path: root/wp-admin/press-this.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wp-admin/press-this.php')
1 files changed, 503 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wp-admin/press-this.php b/wp-admin/press-this.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0bfd1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wp-admin/press-this.php
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+if ( ! current_user_can('publish_posts') ) wp_die( __( 'Cheatin&#8217; uh?' )); ?>
+function press_it() {
+ #define some basic variables
+ $quick['post_status'] = 'publish';
+ $quick['post_category'] = $_REQUEST['post_category'];
+ $quick['tags_input'] = $_REQUEST['tags_input'];
+ $quick['post_title'] = $_REQUEST['post_title'];
+ $quick['post_content'] = '';
+ # insert the post with nothing in it, to get an ID
+ $post_ID = wp_insert_post($quick, true);
+ $content = '';
+ switch ( $_REQUEST['post_type'] ) {
+ case 'text':
+ case 'quote':
+ $content .= $_REQUEST['content'];
+ break;
+ case 'photo':
+ foreach($_REQUEST['photo_src'] as $key => $data) {
+ #quote for matching
+ $quoted = str_replace('/', '\/', preg_quote($data));
+ # see if files exist in content - we don't want to upload non-used selected files.
+ preg_match('/'.$quoted.'/', $_REQUEST['content'], $matches[0]);
+ if($matches[0])
+ media_sideload_image($data, $post_ID, $_REQUEST['photo_description'][$key]);
+ }
+ $content = $_REQUEST['content'];
+ break;
+ case "video":
+ if($_REQUEST['embed_code'])
+ $content .= $_REQUEST['embed_code']."\n\n";
+ $content .= $_REQUEST['content'];
+ break;
+ }
+ # set the post_content
+ $quick['post_content'] = $content;
+ #error handling for $post
+ if ( is_wp_error($post_ID) ) {
+ wp_die($id);
+ wp_delete_post($post_ID);
+ #error handling for media_sideload
+ } else {
+ $quick['ID'] = $post_ID;
+ wp_update_post($quick);
+ }
+ return $post_ID;
+function category_div() { ?>
+ <div id="categories">
+ <div class="submitbox" id="submitpost">
+ <div id="previewview"></div>
+ <div class="inside">
+ <h2><?php _e('Categories') ?></h2>
+ <div id="categories-all">
+ <ul id="categorychecklist" class="list:category categorychecklist form-no-clear">
+ <?php wp_category_checklist() ?>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <h2><?php _e('Tags') ?></h2>
+ <p id="jaxtag"><label class="hidden" for="newtag"><?php _e('Tags'); ?></label><input type="text" name="tags_input" class="tags-input" id="tags-input" size="40" tabindex="3" value="<?php echo get_tags_to_edit( $post->ID ); ?>" /></p>
+ <div id="tagchecklist"></div>
+ </div>
+ <p class="submit">
+ <input type="submit" value="<?php _e('Publish') ?>" onclick="document.getElementById('photo_saving').style.display = '';"/>
+ <img src="images/loading.gif" alt="" id="photo_saving" style="width:16px; height:16px; vertical-align:-4px; display:none;"/>
+ </p>
+ </div>
+<?php }
+# For submitted posts.
+if ( 'post' == $_REQUEST['action'] ) {
+ check_admin_referer('press-this'); $post_ID = press_it(); ?>
+ <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
+ <html xmlns="" <?php do_action('admin_xml_ns'); ?> <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
+ <head>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="<?php bloginfo('html_type'); ?>; charset=<?php echo get_option('blog_charset'); ?>" />
+ <title><?php _e('Press This') ?></title>
+ <?php
+ add_thickbox();
+ wp_enqueue_style('press-this');
+ wp_enqueue_style( 'colors' );
+ wp_enqueue_script('post');
+ do_action('admin_print_styles');
+ do_action('admin_print_scripts');
+ do_action('admin_head');
+ ?>
+ </head>
+ <body class="press-this">
+ <div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong><?php _e('Your post has been saved.'); ?></strong> <a onclick="window.opener.location.replace(this.href); window.close();" href="<?php echo get_permalink( $post_ID); ?>"><?php _e('View post'); ?></a> | <a href="post.php?action=edit&amp;post=<?php echo $post_ID; ?>" onclick="window.opener.location.replace(this.href); window.close();"><?php _e('Edit post'); ?></a> | <a href="#" onclick="window.close();">Close Window</a></p></div>
+ </body>
+ </html>
+ <?php die;
+// Ajax Requests
+$title = wp_specialchars(stripslashes($_GET['t']));
+$selection = trim(wp_specialchars(str_replace("\n", ' ',stripslashes($_GET['s']))));
+$url = $_GET['u'];
+$image = $_GET['i'];
+if($_REQUEST['ajax'] == 'thickbox') { ?>
+ <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
+ jQuery('.cancel').click(function() {
+ tb_remove();
+ });
+ function image_selector() {
+ desc = jQuery('#this_photo_description').val();
+ src = jQuery('#this_photo').val();
+ pick(src, desc);
+ tb_remove();
+ return false;
+ }
+ jQuery('.select').click(function() {
+ image_selector();
+ });
+ </script>
+ <h3 id="title"><label for="post_title"><?php _e('Description') ?></label></h3>
+ <div class="titlewrap">
+ <input id="this_photo_description" name="photo_description" class="text" onkeypress="if(event.keyCode==13) image_selector();" value="<?php echo attribute_escape($title);?>"/>
+ </div>
+ <p><input type="hidden" name="this_photo" value="<?php echo $image; ?>" id="this_photo" />
+ <a href="#" class="select" rel="<?php echo $image; ?>"><img src="<?php echo $image; ?>" width="475" alt="Click to insert." title="Click to insert." /></a></p>
+ <p id="options"><a href="#" class="select" rel="<?php echo $image; ?>">Insert Image</a> | <a href="#" class="cancel">Cancel</a></p>
+<?php die;
+if($_REQUEST['ajax'] == 'video') { ?>
+ <h2 id="embededcode"><label for="embed_code"><?php _e('Embed Code') ?></label></h2>
+ <div class="titlewrap" >
+ <textarea name="embed_code" id="embed_code" rows="8" cols="40"><?php echo $selection; ?></textarea>
+ </div>
+<?php die;
+if($_REQUEST['ajax'] == 'photo_images') {
+$url = urldecode($url);
+$url = str_replace(' ', '%20', $url);
+ function get_images_from_uri($uri) {
+ if(preg_match('/\.(jpg|png|gif)/', $uri)) return "'".$uri."'";
+ $content = wp_remote_fopen($uri);
+ $host = parse_url($uri);
+ if ( false === $content ) return '';
+ $pattern = '/<img[^>]+src=[\'"]([^\'" >]+?)[\'" >]/is';
+ preg_match_all($pattern, $content, $matches);
+ if ( empty($matches[1]) ) return '';
+ $sources = array();
+ foreach ($matches[1] as $src) {
+ if ( false !== strpos($src, '&') ) continue;
+ if(strpos($src, 'http') === false) {
+ if(strpos($src, '../') === false && strpos($src, './') === false) {
+ $src = 'http://'.str_replace('//','/', $host['host'].'/'.$src);
+ } else {
+ $src = 'http://'.str_replace('//','/', $host['host'].'/'.$host['path'].'/'.$src);
+ }
+ }
+ $sources[] = $src;
+ }
+ return "'" . implode("','", $sources) . "'";
+ }
+ echo 'new Array('.get_images_from_uri($url).')';
+if($_REQUEST['ajax'] == 'photo_js') { ?>
+ var last = null
+ function pick(img, desc) {
+ if (img) {
+ length = jQuery('.photolist input').length;
+ if(length == 0) length = 1;
+ jQuery('.photolist').append('<input name="photo_src[' + length + ']" value="' + img +'" type="hidden"/>');
+ jQuery('.photolist').append('<input name="photo_description[' + length + ']" value="' + desc +'" type="hidden"/>');
+ append_editor('<img src="' + img +'" alt="' + desc + '" />'); }
+ return false;
+ }
+ var my_src, img, img_tag, aspect, w, h, skip, i, strtoappend = "";
+ var my_src = eval(
+ jQuery.ajax({
+ type: "GET",
+ url: "<?php echo clean_url($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>",
+ cache : false,
+ async : false,
+ data: "ajax=photo_images&u=<?php echo urlencode($url); ?>",
+ dataType : "script"
+ }).responseText);
+ for (i = 0; i < my_src.length; i++) {
+ img = new Image();
+ img.src = my_src[i];
+ img_attr = 'id="img' + i;
+ skip = false;
+ if (img.width && img.height) {
+ if (img.width * img.height < 2500) skip = true;
+ aspect = img.width / img.height;
+ if (aspect > 1) { // Image is wide
+ scale = 75 / img.width;
+ } else { // Image is tall or square
+ scale = 75 / img.height;
+ }
+ if (scale < 1) {
+ w = parseInt(img.width * scale);
+ h = parseInt(img.height * scale);
+ } else {
+ w = img.width;
+ h = img.height;
+ }
+ img_attr += ' style="width: ' + w + 'px; height: ' + h + 'px;"';
+ }
+ if (!skip) strtoappend += '<a href="?ajax=thickbox&amp;i=' + img.src + '&amp;u=<?php echo $url; ?>&amp;height=400&amp;width=500" title="" class="thickbox"><img src="' + img.src + '" ' + img_attr + '/></a>';
+ }
+ jQuery('#img_container').html(strtoappend);
+ tb_init('a.thickbox, area.thickbox, input.thickbox'); //pass where to apply thickbox
+<?php die; }
+if($_REQUEST['ajax'] == 'photo') { ?>
+ <div class="photolist"></div>
+ <small><?php _e('Click images to select:') ?></small>
+ <div class="titlewrap">
+ <div id="img_container"></div>
+ </div>
+<?php die; }
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
+<html xmlns="" <?php do_action('admin_xml_ns'); ?> <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="<?php bloginfo('html_type'); ?>; charset=<?php echo get_option('blog_charset'); ?>" />
+ <title><?php _e('Press This') ?></title>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="../wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce.js"></script>
+ add_thickbox();
+ wp_enqueue_style('press-this');
+ wp_enqueue_style( 'colors' );
+ wp_enqueue_script('post');
+ do_action('admin_print_styles');
+ do_action('admin_print_scripts');
+ do_action('admin_head');
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ <?php if ( user_can_richedit() ) {
+ $language = ( '' == get_locale() ) ? 'en' : strtolower( substr(get_locale(), 0, 2) );
+ // Add TinyMCE languages
+ @include_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/../wp-includes/js/tinymce/langs/wp-langs.php' );
+ if ( isset($strings) ) echo $strings; ?>
+ (function() {
+ var base = tinymce.baseURL, sl = tinymce.ScriptLoader, ln = "<?php echo $language; ?>";
+ sl.markDone(base + '/langs/' + ln + '.js');
+ sl.markDone(base + '/themes/advanced/langs/' + ln + '.js');
+ sl.markDone(base + '/themes/advanced/langs/' + ln + '_dlg.js');
+ })();
+ tinyMCE.init({
+ mode: "textareas",
+ editor_selector: "mceEditor",
+ language : "<?php echo $language; ?>",
+ width: "100%",
+ theme : "advanced",
+ theme_advanced_buttons1 : "bold,italic,underline,blockquote,separator,strikethrough,bullist,numlist,undo,redo,link,unlink",
+ theme_advanced_buttons2 : "",
+ theme_advanced_buttons3 : "",
+ theme_advanced_toolbar_location : "top",
+ theme_advanced_toolbar_align : "left",
+ theme_advanced_statusbar_location : "bottom",
+ theme_advanced_resizing : true,
+ theme_advanced_resize_horizontal : false,
+ skin : "wp_theme",
+ dialog_type : "modal",
+ relative_urls : false,
+ remove_script_host : false,
+ convert_urls : false,
+ apply_source_formatting : false,
+ remove_linebreaks : false,
+ accessibility_focus : false,
+ tab_focus : ":next",
+ plugins : "safari,inlinepopups",
+ entities : "38,amp,60,lt,62,gt"
+ });
+ <?php } ?>
+ jQuery('#tags-input').hide();
+ tag_update_quickclicks();
+ // add the quickadd form
+ jQuery('#jaxtag').prepend('<span id="ajaxtag"><input type="text" name="newtag" id="newtag" class="form-input-tip" size="16" autocomplete="off" value="'+postL10n.addTag+'" /><input type="submit" class="button" id="tagadd" value="' + postL10n.add + '" tabindex="3" onclick="return false;" /><input type="hidden"/><input type="hidden"/><span class="howto">'+postL10n.separate+'</span></span>');
+ jQuery('#tagadd').click( tag_flush_to_text );
+ jQuery('#newtag').focus(function() {
+ if ( this.value == postL10n.addTag )
+ jQuery(this).val( '' ).removeClass( 'form-input-tip' );
+ });
+ jQuery('#newtag').blur(function() {
+ if ( this.value == '' )
+ jQuery(this).val( postL10n.addTag ).addClass( 'form-input-tip' );
+ });
+ // auto-save tags on post save/publish
+ jQuery('#publish').click( tag_save_on_publish );
+ jQuery('#save-post').click( tag_save_on_publish );
+ function set_menu(type) {
+ jQuery('#text_button').removeClass('ui-tabs-selected');
+ jQuery('#menu li').removeClass('ui-tabs-selected');
+ jQuery('#' + type + '_button').addClass('ui-tabs-selected');
+ jQuery("#post_type").val(type);
+ }
+ function set_editor(text) {
+ if(tinyMCE.activeEditor) tinyMCE.activeEditor.setContent('');
+ if(tinyMCE.activeEditor) tinyMCE.execCommand('mceInsertContent' ,false, text);
+ }
+ function append_editor(text) {
+ if(tinyMCE.activeEditor) tinyMCE.execCommand('mceInsertContent' ,false, text);
+ }
+ function set_title(title) { jQuery("#content_type").text(title); }
+ function reset_height() {
+ tinyMCE.height = '170px';
+ }
+ function show(tab_name) {
+ jQuery('body').removeClass('video_split');
+ jQuery('#extra_fields').hide();
+ switch(tab_name) {
+ case 'text' :
+ reset_height();
+ jQuery('.editor-container').show();
+ jQuery('#content_type').show();
+ set_menu('text');
+ set_title('<?php _e('Text') ?>');
+ set_editor("<?php echo $selection; ?>");
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case 'quote' :
+ reset_height();
+ jQuery('.editor-container').show();
+ jQuery('#content_type').show();
+ set_menu('quote');
+ set_title('<?php _e('Quote') ?>');
+ set_editor("<blockquote><p><?php echo $selection; ?> </p><p><cite><a href='<?php echo ''; ?>'><?php echo ''; ?></a></cite> </p></blockquote>");
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case 'video' :
+ reset_height();
+ jQuery('.editor-container').show();
+ jQuery('#content_type').show();
+ set_menu('video');
+ set_title('<?php _e('Caption') ?>');
+ jQuery('#extra_fields').show();
+ jQuery('body').addClass('video_split');
+ jQuery('#extra_fields').load('<?php echo clean_url($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>', { ajax: 'video', s: '<?php echo attribute_escape($selection); ?>'}, function() {
+ <?php
+ if ( preg_match("/youtube\.com\/watch/i", $url) ) {
+ list($domain, $video_id) = split("v=", $url);
+ $content = '<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="' . $video_id . '"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="' . $video_id . '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>'; ?>
+ <?php } elseif ( preg_match("/vimeo\.com\/[0-9]+/i", $url) ) {
+ list($domain, $video_id) = split(".com/", $url);
+ $content = '<object width="400" height="225"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="' . $video_id . '&amp;;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1" /> <embed src="' . $video_id . '&amp;;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="225"></embed></object>';
+ if(trim($selection) == '') $selection = '<a href="' . $video_id . '?pg=embed&sec=' . $video_id . '">' . $title . '</a> on <a href="' . $video_id . '">Vimeo</a>';
+ }else {
+ $content = $selection;
+ } ?>
+ jQuery('#embed_code').prepend('<?php echo htmlentities($content); ?>');
+ set_editor("<?php echo $title; ?>");
+ });
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case 'photo' :
+ reset_height();
+ set_menu('photo');
+ set_title('Post');
+ <?php if($selection) { ?>
+ set_editor("<?php echo $selection; ?>");
+ <?php } else { ?>
+ set_editor('')
+ <?php } ?>
+ jQuery('#extra_fields').show();
+ jQuery('#extra_fields').prepend('<h2 id="waiting"><img src="images/loading.gif" alt="" /> Loading...</h2>');
+ jQuery('#extra_fields').load('<?php echo clean_url($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'/?ajax=photo&u='.attribute_escape($url); ?>');
+ jQuery.ajax({
+ type: "GET",
+ cache : false,
+ url: "<?php echo clean_url($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>",
+ data: "ajax=photo_js&u=<?php echo urlencode($url)?>",
+ dataType : "script",
+ success : function() {
+ jQuery('#waiting').innerHTML('');
+ }
+ });
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ jQuery(document).ready(function() {
+ jQuery('#menu li').click(function (){
+ tab_name ='_');
+ tab_name = tab_name[0];
+ show(tab_name);
+ });
+ <?php if ( preg_match("/youtube\.com\/watch/i", $url) ) { ?>
+ show('video');
+ <?php } elseif ( preg_match("/vimeo\.com\/[0-9]+/i", $url) ) { ?>
+ show('video');
+ <?php } elseif ( preg_match("/flickr\.com/i", $url) ) { ?>
+ show('photo');
+ <?php } ?>
+ });
+<body class="press-this">
+<div id="wphead">
+<h1><span id="viewsite"><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/"><?php _e('Visit:') ?> <?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></span></h1>
+ <ul id="menu" class="ui-tabs-nav">
+ <li id="text_button" class="ui-tabs-selected"><a href="#"><?php _e('Text') ?></a></li>
+ <li id="photo_button"><a href="#"><?php _e('Photo') ?></a></li>
+ <li id="quote_button"><a href="#"><?php _e('Quote') ?></a></li>
+ <li id="video_button"><a href="#"><?php _e('Video') ?></a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <form action="press-this.php?action=post" method="post">
+ <?php wp_nonce_field('press-this') ?>
+ <input type="hidden" name="post_type" id="post_type" value="text"/>
+ <div id="posting">
+ <h2 id="title"><label for="post_title"><?php _e('Title') ?></label></h2>
+ <div class="titlewrap">
+ <input name="post_title" id="post_title" class="text" value="<?php echo attribute_escape($title);?>"/>
+ </div>
+ <div id="extra_fields" style="display: none"></div>
+ <div class="editor_area">
+ <h2 id="content_type"><label for="content"><?php _e('Post') ?></label></h2>
+ <div class="editor-container">
+ <textarea name="content" id="content" style="width:100%;" class="mceEditor">
+ <?php echo $selection; ?>
+ </textarea>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <?php category_div(); ?>
+ </form>