path: root/scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..67682ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+rm -rf tmp/external
+mkdir -p tmp/external
+certutil -N -d tmp/external -f password.txt
+openssl rand -out tmp/external/noise.bin 2048
+echo "## Generating external CA certificate..."
+ROOTCA_SKID="0x`openssl rand -hex 20`"
+echo -e "y\n\ny\n${ROOTCA_SKID}\n\n" | \
+ certutil -S \
+ -d tmp/external \
+ -f password.txt \
+ -z tmp/external/noise.bin \
+ -n "External CA" \
+ -s "CN=External CA,O=EXTERNAL" \
+ -x \
+ -t "CTu,Cu,Cu" \
+ -m $RANDOM\
+ -2 \
+ --keyUsage digitalSignature,nonRepudiation,certSigning,crlSigning,critical \
+ --extSKID
+# --nsCertType sslCA,smimeCA,objectSigningCA
+echo "## Exporting external CA certificate..."
+certutil -L -d tmp/external -n "External CA" -a > tmp/external.crt
+echo "## Signing the CA signing certificate..."
+SUBCA_SKID="0x`openssl rand -hex 20`"
+echo -e "y\n\ny\ny\n${ROOTCA_SKID}\n\n\n\n${SUBCA_SKID}\n\n2\n7\n${SUBCA_OCSP}\n\n\n\n" | \
+ certutil -C \
+ -d tmp/external \
+ -f password.txt \
+ -m $RANDOM \
+ -a \
+ -i tmp/ca_signing.csr \
+ -o tmp/ca_signing.crt \
+ -c "External CA" \
+ --extSKID \
+ -2 -3 \
+ --keyUsage digitalSignature,nonRepudiation,certSigning,crlSigning,critical \
+ --extAIA \
+ --extSKID
+echo "## Generating certificate chain..."
+certutil -A -d tmp/external -n "CA Signing Certificate" -t "CT,C,C" -a -i tmp/ca_signing.crt
+#openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl -certfile tmp/external.crt -out tmp/cert_chain.p7b
+#openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl -certfile tmp/external.crt -certfile tmp/ca_signing.crt -out tmp/cert_chain.p7b
+#certutil -C \
+# -d tmp/external \
+# -f password.txt \
+# -m $RANDOM \
+# -a \
+# -i tmp/ca_signing.csr \
+# -o tmp/ca_signing.crt \
+# -c "External CA"