path: root/keys/
diff options
authorPhilip Gabrielsen <>2011-10-11 23:52:25 +0200
committerPhilip Gabrielsen <>2011-10-11 23:52:25 +0200
commit624be4257d31066bc99e5171b5ff8db812e7c852 (patch)
tree00b6b74fbac436fe153f6099fd894f8ebd31f689 /keys/
parentad18dc8ae09f64455255e337345642b7621ee719 (diff)
Added files from SVN
Diffstat (limited to 'keys/')
1 files changed, 485 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/keys/ b/keys/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b10b621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keys/
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+# Zimbra Collaboration Suite Web Client
+# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Zimbra, Inc.
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Zimbra Public License
+# Version 1.3 ("License"); you may not use this file except in
+# compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+# Keyboard Shortcuts for the Zimbra Ajax Toolkit
+# Below is a list of properties that define shortcuts. Each shortcut belongs
+# to a "map", which is the context in which the shortcut applies. For these
+# shortcuts, that is typically determined by which widget (a button or a list,
+# for example) currently has focus.
+# The property key consists of several parts joined by dots. The first part
+# is always the name of a map. The second part is either the name of an action,
+# or the name of a field. Field names are lowercase, and action names are mixed
+# case. The final part of the key may be a platform.
+# Maps
+# ----
+# The map names in this properties file refer to widgets (basic UI pieces)
+# in the toolkit. The map name is the first part of the property name and
+# comes before the period. The following are valid map names:
+# dialog a dialog box (typically has OK/Cancel buttons)
+# button a pressable button, which may have a dropdown submenu
+# list a list view of a set of items
+# menu a menu of possible choices, may have submenus
+# toolbarHorizontal a horizontal set of widgets (usually buttons)
+# toolbarVertical a vertical set of widgets (usually buttons)
+# There is a special map called "keys" that provides information about the
+# keyboard being used. It does not define any actual shortcuts.
+# Fields
+# ------
+# display What the user must type to run the shortcut
+# keycode Keyboard codes for the shortcut
+# description Explanatory text
+# Actions
+# -------
+# An action is an event triggered by a shortcut. It is what the shortcut
+# does. Most of the time, the action invoked by a toolkit shortcut emulates
+# something that could have been done using the mouse. Note that an action
+# may be implemented by more than one widget; exactly what happens depends
+# on the widget. To see what actions are available and what each action does,
+# check the documentation within the shortcut definitions below.
+# The action "INHERIT" has special meaning. When it is used, the name of a
+# map is given rather than a key sequence. The current map will copy all the
+# shortcuts of the given map, and then may add or override those shortcuts.
+# In general, you probably do not want to change those properties.
+# To define a shortcut that applies only on a particular platform (Windows,
+# Macintosh, or Linux), add a platform identifier to the action. The platform
+# identifier can be one of:
+# win mac linux
+# For example:
+# list.ContextMenu.display.mac = ,; Shift+,; Ctrl+M
+# list.ContextMenu.keycode.mac = 188; Shift+188; Ctrl+77
+# Key Sequences (shortcuts)
+# -------------
+# A key sequence is a set of one or more keys that triggers an action. Each
+# key in the sequence may have a modifier (such as the Control or Shift key).
+# Most key sequences consist of just one key. The keys in multiple-key
+# sequences are separated with a comma. The next key in a sequence must be
+# struck within a short time for the sequence to continue.
+# The following are valid modifiers:
+# Ctrl Alt Shift Meta
+# To add a modifier to a key, specify the modifier, then a plus sign, then the
+# key. For example: Ctrl+C. If you want to add more than one modifier, use
+# another plus sign. For example: Ctrl+Alt+Del.
+# If you want to have more than one shortcut for the same action, use a
+# semicolon (and optional space) to separate the shortcuts. For example, to
+# specify three different shortcuts for the list action Foo:
+# list.Foo.display = A; B; C
+# list.Foo.keycode = 65; 66; 67
+# Each key sequence must be defined in two ways. The 'display' version is used
+# on the Shortcuts page to tell the user how to run the shortcut:
+# dialog.Cancel.display = Esc
+# The 'keycode' version is used to match the keystroke to the shortcut by looking
+# at the numeric keycode sent by the keyboard:
+# dialog.Cancel.keycode = 27
+# Key sequences have no notion of upper case or lower case. They map to what
+# you see on your keyboard (for example, a "T"), rather than the character it
+# produces when you strike it (a "t"). To specify a keystroke that requires the
+# Shift key, you must use the Shift modifier. For example, to specify the "@"
+# key, you'd use: Shift+2.
+# Each letter, number, and non-shifted printable character represents itself:
+# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
+# ` - = [ ] ; ' , . /
+# Non-printable keys are specified with special names. The following special
+# keys are available:
+# Home End Esc Del Backspace Enter ArrowUp ArrowDown ArrowLeft ArrowRight Space
+# Documentation
+# -------------
+# Maps and actions can be documented by appending ".description" to the map
+# name or the action and using that as a property name. The descriptive
+# text is the property's value. The descriptions below show up as content in
+# the Shortcuts tab on the Options page.
+# Since properties are unordered, we need to provide a hint about the order in
+# which we want them to appear. They will appear in low-to-high order of the value
+# for the ".sort" version of the property. That applies to both maps and
+# actions. By default, the sort values increment by ten so that it's easy
+# to insert a new item between two others without a ripple effect.
+# Map: keys
+keys.shift.display = Shift
+keys.shift.keycode = 16
+keys.ctrl.display = Ctrl
+keys.ctrl.keycode = 17
+keys.alt.display = Alt
+keys.alt.keycode = 18
+keys.meta.display = Meta = 91
+keys.meta.keycode.mac = 224
+# Map: dialog
+dialog.description = Dialog Boxes
+dialog.sort = 40000
+dialog.Cancel.display = Esc
+dialog.Cancel.keycode = 27
+dialog.Cancel.description = Cancel changes
+dialog.Cancel.sort = 40020
+dialog.Enter.display = Enter; Space
+dialog.Enter.keycode = 13; 32
+dialog.Enter.description = Save changes
+dialog.Enter.sort = 40010
+dialog.Yes.display = Y
+dialog.Yes.keycode = 89
+dialog.Yes.description = Respond "Yes"
+dialog.Yes.sort = 40030
+dialog.No.display = N
+dialog.No.keycode = 78
+dialog.No.description = Respond "No"
+dialog.No.sort = 40040
+# Map: button
+button.description = Buttons
+button.sort = 10000
+button.Select.display = Enter
+button.Select.keycode = 13
+button.Select.description = Press the button
+button.Select.sort = 10010
+button.SubMenu.display = ArrowDown
+button.SubMenu.keycode = 40
+button.SubMenu.description = Display menu
+button.SubMenu.sort = 10020;
+# Map: list
+list.description = Lists
+list.sort = 30000
+list.AddNext.display = Shift+ArrowDown
+list.AddNext.keycode = Shift+40
+list.AddNext.description = Add next item
+list.AddNext.sort = 30090
+list.AddPrevious.display = Shift+ArrowUp
+list.AddPrevious.keycode = Shift+38
+list.AddPrevious.description = Add previous item
+list.AddPrevious.sort = 30100
+list.ContextMenu.display = ,; Ctrl+Enter
+list.ContextMenu.keycode = 188; Ctrl+13
+list.ContextMenu.display.mac = ,; Ctrl+M
+list.ContextMenu.keycode.mac = 188; Ctrl+77
+list.ContextMenu.description = Show right-click menu
+list.ContextMenu.sort = 30080
+list.DoubleClick.display = Enter
+list.DoubleClick.keycode = 13
+list.DoubleClick.description = Double-click
+list.DoubleClick.sort = 30070
+list.Next.display = Ctrl+ArrowDown
+list.Next.keycode = Ctrl+40
+list.Next.description = Focus next item
+list.Next.sort = 30110
+list.Previous.display = Ctrl+ArrowUp
+list.Previous.keycode = Ctrl+38
+list.Previous.description = Focus previous item
+list.Previous.sort = 30120
+list.SelectAll.display = Ctrl+A
+list.SelectAll.keycode = Ctrl+65
+list.SelectAll.description = Select all
+list.SelectAll.sort = 30030
+list.SelectCurrent.display = Ctrl+`
+list.SelectCurrent.keycode = Ctrl+192
+list.SelectCurrent.description = Select/Unselect
+list.SelectCurrent.sort = 30060
+list.SelectFirst.display = Home
+list.SelectFirst.display.mac = Home; Meta+ArrowUp
+list.SelectFirst.keycode = 36
+list.SelectFirst.keycode.mac = 36; Meta+38
+list.SelectFirst.description = Select first item
+list.SelectFirst.sort = 30040
+list.SelectLast.display = End
+list.SelectLast.display.mac = End; Meta+ArrowDown
+list.SelectLast.keycode = 35
+list.SelectLast.keycode.mac = 36; Meta+40
+list.SelectLast.description = Select last item
+list.SelectLast.sort = 30050
+list.SelectNext.display = ArrowDown; Space; J
+list.SelectNext.keycode = 40; 32; 74
+list.SelectNext.description = Select next item
+list.SelectNext.sort = 30010
+list.SelectPrevious.display = ArrowUp; K
+list.SelectPrevious.keycode = 38; 75
+list.SelectPrevious.description = Select previous item
+list.SelectPrevious.sort = 30020
+list.PageUp.display = PageUp
+list.PageUp.display.mac = Alt + ArrowUp
+list.PageUp.keycode = 33
+list.PageUp.keycode.mac = Alt+38
+list.PageUp.description = Scroll up one page
+list.PageUp.sort = 30023
+list.PageDown.display = PageDown
+list.PageDown.display.mac = Alt + ArrowDown
+list.PageDown.keycode = 34
+list.PageDown.keycode.mac = Alt+40
+list.PageDown.description = Scroll down one page
+list.PageDown.sort = 30027
+# Map: tree
+tree.description = Trees
+tree.sort = 30500
+tree.Next.display = ArrowDown
+tree.Next.keycode = 40
+tree.Next.description = Next item
+tree.Next.sort = 30510
+tree.Previous.display = ArrowUp
+tree.Previous.keycode = 38
+tree.Previous.description = Previous item
+tree.Previous.sort = 30520
+tree.Expand.display = ArrowRight
+tree.Expand.keycode = 39
+tree.Expand.description = Expand
+tree.Expand.sort = 30530
+tree.Collapse.display = ArrowLeft
+tree.Collapse.keycode = 37
+tree.Collapse.description = Collapse
+tree.Collapse.sort = 30540
+tree.ContextMenu.display = ,; Ctrl+Enter
+tree.ContextMenu.keycode = 188; Ctrl+13
+tree.ContextMenu.display.mac = ,; Ctrl+M
+tree.ContextMenu.keycode.mac = 188; Ctrl+77
+tree.ContextMenu.description = Show right-click menu
+tree.ContextMenu.sort = 30550
+# Map: menu
+menu.description = Pop-up Menus
+menu.sort = 20000
+menu.Cancel.display = Esc
+menu.Cancel.keycode = 27
+menu.Cancel.description = Dismiss
+menu.Cancel.sort = 20040
+menu.ParentMenu.display = ArrowLeft
+menu.ParentMenu.keycode = 37
+menu.ParentMenu.description = Hide sub-menu
+menu.ParentMenu.sort = 20060
+menu.Select.display = Enter
+menu.Select.keycode = 13
+menu.Select.description = Select
+menu.Select.sort = 20030
+menu.SelectNext.display = ArrowDown
+menu.SelectNext.keycode = 40
+menu.SelectNext.description = Next item
+menu.SelectNext.sort = 20010
+menu.SelectPrevious.display = ArrowUp
+menu.SelectPrevious.keycode = 38
+menu.SelectPrevious.description = Previous item
+menu.SelectPrevious.sort = 20020
+menu.PageUp.display = PageUp
+menu.PageUp.display.mac = Alt + ArrowUp
+menu.PageUp.keycode = 33
+menu.PageUp.keycode.mac = Alt+38
+menu.PageUp.description = Scroll up one page
+menu.PageUp.sort = 20023
+menu.PageDown.display = PageDown
+menu.PageDown.display.mac = Alt + ArrowDown
+menu.PageDown.keycode = 34
+menu.PageDown.keycode.mac = Alt+40
+menu.PageDown.description = Scroll down one page
+menu.PageDown.sort = 20027
+menu.SubMenu.display = ArrowRight
+menu.SubMenu.keycode = 39
+menu.SubMenu.description = Show sub-menu
+menu.SubMenu.sort = 20050
+# Map: toolbarHorizontal
+toolbarHorizontal.INHERIT = button
+toolbarHorizontal.description = Toolbars
+toolbarHorizontal.sort = 50000
+toolbarHorizontal.Next.display = ArrowRight
+toolbarHorizontal.Next.keycode = 39
+toolbarHorizontal.Next.description = Next button
+toolbarHorizontal.Next.sort = 50010
+toolbarHorizontal.Previous.display = ArrowLeft
+toolbarHorizontal.Previous.keycode = 37
+toolbarHorizontal.Previous.description = Previous button
+toolbarHorizontal.Previous.sort = 50020
+# Map: toolbarVertical
+toolbarVertical.INHERIT = button
+toolbarVertical.description = Vertical Toolbars
+toolbarVertical.sort = 51000
+toolbarVertical.Next.display = ArrowDown
+toolbarVertical.Next.keycode = 40
+toolbarVertical.Next.description = Next button
+toolbarVertical.Next.sort = 51010
+toolbarVertical.Previous.display = ArrowUp
+toolbarVertical.Previous.keycode = 38
+toolbarVertical.Previous.description = Previous button
+toolbarVertical.Previous.sort = 51020
+# Map: editor
+editor.description = HTML Editor
+editor.sort = 60000
+editor.Bold.display = Ctrl+B
+editor.Bold.keycode = Ctrl+66
+editor.Bold.description = Bold
+editor.Bold.sort = 60010
+editor.CenterJustify.display = Ctrl+E
+editor.CenterJustify.keycode = Ctrl+69
+editor.CenterJustify.description = Align center
+editor.CenterJustify.sort = 60070
+editor.Header1.display = Ctrl+1
+editor.Header1.keycode = Ctrl+49
+editor.Header1.description = Level 1 header
+editor.Header1.sort = 60090
+editor.Header2.display = Ctrl+2
+editor.Header2.keycode = Ctrl+50
+editor.Header2.description = Level 2 header
+editor.Header2.sort = 60100
+editor.Header3.display = Ctrl+3
+editor.Header3.keycode = Ctrl+51
+editor.Header3.description = Level 3 header
+editor.Header3.sort = 60110
+editor.Header4.display = Ctrl+4
+editor.Header4.keycode = Ctrl+52
+editor.Header4.description = Level 4 header
+editor.Header4.sort = 60120
+editor.Header5.display = Ctrl+5
+editor.Header5.keycode = Ctrl+53
+editor.Header5.description = Level 5 header
+editor.Header5.sort = 60130
+editor.Header6.display = Ctrl+6
+editor.Header6.keycode = Ctrl+54
+editor.Header6.description = Level 6 header
+editor.Header6.sort = 60140
+editor.Italic.display = Ctrl+I
+editor.Italic.keycode = Ctrl+73
+editor.Italic.description = Italics
+editor.Italic.sort = 60020
+editor.LeftJustify.display = Ctrl+L
+editor.LeftJustify.keycode = Ctrl+76
+editor.LeftJustify.description = Align left
+editor.LeftJustify.sort = 60050
+editor.RightJustify.display = Ctrl+R
+editor.RightJustify.keycode = Ctrl+82
+editor.RightJustify.description = Align right
+editor.RightJustify.sort = 60060
+editor.Strikethru.display = Ctrl+Shift+K
+editor.Strikethru.keycode = Ctrl+Shift+75
+editor.Strikethru.description = Strikethrough
+editor.Strikethru.sort = 60030
+editor.Underline.display = Ctrl+U
+editor.Underline.keycode = Ctrl+85
+editor.Underline.description = Underline
+editor.Underline.sort = 60040
+# Map: tabView
+tabView.description = Tab Views
+tabView.sort = 110000
+tabView.GoToTab.display = Ctrl+NNN
+tabView.GoToTab.keycode = Ctrl+NNN
+tabView.GoToTab.description = Go to tab [n]
+tabView.GoToTab.sort = 110030
+tabView.NextTab.display = Ctrl+J
+tabView.NextTab.keycode = Ctrl+74
+tabView.NextTab.description = Next tab
+tabView.NextTab.sort = 110010
+tabView.PreviousTab.display = Ctrl+K
+tabView.PreviousTab.keycode = Ctrl+75
+tabView.PreviousTab.description = Previous tab
+tabView.PreviousTab.sort = 110020