path: root/
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1 files changed, 332 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b04f522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright © 2010 Red Hat, Inc.
+# This software is licensed to you under the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License, version 2.1 (LGPLv2.1). There is NO WARRANTY for this software,
+# express or implied, including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You should have received a copy of
+# LGPLv2.1 along with this software; if not, see
+# Red Hat trademarks are not licensed under LGPLv2.1. No permission is
+# granted to use or replicate Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in
+# this software or its documentation.
+# Red Hat Author(s): David Hugh Malcolm <>
+From gdb 7 onwards, gdb's build can be configured --with-python, allowing gdb
+to be extended with Python code e.g. for library-specific data visualizations,
+such as for the C++ STL types.
+This python module deals with the case when the process being debugged (the
+"inferior process" in gdb parlance) is itself python, or more specifically,
+linked against libpython. In this situation, almost every item of data is a
+(PyObject*), and having the debugger merely print their addresses is not very
+This module embeds knowledge about the implementation details of libpython so
+that we can emit useful visualizations e.g. a string, a list, a dict, a frame
+giving file/line information and the state of local variables
+In particular, given a gdb.Value corresponding to a PyObject* in the inferior
+process, we can generate a "proxy value" within the gdb process. For example,
+given a PyObject* in the inferior process that is in fact a PyListObject*
+holding three PyObject* that turn out to be PyStringObject* instances, we can
+generate a proxy value within the gdb process that is a list of strings:
+ ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
+We try to defer all gdb.lookup_type() invocations until as late as possible:
+when the /usr/bin/python process starts in the debugger, the
+hasn't been dynamically loaded yet, so none of the type names are known to
+the debugger
+ - currently only tested against libpython2.6; make it work with libpython3.1 as well
+import gdb
+class NullPyObjectPtr(RuntimeError):
+ pass
+class PyObjectPtr(object):
+ """
+ Class wrapping a gdb.Value that's a either a (PyObject*) within the
+ inferior process, or some subclass pointer e.g. (PyStringObject*)
+ There will be a subclass for every refined PyObject type that we care
+ about.
+ Note that at every stage the underlying pointer could be NULL, point
+ to corrupt data, etc; this is the debugger, after all.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, gdbval, cast_to = None):
+ if cast_to:
+ self._gdbval = gdbval.cast(cast_to)
+ else:
+ self._gdbval = gdbval
+ def field(self, name):
+ if self.is_null():
+ raise NullPyObjectPtr(self)
+ return self._gdbval.dereference()[name]
+ def type(self):
+ return PyTypeObjectPtr(self.field('ob_type'))
+ def is_null(self):
+ return 0 == long(self._gdbval)
+ def proxyval(self):
+ '''
+ Scrape a value from the inferior process, and try to represent it
+ within the gdb process, whilst (hopefully) avoiding crashes when
+ the remote data is corrupt.
+ Derived classes will override this.
+ For example, a PyIntObject* with ob_ival 42 in the inferior process
+ should result in an int(42) in this process.
+ '''
+ class FakeRepr(object):
+ """
+ Class representing a non-descript PyObject* value in the inferior
+ process for when we don't have a custom scraper, intended to have
+ a sane repr().
+ """
+ def __init__(self, tp_name, address):
+ self.tp_name = tp_name
+ self.address = address
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<%s at remote 0x%x>' % (self.tp_name, self.address)
+ try:
+ tp_name = self.type().field('tp_name').string()
+ except NullPyObjectPtr:
+ # NULL tp_name?
+ tp_name = 'unknown'
+ return FakeRepr(tp_name,
+ long(self._gdbval))
+ @classmethod
+ def from_pyobject_ptr(cls, gdbval):
+ # Try to locate the appropriate derived class dynamically, and cast
+ # the pointer accordingly:
+ try:
+ p = PyObjectPtr(gdbval)
+ t = p.type()
+ tp_name = t.field('tp_name').string()
+ name_map = {'dict': PyDictObjectPtr,
+ 'int': PyIntObjectPtr,
+ 'list': PyListObjectPtr,
+ 'str': PyStringObjectPtr,
+ 'tuple': PyTupleObjectPtr,
+ 'frame': PyFrameObjectPtr,
+ }
+ if tp_name in name_map:
+ cls = name_map[tp_name]
+ return cls(gdbval, cast_to=cls.get_gdb_type())
+ except RuntimeError:
+ # Handle any kind of error e.g. NULL ptrs by simply using the base
+ # class
+ pass
+ return cls(gdbval)
+ @classmethod
+ def get_gdb_type(cls):
+ return gdb.lookup_type(cls._typename).pointer()
+class PyCodeObjectPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ """
+ Class wrapping a gdb.Value that's a PyCodeObject* i.e. a <code> instance
+ within the process being debugged.
+ """
+ _typename = 'PyCodeObject'
+class PyDictObjectPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ """
+ Class wrapping a gdb.Value that's a PyDictObject* i.e. a dict instance
+ within the process being debugged.
+ """
+ _typename = 'PyDictObject'
+ def proxyval(self):
+ result = {}
+ for i in xrange(self.field('ma_mask')):
+ ep = self.field('ma_table') + i
+ pvalue = PyObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(ep['me_value'])
+ if not pvalue.is_null():
+ pkey = PyObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(ep['me_key'])
+ result[pkey.proxyval()] = pvalue.proxyval()
+ return result
+class PyIntObjectPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ _typename = 'PyIntObject'
+class PyListObjectPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ _typename = 'PyListObject'
+ def __getitem__(self, i):
+ # Get the gdb.Value for the (PyObject*) with the given index:
+ field_ob_item = self.field('ob_item')
+ return field_ob_item[i]
+ def proxyval(self):
+ result = [PyObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(self[i]).proxyval()
+ for i in range(int_from_int(self.field('ob_size')))]
+ return result
+class PyFrameObjectPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ _typename = 'PyFrameObject'
+ def __str__(self):
+ print 'bar'
+ fi = FrameInfo(self)
+ return str(fi)
+class PyStringObjectPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ _typename = 'PyStringObject'
+ def __str__(self):
+ # Lookup the gdb.Type for "char*"
+ _type_char_ptr = gdb.lookup_type('char').pointer()
+ field_ob_sval = self.field('ob_sval')
+ char_ptr = field_ob_sval.address.cast(_type_char_ptr)
+ return char_ptr.string()
+ def proxyval(self):
+ return str(self)
+class PyTupleObjectPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ _typename = 'PyTupleObject'
+ def __getitem__(self, i):
+ # Get the gdb.Value for the (PyObject*) with the given index:
+ field_ob_item = self.field('ob_item')
+ return field_ob_item[i]
+ def proxyval(self):
+ result = tuple([PyObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(self[i]).proxyval()
+ for i in range(int_from_int(self.field('ob_size')))])
+ return result
+class PyTypeObjectPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ _typename = 'PyTypeObject'
+def int_from_int(gdbval):
+ return int(str(gdbval))
+class FrameInfo:
+ '''
+ Class representing all of the information we can scrape about a
+ PyFrameObject*
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, fval):
+ self.fval = fval
+ = PyCodeObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(fval.field('f_code'))
+ self.co_name = PyStringObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr('co_name'))
+ self.co_filename = PyStringObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr('co_filename'))
+ self.f_lineno = int_from_int(fval.field('f_lineno'))
+ self.co_nlocals = int_from_int('co_nlocals'))
+ self.co_varnames = PyTupleObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr('co_varnames'))
+ self.locals = [] # list of kv pairs
+ f_localsplus = self.fval.field('f_localsplus')
+ for i in xrange(min(self.co_nlocals, 200)): # arbitrary upper sanity limit in case co_nlocals is corrupt
+ #print 'i=%i' % i
+ value = PyObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(f_localsplus[i])
+ if not value.is_null():
+ name = PyStringObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(self.co_varnames[i])
+ #print 'name=%s' % name
+ value = value.proxyval()
+ #print 'value=%s' % value
+ self.locals.append((str(name), value))
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ('File %s, line %i, in %s (%s)'
+ % (self.co_filename,
+ self.f_lineno,
+ self.co_name,
+ ', '.join(['%s=%s' % (k, repr(v)) for k, v in self.locals]))
+ )
+def pyframe():
+ fval = PyFrameObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(gdb.selected_frame().read_var('f')) #.dereference()
+ fi = FrameInfo(fval)
+ print fi
+def mybt():
+ def print_EvalFrameEx(gdbframe):
+ try:
+ f = gdbframe.read_var('f')
+ except ValueError:
+ print '(unable to print python frame, could not access "f")',
+ return
+ try:
+ fval = PyFrameObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(f) #.dereference()
+ fi = FrameInfo(fval)
+ print fi,
+ except RuntimeError:
+ print '(unable to print python frame; corrupt data?)',
+ for i, gdbframe in enumerate(gdb.selected_thread().frames()):
+ #print dir(gdbframe),
+ print '#%i' % i,
+ if 'PyEval_EvalFrameEx' ==
+ print_EvalFrameEx(gdbframe)
+ print ' 0x%x in %s' % (gdbframe.pc(),
+#if gdb.selected_thread():
+# mybt()
+class PyObjectPtrPrinter:
+ "Prints a (PyObject*)"
+ def __init__ (self, gdbval):
+ self.gdbval = gdbval
+ def to_string (self):
+ proxyval = PyObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(self.gdbval).proxyval()
+ return repr(proxyval)
+class PyFrameObjectPtrPrinter(PyObjectPtrPrinter):
+ "Prints a (PyFrameObject*)"
+ def to_string (self):
+ pyop = PyObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(self.gdbval)
+ fi = FrameInfo(pyop)
+ return str(fi)
+def pretty_printer_lookup(gdbval):
+ type = gdbval.type.unqualified()
+ if type.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR:
+ type =
+ t = str(type)
+ if t == "PyObject":
+ return PyObjectPtrPrinter(gdbval)
+ elif t == "PyFrameObject":
+ return PyFrameObjectPtrPrinter(gdbval)
+(gdb) python
+import sys
+import libpython
+# TODO:
+# - write actual backtrace
+# - integrate into backtrace hook