path: root/genome-bootstrap/bin
diff options
authorChris Alfonso <>2008-07-07 17:20:43 -0400
committerChris Alfonso <>2008-07-08 10:43:59 -0400
commit40598cb7bfeb6b1042482fe91701770b179c1803 (patch)
tree57d9b019a845fbcf4a7fcb8ccbce836bfc45174c /genome-bootstrap/bin
parent9b9d481f6684777e90bb144193251244d14926ae (diff)
Renaming everying everest to genome
Diffstat (limited to 'genome-bootstrap/bin')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/genome-bootstrap/bin/genome-bootstrap b/genome-bootstrap/bin/genome-bootstrap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54e590f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/genome-bootstrap/bin/genome-bootstrap
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'ostruct'
+require 'genome-bootstrap'
+require 'main'
+require 'net/http'
+require 'uri'
+require "highline/import"
+HighLine.track_eof = false
+include GenomeBootstrap
+Main {
+ def handle_exception e
+ puts e.message
+ end unless $DEBUG
+ def say_red(text)
+ say("<%= color(\"#{text}\", :red) %>")
+ end
+ def get_input
+ @facts =
+ say_red("\nYour genome repo server is the system that serves as the")
+ say_red("puppet master, git server, and cobbler server all in one.")
+ @repo = ask("Enter your Genome repo machine name (leave off the '-repo'): ")
+ say_red("\nYour cloud master is the server that determines where the")
+ say_red("machine you're trying to create will be provisioned. Typically")
+ say_red("cloud masters control several machines in a cloud. However,")
+ say_red("cloud masters can be configured to simply manage their own disk space.")
+ @cloudmaster = ask("Enter your cloud master: ")
+ @email = ask("Enter your email address for cloud notifications: ")
+ say_red("\nYour cobbler system name consists of two parts")
+ say_red("\t* a system prefix")
+ say_red("\t* a machine type")
+ say_red("The system prefix can be used to help group common systems")
+ say_red("together using some canonical name. For instance, this can be")
+ say_red("helpful when configuring clustered JBoss servers")
+ @system_prefix = ask("Enter your system prefix: ")
+ # Once we know the repo we can fetch the supported machines
+ @genome_repo =
+ say_red("\nNow, you can select your machine type.")
+ say_red("To see a description of these machine types visit: " +
+ "#{@genome_repo.machine_types_url}")
+ @machine_type = choose do |menu|
+ menu.prompt = "Select your machine type: "
+ menu.choices(*{|m|})
+ end
+ # This might be useful is we stop using DDNS
+ @facts["genome_machine_type"] = @machine_type
+ say_red("\nYour cobbler profile determines the OS, the disk space, and")
+ say_red("the amount of memory that should be allocated to the system")
+ say_red("that you are provisioning.")
+ @facts["cobbler_profile"] = choose do |menu|
+ menu.prompt = "Select your cobbler profile (This determines the OS): "
+ menu.choices(*@genome_repo.cobbler_profiles)
+ end
+ say_red("\nNow you need to enter some parameters what will be used to configure this machine.")
+ say_red("Most of the defaults will work out fine for development.")
+ @genome_repo.facts_for(@machine_type, @machine_name).each do |f|
+ say_red("Description: #{f.desc}") unless f.desc.empty?
+ @facts[] = ask("Enter value for #{}: ") do |q|
+ q.default = f.default
+ end
+ end
+ if agree("\nEnter addition facts? (y/n)", true)
+ begin
+ name = ask("Enter fact name: ")
+ value = ask("Enter fact value: ")
+ @facts[name] = value
+ end while agree("Enter another? ", true)
+ end
+ end
+ def _run(config_only=false)
+ # Ask all the silly questions
+ get_input
+ classes = @genome_repo.classes_for(@machine_type)
+ config = {"classes" => classes, "parameters" => @facts}
+ @genome_repo.register_machine(@fqdn, config)
+ unless config_only
+ cloud_master =, @genome_repo)
+ cloud_master.create_machine(@fqdn, @email)
+ if @genome_repo.cobbler_dns?
+ @genome_repo.register_dns_entry
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def run
+ _run
+ end
+ # Allow user to simply create the cobbler system
+ # but not actually create the VM
+ mode 'config-only' do
+ def run
+ _run(true)
+ end
+ end
+ # Allow user to supply a yaml file with the machine
+ # configuration instead of answering all the questions
+ mode 'advanced' do
+ option('fqdn', 'f'){
+ description "Fully qualified domain name of machine to be provisioned"
+ argument_required
+ }
+ option('system', 's'){
+ description "Cobbler system name of the machine to be provisioned"
+ argument_required
+ }
+ option('repo', '-r'){
+ required
+ description "Fully qualified domain name for the Genome repo machine to use for provisioning"
+ argument_required
+ }
+ option('cloudmaster', 'c'){
+ required
+ description "Fully qualified domain name for the machine controlling the cloud"
+ argument_required
+ }
+ option('email', 'e'){
+ required
+ description "Your email address to use to help identify the instance owner"
+ argument_required
+ }
+ option('yaml', 'y'){
+ description "YAML configuration for this machine"
+ argument_required
+ validate {|f| File.exist?(f)}
+ }
+ def run
+ unless params['fqdn'].given? || params['system'].given?
+ say("You must provide either an 'fqdn' parameter or a 'system' parameter")
+ exit(1)
+ end
+ # FQDN beats system parameter
+ if params['fqdn'].given?
+ name = params['fqdn'].value
+ else
+ name = params['system'].value
+ end
+ config = if params['yaml'].given?
+ YAML.load(['yaml'].value))
+ else
+ YAML.load($
+ end
+ genome_repo =['repo'].value)
+ genome_repo.register_machine(name, config)
+ cloud_master =['cloudmaster'].value, genome_repo)
+ host = cloud_master.create_machine(name, params['email'].value)
+ installed_system = genome_repo.get_installed_system(name)
+ if not installed_system.empty?
+ if genome_repo.cobbler_dns? and params['fqdn'].given?
+ # register the new system with cobbler dns using the name,
+ # the installed_system's IP, and the given fqdn
+ else
+ fqdn = installed_system["hostname"]
+ end
+ say("Your new system is being provisioned on #{host}.")
+ say("The FQDN of new system is #{fqdn}.")
+ say("The IP address of the new system is #{installed_system["ip"]}.")
+ else
+ say("Your new system is being provisioned on #{host}.")
+ say("You can visit #{} to see the status of the new system.")
+ end
+ end
+ end