path: root/
diff options
authorJeremy Katz <>2002-02-14 00:08:19 +0000
committerJeremy Katz <>2002-02-14 00:08:19 +0000
commita1c8ed06464d140ce520422d874e2bf9d3943f80 (patch)
tree73a98f9d9df3eddddb706565b8c7953a8370c6d5 /
parent26b07e69e3f7945db8453f1036388116920abce8 (diff)
move a lot more out of a lot of the functions are now
methods of request classes or the Partitions class
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 543 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index de246b01a..2be73f017 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -37,110 +37,6 @@ from flags import flags
from partErrors import *
import partRequests
-def query_is_linux_native_by_numtype(numtype):
- linuxtypes = [0x82, 0x83, 0x8e, 0xfd]
- for t in linuxtypes:
- if int(numtype) == t:
- return 1
- return 0
-# returns a list of the actual raid device requests
-def get_lvm_volume_groups(requests):
- raidRequests = []
- for request in requests:
- if request.type == REQUEST_VG:
- raidRequests.append(request)
- return raidRequests
-# returns a list of the actual raid device requests
-def get_raid_devices(requests):
- raidRequests = []
- for request in requests:
- if request.type == REQUEST_RAID:
- raidRequests.append(request)
- return raidRequests
-def register_raid_device(mdname, newdevices, newlevel, newnumActive):
- for dev, devices, level, numActive in partedUtils.DiskSet.mdList:
- if mdname == dev:
- if (devices != newdevices or level != newlevel or
- numActive != newnumActive):
- raise ValueError, "%s is already in the mdList!" % (mdname,)
- else:
- return
- partedUtils.DiskSet.mdList.append((mdname, newdevices[:], newlevel,
- newnumActive))
-def lookup_raid_device(mdname):
- for dev, devices, level, numActive in partedUtils.DiskSet.mdList:
- if mdname == dev:
- return (dev, devices, level, numActive)
- raise KeyError, "md device not found"
-# returns a list of tuples of raid partitions which can be used or are used
-# with whether they're used (0 if not, 1 if so) eg (part, size, used)
-def get_available_raid_partitions(diskset, requests, request):
- rc = []
- drives = diskset.disks.keys()
- raiddevs = get_raid_devices(requests.requests)
- drives.sort()
- for drive in drives:
- disk = diskset.disks[drive]
- for part in partedUtils.get_raid_partitions(disk):
- partname = partedUtils.get_partition_name(part)
- used = 0
- for raid in raiddevs:
- if raid.raidmembers:
- for raidmem in raid.raidmembers:
- if partname == requests.getRequestByID(raidmem).device:
- if raid.device == request.device:
- used = 2
- else:
- used = 1
- break
- if used:
- break
- if not used:
- rc.append((partname, partedUtils.getPartSizeMB(part), 0))
- elif used == 2:
- rc.append((partname, partedUtils.getPartSizeMB(part), 1))
- return rc
-# returns a list of tuples of lvm partitions which can be used or are used
-# with whether they're used (0 if not, 1 if so) eg (part, size, used)
-def get_available_lvm_partitions(diskset, requests, request):
- rc = []
- drives = diskset.disks.keys()
- drives.sort()
- volgroups = get_lvm_volume_groups(requests.requests)
- for drive in drives:
- disk = diskset.disks[drive]
- for part in partedUtils.get_lvm_partitions(disk):
- partname = partedUtils.get_partition_name(part)
- partrequest = requests.getRequestByDeviceName(partname)
- used = 0
- for volgroup in volgroups:
- if volgroup.physicalVolumes:
- if partrequest.uniqueID in volgroup.physicalVolumes:
- if request and request.uniqueID and volgroup.uniqueID == request.uniqueID:
- used = 2
- else:
- used = 1
- if used:
- break
- if used == 0:
- rc.append((partname, partedUtils.getPartSizeMB(part), 0))
- elif used == 2:
- rc.append((partname, partedUtils.getPartSizeMB(part), 1))
- return rc
def get_lvm_volume_group_size(request, requests, diskset):
# got to add up all of physical volumes to get total size
if request.physicalVolumes is None:
@@ -186,247 +82,6 @@ def get_raid_device_size(raidrequest, partitions, diskset):
raise ValueError, "Invalid raidlevel in get_raid_device_size()"
-# sanityCheckMountPoint
-def sanityCheckMountPoint(mntpt, fstype, reqtype):
- if mntpt:
- passed = 1
- if not mntpt:
- passed = 0
- else:
- if mntpt[0] != '/' or (len(mntpt) > 1 and mntpt[-1:] == '/'):
- passed = 0
- elif string.find(mntpt, ' ') > -1:
- passed = 0
- if not passed:
- return _("The mount point is invalid. Mount points must start "
- "with '/' and cannot end with '/', and must contain "
- "printable characters and no spaces.")
- else:
- return None
- else:
- if (fstype and fstype.isMountable() and
- (reqtype == REQUEST_NEW or reqtype == REQUEST_RAID or reqtype ==
- REQUEST_VG or reqtype == REQUEST_LV)):
- return _("Please specify a mount point for this partition.")
- else:
- # its an existing partition so don't force a mount point
- return None
-# XXX ermm, this function is silly... just check the name not using the req
-def isVolumeGroupNameInUse(reqpartitions, req):
- volname = req.volumeGroupName
- if not volname:
- return None
- lvmrequests = reqpartitions.getLVMRequests()
- if not lvmrequests:
- return None
- if volname in lvmrequests.keys():
- return 1
- return 0
-def isLogicalVolumeNameInUse(reqpartitions, req):
- logvolname = req.logicalVolumeName
- if not logvolname:
- return None
- lvmrequests = reqpartitions.getLVMRequests()
- if not lvmrequests:
- return None
- for vgname in lvmrequests.keys():
- vgrequest = reqpartitions.getRequestByDeviceName(vgname)
- if not lvmrequests[vgname]:
- continue
- for lvrequest in lvmrequests[vgname]:
- lvname = lvrequest.logicalVolumeName
- if not lvname:
- continue
- if lvname == logvolname:
- return 1
- return 0
-def isMountPointInUse(reqpartitions, newrequest):
- mntpt = newrequest.mountpoint
- if not mntpt:
- return None
- if reqpartitions and reqpartitions.requests:
- for request in reqpartitions.requests:
- if request.mountpoint == mntpt:
- used = 0
- if (not newrequest.device
- or request.device != newrequest.device):
- used = 1
- if used:
- return _("The mount point %s is already in use, please "
- "choose a different mount point." %(mntpt))
- return None
-# figure out whether we should format by default
-def isFormatOnByDefault(request):
- def inExceptionList(mntpt):
- exceptlist = ['/home', '/usr/local', '/opt', '/var/www']
- for q in exceptlist:
- if os.path.commonprefix([mntpt, q]) == q:
- return 1
- return 0
- # check first to see if its a Linux filesystem or not
- formatlist = ['/boot', '/var', '/tmp', '/usr']
- if not request.fstype:
- return 0
- if not request.fstype.isLinuxNativeFS():
- return 0
- if request.fstype.isMountable():
- mntpt = request.mountpoint
- if mntpt == "/":
- return 1
- if mntpt in formatlist:
- return 1
- for p in formatlist:
- if os.path.commonprefix([mntpt, p]) == p:
- if inExceptionList(mntpt):
- return 0
- else:
- return 1
- return 0
- else:
- if request.fstype.getName() == "swap":
- return 1
- # be safe for anything else and default to off
- return 0
-def doMountPointLinuxFSChecks(newrequest):
- mustbeonroot = ['/bin','/dev','/sbin','/etc','/lib','/root','/mnt', 'lost+found', '/proc']
- mustbeonlinuxfs = ['/', '/boot', '/var', '/tmp', '/usr', '/home']
- if not newrequest.mountpoint:
- return None
- if newrequest.fstype == None:
- return None
- if newrequest.fstype.isMountable():
- if newrequest.mountpoint in mustbeonroot:
- return _("This mount point is invalid. This directory must "
- "be on the / filesystem.")
- if not newrequest.fstype.isLinuxNativeFS():
- if newrequest.mountpoint in mustbeonlinuxfs:
- return _("This mount point must be on a linux filesystem.")
- return None
-def doPartitionSizeCheck(newrequest):
- if not newrequest.fstype:
- return None
- if not newrequest.format:
- return None
- # XXX need to figure out the size for partitions specified by cyl range
- if newrequest.size and newrequest.size > newrequest.fstype.getMaxSizeMB():
- return (_("The size of the %s partition (size = %s MB) "
- "exceeds the maximum size of %s MB.")
- % (newrequest.fstype.getName(), newrequest.size,
- newrequest.fstype.getMaxSizeMB()))
- if (newrequest.size and newrequest.maxSizeMB
- and (newrequest.size > newrequest.maxSizeMB)):
- return (_("The size of the requested partition (size = %s MB) "
- "exceeds the maximum size of %s MB.")
- % (newrequest.size, newrequest.maxSizeMB))
- if newrequest.size and newrequest.size < 0:
- return _("The size of the requested partition is "
- "negative! (size = %s MB)") % (newrequest.size)
- if newrequest.start and newrequest.start < 1:
- return _("Partitions can't start below the first cylinder.")
- if newrequest.end and newrequest.end < 1:
- return _("Partitions can't end on a negative cylinder.")
- return None
-# returns error string if something not right about request
-def sanityCheckPartitionRequest(reqpartitions, newrequest):
- # see if mount point is valid if its a new partition request
- mntpt = newrequest.mountpoint
- fstype = newrequest.fstype
- reqtype = newrequest.type
- rc = doPartitionSizeCheck(newrequest)
- if rc:
- return rc
- rc = sanityCheckMountPoint(mntpt, fstype, reqtype)
- if rc:
- return rc
- rc = isMountPointInUse(reqpartitions, newrequest)
- if rc:
- return rc
- rc = doMountPointLinuxFSChecks(newrequest)
- if rc:
- return rc
- return None
-# return error string is something not right about raid request
-def sanityCheckRaidRequest(reqpartitions, newraid, doPartitionCheck = 1):
- if not newraid.raidmembers or not newraid.raidlevel:
- return _("No members in RAID request, or not RAID level specified.")
- # XXX fix this sanity case
-## for member in newraid.raidmembers:
-## part = member.partition
-## if part.get_flag(parted.PARTITION_RAID) != 1:
-## return _("Some members of RAID request are not RAID partitions.")
- if doPartitionCheck:
- rc = sanityCheckPartitionRequest(reqpartitions, newraid)
- if rc:
- return rc
- # XXX fix this code to look to see if there is a bootable partition
- bootreq = reqpartitions.getBootableRequest()
- if not bootreq and newraid.mountpoint:
- # XXX 390 can't have boot on raid
- if ((newraid.mountpoint == "/boot" or newraid.mountpoint == "/")
- and not raid.isRaid1(newraid.raidlevel)):
- return _("Bootable partitions can only be on RAID1 devices.")
- minmembers = raid.get_raid_min_members(newraid.raidlevel)
- if len(newraid.raidmembers) < minmembers:
- return _("A RAID device of type %s "
- "requires at least %s members.") % (newraid.raidlevel,
- minmembers)
- if newraid.raidspares:
- if (len(newraid.raidmembers) - newraid.raidspares) < minmembers:
- return _("This RAID device can have a maximum of %s spares. "
- "To have more spares you will need to add members to "
- "the RAID device.") % (len(newraid.raidmembers)
- - minmembers )
- return None
# return the actual size being used by the request in megabytes
def requestSize(req, diskset):
if req.type == REQUEST_VG:
@@ -453,128 +108,7 @@ def requestSize(req, diskset):
thissize = partedUtils.getPartSizeMB(part)
return thissize
-# this function is called at the end of partitioning so that we
-# can make sure you don't have anything silly (like no /, a really small /,
-# etc). returns (errors, warnings) where each is a list of strings or None
-# if there are none
-# if baseChecks is set, the basic sanity tests which the UI runs prior to
-# accepting a partition will be run on the requests
-def sanityCheckAllRequests(requests, diskset, baseChecks = 0):
- checkSizes = [('/usr', 250), ('/tmp', 50), ('/var', 50),
- ('/home', 100), ('/boot', 20)]
- warnings = []
- errors = []
- slash = requests.getRequestByMountPoint('/')
- if not slash:
- errors.append(_("You have not defined a root partition (/), which is required for installation of Red Hat Linux to continue."))
- if slash and requestSize(slash, diskset) < 250:
- warnings.append(_("Your root partition is less than 250 megabytes which is usually too small to install Red Hat Linux."))
- if iutil.getArch() == "ia64":
- bootreq = requests.getRequestByMountPoint("/boot/efi")
- if not bootreq or requestSize(bootreq, diskset) < 50:
- errors.append(_("You must create a /boot/efi partition of type "
- "FAT and a size of 50 megabytes."))
- for (mount, size) in checkSizes:
- req = requests.getRequestByMountPoint(mount)
- if not req:
- continue
- if requestSize(req, diskset) < size:
- warnings.append(_("Your %s partition is less than %s megabytes which is lower than recommended for a normal Red Hat Linux install.") %(mount, size))
- foundSwap = 0
- swapSize = 0
- for request in requests.requests:
- if request.fstype and request.fstype.getName() == "swap":
- foundSwap = foundSwap + 1
- swapSize = swapSize + requestSize(request, diskset)
- if baseChecks:
- rc = doPartitionSizeCheck(request)
- if rc:
- warnings.append(rc)
- rc = doMountPointLinuxFSChecks(request)
- if rc:
- errors.append(rc)
- if request.type == REQUEST_RAID:
- rc = sanityCheckRaidRequest(requests, request, 0)
- if rc:
- errors.append(rc)
- bootreq = requests.getBootableRequest()
- # XXX 390 can't have boot on RAID
- if (bootreq and (bootreq.type == REQUEST_RAID) and
- (not raid.isRaid1(bootreq.raidlevel))):
- errors.append(_("Bootable partitions can only be on RAID1 devices."))
- # can't have bootable partition on LV
- if (bootreq and (bootreq.type == REQUEST_LV)):
- errors.append(_("Bootable partitions can not be on a logical volume."))
- if foundSwap == 0:
- warnings.append(_("You have not specified a swap partition. Although not strictly required in all cases, it will significantly improve performance for most installations."))
- # XXX number of swaps not exported from kernel and could change
- if foundSwap >= 32:
- warnings.append(_("You have specified more than 32 swap devices. The kernel for Red Hat Linux only supports 32 swap devices."))
- mem = iutil.memInstalled(corrected = 0)
- rem = mem % 16384
- if rem:
- mem = mem + (16384 - rem)
- mem = mem / 1024
- if foundSwap and (swapSize < (mem - 8)) and (mem < 1024):
- warnings.append(_("You have allocated less swap space (%dM) than available RAM (%dM) on your system. This could negatively impact performance.") %(swapSize, mem))
- if warnings == []:
- warnings = None
- if errors == []:
- errors = None
- return (errors, warnings)
-# create nice text formatted list of pre-existing partitions which will be
-# formatted
-def getPreExistFormatWarnings(partitions, diskset):
- devs = []
- for request in partitions.requests:
- if request.type == REQUEST_PREEXIST and request.device:
- devs.append(request.device)
- devs.sort()
- rc = []
- for dev in devs:
- request = partitions.getRequestByDeviceName(dev)
- if request.format:
- if request.fstype.isMountable():
- mntpt = request.mountpoint
- else:
- mntpt = ""
- rc.append((request.device, request.fstype.getName(), mntpt))
- if len(rc) == 0:
- return None
- else:
- return rc
-# add delete specs to requests for all logical partitions in part
-def deleteAllLogicalPartitions(part, requests):
- for partition in partedUtils.get_logical_partitions(part.geom.disk):
- request = requests.getRequestByDeviceName(partedUtils.get_partition_name(partition))
- requests.removeRequest(request)
- if request.type == REQUEST_PREEXIST:
- drive = partedUtils.get_partition_drive(partition)
- delete = partRequests.DeleteSpec(drive, partition.geom.start,
- partition.geom.end)
- requests.addDelete(delete)
@@ -595,15 +129,6 @@ def partitionObjectsInitialize(diskset, partitions, dir, intf):
-# set the protected partitions
-def setProtected(partitions, dispatch):
- protected = dispatch.method.protectedPartitions()
- if protected:
- for device in protected:
- log("%s is a protected partition" % (device))
- request = partitions.getRequestByDeviceName(device)
- request.type = REQUEST_PROTECTED
def partitionMethodSetup(partitions, dispatch):
# turn on/off step based on 3 paths:
@@ -620,76 +145,9 @@ def partitionMethodSetup(partitions, dispatch):
dispatch.skipStep("fdisk", skip = not partitions.useFdisk)
- setProtected(partitions, dispatch)
+ partitions.setProtected(dispatch)
-# shorthand mainly for installclasses
-# make a list of tuples of the form:
-# (mntpt, fstype, minsize, maxsize, grow, format)
-# mntpt = None for non-mountable, otherwise is mount point
-# fstype = None to use default, otherwise a string
-# minsize = smallest size
-# maxsize = max size, or None means no max
-# grow = 0 or 1, should partition be grown
-# format = 0 or 1, whether to format
-def autoCreatePartitionRequests(autoreq):
- requests = []
- for (mntpt, fstype, minsize, maxsize, grow, format) in autoreq:
- if fstype:
- ptype = fsset.fileSystemTypeGet(fstype)
- else:
- ptype = fsset.fileSystemTypeGetDefault()
- newrequest = partRequests.PartitionSpec(ptype,
- mountpoint = mntpt,
- size = minsize,
- maxSizeMB = maxsize,
- grow = grow,
- format = format)
- requests.append(newrequest)
- return requests
-# returns shorthand (see above) request for the "boot" dir
-# depends on arch
-def getAutopartitionBoot():
- if iutil.getArch() == "ia64":
- return ("/boot/efi", "vfat", 100, None, 0, 1)
- else:
- return ("/boot", None, 50, None, 0, 1)
-# does this partition contain partitions we can't delete?
-def containsImmutablePart(part, requestlist):
- if not part or (type(part) == type("RAID")) or (type(part) == type(1)):
- return None
- if not part.type & parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED:
- return None
- disk = part.geom.disk
- while part:
- if not part.is_active():
- part = disk.next_partition(part)
- continue
- device = partedUtils.get_partition_name(part)
- request = requestlist.getRequestByDeviceName(device)
- if request:
- if request.type == REQUEST_PROTECTED:
- return _("the partition in use by the installer.")
- if requestlist.isRaidMember(request):
- return _("a partition which is a member of a RAID array.")
- part = disk.next_partition(part)
- return None
def partitioningComplete(bl, fsset, diskSet, partitions, intf, instPath, dir):
if dir == DISPATCH_BACK and fsset.isActive():
rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Installation cannot continue."),