diff options
authorMatthew Hicks <>2008-07-11 08:56:32 -0400
committerMatthew Hicks <>2008-07-11 08:56:32 -0400
commitb446b36dd1ee0a0b06ba0067d053b900e70f827a (patch)
parent53b9a70dee2458320cc79f7a2723ca374872e336 (diff)
Adding initial cobbler priming data
6 files changed, 410 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/genome-respin/cobbler/Cloud.ks b/genome-respin/cobbler/Cloud.ks
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3fdbf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/genome-respin/cobbler/Cloud.ks
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#platform=x86, AMD64, or Intel EM64T
+# System authorization information
+auth --useshadow --enablemd5
+# System bootloader configuration
+bootloader --location=mbr
+# Partition clearing information
+clearpart --all --initlabel
+# Use text mode install
+# Firewall configuration
+firewall --disabled
+# Network Manager breaks networking on F8
+services --disabled=NetworkManager
+# Run the Setup Agent on first boot
+firstboot --disable
+# System keyboard
+keyboard us
+# System language
+lang en_US
+# Use network installation
+url --url=$tree
+key --skip
+# If any cobbler repo definitions were referenced in the kickstart profile, include them here.
+# TODO: replace this with $yum_repo_stanza
+# Network information
+network --bootproto=dhcp --device=eth0 --onboot=on --noipv6
+# Reboot after installation
+#Root password
+rootpw --iscrypted $1$z8ATNbdx$URqSRM3RkCgBCTIKD4Z3W.
+# SELinux configuration
+selinux --disabled
+# Do not configure the X Window System
+# System timezone
+timezone America/New_York
+# Install OS instead of upgrade
+# Clear the Master Boot Record
+# Setup LVM for the Cloud machines
+clearpart --all --initlabel
+partition /boot --fstype=ext3 --size=200
+partition pv.01 --size=10240
+partition pv.02 --size=10240 --grow
+volgroup HostVolGroup00 pv.01
+volgroup HostVolGroupImages pv.02
+logvol swap --fstype swap --name=Swap --vgname=HostVolGroup00 --size=2048
+logvol / --fstype ext3 --name=Root --vgname=HostVolGroup00 --size=10240 --grow
+logvol /images --fstype ext3 --name=Images --vgname=HostVolGroupImages --size=10240 --grow
+# Auto partitioning
+# Set the certmaster in the minion configuration
+sed -i "s/certmaster = certmaster/certmaster = $certmaster/g" /etc/certmaster/minion.conf
+# Turn on autosigning for func masters by default
+if [ "$certmaster" == "localhost" ]; then
+ sed -i "s/autosign = no/autosign = yes/g" /etc/certmaster/certmaster.conf
+# Chkconfig the cloudmasterd service for the cloud masters
+if [ "$certmaster" == "localhost" ]; then
+ /sbin/chkconfig --add cloudmasterd
+ /sbin/chkconfig cloudmasterd on
+ /sbin/chkconfig --add httpd
+ /sbin/chkconfig httpd on
diff --git a/genome-respin/cobbler/F8.ks b/genome-respin/cobbler/F8.ks
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6f42d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/genome-respin/cobbler/F8.ks
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#platform=x86, AMD64, or Intel EM64T
+# System authorization information
+auth --useshadow --enablemd5
+# System bootloader configuration
+bootloader --location=mbr
+# Partition clearing information
+clearpart --all --initlabel
+# Use text mode install
+# Firewall configuration
+firewall --disabled
+# Run the Setup Agent on first boot
+firstboot --disable
+# Network Manager breaks networking on F8
+services --disabled=NetworkManager
+# System keyboard
+keyboard us
+# System language
+lang en_US
+# Use network installation
+url --url=$tree
+key --skip
+# If any cobbler repo definitions were referenced in the kickstart profile, include them here.
+# Network information
+network --bootproto=dhcp --device=eth0 --onboot=on --noipv6
+# Reboot after installation
+#Root password
+rootpw --iscrypted $1$z8ATNbdx$URqSRM3RkCgBCTIKD4Z3W.
+# SELinux configuration
+selinux --disabled
+# Do not configure the X Window System
+# System timezone
+timezone America/New_York
+# Install OS instead of upgrade
+# Clear the Master Boot Record
+# Magically figure out how to partition this thing
+%include /tmp/partinfo
+# Auto partitioning
+echo export GENOME_REPO=$genome_repo >> $FIRSTBOOT_CFG
+echo export FQDN=$fqdn >> $FIRSTBOOT_CFG
diff --git a/genome-respin/cobbler/Fedora-i386.profiles b/genome-respin/cobbler/Fedora-i386.profiles
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6a89a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/genome-respin/cobbler/Fedora-i386.profiles
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ depth: 1
+ dhcp_tag: default
+ distro: F8-xen-i386
+ kernel_options: {}
+ kickstart: /etc/cobbler/F8.ks
+ ks_meta: {}
+ name: LargeGenomeGuest-F8-i386
+ owners:
+ - admin
+ parent: ''
+ repos: []
+ server: <<inherit>>
+ virt_bridge: xenbr0
+ virt_cpus: 1
+ virt_file_size: 50
+ virt_path: ''
+ virt_ram: 1536
+ virt_type: auto
+ depth: 1
+ dhcp_tag: default
+ distro: F8-xen-i386
+ kernel_options: {}
+ kickstart: /etc/cobbler/Genome.ks
+ ks_meta: {}
+ name: GenomeGuest__Appliance-F8-i386
+ owners:
+ - admin
+ parent: ''
+ repos:
+ - f8-everything
+ - f8-genome-i386
+ - f8-genome-noarch
+ - f8-updates
+ server: <<inherit>>
+ virt_bridge: xenbr0
+ virt_cpus: 1
+ virt_file_size: 50
+ virt_path: ''
+ virt_ram: 512
+ virt_type: auto
+ depth: 1
+ dhcp_tag: default
+ distro: F8-i386
+ kernel_options: {}
+ kickstart: /etc/cobbler/Cloud.ks
+ ks_meta: {}
+ name: Cloud__Appliance-F8-i386
+ owners:
+ - admin
+ parent: ''
+ repos:
+ - f8-everything
+ - f8-genome-i386
+ - f8-genome-noarch
+ - f8-updates
+ server: <<inherit>>
+ virt_bridge: xenbr0
+ virt_cpus: 1
+ virt_file_size: 50
+ virt_path: ''
+ virt_ram: 512
+ virt_type: auto
+ depth: 1
+ dhcp_tag: default
+ distro: F8-i386
+ kernel_options: {}
+ kickstart: /etc/cobbler/Genome.ks
+ ks_meta: {}
+ name: Genome__Appliance-F8-i386
+ owners:
+ - admin
+ parent: ''
+ repos:
+ - f8-everything
+ - f8-updates
+ server: <<inherit>>
+ virt_bridge: xenbr0
+ virt_cpus: 1
+ virt_file_size: 50
+ virt_path: ''
+ virt_ram: 1536
+ virt_type: auto
+ depth: 1
+ dhcp_tag: default
+ distro: F8-xen-i386
+ kernel_options: {}
+ kickstart: /etc/cobbler/F8.ks
+ ks_meta: {}
+ name: NormalGenomeGuest-F8-i386
+ owners:
+ - admin
+ parent: ''
+ repos:
+ - f8-everything
+ - f8-genome-noarch
+ server: <<inherit>>
+ virt_bridge: xenbr0
+ virt_cpus: 1
+ virt_file_size: 25
+ virt_path: ''
+ virt_ram: 1024
+ virt_type: auto
diff --git a/genome-respin/cobbler/Fedora-i386.repos b/genome-respin/cobbler/Fedora-i386.repos
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a5d0ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/genome-respin/cobbler/Fedora-i386.repos
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ arch: i386
+ createrepo_flags: -c cache
+ depth: 2
+ keep_updated: False
+ mirror: ''
+ mirror_locally: 0
+ name: f8-updates
+ owners:
+ - admin
+ parent: ''
+ priority: 99
+ rpm_list: ''
+ yumopts: {}
+ arch: i386
+ createrepo_flags: -c cache
+ depth: 2
+ keep_updated: False
+ mirror: ''
+ mirror_locally: 0
+ name: epel5-i386
+ owners:
+ - admin
+ parent: ''
+ priority: 99
+ rpm_list: ''
+ yumopts: {}
+ arch: i386
+ createrepo_flags: -c cache
+ depth: 2
+ keep_updated: False
+ mirror: ''
+ mirror_locally: 0
+ name: f8-everything
+ owners:
+ - admin
+ parent: ''
+ priority: 99
+ rpm_list: ''
+ yumopts: {}
+ arch: ''
+ createrepo_flags: -c cache
+ depth: 2
+ keep_updated: True
+ mirror: 'http://localhost/cobbler/repo_mirror/f8-genome-noarch'
+ mirror_locally: 1
+ name: f8-genome-noarch
+ owners:
+ - admin
+ parent: ''
+ priority: 99
+ rpm_list: ''
+ yumopts: {}
+ arch: x86_64
+ createrepo_flags: -c cache
+ depth: 2
+ keep_updated: False
+ mirror: ''
+ mirror_locally: 0
+ name: epel5-x86_64
+ owners:
+ - admin
+ parent: ''
+ priority: 99
+ rpm_list: ''
+ yumopts: {}
+ arch: i386
+ createrepo_flags: -c cache
+ depth: 2
+ keep_updated: True
+ mirror: 'http://localhost/cobbler/repo_mirror/f8-genome-i386'
+ mirror_locally: 1
+ name: f8-genome-i386
+ owners:
+ - admin
+ parent: ''
+ priority: 99
+ rpm_list: ''
+ yumopts: {}
diff --git a/genome-respin/cobbler/Genome.ks b/genome-respin/cobbler/Genome.ks
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8866eaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/genome-respin/cobbler/Genome.ks
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#platform=x86, AMD64, or Intel EM64T
+# System authorization information
+auth --useshadow --enablemd5
+# System bootloader configuration
+bootloader --location=mbr
+# Partition clearing information
+clearpart --all --initlabel
+# Use text mode install
+# Firewall configuration
+firewall --disabled
+# Network Manager breaks networking on F8
+services --disabled=NetworkManager
+# Run the Setup Agent on first boot
+firstboot --disable
+# System keyboard
+keyboard us
+# System language
+lang en_US
+# Use network installation
+url --url=$tree
+key --skip
+# If any cobbler repo definitions were referenced in the kickstart profile, include them here.
+# TODO: replace this with $yum_repo_stanza
+# Network information
+network --bootproto=dhcp --device=eth0 --onboot=on
+# Reboot after installation
+#Root password
+rootpw --iscrypted $1$z8ATNbdx$URqSRM3RkCgBCTIKD4Z3W.
+# SELinux configuration
+selinux --disabled
+# Do not configure the X Window System
+# System timezone
+timezone America/New_York
+# Install OS instead of upgrade
+# Clear the Master Boot Record
+# Magically figure out how to partition this thing
+%include /tmp/partinfo
+# Auto partitioning
+/sbin/chkconfig --add genome-repo-bootstrap
+/sbin/chkconfig genome-repo-bootstrap on
diff --git a/genome-respin/repo/conf.d/genome-ks.cfg b/genome-respin/repo/conf.d/genome-ks.cfg
index dda77f7..ef9f369 100644
--- a/genome-respin/repo/conf.d/genome-ks.cfg
+++ b/genome-respin/repo/conf.d/genome-ks.cfg
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ cdrom
# Network information
network --bootproto=dhcp --device=eth0 --onboot=on
# Reboot after installation
+reboot --eject
# Root password
rootpw password
@@ -57,4 +57,5 @@ genome-repo
/sbin/chkconfig --add genome-repo-bootstrap
/sbin/chkconfig genome-repo-bootstrap on
+/bin/touch /etc/sysconfig/genome-respin