diff options
2 files changed, 91 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/genome-docs/genome-docs-1.0.0/en-US/Cookbook.xml b/genome-docs/genome-docs-1.0.0/en-US/Cookbook.xml
index 2931157..66b9441 100644
--- a/genome-docs/genome-docs-1.0.0/en-US/Cookbook.xml
+++ b/genome-docs/genome-docs-1.0.0/en-US/Cookbook.xml
@@ -441,22 +441,101 @@ puppetd --test
There are several tools and config files that need to
know what types of machines are available for
provisioning on a particular <link
- linkend="genome-appliance">Repo
+ linkend="genome-appliance">Genome Appliance
machine</link>. To simplify this process
&PRODUCT; includes a DSL (Domain Specific Language) for
describing the machines available.
- <para>
- At a very high level the only thing that needs to be
- done is edit
- <filename>/etc/genome/machine_types.rb</filename> on a
- Repo Appliance. The comments are the best documentation
- for the details. The trick is that this file is
- typically <link
- linkend="genome-repo-machine-customization">controlled
- by puppet</link>.
+ <para>
+ Let's start with an example for creating a new developer
+ workstation machine type. It's important to get all the
+ wiring setup to make puppet and your machine aware of the
+ new module before adding too much function.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The first step is usually to create a stubbed out module
+ on the &PRODUCT; Appliance and use <link linkend="genome-sync">genome-sync</link>
+ to setup the right information. To do this, run these steps (on
+ the &PRODUCT; Appliance):
+ <screen>
+# Switch to the genome user
+su - genome
+# Create a working directory (the 'puppet' directory is important)
+mkdir -p /tmp/working/puppet/dev_workstation/manifests
+cd /tmp/working/puppet/dev_workstation
+# Create a simple puppet configuration
+# The name of the class must match the directory name
+echo """
+class dev_workstation {
+ package { "vim-enhanced":
+ ensure => latest;
+ }
+""" > manifests/init.pp
+# Make the directory a git repository
+git config --global ""
+git config --global "Your Name"
+git init
+git add .
+git commit -m "Priming the dev_workstation module"
+# Run genome-sync to publish this module
+# This sets up the 'public' git repositories
+# and the puppet working directory
+genome-sync save --workingdir=/tmp/working
+ </screen>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ At this point, you should see the git repositories listed
+ on your &PRODUCT; Appliance at http://$GENOME/git/gitweb.cgi
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The next step is to update the &PRODUCT; DSL file to make
+ it aware of a new 'machine' that contains this new puppet
+ class. Machines can consist of multiple puppet classes,
+ but in this case, we are starting simple. To do this, run
+ these steps (on the &PRODUCT; Appliance):
+ <screen>
+# Make sure the permissions are okay on the machine_types.rb file
+su -
+chown genome:genome /etc/genome/machine_types.rb
+chown -R genome:genome /etc/puppet/modules/main
+# Switch to the genome user to update the machine_types.rb file
+su - genome
+# Clone the repo_extensions repository
+git clone /pub/git/puppet/repo_extensions /tmp/repo_extensions
+cd /tmp/repo_extensions
+# Add the new machine consisting of your new puppet module
+echo """
+newmachine('developer-workstation') do
+ set_classes 'dev_workstation'
+""" >> files/machine_types.rb
+# Commit and push the change
+git add .
+git commit -m "Adding the new developer-workstation machine"
+git push
+# Update as root to make the &PRODUCT; Appliance
+# aware of the module you just synced.
+su -
+service puppetmaster restart
+puppetd --test
+ </screen>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ At this point, you should see your new machine type listed
+ on your &PRODUCT; Appliance at http://$GENOME/genome/machine_types.html
diff --git a/genome-docs/genome-docs.spec b/genome-docs/genome-docs.spec
index 8f0f7a7..c19ac68 100644
--- a/genome-docs/genome-docs.spec
+++ b/genome-docs/genome-docs.spec
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Name: genome-docs
Version: 1.0.0
-Release: 31%{?dist}
+Release: 32%{?dist}
Summary: Genome documentation
Group: Applications/System