path: root/func
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'func')
1 files changed, 469 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/func/ b/func/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb0b21e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/func/
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+#!/usr/bin/python -t
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# Copyright 2002 Duke University
+# filched from yum - menno smits wrote this - he rocks
+import os
+import sys
+import warnings
+import copy
+import urlparse
+from ConfigParser import NoSectionError, NoOptionError, ConfigParser
+from ConfigParser import ParsingError
+import exceptions
+class ConfigError(exceptions.Exception):
+ def __init__(self, value=None):
+ exceptions.Exception.__init__(self)
+ self.value = value
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "%s" %(self.value,)
+class Option(object):
+ '''
+ This class handles a single Yum configuration file option. Create
+ subclasses for each type of supported configuration option.
+ Python descriptor foo (__get__ and __set__) is used to make option
+ definition easy and consise.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, default=None):
+ self._setattrname()
+ self.inherit = False
+ self.default = default
+ def _setattrname(self):
+ '''Calculate the internal attribute name used to store option state in
+ configuration instances.
+ '''
+ self._attrname = '__opt%d' % id(self)
+ def __get__(self, obj, objtype):
+ '''Called when the option is read (via the descriptor protocol).
+ @param obj: The configuration instance to modify.
+ @param objtype: The type of the config instance (not used).
+ @return: The parsed option value or the default value if the value
+ wasn't set in the configuration file.
+ '''
+ if obj is None:
+ return self
+ return getattr(obj, self._attrname, None)
+ def __set__(self, obj, value):
+ '''Called when the option is set (via the descriptor protocol).
+ @param obj: The configuration instance to modify.
+ @param value: The value to set the option to.
+ @return: Nothing.
+ '''
+ # Only try to parse if its a string
+ if isinstance(value, basestring):
+ try:
+ value = self.parse(value)
+ except ValueError, e:
+ # Add the field name onto the error
+ raise ValueError('Error parsing %r: %s' % (value, str(e)))
+ setattr(obj, self._attrname, value)
+ def setup(self, obj, name):
+ '''Initialise the option for a config instance.
+ This must be called before the option can be set or retrieved.
+ @param obj: BaseConfig (or subclass) instance.
+ @param name: Name of the option.
+ '''
+ setattr(obj, self._attrname, copy.copy(self.default))
+ def clone(self):
+ '''Return a safe copy of this Option instance
+ '''
+ new = copy.copy(self)
+ new._setattrname()
+ return new
+ def parse(self, s):
+ '''Parse the string value to the Option's native value.
+ @param s: Raw string value to parse.
+ @return: Validated native value.
+ Will raise ValueError if there was a problem parsing the string.
+ Subclasses should override this.
+ '''
+ return s
+ def tostring(self, value):
+ '''Convert the Option's native value to a string value.
+ @param value: Native option value.
+ @return: String representation of input.
+ This does the opposite of the parse() method above.
+ Subclasses should override this.
+ '''
+ return str(value)
+def Inherit(option_obj):
+ '''Clone an Option instance for the purposes of inheritance. The returned
+ instance has all the same properties as the input Option and shares items
+ such as the default value. Use this to avoid redefinition of reused
+ options.
+ @param option_obj: Option instance to inherit.
+ @return: New Option instance inherited from the input.
+ '''
+ new_option = option_obj.clone()
+ new_option.inherit = True
+ return new_option
+class ListOption(Option):
+ def __init__(self, default=None):
+ if default is None:
+ default = []
+ super(ListOption, self).__init__(default)
+ def parse(self, s):
+ """Converts a string from the config file to a workable list
+ Commas and spaces are used as separators for the list
+ """
+ # we need to allow for the '\n[whitespace]' continuation - easier
+ # to sub the \n with a space and then read the lines
+ s = s.replace('\n', ' ')
+ s = s.replace(',', ' ')
+ return s.split()
+ def tostring(self, value):
+ return '\n '.join(value)
+class UrlOption(Option):
+ '''
+ This option handles lists of URLs with validation of the URL scheme.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, default=None, schemes=('http', 'ftp', 'file', 'https'),
+ allow_none=False):
+ super(UrlOption, self).__init__(default)
+ self.schemes = schemes
+ self.allow_none = allow_none
+ def parse(self, url):
+ url = url.strip()
+ # Handle the "_none_" special case
+ if url.lower() == '_none_':
+ if self.allow_none:
+ return None
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('"_none_" is not a valid value')
+ # Check that scheme is valid
+ (s,b,p,q,f,o) = urlparse.urlparse(url)
+ if s not in self.schemes:
+ raise ValueError('URL must be %s not "%s"' % (self._schemelist(), s))
+ return url
+ def _schemelist(self):
+ '''Return a user friendly list of the allowed schemes
+ '''
+ if len(self.schemes) < 1:
+ return 'empty'
+ elif len(self.schemes) == 1:
+ return self.schemes[0]
+ else:
+ return '%s or %s' % (', '.join(self.schemes[:-1]), self.schemes[-1])
+class UrlListOption(ListOption):
+ '''
+ Option for handling lists of URLs with validation of the URL scheme.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, default=None, schemes=('http', 'ftp', 'file', 'https')):
+ super(UrlListOption, self).__init__(default)
+ # Hold a UrlOption instance to assist with parsing
+ self._urloption = UrlOption(schemes=schemes)
+ def parse(self, s):
+ out = []
+ for url in super(UrlListOption, self).parse(s):
+ out.append(self._urloption.parse(url))
+ return out
+class IntOption(Option):
+ def parse(self, s):
+ try:
+ return int(s)
+ except (ValueError, TypeError), e:
+ raise ValueError('invalid integer value')
+class BoolOption(Option):
+ def parse(self, s):
+ s = s.lower()
+ if s in ('0', 'no', 'false'):
+ return False
+ elif s in ('1', 'yes', 'true'):
+ return True
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('invalid boolean value')
+ def tostring(self, value):
+ if value:
+ return "1"
+ else:
+ return "0"
+class FloatOption(Option):
+ def parse(self, s):
+ try:
+ return float(s.strip())
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ raise ValueError('invalid float value')
+class SelectionOption(Option):
+ '''Handles string values where only specific values are allowed
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, default=None, allowed=()):
+ super(SelectionOption, self).__init__(default)
+ self._allowed = allowed
+ def parse(self, s):
+ if s not in self._allowed:
+ raise ValueError('"%s" is not an allowed value' % s)
+ return s
+class BytesOption(Option):
+ # Multipliers for unit symbols
+ MULTS = {
+ 'k': 1024,
+ 'm': 1024*1024,
+ 'g': 1024*1024*1024,
+ }
+ def parse(self, s):
+ """Parse a friendly bandwidth option to bytes
+ The input should be a string containing a (possibly floating point)
+ number followed by an optional single character unit. Valid units are
+ 'k', 'M', 'G'. Case is ignored.
+ Valid inputs: 100, 123M, 45.6k, 12.4G, 100K, 786.3, 0
+ Invalid inputs: -10, -0.1, 45.6L, 123Mb
+ Return value will always be an integer
+ 1k = 1024 bytes.
+ ValueError will be raised if the option couldn't be parsed.
+ """
+ if len(s) < 1:
+ raise ValueError("no value specified")
+ if s[-1].isalpha():
+ n = s[:-1]
+ unit = s[-1].lower()
+ mult = self.MULTS.get(unit, None)
+ if not mult:
+ raise ValueError("unknown unit '%s'" % unit)
+ else:
+ n = s
+ mult = 1
+ try:
+ n = float(n)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValueError("couldn't convert '%s' to number" % n)
+ if n < 0:
+ raise ValueError("bytes value may not be negative")
+ return int(n * mult)
+class ThrottleOption(BytesOption):
+ def parse(self, s):
+ """Get a throttle option.
+ Input may either be a percentage or a "friendly bandwidth value" as
+ accepted by the BytesOption.
+ Valid inputs: 100, 50%, 80.5%, 123M, 45.6k, 12.4G, 100K, 786.0, 0
+ Invalid inputs: 100.1%, -4%, -500
+ Return value will be a int if a bandwidth value was specified or a
+ float if a percentage was given.
+ ValueError will be raised if input couldn't be parsed.
+ """
+ if len(s) < 1:
+ raise ValueError("no value specified")
+ if s[-1] == '%':
+ n = s[:-1]
+ try:
+ n = float(n)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValueError("couldn't convert '%s' to number" % n)
+ if n < 0 or n > 100:
+ raise ValueError("percentage is out of range")
+ return n / 100.0
+ else:
+ return BytesOption.parse(self, s)
+class BaseConfig(object):
+ '''
+ Base class for storing configuration definitions. Subclass when creating
+ your own definitons.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._section = None
+ for name in self.iterkeys():
+ option = self.optionobj(name)
+ option.setup(self, name)
+ def __str__(self):
+ out = []
+ out.append('[%s]' % self._section)
+ for name, value in self.iteritems():
+ out.append('%s: %r' % (name, value))
+ return '\n'.join(out)
+ def populate(self, parser, section, parent=None):
+ '''Set option values from a INI file section.
+ @param parser: ConfParser instance (or subclass)
+ @param section: INI file section to read use.
+ @param parent: Optional parent BaseConfig (or subclass) instance to use
+ when doing option value inheritance.
+ '''
+ self.cfg = parser
+ self._section = section
+ for name in self.iterkeys():
+ option = self.optionobj(name)
+ value = None
+ try:
+ value = parser.get(section, name)
+ except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError):
+ # No matching option in this section, try inheriting
+ if parent and option.inherit:
+ value = getattr(parent, name)
+ if value is not None:
+ setattr(self, name, value)
+ def optionobj(cls, name):
+ '''Return the Option instance for the given name
+ '''
+ obj = getattr(cls, name, None)
+ if isinstance(obj, Option):
+ return obj
+ else:
+ raise KeyError
+ optionobj = classmethod(optionobj)
+ def isoption(cls, name):
+ '''Return True if the given name refers to a defined option
+ '''
+ try:
+ cls.optionobj(name)
+ return True
+ except KeyError:
+ return False
+ isoption = classmethod(isoption)
+ def iterkeys(self):
+ '''Yield the names of all defined options in the instance.
+ '''
+ for name, item in self.iteritems():
+ yield name
+ def iteritems(self):
+ '''Yield (name, value) pairs for every option in the instance.
+ The value returned is the parsed, validated option value.
+ '''
+ # Use dir() so that we see inherited options too
+ for name in dir(self):
+ if self.isoption(name):
+ yield (name, getattr(self, name))
+ def write(self, fileobj, section=None, always=()):
+ '''Write out the configuration to a file-like object
+ @param fileobj: File-like object to write to
+ @param section: Section name to use. If not-specified the section name
+ used during parsing will be used.
+ @param always: A sequence of option names to always write out.
+ Options not listed here will only be written out if they are at
+ non-default values. Set to None to dump out all options.
+ '''
+ # Write section heading
+ if section is None:
+ if self._section is None:
+ raise ValueError("not populated, don't know section")
+ section = self._section
+ # Updated the ConfigParser with the changed values
+ cfgOptions = self.cfg.options(section)
+ for name,value in self.iteritems():
+ option = self.optionobj(name)
+ if always is None or name in always or option.default != value or name in cfgOptions :
+ self.cfg.set(section,name, option.tostring(value))
+ # write the updated ConfigParser to the fileobj.
+ self.cfg.write(fileobj)
+ def getConfigOption(self, option, default=None):
+ warnings.warn('getConfigOption() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n'
+ 'Please access option values as attributes or using getattr().',
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ if hasattr(self, option):
+ return getattr(self, option)
+ return default
+ def setConfigOption(self, option, value):
+ warnings.warn('setConfigOption() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n'
+ 'Please set option values as attributes or using setattr().',
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ if hasattr(self, option):
+ setattr(self, option, value)
+ else:
+ raise ConfigError, 'No such option %s' % option
+def read_config(config_file, BaseConfigDerived):
+ confparser = ConfigParser()
+ opts = BaseConfigDerived()
+ if os.path.exists(config_file):
+ try:
+ except ParsingError, e:
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Error reading config file: %s" % e
+ sys.exit(1)
+ opts.populate(confparser, 'main')
+ return opts
+ \ No newline at end of file