Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Remove commentHEADmasterBrian Pepple2016-05-221-2/+0
* Add function to truncate tweet if length will be more than 140 charactersBrian Pepple2016-05-221-0/+27
* Remove testing print statementsBrian Pepple2016-05-201-5/+3
* Add script to tweet top artists scrobbled on Last.fmBrian Pepple2016-05-201-0/+203
* remove test fileBrian Pepple2016-05-201-0/+0
* testBrian Pepple2016-05-201-0/+0
* Handle files that have upper case file extensionBrian Pepple2012-05-101-2/+2
* Make the output a little more friendly lookingBrian Pepple2011-12-111-1/+1
* Add script to fix sort artist tagBrian Pepple2011-12-091-0/+97
* Add script to clean-up .cbr & .cbz filesBrian Pepple2011-12-081-0/+40
* Use tabsBrian Pepple2011-12-071-3/+3
* Add script to find any vorbis files with any encoding errorsBrian Pepple2011-12-071-0/+54