path: root/cobbler/modules
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cobbler/modules')
8 files changed, 883 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cobbler/modules/ b/cobbler/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffe87a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cobbler/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+Authentication module that uses /etc/cobbler/auth.conf
+Choice of authentication module is in /etc/cobbler/modules.conf
+Copyright 2007, Red Hat, Inc
+Michael DeHaan <>
+This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU
+general public license.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+import distutils.sysconfig
+import ConfigParser
+import sys
+import os
+from rhpl.translate import _, N_, textdomain, utf8
+import md5
+import traceback
+plib = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib()
+mod_path="%s/cobbler" % plib
+sys.path.insert(0, mod_path)
+import cexceptions
+import utils
+def register():
+ """
+ The mandatory cobbler module registration hook.
+ """
+ return "authn"
+def __parse_storage():
+ if not os.path.exists("/etc/cobbler/users.digest"):
+ return []
+ fd = open("/etc/cobbler/users.digest")
+ data =
+ fd.close()
+ results = []
+ lines = data.split("\n")
+ for line in lines:
+ try:
+ line = line.strip()
+ tokens = line.split(":")
+ results.append([tokens[0],tokens[1],tokens[2]])
+ except:
+ pass
+ return results
+def authenticate(api_handle,username,password):
+ """
+ Validate a username/password combo, returning True/False
+ Thanks to for supplying
+ the algorithm info.
+ """
+ # debugging only (not safe to enable)
+ # api_handle.logger.debug("backend authenticate (%s,%s)" % (username,password))
+ userlist = __parse_storage()
+ for (user,realm,actual_blob) in userlist:
+ if user == username and realm == "Cobbler":
+ input = ":".join([user,realm,password])
+ input_blob = md5.md5(input).hexdigest()
+ if input_blob.lower() == actual_blob.lower():
+ return True
+ return False
diff --git a/cobbler/modules/ b/cobbler/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f85db6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cobbler/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+Authentication module that uses kerberos.
+Copyright 2007, Red Hat, Inc
+Michael DeHaan <>
+This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU
+general public license.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# NOTE: this is not using 'straight up' kerberos in that we
+# relay passwords through cobblerd for authentication, that may
+# be done later. It does of course check against kerberos,
+# however.
+# ALSO NOTE: we're calling out to a Perl program to make
+# this work. You must install Authen::Simple::Kerberos
+# from CPAN and the Kerberos libraries for this to work.
+# See the Cobbler Wiki for more info.
+# ALSO ALSO NOTE: set kerberos_realm in /var/lib/cobbler/settings
+# to something appropriate or this will never work. CASING
+import distutils.sysconfig
+import ConfigParser
+import sys
+import os
+from rhpl.translate import _, N_, textdomain, utf8
+import md5
+import traceback
+# since sub_process isn't available on older OS's
+ import sub_process as subprocess
+ import subprocess
+plib = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib()
+mod_path="%s/cobbler" % plib
+sys.path.insert(0, mod_path)
+import cexceptions
+import utils
+def register():
+ """
+ The mandatory cobbler module registration hook.
+ """
+ return "authn"
+def authenticate(api_handle,username,password):
+ """
+ Validate a username/password combo, returning True/False
+ Uses cobbler_auth_helper
+ """
+ realm = self.api.settings().kerberos_realm
+ api_handle.logger.debug("authenticating %s against %s" % (username,realm))
+ rc =[
+ "/usr/bin/cobbler_auth_help",
+ "--method=kerberos",
+ "--username=%s" % username,
+ "--password=%s" % password,
+ "--realm=%s" % realm
+ ])
+ print rc
+ if rc == 42:
+ api_handle.logger.debug("authenticated ok")
+ # authentication ok (FIXME: log)
+ return True
+ else:
+ api_handle.logger.debug("authentication failed")
+ # authentication failed
+ return False
diff --git a/cobbler/modules/ b/cobbler/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b05630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cobbler/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+Authorization module that allows everything, which is the default
+for new cobbler installs.
+Copyright 2007, Red Hat, Inc
+Michael DeHaan <>
+This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU
+general public license.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+import distutils.sysconfig
+import ConfigParser
+import sys
+from rhpl.translate import _, N_, textdomain, utf8
+plib = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib()
+mod_path="%s/cobbler" % plib
+sys.path.insert(0, mod_path)
+import cexceptions
+import utils
+def register():
+ """
+ The mandatory cobbler module registration hook.
+ """
+ return "authz"
+def authorize(api_handle,user,resource,arg1=None,arg2=None):
+ """
+ Validate a user against a resource.
+ """
+ return True
diff --git a/cobbler/modules/ b/cobbler/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35f5a4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cobbler/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+Distro CLI module.
+Copyright 2007, Red Hat, Inc
+Michael DeHaan <>
+This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU
+general public license.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+import distutils.sysconfig
+import sys
+plib = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib()
+mod_path="%s/cobbler" % plib
+sys.path.insert(0, mod_path)
+from rhpl.translate import _, N_, textdomain, utf8
+import commands
+import cexceptions
+class DistroFunction(commands.CobblerFunction):
+ def help_me(self):
+ return commands.HELP_FORMAT % ("cobbler distro", "<add|edit|copy|list|rename|remove|report> [ARGS|--help]")
+ def command_name(self):
+ return "distro"
+ def subcommands(self):
+ return [ "add", "edit", "copy", "rename", "remove", "list", "report" ]
+ def add_options(self, p, args):
+ if not self.matches_args(args,["remove","report","list"]):
+ p.add_option("--arch", dest="arch", help="ex: x86, x86_64, ia64")
+ p.add_option("--breed", dest="breed", help="ex: redhat, debian, suse")
+ p.add_option("--initrd", dest="initrd", help="absolute path to initrd.img (REQUIRED)")
+ p.add_option("--kernel", dest="kernel", help="absolute path to vmlinuz (REQUIRED)")
+ p.add_option("--kopts", dest="kopts", help="ex: 'noipv6'")
+ p.add_option("--ksmeta", dest="ksmeta", help="ex: 'blippy=7'")
+ p.add_option("--name", dest="name", help="ex: 'RHEL-5-i386' (REQUIRED)")
+ if self.matches_args(args,["copy","rename"]):
+ p.add_option("--newname", dest="newname", help="for copy/rename commands")
+ if not self.matches_args(args,["remove","report","list"]):
+ p.add_option("--no-sync", action="store_true", dest="nosync", help="suppress sync for speed")
+ if not self.matches_args(args,["report","list"]):
+ p.add_option("--no-triggers", action="store_true", dest="notriggers", help="suppress trigger execution")
+ if self.matches_args(args,["remove"]):
+ p.add_option("--recursive", action="store_true", dest="recursive", help="also delete child objects")
+ def run(self):
+ obj = self.object_manipulator_start(self.api.new_distro,self.api.distros)
+ if obj is None:
+ return True
+ if self.options.kernel:
+ obj.set_kernel(self.options.kernel)
+ if self.options.initrd:
+ obj.set_initrd(self.options.initrd)
+ if self.options.kopts:
+ obj.set_kernel_options(self.options.kopts)
+ if self.options.ksmeta:
+ obj.set_ksmeta(self.options.ksmeta)
+ if self.options.breed:
+ obj.set_breed(self.options.breed)
+ return self.object_manipulator_finish(obj, self.api.distros, self.options)
+def register():
+ """
+ The mandatory cobbler module registration hook.
+ """
+ return "cli"
+def cli_functions(api):
+ return [
+ DistroFunction(api)
+ ]
diff --git a/cobbler/modules/ b/cobbler/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..881787b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cobbler/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+Misc CLI functions.
+Copyright 2007, Red Hat, Inc
+Michael DeHaan <>
+This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU
+general public license.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+import distutils.sysconfig
+import sys
+plib = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib()
+mod_path="%s/cobbler" % plib
+sys.path.insert(0, mod_path)
+from rhpl.translate import _, N_, textdomain, utf8
+import commands
+from cexceptions import *
+# TO DO list
+# cobbler check
+# cobbler import (--name, --mirror, --available-as)
+# cobbler reserialize
+# cobbler --type=[profile|system|distro|repo] [--name=list]
+# cobbler --type=[profile|system|distro|profile] [--name=report]
+# cobbler status
+# cobbler reposync --name=$name
+# cobbler sync
+# cobbler validateks
+# elsewhere: repo auto-add
+class CheckFunction(commands.CobblerFunction):
+ def help_me(self):
+ return HELP_FORMAT % ("cobbler check","")
+ def command_name(self):
+ return "check"
+ def add_options(self, p, args):
+ pass
+ def run(self):
+ status = self.api.check()
+ if len(status) == 0:
+ print _("No setup problems found")
+ print _("Manual review and editing of /var/lib/cobbler/settings is recommended to tailor cobbler to your particular configuration.")
+ print _("Good luck.")
+ return True
+ else:
+ print _("The following potential problems were detected:")
+ for i,x in enumerate(status):
+ print _("#%(number)d: %(problem)s") % { "number" : i, "problem" : x }
+ return False
+class ImportFunction(commands.CobblerFunction):
+ def help_me(self):
+ return HELP_FORMAT % ("cobbler import","[ARGS|--help]")
+ def command_name(self):
+ return "import"
+ def add_options(self, p, args):
+ p.add_option("--mirror", dest="mirror", help="local path or rsync location (REQUIRED)")
+ p.add_option("--name", dest="name", help="name, ex 'RHEL-5', (REQUIRED)")
+ p.add_option("--available-as", dest="available_as", help="do not mirror, use this as install tree")
+ p.add_option("--kickstart", dest="kickstart_file", help="use the kickstart file specified as the profile's kickstart file")
+ p.add_option("--rsync-flags", dest="rsync_flags", help="pass additional flags to rsync")
+ def run(self):
+ if not self.options.mirror:
+ raise CX(_("mirror is required"))
+ if not
+ raise CX(_("name is required"))
+ return self.api.import_tree(
+ self.options.mirror,
+ network_root=self.options.available_as,
+ kickstart_file=self.options.kickstart_file,
+ rsync_flags=self.options.rsync_flags
+ )
+class ReserializeFunction(commands.CobblerFunction):
+ def help_me(self):
+ return "" # hide
+ def command_name(self):
+ return "reserialize"
+ def run(self):
+ # already deserialized when API is instantiated
+ # this just saves files in new config format (if any)
+ return self.api.serialize()
+class ListFunction(commands.CobblerFunction):
+ def help_me(self):
+ return HELP_FORMAT % ("cobbler list","[ARGS|--help]")
+ def command_name(self):
+ return "list"
+ def add_options(self, p, args):
+ p.add_option("--what", dest="what", default="all", help="all/distros/profiles/systems/repos")
+ def run(self):
+ if self.options.what not in [ "all", "distros", "profiles", "systems", "repos" ]:
+ raise CX(_("invalid value for --what"))
+ if self.options.what in [ "all" ]:
+ self.list_tree(self.api.distros(),0)
+ self.list_tree(self.api.repos(),0)
+ if self.options.what in [ "distros"]:
+ self.list_list(self.api.distros())
+ if self.options.what in [ "profiles"]:
+ self.list_list(self.api.profiles())
+ if self.options.what in [ "systems" ]:
+ self.list_list(
+ if self.options.what in [ "repos"]:
+ self.list_list(self.api.repos())
+class ReportFunction(commands.CobblerFunction):
+ def help_me(self):
+ return HELP_FORMAT % ("cobbler report","[ARGS|--help]")
+ def command_name(self):
+ return "report"
+ def add_options(self, p, args):
+ p.add_option("--what", dest="what", default="all", help="distros/profiles/systems/repos")
+ p.add_option("--name", dest="name", help="report on just this object")
+ def run(self):
+ if self.options.what not in [ "all", "distros", "profiles", "systems", "repos" ]:
+ raise CX(_("Invalid value for --what"))
+ if self.options.what in [ "all", "distros" ]:
+ if
+ self.reporting_list_names2(self.api.distros(),
+ else:
+ self.reporting_print_sorted(self.api.distros())
+ if self.options.what in [ "all", "profiles" ]:
+ if
+ self.reporting_list_names2(self.api.profiles(),
+ else:
+ self.reporting_print_sorted(self.api.profiles())
+ if self.options.what in [ "all", "systems" ]:
+ if
+ self.reporting_list_names2(,
+ else:
+ self.reporting_print_sorted(
+ if self.options.what in [ "all", "repos" ]:
+ if
+ self.reporting_list_names2(self.api.repos(),
+ else:
+ self.reporting_print_sorted(self.api.repos())
+ return True
+## FIXME: add legacy command translator to keep things simple
+## cobbler system report foo --> cobbler report --what=systems --name=foo
+## cobbler system report --> cobbler report --what=systems
+## ditto for "cobbler list"
+class StatusFunction(commands.CobblerFunction):
+ def help_me(self):
+ return HELP_FORMAT % ("cobbler status","[ARGS|--help]")
+ def command_name(self):
+ return "status"
+ def run(self):
+ return self.api.status("text") # no other output modes supported yet
+class SyncFunction(commands.CobblerFunction):
+ def help_me(self):
+ return HELP_FORMAT % ("cobbler sync","")
+ def command_name(self):
+ return "sync"
+ def run(self):
+ return self.api.sync()
+class RepoSyncFunction(commands.CobblerFunction):
+ def help_me(self):
+ return HELP_FORMAT % ("cobbler reposync","[ARGS|--help]")
+ def command_name(self):
+ return "reposync"
+ def add_options(self, p, args):
+ p.add_option("--only", dest="only", help="update only this repository name")
+ def run(self):
+ return self.api.reposync(self.options.only)
+class ValidateKsFunction(commands.CobblerFunction):
+ def help_me(self):
+ return HELP_FORMAT % ("cobbler validateks","")
+ def command_name(self):
+ return "validateks"
+ def run(self):
+ return self.api.validateks()
+def register():
+ """
+ The mandatory cobbler module registration hook.
+ """
+ return "cli"
+def cli_functions(api):
+ return [
+ CheckFunction(api), ImportFunction(api), ReserializeFunction(api),
+ ListFunction(api), ReportFunction(api), StatusFunction(api),
+ SyncFunction(api), RepoSyncFunction(api), ValidateKsFunction(api)
+ ]
+ return []
diff --git a/cobbler/modules/ b/cobbler/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9d1d23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cobbler/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+Profile CLI module.
+Copyright 2007, Red Hat, Inc
+Michael DeHaan <>
+This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU
+general public license.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+import distutils.sysconfig
+import sys
+plib = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib()
+mod_path="%s/cobbler" % plib
+sys.path.insert(0, mod_path)
+from rhpl.translate import _, N_, textdomain, utf8
+import commands
+import cexceptions
+class ProfileFunction(commands.CobblerFunction):
+ def help_me(self):
+ return commands.HELP_FORMAT % ("cobbler profile","<add|edit|copy|list|rename|remove|report> [ARGS|--help]")
+ def command_name(self):
+ return "profile"
+ def subcommands(self):
+ return [ "add", "edit", "copy", "rename", "remove", "list", "report" ]
+ def add_options(self, p, args):
+ if not self.matches_args(args,["remove","report","list"]):
+ p.add_option("--distro", dest="distro", help="ex: 'RHEL-5-i386' (REQUIRED)")
+ p.add_option("--dhcp-tag", dest="dhcp_tag", help="for use in advanced DHCP configuration")
+ p.add_option("--inherit", dest="inherit", help="inherit from this profile name, defaults to no")
+ p.add_option("--kickstart", dest="kickstart", help="absolute path to kickstart template (RECOMMENDED)")
+ p.add_option("--ksmeta", dest="ksmeta", help="ex: 'blippy=7'")
+ p.add_option("--kopts", dest="kopts", help="ex: 'noipv6'")
+ p.add_option("--name", dest="name", help="a name for the profile (REQUIRED)")
+ if "copy" in args or "rename" in args:
+ p.add_option("--newname", dest="newname")
+ if not self.matches_args(args,["remove","report", "list"]):
+ p.add_option("--no-sync", action="store_true", dest="nosync", help="suppress sync for speed")
+ if not self.matches_args(args,["report", "list"]):
+ p.add_option("--no-triggers", action="store_true", dest="notriggers", help="suppress trigger execution")
+ if self.matches_args(args,["remove"]):
+ p.add_option("--recursive", action="store_true", dest="recursive", help="also delete child objects")
+ if not self.matches_args(args,["remove","report","list"]):
+ p.add_option("--repos", dest="repos", help="names of cobbler repos")
+ p.add_option("--server-override", dest="server_override", help="overrides value in settings file")
+ p.add_option("--virt-bridge", dest="virt_bridge", help="ex: 'virbr0'")
+ p.add_option("--virt-cpus", dest="virt_cpus", help="integer (default: 1)")
+ p.add_option("--virt-file-size", dest="virt_file_size", help="size in GB")
+ p.add_option("--virt-path", dest="virt_path", help="path, partition, or volume")
+ p.add_option("--virt-ram", dest="virt_ram", help="size in MB")
+ p.add_option("--virt-type", dest="virt_type", help="ex: 'xenpv', 'qemu'")
+ def run(self):
+ if self.matches_args(self.args,["report","list","remove"]) or not self.options.inherit:
+ obj = self.object_manipulator_start(self.api.new_profile,self.api.profiles,subobject=False)
+ else:
+ obj = self.object_manipulator_start(self.api.new_profile,self.api.profiles,subobject=True)
+ if obj is None:
+ return True
+ if self.options.inherit: obj.set_parent(self.options.inherit)
+ if self.options.distro: obj.set_distro(self.options.distro)
+ if self.options.kickstart: obj.set_kickstart(self.options.kickstart)
+ if self.options.kopts: obj.set_kernel_options(self.options.kopts)
+ if self.options.ksmeta: obj.set_ksmeta(self.options.ksmeta)
+ if self.options.virt_file_size: obj.set_virt_file_size(self.options.virt_file_size)
+ if self.options.virt_ram: obj.set_virt_ram(self.options.virt_ram)
+ if self.options.virt_bridge: obj.set_virt_bridge(self.options.virt_bridge)
+ if self.options.virt_type: obj.set_virt_type(self.options.virt_type)
+ if self.options.virt_cpus: obj.set_virt_cpus(self.options.virt_cpus)
+ if self.options.repos: obj.set_repos(self.options.repos)
+ if self.options.virt_path: obj.set_virt_path(self.options.virt_path)
+ if self.options.dhcp_tag: obj.set_dhcp_tag(self.options.dhcp_tag)
+ if self.options.server_override: obj.set_server(self.options.server)
+ return self.object_manipulator_finish(obj, self.api.profiles, self.options)
+def register():
+ """
+ The mandatory cobbler module registration hook.
+ """
+ return "cli"
+def cli_functions(api):
+ return [
+ ProfileFunction(api)
+ ]
diff --git a/cobbler/modules/ b/cobbler/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96afa6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cobbler/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+Repo CLI module.
+Copyright 2007, Red Hat, Inc
+Michael DeHaan <>
+This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU
+general public license.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+import distutils.sysconfig
+import sys
+plib = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib()
+mod_path="%s/cobbler" % plib
+sys.path.insert(0, mod_path)
+from rhpl.translate import _, N_, textdomain, utf8
+import commands
+import cexceptions
+class RepoFunction(commands.CobblerFunction):
+ def help_me(self):
+ return commands.HELP_FORMAT % ("cobbler repo","<add|edit|copy|list|rename|remove|report> [ARGS|--help]")
+ def command_name(self):
+ return "repo"
+ def subcommands(self):
+ return [ "add", "edit", "copy", "rename", "remove", "list", "report" ]
+ def add_options(self, p, args):
+ if not self.matches_args(args,["remove","report","list"]):
+ p.add_option("--arch", dest="arch", help="overrides repo arch if required")
+ p.add_option("--createrepo-flags", dest="createrepo_flags", help="additional flags for createrepo")
+ p.add_option("--keep-updated", dest="keep_updated", help="update on each reposync, yes/no")
+ p.add_option("--name", dest="name", help="ex: 'Fedora-8-updates-i386' (REQUIRED)")
+ if not self.matches_args(args,["remove","report","list"]):
+ p.add_option("--mirror", dest="mirror", help="source to mirror (REQUIRED)")
+ p.add_option("--priority", dest="priority", help="set priority")
+ p.add_option("--rpm-list", dest="rpm_list", help="just mirror these rpms")
+ p.add_option("--yumopts", dest="yumopts", help="ex: pluginvar=abcd")
+ if self.matches_args(args,["copy","rename"]):
+ p.add_option("--newname", dest="newname", help="used for copy/edit")
+ if not self.matches_args(args,["remove","report","list"]):
+ p.add_option("--no-sync", action="store_true", dest="nosync", help="suppress sync for speed")
+ if not self.matches_args(args,["report","list"]):
+ p.add_option("--no-triggers", action="store_true", dest="notriggers", help="suppress trigger execution")
+ def run(self):
+ obj = self.object_manipulator_start(self.api.new_repo,self.api.repos)
+ if obj is None:
+ return True
+ if self.options.arch: obj.set_arch(self.options.arch)
+ if self.options.createrepo_flags: obj.set_createrepo_flags(self.options.createrepo_flags)
+ if self.options.rpm_list: obj.set_rpm_list(self.options.rpm_list)
+ if self.options.keep_updated: obj.set_keep_updated(self.options.keep_updated)
+ if self.options.priority: obj.set_priority(self.options.priority)
+ if self.options.mirror: obj.set_mirror(self.options.mirror)
+ if self.options.yumopts: obj.set_yumopts(self.options.yumopts)
+ return self.object_manipulator_finish(obj, self.api.repos, self.options)
+def register():
+ """
+ The mandatory cobbler module registration hook.
+ """
+ return "cli"
+def cli_functions(api):
+ return [
+ RepoFunction(api)
+ ]
+ return []
diff --git a/cobbler/modules/ b/cobbler/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c463b8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cobbler/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+System CLI module.
+Copyright 2007, Red Hat, Inc
+Michael DeHaan <>
+This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU
+general public license.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+import distutils.sysconfig
+import sys
+plib = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib()
+mod_path="%s/cobbler" % plib
+sys.path.insert(0, mod_path)
+from rhpl.translate import _, N_, textdomain, utf8
+import commands
+import cexceptions
+class SystemFunction(commands.CobblerFunction):
+ def help_me(self):
+ return commands.HELP_FORMAT % ("cobbler system","<add|edit|copy|list|rename|remove|report> [ARGS|--help]")
+ def command_name(self):
+ return "system"
+ def subcommands(self):
+ return [ "add", "edit", "copy", "rename", "remove", "report", "list" ]
+ def add_options(self, p, args):
+ if not self.matches_args(args,["remove","report","list"]):
+ p.add_option("--dhcp-tag", dest="dhcp_tag", help="for use in advanced DHCP configurations")
+ p.add_option("--gateway", dest="gateway", help="for static IP / templating usage")
+ p.add_option("--hostname", dest="hostname", help="ex:")
+ p.add_option("--interface", dest="interface", help="edit this interface # (0-7, default 0)")
+ p.add_option("--ip", dest="ip", help="ex:, (RECOMMENDED)")
+ p.add_option("--kickstart", dest="kickstart", help="override profile kickstart template")
+ p.add_option("--kopts", dest="kopts", help="ex: 'noipv6'")
+ p.add_option("--ksmeta", dest="ksmeta", help="ex: 'blippy=7'")
+ p.add_option("--mac", dest="mac", help="ex: 'AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF', (RECOMMENDED)")
+ p.add_option("--name", dest="name", help="a name for the system (REQUIRED)")
+ if not self.matches_args(args,["remove","report","list"]):
+ p.add_option("--netboot-enabled", dest="netboot_enabled", help="PXE on (1) or off (0)")
+ if self.matches_args(args,["copy","rename"]):
+ p.add_option("--newname", dest="newname", help="for use with copy/edit")
+ if not self.matches_args(args,["remove","report","list"]):
+ p.add_option("--no-sync", action="store_true", dest="nosync", help="suppress sync for speed")
+ if not self.matches_args(args,["report","list"]):
+ p.add_option("--no-triggers", action="store_true", dest="notriggers", help="suppress trigger execution")
+ if not self.matches_args(args,["remove","report","list"]):
+ p.add_option("--profile", dest="profile", help="name of cobbler profile (REQUIRED)")
+ p.add_option("--server-override", dest="server_override", help="overrides server value in settings file")
+ p.add_option("--subnet", dest="subnet", help="for static IP / templating usage")
+ p.add_option("--virt-bridge", dest="virt_bridge", help="ex: virbr0")
+ p.add_option("--virt-path", dest="virt_path", help="path, partition, or volume")
+ p.add_option("--virt-type", dest="virt_type", help="ex: xenpv, qemu, xenfv")
+ def run(self):
+ obj = self.object_manipulator_start(self.api.new_system,
+ if obj is None:
+ return True
+ if self.options.profile: obj.set_profile(self.options.profile)
+ if self.options.kopts: obj.set_kernel_options(self.options.kopts)
+ if self.options.ksmeta: obj.set_ksmeta(self.options.ksmeta)
+ if self.options.kickstart: obj.set_kickstart(self.options.kickstart)
+ if self.options.netboot_enabled: obj.set_netboot_enabled(self.options.netboot_enabled)
+ if self.options.server_override: obj.set_server(self.options.server_override)
+ if self.options.virt_path: obj.set_virt_path(self.options.virt_path)
+ if self.options.virt_type: obj.set_virt_type(self.options.virt_type)
+ if self.options.interface:
+ my_interface = "intf%s" % self.options.interface
+ else:
+ my_interface = "intf0"
+ if self.options.hostname: obj.set_hostname(self.options.hostname, my_interface)
+ if self.options.mac: obj.set_mac_address(self.options.mac, my_interface)
+ if self.options.ip: obj.set_ip_address(self.options.ip, my_interface)
+ if self.options.subnet: obj.set_subnet(self.options.subnet, my_interface)
+ if self.options.gateway: obj.set_gateway(self.options.gateway, my_interface)
+ if self.options.dhcp_tag: obj.set_dhcp_tag(self.options.dhcp_tag, my_interface)
+ if self.options.virt_bridge: obj.set_virt_bridge(self.options.virt_bridge, my_interface)
+ return self.object_manipulator_finish(obj,, self.options)
+def register():
+ """
+ The mandatory cobbler module registration hook.
+ """
+ return "cli"
+def cli_functions(api):
+ return [
+ SystemFunction(api)
+ ]