path: root/lib
diff options
authorScott Chacon <>2008-03-08 18:14:15 -0800
committerScott Chacon <>2008-03-08 18:14:15 -0800
commit1d845799ebc05bee9e3a68b7ad9dd5015277ca41 (patch)
treee84397c1359cc51189760477a4475e4279cfa01f /lib
parent2d749e3aa69d7bfedf814f59618f964fdbc300d5 (diff)
reverted the pure ruby code to system calls and split the pure ruby to a new library
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
8 files changed, 8 insertions, 915 deletions
diff --git a/lib/git.rb b/lib/git.rb
index c7c2703..79dab61 100644
--- a/lib/git.rb
+++ b/lib/git.rb
@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ require 'git/author'
require 'git/stashes'
require 'git/stash'
-require 'git/raw/repository'
# Git/Ruby Library
diff --git a/lib/git/lib.rb b/lib/git/lib.rb
index 4c4147d..4352640 100644
--- a/lib/git/lib.rb
+++ b/lib/git/lib.rb
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ module Git
@path = nil
@logger = nil
- @raw_repo = nil
def initialize(base = nil, logger = nil)
if base.is_a?(Git::Base)
@@ -76,17 +75,6 @@ module Git
def full_log_commits(opts = {})
- if !(opts[:since] || opts[:between] || opts[:path_limiter])
- # can do this in pure ruby
- sha = revparse(opts[:object] || branch_current || 'master')
- count = opts[:count] || 30
- if /\w{40}$/.match(sha) # valid sha
- repo = get_raw_repo
- return process_commit_data(repo.log(sha, count))
- end
- end
arr_opts = ['--pretty=raw']
arr_opts << "-#{opts[:count]}" if opts[:count]
arr_opts << "--since=\"#{opts[:since]}\"" if opts[:since].is_a? String
@@ -126,16 +114,11 @@ module Git
def object_size(sha)
command('cat-file', ['-s', sha]).to_i
- def get_raw_repo
- @raw_repo ||=
- end
# returns useful array of raw commit object data
def commit_data(sha)
sha = sha.to_s
- cdata = get_raw_repo.cat_file(revparse(sha))
- #cdata = command_lines('cat-file', ['commit', sha])
+ cdata = command_lines('cat-file', ['commit', sha])
process_commit_data(cdata, sha)
@@ -184,22 +167,17 @@ module Git
def object_contents(sha)
- #command('cat-file', ['-p', sha])
- get_raw_repo.cat_file(revparse(sha)).chomp
+ command('cat-file', ['-p', sha])
def ls_tree(sha)
data = {'blob' => {}, 'tree' => {}}
- get_raw_repo.object(revparse(sha)).entry.each do |e|
- data[e.format_type][] = {:mode => e.format_mode, :sha => e.sha1}
+ command_lines('ls-tree', sha.to_s).each do |line|
+ (info, filenm) = line.split("\t")
+ (mode, type, sha) = info.split
+ data[type][filenm] = {:mode => mode, :sha => sha}
- #command_lines('ls-tree', sha.to_s).each do |line|
- # (info, filenm) = line.split("\t")
- # (mode, type, sha) = info.split
- # data[type][filenm] = {:mode => mode, :sha => sha}
- #end
@@ -438,7 +416,7 @@ module Git
def branch_delete(branch)
- command('branch', ['-d', branch])
+ command('branch', ['-D', branch])
def checkout(branch, opts = {})
@@ -497,11 +475,7 @@ module Git
def tags
- tag_dir = File.join(@git_dir, 'refs', 'tags')
- tags = []
- Dir.chdir(tag_dir) { tags = Dir.glob('*') }
- return tags
- #command_lines('tag')
+ command_lines('tag')
def tag(tag)
diff --git a/lib/git/raw/internal/loose.rb b/lib/git/raw/internal/loose.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 53d4334..0000000
--- a/lib/git/raw/internal/loose.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-# converted from the gitrb project
-# authors:
-# Matthias Lederhofer <>
-# Simon 'corecode' Schubert <>
-# provides native ruby access to git objects and pack files
-require 'zlib'
-require 'digest/sha1'
-require 'git/raw/internal/object'
-module Git
- module Raw
- module Internal
- class LooseObjectError < StandardError
- end
- class LooseStorage
- def initialize(directory)
- @directory = directory
- end
- def [](sha1)
- sha1 = sha1.unpack("H*")[0]
- path = @directory+'/'+sha1[0...2]+'/'+sha1[2..40]
- begin
- get_raw_object(
- rescue Errno::ENOENT
- nil
- end
- end
- def get_raw_object(buf)
- if buf.length < 2
- raise LooseObjectError, "object file too small"
- end
- if legacy_loose_object?(buf)
- content = Zlib::Inflate.inflate(buf)
- header, content = content.split(/\0/, 2)
- if !header || !content
- raise LooseObjectError, "invalid object header"
- end
- type, size = header.split(/ /, 2)
- if !%w(blob tree commit tag).include?(type) || size !~ /^\d+$/
- raise LooseObjectError, "invalid object header"
- end
- type = type.to_sym
- size = size.to_i
- else
- type, size, used = unpack_object_header_gently(buf)
- content = Zlib::Inflate.inflate(buf[used..-1])
- end
- raise LooseObjectError, "size mismatch" if content.length != size
- return, content)
- end
- # private
- def unpack_object_header_gently(buf)
- used = 0
- c = buf[used]
- used += 1
- type = (c >> 4) & 7;
- size = c & 15;
- shift = 4;
- while c & 0x80 != 0
- if buf.length <= used
- raise LooseObjectError, "object file too short"
- end
- c = buf[used]
- used += 1
- size += (c & 0x7f) << shift
- shift += 7
- end
- type = OBJ_TYPES[type]
- if ![:blob, :tree, :commit, :tag].include?(type)
- raise LooseObjectError, "invalid loose object type"
- end
- return [type, size, used]
- end
- private :unpack_object_header_gently
- def legacy_loose_object?(buf)
- word = (buf[0] << 8) + buf[1]
- buf[0] == 0x78 && word % 31 == 0
- end
- private :legacy_loose_object?
- end
- end
- end
-if $0 == __FILE__
- require 'find'
- ARGV.each do |path|
- storage =
- Find.find(path) do |p|
- next if !/\/([0-9a-f]{2})\/([0-9a-f]{38})$/.match(p)
- obj = storage[[$1+$2].pack("H*")]
- puts "%s %s" % [obj.sha1.unpack("H*")[0], obj.type]
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/git/raw/internal/mmap.rb b/lib/git/raw/internal/mmap.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 78de164..0000000
--- a/lib/git/raw/internal/mmap.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# converted from the gitrb project
-# authors:
-# Matthias Lederhofer <>
-# Simon 'corecode' Schubert <>
-# provides native ruby access to git objects and pack files
- require 'mmap'
-rescue LoadError
-module Git
- module Raw
- module Internal
- class Mmap
- def initialize(file)
- @file = file
- @offset = nil
- end
- def unmap
- @file = nil
- end
- def [](*idx)
- idx = idx[0] if idx.length == 1
- case idx
- when Range
- offset = idx.first
- len = idx.last - idx.first + idx.exclude_end? ? 0 : 1
- when Fixnum
- offset = idx
- len = nil
- when Array
- offset, len = idx
- else
- raise RuntimeError, "invalid index param: #{idx.class}"
- end
- if @offset != offset
- end
- @offset = offset + len ? len : 1
- if not len
- else
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
-end # rescue LoadError
diff --git a/lib/git/raw/internal/object.rb b/lib/git/raw/internal/object.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 172b917..0000000
--- a/lib/git/raw/internal/object.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# converted from the gitrb project
-# authors:
-# Matthias Lederhofer <>
-# Simon 'corecode' Schubert <>
-# provides native ruby access to git objects and pack files
-require 'digest/sha1'
-module Git
- module Raw
- module Internal
- OBJ_NONE = 0
- OBJ_TREE = 2
- OBJ_BLOB = 3
- OBJ_TAG = 4
- OBJ_TYPES = [nil, :commit, :tree, :blob, :tag].freeze
- class RawObject
- attr_accessor :type, :content
- def initialize(type, content)
- @type = type
- @content = content
- end
- def sha1
- Digest::SHA1.digest("%s %d\0" % [@type, @content.length] + @content)
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/git/raw/internal/pack.rb b/lib/git/raw/internal/pack.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d5141e..0000000
--- a/lib/git/raw/internal/pack.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-# converted from the gitrb project
-# authors:
-# Matthias Lederhofer <>
-# Simon 'corecode' Schubert <>
-# provides native ruby access to git objects and pack files
-require 'zlib'
-require 'git/raw/internal/object'
-require 'git/raw/internal/mmap'
-module Git
- module Raw
- module Internal
- class PackFormatError < StandardError
- end
- class PackStorage
- FanOutCount = 256
- SHA1Size = 20
- IdxOffsetSize = 4
- OffsetSize = 4
- OffsetStart = FanOutCount * IdxOffsetSize
- SHA1Start = OffsetStart + OffsetSize
- EntrySize = OffsetSize + SHA1Size
- def initialize(file)
- if file =~ /\.idx$/
- file = file[0...-3] + 'pack'
- end
- @name = file
- @packfile =
- @idxfile =[0...-4]+'idx')
- @idx =
- @offsets = [0]
- FanOutCount.times do |i|
- pos = @idx[i * IdxOffsetSize,IdxOffsetSize].unpack('N')[0]
- if pos < @offsets[i]
- raise PackFormatError, "pack #@name has discontinuous index #{i}"
- end
- @offsets << pos
- end
- @size = @offsets[-1]
- end
- def name
- @name
- end
- def close
- @packfile.close
- @idx.unmap
- @idxfile.close
- end
- def [](sha1)
- offset = find_object(sha1)
- return nil if !offset
- return parse_object(offset)
- end
- def each_entry
- pos = OffsetStart
- @size.times do
- offset = @idx[pos,OffsetSize].unpack('N')[0]
- sha1 = @idx[pos+OffsetSize,SHA1Size]
- pos += EntrySize
- yield sha1, offset
- end
- end
- def each_sha1
- # unpacking the offset is quite expensive, so
- # we avoid using #each
- pos = SHA1Start
- @size.times do
- sha1 = @idx[pos,SHA1Size]
- pos += EntrySize
- yield sha1
- end
- end
- def find_object(sha1)
- slot = sha1[0]
- first, last = @offsets[slot,2]
- while first < last
- mid = (first + last) / 2
- midsha1 = @idx[SHA1Start + mid * EntrySize,SHA1Size]
- cmp = midsha1 <=> sha1
- if cmp < 0
- first = mid + 1
- elsif cmp > 0
- last = mid
- else
- pos = OffsetStart + mid * EntrySize
- offset = @idx[pos,OffsetSize].unpack('N')[0]
- return offset
- end
- end
- nil
- end
- private :find_object
- def parse_object(offset)
- data, type = unpack_object(offset)
-[type], data)
- end
- protected :parse_object
- def unpack_object(offset)
- obj_offset = offset
- c =[0]
- size = c & 0xf
- type = (c >> 4) & 7
- shift = 4
- offset += 1
- while c & 0x80 != 0
- c =[0]
- size |= ((c & 0x7f) << shift)
- shift += 7
- offset += 1
- end
- case type
- data, type = unpack_deltified(type, offset, obj_offset, size)
- data = unpack_compressed(offset, size)
- else
- raise PackFormatError, "invalid type #{type}"
- end
- [data, type]
- end
- private :unpack_object
- def unpack_deltified(type, offset, obj_offset, size)
- data =
- if type == OBJ_OFS_DELTA
- i = 0
- c = data[i]
- base_offset = c & 0x7f
- while c & 0x80 != 0
- c = data[i += 1]
- base_offset += 1
- base_offset <<= 7
- base_offset |= c & 0x7f
- end
- base_offset = obj_offset - base_offset
- offset += i + 1
- else
- base_offset = find_object(data)
- offset += SHA1Size
- end
- base, type = unpack_object(base_offset)
- delta = unpack_compressed(offset, size)
- [patch_delta(base, delta), type]
- end
- private :unpack_deltified
- def unpack_compressed(offset, destsize)
- outdata = ""
- zstr =
- while outdata.size < destsize
- indata =
- if indata.size == 0
- raise PackFormatError, 'error reading pack data'
- end
- outdata += zstr.inflate(indata)
- end
- if outdata.size > destsize
- raise PackFormatError, 'error reading pack data'
- end
- zstr.close
- outdata
- end
- private :unpack_compressed
- def patch_delta(base, delta)
- src_size, pos = patch_delta_header_size(delta, 0)
- if src_size != base.size
- raise PackFormatError, 'invalid delta data'
- end
- dest_size, pos = patch_delta_header_size(delta, pos)
- dest = ""
- while pos < delta.size
- c = delta[pos]
- pos += 1
- if c & 0x80 != 0
- pos -= 1
- cp_off = cp_size = 0
- cp_off = delta[pos += 1] if c & 0x01 != 0
- cp_off |= delta[pos += 1] << 8 if c & 0x02 != 0
- cp_off |= delta[pos += 1] << 16 if c & 0x04 != 0
- cp_off |= delta[pos += 1] << 24 if c & 0x08 != 0
- cp_size = delta[pos += 1] if c & 0x10 != 0
- cp_size |= delta[pos += 1] << 8 if c & 0x20 != 0
- cp_size |= delta[pos += 1] << 16 if c & 0x40 != 0
- cp_size = 0x10000 if cp_size == 0
- pos += 1
- dest += base[cp_off,cp_size]
- elsif c != 0
- dest += delta[pos,c]
- pos += c
- else
- raise PackFormatError, 'invalid delta data'
- end
- end
- dest
- end
- private :patch_delta
- def patch_delta_header_size(delta, pos)
- size = 0
- shift = 0
- begin
- c = delta[pos]
- if c == nil
- raise PackFormatError, 'invalid delta header'
- end
- pos += 1
- size |= (c & 0x7f) << shift
- shift += 7
- end while c & 0x80 != 0
- [size, pos]
- end
- private :patch_delta_header_size
- end
- end
- end
-if $0 == __FILE__
- ARGV.each do |path|
- storage =
- storage.each_sha1 do |sha1|
- obj = storage[sha1]
- puts "%s %s" % [obj.sha1.unpack('H*'), obj.type]
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/git/raw/object.rb b/lib/git/raw/object.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c3969d..0000000
--- a/lib/git/raw/object.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-# converted from the gitrb project
-# authors:
-# Matthias Lederhofer <>
-# Simon 'corecode' Schubert <>
-# provides native ruby access to git objects and pack files
-require 'digest/sha1'
-module Git
- module Raw
- # class for author/committer/tagger lines
- class UserInfo
- attr_accessor :name, :email, :date, :offset
- def initialize(str)
- m = /^(.*?) <(.*)> (\d+) ([+-])0*(\d+?)$/.match(str)
- if !m
- raise RuntimeError, "invalid %s header in commit" % key
- end
- @name = m[1]
- @email = m[2]
- @date =[3]))
- @offset = (m[4] == "-" ? -1 : 1)*Integer(m[5])
- end
- def to_s
- "%s <%s> %s %+05d" % [@name, @email, @date.to_i, @offset]
- end
- end
- # base class for all git objects (blob, tree, commit, tag)
- class Object
- attr_accessor :repository
- def Object.from_raw(rawobject, repository = nil)
- case rawobject.type
- when :blob
- return Blob.from_raw(rawobject, repository)
- when :tree
- return Tree.from_raw(rawobject, repository)
- when :commit
- return Commit.from_raw(rawobject, repository)
- when :tag
- return Tag.from_raw(rawobject, repository)
- else
- raise RuntimeError, "got invalid object-type"
- end
- end
- def initialize
- raise NotImplemented, "abstract class"
- end
- def type
- raise NotImplemented, "abstract class"
- end
- def raw_content
- raise NotImplemented, "abstract class"
- end
- def sha1
- Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("%s %d\0" % \
- [self.type, self.raw_content.length] + \
- self.raw_content)
- end
- end
- class Blob < Object
- attr_accessor :content
- def self.from_raw(rawobject, repository)
- new(rawobject.content)
- end
- def initialize(content, repository=nil)
- @content = content
- @repository = repository
- end
- def type
- :blob
- end
- def raw_content
- @content
- end
- end
- class DirectoryEntry
- S_IFMT = 00170000
- S_IFLNK = 0120000
- S_IFREG = 0100000
- S_IFDIR = 0040000
- attr_accessor :mode, :name, :sha1
- def initialize(buf)
- m = /^(\d+) (.*)\0(.{20})$/m.match(buf)
- if !m
- raise RuntimeError, "invalid directory entry"
- end
- @mode = 0
- m[1].each_byte do |i|
- @mode = (@mode << 3) | (i-'0'[0])
- end
- @name = m[2]
- @sha1 = m[3].unpack("H*")[0]
- if ![S_IFLNK, S_IFDIR, S_IFREG].include?(@mode & S_IFMT)
- raise RuntimeError, "unknown type for directory entry"
- end
- end
- def type
- case @mode & S_IFMT
- when S_IFLNK
- @type = :link
- when S_IFDIR
- @type = :directory
- when S_IFREG
- @type = :file
- else
- raise RuntimeError, "unknown type for directory entry"
- end
- end
- def type=(type)
- case @type
- when :link
- @mode = (@mode & ~S_IFMT) | S_IFLNK
- when :directory
- @mode = (@mode & ~S_IFMT) | S_IFDIR
- when :file
- @mode = (@mode & ~S_IFMT) | S_IFREG
- else
- raise RuntimeError, "invalid type"
- end
- end
- def format_type
- case type
- when :link
- 'link'
- when :directory
- 'tree'
- when :file
- 'blob'
- end
- end
- def format_mode
- "%06o" % @mode
- end
- def raw
- "%o %s\0%s" % [@mode, @name, [@sha1].pack("H*")]
- end
- end
- class Tree < Object
- attr_accessor :entry
- def self.from_raw(rawobject, repository=nil)
- entries = []
- rawobject.content.scan(/\d+ .*?\0.{20}/m) do |raw|
- entries <<
- end
- new(entries, repository)
- end
- def initialize(entries=[], repository = nil)
- @entry = entries
- @repository = repository
- end
- def type
- :tree
- end
- def raw_content
- # TODO: sort correctly
- #@entry.sort { |a,b| <=> }.
- @entry.collect { |e| [[e.format_mode, e.format_type, e.sha1].join(' '),].join("\t") }.join("\n")
- end
- end
- class Commit < Object
- attr_accessor :author, :committer, :tree, :parent, :message
- def self.from_raw(rawobject, repository=nil)
- parent = []
- tree = author = committer = nil
- headers, message = rawobject.content.split(/\n\n/, 2)
- headers = headers.split(/\n/).map { |header| header.split(/ /, 2) }
- headers.each do |key, value|
- case key
- when "tree"
- tree = value
- when "parent"
- parent.push(value)
- when "author"
- author =
- when "committer"
- committer =
- else
- warn "unknown header '%s' in commit %s" % \
- [key, rawobject.sha1.unpack("H*")[0]]
- end
- end
- if not tree && author && committer
- raise RuntimeError, "incomplete raw commit object"
- end
- new(tree, parent, author, committer, message, repository)
- end
- def initialize(tree, parent, author, committer, message, repository=nil)
- @tree = tree
- @author = author
- @parent = parent
- @committer = committer
- @message = message
- @repository = repository
- end
- def type
- :commit
- end
- def raw_content
- "tree %s\n%sauthor %s\ncommitter %s\n\n" % [
- @tree,
- @parent.collect { |i| "parent %s\n" % i }.join,
- @author, @committer] + @message
- end
- end
- class Tag < Object
- attr_accessor :object, :type, :tag, :tagger, :message
- def self.from_raw(rawobject, repository=nil)
- headers, message = rawobject.content.split(/\n\n/, 2)
- headers = headers.split(/\n/).map { |header| header.split(/ /, 2) }
- headers.each do |key, value|
- case key
- when "object"
- object = value
- when "type"
- if !["blob", "tree", "commit", "tag"].include?(value)
- raise RuntimeError, "invalid type in tag"
- end
- type = value.to_sym
- when "tag"
- tag = value
- when "tagger"
- tagger =
- else
- warn "unknown header '%s' in tag" % \
- [key, rawobject.sha1.unpack("H*")[0]]
- end
- if not object && type && tag && tagger
- raise RuntimeError, "incomplete raw tag object"
- end
- end
- new(object, type, tag, tagger, repository)
- end
- def initialize(object, type, tag, tagger, repository=nil)
- @object = object
- @type = type
- @tag = tag
- @tagger = tagger
- @repository = repository
- end
- def raw_content
- "object %s\ntype %s\ntag %s\ntagger %s\n\n" % \
- [@object, @type, @tag, @tagger] + @message
- end
- def type
- :tag
- end
- end
-end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/git/raw/repository.rb b/lib/git/raw/repository.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index bd5e971..0000000
--- a/lib/git/raw/repository.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-# converted from the gitrb project
-# authors:
-# Matthias Lederhofer <>
-# Simon 'corecode' Schubert <>
-# provides native ruby access to git objects and pack files
-require 'git/raw/internal/object'
-require 'git/raw/internal/pack'
-require 'git/raw/internal/loose'
-require 'git/raw/object'
-module Git
- module Raw
- class Repository
- def initialize(git_dir)
- @git_dir = git_dir
- @loose ="objects"))
- @packs = []
- initpacks
- end
- def show
- @packs.each do |p|
- puts
- puts
- p.each_sha1 do |s|
- puts "**#{p[s].type}**"
- if p[s].type.to_s == 'commit'
- puts s.unpack('H*')
- puts p[s].content
- end
- end
- puts
- end
- end
- def object(sha)
- o = get_raw_object_by_sha1(sha)
- c = Git::Raw::Object.from_raw(o)
- end
- def cat_file(sha)
- object(sha).raw_content
- end
- def log(sha, count = 30)
- output = ''
- i = 0
- while sha && (i < count) do
- o = get_raw_object_by_sha1(sha)
- c = Git::Raw::Object.from_raw(o)
- output += "commit #{sha}\n"
- output += o.content + "\n"
- sha = c.parent.first
- i += 1
- end
- output
- end
- def get_object_by_sha1(sha1)
- r = get_raw_object_by_sha1(sha1)
- return nil if !r
- Object.from_raw(r, self)
- end
- def get_raw_object_by_sha1(sha1)
- sha1 = [sha1].pack("H*")
- # try packs
- @packs.each do |pack|
- o = pack[sha1]
- return o if o
- end
- # try loose storage
- o = @loose[sha1]
- return o if o
- # try packs again, maybe the object got packed in the meantime
- initpacks
- @packs.each do |pack|
- o = pack[sha1]
- return o if o
- end
- nil
- end
- protected
- def git_path(path)
- return "#@git_dir/#{path}"
- end
- private
- def initpacks
- @packs.each do |pack|
- pack.close
- end
- @packs = []
-"objects/pack/")) do |dir|
- dir.each do |entry|
- if entry =~ /\.pack$/i
- @packs <<"objects/pack/" \
- + entry))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end