path: root/wp-admin/includes/template.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wp-admin/includes/template.php')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/wp-admin/includes/template.php b/wp-admin/includes/template.php
index c604d4c..ff809ec 100644
--- a/wp-admin/includes/template.php
+++ b/wp-admin/includes/template.php
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ function _cat_row( $category, $level, $name_override = false ) {
$default_link_cat_id = (int) get_option( 'default_link_category' );
if ( $category->term_id != $default_cat_id )
- $edit .= "<td><a href='" . wp_nonce_url( "categories.php?action=delete&amp;cat_ID=$category->term_id", 'delete-category_' . $category->term_id ) . "' class='delete:the-list:cat-$category->term_id delete'>".__( 'Delete' )."</a>";
+ $edit .= "<td><a href='" . wp_nonce_url( "categories.php?action=delete&amp;cat_ID=$category->term_id", 'delete-category_' . $category->term_id ) . "' onclick=\"return deleteSomething( 'cat', $category->term_id, '" . js_escape(sprintf( __("You are about to delete the category '%s'.\nAll posts that were only assigned to this category will be assigned to the '%s' category.\nAll links that were only assigned to this category will be assigned to the '%s' category.\n'OK' to delete, 'Cancel' to stop." ), $category->name, get_catname( $default_cat_id ), get_catname( $default_link_cat_id ) )) . "' );\" class='delete'>".__( 'Delete' )."</a>";
$edit .= "<td style='text-align:center'>".__( "Default" );
} else
@@ -164,31 +164,6 @@ function dropdown_link_categories( $default = 0 ) {
-// define the columns to display, the syntax is 'internal name' => 'display name'
-function wp_manage_posts_columns() {
- $posts_columns = array();
- $posts_columns['id'] = '<div style="text-align: center">' . __('ID') . '</div>';
- if ( 'draft' === $_GET['post_status'] )
- $posts_columns['modified'] = __('Modified');
- elseif ( 'pending' === $_GET['post_status'] )
- $posts_columns['modified'] = __('Submitted');
- else
- $posts_columns['date'] = __('When');
- $posts_columns['title'] = __('Title');
- $posts_columns['categories'] = __('Categories');
- if ( !in_array($_GET['post_status'], array('pending', 'draft', 'future')) )
- $posts_columns['comments'] = '<div style="text-align: center">' . __('Comments') . '</div>';
- $posts_columns['author'] = __('Author');
- $posts_columns = apply_filters('manage_posts_columns', $posts_columns);
- // you can not edit these at the moment
- $posts_columns['control_view'] = '';
- $posts_columns['control_edit'] = '';
- $posts_columns['control_delete'] = '';
- return $posts_columns;
function page_rows( $parent = 0, $level = 0, $pages = 0, $hierarchy = true ) {
global $wpdb, $class, $post;
@@ -215,9 +190,9 @@ function page_rows( $parent = 0, $level = 0, $pages = 0, $hierarchy = true ) {
<td><?php the_author() ?></td>
<td><?php if ( '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ==$post->post_modified ) _e('Unpublished'); else echo mysql2date( __('Y-m-d g:i a'), $post->post_modified ); ?></td>
- <td><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" rel="permalink" class="view"><?php _e( 'View' ); ?></a></td>
+ <td><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" rel="permalink" class="view"><?php _e( 'View' ); ?></a></td>
<td><?php if ( current_user_can( 'edit_page', $id ) ) { echo "<a href='page.php?action=edit&amp;post=$id' class='edit'>" . __( 'Edit' ) . "</a>"; } ?></td>
- <td><?php if ( current_user_can( 'delete_page', $id ) ) { echo "<a href='" . wp_nonce_url( "page.php?action=delete&amp;post=$id", 'delete-page_' . $id ) . "' class='delete:the-list:page-$id delete'>" . __( 'Delete' ) . "</a>"; } ?></td>
+ <td><?php if ( current_user_can( 'delete_page', $id ) ) { echo "<a href='" . wp_nonce_url( "page.php?action=delete&amp;post=$id", 'delete-page_' . $id ) . "' class='delete' onclick=\"return deleteSomething( 'page', " . $id . ", '" . js_escape(sprintf( __("You are about to delete the '%s' page.\n'OK' to delete, 'Cancel' to stop." ), get_the_title() ) ) . "' );\">" . __( 'Delete' ) . "</a>"; } ?></td>
@@ -289,45 +264,38 @@ function _wp_get_comment_list( $s = false, $start, $num ) {
function _wp_comment_list_item( $id, $alt = 0 ) {
global $authordata, $comment, $wpdb;
+ $id = (int) $id;
$comment =& get_comment( $id );
- $id = (int) $comment->comment_ID;
$class = '';
$post = get_post($comment->comment_post_ID);
$authordata = get_userdata($post->post_author);
- $comment_status = wp_get_comment_status($id);
+ $comment_status = wp_get_comment_status($comment->comment_ID);
if ( 'unapproved' == $comment_status )
$class .= ' unapproved';
if ( $alt % 2 )
$class .= ' alternate';
- echo "<li id='comment-$id' class='$class'>";
+ echo "<li id='comment-$comment->comment_ID' class='$class'>";
-<p><strong class="comment-author"><?php comment_author(); ?></strong> <?php if ($comment->comment_author_email) { ?>| <?php comment_author_email_link() ?> <?php } if ($comment->comment_author_url && 'http://' != $comment->comment_author_url) { ?> | <?php comment_author_url_link() ?> <?php } ?>| <?php _e('IP:') ?> <a href="<?php comment_author_IP() ?>"><?php comment_author_IP() ?></a></p>
+<p><strong><?php comment_author(); ?></strong> <?php if ($comment->comment_author_email) { ?>| <?php comment_author_email_link() ?> <?php } if ($comment->comment_author_url && 'http://' != $comment->comment_author_url) { ?> | <?php comment_author_url_link() ?> <?php } ?>| <?php _e('IP:') ?> <a href="<?php comment_author_IP() ?>"><?php comment_author_IP() ?></a></p>
<?php comment_text() ?>
<p><?php comment_date(__('M j, g:i A')); ?> &#8212; [
if ( current_user_can('edit_post', $comment->comment_post_ID) ) {
- echo " <a href='comment.php?action=editcomment&amp;c=$id'>" . __('Edit') . '</a>';
- $url = clean_url( wp_nonce_url( "comment.php?action=deletecomment&p=$comment->comment_post_ID&c=$id", "delete-comment_$id" ) );
- echo " | <a href='$url' class='delete:the-comment-list:comment-$id'>" . __('Delete') . '</a> ';
+ echo " <a href='comment.php?action=editcomment&amp;c=".$comment->comment_ID."'>" . __('Edit') . '</a>';
+ echo ' | <a href="' . wp_nonce_url('comment.php?action=deletecomment&amp;p=' . $comment->comment_post_ID . '&amp;c=' . $comment->comment_ID, 'delete-comment_' . $comment->comment_ID) . '" onclick="return deleteSomething( \'comment\', ' . $comment->comment_ID . ', \'' . js_escape(sprintf(__("You are about to delete this comment by '%s'.\n'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete."), $comment->comment_author)) . "', theCommentList );\">" . __('Delete') . '</a> ';
if ( ('none' != $comment_status) && ( current_user_can('moderate_comments') ) ) {
- $url = clean_url( wp_nonce_url( "comment.php?action=unapprovecomment&p=$comment->comment_post_ID&c=$id", "unapprove-comment_$id" ) );
- echo "<span class='unapprove'> | <a href='$url' class='dim:the-comment-list:comment-$id:unapproved:FF3333'>" . __('Unapprove') . '</a> </span>';
- $url = clean_url( wp_nonce_url( "comment.php?action=approvecomment&p=$comment->comment_post_ID&c=$id", "approve-comment_$id" ) );
- echo "<span class='approve'> | <a href='$url' class='dim:the-comment-list:comment-$id:unapproved:FFFF33:FFFF33'>" . __('Approve') . '</a> </span>';
+ echo '<span class="unapprove"> | <a href="' . wp_nonce_url('comment.php?action=unapprovecomment&amp;p=' . $comment->comment_post_ID . '&amp;c=' . $comment->comment_ID, 'unapprove-comment_' . $comment->comment_ID) . '" onclick="return dimSomething( \'comment\', ' . $comment->comment_ID . ', \'unapproved\', theCommentList );">' . __('Unapprove') . '</a> </span>';
+ echo '<span class="approve"> | <a href="' . wp_nonce_url('comment.php?action=approvecomment&amp;p=' . $comment->comment_post_ID . '&amp;c=' . $comment->comment_ID, 'approve-comment_' . $comment->comment_ID) . '" onclick="return dimSomething( \'comment\', ' . $comment->comment_ID . ', \'unapproved\', theCommentList );">' . __('Approve') . '</a> </span>';
- $url = clean_url( wp_nonce_url( "comment.php?action=deletecomment&dt=spam&p=$comment->comment_post_ID&c=$id", "delete-comment_$id" ) );
- echo " | <a href='$url' class='delete:the-comment-list:comment-$id::spam=1'>" . __('Spam') . '</a> ';
+ echo " | <a href=\"" . wp_nonce_url("comment.php?action=deletecomment&amp;dt=spam&amp;p=" . $comment->comment_post_ID . "&amp;c=" . $comment->comment_ID, 'delete-comment_' . $comment->comment_ID) . "\" onclick=\"return deleteSomething( 'comment-as-spam', $comment->comment_ID, '" . js_escape(sprintf(__("You are about to mark as spam this comment by '%s'.\n'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to mark as spam."), $comment->comment_author)) . "', theCommentList );\">" . __('Spam') . "</a> ";
-if ( !is_single() ) {
- $post = get_post($comment->comment_post_ID, OBJECT, 'display');
- $post_title = wp_specialchars( $post->post_title, 'double' );
- $post_title = ('' == $post_title) ? "# $comment->comment_post_ID" : $post_title;
+$post = get_post($comment->comment_post_ID, OBJECT, 'display');
+$post_title = wp_specialchars( $post->post_title, 'double' );
+$post_title = ('' == $post_title) ? "# $comment->comment_post_ID" : $post_title;
- ] &#8212; <a href="<?php echo get_permalink($comment->comment_post_ID); ?>"><?php echo $post_title; ?></a>
-<?php } ?>
+ ] &#8212; <a href="<?php echo get_permalink($comment->comment_post_ID); ?>"><?php echo $post_title; ?></a></p>
@@ -358,7 +326,7 @@ function list_meta( $meta ) {
global $post_ID;
// Exit if no meta
if (!$meta ) {
- echo '<tbody id="the-list" class="list:meta"><tr style="display: none;"><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></tbody>'; //TBODY needed for list-manipulation JS
+ echo '<tbody id="the-list"><tr style="display: none;"><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></tbody>'; //TBODY needed for list-manipulation JS
$count = 0;
@@ -370,47 +338,43 @@ function list_meta( $meta ) {
<th colspan='2'><?php _e( 'Action' ) ?></th>
- <tbody id='the-list' class='list:meta'>
- foreach ( $meta as $entry )
- echo _list_meta_row( $entry, $count );
- echo "\n\t</tbody>";
-function _list_meta_row( $entry, &$count ) {
- $r = '';
- ++ $count;
- if ( $count % 2 )
- $style = 'alternate';
- else
- $style = '';
- if ('_' == $entry['meta_key'] { 0 } )
- $style .= ' hidden';
- if ( is_serialized( $entry['meta_value'] ) ) {
- if ( is_serialized_string( $entry['meta_value'] ) ) {
- // this is a serialized string, so we should display it
- $entry['meta_value'] = maybe_unserialize( $entry['meta_value'] );
- } else {
- // this is a serialized array/object so we should NOT display it
- --$count;
- return;
+ $r ="\n\t<tbody id='the-list'>";
+ foreach ( $meta as $entry ) {
+ ++ $count;
+ if ( $count % 2 )
+ $style = 'alternate';
+ else
+ $style = '';
+ if ('_' == $entry['meta_key'] { 0 } )
+ $style .= ' hidden';
+ if ( is_serialized( $entry['meta_value'] ) ) {
+ if ( is_serialized_string( $entry['meta_value'] ) ) {
+ // this is a serialized string, so we should display it
+ $entry['meta_value'] = maybe_unserialize( $entry['meta_value'] );
+ } else {
+ // this is a serialized array/object so we should NOT display it
+ --$count;
+ continue;
+ }
- }
- $key_js = js_escape( $entry['meta_key'] );
- $entry['meta_key'] = attribute_escape($entry['meta_key']);
- $entry['meta_value'] = attribute_escape($entry['meta_value']);
- $entry['meta_id'] = (int) $entry['meta_id'];
- $r .= "\n\t<tr id='meta-{$entry['meta_id']}' class='$style'>";
- $r .= "\n\t\t<td valign='top'><input name='meta[{$entry['meta_id']}][key]' tabindex='6' type='text' size='20' value='{$entry['meta_key']}' /></td>";
- $r .= "\n\t\t<td><textarea name='meta[{$entry['meta_id']}][value]' tabindex='6' rows='2' cols='30'>{$entry['meta_value']}</textarea></td>";
- $r .= "\n\t\t<td align='center'><input name='updatemeta' type='submit' tabindex='6' value='".attribute_escape(__( 'Update' ))."' class='add:the-list:meta-{$entry['meta_id']} updatemeta' /><br />";
- $r .= "\n\t\t<input name='deletemeta[{$entry['meta_id']}]' type='submit' ";
- $r .= "class='delete:the-list:meta-{$entry['meta_id']} deletemeta' tabindex='6' value='".attribute_escape(__( 'Delete' ))."' />";
- $r .= "<input type='hidden' name='_ajax_nonce' value='$nonce' />";
- $r .= "</td>\n\t</tr>";
- return $r;
+ $key_js = js_escape( $entry['meta_key'] );
+ $entry['meta_key'] = attribute_escape($entry['meta_key']);
+ $entry['meta_value'] = attribute_escape($entry['meta_value']);
+ $entry['meta_id'] = (int) $entry['meta_id'];
+ $r .= "\n\t<tr id='meta-{$entry['meta_id']}' class='$style'>";
+ $r .= "\n\t\t<td valign='top'><input name='meta[{$entry['meta_id']}][key]' tabindex='6' type='text' size='20' value='{$entry['meta_key']}' /></td>";
+ $r .= "\n\t\t<td><textarea name='meta[{$entry['meta_id']}][value]' tabindex='6' rows='2' cols='30'>{$entry['meta_value']}</textarea></td>";
+ $r .= "\n\t\t<td align='center'><input name='updatemeta' type='submit' class='updatemeta' tabindex='6' value='".attribute_escape(__( 'Update' ))."' /><br />";
+ $r .= "\n\t\t<input name='deletemeta[{$entry['meta_id']}]' type='submit' onclick=\"return deleteSomething( 'meta', {$entry['meta_id']}, '";
+ $r .= js_escape(sprintf( __("You are about to delete the '%s' custom field on this post.\n'OK' to delete, 'Cancel' to stop." ), $key_js ) );
+ $r .= "' );\" class='deletemeta' tabindex='6' value='".attribute_escape(__( 'Delete' ))."' /></td>";
+ $r .= "\n\t</tr>";
+ }
+ echo $r;
+ echo "\n\t</tbody>";
function meta_form() {
@@ -451,11 +415,8 @@ function meta_form() {
<td><textarea id="metavalue" name="metavalue" rows="3" cols="25" tabindex="8"></textarea></td>
-<tr class="submit"><td colspan="3">
- <?php wp_nonce_field( 'change_meta', '_ajax_nonce', false ); ?>
- <input type="submit" id="addmetasub" name="addmeta" class="add:the-list:newmeta" tabindex="9" value="<?php _e( 'Add Custom Field &raquo;' ) ?>" />
+<p class="submit"><input type="submit" id="updatemetasub" name="updatemeta" tabindex="9" value="<?php _e( 'Add Custom Field &raquo;' ) ?>" /></p>