path: root/func/minion/modules
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authorMichael DeHaan <>2008-01-13 12:07:04 -0500
committerMichael DeHaan <>2008-01-13 12:07:04 -0500
commit8c4a154f196383f6d0969934e10641e83ac51af4 (patch)
tree6c655e1bbfd9c060703d4a36b4df268bcbb5ce3d /func/minion/modules
parentbabbeca1e1f7361aac83f599aec9c0341a619f0f (diff)
Luke's process patch.
Diffstat (limited to 'func/minion/modules')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/func/minion/modules/ b/func/minion/modules/
index b48b910..4659772 100755
--- a/func/minion/modules/
+++ b/func/minion/modules/
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ class ProcessModule(func_module.FuncModule):
self.methods = {
"info" :,
"kill" : self.kill,
- "pkill" : self.pkill
+ "pkill" : self.pkill,
+ "mem" : self.mem
@@ -54,6 +55,143 @@ class ProcessModule(func_module.FuncModule):
return results
+ def mem(self):
+ """
+ Returns a list of per-program memory usage.
+ Private + Shared = RAM used Program
+ [["39.4 MiB", "10.3 MiB", "49.8 MiB", "Xorg"],
+ ["42.2 MiB", "12.4 MiB", "54.6 MiB", "nautilus"],
+ ["52.3 MiB", "10.8 MiB", "63.0 MiB", "liferea-bin"]
+ ["171.6 MiB", "11.9 MiB", "183.5 MiB", "firefox-bin"]]
+ Taken from the script written by P draigBrady com
+ """
+ import os
+ our_pid=os.getpid()
+ results = []
+ have_smaps=0
+ have_pss=0
+ def kernel_ver():
+ """ (major,minor,release) """
+ kv=open("/proc/sys/kernel/osrelease").readline().split(".")[:3]
+ for char in "-_":
+ kv[2]=kv[2].split(char)[0]
+ return (int(kv[0]), int(kv[1]), int(kv[2]))
+ kv=kernel_ver()
+ def getMemStats(pid):
+ """ return Rss,Pss,Shared (note Private = Rss-Shared) """
+ Shared_lines=[]
+ Pss_lines=[]
+ pagesize=os.sysconf("SC_PAGE_SIZE")/1024 #KiB
+ Rss=int(open("/proc/"+str(pid)+"/statm").readline().split()[1])*pagesize
+ if os.path.exists("/proc/"+str(pid)+"/smaps"): #stat
+ global have_smaps
+ have_smaps=1
+ for line in open("/proc/"+str(pid)+"/smaps").readlines(): #open
+ #Note in smaps Shared+Private = Rss above
+ #The Rss in smaps includes video card mem etc.
+ if line.startswith("Shared"):
+ Shared_lines.append(line)
+ elif line.startswith("Pss"):
+ global have_pss
+ have_pss=1
+ Pss_lines.append(line)
+ Shared=sum([int(line.split()[1]) for line in Shared_lines])
+ Pss=sum([int(line.split()[1]) for line in Pss_lines])
+ elif (2,6,1) <= kv <= (2,6,9):
+ Pss=0
+ Shared=0 #lots of overestimation, but what can we do?
+ else:
+ Pss=0
+ Shared=int(open("/proc/"+str(pid)+"/statm").readline().split()[2])*pagesize
+ return (Rss, Pss, Shared)
+ cmds={}
+ shareds={}
+ count={}
+ for pid in os.listdir("/proc/"):
+ try:
+ pid = int(pid) #note Thread IDs not listed in /proc/
+ if pid ==our_pid: continue
+ except:
+ continue
+ cmd = file("/proc/%d/status" % pid).readline()[6:-1]
+ try:
+ exe = os.path.basename(os.path.realpath("/proc/%d/exe" % pid))
+ if exe.startswith(cmd):
+ cmd=exe #show non truncated version
+ #Note because we show the non truncated name
+ #one can have separated programs as follows:
+ #584.0 KiB + 1.0 MiB = 1.6 MiB mozilla-thunder (exe -> bash)
+ #56.0 MiB + 22.2 MiB = 78.2 MiB mozilla-thunderbird-bin
+ except:
+ #permission denied or
+ #kernel threads don't have exe links or
+ #process gone
+ continue
+ try:
+ rss, pss, shared = getMemStats(pid)
+ private = rss-shared
+ #Note shared is always a subset of rss (trs is not always)
+ except:
+ continue #process gone
+ if shareds.get(cmd):
+ if pss: #add shared portion of PSS together
+ shareds[cmd]+=pss-private
+ elif shareds[cmd] < shared: #just take largest shared val
+ shareds[cmd]=shared
+ else:
+ if pss:
+ shareds[cmd]=pss-private
+ else:
+ shareds[cmd]=shared
+ cmds[cmd]=cmds.setdefault(cmd,0)+private
+ if count.has_key(cmd):
+ count[cmd] += 1
+ else:
+ count[cmd] = 1
+ #Add max shared mem for each program
+ total=0
+ for cmd in cmds.keys():
+ cmds[cmd]=cmds[cmd]+shareds[cmd]
+ total+=cmds[cmd] #valid if PSS available
+ sort_list = cmds.items()
+ sort_list.sort(lambda x,y:cmp(x[1],y[1]))
+ sort_list=filter(lambda x:x[1],sort_list) #get rid of zero sized processes
+ #The following matches "du -h" output
+ def human(num, power="Ki"):
+ powers=["Ki","Mi","Gi","Ti"]
+ while num >= 1000: #4 digits
+ num /= 1024.0
+ power=powers[powers.index(power)+1]
+ return "%.1f %s" % (num,power)
+ def cmd_with_count(cmd, count):
+ if count>1:
+ return "%s (%u)" % (cmd, count)
+ else:
+ return cmd
+ for cmd in sort_list:
+ results.append([
+ "%sB" % human(cmd[1]-shareds[cmd[0]]),
+ "%sB" % human(shareds[cmd[0]]),
+ "%sB" % human(cmd[1]),
+ "%s" % cmd_with_count(cmd[0], count[cmd[0]])
+ ])
+ if have_pss:
+ results.append(["", "", "", "%sB" % human(total)])
+ return results
def kill(self,pid,signal="TERM"):
if pid == "0":