path: root/xmlrpc.php
diff options
authordonncha <donncha@7be80a69-a1ef-0310-a953-fb0f7c49ff36>2007-01-24 12:40:34 +0000
committerdonncha <donncha@7be80a69-a1ef-0310-a953-fb0f7c49ff36>2007-01-24 12:40:34 +0000
commit9384882739906e813f1a05491fd73e47e8105dee (patch)
treea14f52d7e2cb2fcce1ab890932c18358d4c4c973 /xmlrpc.php
parent30d41198c601e5514acad67eb5fbb2e9f6854571 (diff)
WP Merge to revision 4793
git-svn-id: 7be80a69-a1ef-0310-a953-fb0f7c49ff36
Diffstat (limited to 'xmlrpc.php')
1 files changed, 457 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/xmlrpc.php b/xmlrpc.php
index d7f0825..4bf92c5 100644
--- a/xmlrpc.php
+++ b/xmlrpc.php
@@ -67,6 +67,18 @@ class wp_xmlrpc_server extends IXR_Server {
function wp_xmlrpc_server() {
$this->methods = array(
+ // WordPress API
+ 'wp.getPage' => 'this:wp_getPage',
+ 'wp.getPages' => 'this:wp_getPages',
+ 'wp.newPage' => 'this:wp_newPage',
+ 'wp.deletePage' => 'this:wp_deletePage',
+ 'wp.editPage' => 'this:wp_editPage',
+ 'wp.getPageList' => 'this:wp_getPageList',
+ 'wp.getAuthors' => 'this:wp_getAuthors',
+ 'wp.getCategories' => 'this:mw_getCategories', // Alias
+ 'wp.newCategory' => 'this:wp_newCategory',
+ 'wp.suggestCategories' => 'this:wp_suggestCategories',
// Blogger API
'blogger.getUsersBlogs' => 'this:blogger_getUsersBlogs',
'blogger.getUserInfo' => 'this:blogger_getUserInfo',
@@ -146,6 +158,388 @@ class wp_xmlrpc_server extends IXR_Server {
+ /**
+ * WordPress XML-RPC API
+ * wp_getPage
+ */
+ function wp_getPage($args) {
+ $this->escape($args);
+ $blog_id = $args[0];
+ $page_id = $args[1];
+ $username = $args[2];
+ $password = $args[3];
+ if(!$this->login_pass_ok($username, $password)) {
+ return($this->error);
+ }
+ // Lookup page info.
+ $page = get_page($page_id);
+ // If we found the page then format the data.
+ if($page->ID && ($page->post_type == "page")) {
+ // Get all of the page content and link.
+ $full_page = get_extended($page->post_content);
+ $link = post_permalink($page->ID);
+ // Determine comment and ping settings.
+ $allow_comments = ("open" == $page->comment_status) ? 1 : 0;
+ $allow_pings = ("open" == $page->ping_status) ? 1 : 0;
+ // Format page date.
+ $page_date = mysql2date("Ymd\TH:i:s", $page->post_date);
+ // Pull the categories info together.
+ $categories = array();
+ foreach(wp_get_post_categories($page->ID) as $cat_id) {
+ $categories[] = get_cat_name($cat_id);
+ }
+ // Get the users nicename.
+ $nicename = get_profile("user_nicename", $username);
+ $page_struct = array(
+ "dateCreated" => new IXR_Date($page_date),
+ "userid" => $page->post_author,
+ "page_id" => $page->ID,
+ "description" => $full_page["main"],
+ "title" => $page->post_title,
+ "link" => $link,
+ "permaLink" => $link,
+ "categories" => $categories,
+ "excerpt" => $page->post_excerpt,
+ "text_more" => $full_page["extended"],
+ "mt_allow_comments" => $allow_comments,
+ "mt_allow_pings" => $allow_pings,
+ "wp_slug" => $page->post_name,
+ "wp_password" => $page->post_password,
+ "wp_author" => $nicename,
+ "wp_page_parent_id" => $page->post_parent,
+ "wp_page_order" => $page->menu_order
+ );
+ return($page_struct);
+ }
+ // If the page doesn't exist indicate that.
+ else {
+ return(new IXR_Error(404, "Sorry, no such page."));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * WordPress XML-RPC API
+ * wp_getPages
+ */
+ function wp_getPages($args) {
+ $this->escape($args);
+ $blog_id = $args[0];
+ $username = $args[1];
+ $password = $args[2];
+ if(!$this->login_pass_ok($username, $password)) {
+ return($this->error);
+ }
+ // Lookup info on pages.
+ $pages = array();
+ $pages = get_pages();
+ $num_pages = count($pages);
+ // If we have pages, put together their info.
+ if($num_pages >= 1) {
+ $pages_struct = array();
+ for($i = 0; $i < $num_pages; $i++) {
+ $page = wp_xmlrpc_server::wp_getPage(array(
+ $blog_id, $pages[$i]->ID, $username, $password
+ ));
+ $pages_struct[] = $page;
+ }
+ return($pages_struct);
+ }
+ // If no pages were found return an error.
+ else {
+ return(new IXR_Error(404, "Sorry, no pages were found."));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * WordPress XML-RPC API
+ * wp_newPage
+ */
+ function wp_newPage($args) {
+ $this->escape($args);
+ $blog_id = $args[0];
+ $username = $args[1];
+ $password = $args[2];
+ $page = $args[3];
+ $publish = $args[4];
+ if(!$this->login_pass_ok($username, $password)) {
+ return($this->error);
+ }
+ // Set the user context and check if they are allowed
+ // to add new pages.
+ $user = set_current_user(0, $username);
+ if(!current_user_can("publish_pages")) {
+ return(new IXR_Error(401, "Sorry, you can not add new pages."));
+ }
+ // Mark this as content for a page.
+ $args[3]["post_type"] = "page";
+ // Let mw_newPost do all of the heavy lifting.
+ return($this->mw_newPost($args));
+ }
+ /**
+ * WordPress XML-RPC API
+ * wp_deletePage
+ */
+ function wp_deletePage($args) {
+ $this->escape($args);
+ $blog_id = $args[0];
+ $username = $args[1];
+ $password = $args[2];
+ $page_id = $args[3];
+ if(!$this->login_pass_ok($username, $password)) {
+ return($this->error);
+ }
+ // Get the current page based on the page_id and
+ // make sure it is a page and not a post.
+ $actual_page = wp_get_single_post($page_id, ARRAY_A);
+ if(
+ !$actual_page
+ || ($actual_page["post_type"] != "page")
+ ) {
+ return(new IXR_Error(404, "Sorry, no such page."));
+ }
+ // Set the user context and make sure they can delete pages.
+ set_current_user(0, $username);
+ if(!current_user_can("delete_page", $page_id)) {
+ return(new IXR_Error(401, "Sorry, you do not have the right to delete this page."));
+ }
+ // Attempt to delete the page.
+ $result = wp_delete_post($page_id);
+ if(!$result) {
+ return(new IXR_Error(500, "Failed to delete the page."));
+ }
+ return(true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * WordPress XML-RPC API
+ * wp_editPage
+ */
+ function wp_editPage($args) {
+ $this->escape($args);
+ $blog_id = $args[0];
+ $page_id = $args[1];
+ $username = $args[2];
+ $password = $args[3];
+ $content = $args[4];
+ $publish = $args[5];
+ if(!$this->login_pass_ok($username, $password)) {
+ return($this->error);
+ }
+ // Get the page data and make sure it is a page.
+ $actual_page = wp_get_single_post($page_id, ARRAY_A);
+ if(
+ !$actual_page
+ || ($actual_page["post_type"] != "page")
+ ) {
+ return(new IXR_Error(404, "Sorry, no such page."));
+ }
+ // Set the user context and make sure they are allowed to edit pages.
+ set_current_user(0, $username);
+ if(!current_user_can("edit_page", $page_id)) {
+ return(new IXR_Error(401, "Sorry, you do not have the right to edit this page."));
+ }
+ // Mark this as content for a page.
+ $content["post_type"] = "page";
+ // Arrange args in the way mw_editPost understands.
+ $args = array(
+ $page_id,
+ $username,
+ $password,
+ $content,
+ $publish
+ );
+ // Let mw_editPost do all of the heavy lifting.
+ return($this->mw_editPost($args));
+ }
+ /**
+ * WordPress XML-RPC API
+ * wp_getPageList
+ */
+ function wp_getPageList($args) {
+ global $wpdb;
+ $this->escape($args);
+ $blog_id = $args[0];
+ $username = $args[1];
+ $password = $args[2];
+ if(!$this->login_pass_ok($username, $password)) {
+ return($this->error);
+ }
+ // Get list of pages ids and titles
+ $page_list = $wpdb->get_results("
+ SELECT ID page_id,
+ post_title page_title
+ FROM {$wpdb->posts}
+ WHERE post_type = 'page'
+ ");
+ return($page_list);
+ }
+ /**
+ * WordPress XML-RPC API
+ * wp_getAuthors
+ */
+ function wp_getAuthors($args) {
+ global $wpdb;
+ $this->escape($args);
+ $blog_id = $args[0];
+ $username = $args[1];
+ $password = $args[2];
+ if(!$this->login_pass_ok($username, $password)) {
+ return($this->error);
+ }
+ // Get basic info on all users.
+ $all_users = $wpdb->get_results("
+ SELECT u.ID id,
+ u.user_login username
+ FROM {$wpdb->users} u
+ ORDER BY u.user_login
+ ");
+ return($all_users);
+ }
+ /**
+ * WordPress XML-RPC API
+ * wp_newCategory
+ */
+ function wp_newCategory($args) {
+ $this->escape($args);
+ $blog_id = $args[0];
+ $username = $args[1];
+ $password = $args[2];
+ $category = $args[3];
+ if(!$this->login_pass_ok($username, $password)) {
+ return($this->error);
+ }
+ // Set the user context and make sure they are
+ // allowed to add a category.
+ set_current_user(0, $username);
+ if(!current_user_can("manage_categories", $page_id)) {
+ return(new IXR_Error(401, "Sorry, you do not have the right to add a category."));
+ }
+ // We need this to make use of the wp_insert_category()
+ // funciton.
+ require_once(ABSPATH . "wp-admin/admin-db.php");
+ // If no slug was provided make it empty so that
+ // WordPress will generate one.
+ if(empty($category["slug"])) {
+ $category["slug"] = "";
+ }
+ // If no parent_id was provided make it empty
+ // so that it will be a top level page (no parent).
+ if(empty($category["parent_id"])) {
+ $category["parent_id"] = "";
+ }
+ // If no description was provided make it empty.
+ if(empty($category["description"])) {
+ $category["description"] = "";
+ }
+ $new_category = array(
+ "cat_name" => $category["name"],
+ "category_nicename" => $category["slug"],
+ "category_parent" => $category["parent_id"],
+ "category_description" => $category["description"]
+ );
+ $cat_id = wp_insert_category($new_category);
+ if(!$cat_id) {
+ return(new IXR_Error(500, "Sorry, the new category failed."));
+ }
+ return($cat_id);
+ }
+ /**
+ * WordPress XML-RPC API
+ * wp_suggestCategories
+ */
+ function wp_suggestCategories($args) {
+ global $wpdb;
+ $this->escape($args);
+ $blog_id = $args[0];
+ $username = $args[1];
+ $password = $args[2];
+ $category = $args[3];
+ $max_results = $args[4];
+ if(!$this->login_pass_ok($username, $password)) {
+ return($this->error);
+ }
+ // Only set a limit if one was provided.
+ $limit = "";
+ if(!empty($max_results)) {
+ $limit = "LIMIT {$max_results}";
+ }
+ $category_suggestions = $wpdb->get_results("
+ SELECT cat_ID category_id,
+ cat_name category_name
+ FROM {$wpdb->categories}
+ WHERE cat_name LIKE '{$category}%'
+ {$limit}
+ ");
+ return($category_suggestions);
+ }
/* Blogger API functions
* specs on and
@@ -524,6 +918,37 @@ class wp_xmlrpc_server extends IXR_Server {
if ( !current_user_can('publish_posts') )
return new IXR_Error(401, 'Sorry, you can not post on this weblog or category.');
+ // The post_type defaults to post, but could also be page.
+ $post_type = "post";
+ if(
+ !empty($content_struct["post_type"])
+ && ($content_struct["post_type"] == "page")
+ ) {
+ $post_type = "page";
+ }
+ // Let WordPress generate the post_name (slug) unless
+ // one has been provided.
+ $post_name = "";
+ if(!empty($content_struct["wp_slug"])) {
+ $post_name = $content_struct["wp_slug"];
+ }
+ // Only use a password if one was given.
+ if(!empty($content_struct["wp_password"])) {
+ $post_password = $content_struct["wp_password"];
+ }
+ // Only set a post parent if one was provided.
+ if(!empty($content_struct["wp_page_parent_id"])) {
+ $post_parent = $content_struct["wp_page_parent_id"];
+ }
+ // Only set the menu_order if it was provided.
+ if(!empty($content_struct["wp_page_order"])) {
+ $menu_order = $content_struct["wp_page_order"];
+ }
$post_author = $user->ID;
$post_title = $content_struct['title'];
@@ -569,7 +994,7 @@ class wp_xmlrpc_server extends IXR_Server {
// We've got all the data -- post it:
- $postdata = compact('post_author', 'post_date', 'post_date_gmt', 'post_content', 'post_title', 'post_category', 'post_status', 'post_excerpt', 'comment_status', 'ping_status', 'to_ping');
+ $postdata = compact('post_author', 'post_date', 'post_date_gmt', 'post_content', 'post_title', 'post_category', 'post_status', 'post_excerpt', 'comment_status', 'ping_status', 'to_ping', 'post_type', 'post_name', 'post_password', 'post_parent', 'menu_order');
$post_ID = wp_insert_post($postdata);
@@ -623,6 +1048,36 @@ class wp_xmlrpc_server extends IXR_Server {
+ // The post_type defaults to post, but could also be page.
+ $post_type = "post";
+ if(
+ !empty($content_struct["post_type"])
+ && ($content_struct["post_type"] == "page")
+ ) {
+ $post_type = "page";
+ }
+ // Let WordPress manage slug if none was provided.
+ $post_name = "";
+ if(!empty($content_struct["wp_slug"])) {
+ $post_name = $content_struct["wp_slug"];
+ }
+ // Only use a password if one was given.
+ if(!empty($content_struct["wp_password"])) {
+ $post_password = $content_struct["wp_password"];
+ }
+ // Only set a post parent if one was given.
+ if(!empty($content_struct["wp_page_parent_id"])) {
+ $post_parent = $content_struct["wp_page_parent_id"];
+ }
+ // Only ste the menu_order if it was given.
+ if(!empty($content_struct["wp_page_order"])) {
+ $menu_order = $content_struct["wp_page_order"];
+ }
$post_title = $content_struct['title'];
$post_content = apply_filters( 'content_save_pre', $content_struct['description'] );
$catnames = $content_struct['categories'];
@@ -665,7 +1120,7 @@ class wp_xmlrpc_server extends IXR_Server {
// We've got all the data -- post it:
- $newpost = compact('ID', 'post_content', 'post_title', 'post_category', 'post_status', 'post_excerpt', 'comment_status', 'ping_status', 'post_date', 'post_date_gmt', 'to_ping');
+ $newpost = compact('ID', 'post_content', 'post_title', 'post_category', 'post_status', 'post_excerpt', 'comment_status', 'ping_status', 'post_date', 'post_date_gmt', 'to_ping', 'post_name', 'post_password', 'post_parent', 'menu_order');
$result = wp_update_post($newpost);
if (!$result) {