+# Description: PKI KRA SELFTEST CLI
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# The following pki kra-selftest cli commands needs to be tested:
+# pki ca-selftest-admin
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Niranjan Mallapadi <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+ # Local Variables
+ local cs_Type=$1
+ local cs_Role=$2
+ # Creating Temporary Directory for pki ca-selftest-admin
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "pki ca-selftest-admin Temporary Directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ get_topo_stack $cs_Role $TmpDir/topo_file
+ local CA_INST=$(cat $TmpDir/topo_file | grep MY_CA | cut -d= -f2)
+ ca_instance_created="False"
+ if [ "$TOPO9" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ prefix=$CA_INST
+ ca_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ elif [ "$cs_Role" = "MASTER" ] ; then
+ if [[ $CA_INST == SUBCA* ]]; then
+ prefix=$CA_INST
+ ca_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ else
+ prefix=ROOTCA
+ ca_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ fi
+ else
+ prefix=$cs_Role
+ ca_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ fi
+if [ "$ca_instance_created" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ local tomcat_name=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_TOMCAT_INSTANCE_NAME)
+ local target_secure_port=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_SECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_ca_agent=$CA_INST\_agentV
+ local tmp_ca_admin=$CA_INST\_adminV
+ local tmp_ca_port=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_UNSECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_ca_host=$(eval echo \$${cs_Role})
+ local valid_agent_cert=$CA_INST\_agentV
+ local valid_audit_cert=$CA_INST\_auditV
+ local valid_operator_cert=$CA_INST\_operatorV
+ local valid_admin_cert=$CA_INST\_adminV
+ local revoked_agent_cert=$CA_INST\_agentR
+ local revoked_admin_cert=$CA_INST\_adminR
+ local expired_admin_cert=$CA_INST\_adminE
+ local expired_agent_cert=$CA_INST\_agentE
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB="$TmpDir/nssdb"
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD="redhat"
+ local exp="$TmpDir/expfile.out"
+ local expout="$TmpDir/exp_out"
+ local cert_info="$TmpDir/cert_info"
+ local ca_selftest_show_output=$TmpDir/ca-selftest-admin.out
+ local rand=$RANDOM
+ local tmp_junk_data=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ ### Config file
+ local ca_config_file="/var/lib/pki/${tomcat_name}/ca/conf/CS.cfg"
+ local ca_db="/var/lib/pki/${tomcat_name}/ca/alias/"
+ local ca_cert_list="transport,storage,sslserver,subsystem,audit_signing"
+ local ca_cert_list="signing,ocsp_signing,sslserver,subsystem,audit_signing"
+ local ca_signing_nick=$(cat $ca_config_file | grep ca.signing.nickname | cut -d= -f2)
+ local ca_ocsp_signing_nick=$(cat $ca_config_file | grep ca.ocsp_signing.nickname | cut -d= -f2)
+ local ca_sslserver_nick=$(cat $ca_config_file | grep ca.sslserver.nickname | cut -d= -f2)
+ local ca_subsystem_nick=$(cat $ca_config_file | grep ca.subsystem.nickname | cut -d= -f2)
+ local ca_audit_nick=$(cat $ca_config_file | grep ca.audit_signing.nickname | cut -d= -f2)
+ local ca_token=$(cat $ca_config_file | grep ca.signing.tokenname | cut -d= -f2)
+ local ca_token_internal_passwd=$(cat /var/lib/pki/$tomcat_name/conf/password.conf | grep internal | cut -d= -f2)
+ local ca_hsm_passwd=$(cat /var/lib/pki/${tomcat_name}/conf/password.conf | grep internal | cut -d= -f2)
+ local signed_ca_audit_log="/var/log/pki/${tomcat_name}/ca/signedAudit/ca_audit"
+ local selftest_log="/var/log/pki/${tomcat_name}/ca/selftests.log"
+ local selftest_system_verification=$(cat $ca_config_file | grep selftests.container.order.startup | cut -d= -f2)
+ rlLog "selftest_system_verification=$selftest_system_verification"
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Take backup of tomcatjss xml"
+ local tomcat_jss_xml_dir="/etc/pki/$tomcat_name/Catalina/localhost"
+ local tomcat_jss_xml_backup_dir="$TmpDir/tomcat_jss_backup"
+ rlLog "Take backup of $tomcat_jss_xml_dir Directory"
+ rlRun "cp -a $tomcat_jss_xml_dir $TmpDir/tomcat_jss_backup"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "Restart CA subsystem and make sure self tests executed successfully when self tests for system certs verification categorized as \"critical\" has valid system certificates."
+ local ca_cert_list_exist=$(cat $ca_config_file | grep ^ca.cert.list | cut -d= -f2)
+ rlLog "Verify if configuration file exists"
+ rlAssertExists "$ca_config_file"
+ rlAssertEquals "Verify $ca_config_file has list of system certificates parameter" "$ca_cert_list" "$ca_cert_list_exist"
+ if [ "${ca_token}" = "Internal Key Storage Token" ]; then
+ rlRun "certutil -L -d $ca_db -n \"$ca_signing_nick\" > ${TmpDir}/cert.out" 0 "Verifying if ca signing cert exists in certificate db"
+ rlRun "certutil -L -d $ca_db -n \"$ca_ocsp_signing_nick\" > ${TmpDir}/cert.out" 0 "Verifying if ocsp signing cert exists in certificate db"
+ rlRun "certutil -L -d $ca_db -n \"$ca_sslserver_nick\" > ${TmpDir}/cert.out" 0 "Verifying if sslserver cert exists in certificate db"
+ rlRun "certutil -L -d $ca_db -n \"$ca_subsystem_nick\" > ${TmpDir}/cert.out" 0 "Verifying if subsystem cert exists in certificate db"
+ rlRun "certutil -L -d $ca_db -n \"$ca_audit_nick\" > ${TmpDir}/cert.out" 0 "Verifying if audit_signing cert exists in certificate db"
+ elif [ "${ca_token}" = "NHSM6000" ]; then
+ rlRun "echo ${ca_hsm_passwd} > ${TmpDir}/hsm_passwd" 0 "Save hsm passwd in a file"
+ rlRun "certutil -L -d $ca_db -h $ca_token -f $TmpDir/hsm_passwd -n \"$ca_signing_nick\" > $TmpDir/cert.out" 0 "Verifying if ca signing cert exists in certificate db"
+ rlRun "certutil -L -d $ca_db -h $ca_token -f $TmpDir/hsm_passwd -n \"$ca_ocsp_signing_nick\" > $TmpDir/cert.out" 0 "Verifying if ocsp signing cert exists in certificate db"
+ rlRun "certutil -L -d $ca_db -h $ca_token -f $TmpDir/hsm_passwd -n \"$ca_sslserver_nick\" > $TmpDir/cert.out" 0 "Verifying if sslserver cert exists in certificate db"
+ rlRun "certutil -L -d $ca_db -h $ca_token -f $TmpDir/hsm_passwd -n \"$ca_subsystem_nick\" > $TmpDir/cert.out" 0 "Verifying if subsystem cert exists in certificate db"
+ rlRun "certutil -L -d $ca_db -h $ca_token -f $TmpDir/hsm_passwd -n \"$ca_audit_nick\" > $TmpDir/cert.out" 0 "Verifying if audit_signing cert exists in certificate db"
+ fi
+ rlLog "Restart $tomcat_name instance"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M)
+ rhcs_stop_instance $tomcat_name
+ rlLog "Empty the current signed ca audit log and selftest log"
+ rlRun "echo > ${signed_ca_audit_log}"
+ rlRun "echo > $selftest_log"
+ rhcs_start_instance $tomcat_name
+ rlRun "sleep 30" 0 "Sleep 30 seconds so that selftest.log is updated"
+ rlAssertGrep "All CRITICAL self test plugins ran SUCCESSFULLY at startup!" "$selftest_log"
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=CIMC_CERT_VERIFICATION\]\[SubjectID=\$System\$\]\[Outcome=Success\]\[CertNickName=$ca_signing_nick\] CIMC certificate verification" "$signed_ca_audit_log"
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=CIMC_CERT_VERIFICATION\]\[SubjectID=\$System\$\]\[Outcome=Success\]\[CertNickName=$ca_ocsp_signing_nick\] CIMC certificate verification" "$signed_ca_audit_log"
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=CIMC_CERT_VERIFICATION\]\[SubjectID=\$System\$\]\[Outcome=Success\]\[CertNickName=$ca_sslserver_nick\] CIMC certificate verification" "$signed_ca_audit_log"
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=CIMC_CERT_VERIFICATION\]\[SubjectID=\$System\$\]\[Outcome=Success\]\[CertNickName=$ca_subsystem_nick\] CIMC certificate verification" "$signed_ca_audit_log"
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=CIMC_CERT_VERIFICATION\]\[SubjectID=\$System\$\]\[Outcome=Success\]\[CertNickName=$ca_audit_nick\] CIMC certificate verification" "$signed_ca_audit_log"
+ rlRun "tail -n 10 $signed_ca_audit_log | grep \"AuditEvent=SELFTESTS_EXECUTION\" > $TmpDir/ca-signed-audit.log" 0,1 "Get the current signed audit log"
+ rlAssertGrep "Outcome=Success" "$TmpDir/ca-signed-audit.log"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "CA fails to start when an in-correct (bogus) nickname is provided for a certificate categorized as \"critical\" for the selftest."
+ local cur_date_time=$(date +%d-%b-%Y:%H:%M)
+ local ca_config_file_backup="/var/lib/pki/$tomcat_name/ca/conf/CS.cfg-$cur_date_time"
+ local ca_ocsp_bogus_nick="Bogus-ocspcert"
+ rlLog "Backup existing ca CS.cfg"
+ rlRun "/usr/bin/cp $ca_config_file -f $ca_config_file_backup" 0 "Backup current CS.cfg"
+ rlLog "Stop $tomcat_name"
+ rlLog "Empty the current signed ca audit log"
+ rlRun "echo > $signed_ca_audit_log"
+ rhcs_stop_instance $tomcat_name
+ rlRun "sed -i s/"$ca_ocsp_signing_nick"/"$ca_ocsp_bogus_nick"/ $ca_config_file"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M)
+ rhcs_start_instance $tomcat_name
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=SELFTESTS_EXECUTION\]\[SubjectID=\$System$\]\[Outcome=Failure\]" "$signed_ca_audit_log"
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=CIMC_CERT_VERIFICATION\]\[SubjectID=\$System\$\]\[Outcome=Success\]\[CertNickName=$ca_signing_nick\] CIMC certificate verification" "$signed_ca_audit_log"
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=CIMC_CERT_VERIFICATION\]\[SubjectID=\$System\$\]\[Outcome=Failure\]\[CertNickName=$ca_ocsp_bogus_nick\] CIMC certificate verification" "$signed_ca_audit_log"
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=CIMC_CERT_VERIFICATION\]\[SubjectID=\$System\$\]\[Outcome=Success\]\[CertNickName=$ca_sslserver_nick\] CIMC certificate verification" "$signed_ca_audit_log"
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=CIMC_CERT_VERIFICATION\]\[SubjectID=\$System\$\]\[Outcome=Success\]\[CertNickName=$ca_subsystem_nick\] CIMC certificate verification" "$signed_ca_audit_log"
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=SELFTESTS_EXECUTION\]\[SubjectID=\$System$\]\[Outcome=Success\]" "$signed_ca_audit_log"
+ rlLog "Stop $tomcat_name"
+ rhcs_stop_instance $tomcat_name
+ rlLog "Revert the changes back to CS.cfg"
+ rlRun "/usr/bin/cp $ca_config_file_backup -f $ca_config_file" 0 "Revert back the changes done to CS.cfg"
+ rlLog "Remove the backup file"
+ rlRun "rm -f $ca_config_file_backup"
+ rhcs_start_instance $tomcat_name
+ rlLog "RHCS9 BZ:"
+ rlLog "RHCS9 BZ:"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "CA should start successfully when an in-correct (bogus) nickname is provided for a certificate categorized as \"non-critical\" for the selftest."
+ local cur_date_time=$(date +%d-%b-%Y:%H:%M)
+ local ca_config_file_backup="/var/lib/pki/$tomcat_name/ca/conf/CS.cfg-$cur_date_time"
+ local selftest_system_verification_change="selftests.container.order.startup=CAPresence:critical, SystemCertsVerification:non-critical"
+ local ca_ocsp_bogus_nick="Bogus-ocspcert"
+ rlLog "Backup existing ca CS.cfg"
+ rlRun "/usr/bin/cp $ca_config_file -f $ca_config_file_backup" 0 "Backup current CS.cfg"
+ rlLog "Stop $tomcat_name"
+ rlLog "Empty the current signed ca audit log"
+ rlRun "rm -f $signed_ca_audit_log"
+ rhcs_stop_instance $tomcat_name
+ rlLog "Edit selftest with system cert verification as non-critical"
+ rlRun "sed -i s/\"$selftest_system_verification\"/\"$selftest_system_verification_change\"/ $ca_config_file"
+ rlLog "Specify Invalid CA ocsp cert"
+ rlRun "sed -i s/"$ca_ocsp_signing_nick"/"$ca_ocsp_bogus_nick"/ $ca_config_file"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M)
+ rhcs_start_instance $tomcat_name
+ rlRun "sleep 60" 0 "Sleep 30 seconds so that audit log is updated"
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=CIMC_CERT_VERIFICATION\]\[SubjectID=\$System\$\]\[Outcome=Success\]\[CertNickName=$ca_signing_nick\] CIMC certificate verification" "$signed_ca_audit_log"
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=CIMC_CERT_VERIFICATION\]\[SubjectID=\$System\$\]\[Outcome=Failure\]\[CertNickName=$ca_storage_bogus_nick\] CIMC certificate verification" "$signed_ca_audit_log"
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=CIMC_CERT_VERIFICATION\]\[SubjectID=\$System\$\]\[Outcome=Success\]\[CertNickName=$ca_sslserver_nick\] CIMC certificate verification" "$signed_ca_audit_log"
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=CIMC_CERT_VERIFICATION\]\[SubjectID=\$System\$\]\[Outcome=Success\]\[CertNickName=$ca_subsystem_nick\] CIMC certificate verification" "$signed_ca_audit_log"
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=SELFTESTS_EXECUTION\]\[SubjectID=\$System$\]\[Outcome=Success\]" "$signed_ca_audit_log"
+ rlLog "Stop $tomcat_name"
+ rhcs_stop_instance $tomcat_name
+ rlLog "Revert the changes back to CS.cfg"
+ rlRun "/usr/bin/cp $ca_config_file_backup -f $ca_config_file" 0 "Revert back the changes done to CS.cfg"
+ rlLog "Remove the backup file"
+ rlRun "rm -f $ca_config_file_backup"
+ rhcs_start_instance $tomcat_name
+ rlLog "CS9 BZ:"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartCleanup "pki ca-selftest-admin cleanup: Restore tomcatjss xml and delete temp dir"
+ rlLog "Restore ca.xml from $tomcat_jss_xml_backup_dir"
+ rlRun "cp -a $TmpDir/tomcat_jss_backup/ca.xml $tomcat_jss_xml_dir/ca.xml" 0 "Copy ca.xml"
+ rlLog "Restart $tomcat_name instance"
+ rhcs_stop_instance $tomcat_name
+ rhcs_start_instance $tomcat_name
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlLog "CA Instance is not installed"
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..19e82f9c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/rhcs/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli
+# Description: PKI CA SELFTEST CLI
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# The following pki ca-selftest cli commands needs to be tested:
+# pki ca-selftest-find
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Niranjan Mallapadi <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+ local cs_Type=$1
+ local cs_Role=$2
+ # Creating Temporary Directory for pki ca-selftest-find
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "pki ca-selftest-find Temporary Directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ # Local Variables
+ get_topo_stack $cs_Role $TmpDir/topo_file
+ local CA_INST=$(cat $TmpDir/topo_file | grep MY_CA | cut -d= -f2)
+ ca_instance_created="False"
+ if [ "$TOPO9" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ prefix=$CA_INST
+ ca_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ elif [ "$cs_Role" = "MASTER" ] ; then
+ if [[ $CA_INST == SUBCA* ]]; then
+ prefix=$CA_INST
+ ca_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ else
+ prefix=ROOTCA
+ ca_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ fi
+ else
+ prefix=$cs_Role
+ ca_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ fi
+if [ "$ca_instance_created" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ local target_secure_port=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_SECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_ca_agent=$CA_INST\_agentV
+ local tmp_ca_admin=$CA_INST\_adminV
+ local tmp_ca_port=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_UNSECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_ca_host=$(eval echo \$${cs_Role})
+ local valid_agent_cert=$CA_INST\_agentV
+ local valid_audit_cert=$CA_INST\_auditV
+ local valid_operator_cert=$CA_INST\_operatorV
+ local valid_admin_cert=$CA_INST\_adminV
+ local revoked_agent_cert=$CA_INST\_agentR
+ local revoked_admin_cert=$CA_INST\_adminR
+ local expired_admin_cert=$CA_INST\_adminE
+ local expired_agent_cert=$CA_INST\_agentE
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB="$TmpDir/nssdb"
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD="redhat"
+ local exp="$TmpDir/expfile.out"
+ local expout="$TmpDir/exp_out"
+ local cert_info="$TmpDir/cert_info"
+ local ca_selftest_find_output=$TmpDir/ca-selftest-find.out
+ local rand=$RANDOM
+ local tmp_junk_data=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ # Config test for pki ca-selftest-find
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest-configtest: pki ca-selftest-find --help configuration test"
+ rlRun "pki ca-selftest-find --help > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "pki ca-selftest-find --help"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: ca-selftest-find \[FILTER\] \[OPTIONS...\]" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --size <size> Page size" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --start <start> Page start" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pk_ca_selftest-001: find all the existing selftests for CA using admin cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the CA Selftest using $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the CA Selftest using $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "3 entries matched" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: CAPresence" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: SystemCertsVerification" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: CAValidity" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest-002: verifying all ca selftests cannot be found by agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the CA Selftest using $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find 2> $ca_selftest_find_output" 1,255 "Find all the CA Selftest using $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest-003: verifying all ca selftests cannot be found by operator cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the CA Selftest using $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find 2> $ca_selftest_find_output" 1,255 "Find all the CA Selftest using $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest-004: verifying all ca selftests cannot be found by audit cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the CA Selftest using $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find 2> $ca_selftest_find_output" 1,255 "Find all the CA Selftest using $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest-005: verifying all ca selftests cannot be found by Revoked admin cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the CA Selftest using $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find 2> $ca_selftest_find_output" 1,255 "Find all the CA Selftest using $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "PKIException: Unauthorized" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest-006: verifying all ca selftests cannot be found by Revoked agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the CA Selftest using $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find 2> $ca_selftest_find_output" 1,255 "Find all the CA Selftest using $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "PKIException: Unauthorized" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest-007: verifying all ca selftests cannot be found by Expired agent cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_agent_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the CA Selftest using $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find > $ca_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Find all the CA Selftest using $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest-008: verifying all ca selftests cannot be found by Expired admin cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_admin_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the CA Selftest using $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find > $ca_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Find all the CA Selftest using $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest-009: verify when --size 1 is specified only 1 CA selftest is displayed"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find --size 1 > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki ca-selftest-find --size 1"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find --size 1 1> $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki ca-selftest-find --size 1"
+ rlAssertGrep "3 entries matched" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: CAPresence" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStart "pki_ca_selftest-0010: verify when value given in --size is more than 3 display all the selftests"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find --size 100 > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki ca-selftest-find --size 100"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find --size 100 > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki ca-selftest-find --size 100"
+ rlAssertGrep "3 entries matched" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: CAPresence" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: SystemCertsVerification" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: CAValidity" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest-0011: verify when value given in --size is junk no results are returned"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find --size adafdafds > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki ca-selftest-find --size adafdafds"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find --size adafdafds > $ca_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Run pki ca-selftest-find --size adafdafds"
+ rlAssertGrep "NumberFormatException: For input string: \"adafdafds\"" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGroup
+ PhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest-0012: verify when no value with --size command fails with help message"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find --size > $ca_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "No value is passed to pki ca-selftest-find --size"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find --size > $ca_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "No value is passed to pki ca-selftest-find --size"
+ rlAssertGrep "Error: Missing argument for option: size" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: ca-selftest-find \[FILTER\] \[OPTIONS...\]" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --size <size> Page size" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --start <start> Page start" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest-0013: verify when --size 1 and --start 1 is specified only 1 CA selftest is displayed"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find --size 1 --start 1 > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki ca-selftest-find --size 1 --start 1"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find --size 1 --start 1 > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki ca-selftest-find --size 1 --start 1"
+ rlAssertGrep "3 entries matched" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: SystemCertsVerification" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest-0014: verify when no value with --start command fails with help message"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find --start > $ca_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "No value is passed to pki ca-selftest-find --size"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-find --start > $ca_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "No value is passed to pki ca-selftest-find --size"
+ rlAssertGrep "Error: Missing argument for option: start" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: ca-selftest-find \[FILTER\] \[OPTIONS...\]" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --size <size> Page size" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --start <start> Page start" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartCleanup "pki ca-selftest-find cleanup: Delete temp dir"
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlLog "CA subsystem is not installed"
+ rlPhaseEnd
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c4cc5ae03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/rhcs/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli
+# Description: PKI CA SELFTEST CLI
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# The following pki ca-selftest cli commands needs to be tested:
+# pki ca-selftest-run
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Niranjan Mallapadi <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+ local cs_Type=$1
+ local cs_Role=$2
+ # Creating Temporary Directory for pki ca-selftest-run
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "pki ca-selftest-run Temporary Directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ # Local Variables
+ get_topo_stack $cs_Role $TmpDir/topo_file
+ local CA_INST=$(cat $TmpDir/topo_file | grep MY_CA | cut -d= -f2)
+ ca_instance_created="False"
+ if [ "$TOPO9" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ prefix=$CA_INST
+ ca_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ elif [ "$cs_Role" = "MASTER" ] ; then
+ if [[ $CA_INST == SUBCA* ]]; then
+ prefix=$CA_INST
+ ca_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ else
+ prefix=ROOTCA
+ ca_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ fi
+ else
+ prefix=$cs_Role
+ ca_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ fi
+if [ "$ca_instance_created" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ local target_secure_port=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_SECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_ca_agent=$CA_INST\_agentV
+ local tmp_ca_admin=$CA_INST\_adminV
+ local tmp_ca_port=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_UNSECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_ca_host=$(eval echo \$${cs_Role})
+ local valid_agent_cert=$CA_INST\_agentV
+ local valid_audit_cert=$CA_INST\_auditV
+ local valid_operator_cert=$CA_INST\_operatorV
+ local valid_admin_cert=$CA_INST\_adminV
+ local revoked_agent_cert=$CA_INST\_agentR
+ local revoked_admin_cert=$CA_INST\_adminR
+ local expired_admin_cert=$CA_INST\_adminE
+ local expired_agent_cert=$CA_INST\_agentE
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB="$TmpDir/nssdb"
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD="redhat"
+ local exp="$TmpDir/expfile.out"
+ local expout="$TmpDir/exp_out"
+ local cert_info="$TmpDir/cert_info"
+ local ca_selftest_run_output=$TmpDir/ca-selftest-run.out
+ local rand=$RANDOM
+ local tmp_junk_data=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ # Config test for pki ca-selftest-run
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest_run-configtest: pki ca-selftest-run --help configuration test"
+ rlRun "pki ca-selftest-run --help > $ca_selftest_run_output" 0 "pki ca-selftest-run --help"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: ca-selftest-run \[OPTIONS...\]" "$ca_selftest_run_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$ca_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pk_ca_selftest_run-001: Run CA Selftest using admin cert and verify ca subsystem is up"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-run > $ca_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki ca-selftest-run as $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-run > $ca_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki ca-selftest-run as $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "Selftests completed" "$ca_selftest_run_output"
+ rlLog "Verify ca instance is running"
+ rlRun "systemctl status pki-tomcatd@$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_TOMCAT_INSTANCE_NAME) 1> $TmpDir/systemctl.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Active: active (running)" "$TmpDir/systemctl.out"
+ rlLog "Ascertain by running pki cert-find command if ca instance is responding"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ cert-find > $Tmpdir/cert-find.out" 0 "Execute pki cert-find to verify if ca instance is responding"
+ rlAssertGrep "Number of entries returned 20" "$Tmpdir/cert-find.out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest_run-002: Verify ca selftests cannot be run by agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-run > $ca_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki ca-selftest-run as $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-run 2> $ca_selftest_run_output" 1,255 "Execute pki ca-selftest-run as $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ca_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest_run-003: Verify ca selftests cannot be run operator cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-run > $ca_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki ca-selftest-run as $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-run 2> $ca_selftest_run_output" 1,255 "Execute pki ca-selftest-run as $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ca_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest_run-004: Verify ca selftests cannot be run audit cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-run > $ca_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki ca-selftest-run as $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-run 2> $ca_selftest_run_output" 1,255 "Execute pki ca-selftest-run as $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ca_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest_run-005: Verify ca selftests cannot be run Revoked admin cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-run > $ca_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki ca-selftest-run as $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-run 2> $ca_selftest_run_output" 1,255 "Execute pki ca-selftest-run as $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "PKIException: Unauthorized" "$ca_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest_run-006: Verify ca selftests cannot be run Revoked agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-run > $ca_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki ca-selftest-run as $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-run 2> $ca_selftest_run_output" 1,255 "Execute pki ca-selftest-run as $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "PKIException: Unauthorized" "$ca_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest_run-007: Verify ca selftests cannot be run Expired agent cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_agent_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-run > $ca_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki ca-selftest-run as $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-run > $ca_selftest_run_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Execute pki ca-selftest-run as $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$ca_selftest_run_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest_run-008: Verify ca selftests cannot be run Expired admin cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_admin_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-run > $ca_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki ca-selftest-run as $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-run > $ca_selftest_run_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Execute pki ca-selftest-run as $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$ca_selftest_run_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartCleanup "pki ca-selftest-run cleanup: Delete temp dir"
+ rlLog "CA subsystem is not installed"
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlPhaseEnd
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6a5e1eaec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/rhcs/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli
+# Description: PKI CA SELFTEST CLI
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# The following pki ca-selftest cli commands needs to be tested:
+# pki ca-selftest-show
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Niranjan Mallapadi <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+ local cs_Type=$1
+ local cs_Role=$2
+ # Creating Temporary Directory for pki ca-selftest-show
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "pki ca-selftest-show Temporary Directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ # Local Variables
+ get_topo_stack $cs_Role $TmpDir/topo_file
+ local CA_INST=$(cat $TmpDir/topo_file | grep MY_CA | cut -d= -f2)
+ ca_instance_created="False"
+ if [ "$TOPO9" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ prefix=$CA_INST
+ ca_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ elif [ "$cs_Role" = "MASTER" ] ; then
+ if [[ $CA_INST == SUBCA* ]]; then
+ prefix=$CA_INST
+ ca_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ else
+ prefix=ROOTCA
+ ca_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ fi
+ else
+ prefix=$cs_Role
+ ca_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ fi
+if [ "$ca_instance_created" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ local target_secure_port=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_SECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_ca_agent=$CA_INST\_agentV
+ local tmp_ca_admin=$CA_INST\_adminV
+ local tmp_ca_port=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_UNSECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_ca_host=$(eval echo \$${cs_Role})
+ local valid_agent_cert=$CA_INST\_agentV
+ local valid_audit_cert=$CA_INST\_auditV
+ local valid_operator_cert=$CA_INST\_operatorV
+ local valid_admin_cert=$CA_INST\_adminV
+ local revoked_agent_cert=$CA_INST\_agentR
+ local revoked_admin_cert=$CA_INST\_adminR
+ local expired_admin_cert=$CA_INST\_adminE
+ local expired_agent_cert=$CA_INST\_agentE
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB="$TmpDir/nssdb"
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD="redhat"
+ local exp="$TmpDir/expfile.out"
+ local expout="$TmpDir/exp_out"
+ local cert_info="$TmpDir/cert_info"
+ local ca_selftest_show_output=$TmpDir/ca-selftest-show.out
+ local rand=$RANDOM
+ local tmp_junk_data=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ # Config test for pki ca-selftest-show
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest_show-configtest: pki ca-selftest-show --help configuration test"
+ rlRun "pki ca-selftest-show --help > $ca_selftest_show_output" 0 "pki ca-selftest-show --help"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: ca-selftest-show <SelfTest ID> \[OPTIONS...\]" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --output <file> Output file to store selfTest properties." "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest_show-001: Show CAPresence selftest properties"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show CAPresence > $ca_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show CAPresence Selftest"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show CAPresence > $ca_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show CAPresence Selftest"
+ rlAssertGrep "SelfTest \"CAPresence\"" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: CAPresence" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest_show-002: Copy CAPresence selftest Properties to a file"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show CAPresence --output $TmpDir/CAPresence > $ca_selftest_show_output" 0 "Save CAPresence Selftest to a file"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show CAPresence --output $TmpDir/CAPresence > $ca_selftest_show_output" 0 "Save CAPresence Selftest to a file"
+ rlAssertGrep "Stored selfTest \"CAPresence\" into $TmpDir/CAPresence" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest_show-003: Show SystemCertsVerification selftest properties"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show SystemCertsVerification > $ca_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show SystemCertsVerification Selftest"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show SystemCertsVerification > $ca_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show SystemCertsVerification Selftest"
+ rlAssertGrep "SelfTest \"SystemCertsVerification\"" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: SystemCertsVerification" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest_show-004: Copy SystemCertsVerification selftest Properties to a file"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show SystemCertsVerification --output $TmpDir/SystemCertsVerification > $ca_selftest_show_output" 0 "Save SystemCertsVerification Selftest to a file"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show SystemCertsVerification --output $TmpDir/SystemCertsVerification > $ca_selftest_show_output" 0 "Save SystemCertsVerification Selftest to a file"
+ rlAssertGrep "Stored selfTest \"SystemCertsVerification\" into $TmpDir/SystemCertsVerification" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest_show-005: Show CAValidity selftest properties"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show CAValidity > $ca_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show CAValidity Selftest"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show CAValidity > $ca_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show CAValidity Selftest"
+ rlAssertGrep "SelfTest \"CAValidity\"" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: CAValidity" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: false" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest_show-006: Copy CAValidity selftest Properties to a file"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show CAValidity --output $TmpDir/CAValidity > $ca_selftest_show_output" 0 "Save CAValidity Selftest to a file"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show CAValidity --output $TmpDir/CAValidity > $ca_selftest_show_output" 0 "Save CAValidity Selftest to a file"
+ rlAssertGrep "Stored selfTest \"CAValidity\" into $TmpDir/CAValidity" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest_show-007: Verify CAPresence selftest properties are shown using admin cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show CAPresence > $ca_selftest_show_output" 0 "show CAPresence selftest using $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show CAPresence > $ca_selftest_show_output" 0 "show CAPresence Selftest using $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "SelfTest ID: CAPresence" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest_show-008: verify CAPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show CAPresence > $ca_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show CAPresence selftest property using $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show CAPresence 2> $ca_selftest_show_output" 1,255 "Show CAPresence selftest property using $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest_show-009: verify CAPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using operator cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show CAPresence > $ca_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show CAPresence selftest property using $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show CAPresence 2> $ca_selftest_show_output" 1,255 "Show CAPresence selftest property using $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest_show-0010: verify CAPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using audit cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show CAPresence > $ca_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show CAPresence selftest property using $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show CAPresence 2> $ca_selftest_show_output" 1,255 "Show CAPresence selftest property using $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest_show-0011: verify CAPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using revoked admin cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show CAPresence > $ca_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show CAPresence selftest property using $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show CAPresence 2> $ca_selftest_show_output" 1,255 "Show CAPresence selftest property using $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "PKIException: Unauthorized" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest_show-0012: verify CAPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using revoked agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show CAPresence > $ca_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show CAPresence selftest property using $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show CAPresence 2> $ca_selftest_show_output" 1,255 "Show CAPresence selftest property using $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "PKIException: Unauthorized" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest_show-0013: verify CAPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using Expired agent cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_agent_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show CAPresence > $ca_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show CAPresence selftest property using $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show CAPresence > $ca_selftest_show_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Show CAPresence selftest property using $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest_show-0014: verify CAPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using Expired admin cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_admin_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show CAPresence > $ca_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show CAPresence selftest property using $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show CAPresence > $ca_selftest_show_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Show CAPresence selftest property using $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest_show-0015: verify when no valid selftestID is provided pki ca-selftest-show show show proper help message"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show > $ca_selftest_show_output" 0 "Do not pass any selftestId"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show > $ca_selftest_show_output 2>&1" 255,1 "Do not pass any selftestId"
+ rlAssertGrep "Error: No SelfTest ID specified." "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: ca-selftest-show <SelfTest ID> \[OPTIONS...\]" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --output <file> Output file to store selfTest properties." "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest_show-0016: verify when junk/invalid selftestid is provided, "
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show \"asdfasdf\" > $ca_selftest_show_output" 0 "pass junk \"asdfasdf\" to pki ca-selftest-show"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ca-selftest-show \"asdfasdf\" > $ca_selftest_show_output" 0 "pass junk \"asdfasdf\" to pki ca-selftest-show"
+ rlAssertGrep "SelfTest \"asdfasdf\"" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: asdfasdf" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: false" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: false" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " SelfTest \"CAPresence\"" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " SelfTest ID: CAPresence" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartCleanup "pki ca-selftest-show cleanup: Delete temp dir"
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlLog "CA subsystem is not installed"
+ rlPhaseEnd
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2f7e89f72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/rhcs/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest
+# Description: pki ca selftest tests
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# The following pki key cli commands needs to be tested:
+# pki-ca-selftest --help
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Niranjan Mallapadi <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Create Temporary Directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki ca-selftest --help Test: Show all the options of pki ca-selftest"
+ local temp_out="$TmpDir/pki_ca_selftest"
+ rlLog "Executing pki ca-selftest --help"
+ rlRun "pki ca-selftest --help 1> $temp_out" 0 "pki ca-selftest --help"
+ rlAssertGrep "Commands:" "$temp_out"
+ rlAssertGrep " ca-selftest-find Find selftests" "$temp_out"
+ rlAssertGrep " ca-selftest-run Run selftests" "$temp_out"
+ rlAssertGrep " ca-selftest-show Show selftest" "$temp_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest-001: pki ca-selftest with characters should return invalid module"
+ local temp_out1="$TmpDir/pki_ca_selftest001"
+ local rand=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ rlLog "Executing pki ca-selftest \"$junk\" characters"
+ rlRun "pki ca-selftest \"$junk\" 2> $temp_out1" 1,255 "Command pki ca-selftest with junk characters"
+ rlAssertGrep "Error: Invalid module" "$temp_out1"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartCleanup "pki ca-selftest cleanup: Delete temp dir"
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlPhaseEnd
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..39867412a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/rhcs/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli
+# Description: PKI KRA SELFTEST CLI
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# The following pki kra-selftest cli commands needs to be tested:
+# pki kra-selftest-admin
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Niranjan Mallapadi <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+ # Local Variables
+ local cs_Type=$1
+ local cs_Role=$2
+ # Creating Temporary Directory for pki kra-selftest-admin
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "pki kra-selftest-admin Temporary Directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ get_topo_stack $cs_Role $TmpDir/topo_file
+ local KRA_INST=$(cat $TmpDir/topo_file | grep MY_KRA | cut -d= -f2)
+ kra_instance_created="False"
+ if [ "$TOPO9" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ prefix=$KRA_INST
+ kra_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${KRA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ elif [ "$cs_Role" = "MASTER" ] ; then
+ prefix=KRA3
+ kra_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${KRA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ else
+ prefix=$cs_Role
+ kra_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${KRA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ fi
+if [ "$kra_instance_created" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ local tomcat_name=$(eval echo \$${KRA_INST}_TOMCAT_INSTANCE_NAME)
+ local target_secure_port=$(eval echo \$${KRA_INST}_SECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_kra_agent=$KRA_INST\_agentV
+ local tmp_kra_admin=$KRA_INST\_adminV
+ local tmp_kra_port=$(eval echo \$${KRA_INST}_UNSECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_kra_host=$(eval echo \$${cs_Role})
+ local valid_agent_cert=$KRA_INST\_agentV
+ local valid_audit_cert=$KRA_INST\_auditV
+ local valid_operator_cert=$KRA_INST\_operatorV
+ local valid_admin_cert=$KRA_INST\_adminV
+ local revoked_agent_cert=$KRA_INST\_agentR
+ local revoked_admin_cert=$KRA_INST\_adminR
+ local expired_admin_cert=$KRA_INST\_adminE
+ local expired_agent_cert=$KRA_INST\_agentE
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB="$TmpDir/nssdb"
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD="redhat"
+ local exp="$TmpDir/expfile.out"
+ local expout="$TmpDir/exp_out"
+ local cert_info="$TmpDir/cert_info"
+ local kra_selftest_show_output=$TmpDir/kra-selftest-admin.out
+ local rand=$RANDOM
+ local tmp_junk_data=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ ### Config file
+ local kra_config_file="/var/lib/pki/$tomcat_name/kra/conf/CS.cfg"
+ local kra_db="/var/lib/pki/$tomcat_name/kra/alias/"
+ local kra_cert_list="transport,storage,sslserver,subsystem,audit_signing"
+ local kra_transport_nick=$(cat $kra_config_file | grep kra.transport.nickname | cut -d= -f2)
+ local kra_storage_nick=$(cat $kra_config_file | grep | cut -d= -f2)
+ local kra_sslserver_nick=$(cat $kra_config_file | grep kra.sslserver.nickname | cut -d= -f2)
+ local kra_subsystem_nick=$(cat $kra_config_file | grep kra.subsystem.nickname | cut -d= -f2)
+ local kra_audit_nick=$(cat $kra_config_file | grep kra.audit_signing.nickname | cut -d= -f2)
+ local kra_token=$(cat $kra_config_file | grep kra.transport.tokenname | cut -d= -f2)
+ local kra_token_internal_passwd=$(cat /var/lib/pki/$tomcat_name/conf/password.conf | grep internal | cut -d= -f2)
+ local kra_hsm_passwd=$(cat /var/lib/pki/$tomcat_name/conf/password.conf | grep internal | cut -d= -f2)
+ local kra_token=$(cat $kra_config_file | grep kra.transport.tokenname | cut -d= -f2)
+ local signed_kra_audit_log="/var/log/pki/$tomcat_name/kra/signedAudit/kra_cert-kra_audit"
+ local selftest_log="/var/log/pki/$tomcat_name/kra/selftests.log"
+ local selftest_system_verification=$(cat $kra_config_file | grep selftests.container.order.startup | cut -d= -f2)
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Take backup of tomcatjss xml"
+ local tomcat_jss_xml_dir="/etc/pki/$tomcat_name/Catalina/localhost"
+ local tomcat_jss_xml_backup_dir="$TmpDir/tomcat_jss_backup"
+ rlLog "Take backup of $tomcat_jss_xml_dir Directory"
+ rlRun "cp -a $tomcat_jss_xml_dir $TmpDir/tomcat_jss_backup"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "Restart DRM subsystem and make sure self tests executed successfully when self tests for system certs verification categorized as \"critical\" has valid system certificates."
+ local kra_cert_list_exist=$(cat $kra_config_file | grep ^kra.cert.list | cut -d= -f2)
+ rlLog "Verify if configuration file exists"
+ rlAssertExists "$kra_config_file"
+ rlAssertEquals "Verify $kra_config_file has list of system certificates parameter" "$kra_cert_list" "$kra_cert_list_exist"
+ if [ "$kra_token" = "Internal Key Storage Token" ]; then
+ rlRun "certutil -L -d $kra_db -n \"$kra_transport_nick\" > $TmpDir/cert.out" 0 "Verifying if transport cert exists in certificate db"
+ rlRun "certutil -L -d $kra_db -n \"$kra_storage_nick\" > $TmpDir/cert.out" 0 "Verifying if storage cert exists in certificate db"
+ rlRun "certutil -L -d $kra_db -n \"$kra_sslserver_nick\" > $TmpDir/cert.out" 0 "Verifying if sslserver cert exists in certificate db"
+ rlRun "certutil -L -d $kra_db -n \"$kra_subsystem_nick\" > $TmpDir/cert.out" 0 "Verifying if audit_signing cert exists in certificate db"
+ elif [ "$kra_token" = "NHSM6000" ]; then
+ rlRun "echo $kra_hsm_passwd > $TmpDir/hsm_passwd" 0 "Save hsm passwd in a file"
+ rlRun "certutil -L -d $kra_db -h $kra_token -f $TmpDir/hsm_passwd -n \"$kra_transport_nick\" > $TmpDir/cert.out" 0 "Verifying if transport cert exists in certificate db"
+ rlRun "certutil -L -d $kra_db -h $kra_token -f $TmpDir/hsm_passwd -n \"$kra_storage_nick\" > $TmpDir/cert.out" 0 "Verifying if storage cert exists in certificate db"
+ rlRun "certutil -L -d $kra_db -h $kra_token -f $TmpDir/hsm_passwd -n \"$kra_sslserver_nick\" > $TmpDir/cert.out" 0 "Verifying if sslserver cert exists in certificate db"
+ rlRun "certutil -L -d $kra_db -h $kra_token -f $TmpDir/hsm_passwd -n \"$kra_subsystem_nick\" > $TmpDir/cert.out" 0 "Verifying if audit_signing cert exists in certificate db"
+ fi
+ rlLog "Restart $tomcat_name instance"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M)
+ rhcs_stop_instance $tomcat_name
+ rlLog "Empty the current signed kra audit log and selftest log"
+ rlRun "echo > $signed_kra_audit_log"
+ rlRun "echo > $selftest_log"
+ rhcs_start_instance $tomcat_name
+ rlRun "sleep 30" 0 "Sleep 30 seconds so that selftest.log is updated"
+ rlAssertGrep "All CRITICAL self test plugins ran SUCCESSFULLY at startup!" "$selftest_log"
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=CIMC_CERT_VERIFICATION\]\[SubjectID=\$System\$\]\[Outcome=Success\]\[CertNickName=$kra_transport_nick\] CIMC certificate verification" "$signed_kra_audit_log"
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=CIMC_CERT_VERIFICATION\]\[SubjectID=\$System\$\]\[Outcome=Success\]\[CertNickName=$kra_storage_nick\] CIMC certificate verification" "$signed_kra_audit_log"
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=CIMC_CERT_VERIFICATION\]\[SubjectID=\$System\$\]\[Outcome=Success\]\[CertNickName=$kra_sslserver_nick\] CIMC certificate verification" "$signed_kra_audit_log"
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=CIMC_CERT_VERIFICATION\]\[SubjectID=\$System\$\]\[Outcome=Success\]\[CertNickName=$kra_subsystem_nick\] CIMC certificate verification" "$signed_kra_audit_log"
+ rlRun "tail -n 10 $signed_kra_audit_log | grep \"AuditEvent=SELFTESTS_EXECUTION\" > $TmpDir/kra-signed-audit.log" 0,1 "Get the current signed audit log"
+ rlAssertGrep "Outcome=Success" "$TmpDir/kra-signed-audit.log"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "DRM fails to start when an in-correct (bogus) nickname is provided for a certificate categorized as \"critical\" for the selftest."
+ local cur_date_time=$(date +%d-%b-%Y:%H:%M)
+ local kra_config_file_backup="/var/lib/pki/$tomcat_name/kra/conf/CS.cfg-$cur_date_time"
+ local kra_storage_bogus_nick="Bogus-kraStorage"
+ rlLog "Backup existing kra CS.cfg"
+ rlRun "/usr/bin/cp $kra_config_file -f $kra_config_file_backup" 0 "Backup current CS.cfg"
+ rlLog "Stop $tomcat_name"
+ rlLog "Empty the current signed kra audit log"
+ rlRun "echo > $signed_kra_audit_log"
+ rhcs_stop_instance $tomcat_name
+ rlRun "sed -i s/"$kra_storage_nick"/"$kra_storage_bogus_nick"/ $kra_config_file"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M)
+ rhcs_start_instance $tomcat_name
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=SELFTESTS_EXECUTION\]\[SubjectID=\$System$\]\[Outcome=Failure\]" "$signed_kra_audit_log"
+ rlLog "Stop $tomcat_name"
+ rhcs_stop_instance $tomcat_name
+ rlLog "Revert the changes back to CS.cfg"
+ rlRun "/usr/bin/cp $kra_config_file_backup -f $kra_config_file" 0 "Revert back the changes done to CS.cfg"
+ rlLog "Remove the backup file"
+ rlRun "rm -f $kra_config_file_backup"
+ rhcs_start_instance $tomcat_name
+ rlLog "CS9 BZ:"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "DRM should start successfully when an in-correct (bogus) nickname is provided for a certificate categorized as \"non-critical\" for the selftest."
+ local cur_date_time=$(date +%d-%b-%Y:%H:%M)
+ local kra_config_file_backup="/var/lib/pki/$tomcat_name/kra/conf/CS.cfg-$cur_date_time"
+ local selftest_system_verification_change="SystemCertsVerification:non-critical"
+ rlLog "Backup existing kra CS.cfg"
+ local kra_storage_bogus_nick="Bogus-kraStorage"
+ rlRun "/usr/bin/cp $kra_config_file -f $kra_config_file_backup" 0 "Backup current CS.cfg"
+ rlLog "Stop $tomcat_name"
+ rlLog "Empty the current signed kra audit log"
+ rlRun "echo > $signed_kra_audit_log"
+ rhcs_stop_instance $tomcat_name
+ rlLog "Edit selftest with system cert verification as non-critical"
+ rlRun "sed -i s/"$selftest_system_verification"/"$selftest_system_verification_change"/ $kra_config_file"
+ rlRun "sed -i s/"$kra_storage_nick"/"$kra_storage_bogus_nick"/ $kra_config_file"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M)
+ rhcs_start_instance $tomcat_name
+ rlRun "sleep 30" 0 "Sleep 30 seconds so that audit log is updated"
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=CIMC_CERT_VERIFICATION\]\[SubjectID=\$System\$\]\[Outcome=Success\]\[CertNickName=$kra_transport_nick\] CIMC certificate verification" "$signed_kra_audit_log"
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=CIMC_CERT_VERIFICATION\]\[SubjectID=\$System\$\]\[Outcome=Failure\]\[CertNickName=$kra_storage_bogus_nick\] CIMC certificate verification" "$signed_kra_audit_log"
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=CIMC_CERT_VERIFICATION\]\[SubjectID=\$System\$\]\[Outcome=Success\]\[CertNickName=$kra_sslserver_nick\] CIMC certificate verification" "$signed_kra_audit_log"
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=CIMC_CERT_VERIFICATION\]\[SubjectID=\$System\$\]\[Outcome=Success\]\[CertNickName=$kra_subsystem_nick\] CIMC certificate verification" "$signed_kra_audit_log"
+ rlAssertGrep "\[AuditEvent=SELFTESTS_EXECUTION\]\[SubjectID=\$System$\]\[Outcome=Success\]" "$signed_kra_audit_log"
+ rlLog "Stop $tomcat_name"
+ rhcs_stop_instance $tomcat_name
+ rlLog "Revert the changes back to CS.cfg"
+ rlRun "/usr/bin/cp $kra_config_file_backup -f $kra_config_file" 0 "Revert back the changes done to CS.cfg"
+ rlLog "Remove the backup file"
+ rlRun "rm -f $kra_config_file_backup"
+ rhcs_start_instance $tomcat_name
+ rlLog "CS9 BZ:"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartCleanup "pki kra-selftest-admin cleanup: Restore tomcatjss xml and delete temp dir"
+ rlLog "Restore kra.xml from $tomcat_jss_xml_backup_dir"
+ rlRun "cp -a $TmpDir/tomcat_jss_backup/kra.xml $tomcat_jss_xml_dir/kra.xml" 0 "Copy kra.xml"
+ rlLog "Restart $tomcat_name instance"
+ rhcs_stop_instance $tomcat_name
+ rhcs_start_instance $tomcat_name
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlLog "KRA Instance is not installed"
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..3e9833cb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/rhcs/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli
+# Description: PKI KRA SELFTEST CLI
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# The following pki ca-selftest cli commands needs to be tested:
+# pki kra-selftest-find
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Niranjan Mallapadi <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+ local cs_Type=$1
+ local cs_Role=$2
+ # Creating Temporary Directory for pki kra-selftest-find
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "pki kra-selftest-find Temporary Directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ # Local Variables
+ get_topo_stack $cs_Role $TmpDir/topo_file
+ local KRA_INST=$(cat $TmpDir/topo_file | grep MY_KRA | cut -d= -f2)
+ kra_instance_created="False"
+ if [ "$TOPO9" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ prefix=$KRA_INST
+ kra_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${KRA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ elif [ "$cs_Role" = "MASTER" ] ; then
+ prefix=KRA3
+ kra_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${KRA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ else
+ prefix=$cs_Role
+ kra_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${KRA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ fi
+if [ "$kra_instance_created" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ local target_secure_port=$(eval echo \$${KRA_INST}_SECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_ca_agent=$KRA_INST\_agentV
+ local tmp_ca_admin=$KRA_INST\_adminV
+ local tmp_kra_port=$(eval echo \$${KRA_INST}_UNSECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_kra_host=$(eval echo \$${cs_Role})
+ local valid_agent_cert=$KRA_INST\_agentV
+ local valid_audit_cert=$KRA_INST\_auditV
+ local valid_operator_cert=$KRA_INST\_operatorV
+ local valid_admin_cert=$KRA_INST\_adminV
+ local revoked_agent_cert=$KRA_INST\_agentR
+ local revoked_admin_cert=$KRA_INST\_adminR
+ local expired_admin_cert=$KRA_INST\_adminE
+ local expired_agent_cert=$KRA_INST\_agentE
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB="$TmpDir/nssdb"
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD="redhat"
+ local exp="$TmpDir/expfile.out"
+ local expout="$TmpDir/exp_out"
+ local cert_info="$TmpDir/cert_info"
+ local kra_selftest_find_output=$TmpDir/kra-selftest-find.out
+ local rand=$RANDOM
+ local tmp_junk_data=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ # Config test for pki kra-selftest-find
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_find-configtest: pki kra-selftest-find --help configuration test"
+ rlRun "pki kra-selftest-find --help > $kra_selftest_find_output" 0 "pki kra-selftest-find --help"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: kra-selftest-find \[FILTER\] \[OPTIONS...\]" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --size <size> Page size" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --start <start> Page start" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_find-001: find all the existing selftests for CA using admin cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find > $kra_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the KRA Selftest using $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find > $kra_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the KRA Selftest using $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "1 entries matched" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: KRAPresence" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: false" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_find-002: verifying all kra selftests cannot be found by agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find > $kra_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the KRA Selftest using $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find 2> $kra_selftest_find_output" 1,255 "Find all the KRA Selftest using $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_find-003: verifying all kra selftests cannot be found by operator cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find > $kra_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the KRA Selftest using $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find 2> $kra_selftest_find_output" 1,255 "Find all the KRA Selftest using $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_find-004: verifying all kra selftests cannot be found by audit cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find > $kra_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the KRA Selftest using $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find 2> $kra_selftest_find_output" 1,255 "Find all the KRA Selftest using $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_find-005: verifying all kra selftests cannot be found by Revoked admin cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find > $kra_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the KRA Selftest using $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find > $kra_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Find all the KRA Selftest using $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "PKIException: Unauthorized" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_find-006: verifying all kra selftests cannot be found by Revoked agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find > $kra_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the KRA Selftest using $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find > $kra_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Find all the KRA Selftest using $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "PKIException: Unauthorized" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_find-007: verifying all kra selftests cannot be found by Expired agent cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_agent_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find > $kra_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the KRA Selftest using $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find > $kra_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Find all the KRA Selftest using $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_find-008: verifying all kra selftests cannot be found by Expired admin cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_admin_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find > $kra_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the KRA Selftest using $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find > $kra_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Find all the KRA Selftest using $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_find-009: verify when --size 1 is specified only 1 KRA selftest is displayed"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find --size 1 > $kra_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki kra-selftest-find --size 1"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find --size 1 1> $kra_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki kra-selftest-find --size 1"
+ rlAssertGrep "1 entries matched" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: KRAPresence" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: false" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStart "pki_kra_selftest_find-0010: verify when value given in --size is more than 3 display all the selftests"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find --size 100 > $kra_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki kra-selftest-find --size 100"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find --size 100 > $kra_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki kra-selftest-find --size 100"
+ rlAssertGrep "1 entries matched" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: KRAPresence" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: false" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_find-0011: verify when value given in --size is junk no results are returned"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find --size adafdafds > $kra_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki kra-selftest-find --size adafdafds"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find --size adafdafds > $kra_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Run pki kra-selftest-find --size adafdafds"
+ rlAssertGrep "NumberFormatException: For input string: \"adafdafds\"" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_find-0012: verify when no value with --size command fails with help message"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find --size > $kra_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "No value is passed to pki kra-selftest-find --size"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find --size > $kra_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "No value is passed to pki kra-selftest-find --size"
+ rlAssertGrep "Error: Missing argument for option: size" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: kra-selftest-find \[FILTER\] \[OPTIONS...\]" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --size <size> Page size" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --start <start> Page start" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_find-0013: verify when --size 1 and --start 1 is specified only 1 KRA selftest is displayed"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find --size 1 --start 1 > $kra_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki kra-selftest-find --size 1 --start 1"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find --size 1 --start 0 > $kra_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki kra-selftest-find --size 1 --start 1"
+ rlAssertGrep "1 entries matched" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: KRAPresence" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: false" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_find-0014: verify when no value with --start command fails with help message"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find --start > $kra_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "No value is passed to pki kra-selftest-find --size"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-find --start > $kra_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "No value is passed to pki kra-selftest-find --size"
+ rlAssertGrep "Error: Missing argument for option: start" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: kra-selftest-find \[FILTER\] \[OPTIONS...\]" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --size <size> Page size" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --start <start> Page start" "$kra_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartCleanup "pki kra-selftest-find cleanup: Delete temp dir"
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlLog "KRA subsystem is not installed"
+ rlPhaseEnd
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1b8a9a1ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/rhcs/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli
+# Description: PKI KRA SELFTEST CLI
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# The following pki ca-selftest cli commands needs to be tested:
+# pki kra-selftest-run
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Niranjan Mallapadi <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+ local cs_Type=$1
+ local cs_Role=$2
+ # Creating Temporary Directory for pki kra-selftest-run
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "pki kra-selftest-run Temporary Directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ # Local Variables
+ get_topo_stack $cs_Role $TmpDir/topo_file
+ local KRA_INST=$(cat $TmpDir/topo_file | grep MY_KRA | cut -d= -f2)
+ kra_instance_created="False"
+ if [ "$TOPO9" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ prefix=$KRA_INST
+ kra_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${KRA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ elif [ "$cs_Role" = "MASTER" ] ; then
+ prefix=KRA3
+ kra_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${KRA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ else
+ prefix=$cs_Role
+ kra_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${KRA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ fi
+if [ "$kra_instance_created" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ local target_secure_port=$(eval echo \$${KRA_INST}_SECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_ca_agent=$KRA_INST\_agentV
+ local tmp_ca_admin=$KRA_INST\_adminV
+ local tmp_kra_port=$(eval echo \$${KRA_INST}_UNSECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_kra_host=$(eval echo \$${cs_Role})
+ local valid_agent_cert=$KRA_INST\_agentV
+ local valid_audit_cert=$KRA_INST\_auditV
+ local valid_operator_cert=$KRA_INST\_operatorV
+ local valid_admin_cert=$KRA_INST\_adminV
+ local revoked_agent_cert=$KRA_INST\_agentR
+ local revoked_admin_cert=$KRA_INST\_adminR
+ local expired_admin_cert=$KRA_INST\_adminE
+ local expired_agent_cert=$KRA_INST\_agentE
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB="$TmpDir/nssdb"
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD="redhat"
+ local exp="$TmpDir/expfile.out"
+ local expout="$TmpDir/exp_out"
+ local cert_info="$TmpDir/cert_info"
+ local kra_selftest_run_output=$TmpDir/kra-selftest-run.out
+ local rand=$RANDOM
+ local tmp_junk_data=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ # Config test for pki kra-selftest-run
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_run-configtest: pki kra-selftest-run --help configuration test"
+ rlRun "pki kra-selftest-run --help > $kra_selftest_run_output" 0 "pki kra-selftest-run --help"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: kra-selftest-run \[OPTIONS...\]" "$kra_selftest_run_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$kra_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_run-001: Run CA Selftest using admin cert and verify ca subsystem is up"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-run > $kra_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki kra-selftest-run as $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-run > $kra_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki kra-selftest-run as $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "Selftests completed" "$kra_selftest_run_output"
+ rlLog "Verify ca instance is running"
+ rlRun "systemctl status pki-tomcatd@$(eval echo \$${KRA_INST}_TOMCAT_INSTANCE_NAME) 1> $TmpDir/systemctl.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Active: active (running)" "$TmpDir/systemctl.out"
+ rlLog "Ascertain by running pki key-generate command if kra instance is responding"
+ local rand=$RANDOM
+ local client_id=temp$rand
+ local algo=AES
+ local key_size=192
+ local usages=unwrap
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ key-generate $client_id \
+ --key-algorithm $algo \
+ --key-size $key_size \
+ --usages $usages > $TmpDir/key-generate.out" 0 "Execute pki key-generate to verify if kra instance is responding"
+ rlAssertGrep "Key generation request info" "$TmpDir/key-generate.out"
+ rlAssertGrep " Type: symkeyGenReques" "$TmpDir/key-generate.out"
+ rlAssertGrep " Status: complete" "$TmpDir/key-generate.out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_run-002: Verify ca selftests cannot be run by agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-run > $kra_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki kra-selftest-run as $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-run 2> $kra_selftest_run_output" 1,255 "Execute pki kra-selftest-run as $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$kra_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_run-003: Verify ca selftests cannot be run operator cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-run > $kra_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki kra-selftest-run as $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-run 2> $kra_selftest_run_output" 1,255 "Execute pki kra-selftest-run as $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$kra_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_run-004: Verify ca selftests cannot be run audit cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-run > $kra_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki kra-selftest-run as $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-run 2> $kra_selftest_run_output" 1,255 "Execute pki kra-selftest-run as $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$kra_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_run-005: Verify ca selftests cannot be run Revoked admin cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-run > $kra_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki kra-selftest-run as $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-run 2> $kra_selftest_run_output" 1,255 "Execute pki kra-selftest-run as $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "PKIException: Unauthorized" "$kra_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_run-006: Verify ca selftests cannot be run Revoked agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-run > $kra_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki kra-selftest-run as $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-run 2> $kra_selftest_run_output" 1,255 "Execute pki kra-selftest-run as $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$kra_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_run-007: Verify ca selftests cannot be run Expired agent cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_agent_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-run > $kra_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki kra-selftest-run as $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-run > $kra_selftest_run_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Execute pki kra-selftest-run as $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$kra_selftest_run_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_run-008: Verify ca selftests cannot be run Expired admin cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_admin_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-run > $kra_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki kra-selftest-run as $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-run > $kra_selftest_run_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Execute pki kra-selftest-run as $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$kra_selftest_run_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartCleanup "pki kra-selftest-run cleanup: Delete temp dir"
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlLog "KRA Subsystem is not installed"
+ rlPhaseEnd
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a512c621e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/rhcs/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli
+# Description: PKI KRA SELFTEST CLI
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# The following pki kra-selftest cli commands needs to be tested:
+# pki kra-selftest-show
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Niranjan Mallapadi <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+ local cs_Type=$1
+ local cs_Role=$2
+ # Creating Temporary Directory for pki kra-selftest-show
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "pki kra-selftest-show Temporary Directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ # Local Variables
+ get_topo_stack $cs_Role $TmpDir/topo_file
+ local KRA_INST=$(cat $TmpDir/topo_file | grep MY_KRA | cut -d= -f2)
+ kra_instance_created="False"
+ if [ "$TOPO9" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ prefix=$KRA_INST
+ kra_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${KRA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ elif [ "$cs_Role" = "MASTER" ] ; then
+ prefix=KRA3
+ kra_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${KRA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ else
+ prefix=$cs_Role
+ kra_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${KRA_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ fi
+if [ "$kra_instance_created" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ local target_secure_port=$(eval echo \$${KRA_INST}_SECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_ca_agent=$KRA_INST\_agentV
+ local tmp_ca_admin=$KRA_INST\_adminV
+ local tmp_kra_port=$(eval echo \$${KRA_INST}_UNSECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_kra_host=$(eval echo \$${cs_Role})
+ local valid_agent_cert=$KRA_INST\_agentV
+ local valid_audit_cert=$KRA_INST\_auditV
+ local valid_operator_cert=$KRA_INST\_operatorV
+ local valid_admin_cert=$KRA_INST\_adminV
+ local revoked_agent_cert=$KRA_INST\_agentR
+ local revoked_admin_cert=$KRA_INST\_adminR
+ local expired_admin_cert=$KRA_INST\_adminE
+ local expired_agent_cert=$KRA_INST\_agentE
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB="$TmpDir/nssdb"
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD="redhat"
+ local exp="$TmpDir/expfile.out"
+ local expout="$TmpDir/exp_out"
+ local cert_info="$TmpDir/cert_info"
+ local kra_selftest_show_output=$TmpDir/kra-selftest-show.out
+ local rand=$RANDOM
+ local tmp_junk_data=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ # Config test for pki kra-selftest-show
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_show-configtest: pki kra-selftest-show --help configuration test"
+ rlRun "pki kra-selftest-show --help > $kra_selftest_show_output" 0 "pki kra-selftest-show --help"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: kra-selftest-show <SelfTest ID> \[OPTIONS...\]" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --output <file> Output file to store selfTest properties." "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_show-001: Show KRAPresence selftest properties"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-show KRAPresence > $kra_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show KRAPresence Selftest"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-show KRAPresence > $kra_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show KRAPresence Selftest"
+ rlAssertGrep "SelfTest \"KRAPresence\"" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: KRAPresence" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: false" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_show-002: Copy KRAPresence selftest Properties to a file"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-show KRAPresence --output $TmpDir/KRAPresence > $kra_selftest_show_output" 0 "Save KRAPresence Selftest to a file"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-show KRAPresence --output $TmpDir/KRAPresence > $kra_selftest_show_output" 0 "Save KRAPresence Selftest to a file"
+ rlAssertGrep "Stored selfTest \"KRAPresence\" into $TmpDir/KRAPresence" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_show-003: verify KRAPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-show KRAPresence > $kra_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show KRAPresence selftest property using $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-show KRAPresence 2> $kra_selftest_show_output" 1,255 "Show KRAPresence selftest property using $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_show-004: verify KRAPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using operator cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-show KRAPresence > $kra_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show KRAPresence selftest property using $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-show KRAPresence 2> $kra_selftest_show_output" 1,255 "Show KRAPresence selftest property using $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_show-005: verify KRAPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using audit cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-show KRAPresence > $kra_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show KRAPresence selftest property using $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-show KRAPresence 2> $kra_selftest_show_output" 1,255 "Show KRAPresence selftest property using $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_show-006: verify KRAPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using revoked admin cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-show KRAPresence > $kra_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show KRAPresence selftest property using $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-show KRAPresence 2> $kra_selftest_show_output" 1,255 "Show KRAPresence selftest property using $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "PKIException: Unauthorized" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_show-007: verify KRAPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using revoked agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-show KRAPresence > $kra_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show KRAPresence selftest property using $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-show KRAPresence 2> $kra_selftest_show_output" 1,255 "Show KRAPresence selftest property using $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_show-008: verify KRAPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using Expired agent cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_agent_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-show KRAPresence > $kra_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show KRAPresence selftest property using $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-show KRAPresence > $kra_selftest_show_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Show KRAPresence selftest property using $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_show-009: verify KRAPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using Expired admin cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_admin_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-show KRAPresence > $kra_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show KRAPresence selftest property using $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-show KRAPresence > $kra_selftest_show_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Show KRAPresence selftest property using $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_show-0010: verify when no valid selftestID is provided pki kra-selftest-show show show proper help message"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-show > $kra_selftest_show_output" 0 "Do not pass any selftestId"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-show > $kra_selftest_show_output 2>&1" 255,1 "Do not pass any selftestId"
+ rlAssertGrep "Error: No SelfTest ID specified." "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: kra-selftest-show <SelfTest ID> \[OPTIONS...\]" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --output <file> Output file to store selfTest properties." "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest_show-0011: verify when junk/invalid selftestid is provided, no valid selftest ID properties should be shown"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-show \"asdfasdf\" > $kra_selftest_show_output" 0 "pass junk \"asdfasdf\" to pki kra-selftest-show"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_kra_host \
+ -p $tmp_kra_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ kra-selftest-show \"asdfasdf\" > $kra_selftest_show_output" 0 "pass junk \"asdfasdf\" to pki kra-selftest-show"
+ rlAssertGrep "SelfTest \"asdfasdf\"" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: asdfasdf" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: false" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: false" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " SelfTest \"KRAPresence\"" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " SelfTest ID: KRAPresence" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$kra_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartCleanup "pki kra-selftest-show cleanup: Delete temp dir"
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlLog "KRA Subsysem is not installed"
+ rlPhaseEnd
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c326c3480
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/rhcs/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest
+# Description: pki kra selftest tests
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Niranjan Mallapadi <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Create Temporary Directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki kra-selftest --help Test: Show all the options of pki kra-selftest"
+ local temp_out="$TmpDir/pki_ca_selftest"
+ rlLog "Executing pki kra-selftest --help"
+ rlRun "pki kra-selftest --help 1> $temp_out" 0 "pki kra-selftest --help"
+ rlAssertGrep "Commands:" "$temp_out"
+ rlAssertGrep " kra-selftest-find Find selftests" "$temp_out"
+ rlAssertGrep " kra-selftest-run Run selftests" "$temp_out"
+ rlAssertGrep " kra-selftest-show Show selftest" "$temp_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_selftest-001: pki kra-selftest with characters should return invalid module"
+ local temp_out1="$TmpDir/pki_kra_selftest001"
+ local rand=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ rlLog "Executing pki kra-selftest \"$junk\" characters"
+ rlRun "pki kra-selftest \"$junk\" 2> $temp_out1" 1,255 "Command pki kra-selftest with junk characters"
+ rlAssertGrep "Error: Invalid module" "$temp_out1"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartCleanup "pki kra-selftest cleanup: Delete temp dir"
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlPhaseEnd
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ocsp-selftest-cli/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ocsp-selftest-cli/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a27c4b8b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ocsp-selftest-cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/rhcs/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ocsp-selftest-cli
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# The following pki ocsp-selftest cli commands needs to be tested:
+# pki ocsp-selftest-find
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Niranjan Mallapadi <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+ local cs_Type=$1
+ local cs_Role=$2
+ # Creating Temporary Directory for pki ocsp-selftest-find
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "pki ocsp-selftest-find Temporary Directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ # Loocspl Variables
+ get_topo_stack $cs_Role $TmpDir/topo_file
+ local OCSP_INST=$(cat $TmpDir/topo_file | grep MY_OCSP | cut -d= -f2)
+ ocsp_instance_created="False"
+ if [ "$TOPO9" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ prefix=$OCSP_INST
+ ocsp_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${OCSP_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ elif [ "$cs_Role" = "MASTER" ] ; then
+ prefix=OCSP3
+ ocsp_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${OCSP_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ else
+ prefix=$cs_Role
+ ocsp_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${OCSP_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ fi
+if [ "$ocsp_instance_created" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ local target_secure_port=$(eval echo \$${OCSP_INST}_SECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_ocsp_agent=$OCSP_INST\_agentV
+ local tmp_ocsp_admin=$OCSP_INST\_adminV
+ local tmp_ocsp_port=$(eval echo \$${OCSP_INST}_UNSECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_ocsp_host=$(eval echo \$${cs_Role})
+ local valid_agent_cert=$OCSP_INST\_agentV
+ local valid_audit_cert=$OCSP_INST\_auditV
+ local valid_operator_cert=$OCSP_INST\_operatorV
+ local valid_admin_cert=$OCSP_INST\_adminV
+ local revoked_agent_cert=$OCSP_INST\_agentR
+ local revoked_admin_cert=$OCSP_INST\_adminR
+ local expired_admin_cert=$OCSP_INST\_adminE
+ local expired_agent_cert=$OCSP_INST\_agentE
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB="$TmpDir/nssdb"
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD="redhat"
+ local exp="$TmpDir/expfile.out"
+ local expout="$TmpDir/exp_out"
+ local cert_info="$TmpDir/cert_info"
+ local ocsp_selftest_find_output=$TmpDir/ocsp-selftest-find.out
+ local rand=$RANDOM
+ local tmp_junk_data=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ # Config test for pki ocsp-selftest-find
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_find-configtest: pki ocsp-selftest-find --help configuration test"
+ rlRun "pki ocsp-selftest-find --help > $ocsp_selftest_find_output" 0 "pki ocsp-selftest-find --help"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: ocsp-selftest-find \[FILTER\] \[OPTIONS...\]" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --size <size> Page size" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --start <start> Page start" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_find_find-001: find all the existing selftests for OCSP using admin cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find > $ocsp_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the OCSP Selftest using $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find > $ocsp_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the OCSP Selftest using $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "3 entries matched" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: OCSPPresence" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: SystemCertsVerification" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: OCSPValidity" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_find-002: verifying all ocsp selftests cannot be found by agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find > $ocsp_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the OCSP Selftest using $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find 2> $ocsp_selftest_find_output" 1,255 "Find all the OCSP Selftest using $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_find-003: verifying all ocsp selftests cannot be found by operator cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find > $ocsp_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the OCSP Selftest using $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find 2> $ocsp_selftest_find_output" 1,255 "Find all the OCSP Selftest using $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_find-004: verifying all ocsp selftests cannot be found by audit cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find > $ocsp_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the OCSP Selftest using $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find 2> $ocsp_selftest_find_output" 1,255 "Find all the OCSP Selftest using $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_find-005: verifying all ocsp selftests cannot be found by Revoked admin cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find > $ocsp_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the OCSP Selftest using $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find 2> $ocsp_selftest_find_output" 1,255 "Find all the OCSP Selftest using $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "PKIException: Unauthorized" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_find-006: verifying all ocsp selftests cannot be found by Revoked agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find > $ocsp_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the OCSP Selftest using $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find 2> $ocsp_selftest_find_output" 1,255 "Find all the OCSP Selftest using $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_find-007: verifying all ocsp selftests cannot be found by Expired agent cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_agent_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find > $ocsp_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the OCSP Selftest using $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find > $ocsp_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Find all the OCSP Selftest using $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_find-008: verifying all ocsp selftests cannot be found by Expired admin cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_admin_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find > $ocsp_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the OCSP Selftest using $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find > $ocsp_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Find all the OCSP Selftest using $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_find-009: verify when --size 1 is specified only 1 OCSP selftest is displayed"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find --size 1 > $ocsp_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki ocsp-selftest-find --size 1"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find --size 1 1> $ocsp_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki ocsp-selftest-find --size 1"
+ rlAssertGrep "3 entries matched" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: OCSPPresence" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_find-0010: verify when value given in --size is more than 3 display all the selftests"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find --size 100 > $ocsp_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki ocsp-selftest-find --size 100"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find --size 100 > $ocsp_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki ocsp-selftest-find --size 100"
+ rlAssertGrep "3 entries matched" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: OCSPPresence" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: SystemCertsVerification" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: OCSPValidity" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_find-0011: verify when value given in --size is junk no results are returned"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find --size adafdafds > $ocsp_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki ocsp-selftest-find --size adafdafds"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find --size adafdafds > $ocsp_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Run pki ocsp-selftest-find --size adafdafds"
+ rlAssertGrep "NumberFormatException: For input string: \"adafdafds\"" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGroup
+ PhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_find-0012: verify when no value with --size command fails with help message"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find --size > $ocsp_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "No value is passed to pki ocsp-selftest-find --size"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find --size > $ocsp_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "No value is passed to pki ocsp-selftest-find --size"
+ rlAssertGrep "Error: Missing argument for option: size" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: ocsp-selftest-find \[FILTER\] \[OPTIONS...\]" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --size <size> Page size" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --start <start> Page start" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_find-0013: verify when --size 1 and --start 1 is specified only 1 OCSP selftest is displayed"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find --size 1 --start 1 > $ocsp_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki ocsp-selftest-find --size 1 --start 1"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find --size 1 --start 1 > $ocsp_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki ocsp-selftest-find --size 1 --start 1"
+ rlAssertGrep "3 entries matched" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: SystemCertsVerification" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_find-0014: verify when no value with --start command fails with help message"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find --start > $ocsp_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "No value is passed to pki ocsp-selftest-find --size"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-find --start > $ocsp_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "No value is passed to pki ocsp-selftest-find --size"
+ rlAssertGrep "Error: Missing argument for option: start" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: ocsp-selftest-find \[FILTER\] \[OPTIONS...\]" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --size <size> Page size" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --start <start> Page start" "$ocsp_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartCleanup "pki ocsp-selftest-find cleanup: Delete temp dir"
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlLog "OCSP subsystem is not installed"
+ rlPhaseEnd
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ocsp-selftest-cli/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ocsp-selftest-cli/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c9a9e1591
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ocsp-selftest-cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/rhcs/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ocsp-selftest-cli
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# The following pki ocsp-selftest cli commands needs to be tested:
+# pki ocsp-selftest-run
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Niranjan Mallapadi <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+ local cs_Type=$1
+ local cs_Role=$2
+ # Creating Temporary Directory for pki ocsp-selftest-run
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "pki ocsp-selftest-run Temporary Directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ # Loocspl Variables
+ get_topo_stack $cs_Role $TmpDir/topo_file
+ local OCSP_INST=$(cat $TmpDir/topo_file | grep MY_OCSP | cut -d= -f2)
+ ocsp_instance_created="False"
+ if [ "$TOPO9" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ prefix=$OCSP_INST
+ ocsp_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${OCSP_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ elif [ "$cs_Role" = "MASTER" ] ; then
+ prefix=OCSP3
+ ocsp_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${OCSP_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ else
+ prefix=$cs_Role
+ ocsp_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${OCSP_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ fi
+if [ "$ocsp_instance_created" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ local target_secure_port=$(eval echo \$${OCSP_INST}_SECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_ocsp_agent=$OCSP_INST\_agentV
+ local tmp_ocsp_admin=$OCSP_INST\_adminV
+ local tmp_ocsp_port=$(eval echo \$${OCSP_INST}_UNSECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_ocsp_host=$(eval echo \$${cs_Role})
+ local valid_agent_cert=$OCSP_INST\_agentV
+ local valid_audit_cert=$OCSP_INST\_auditV
+ local valid_operator_cert=$OCSP_INST\_operatorV
+ local valid_admin_cert=$OCSP_INST\_adminV
+ local revoked_agent_cert=$OCSP_INST\_agentR
+ local revoked_admin_cert=$OCSP_INST\_adminR
+ local expired_admin_cert=$OCSP_INST\_adminE
+ local expired_agent_cert=$OCSP_INST\_agentE
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB="$TmpDir/nssdb"
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD="redhat"
+ local exp="$TmpDir/expfile.out"
+ local expout="$TmpDir/exp_out"
+ local cert_info="$TmpDir/cert_info"
+ local ocsp_selftest_run_output=$TmpDir/ocsp-selftest-run.out
+ local rand=$RANDOM
+ local tmp_junk_data=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ # Config test for pki ocsp-selftest-run
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_run-configtest: pki ocsp-selftest-run --help configuration test"
+ rlRun "pki ocsp-selftest-run --help > $ocsp_selftest_run_output" 0 "pki ocsp-selftest-run --help"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: ocsp-selftest-run \[OPTIONS...\]" "$ocsp_selftest_run_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$ocsp_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_run-001: Run OCSP Selftest using admin cert and verify ocsp subsystem is up"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-run > $ocsp_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki ocsp-selftest-run as $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-run > $ocsp_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki ocsp-selftest-run as $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "Selftests completed" "$ocsp_selftest_run_output"
+ rlLog "Verify ocsp instance is running"
+ rlRun "systemctl status pki-tomcatd@$(eval echo \$${OCSP_INST}_TOMCAT_INSTANCE_NAME) 1> $TmpDir/systemctl.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Active: active (running)" "$TmpDir/systemctl.out"
+ rlLog "Ascertain by running pki ocsp-user-find command if ocsp instance is responding"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-user-find --size 1 > $Tmpdir/ocsp-user-find.out" 0 "Execute pki ocsp-user-find to verify if ocsp instance is responding"
+ rlAssertGrep "Number of entries returned 1" "$Tmpdir/ocsp-user-find.out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_run-002: Verify ocsp selftests cannot be run by agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-run > $ocsp_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki ocsp-selftest-run as $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-run 2> $ocsp_selftest_run_output" 1,255 "Execute pki ocsp-selftest-run as $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ocsp_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_run-003: Verify ocsp selftests cannot be run operator cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-run > $ocsp_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki ocsp-selftest-run as $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-run 2> $ocsp_selftest_run_output" 1,255 "Execute pki ocsp-selftest-run as $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ocsp_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_run-004: Verify ocsp selftests cannot be run audit cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-run > $ocsp_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki ocsp-selftest-run as $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-run 2> $ocsp_selftest_run_output" 1,255 "Execute pki ocsp-selftest-run as $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ocsp_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_run-005: Verify ocsp selftests cannot be run Revoked admin cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-run > $ocsp_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki ocsp-selftest-run as $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-run 2> $ocsp_selftest_run_output" 1,255 "Execute pki ocsp-selftest-run as $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "PKIException: Unauthorized" "$ocsp_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_run-006: Verify ocsp selftests cannot be run Revoked agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-run > $ocsp_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki ocsp-selftest-run as $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-run 2> $ocsp_selftest_run_output" 1,255 "Execute pki ocsp-selftest-run as $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ocsp_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_run-007: Verify ocsp selftests cannot be run Expired agent cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_agent_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-run > $ocsp_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki ocsp-selftest-run as $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-run > $ocsp_selftest_run_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Execute pki ocsp-selftest-run as $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$ocsp_selftest_run_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_run-008: Verify ocsp selftests cannot be run Expired admin cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_admin_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-run > $ocsp_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki ocsp-selftest-run as $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-run > $ocsp_selftest_run_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Execute pki ocsp-selftest-run as $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$ocsp_selftest_run_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartCleanup "pki ocsp-selftest-run cleanup: Delete temp dir"
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlLog "OCSP subsystem is not installed"
+ rlPhaseEnd
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ocsp-selftest-cli/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ocsp-selftest-cli/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..875886d33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ocsp-selftest-cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/rhcs/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ocsp-selftest-cli
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# The following pki ocsp-selftest cli commands needs to be tested:
+# pki ocsp-selftest-show
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Niranjan Mallapadi <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+ local cs_Type=$1
+ local cs_Role=$2
+ # Creating Temporary Directory for pki ocsp-selftest-show
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "pki ocsp-selftest-show Temporary Directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ # Local Variables
+ get_topo_stack $cs_Role $TmpDir/topo_file
+ local OCSP_INST=$(cat $TmpDir/topo_file | grep MY_OCSP | cut -d= -f2)
+ ocsp_instance_created="False"
+ if [ "$TOPO9" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ prefix=$OCSP_INST
+ ocsp_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${OCSP_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ elif [ "$cs_Role" = "MASTER" ] ; then
+ prefix=OCSP3
+ ocsp_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${OCSP_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ else
+ prefix=$cs_Role
+ ocsp_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${OCSP_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ fi
+if [ "$ocsp_instance_created" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ local target_secure_port=$(eval echo \$${OCSP_INST}_SECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_ocsp_agent=$OCSP_INST\_agentV
+ local tmp_ocsp_admin=$OCSP_INST\_adminV
+ local tmp_ocsp_port=$(eval echo \$${OCSP_INST}_UNSECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_ocsp_host=$(eval echo \$${cs_Role})
+ local valid_agent_cert=$OCSP_INST\_agentV
+ local valid_audit_cert=$OCSP_INST\_auditV
+ local valid_operator_cert=$OCSP_INST\_operatorV
+ local valid_admin_cert=$OCSP_INST\_adminV
+ local revoked_agent_cert=$OCSP_INST\_agentR
+ local revoked_admin_cert=$OCSP_INST\_adminR
+ local expired_admin_cert=$OCSP_INST\_adminE
+ local expired_agent_cert=$OCSP_INST\_agentE
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB="$TmpDir/nssdb"
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD="redhat"
+ local exp="$TmpDir/expfile.out"
+ local expout="$TmpDir/exp_out"
+ local cert_info="$TmpDir/cert_info"
+ local ocsp_selftest_show_output=$TmpDir/ocsp-selftest-show.out
+ local rand=$RANDOM
+ local tmp_junk_data=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ # Config test for pki ocsp-selftest-show
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_show-configtest: pki ocsp-selftest-show --help configuration test"
+ rlRun "pki ocsp-selftest-show --help > $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 0 "pki ocsp-selftest-show --help"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: ocsp-selftest-show <SelfTest ID> \[OPTIONS...\]" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --output <file> Output file to store selfTest properties." "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_show-001: Show OCSPPresence selftest properties"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show OCSPPresence > $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show OCSPPresence Selftest"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show OCSPPresence > $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show OCSPPresence Selftest"
+ rlAssertGrep "SelfTest \"OCSPPresence\"" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: OCSPPresence" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_show-002: Copy OCSPPresence selftest Properties to a file"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show OCSPPresence --output $TmpDir/OCSPPresence > $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 0 "Save OCSPPresence Selftest to a file"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show OCSPPresence --output $TmpDir/OCSPPresence > $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 0 "Save OCSPPresence Selftest to a file"
+ rlAssertGrep "Stored selfTest \"OCSPPresence\" into $TmpDir/OCSPPresence" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_show-003: Show SystemCertsVerification selftest properties"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show SystemCertsVerification > $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show SystemCertsVerification Selftest"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show SystemCertsVerification > $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show SystemCertsVerification Selftest"
+ rlAssertGrep "SelfTest \"SystemCertsVerification\"" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: SystemCertsVerification" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_show-004: Copy SystemCertsVerification selftest Properties to a file"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show SystemCertsVerification --output $TmpDir/SystemCertsVerification > $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 0 "Save SystemCertsVerification Selftest to a file"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show SystemCertsVerification --output $TmpDir/SystemCertsVerification > $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 0 "Save SystemCertsVerification Selftest to a file"
+ rlAssertGrep "Stored selfTest \"SystemCertsVerification\" into $TmpDir/SystemCertsVerification" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_show-005: Show OCSPValidity selftest properties"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show OCSPValidity > $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show OCSPValidity Selftest"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show OCSPValidity > $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show OCSPValidity Selftest"
+ rlAssertGrep "SelfTest \"OCSPValidity\"" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: OCSPValidity" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: false" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_show-006: Copy OCSPValidity selftest Properties to a file"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show OCSPValidity --output $TmpDir/OCSPValidity > $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 0 "Save OCSPValidity Selftest to a file"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show OCSPValidity --output $TmpDir/OCSPValidity > $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 0 "Save OCSPValidity Selftest to a file"
+ rlAssertGrep "Stored selfTest \"OCSPValidity\" into $TmpDir/OCSPValidity" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_show-007: Verify OCSPPresence selftest properties are shown using admin cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show OCSPPresence > $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 0 "show OCSPPresence selftest using $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show OCSPPresence > $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 0 "show OCSPPresence Selftest using $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "SelfTest ID: OCSPPresence" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_show-008: verify OCSPPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show OCSPPresence > $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show OCSPPresence selftest property using $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show OCSPPresence 2> $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 1,255 "Show OCSPPresence selftest property using $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_show-009: verify OCSPPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using operator cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show OCSPPresence > $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show OCSPPresence selftest property using $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show OCSPPresence 2> $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 1,255 "Show OCSPPresence selftest property using $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_show-0010: verify OCSPPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using audit cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show OCSPPresence > $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show OCSPPresence selftest property using $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show OCSPPresence 2> $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 1,255 "Show OCSPPresence selftest property using $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_show-0011: verify OCSPPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using revoked admin cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show OCSPPresence > $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show OCSPPresence selftest property using $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show OCSPPresence 2> $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 1,255 "Show OCSPPresence selftest property using $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "PKIException: Unauthorized" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_show-0012: verify OCSPPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using revoked agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show OCSPPresence > $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show OCSPPresence selftest property using $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show OCSPPresence 2> $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 1,255 "Show OCSPPresence selftest property using $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_show-0013: verify OCSPPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using Expired agent cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_agent_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show OCSPPresence > $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show OCSPPresence selftest property using $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show OCSPPresence > $ocsp_selftest_show_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Show OCSPPresence selftest property using $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_show-0014: verify OCSPPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using Expired admin cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_admin_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show OCSPPresence > $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show OCSPPresence selftest property using $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show OCSPPresence > $ocsp_selftest_show_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Show OCSPPresence selftest property using $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_show-0015: verify when no valid selftestID is provided pki ocsp-selftest-show show show proper help message"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show > $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 0 "Do not pass any selftestId"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show > $ocsp_selftest_show_output 2>&1" 255,1 "Do not pass any selftestId"
+ rlAssertGrep "Error: No SelfTest ID specified." "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: ocsp-selftest-show <SelfTest ID> \[OPTIONS...\]" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --output <file> Output file to store selfTest properties." "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest_show-0016: verify when junk/invalid selftestid is provided, "
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show \"asdfasdf\" > $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 0 "pass junk \"asdfasdf\" to pki ocsp-selftest-show"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ocsp_host \
+ -p $tmp_ocsp_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ ocsp-selftest-show \"asdfasdf\" > $ocsp_selftest_show_output" 0 "pass junk \"asdfasdf\" to pki ocsp-selftest-show"
+ rlAssertGrep "SelfTest \"asdfasdf\"" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: asdfasdf" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: false" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: false" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " SelfTest \"OCSPPresence\"" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " SelfTest ID: OCSPPresence" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ocsp_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartCleanup "pki ocsp-selftest-show cleanup: Delete temp dir"
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlLog "OCSP subsystem is not installed"
+ rlPhaseEnd
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ocsp-selftest-cli/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ocsp-selftest-cli/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..fdc262644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ocsp-selftest-cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/rhcs/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ocsp-selftest
+# Description: pki ocsp selftest tests
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Niranjan Mallapadi <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Create Temporary Directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki ocsp-selftest --help Test: Show all the options of pki ocsp-selftest"
+ local temp_out="$TmpDir/pki_ocsp_selftest"
+ rlLog "Executing pki ocsp-selftest --help"
+ rlRun "pki ocsp-selftest --help 1> $temp_out" 0 "pki ocsp-selftest --help"
+ rlAssertGrep "Commands:" "$temp_out"
+ rlAssertGrep " ocsp-selftest-find Find selftests" "$temp_out"
+ rlAssertGrep " ocsp-selftest-run Run selftests" "$temp_out"
+ rlAssertGrep " ocsp-selftest-show Show selftest" "$temp_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ocsp_selftest-001: pki ocsp-selftest with characters should return invalid module"
+ local temp_out1="$TmpDir/pki_ocsp_selftest001"
+ local rand=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ rlLog "Executing pki ocsp-selftest \"$junk\" characters"
+ rlRun "pki ocsp-selftest \"$junk\" 2> $temp_out1" 1,255 "Command pki ocsp-selftest with junk characters"
+ rlAssertGrep "Error: Invalid module" "$temp_out1"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartCleanup "pki ocsp-selftest cleanup: Delete temp dir"
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlPhaseEnd
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tks-selftest-cli/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tks-selftest-cli/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..66e58692c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tks-selftest-cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/rhcs/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli
+# Description: PKI TKS SELFTEST CLI
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# The following pki ca-selftest cli commands needs to be tested:
+# pki tks-selftest-find
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Niranjan Mallapadi <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+ local cs_Type=$1
+ local cs_Role=$2
+ # Creating Temporary Directory for pki tks-selftest-find
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "pki tks-selftest-find Temporary Directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ # Local Variables
+ get_topo_stack $cs_Role $TmpDir/topo_file
+ local TKS_INST=$(cat $TmpDir/topo_file | grep MY_TKS | cut -d= -f2)
+ tks_instance_created="False"
+ if [ "$TOPO9" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ prefix=$TKS_INST
+ tks_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${TKS_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ elif [ "$cs_Role" = "MASTER" ] ; then
+ prefix=TKS1
+ tks_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${TKS_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ else
+ prefix=$cs_Role
+ tks_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${TKS_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ fi
+if [ "$tks_instance_created" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ local target_secure_port=$(eval echo \$${TKS_INST}_SECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_tks_agent=$TKS_INST\_agentV
+ local tmp_tks_admin=$TKS_INST\_adminV
+ local tmp_tks_port=$(eval echo \$${TKS_INST}_UNSECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_tks_host=$(eval echo \$${cs_Role})
+ local valid_agent_cert=$TKS_INST\_agentV
+ local valid_audit_cert=$TKS_INST\_auditV
+ local valid_operator_cert=$TKS_INST\_operatorV
+ local valid_admin_cert=$TKS_INST\_adminV
+ local revoked_agent_cert=$TKS_INST\_agentR
+ local revoked_admin_cert=$TKS_INST\_adminR
+ local expired_admin_cert=$TKS_INST\_adminE
+ local expired_agent_cert=$TKS_INST\_agentE
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB="$TmpDir/nssdb"
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD="redhat"
+ local exp="$TmpDir/expfile.out"
+ local expout="$TmpDir/exp_out"
+ local cert_info="$TmpDir/cert_info"
+ local tks_selftest_find_output=$TmpDir/tks-selftest-find.out
+ local rand=$RANDOM
+ local tmp_junk_data=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ # Config test for pki tks-selftest-find
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest-configtest: pki tks-selftest-find --help configuration test"
+ rlRun "pki tks-selftest-find --help > $tks_selftest_find_output" 0 "pki tks-selftest-find --help"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: tks-selftest-find \[FILTER\] \[OPTIONS...\]" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --size <size> Page size" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --start <start> Page start" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pk_tks_selftest-001: find all the existing selftests for CA using admin cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find > $tks_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the TKS Selftest using $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find > $tks_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the TKS Selftest using $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "2 entries matched" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: TKSKnownSessionKey" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: SystemCertsVerification" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest-002: verifying all ca selftests cannot be found by agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find > $tks_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the TKS Selftest using $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find 2> $tks_selftest_find_output" 1,255 "Find all the TKS Selftest using $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest-003: verifying all ca selftests cannot be found by operator cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find > $tks_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the TKS Selftest using $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find 2> $tks_selftest_find_output" 1,255 "Find all the TKS Selftest using $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest-004: verifying all ca selftests cannot be found by audit cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find > $tks_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the TKS Selftest using $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find 2> $tks_selftest_find_output" 1,255 "Find all the TKS Selftest using $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest-005: verifying all ca selftests cannot be found by Revoked admin cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find > $tks_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the TKS Selftest using $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find 2> $tks_selftest_find_output" 1,255 "Find all the TKS Selftest using $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "PKIException: Unauthorized" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest-006: verifying all ca selftests cannot be found by Revoked agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find > $tks_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the TKS Selftest using $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find 2> $tks_selftest_find_output" 1,255 "Find all the TKS Selftest using $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest-007: verifying all ca selftests cannot be found by Expired agent cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_agent_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find > $tks_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the TKS Selftest using $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find > $tks_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Find all the TKS Selftest using $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest-008: verifying all ca selftests cannot be found by Expired admin cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_admin_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find > $tks_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the TKS Selftest using $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find > $tks_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Find all the TKS Selftest using $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest-009: verify when --size 1 is specified only 1 TKS selftest is displayed"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find --size 1 > $tks_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki tks-selftest-find --size 1"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find --size 1 1> $tks_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki tks-selftest-find --size 1"
+ rlAssertGrep "2 entries matched" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: TKSKnownSessionKey" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStart "pki_tks_selftest-0010: verify when value given in --size is more than 3 display all the selftests"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find --size 100 > $tks_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki tks-selftest-find --size 100"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find --size 100 > $tks_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki tks-selftest-find --size 100"
+ rlAssertGrep "2 entries matched" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: TKSKnownSessionKey" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: SystemCertsVerification" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest-0011: verify when value given in --size is junk no results are returned"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find --size adafdafds > $tks_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki tks-selftest-find --size adafdafds"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find --size adafdafds > $tks_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Run pki tks-selftest-find --size adafdafds"
+ rlAssertGrep "NumberFormatException: For input string: \"adafdafds\"" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGroup
+ PhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest-0012: verify when no value with --size command fails with help message"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find --size > $tks_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "No value is passed to pki tks-selftest-find --size"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find --size > $tks_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "No value is passed to pki tks-selftest-find --size"
+ rlAssertGrep "Error: Missing argument for option: size" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: tks-selftest-find \[FILTER\] \[OPTIONS...\]" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --size <size> Page size" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --start <start> Page start" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest-0013: verify when --size 1 and --start 1 is specified only 1 TKS selftest is displayed"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find --size 1 --start 1 > $tks_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki tks-selftest-find --size 1 --start 1"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find --size 1 --start 1 > $tks_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki tks-selftest-find --size 1 --start 1"
+ rlAssertGrep "2 entries matched" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: SystemCertsVerification" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest-0014: verify when no value with --start command fails with help message"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find --start > $tks_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "No value is passed to pki tks-selftest-find --size"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-find --start > $tks_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "No value is passed to pki tks-selftest-find --size"
+ rlAssertGrep "Error: Missing argument for option: start" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: tks-selftest-find \[FILTER\] \[OPTIONS...\]" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --size <size> Page size" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --start <start> Page start" "$tks_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartCleanup "pki tks-selftest-find cleanup: Delete temp dir"
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlLog "TKS subsystem is not installed"
+ rlPhaseEnd
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tks-selftest-cli/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tks-selftest-cli/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..52da2a979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tks-selftest-cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/rhcs/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tks-selftest-cli
+# Description: PKI TKS SELFTEST CLI
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# The following pki ca-selftest cli commands needs to be tested:
+# pki tks-selftest-run
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Niranjan Mallapadi <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+ local cs_Type=$1
+ local cs_Role=$2
+ # Creating Temporary Directory for pki tks-selftest-run
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "pki tks-selftest-run Temporary Directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ # Local Variables
+ get_topo_stack $cs_Role $TmpDir/topo_file
+ local TKS_INST=$(cat $TmpDir/topo_file | grep MY_TKS | cut -d= -f2)
+ tks_instance_created="False"
+ if [ "$TOPO9" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ prefix=$TKS_INST
+ tks_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${TKS_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ elif [ "$cs_Role" = "MASTER" ] ; then
+ prefix=TKS1
+ tks_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${TKS_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ else
+ prefix=$cs_Role
+ tks_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${TKS_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ fi
+if [ "$tks_instance_created" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ local target_secure_port=$(eval echo \$${TKS_INST}_SECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_tks_agent=$TKS_INST\_agentV
+ local tmp_tks_admin=$TKS_INST\_adminV
+ local tmp_tks_port=$(eval echo \$${TKS_INST}_UNSECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_tks_host=$(eval echo \$${cs_Role})
+ local valid_agent_cert=$TKS_INST\_agentV
+ local valid_audit_cert=$TKS_INST\_auditV
+ local valid_operator_cert=$TKS_INST\_operatorV
+ local valid_admin_cert=$TKS_INST\_adminV
+ local revoked_agent_cert=$TKS_INST\_agentR
+ local revoked_admin_cert=$TKS_INST\_adminR
+ local expired_admin_cert=$TKS_INST\_adminE
+ local expired_agent_cert=$TKS_INST\_agentE
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB="$TmpDir/nssdb"
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD="redhat"
+ local exp="$TmpDir/expfile.out"
+ local expout="$TmpDir/exp_out"
+ local cert_info="$TmpDir/cert_info"
+ local tks_selftest_run_output=$TmpDir/tks-selftest-run.out
+ local rand=$RANDOM
+ local tmp_junk_data=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ # Config test for pki tks-selftest-run
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest_run-configtest: pki tks-selftest-run --help configuration test"
+ rlRun "pki tks-selftest-run --help > $tks_selftest_run_output" 0 "pki tks-selftest-run --help"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: tks-selftest-run \[OPTIONS...\]" "$tks_selftest_run_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$tks_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pk_tks_selftest_run-001: Run TKS Selftest using admin cert and verify ca subsystem is up"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-run > $tks_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki tks-selftest-run as $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-run > $tks_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki tks-selftest-run as $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "Selftests completed" "$tks_selftest_run_output"
+ rlLog "Verify tks instance is running"
+ rlRun "systemctl status pki-tomcatd@$(eval echo \$${TKS_INST}_TOMCAT_INSTANCE_NAME) 1> $TmpDir/systemctl.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Active: active (running)" "$TmpDir/systemctl.out"
+ rlLog "Ascertain by running pki tks-user-find command if tks instance is responding"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-user-find --size 1 > $Tmpdir/tks-user-find.out" 0 "Execute pki tks-user-find to verify if tks instance is responding"
+ rlAssertGrep "Number of entries returned 1" "$Tmpdir/tks-user-find.out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest_run-002: Verify ca selftests cannot be run by agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-run > $tks_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki tks-selftest-run as $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-run 2> $tks_selftest_run_output" 1,255 "Execute pki tks-selftest-run as $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$tks_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest_run-003: Verify ca selftests cannot be run operator cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-run > $tks_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki tks-selftest-run as $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-run 2> $tks_selftest_run_output" 1,255 "Execute pki tks-selftest-run as $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$tks_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest_run-004: Verify ca selftests cannot be run audit cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-run > $tks_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki tks-selftest-run as $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-run 2> $tks_selftest_run_output" 1,255 "Execute pki tks-selftest-run as $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$tks_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest_run-005: Verify ca selftests cannot be run Revoked admin cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-run > $tks_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki tks-selftest-run as $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-run 2> $tks_selftest_run_output" 1,255 "Execute pki tks-selftest-run as $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "PKIException: Unauthorized" "$tks_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest_run-006: Verify ca selftests cannot be run Revoked agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-run > $tks_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki tks-selftest-run as $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-run 2> $tks_selftest_run_output" 1,255 "Execute pki tks-selftest-run as $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$tks_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest_run-007: Verify ca selftests cannot be run Expired agent cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_agent_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-run > $tks_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki tks-selftest-run as $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-run > $tks_selftest_run_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Execute pki tks-selftest-run as $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$tks_selftest_run_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest_run-008: Verify ca selftests cannot be run Expired admin cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_admin_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-run > $tks_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki tks-selftest-run as $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-run > $tks_selftest_run_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Execute pki tks-selftest-run as $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$tks_selftest_run_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartCleanup "pki tks-selftest-run cleanup: Delete temp dir"
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlLog "TKS subsystem is not installed"
+ rlPhaseEnd
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tks-selftest-cli/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tks-selftest-cli/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d44243adc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tks-selftest-cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/rhcs/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tks-selftest-cli
+# Description: PKI TKS SELFTEST CLI
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# The following pki ca-selftest cli commands needs to be tested:
+# pki tks-selftest-show
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Niranjan Mallapadi <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+ local cs_Type=$1
+ local cs_Role=$2
+ # Creating Temporary Directory for pki tks-selftest-show
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "pki tks-selftest-show Temporary Directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ # Local Variables
+ get_topo_stack $cs_Role $TmpDir/topo_file
+ local TKS_INST=$(cat $TmpDir/topo_file | grep MY_TKS | cut -d= -f2)
+ tks_instance_created="False"
+ if [ "$TOPO9" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ prefix=$TKS_INST
+ tks_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${TKS_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ elif [ "$cs_Role" = "MASTER" ] ; then
+ prefix=TKS1
+ tks_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${TKS_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ else
+ prefix=$cs_Role
+ tks_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${TKS_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ fi
+if [ "$tks_instance_created" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ local target_secure_port=$(eval echo \$${TKS_INST}_SECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_tks_agent=$TKS_INST\_agentV
+ local tmp_tks_admin=$TKS_INST\_adminV
+ local tmp_tks_port=$(eval echo \$${TKS_INST}_UNSECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_tks_host=$(eval echo \$${cs_Role})
+ local valid_agent_cert=$TKS_INST\_agentV
+ local valid_audit_cert=$TKS_INST\_auditV
+ local valid_operator_cert=$TKS_INST\_operatorV
+ local valid_admin_cert=$TKS_INST\_adminV
+ local revoked_agent_cert=$TKS_INST\_agentR
+ local revoked_admin_cert=$TKS_INST\_adminR
+ local expired_admin_cert=$TKS_INST\_adminE
+ local expired_agent_cert=$TKS_INST\_agentE
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB="$TmpDir/nssdb"
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD="redhat"
+ local exp="$TmpDir/expfile.out"
+ local expout="$TmpDir/exp_out"
+ local cert_info="$TmpDir/cert_info"
+ local tks_selftest_show_output=$TmpDir/tks-selftest-show.out
+ local rand=$RANDOM
+ local tmp_junk_data=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ # Config test for pki tks-selftest-show
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest_show-configtest: pki tks-selftest-show --help configuration test"
+ rlRun "pki tks-selftest-show --help > $tks_selftest_show_output" 0 "pki tks-selftest-show --help"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: tks-selftest-show <SelfTest ID> \[OPTIONS...\]" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --output <file> Output file to store selfTest properties." "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest_show-001: Show TKSKnownSessionKey selftest properties"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show TKSKnownSessionKey > $tks_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show TKSKnownSessionKey Selftest"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show TKSKnownSessionKey > $tks_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show TKSKnownSessionKey Selftest"
+ rlAssertGrep "SelfTest \"TKSKnownSessionKey\"" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: TKSKnownSessionKey" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest_show-002: Copy TKSKnownSessionKey selftest Properties to a file"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show TKSKnownSessionKey --output $TmpDir/TKSKnownSessionKey > $tks_selftest_show_output" 0 "Save TKSKnownSessionKey Selftest to a file"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show TKSKnownSessionKey --output $TmpDir/TKSKnownSessionKey > $tks_selftest_show_output" 0 "Save TKSKnownSessionKey Selftest to a file"
+ rlAssertGrep "Stored selfTest \"TKSKnownSessionKey\" into $TmpDir/TKSKnownSessionKey" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest_show-003: Show SystemCertsVerification selftest properties"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show SystemCertsVerification > $tks_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show SystemCertsVerification Selftest"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show SystemCertsVerification > $tks_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show SystemCertsVerification Selftest"
+ rlAssertGrep "SelfTest \"SystemCertsVerification\"" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: SystemCertsVerification" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest_show-004: Copy SystemCertsVerification selftest Properties to a file"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show SystemCertsVerification --output $TmpDir/SystemCertsVerification > $tks_selftest_show_output" 0 "Save SystemCertsVerification Selftest to a file"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show SystemCertsVerification --output $TmpDir/SystemCertsVerification > $tks_selftest_show_output" 0 "Save SystemCertsVerification Selftest to a file"
+ rlAssertGrep "Stored selfTest \"SystemCertsVerification\" into $TmpDir/SystemCertsVerification" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest_show-005: Verify TKSKnownSessionKey selftest properties are shown using admin cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show TKSKnownSessionKey > $tks_selftest_show_output" 0 "show TKSKnownSessionKey selftest using $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show TKSKnownSessionKey > $tks_selftest_show_output" 0 "show TKSKnownSessionKey Selftest using $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "SelfTest ID: TKSKnownSessionKey" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest_show-006: verify TKSKnownSessionKey selftest properties cannot be shown using agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show TKSKnownSessionKey > $tks_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show TKSKnownSessionKey selftest property using $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show TKSKnownSessionKey 2> $tks_selftest_show_output" 1,255 "Show TKSKnownSessionKey selftest property using $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest_show-007: verify TKSKnownSessionKey selftest properties cannot be shown using operator cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show TKSKnownSessionKey > $tks_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show TKSKnownSessionKey selftest property using $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show TKSKnownSessionKey 2> $tks_selftest_show_output" 1,255 "Show TKSKnownSessionKey selftest property using $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest_show-008: verify TKSKnownSessionKey selftest properties cannot be shown using audit cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show TKSKnownSessionKey > $tks_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show TKSKnownSessionKey selftest property using $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show TKSKnownSessionKey 2> $tks_selftest_show_output" 1,255 "Show TKSKnownSessionKey selftest property using $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest_show-009: verify TKSKnownSessionKey selftest properties cannot be shown using revoked admin cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show TKSKnownSessionKey > $tks_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show TKSKnownSessionKey selftest property using $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show TKSKnownSessionKey 2> $tks_selftest_show_output" 1,255 "Show TKSKnownSessionKey selftest property using $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "PKIException: Unauthorized" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest_show-0010: verify TKSKnownSessionKey selftest properties cannot be shown using revoked agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show TKSKnownSessionKey > $tks_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show TKSKnownSessionKey selftest property using $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show TKSKnownSessionKey 2> $tks_selftest_show_output" 1,255 "Show TKSKnownSessionKey selftest property using $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest_show-0011: verify TKSKnownSessionKey selftest properties cannot be shown using Expired agent cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_agent_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show TKSKnownSessionKey > $tks_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show TKSKnownSessionKey selftest property using $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show TKSKnownSessionKey > $tks_selftest_show_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Show TKSKnownSessionKey selftest property using $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest_show-0012: verify TKSKnownSessionKey selftest properties cannot be shown using Expired admin cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_admin_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show TKSKnownSessionKey > $tks_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show TKSKnownSessionKey selftest property using $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show TKSKnownSessionKey > $tks_selftest_show_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Show TKSKnownSessionKey selftest property using $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest_show-0013: verify when no valid selftestID is provided pki tks-selftest-show show show proper help message"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show > $tks_selftest_show_output" 0 "Do not pass any selftestId"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show > $tks_selftest_show_output 2>&1" 255,1 "Do not pass any selftestId"
+ rlAssertGrep "Error: No SelfTest ID specified." "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: tks-selftest-show <SelfTest ID> \[OPTIONS...\]" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --output <file> Output file to store selfTest properties." "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest_show-0014: verify when junk/invalid selftestid is provided, "
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show \"asdfasdf\" > $tks_selftest_show_output" 0 "pass junk \"asdfasdf\" to pki tks-selftest-show"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tks_host \
+ -p $tmp_tks_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tks-selftest-show \"asdfasdf\" > $tks_selftest_show_output" 0 "pass junk \"asdfasdf\" to pki tks-selftest-show"
+ rlAssertGrep "SelfTest \"asdfasdf\"" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: asdfasdf" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: false" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: false" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " SelfTest \"TKSKnownSessionKey\"" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " SelfTest ID: TKSKnownSessionKey" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$tks_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartCleanup "pki tks-selftest-show cleanup: Delete temp dir"
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlLog "TKS subsystem is not installed"
+ rlPhaseEnd
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tks-selftest-cli/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tks-selftest-cli/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..70f08ea4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tks-selftest-cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/rhcs/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tks-selftest
+# Description: pki tks selftest tests
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# The following pki key cli commands needs to be tested:
+# pki-tks-selftest --help
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Niranjan Mallapadi <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Create Temporary Directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki tks-selftest --help Test: Show all the options of pki tks-selftest"
+ local temp_out="$TmpDir/pki_tks_selftest"
+ rlLog "Executing pki tks-selftest --help"
+ rlRun "pki tks-selftest --help 1> $temp_out" 0 "pki tks-selftest --help"
+ rlAssertGrep "Commands:" "$temp_out"
+ rlAssertGrep " tks-selftest-find Find selftests" "$temp_out"
+ rlAssertGrep " tks-selftest-run Run selftests" "$temp_out"
+ rlAssertGrep " tks-selftest-show Show selftest" "$temp_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tks_selftest-001: pki tks-selftest with characters should return invalid module"
+ local temp_out1="$TmpDir/pki_tks_selftest001"
+ local rand=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ rlLog "Executing pki tks-selftest \"$junk\" characters"
+ rlRun "pki tks-selftest \"$junk\" 2> $temp_out1" 1,255 "Command pki tks-selftest with junk characters"
+ rlAssertGrep "Error: Invalid module" "$temp_out1"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartCleanup "pki tks-selftest cleanup: Delete temp dir"
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlPhaseEnd
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tps-selftest-cli/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tps-selftest-cli/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..fc33a02a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tps-selftest-cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/rhcs/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tps-selftest-cli
+# Description: PKI TPS SELFTEST CLI
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# The following pki tps-selftest cli commands needs to be tested:
+# pki tps-selftest-find
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Niranjan Mallapadi <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+ local cs_Type=$1
+ local cs_Role=$2
+ # Creating Temporary Directory for pki tps-selftest-find
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "pki tps-selftest-find Temporary Directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ # Local Variables
+ get_topo_stack $cs_Role $TmpDir/topo_file
+ local TPS_INST=$(cat $TmpDir/topo_file | grep MY_TPS | cut -d= -f2)
+ tps_instance_created="False"
+ if [ "$TOPO9" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ prefix=$TPS_INST
+ tps_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${TPS_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ elif [ "$cs_Role" = "MASTER" ] ; then
+ prefix=TPS1
+ tps_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${TPS_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ else
+ prefix=$cs_Role
+ tps_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${TPS_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ fi
+if [ "$tps_instance_created" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ local target_secure_port=$(eval echo \$${TPS_INST}_SECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_tps_agent=$TPS_INST\_agentV
+ local tmp_tps_admin=$TPS_INST\_adminV
+ local tmp_tps_port=$(eval echo \$${TPS_INST}_UNSECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_tps_host=$(eval echo \$${cs_Role})
+ local valid_agent_cert=$TPS_INST\_agentV
+ local valid_audit_cert=$TPS_INST\_auditV
+ local valid_operator_cert=$TPS_INST\_operatorV
+ local valid_admin_cert=$TPS_INST\_adminV
+ local revoked_agent_cert=$TPS_INST\_agentR
+ local revoked_admin_cert=$TPS_INST\_adminR
+ local expired_admin_cert=$TPS_INST\_adminE
+ local expired_agent_cert=$TPS_INST\_agentE
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB="$TmpDir/nssdb"
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD="redhat"
+ local exp="$TmpDir/expfile.out"
+ local expout="$TmpDir/exp_out"
+ local cert_info="$TmpDir/cert_info"
+ local ca_selftest_find_output=$TmpDir/tps-selftest-find.out
+ local rand=$RANDOM
+ local tmp_junk_data=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ # Config test for pki tps-selftest-find
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest-configtest: pki tps-selftest-find --help configuration test"
+ rlRun "pki tps-selftest-find --help > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "pki tps-selftest-find --help"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: tps-selftest-find \[FILTER\] \[OPTIONS...\]" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --size <size> Page size" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --start <start> Page start" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pk_tps_selftest-001: find all the existing selftests for CA using admin cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the TPS Selftest using $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the TPS Selftest using $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "3 entries matched" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: TPSPresence" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: SystemCertsVerification" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: TPSValidity" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest-002: verifying all ca selftests cannot be found by agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the TPS Selftest using $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find 2> $ca_selftest_find_output" 1,255 "Find all the TPS Selftest using $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest-003: verifying all ca selftests cannot be found by operator cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the TPS Selftest using $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find 2> $ca_selftest_find_output" 1,255 "Find all the TPS Selftest using $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest-004: verifying all ca selftests cannot be found by audit cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the TPS Selftest using $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find 2> $ca_selftest_find_output" 1,255 "Find all the TPS Selftest using $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest-005: verifying all ca selftests cannot be found by Revoked admin cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the TPS Selftest using $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find 2> $ca_selftest_find_output" 1,255 "Find all the TPS Selftest using $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "PKIException: Unauthorized" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest-006: verifying all ca selftests cannot be found by Revoked agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the TPS Selftest using $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find 2> $ca_selftest_find_output" 1,255 "Find all the TPS Selftest using $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest-007: verifying all ca selftests cannot be found by Expired agent cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_agent_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the TPS Selftest using $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find > $ca_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Find all the TPS Selftest using $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest-008: verifying all ca selftests cannot be found by Expired admin cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_admin_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Find all the TPS Selftest using $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find > $ca_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Find all the TPS Selftest using $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest-009: verify when --size 1 is specified only 1 TPS selftest is displayed"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find --size 1 > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki tps-selftest-find --size 1"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find --size 1 1> $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki tps-selftest-find --size 1"
+ rlAssertGrep "3 entries matched" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: TPSPresence" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStart "pki_tps_selftest-0010: verify when value given in --size is more than 3 display all the selftests"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find --size 100 > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki tps-selftest-find --size 100"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find --size 100 > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki tps-selftest-find --size 100"
+ rlAssertGrep "3 entries matched" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: TPSPresence" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: SystemCertsVerification" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: TPSValidity" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest-0011: verify when value given in --size is junk no results are returned"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find --size adafdafds > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki tps-selftest-find --size adafdafds"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find --size adafdafds > $ca_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Run pki tps-selftest-find --size adafdafds"
+ rlAssertGrep "NumberFormatException: For input string: \"adafdafds\"" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGroup
+ PhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest-0012: verify when no value with --size command fails with help message"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find --size > $ca_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "No value is passed to pki tps-selftest-find --size"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find --size > $ca_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "No value is passed to pki tps-selftest-find --size"
+ rlAssertGrep "Error: Missing argument for option: size" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: tps-selftest-find \[FILTER\] \[OPTIONS...\]" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --size <size> Page size" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --start <start> Page start" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest-0013: verify when --size 1 and --start 1 is specified only 1 TPS selftest is displayed"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find --size 1 --start 1 > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki tps-selftest-find --size 1 --start 1"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find --size 1 --start 1 > $ca_selftest_find_output" 0 "Run pki tps-selftest-find --size 1 --start 1"
+ rlAssertGrep "3 entries matched" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: SystemCertsVerification" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest-0014: verify when no value with --start command fails with help message"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find --start > $ca_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "No value is passed to pki tps-selftest-find --size"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-find --start > $ca_selftest_find_output 2>&1" 1,255 "No value is passed to pki tps-selftest-find --size"
+ rlAssertGrep "Error: Missing argument for option: start" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: tps-selftest-find \[FILTER\] \[OPTIONS...\]" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --size <size> Page size" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --start <start> Page start" "$ca_selftest_find_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartCleanup "pki tps-selftest-find cleanup: Delete temp dir"
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlLog "TPS subsystem is not installed"
+ rlPhaseEnd
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tps-selftest-cli/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tps-selftest-cli/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..17983aa33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tps-selftest-cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/rhcs/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tps-selftest-cli
+# Description: PKI TPS SELFTEST CLI
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# The following pki tps-selftest cli commands needs to be tested:
+# pki tps-selftest-run
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Niranjan Mallapadi <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+ local cs_Type=$1
+ local cs_Role=$2
+ # Creating Temporary Directory for pki tps-selftest-run
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "pki tps-selftest-run Temporary Directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ # Local Variables
+ get_topo_stack $cs_Role $TmpDir/topo_file
+ local TPS_INST=$(cat $TmpDir/topo_file | grep MY_TPS | cut -d= -f2)
+ tps_instance_created="False"
+ if [ "$TOPO9" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ prefix=$TPS_INST
+ tps_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${TPS_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ elif [ "$cs_Role" = "MASTER" ] ; then
+ prefix=TPS1
+ tps_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${TPS_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ else
+ prefix=$cs_Role
+ tps_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${TPS_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ fi
+if [ "$tps_instance_created" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ local target_secure_port=$(eval echo \$${TPS_INST}_SECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_tps_agent=$TPS_INST\_agentV
+ local tmp_tps_admin=$TPS_INST\_adminV
+ local tmp_tps_port=$(eval echo \$${TPS_INST}_UNSECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_tps_host=$(eval echo \$${cs_Role})
+ local valid_agent_cert=$TPS_INST\_agentV
+ local valid_audit_cert=$TPS_INST\_auditV
+ local valid_operator_cert=$TPS_INST\_operatorV
+ local valid_admin_cert=$TPS_INST\_adminV
+ local revoked_agent_cert=$TPS_INST\_agentR
+ local revoked_admin_cert=$TPS_INST\_adminR
+ local expired_admin_cert=$TPS_INST\_adminE
+ local expired_agent_cert=$TPS_INST\_agentE
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB="$TmpDir/nssdb"
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD="redhat"
+ local exp="$TmpDir/expfile.out"
+ local expout="$TmpDir/exp_out"
+ local cert_info="$TmpDir/cert_info"
+ local tps_selftest_run_output=$TmpDir/tps-selftest-run.out
+ local rand=$RANDOM
+ local tmp_junk_data=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ # Config test for pki tps-selftest-run
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_run-configtest: pki tps-selftest-run --help configuration test"
+ rlRun "pki tps-selftest-run --help > $tps_selftest_run_output" 0 "pki tps-selftest-run --help"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: tps-selftest-run \[OPTIONS...\]" "$tps_selftest_run_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$tps_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_run-001: Run TPS Selftest using admin cert and verify ca subsystem is up"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-run > $tps_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki tps-selftest-run as $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-run > $tps_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki tps-selftest-run as $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "Selftests completed" "$tps_selftest_run_output"
+ rlLog "Verify tps instance is running"
+ rlRun "systemctl status pki-tomcatd@$(eval echo \$${TPS_INST}_TOMCAT_INSTANCE_NAME) 1> $TmpDir/systemctl.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Active: active (running)" "$TmpDir/systemctl.out"
+ rlLog "Ascertain by running pki tps-user-find command if tps instance is responding"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-user-find --size 1 > $Tmpdir/tps-user-find.out" 0 "Execute pki tps-user-find to verify if tps user instance is responding"
+ rlAssertGrep "Number of entries returned 1" "$Tmpdir/tps-user-find.out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_run-002: Verify ca selftests cannot be run by agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-run > $tps_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki tps-selftest-run as $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-run 2> $tps_selftest_run_output" 1,255 "Execute pki tps-selftest-run as $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$tps_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_run-003: Verify ca selftests cannot be run operator cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-run > $tps_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki tps-selftest-run as $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-run 2> $tps_selftest_run_output" 1,255 "Execute pki tps-selftest-run as $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$tps_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_run-004: Verify ca selftests cannot be run audit cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-run > $tps_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki tps-selftest-run as $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-run 2> $tps_selftest_run_output" 1,255 "Execute pki tps-selftest-run as $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$tps_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_run-005: Verify ca selftests cannot be run Revoked admin cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-run > $tps_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki tps-selftest-run as $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-run 2> $tps_selftest_run_output" 1,255 "Execute pki tps-selftest-run as $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "PKIException: Unauthorized" "$tps_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_run-006: Verify ca selftests cannot be run Revoked agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-run > $tps_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki tps-selftest-run as $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-run 2> $tps_selftest_run_output" 1,255 "Execute pki tps-selftest-run as $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$tps_selftest_run_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_run-007: Verify ca selftests cannot be run Expired agent cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_agent_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-run > $tps_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki tps-selftest-run as $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-run > $tps_selftest_run_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Execute pki tps-selftest-run as $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$tps_selftest_run_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_run-008: Verify ca selftests cannot be run Expired admin cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_admin_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-run > $tps_selftest_run_output" 0 "Execute pki tps-selftest-run as $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-run > $tps_selftest_run_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Execute pki tps-selftest-run as $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$tps_selftest_run_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartCleanup "pki tps-selftest-run cleanup: Delete temp dir"
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlLog "TPS subsystem is not installed"
+ rlPhaseEnd
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tps-selftest-cli/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tps-selftest-cli/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8776c452d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tps-selftest-cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/rhcs/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tps-selftest-cli
+# Description: PKI CA SELFTEST CLI
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# The following pki tps-selftest cli commands needs to be tested:
+# pki tps-selftest-show
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Niranjan Mallapadi <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+ local cs_Type=$1
+ local cs_Role=$2
+ # Creating Temporary Directory for pki tps-selftest-show
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "pki tps-selftest-show Temporary Directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ # Local Variables
+ get_topo_stack $cs_Role $TmpDir/topo_file
+ local TPS_INST=$(cat $TmpDir/topo_file | grep MY_TPS | cut -d= -f2)
+ tps_instance_created="False"
+ if [ "$TOPO9" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ prefix=$TPS_INST
+ tps_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${TPS_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ elif [ "$cs_Role" = "MASTER" ] ; then
+ prefix=TPS1
+ tps_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${TPS_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ else
+ prefix=$cs_Role
+ tps_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${TPS_INST}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ fi
+if [ "$tps_instance_created" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ local target_secure_port=$(eval echo \$${TPS_INST}_SECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_tps_agent=$TPS_INST\_agentV
+ local tmp_tps_admin=$TPS_INST\_adminV
+ local tmp_tps_port=$(eval echo \$${TPS_INST}_UNSECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_tps_host=$(eval echo \$${cs_Role})
+ local valid_agent_cert=$TPS_INST\_agentV
+ local valid_audit_cert=$TPS_INST\_auditV
+ local valid_operator_cert=$TPS_INST\_operatorV
+ local valid_admin_cert=$TPS_INST\_adminV
+ local revoked_agent_cert=$TPS_INST\_agentR
+ local revoked_admin_cert=$TPS_INST\_adminR
+ local expired_admin_cert=$TPS_INST\_adminE
+ local expired_agent_cert=$TPS_INST\_agentE
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB="$TmpDir/nssdb"
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD="redhat"
+ local exp="$TmpDir/expfile.out"
+ local expout="$TmpDir/exp_out"
+ local cert_info="$TmpDir/cert_info"
+ local tps_selftest_show_output=$TmpDir/tps-selftest-show.out
+ local rand=$RANDOM
+ local tmp_junk_data=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ # Config test for pki tps-selftest-show
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_show-configtest: pki tps-selftest-show --help configuration test"
+ rlRun "pki tps-selftest-show --help > $tps_selftest_show_output" 0 "pki tps-selftest-show --help"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: tps-selftest-show <SelfTest ID> \[OPTIONS...\]" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --output <file> Output file to store selfTest properties." "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_show-001: Show TPSPresence selftest properties"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show TPSPresence > $tps_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show TPSPresence Selftest"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show TPSPresence > $tps_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show TPSPresence Selftest"
+ rlAssertGrep "SelfTest \"TPSPresence\"" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: TPSPresence" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_show-002: Copy TPSPresence selftest Properties to a file"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show TPSPresence --output $TmpDir/TPSPresence > $tps_selftest_show_output" 0 "Save TPSPresence Selftest to a file"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show TPSPresence --output $TmpDir/TPSPresence > $tps_selftest_show_output" 0 "Save TPSPresence Selftest to a file"
+ rlAssertGrep "Stored selfTest \"TPSPresence\" into $TmpDir/TPSPresence" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_show-003: Show SystemCertsVerification selftest properties"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show SystemCertsVerification > $tps_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show SystemCertsVerification Selftest"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show SystemCertsVerification > $tps_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show SystemCertsVerification Selftest"
+ rlAssertGrep "SelfTest \"SystemCertsVerification\"" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: SystemCertsVerification" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_show-004: Copy SystemCertsVerification selftest Properties to a file"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show SystemCertsVerification --output $TmpDir/SystemCertsVerification > $tps_selftest_show_output" 0 "Save SystemCertsVerification Selftest to a file"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show SystemCertsVerification --output $TmpDir/SystemCertsVerification > $tps_selftest_show_output" 0 "Save SystemCertsVerification Selftest to a file"
+ rlAssertGrep "Stored selfTest \"SystemCertsVerification\" into $TmpDir/SystemCertsVerification" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_show-005: Show TPSValidity selftest properties"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show TPSValidity > $tps_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show TPSValidity Selftest"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show TPSValidity > $tps_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show TPSValidity Selftest"
+ rlAssertGrep "SelfTest \"TPSValidity\"" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: TPSValidity" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: false" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_show-006: Copy TPSValidity selftest Properties to a file"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show TPSValidity --output $TmpDir/TPSValidity > $tps_selftest_show_output" 0 "Save TPSValidity Selftest to a file"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show TPSValidity --output $TmpDir/TPSValidity > $tps_selftest_show_output" 0 "Save TPSValidity Selftest to a file"
+ rlAssertGrep "Stored selfTest \"TPSValidity\" into $TmpDir/TPSValidity" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_show-007: Verify TPSPresence selftest properties are shown using admin cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show TPSPresence > $tps_selftest_show_output" 0 "show TPSPresence selftest using $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show TPSPresence > $tps_selftest_show_output" 0 "show TPSPresence Selftest using $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "SelfTest ID: TPSPresence" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_show-008: verify TPSPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show TPSPresence > $tps_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show TPSPresence selftest property using $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show TPSPresence 2> $tps_selftest_show_output" 1,255 "Show TPSPresence selftest property using $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_show-009: verify TPSPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using operator cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show TPSPresence > $tps_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show TPSPresence selftest property using $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show TPSPresence 2> $tps_selftest_show_output" 1,255 "Show TPSPresence selftest property using $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_show-0010: verify TPSPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using audit cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show TPSPresence > $tps_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show TPSPresence selftest property using $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_operator_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show TPSPresence 2> $tps_selftest_show_output" 1,255 "Show TPSPresence selftest property using $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_show-0011: verify TPSPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using revoked admin cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show TPSPresence > $tps_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show TPSPresence selftest property using $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show TPSPresence 2> $tps_selftest_show_output" 1,255 "Show TPSPresence selftest property using $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "PKIException: Unauthorized" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_show-0012: verify TPSPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using revoked agent cert"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show TPSPresence > $tps_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show TPSPresence selftest property using $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$revoked_agent_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show TPSPresence 2> $tps_selftest_show_output" 1,255 "Show TPSPresence selftest property using $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_show-0013: verify TPSPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using Expired agent cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_agent_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show TPSPresence > $tps_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show TPSPresence selftest property using $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$expired_agent_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show TPSPresence > $tps_selftest_show_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Show TPSPresence selftest property using $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_show-0014: verify TPSPresence selftest properties cannot be shown using Expired admin cert"
+ local cur_date=$(date +%a\ %b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_admin_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show TPSPresence > $tps_selftest_show_output" 0 "Show TPSPresence selftest property using $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$expired_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show TPSPresence > $tps_selftest_show_output 2>&1" 1,255 "Show TPSPresence selftest property using $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_show-0015: verify when no valid selftestID is provided pki tps-selftest-show show show proper help message"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show > $tps_selftest_show_output" 0 "Do not pass any selftestId"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show > $tps_selftest_show_output 2>&1" 255,1 "Do not pass any selftestId"
+ rlAssertGrep "Error: No SelfTest ID specified." "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: tps-selftest-show <SelfTest ID> \[OPTIONS...\]" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " --output <file> Output file to store selfTest properties." "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_tps_selftest_show-0016: verify when junk/invalid selftestid is provided, "
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show \"asdfasdf\" > $tps_selftest_show_output" 0 "pass junk \"asdfasdf\" to pki tps-selftest-show"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_tps_host \
+ -p $tmp_tps_port \
+ -n \"$valid_admin_cert\" \
+ tps-selftest-show \"asdfasdf\" > $tps_selftest_show_output" 0 "pass junk \"asdfasdf\" to pki tps-selftest-show"
+ rlAssertGrep "SelfTest \"asdfasdf\"" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " SelfTest ID: asdfasdf" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled at startup: false" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertGrep " Enabled on demand: false" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " SelfTest \"TPSPresence\"" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " SelfTest ID: TPSPresence" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " Enabled at startup: true" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " Critical at startup: true" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " Enabled on demand: true" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlAssertNotGrep " Critical on demand: true" "$tps_selftest_show_output"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartCleanup "pki tps-selftest-show cleanup: Delete temp dir"
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlLog "TPS subsystem is not installed"
+ rlPhaseEnd
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tps-selftest-cli/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tps-selftest-cli/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..688ed8741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tps-selftest-cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/rhcs/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tps-selftest
+# Description: pki tps selftest tests
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# The following pki key cli commands needs to be tested:
+# pki-tps-selftest --help
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Niranjan Mallapadi <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Create Temporary Directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki tps-selftest --help Test: Show all the options of pki tps-selftest"
+ local temp_out="$TmpDir/pki_ca_selftest"
+ rlLog "Executing pki tps-selftest --help"
+ rlRun "pki tps-selftest --help 1> $temp_out" 0 "pki tps-selftest --help"
+ rlAssertGrep "Commands:" "$temp_out"
+ rlAssertGrep " tps-selftest-find Find selftests" "$temp_out"
+ rlAssertGrep " tps-selftest-run Run selftests" "$temp_out"
+ rlAssertGrep " tps-selftest-show Show selftest" "$temp_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_selftest-001: pki tps-selftest with characters should return invalid module"
+ local temp_out1="$TmpDir/pki_ca_selftest001"
+ local rand=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ rlLog "Executing pki tps-selftest \"$junk\" characters"
+ rlRun "pki tps-selftest \"$junk\" 2> $temp_out1" 1,255 "Command pki tps-selftest with junk characters"
+ rlAssertGrep "Error: Invalid module" "$temp_out1"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartCleanup "pki tps-selftest cleanup: Delete temp dir"
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlPhaseEnd
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/ b/tests/dogtag/
index 8c742420e..f55849f00 100755
--- a/tests/dogtag/
+++ b/tests/dogtag/
@@ -241,6 +241,29 @@
. ./acceptance/bugzilla/jss-bugs/
. ./acceptance/bugzilla/jss-bugs/
. ./acceptance/bugzilla/pki-core-bugs/
+. ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli/
+. ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli/
+. ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli/
+. ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli/
+. ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-selftest-cli/
+. ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli/
+. ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli/
+. ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli/
+. ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli/
+. ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-selftest-cli/
+. ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ocsp-selftest-cli/
+. ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ocsp-selftest-cli/
+. ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ocsp-selftest-cli/
+. ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ocsp-selftest-cli/
+. ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tks-selftest-cli/
+. ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tks-selftest-cli/
+. ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tks-selftest-cli/
+. ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tks-selftest-cli/
+. ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tps-selftest-cli/
+. ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tps-selftest-cli/
+. ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tps-selftest-cli/
+. ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-tps-selftest-cli/
# Make sure TESTORDER is initialized or multihost may have issues
@@ -1838,6 +1861,179 @@ rlJournalStart
run_rhcs_tps_installer_tests $subsystemId $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ # Execute pki ca-selftest --help
+ run_pki-ca-selftest_tests
+ fi
+ # Execute pki ca-selftest-find
+ subsystemType=ca
+ run_pki-ca-selftest-find_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ fi
+ # Execute pki ca-selftest-run
+ subsystemType=ca
+ run_pki-ca-selftest-run_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ fi
+ # Execute pki ca-selftest-show
+ subsystemType=ca
+ run_pki-ca-selftest-show_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ fi
+ # Execute pki ca-selftest admin
+ subsystemType=ca
+ run_pki-ca-selftest-admin_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ fi
+ # Execute pki kra-selftest-find
+ subsystemType=kra
+ run_pki-kra-selftest-find_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ fi
+ # Execute pki kra-selftest-run
+ subsystemType=kra
+ run_pki-kra-selftest-run_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ fi
+ # Execute pki kra-selftest-show
+ subsystemType=kra
+ run_pki-kra-selftest-show_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ fi
+ # Execute pki kra-selftest --help
+ run_pki-kra-selftest_tests
+ fi
+ # Execute pki kra-selftest admin
+ subsystemType=kra
+ run_pki-kra-selftest-admin_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ fi
+ # Execute pki ocsp-selftest-find
+ subsystemType=ocsp
+ run_pki-ocsp-selftest-find_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ fi
+ # Execute pki ocsp-selftest-run
+ subsystemType=ocsp
+ run_pki-ocsp-selftest-run_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ fi
+ # Execute pki ocsp-selftest-show
+ subsystemType=ocsp
+ run_pki-ocsp-selftest-show_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ fi
+ # Execute pki ocsp-selftest --help
+ run_pki-ocsp-selftest_tests
+ fi
+ # Execute pki tks-selftest-find
+ subsystemType=tks
+ run_pki-tks-selftest-find_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ fi
+ # Execute pki tks-selftest-run
+ subsystemType=tks
+ run_pki-tks-selftest-run_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ fi
+ # Execute pki tks-selftest-show
+ subsystemType=tks
+ run_pki-tks-selftest-show_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ fi
+ # Execute pki tks-selftest --help
+ run_pki-tks-selftest_tests
+ fi
+ # Execute pki tps-selftest-run
+ subsystemType=tps
+ run_pki-tps-selftest-run_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ fi
+ # Execute pki tps-selftest-show
+ subsystemType=tps
+ run_pki-tps-selftest-show_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ fi
+ # Execute pki tps-selftest --help
+ run_pki-tps-selftest_tests
+ fi
+ #############CA Selftests###################
+ # Execute all ca selftest cli's
+ subsystemType=ca
+ run_pki-ca-selftest_tests
+ run_pki-ca-selftest-find_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ run_pki-ca-selftest-run_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ run_pki-ca-selftest-show_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ fi
+ #############KRA Selftests###################
+ # Execute all kra selftest cli's
+ subsystemType=kra
+ run_pki-kra-selftest_tests
+ run_pki-kra-selftest-find_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ run_pki-kra-selftest-run_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ run_pki-kra-selftest-show_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ run_pki-kra-selftest-admin_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ fi
+ #############OCSP Selftests###################
+ # Execute all ocsp selftest cli's
+ subsystemType=ocsp
+ run_pki-ocsp-selftest_tests
+ run_pki-ocsp-selftest-find_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ run_pki-ocsp-selftest-run_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ run_pki-ocsp-selftest-show_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ fi
+ #############TKS Selftests###################
+ # Execute all tks selftest cli's
+ subsystemType=tks
+ run_pki-tks-selftest_tests
+ run_pki-tks-selftest-find_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ run_pki-tks-selftest-run_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ run_pki-tks-selftest-show_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ fi
+ #############TPS Selftests###################
+ # Execute all tps selftest cli's
+ subsystemType=tps
+ run_pki-tps-selftest_tests
+ run_pki-tps-selftest-find_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ run_pki-tps-selftest-run_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ run_pki-tps-selftest-show_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ fi
######## DEV UNIT TESTS ############