diff options
authorBill Nottingham <>2004-03-05 17:46:49 +0000
committerBill Nottingham <>2004-03-05 17:46:49 +0000
commitb86ea33735f3081f2b2f9e43f55941886d23cf53 (patch)
parentae4adef1b20fc6084f23a8d32268b2f94226810e (diff)
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 4848 deletions
diff --git a/isys/pci/Makefile b/isys/pci/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 5940d3464..000000000
--- a/isys/pci/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-CFLAGS = -Wall -g
-LOADLIBES = -lpci
-all: testprobe
-libpciprobe.a: libpciprobe.a(pciprobe.o)
-testprobe: libpciprobe.a pciprobe.c
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -DTESTING pciprobe.c -o testprobe $(LOADLIBES)
- rm -f *.o testprobe *.a core
diff --git a/isys/pci/README b/isys/pci/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 384e3288c..000000000
--- a/isys/pci/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-Requires the pciutils-devel-2.0-2 rpm currently in playpen
-(static lib + headers). Probably will get moved into dist-6.1
-Use is as follows:
-/* pciprobe.h */
-struct pciDevice {
- unsigned int vendor, device, type;
- char * driver;
- char * desc;
-int probePciReadDrivers(const char *fn);
-struct pciDevice **probePci(unsigned int type, int all);
-probePciReadDrivers is same as before.
-probePci returns a null-terminated list of pciDevice *.
-'type' is a base class/subclass type (look in /usr/include/pci/header.h
-under 'Device classes and subclasses' for constants to use, or you
-can hard-code them....).
-'all=0' means return only those for which there are drivers
-(which means entries where the drivers are *not* 'unknown' or 'ignore'.)
-'all=anything else' means return everything.
-Currently, the pcitable is more-or-less the same as before:
-0xvendor 0xdevice <driver> "description"
-It's generated from the pci.ids file by the 'makeids' command,
-which reads the driver mappings from the *current* pcitable
-file in the current directory. Basically, to change a driver,
-edit the pcitable and commit; rerunning makeids will simply
-merge in any new PCI ids in the pci.ids file, and change
-any changed descriptions.
-testprobe currently prints (more-or-less) the results
-of probePci(0,1);
diff --git a/isys/pci/makeids b/isys/pci/makeids
deleted file mode 100755
index 8d516be92..000000000
--- a/isys/pci/makeids
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-sub parseLine {
- my($line) = @_;
- $line =~ /"(.*)"/;
- $vendor = $1;
- $device = $2;
- $class =~ s/ *$//;
- $device =~ s/ *$//;
- $id = $vendor . "|" . $device;
- return $id;
-open(F, "pcitable");
-while (<F>) {
- chop;
- if (/^# List of known device classes/) { break; }
- if (/^#/) { next; }
- s/ *$//;
- if (!length($_)) { next };
- if ( /([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t"([^"]*)"/) {
- $vendor = $1;
- $device = $2;
- $driver = $3;
- $class =~ s/ *$//;
- $device =~ s/ *$//;
- $id = $vendor . "|" . $device;
- $drivers{$id} = $driver;
- }
-open(F, "<pci.ids");
-open(DRIVERS, ">pcitable");
-print DRIVERS "# This file is automatically generated from isys/pci. Edit\n";
-print DRIVERS "# it by hand to change a driver mapping. Other changes will\n";
-print DRIVERS "# be lost at the next merge - you have been warned.";
-print DRIVERS "\n";
-print DRIVERS "# The format is (\"%d\\t%d\\t%s\\t\"%s\"\\n\", classid, devid, moduleName, cardDescription)";
-print DRIVERS "\n\n";
-$class = "";
-while (<F>) {
- chop;
- s/ */ /g;
- s/^ *//g;
- s/ *$//g;
- if (/^# List of known device classes/) { last; }
- if (/^#.*/) { next };
- if (!length($_)) { next };
- if (/^\t/) {
- if ($class eq "") {
- die "unexpected device\n";
- }
- s/\t([0-9A-Fa-f]+) +//;
- $devid = $1;
- $name = $class . "|" . $_;
- $device = "0x" . $classid . "|0x" . $devid;
- if ($drivers{$device}) {
- printf(DRIVERS "0x%s\t0x%s\t%s\t\"%s\"\n", $classid, $devid,
- $drivers{$device},$name);
- } else {
- printf(DRIVERS "0x%s\t0x%s\t%s\t\"%s\"\n", $classid, $devid,
- "unknown",$name);
- }
- } else {
- s/([0-9A-Fa-f]+) +//;
- $classid = $1;
- if ($classtr{$_}) {
- $class = $classtr{$_};
- } else {
- $class = $_;
- }
- }
diff --git a/isys/pci/pci.ids b/isys/pci/pci.ids
deleted file mode 100644
index 453ca4c5a..000000000
--- a/isys/pci/pci.ids
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2978 +0,0 @@
-# List of PCI ID's
-# Maintained by Martin Mares <>
-# If you have any new entries, send them to the maintainer.
-# $Id$
-# Vendors and devices. Please keep sorted.
-0000 Gammagraphx, Inc.
-001a Ascend Communications, Inc.
-0033 Paradyne corp.
-003d Lockheed Martin-Marietta Corp
-0070 Hauppage computer works Inc.
-0675 Dynalink
- 1700 IS64PH ISDN Adapter
- 1702 IS64PH ISDN Adapter
-0a89 BREA Technologies Inc
-0e11 Compaq Computer Corporation
- 0001 PCI to EISA Bridge
- 0002 PCI to ISA Bridge
- 0508 Netelligent 4/16
- 1000 Triflex/Pentium Bridge, Model 1000
- 2000 Triflex/Pentium Bridge, Model 2000
- 3032 QVision 1280/p
- 3033 QVision 1280/p
- 3034 QVision 1280/p
- 4000 4000 [Triflex]
- a0f3 Triflex PCI to ISA Bridge
- ae10 Smart-2/P RAID Controller
- ae29 MIS-L
- ae2a MPC
- ae2b MIS-E
- ae32 Netelligent 10/100
- ae34 Netelligent 10
- ae35 Integrated NetFlex-3/P
- ae40 Netelligent 10/100 Dual
- ae43 ProLiant Integrated Netelligent 10/100
- ae69 CETUS-L
- ae6c Northstar
- b011 Integrated Netelligent 10/100
- b012 Netelligent 10 T/2
- b030 Netelligent WS 5100
- b04a 10/100TX WOL UTP Controller
- b060 Smart Array 5300 Controller
- b0c6 10/100TX Embedded WOL UTP Controller
- b0d7 NC3121 (Rev A & B)
- f130 NetFlex-3/P ThunderLAN 1.0
- f150 NetFlex-3/P ThunderLAN 2.3
-1000 Symbios Logic Inc. (formerly NCR)
- 0001 53c810
- 0002 53c820
- 0003 53c825
- 0004 53c815
- 0005 53c810AP
- 0006 53c860
- 000b 53c896
- 000c 53c895
- 000d 53c885
- 000f 53c875
- 0012 53c895a
- 008f 53c875J
- 0701 83C885 gigabit ethernet
- 0702 Yellowfin G-NIC gigabit ethernet
- 0901 61C102
- 1000 63C815
-1001 Initio
- 9100 INI-9100/9100W SCSI Host
-1002 ATI Technologies Inc
- 4158 68800AX [Mach32]
- 4354 215CT [Mach64 CT]
- 4358 210888CX [Mach64 CX]
- 4554 210888ET [Mach64 ET]
- 4654 Mach64 VT
- 4742 3D Rage Pro AGP 1X/2X
- 4744 3D Rage Pro AGP 1X
- 4747 3D Rage Pro
- 4749 3D Rage Pro
- 474c Rage XC
- 474d Rage XL AGP
- 474e Rage XC AGP
- 474f Rage XL
- 4750 3D Rage Pro 215GP
- 4751 3D Rage Pro 215GQ
- 4753 Rage XC
- 4754 3D Rage I/II 215GT [Mach64 GT]
- 4755 3D Rage II+ 215GTB [Mach64 GTB]
- 4756 3D Rage IIC 215IIC [Mach64 GT IIC]
- 4757 3D Rage IIC AGP
- 4758 210888GX [Mach64 GX]
- 4759 3D Rage IIC
- 475a 3D Rage IIC AGP
- 4c42 3D Rage LT Pro AGP-133
- 4c44 3D Rage LT Pro AGP-66
- 4c47 3D Rage LT-G 215LG
- 4c49 3D Rage LT Pro
- 4c4d 3D Rage P/M Mobility AGP 2x
- 4c4e 3D Rage L Mobility AGP 2x
- 4c50 3D Rage LT Pro
- 4c51 3D Rage LT Pro
- 4c52 3D Rage P/M Mobility
- 4c53 3D Rage L Mobility
- 4c54 264LT [Mach64 LT]
- 5041 Rage 128 Pro
- 5042 Rage 128 Pro AGP 2x
- 5043 Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x
- 5044 Rage 128 Pro
- 5045 Rage 128 Pro AGP 2x
- 5046 Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x
- 5047 Rage 128 Pro
- 5048 Rage 128 Pro AGP 2x
- 5049 Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x
- 504a Rage 128 Pro
- 504b Rage 128 Pro AGP 2x
- 504c Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x
- 504d Rage 128 Pro
- 504e Rage 128 Pro AGP 2x
- 504f Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x
- 5050 Rage 128 Pro
- 5051 Rage 128 Pro AGP 2x
- 5052 Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x
- 5053 Rage 128 Pro
- 5054 Rage 128 Pro AGP 2x
- 5055 Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x
- 5056 Rage 128 Pro
- 5057 Rage 128 Pro AGP 2x
- 5058 Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x
- 5245 Rage 128 GL
- 5246 Rage 128 GL AGP 1x/2x
- 524b Rage 128 VR
- 524c Rage 128 VR AGP 1x/2x
- 5345 Rage 128 4x
- 5346 Rage 128 4x AGP 2x
- 5347 Rage 128 4x AGP 4x
- 5348 Rage 128 4x
- 534b Rage 128 4x
- 534c Rage 128 4x AGP 2x
- 534d Rage 128 4x AGP 4x
- 534e Rage 128 4x
- 5354 Mach64 ST
- 5654 264VT [Mach64 VT]
- 5655 264VT3 [Mach64 VT3]
- 5656 264VT4 [Mach64 VT4]
-1003 ULSI Systems
- 0201 US201
-1004 VLSI Technology Inc
- 0005 82C592-FC1
- 0006 82C593-FC1
- 0007 82C594-AFC2
- 0008 82C596/7 [Wildcat]
- 0009 82C597-AFC2
- 000c 82C541 [Lynx]
- 000d 82C543 [Lynx]
- 0101 82C532
- 0102 82C534
- 0103 82C538
- 0104 82C535
- 0105 82C147
- 0200 82C975
- 0280 82C925
- 0702 VAS96011 [Golden Gate II]
-1005 Avance Logic Inc. [ALI]
- 2064 ALG2032/2064
- 2128 ALG2364A
- 2301 ALG2301
- 2302 ALG2302
- 2364 ALG2364
- 2464 ALG2364A
- 2501 ALG2564A/25128A
-1006 Reply Group
-1007 NetFrame Systems Inc
-1008 Epson
-100a Phoenix Technologies
-100b National Semiconductor Corporation
- 0001 DP83810
- 0002 87415
- d001 87410
-100c Tseng Labs Inc
- 3202 ET4000/W32p rev A
- 3205 ET4000/W32p rev B
- 3206 ET4000/W32p rev C
- 3207 ET4000/W32p rev D
- 3208 ET6000
- 4702 ET6300
-100d AST Research Inc
-100e Weitek
- 9000 P9000
- 9001 P9000
- 9100 P9100
-1010 Video Logic, Ltd.
-1011 Digital Equipment Corporation
- 0001 DECchip 21050
- 0002 DECchip 21040 [Tulip]
- 0004 DECchip 21030 [TGA]
- 0007 NVRAM [Zephyr NVRAM]
- 0008 KZPSA [KZPSA]
- 0009 DECchip 21140 [FasterNet]
- 000a 21230 Video Codec
- 000d PBXGB [TGA2]
- 000f DEFPA
- 0014 DECchip 21041 [Tulip Pass 3]
- 0016 DGLPB [OPPO]
- 0019 DECchip 21142/43
- 0021 DECchip 21052
- 0022 DECchip 21150
- 0024 DECchip 21152
- 0025 DECchip 21153
- 0026 DECchip 21154
- 0045 DECchip 21553
- 0046 DECchip 21554
-1012 Micronics Computers Inc
-1013 Cirrus Logic
- 0038 GD 7548
- 0040 GD 7555 Flat Panel GUI Accelerator
- 004c GD 7556 Video/Graphics LCD/CRT Ctrlr
- 00a0 GD 5430/40 [Alpine]
- 00a2 GD 5432 [Alpine]
- 00a4 GD 5434-4 [Alpine]
- 00a8 GD 5434-8 [Alpine]
- 00ac GD 5436 [Alpine]
- 00b0 GD 5440
- 00b8 GD 5446
- 00bc GD 5480
- 00d0 GD 5462
- 00d2 GD 5462 [Laguna I]
- 00d4 GD 5464 [Laguna]
- 00d6 GD 5465 [Laguna]
- 00e8 GD 5436U
- 1100 CL 6729
- 1110 PD 6832
- 1112 PD 6834 PCMCIA/CardBus Ctrlr
- 1113 PD 6833 PCMCIA/CardBus Ctrlr
- 1200 GD 7542 [Nordic]
- 1202 GD 7543 [Viking]
- 1204 GD 7541 [Nordic Light]
- 4400 CD 4400
- 6001 CS 4610/11 [CrystalClear SoundFusion Audio Accelerator]
- 6003 CS 4614/22/24 [CrystalClear SoundFusion Audio Accelerator]
-1014 IBM
- 0002 PCI to MCA Bridge
- 0005 Alta Lite
- 0007 Alta MP
- 000a Fire Coral
- 0018 TR Auto LANstreamer
- 001b GXT-150P
- 001d 82G2675
- 0020 MCA
- 0022 IBM27-82351
- 002d Python
- 002e ServeRAID controller
- 0036 Miami
- 003e TR_Wake
- 0046 MPIC interrupt controller
- 0053 25 MBit ATM Controller
- 0057 MPEG PCI Bridge
- 005C i82557B 10/100 PCI Ethernet Adapter
- 007d 3780IDSP [MWave]
- 0095 20H2999 PCI Docking Bridge
- 00b7 256-bit Graphics Rasterizer [Fire GL1]
- ffff MPIC-2 interrupt controller
-1015 LSI Logic Corp of Canada
-1016 ICL Personal Systems
-1017 SPEA Software AG
- 5343 SPEA 3D Accelerator
-1018 Unisys Systems
-1019 Elitegroup Computer Systems
-101a AT&T GIS (NCR)
- 0005 100VG ethernet
-101b Vitesse Semiconductor
-101c Western Digital
- 0193 33C193A
- 0196 33C196A
- 0197 33C197A
- 0296 33C296A
- 3193 7193
- 3197 7197
- 3296 33C296A
- 4296 34C296
- 9710 Pipeline 9710
- 9712 Pipeline 9712
- c24a 90C
-101e American Megatrends Inc.
- 9010 MegaRAID
- 9060 MegaRAID
-101f PictureTel
-1020 Hitachi Computer Products
-1021 OKI Electric Industry Co. Ltd.
-1022 Advanced Micro Devices [AMD]
- 2000 79c970 [PCnet LANCE]
- 2001 79c978 [HomePNA]
- 2020 53c974 [PCscsi]
- 2040 79c974
-1023 Trident Microsystems
- 0194 82C194
- 2000 4DWave DX
- 2001 4DWave NX
- 9320 TGUI 9320
- 9382 Cyber 9382 [Reference design]
- 9383 Cyber 9383 [Reference design]
- 9385 Cyber 9385 [Reference design]
- 9386 Cyber 9386
- 9388 Cyber 9388
- 9397 Cyber 9397
- 939a Cyber 9397DVD
- 9420 TGUI 9420
- 9430 TGUI 9430
- 9440 TGUI 9440
- 9460 TGUI 9460
- 9470 TGUI 9470
- 9520 Cyber 9520
- 9525 Cyber 9525
- 9660 TGUI 9660/968x/968x
- 9680 TGUI 9680
- 9682 TGUI 9682
- 9683 TGUI 9683
- 9685 ProVIDIA 9685
- 9750 3DIm`age 975
- 9753 TGUI 9753
- 9754 TGUI 9754
- 9759 TGUI 975
- 9783 TGUI 9783
- 9785 TGUI 9785
- 9850 3DImage 9850
- 9880 Blade 3D PCI/AGP
-1024 Zenith Data Systems
-1025 Acer Incorporated [ALI]
- 1435 M1435
- 1445 M1445
- 1449 M1449
- 1451 M1451
- 1461 M1461
- 1489 M1489
- 1511 M1511
- 1513 M1513
- 1531 M1531
- 1533 M1533
- 3141 M3141
- 3143 M3143
- 3145 M3145
- 3147 M3147
- 3149 M3149
- 3151 M3151
- 5217 M5217H
- 5219 M5219
- 5225 M5225
- 5229 M5229
- 5235 M5235
-1028 Dell Computer Corporation
-1029 Siemens Nixdorf IS
-102a LSI Logic
- 0000 HYDRA
- 0010 ASPEN
-102b Matrox Graphics, Inc.
-#DJ: I've a suspicion that 0010 is a duplicate of 0d10.
- 0010 MGA-I [Impression]
- 0518 MGA-II [Athena]
- 0519 MGA 2064W [Millennium]
- 051a MGA 1064SG [Mystique]
- 051b MGA 2164W [Millennium II]
- 051e MGA 1064SG [Mystique] AGP
- 051f MGA 2164W [Millennium II] AGP
- 0520 MGA G200
- 0521 MGA G200 AGP [Millennium] AGP
- 0525 MGA G400 AGP
- 0d10 MGA Ultima/Impression
- 1000 MGA G100 [Productiva]
- 1001 MGA G100 [Productiva] AGP
- 2007 MGA Mistral
-102c Chips and Technologies
- 00b8 64310
- 00c0 F69000 HiQVideo
- 00d0 F65545
- 00d8 65545
- 00dc 65548
- 00e0 65550
- 00e4 65554
- 00e5 65555
- 00f0 F68554
- 00f4 F68554 HiQVision
- 00f5 F68555
-102d Wyse Technology Inc.
- 50dc 3328 Audio
-102e Olivetti Advanced Technology
-102f Toshiba America
- 0009 r4x00
- 0020 ATM Meteor 155
-1030 TMC Research
-1031 Miro Computer Products AG
- 5601 DC20 ASIC
- 5607 Video I/O & motion JPEG compressor
- 5631 Media 3D
- 6057 MiroVideo DC10/DC30+
-1032 Compaq
-1033 NEC Corporation
- 0001 PCI to 486-like bus Bridge
- 0002 PCI to VL98 Bridge
- 0003 ATM Controller
- 0004 R4000 PCI Bridge
- 0005 PCI to 486-like bus Bridge
- 0007 PCI to UX-Bus Bridge
- 0029 PowerVR PCX1
- 002a PowerVR 3D
- 0035 USB
- 0046 PowerVR PCX2 [midas]
- 0063 Firewarden
- 0074 56k Voice Modem
-1034 Framatome Connectors USA Inc.
-1035 Comp. & Comm. Research Lab
-1036 Future Domain Corp.
- 0000 TMC-18C30 [36C70]
-1037 Hitachi Micro Systems
-1038 AMP, Inc
-1039 Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]
- 0001 5591/5592 AGP
- 0002 SG86C202
- 0006 85C501/2/3
- 0008 85C503/5513
- 0009 ACPI
- 0200 5597/5598 VGA
- 0204 82C204
- 0205 SG86C205
- 0406 85C501/2
- 0496 85C496
- 0597 5513C
- 0601 85C601
- 0900 SiS900 10/100 Ethernet
- 3602 83C602
- 5107 5107
- 5511 5511/5512
- 5513 5513
- 5517 5517
- 5571 5571
- 5591 5591/5592 Host
- 5597 5597 [SiS5582]
- 6204 Video decoder & MPEG interface
- 6236 6236 AGP
- 6326 86C326
- 7001 7001
- 7007 OHCI Compliant FireWire Controller
-103a Seiko Epson Corporation
-103b Tatung Co. of America
-103c Hewlett-Packard Company
- 1030 J2585A
- 1031 J2585B
- 1040 J2973A DeskDirect 10BaseT NIC
- 1041 J2585B DeskDirect 10/100 NIC
- 1042 J2970A DeskDirect 10BaseT/2 NIC
- 1064 79C970 PCnet Ethernet Controller
- 2910 E2910A
- 2925 E2925A
-103e Solliday Engineering
-103f Synopsys/Logic Modeling Group
-1040 Accelgraphics Inc.
-1041 Computrend
-1042 Micron
- 1000 FDC 37C665
- 1001 37C922
- 3000 Samurai_0
- 3010 Samurai_1
- 3020 Samurai_IDE
-1043 Asustek Computer, Inc.
-1044 Distributed Processing Technology
- 1012 Domino RAID Engine
- a400 SmartCache/Raid I-IV Controller
- a500 PCI Bridge
- a501 SmartRAID V Controller
-1045 OPTi Inc.
- a0f8 82C750 [Vendetta] USB Controller
- c101 92C264
- c178 92C178
- c556 82X556 [Viper]
- c557 82C557 [Viper-M]
- c558 82C558 [Viper-M ISA+IDE]
- c567 82C750 [Vendetta], device 0
- c568 82C750 [Vendetta], device 1
- c569 82C579 [Viper XPress+ Chipset]
- c621 82C621
- c700 82C700
- c701 82C701 [FireStar Plus]
- c814 82C814 [Firebridge 1]
- c822 82C822
- c824 82C824
- c825 82C825 [Firebridge 2]
- c861 82C861
- c895 82C895
- d568 82C825 [Firebridge 2]
-1046 IPC Corporation, Ltd.
-1047 Genoa Systems Corp
-1048 Elsa AG
- 1000 QuickStep 1000pro
-1049 Fountain Technologies, Inc.
-104a SGS Thomson Microelectronics
- 0008 STG 2000X
- 0009 STG 1764X
- 1746 STG 1764X
- 3520 MPEG-II decoder card
-104b BusLogic
- 0140 BT-946C (old) [multimaster 01]
- 1040 BT-946C (BA80C30) [MultiMaster 10]
- 8130 Flashpoint LT
-104c Texas Instruments
- 0500 100 MBit LAN Controller
- 0508 TMS380C2X Compressor Interface
- 1000 Eagle i/f AS
- 3d04 TVP4010 [Permedia]
- 3d07 TVP4020 [Permedia 2]
- 8000 LYNX FireWire Host Controller
- 8009 OHCI Compliant FireWire Controller
- 8019 TSB12LV23 OHCI Compliant IEEE-1394 Controller
- a001 TDC1570
- a100 TDC1561
- ac10 PCI1050
- ac11 PCI1053
- ac12 PCI1130
- ac13 PCI1031
- ac15 PCI1131
- ac16 PCI1250
- ac17 PCI1220
- ac18 PCI1260
- ac19 PCI1221
- ac1a PCI1210
- ac1b PCI1221
- ac1c PCI1225
- ac1d PCI1251
- ac20 TI 2030
- fe03 12C01A FireWire Host Controller
-104d Sony Corporation
-104e Oak Technology, Inc
- 0017 OTI-64017
- 0107 OTI-107 [Spitfire]
- 0111 OTI-64111 [Spitfire]
- 0217 OTI-64217
- 0317 OTI-64317
-104f Co-time Computer Ltd
-1050 Winbond Electronics Corp
- 0000 NE2000
- 0001 W83769F
- 0105 W82C105
- 0840 89C840
- 0940 89C940
- 9970 W9970CF
-1051 Anigma, Inc.
-1053 Young Micro Systems
-1054 Hitachi, Ltd
-1055 EFAR Microsystems
-1056 ICL
-# Motorola made a mistake and used this value, please duplicate Moto
-# entries here -- Cort
-1507 Motorola Computer Group
- 0001 MPC105 [Eagle]
- 0002 MPC106 [Grackle]
- 0431 KTI829c 100VG
- 4801 Raven
- 4802 Falcon
- 4803 Hawk
- 4806 CPX8216
-1057 Motorola Computer Group
- 0001 MPC105 [Eagle]
- 0002 MPC106 [Grackle]
- 0431 KTI829c 100VG
- 4801 Raven
- 4802 Falcon
- 4803 Hawk
- 4806 CPX8216
-1058 Electronics & Telecommunications RSH
-1059 Teknor Industrial Computers Inc
-105a Promise Technology, Inc.
- 4d33 20246
- 4d38 20262
- 5300 DC5300
-105b Foxconn International, Inc.
-105c Wipro Infotech Limited
-105d Number 9 Computer Company
- 2309 Imagine 128
- 2339 Imagine 128-II
- 493d Imagine 128 T2R [Ticket to Ride]
- 5348 Revolution 4
-105e Vtech Computers Ltd
-105f Infotronic America Inc
-1060 United Microelectronics [UMC]
- 0001 UM82C881
- 0002 UM82C886
- 0101 UM8673F
- 0881 UM8881
- 0886 UM8886F
- 0891 UM8891A
- 1001 UM886A
- 673a UM8886BF
- 8710 UM8710
- 886a UM8886A
- 8881 UM8881F
- 8886 UM8886F
- 888a UM8886A
- 8891 UM8891A
- 9017 UM9017F
- 9018 UM9018
- 9026 UM9026
- e881 UM8881N
- e886 UM8886N
- e891 UM8891N
-1061 I.I.T.
- 0001 AGX016
- 0002 IIT3204/3501
-1062 Maspar Computer Corp
-1063 Ocean Office Automation
-1064 Alcatel CIT
-1065 Texas Microsystems
-1066 PicoPower Technology
- 0000 PT80C826
- 0001 PT86C52x [Vesuvius]
- 0002 PT80C524 [Nile]
- 0005 National PC87550 System Controller
- 8002 PT80C524 [Nile]
-1067 Mitsubishi Electronics
-1068 Diversified Technology
-1069 Mylex Corporation
- 0001 DAC960P
- 0002 DAC960PD
- 0010 DAC960PX
- ba55 eXtremeRAID support Device
-106a Aten Research Inc
-106b Apple Computer Inc.
- 0001 Bandit PowerPC host bridge
- 0002 Grand Central I/O
- 0003 Control Video
- 0004 PlanB Video-In
- 0007 O'Hare I/O
- 000e Hydra Mac I/O
- 0010 Heathrow Mac I/O
- 0017 Paddington Mac I/O
-106c Hyundai Electronics America
- 8803 Dual Window Graphics Accelerator
- 8804 PCI LAN Controller
- 8805 100-BaseT LAN
-106d Sequent Computer Systems
-106e DFI, Inc
-106f City Gate Development Ltd
-1070 Daewoo Telecom Ltd
-1071 Mitac
-1072 GIT Co Ltd
-1073 Yamaha Corporation
- 0002 YGV615 [RPA3 3D-Graphics Controller]
- 0003 YMF-740
- 0004 YMF-724
- 000C YMF-740C [DS-1L Audio Controller]
- 000D YMF-724F [DS-1 Audio Controller]
- 0010 YMF-744B [DS-1S Audio Controller]
-1074 NexGen Microsystems
- 4e78 82c500/1
-1075 Advanced Integrations Research
-1076 Chaintech Computer Co. Ltd
-1077 Q Logic
- 1020 ISP1020
- 1022 ISP1022
- 1080 ISP1080
- 1240 ISP1240
- 2020 ISP2020A
- 2100 ISP2100
-1078 Cyrix Corporation
- 0000 5510 [Grappa]
- 0001 PCI Master
- 0002 5520 [Cognac]
- 0100 5530 Legacy [Kahlua]
- 0101 5530 SMI [Kahlua]
- 0102 5530 IDE [Kahlua]
- 0103 5530 Audio [Kahlua]
- 0104 5530 Video [Kahlua]
-1079 I-Bus
-107a NetWorth
-107b Gateway 2000
-107c LG Electronics [Lucky Goldstar Co. Ltd]
-107d LeadTek Research Inc.
- 0000 P86C850
-107e Interphase Corporation
- 0001 ATM Interface Card
- 0002 100 VG AnyLan Controller
- 0008 155 Mbit ATM Controller
-107f Data Technology Corporation
- 0802 SL82C105
-1080 Contaq Microsystems
- 0600 82C599
- c691 Cypress CY82C691
- c693 82c693
-1081 Supermac Technology
- 0d47 Radius PCI to NuBUS Bridge
-1082 EFA Corporation of America
-1083 Forex Computer Corporation
- 0001 FR710
-1084 Parador
-1085 Tulip Computers Int.B.V.
-1086 J. Bond Computer Systems
-1087 Cache Computer
-1088 Microcomputer Systems (M) Son
-1089 Data General Corporation
-108a Bit3 Computer Corp.
- 0001 VME Bridge Model 617
- 0010 VME Bridge Model 618
- 3000 VME Bridge Model 2706
-108c Oakleigh Systems Inc.
-108d Olicom
- 0001 OC-3136/3137
- 0002 16/4 Token Ring
- 0004 OC-3139/3140 RapidFire Token-Ring 16/4
- 0005 OC-3250 GoCard Token-Ring 16/4
- 0006 OC-3530 RapidFire Token-Ring 100
- 0007 OC-3141 RapidFire Token-Ring 16/4
- 0011 OC-2315
- 0012 OC-2325
- 0013 OC-2183/2185
- 0014 OC-2326
- 0021 OC-6151/6152 [RapidFire ATM PCI 155]
- 0022 ATM Adapter
-108e Sun Microsystems Computer Corp.
- 0001 EBUS
- 1000 EBUS
- 1001 Happy Meal
- 5000 Simba Advanced PCI Bridge
- 8000 PCI Bus Module
- a000 Ultra IIi PCI
-108f Systemsoft
-1090 Encore Computer Corporation
-1091 Intergraph Corporation
- 0020 3D graphics processor
- 0021 3D graphics processor w/Texturing
- 0040 3D graphics frame buffer
- 0041 3D graphics frame buffer
- 0060 Proprietary bus bridge
- 00E4 Powerstorm 4D50T
- 0720 Motion JPEG codec
-1092 Diamond Multimedia Systems
- 00a0 Speedstar Pro SE
- 00a8 Speedstar 64
- 08d4 Supra 2260 Modem
- 1092 Viper V330
- 6120 Maximum DVD
- 8810 Stealth SE
- 8811 Stealth 64/SE
- 8880 Stealth
- 8881 Stealth
- 88b0 Stealth 64
- 88b1 Stealth 64
- 88c0 Stealth 64
- 88c1 Stealth 64
- 88d0 Stealth 64
- 88d1 Stealth 64
- 88f0 Stealth 64
- 88f1 Stealth 64
- 9999 DMD-I0928-1 "Monster sound" sound chip
-1093 National Instruments
- c801 PCI_GPIB
-1094 First International Computers [FIC]
-1095 CMD Technology Inc
- 0640 PCI0640
- 0643 PCI0643
- 0646 PCI0646
- 0650 PBC0650A
- 0647 PCI0647
- 0670 USB0670
- 0673 USB0673
-1096 Alacron
-1097 Appian Technology
-1098 Quantum Designs (H.K.) Ltd
- 0001 QD-8500
- 0002 QD-8580
-1099 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd
-109a Packard Bell
-109b Gemlight Computer Ltd.
-109c Megachips Corporation
-109d Zida Technologies Ltd.
-109e Brooktree Corporation
- 0350 Bt848 TV with DMA push
- 0351 Bt849A Video capture
- 036e Bt878
- 036f Bt879
- 0878 Bt878
- 2115 BtV 2115 Mediastream controller
- 2125 BtV 2125 Mediastream controller
- 2164 BtV 2164
- 2165 BtV 2165
- 8230 Bt8230 ATM Segment/Reassembly Ctrlr (SRC)
- 8472 Bt8472
- 8474 Bt8474
-109f Trigem Computer Inc.
-10a0 Meidensha Corporation
-10a1 Juko Electronics Ind. Co. Ltd
-10a2 Quantum Corporation
-10a3 Everex Systems Inc
-10a4 Globe Manufacturing Sales
-10a5 Racal Interlan
-10a6 Informtech Industrial Ltd.
-10a7 Benchmarq Microelectronics
-10a8 Sierra Semiconductor
- 0000 STB Horizon 64
-10a9 Silicon Graphics
-10aa ACC Microelectronics
- 0000 ACCM 2188
-10ab Digicom
-10ac Honeywell IAC
-10ad Symphony Labs
- 0001 W83769F
- 0003 SL82C103
- 0005 SL82C105
- 0103 SL82c103
- 0105 SL82c105
- 0565 W83C553
-10ae Cornerstone Technology
-10af Micro Computer Systems Inc
-10b0 CardExpert Technology
-10b1 Cabletron Systems Inc
-10b2 Raytheon Company
-10b3 Databook Inc
- 3106 DB87144
- b106 DB87144
-10b4 STB Systems Inc
- 1b1d Velocity 128 3D
-10b5 PLX Technology, Inc.
- 0001 i960 PCI bus interface
- 1076 VScom 800 8 port serial adaptor
- 1077 VScom 400 4 port serial adaptor
- 9036 9036
- 9050 PCI <-> IOBus Bridge
- 9060 9060
- 906d 9060SD
- 906e 9060ES
- 9080 9080
-10b6 Madge Networks
- 0001 Smart 16/4 Ringnode
- 0002 Smart 16/4 BM Mk2 Ringnode
- 0003 Smart 16/4 Ringnode
- 0004 Smart 16/4 Ringnode (BM)
- 0006 16/4 Cardbus Adapter
- 0007 Presto
- 1000 Collage 25 ATM adaptor
- 1001 Collage 155 Server
-10b7 3Com Corporation
- 0001 3c985 1000BaseSX
- 3390 Token Link Velocity
- 3590 3c359 TokenLink Velocity XL
- 5057 3c575 [Megahertz] 10/100 LAN CardBus
- 5157 3c575 [Megahertz] 10/100 LAN CardBus
- 5900 3c590 10BaseT [Vortex]
- 5950 3c595 100BaseTX [Vortex]
- 5951 3c595 100BaseT4 [Vortex]
- 5952 3c595 100Base-MII [Vortex]
- 8811 Token ring
- 9000 3c900 10BaseT [Boomerang]
- 9001 3c900 Combo [Boomerang]
- 9004 3c900B-TPO [Etherlink XL TPO]
- 9005 3c900B-Combo [Etherlink XL Combo]
- 9006 3c900B-TPC [Etherlink XL TPC]
- 900A 3c900B-FL [Etherlink XL FL]
- 9050 3c905 100BaseTX [Boomerang]
- 9051 3c905 100BaseT4
- 9055 3c905B 100BaseTX [Cyclone]
- 9058 3c905B-Combo [Deluxe Etherlink XL 10/100]
- 905A 3c905B-FX [Fast Etherlink XL FX 10/100]
- 9200 3c905C-TX [Fast Etherlink]
- 9800 3c980-TX [Fast Etherlink XL Server Adapter]
-10b8 Standard Microsystems Corp [SMC]
- 0005 9432 TX
- 1000 37c665
- 1001 37C922
- a011 83C170QF
- b106 SMC34C90
-10b9 Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]
- 1435 M1435
- 1445 M1445
- 1449 M1449
- 1451 M1451
- 1461 M1461
- 1489 M1489
- 1511 M1511 [Aladdin]
- 1512 M1512 [Aladdin]
- 1513 M1513 [Aladdin]
- 1521 M1521 [Aladdin III]
- 1523 M1523
- 1531 M1531 [Aladdin IV]
- 1533 M1533 [Aladdin IV]
- 1541 M1541
- 1543 M1543
- 1621 M1621
- 3141 M3141
- 3143 M3143
- 3145 M3145
- 3147 M3147
- 3149 M3149
- 3151 M3151
- 3307 M3307
- 3309 M3309
- 5212 M4803
- 5215 MS4803
- 5217 M5217H
- 5219 M5219
- 5225 M5225
- 5229 M5229
- 5235 M5225
- 5237 M5237
- 5243 M5243
- 5247 M5247
- 7101 M7101
-10ba Mitsubishi Electric Corp.
- 0301 AccelGraphics AccelECLIPSE
-10bb Dapha Electronics Corporation
-10bc Advanced Logic Research
-10bd Surecom Technology
- 0e34 NE-34PCI LAN
-10be Tseng Labs International Co.
-10bf Most Inc
-10c0 Boca Research Inc.
-10c1 ICM Co., Ltd.
-10c2 Auspex Systems Inc.
-10c3 Samsung Semiconductors, Inc.
- 1100 Smartether100 SC1100 LAN Adapter (i82557B)
-10c4 Award Software International Inc.
-10c5 Xerox Corporation
-10c6 Rambus Inc.
-10c7 Media Vision
-10c8 Neomagic Corporation
- 0001 NM2070 [MagicGraph NM2070]
- 0002 NM2090 [MagicGraph 128V]
- 0003 NM2093 [MagicGraph 128ZV]
- 0004 NM2160 [MagicGraph 128XD]
- 0005 [MagicGraph 256AV]
- 0006 [MagicGraph 256ZX]
- 0083 [MagicGraph 128ZV Plus]
- 8005 [MagicMedia 256AV]
-10c9 Dataexpert Corporation
-10ca Fujitsu Microelectr., Inc.
-10cb Omron Corporation
-10cc Mentor ARC Inc
-10cd Advanced System Products, Inc
- 1100 ASC1100
- 1200 ASC1200 [(abp940) Fast SCSI-II]
- 1300 ABP940-U
- 2300 ABP940-UW
-10ce Radius
-10cf Citicorp TTI
- 2001 mb86605
-10d0 Fujitsu Limited
-10d1 FuturePlus Systems Corp.
-10d2 Molex Incorporated
-10d3 Jabil Circuit Inc
-10d4 Hualon Microelectronics
-10d5 Autologic Inc.
-10d6 Cetia
-10d7 BCM Advanced Research
-10d8 Advanced Peripherals Labs
-10d9 Macronix, Inc. [MXIC]
- 0512 MX98713
- 0531 MX987x5
- 8625 MX86250
- 8888 MX86200
-10da Compaq IPG-Austin
- 0508 TC4048
- 3390 Tl3c3x9
-10db Rohm LSI Systems, Inc.
- 0001 STAR/RD24 SCI-PCI (PMC)
- 0002 TAR/RD24 SCI-PCI (PMC) [ATT 2C15-3 (FPGA) SCI bridge on PCI 5 Volt card]
- 0021 HIPPI destination
- 0022 HIPPI source
- 10dc ATT2C15-3 FPGA
-10dd Evans & Sutherland
-10de Nvidia Corporation
- 0008 NV1 EDGE 3D
- 0009 NV1 EDGE 3D
- 0020 Riva TNT 128
- 0028 Riva TNT2
- 002c Vanta
- 002d Riva TNT2 Model 64
- 00a0 Riva TNT2
-10df Emulex Corporation
- 10df Light Pulse Fibre Channel Adapter
- 1ae5 LP6000 Fibre Channel Host Adapter
- f700 LP7000 Fibre Channel Host Adapter
-10e0 Integrated Micro Solutions Inc.
- 5026 IMS5026/27/28
- 5027 IMS5027
- 5028 IMS5028
- 8849 IMS8849
- 8853 IMS8853
- 9128 IMS9129 [Twin turbo 128]
-10e1 Tekram Technology Co.,Ltd.
- 690c DC-690c
- dc29 DC-290
-10e2 Aptix Corporation
-10e3 Tundra Semiconductor Corp.
- 0000 CA91C042 [Universe]
- 0860 CA91C860 [QSpan]
-10e4 Tandem Computers
-10e5 Micro Industries Corporation
-10e6 Gainbery Computer Products Inc.
-10e7 Vadem
-10e8 Applied Micro Circuits Corporation
- 2011 Q-Motion Video Capture/Edit board
- 4750 S5930 [Matchmaker]
- 5920 S5920
- 8043 LANai4.x [Myrinet LANai interface chip]
- 8062 S5933_PARASTATION
- 807d S5933 [Matchmaker]
- 8088 Kingsberg Spacetec Format Synchronizer
- 8089 Kingsberg Spacetec Serial Output Board
- 809c S5933_HEPC3
- 811a PCI-IEEE1355-DS-DE Interface
- 8170 S5933 "Matchmaker" PCI Chipset Development Tool
-10e9 Alps Electric Co., Ltd.
-10ea Intergraphics Systems
- 1680 IGA-1680
- 1682 IGA-1682
- 1683 IGA-1683
- 2000 CyberPro 2000
- 2010 CyberPro 2000A
-10eb Artists Graphics
- 0101 3GA
- 8111 Twist3 Frame Grabber
-10ec Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
- 8029 8029
- 8129 8129
- 8139 8139
-10ed Ascii Corporation
- 7310 V7310
-10ee Xilinx, Inc.
-10ef Racore Computer Products, Inc.
- 8154 M815x Token Ring Adapter
-10f0 Peritek Corporation
-10f1 Tyan Computer
-10f2 Achme Computer, Inc.
-10f3 Alaris, Inc.
-10f4 S-MOS Systems, Inc.
-10f5 NKK Corporation
- a001 NDR4000 [NR4600 Bridge]
-10f6 Creative Electronic Systems SA
-10f7 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
-10f8 Altos India Ltd
-10f9 PC Direct
-10fa Truevision
- 000c TARGA 1000
-10fb Thesys Gesellschaft für Mikroelektronik mbH
-10fc I-O Data Device, Inc.
-10fd Soyo Computer, Inc
-10fe Fast Multimedia AG
-10ff NCube
-1100 Jazz Multimedia
-1101 Initio Corporation
- 9100 INI-9100/9100W
- 9400 INI-940
- 9401 INI-950
- 9500 360P
-1102 Creative Labs
- 0002 SB Live!
- 7002 SB Live!
-1103 Triones Technologies, Inc.
- 0003 HPT343
-1104 RasterOps Corp.
-1105 Sigma Designs, Inc.
- 8300 REALmagic Hollywood Plus DVD Decoder
-1106 VIA Technologies, Inc.
- 0505 VT82C505
- 0561 VT82C561
- 0571 VT82C586 IDE [Apollo]
- 0576 VT82C576 3V [Apollo Master]
- 0585 VT82C585VP [Apollo VP1/VPX]
- 0586 VT82C586 ISA [Apollo VP]
- 0595 VT82C595 [Apollo VP2]
- 0596 VT82C596 ISA [Apollo PRO]
- 0597 VT82C597 [Apollo VP3]
- 0598 VT82C598 [Apollo MVP3]
- 0691 VT82C691 [Apollo PRO]
- 0693 VT82C693 [Apollo Pro Plus]
- 0926 VT82C926 [Amazon]
- 1000 VT82C570MV
- 1106 VT82C570MV
- 1571 VT82C416MV
- 1595 VT82C595/97 [Apollo VP2/97]
- 3038 VT82C586B USB
- 3040 VT82C586B ACPI
- 3043 VT86C100A [Rhine 10/100]
- 5030 VT82C596 ACPI [Apollo PRO]
- 6100 VT85C100A [Rhine II]
- 8596 VT82C596 [Apollo PRO AGP]
- 8597 VT82C597 [Apollo VP3 AGP]
- 8598 VT82C598 [Apollo MVP3 AGP]
- 8691 VT82C691 [Apollo Pro]
-1107 Stratus Computers
- 0576 VIA VT82C570MV [Apollo] (Wrong vendor ID!)
-1108 Proteon, Inc.
- 0100 p1690plus_AA
- 0101 p1690plus_AB
- 0105 P1690Plus
- 0108 P1690Plus
- 0138 P1690Plus
- 0139 P1690Plus
- 013C P1690Plus
- 013D P1690Plus
-1109 Cogent Data Technologies, Inc.
- 1400 EM110TX [EX110TX]
-110a Siemens Nixdorf AG
- 0002 Pirahna 2-port
- 0005 Tulip controller, power management, switch extender
- 4942 FPGA I-Bus Tracer for MBD
- 6120 SZB6120
-110b Chromatic Research Inc.
- 0001 Mpact Media Processor
-110c Mini-Max Technology, Inc.
-110d Znyx Advanced Systems
-110e CPU Technology
-110f Ross Technology
-1110 Powerhouse Systems
- 6037 Firepower Powerized SMP I/O ASIC
- 6073 Firepower Powerized SMP I/O ASIC
-1111 Santa Cruz Operation
-# DJ- Some people say that 0x1112 is Rockwell International ?
-1112 RNS - Div. of Meret Communications Inc
- 2200 FDDI Adapter
- 2340 4 Port Fast Ethernet Adapter
- 2400 ATM Adapter
-1113 Accton Technology Corporation
- 1211 SMC2-1211TX
- 1217 EN-1217 Ethernet Adapter
- 5105 10Mbps Network card
- 9211 EN-1207D Fast Ethernet Adapter
-1114 Atmel Corporation
-1115 3D Labs
-1116 Data Translation
-1117 Datacube, Inc
- 9500 Max-1C SVGA card
- 9501 Max-1C image processing
-1118 Berg Electronics
-1119 ICP Vortex Computersysteme GmbH
- 0000 GDT 6000/6020/6050
- 0001 GDT 6000b/6010
- 0002 GDT 6110/6510
- 0003 GDT 6120/6520
- 0004 GDT 6530
- 0005 GDT 6550
- 0006 GDT 6x17
- 0007 GDT 6x27
- 0008 GDT 6537
- 0009 GDT 5557
- 000a GDT 6x15
- 000b GDT 6x25
- 000c GDT 6535
- 000d GDT 6555
- 0100 GDT 6117RP/6517RP
- 0101 GDT 6127RP/6527RP
- 0102 GDT 6537RP
- 0103 GDT 6557RP
- 0104 GDT 6111RP/6511RP
- 0105 GDT 6121RP/6521RP
- 0110 GDT 6117RP1/6517RP1
- 0111 GDT 6127RP1/6527RP1
- 0112 GDT 6537RP1
- 0113 GDT 6557RP1
- 0114 GDT 6111RP1/6511RP1
- 0115 GDT 6121RP1/6521RP1
- 0118 GDT 6x18RD
- 0119 GDT 6x28RD
- 011A GDT 6x38RD
- 011B GDT 6x58RD
- 0120 GDT 6117RP2/6517RP2
- 0121 GDT 6127RP2/6527RP2
- 0122 GDT 6537RP2
- 0123 GDT 6557RP2
- 0124 GDT 6111RP2/6511RP2
- 0125 GDT 6121RP2/6521RP2
- 0168 GDT 7x18RN
- 0169 GDT 7x28RN
- 016A GDT 7x38RN
- 016B GDT 7x58RN
- 0210 GDT 6x19RD
- 0211 GDT 6x29RD
- 0260 GDT 7x19RN
- 0261 GDT 7x29RN
-111a Efficient Networks, Inc
- 0000 155P-MF1 (FPGA)
- 0002 155P-MF1 (ASIC)
- 0003 ENI-25P ATM Adapter
- 0005 ENI-25P ATM Adapter
-111b Teledyne Electronic Systems
-111c Tricord Systems Inc.
- 0001 Powerbis Bridge
-111d Integrated Device Tech
- 0001 IDT77211 ATM Adapter
-111e Eldec
-111f Precision Digital Images
- 4a47 Precision MX Video engine interface
- 5243 Frame capture bus interface
-1120 EMC Corporation
-1121 Zilog
-1122 Multi-tech Systems, Inc.
-1123 Excellent Design, Inc.
-1124 Leutron Vision AG
-1125 Eurocore
-1127 FORE Systems Inc
- 0200 ForeRunner PCA-200 ATM
- 0210 PCA-200PC
- 0250 ATM
- 0300 PCA-200E
- 0310 ATM
- 0400 ForeRunnerHE ATM Adapter
-1129 Firmworks
-112a Hermes Electronics Company, Ltd.
-112b Linotype - Hell AG
-112c Zenith Data Systems
-112d Ravicad
-112e Infomedia Microelectronics Inc.
-112f Imaging Technology Inc
- 0000 MVC IC-PCI
- 0001 Video frame grabber/processor
-1130 Computervision
-1131 Philips Semiconductors
- 7145 SAA7145
- 7146 SAA7146
-1132 Mitel Corp.
-1133 Eicon Technology Corporation
- 7901 EiconCard S90
- 7902 EiconCard S90
- 7911 EiconCard S91
- 7912 EiconCard S91
- 7941 EiconCard S94
- 7942 EiconCard S94
- b921 EiconCard P92
- b922 EiconCard P92
- e001 DIVA 20PRO
- e002 DIVA 20
- e003 DIVA 20PRO_U
- e004 DIVA 20_U
- e010 DIVA Server BRI-2M
- e014 DIVA Server PRO-30M
-1134 Mercury Computer Systems
- 0001 Raceway Bridge
-1135 Fuji Xerox Co Ltd
- 0001 Printer controller
-1136 Momentum Data Systems
-1137 Cisco Systems Inc
-1138 Ziatech Corporation
- 8905 8905 [STD 32 Bridge]
-1139 Dynamic Pictures, Inc
-113a FWB Inc
-113b Network Computing Devices
-113c Cyclone Microsystems, Inc.
- 0000 PCI-9060 i960 Bridge
- 0001 PCI-SDK [PCI i960 Evaluation Platform]
- 0911 PCI-911 [PCI-based i960Jx Intelligent I/O Controller]
- 0912 PCI-912 [i960CF-based Intelligent I/O Controller]
- 0913 PCI-913
- 0914 PCI-914 [I/O Controller w/ secondary PCI bus]
-113d Leading Edge Products Inc
-113e Sanyo Electric Co - Computer Engineering Dept
-113f Equinox Systems, Inc.
- 0808 SST-64P Adapter
- 1010 SST-128P Adapter
- 80C0 SST-16P Adapter
- 80C4 SST-16P Adapter
- 80C8 SST-16P Adapter
- 8888 SST-4P Adapter
- 9090 SST-8P Adapter
-1140 Intervoice Inc
-1141 Crest Microsystem Inc
-1142 Alliance Semiconductor Corporation
- 3210 AP6410
- 6422 ProVideo 6422
- 6424 ProVideo 6424
- 6425 ProMotion AT25
- 643d ProMotion AT3D
-1143 NetPower, Inc
-1144 Cincinnati Milacron
- 0001 Noservo controller
-1145 Workbit Corporation
-1146 Force Computers
-1147 Interface Corp
-1148 Syskonnect (Schneider & Koch)
- 4000 FDDI Adapter
- 4200 Token ring adaptor
- 4300 GE
-1149 Win System Corporation
-114a VMIC
- 7587 VMIVME-7587
-114b Canopus Co., Ltd
-114c Annabooks
-114d IC Corporation
-114e Nikon Systems Inc
-114f Digi International
- 0002 AccelePort EPC
- 0003 RightSwitch SE-6
- 0004 AccelePort Xem
- 0005 AccelePort Xr
- 0006 AccelePort Xr,C/X
- 0009 AccelePort Xr/J
- 000a AccelePort EPC/J
- 000C DataFirePRIme T1 (1-port)
- 000D SyncPort 2-Port (x.25/FR)
- 0011 AccelePort 8r EIA-232 (IBM)
- 0012 AccelePort 8r EIA-422
- 0013 AccelePort Xr
- 0014 AccelePort 8r EIA-422
- 0015 AccelePort Xem
- 0016 AccelePort EPC/X
- 0017 AccelePort C/X
- 001A DataFirePRIme E1 (1-port)
- 001B AccelePort C/X (IBM)
- 0026 AccelePort 4r 920
- 0027 AccelePort Xr 920
- 0034 AccelePort 2r 920
- 6001 Avanstar
-1150 Thinking Machines Corp
-1151 JAE Electronics Inc.
-1152 Megatek
-1153 Land Win Electronic Corp
-1154 Melco Inc
-1155 Pine Technology Ltd
-1156 Periscope Engineering
-1157 Avsys Corporation
-1158 Voarx R & D Inc
- 3011 Tokenet/vg 1001/10m anylan
- 9050 Lanfleet/Truevalue
- 9051 Lanfleet/Truevalue
-1159 Mutech Corp
- 0001 MV-1000
-115a Harlequin Ltd
-115b Parallax Graphics
-115c Photron Ltd.
-115d Xircom
- 0003 Cardbus Ethernet 10/100
- 0005 Cardbus Ethernet 10/100
- 0007 Cardbus Ethernet 10/100
- 000b Cardbus Ethernet 10/100
- 000f Cardbus Ethernet 10/100
- 0101 Cardbus 56k modem
- 0103 Cardbus Ethernet + 56k Modem
-115e Peer Protocols Inc
-115f Maxtor Corporation
-1160 Megasoft Inc
-1161 PFU Limited
-1162 OA Laboratory Co Ltd
-1163 Rendition
- 0001 Verite 1000
- 2000 Verite V2000/V2100/V2200
-1164 Advanced Peripherals Technologies
-1165 Imagraph Corporation
- 0001 Motion TPEG Recorder/Player with audio
-1166 Pequr Technology
-1167 Mutoh Industries Inc
-1168 Thine Electronics Inc
-1169 Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
-116a Polaris Communications
- 6100 Bus/Tag Channel
- 6800 Escon Channel
- 7100 Bus/Tag Channel
- 7800 Escon Channel
-116b Connectware Inc
-116c Intelligent Resources Integrated Systems
-116d Martin-Marietta
-116e Electronics for Imaging
-116f Workstation Technology
-1170 Inventec Corporation
-1171 Loughborough Sound Images Plc
-1172 Altera Corporation
-1173 Adobe Systems, Inc
-1174 Bridgeport Machines
-1175 Mitron Computer Inc.
-1176 SBE Incorporated
-1177 Silicon Engineering
-1178 Alfa, Inc.
-1179 Toshiba America Info Systems
- 0404 DVD Decoder card
- 0406 Tecra Video Capture device
- 0407 DVD Decoder card (Version 2)
- 0601 601
- 0603 ToPIC95 PCI to CardBus Bridge for Notebooks
- 060a ToPIC95
- 060f ToPIC97
- 0701 FIR Port
-# This is apparently incorrect. Does anyone know the correct ID?
-# 0701 Lucent DSP1645 [Mars]
-117b L G Electronics, Inc.
-117c Atto Technology
-117d Becton & Dickinson
-117e T/R Systems
-117f Integrated Circuit Systems
-1180 Ricoh Co Ltd
- 0465 RL5c465
- 0466 RL5c466
- 0475 RL5c475
- 0476 RL5c476
- 0477 RL5c477
- 0478 RL5c478
-1181 Telmatics International
-1183 Fujikura Ltd
-1184 Forks Inc
-1185 Dataworld International Ltd
-1186 D-Link System Inc
- 0100 DC21041
-1187 Advanced Technology Laboratories, Inc.
-1188 Shima Seiki Manufacturing Ltd.
-1189 Matsushita Electronics Co Ltd
-118a Hilevel Technology
-118b Hypertec Pty Limited
-118c Corollary, Inc
- 0014 PCIB [C-bus II to PCI bus host bridge chip]
-118d BitFlow Inc
- 0001 Raptor-PCI framegrabber
- 0012 Model 12 Road Runner Frame Grabber
- 0014 Model 14 Road Runner Frame Grabber
- 0024 Model 24 Road Runner Frame Grabber
- 0044 Model 44 Road Runner Frame Grabber
- 0112 Model 12 Road Runner Frame Grabber
- 0114 Model 14 Road Runner Frame Grabber
- 0124 Model 24 Road Runner Frame Grabber
- 0144 Model 44 Road Runner Frame Grabber
- 0212 Model 12 Road Runner Frame Grabber
- 0214 Model 14 Road Runner Frame Grabber
- 0224 Model 24 Road Runner Frame Grabber
- 0244 Model 44 Road Runner Frame Grabber
- 0312 Model 12 Road Runner Frame Grabber
- 0314 Model 14 Road Runner Frame Grabber
- 0324 Model 24 Road Runner Frame Grabber
- 0344 Model 44 Road Runner Frame Grabber
-118e Hermstedt GmbH
-118f Green Logic
-1190 Tripace
-1191 Artop Electronic Corp
- 0004 ATP8400
- 0005 ATP850UF
- 8002 AEC6710 SCSI-2 Host Adapter
- 8010 AEC6712UW SCSI
- 8020 AEC6712U SCSI
- 8030 AEC6712S SCSI
- 8040 AEC6712D SCSI
- 8050 AEC6712SUW SCSI
-1192 Densan Company Ltd
-1193 Zeitnet Inc.
- 0001 1221
- 0002 1225
-1194 Toucan Technology
-1195 Ratoc System Inc
-1196 Hytec Electronics Ltd
-1197 Gage Applied Sciences, Inc.
-1198 Lambda Systems Inc
-1199 Attachmate Corporation
-119a Mind Share, Inc.
-119b Omega Micro Inc.
- 1221 82C092G
-119c Information Technology Inst.
-119d Bug, Inc. Sapporo Japan
-119e Fujitsu Microelectronics Ltd.
-119f Bull HN Information Systems
-11a0 Convex Computer Corporation
-11a1 Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.
-11a2 Sierra Research and Technology
-11a3 Deuretzbacher GmbH & Co. Eng. KG
-11a4 Barco Graphics NV
-11a5 Microunity Systems Eng. Inc
-11a6 Pure Data Ltd.
-11a7 Power Computing Corp.
-11a8 Systech Corp.
-11a9 InnoSys Inc.
- 4240 AMCC S933Q Intelligent Serial Card
-11aa Actel
-11ab Galileo Technology Ltd.
- 0146 GT-64010
- 4801 GT-48001
- f003 GT-64010 Primary Image Piranha Image Generator
-11ac Canon Information Systems Research Aust.
-11ad Lite-On Communications Inc
- 0002 LNE100TX
-11ae Aztech System Ltd
-11af Avid Technology Inc.
-11b0 V3 Semiconductor Inc.
- 0292 V292PBC [Am29030/40 Bridge]
- 0960 V96xPBC
- c960 V96DPC
-11b1 Apricot Computers
-11b2 Eastman Kodak
-11b3 Barr Systems Inc.
-11b4 Leitch Technology International
-11b5 Radstone Technology Plc
-11b6 United Video Corp
-11b8 XPoint Technologies, Inc
- 0001 Quad PeerMaster
-11b9 Pathlight Technology Inc.
- c0ed SSA Controller
-11ba Videotron Corp
-11bb Pyramid Technology
-11bc Network Peripherals Inc
- 0001 NP-PCI
-11bd Pinnacle Systems Inc.
-11be International Microcircuits Inc
-11bf Astrodesign, Inc.
-11c0 Hewlett Packard
-11c1 Lucent Microelectronics
- 0440 LT WinModem 56k Data+Fax+Dsvd
- 0441 LT WinModem 56k Data+Fax
- 0442 LT WinModem 56k
- 0448 LT WinModem 56k
- 0449 LT WinModem 56k
- 044A LT WinModem 56k
-11c2 Sand Microelectronics
-11c4 Document Technologies, Inc
-11c5 Shiva Corporation
-11c6 Dainippon Screen Mfg. Co. Ltd
-11c7 D.C.M. Data Systems
-11c8 Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS
- 0658 PSB
-11c9 Magma
- 0010 16-line serial port w/- DMA
- 0011 4-line serial port w/- DMA
-11ca LSI Systems, Inc
-11cb Specialix Research Ltd.
- 2000 PCI_9050
- 4000 SUPI_1
- 8000 T225
-11cc Michels & Kleberhoff Computer GmbH
-11cd HAL Computer Systems, Inc.
-11ce Netaccess
-11cf Pioneer Electronic Corporation
-11d0 Lockheed Martin Federal Systems-Manassas
-11d1 Auravision
- 01f7 VxP524
-11d2 Intercom Inc.
-11d3 Trancell Systems Inc
-11d4 Analog Devices
-11d5 Ikon Corporation
- 0115 10115
- 0117 10117
-11d6 Tekelec Telecom
-11d7 Trenton Technology, Inc.
-11d8 Image Technologies Development
-11d9 TEC Corporation
-11da Novell
-11db Sega Enterprises Ltd
-11dc Questra Corporation
-11dd Crosfield Electronics Limited
-11de Zoran Corporation
- 6057 ZR36057PQC Video cutting chipset
- 6120 ZR36120
-11df New Wave PDG
-11e0 Cray Communications A/S
-11e1 GEC Plessey Semi Inc.
-11e2 Samsung Information Systems America
-11e3 Quicklogic Corporation
-11e4 Second Wave Inc
-11e5 IIX Consulting
-11e6 Mitsui-Zosen System Research
-11e7 Toshiba America, Elec. Company
-11e8 Digital Processing Systems Inc.
-11e9 Highwater Designs Ltd.
-11ea Elsag Bailey
-11eb Formation Inc.
-11ec Coreco Inc
-11ed Mediamatics
-11ee Dome Imaging Systems Inc
-11ef Nicolet Technologies B.V.
-11f0 Compu-Shack
- 4231 FDDI
- 4232 FASTline UTP Quattro
- 4233 FASTline FO
- 4234 FASTline UTP
- 4235 FASTline-II UTP
- 4236 FASTline-II FO
- 4731 GIGAline
-11f1 Symbios Logic Inc
-11f2 Picture Tel Japan K.K.
-11f3 Keithley Metrabyte
-11f4 Kinetic Systems Corporation
- 2915 CAMAC controller
-11f5 Computing Devices International
-11f6 Compex
- 0112 ENet100VG4
- 1401 ReadyLink 2000
- 2011 RL100-ATX 10/100
- 2201 ReadyLink 100TX (Winbond W89C840)
- 9881 RL100TX
-11f7 Scientific Atlanta
-11f8 PMC-Sierra Inc.
- 7375 PM7375 [LASAR-155 ATM SAR]
-11f9 I-Cube Inc
-11fa Kasan Electronics Company, Ltd.
-11fb Datel Inc
-11fc Silicon Magic
-11fd High Street Consultants
-11fe Comtrol Corporation
- 0001 RocketPort 8 Oct
- 0002 RocketPort 8 Intf
- 0003 RocketPort 16 Intf
- 0004 RocketPort 32 Intf
- 0005 RocketPort Octacable
- 0006 RocketPort 8J
- 0008 RocketPort 8-port
- 0009 RocketPort 16-port
- 000A RocketPort Plus Quadcable
- 000B RocketPort Plus Octacable
- 000C RocketPort 8-port Modem
-11ff Scion Corporation
-1200 CSS Corporation
-1201 Vista Controls Corp
-1202 Network General Corp.
-1203 Bayer Corporation, Agfa Division
-1204 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation
-1205 Array Corporation
-1206 Amdahl Corporation
-1208 Parsytec GmbH
- 4853 HS-Link Device
-1209 SCI Systems Inc
-120a Synaptel
-120b Adaptive Solutions
-120c Technical Corp.
-120d Compression Labs, Inc.
-120e Cyclades Corporation
- 0100 Cyclom_Y below first megabyte
- 0101 Cyclom_Y above first megabyte
- 0102 Cyclom_4Y below first megabyte
- 0103 Cyclom_4Y above first megabyte
- 0104 Cyclom_8Y below first megabyte
- 0105 Cyclom_8Y above first megabyte
- 0200 Cyclom_Z below first megabyte
- 0201 Cyclom_Z above first megabyte
-120f Essential Communications
- 0001 Roadrunner serial HIPPI
-1210 Hyperparallel Technologies
-1211 Braintech Inc
-1212 Kingston Technology Corp.
-1213 Applied Intelligent Systems, Inc.
-1214 Performance Technologies, Inc.
-1215 Interware Co., Ltd
-1216 Purup Prepress A/S
-1217 O2 Micro, Inc.
- 6729 6729
- 673a 6730
- 6832 6832
- 6836 6836
-1218 Hybricon Corp.
-1219 First Virtual Corporation
-121a 3Dfx Interactive, Inc.
- 0001 Voodoo
- 0002 Voodoo 2
- 0003 Voodoo Banshee
- 0005 Voodoo 3 2000
-121b Advanced Telecommunications Modules
-121c Nippon Texaco., Ltd
-121d Lippert Automationstechnik GmbH
-121e CSPI
-121f Arcus Technology, Inc.
-1220 Ariel Corporation
- 1220 AMCC 5933 TMS320C80 DSP/Imaging board
-1221 Contec Co., Ltd
-1222 Ancor Communications, Inc.
-1223 Heurikon/Computer Products
-1224 Interactive Images
-1225 Power I/O, Inc.
-1227 Tech-Source
-1228 Norsk Elektro Optikk A/S
-1229 Data Kinesis Inc.
-122a Integrated Telecom
-122b LG Industrial Systems Co., Ltd
-122c Sican GmbH
-122d Aztech System Ltd
- 1206 368DSP
- 50dc 3328 Audio
- 80da 3328 Audio
-122e Xyratex
-122f Andrew Corporation
-1230 Fishcamp Engineering
-1231 Woodward McCoach, Inc.
-1232 GPT Limited
-1233 Bus-Tech, Inc.
-1234 Technical Corp.
-1235 Risq Modular Systems, Inc.
-1236 Sigma Designs Corporation
- 0000 RealMagic64/GX
- 6401 REALmagic 64/GX (SD 6425)
-1237 Alta Technology Corporation
-1238 Adtran
-1239 3DO Company
-123a Visicom Laboratories, Inc.
-123b Seeq Technology, Inc.
-123c Century Systems, Inc.
-123d Engineering Design Team, Inc.
- 0000 EasyConnect 8/32
- 0002 EasyConnect 8/64
- 0003 EasyIO
-123e Simutech, Inc.
-123f C-Cube Microsystems
- 00e4 MPEG
- 8888 Cinemaster C 3.0 DVD Decoder
-1240 Marathon Technologies Corp.
-1241 DSC Communications
-1243 Delphax
-1244 AVM Audiovisuelles MKTG & Computer System GmbH
- 0700 B1 ISDN
- 0a00 A1 ISDN [Fritz]
-1245 A.P.D., S.A.
-1246 Dipix Technologies, Inc.
-1247 Xylon Research, Inc.
-1248 Central Data Corporation
-1249 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
-124a AEG Electrocom GmbH
-124b SBS/Greenspring Modular I/O
-124c Solitron Technologies, Inc.
-124d Stallion Technologies, Inc.
- 0000 EasyConnection 8/32
- 0002 EasyConnection 8/64
- 0003 EasyIO
-124e Cylink
-124f Infotrend Technology, Inc.
- 0041 IFT-2000 Series RAID Controller
-1250 Hitachi Microcomputer System Ltd
-1251 VLSI Solutions Oy
-1253 Guzik Technical Enterprises
-1254 Linear Systems Ltd.
-1255 Optibase Ltd
- 1110 MPEG Forge
- 1210 MPEG Fusion
- 2110 VideoPlex
- 2120 VideoPlex CC
- 2130 VideoQuest
-1256 Perceptive Solutions, Inc.
-1257 Vertex Networks, Inc.
-1258 Gilbarco, Inc.
-1259 Allied Telesyn International
- 2560 AT-2560 Fast Ethernet Adapter (i82557B)
-125a ABB Power Systems
-125b Asix Electronics Corporation
-125c Aurora Technologies, Inc.
- 0640 Aries 16000P
-125d ESS Technology
- 0000 ES336H PCI Fax Modem (Early Model)
- 1948 Solo?
- 1968 ES1968 Maestro 2
- 1969 ES1969 Solo-1 Audiodrive
- 1978 ES1978 Maestro Audiodrive
- 2808 ES336H Fax Modem (Later Model)
- 2898 ES2898 Modem
-125e Specialvideo Engineering SRL
-125f Concurrent Technologies, Inc.
-1260 Harris Semiconductor
- 8130 HMP8130 NTSC/PAL Video Decoder
- 8131 HMP8131 NTSC/PAL Video Decoder
-1261 Matsushita-Kotobuki Electronics Industries, Ltd.
-1262 ES Computer Company, Ltd.
-1263 Sonic Solutions
-1264 Aval Nagasaki Corporation
-1265 Casio Computer Co., Ltd.
-1266 Microdyne Corporation
- 0001 NE10/100 Adapter (i82557B)
- 1910 NE2000Plus (RT8029) Ethernet Adapter
-1267 S. A. Telecommunications
- 5352 PCR2101
- 5a4b Telsat Turbo
-1268 Tektronix
-1269 Thomson-CSF/TTM
-126a Lexmark International, Inc.
-126b Adax, Inc.
-126c Northern Telecom
-126d Splash Technology, Inc.
-126e Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd.
-126f Silicon Motion, Inc.
- 0910 SM910
-1270 Olympus Optical Co., Ltd.
-1271 GW Instruments
-1272 Telematics International
-1273 Hughes Network Systems
- 0002 DirecPC
-1274 Ensoniq
- 1371 ES1371 [AudioPCI-97]
- 5000 ES1370 [AudioPCI]
-1275 Network Appliance Corporation
-1276 Switched Network Technologies, Inc.
-1277 Comstream
-1278 Transtech Parallel Systems Ltd.
-1279 Transmeta Corporation
-127a Rockwell International
- 1002 HCF 56k V90 FaxModem
- 1003 HCF 56k V90 FaxModem
- 1004 HCF 56k V90 FaxModem
- 1005 HCF 56k V90 FaxModem
- 8234 RapidFire 616X ATM155 Adapter
-127b Pixera Corporation
-127c Crosspoint Solutions, Inc.
-127d Vela Research
-127e Winnov, L.P.
-127f Fujifilm
-1280 Photoscript Group Ltd.
-1281 Yokogawa Electric Corporation
-1282 Davicom Semiconductor, Inc.
-1283 Integrated Technology Express, Inc.
- 673a IT8330G
- 8330 IT8330G
- e886 IT8330G
-1284 Sahara Networks, Inc.
-1285 Platform Technologies, Inc.
- 0100 PT-201C-O-P AGOGO-XP sound chip
-1286 Mazet GmbH
-1287 M-Pact, Inc.
- 001e LS220D DVD Decoder
- 001f LS220C DVD Decoder
-1288 Timestep Corporation
-1289 AVC Technology, Inc.
-128a Asante Technologies, Inc.
-128b Transwitch Corporation
-128c Retix Corporation
-128d G2 Networks, Inc.
- 0021 ATM155 Adapter
-128e Hoontech Corporation/Samho Multi Tech Ltd.
- 0008 ST128 WSS/SB
- 0009 ST128 SAM9407
- 000a ST128 Game Port
- 000b ST128 MPU Port
- 000c ST128 Ctrl Port
-128f Tateno Dennou, Inc.
-1290 Sord Computer Corporation
-1291 NCS Computer Italia
-1292 Tritech Microelectronics Inc
-1293 Media Reality Technology
-1294 Rhetorex, Inc.
-1295 Imagenation Corporation
-1296 Kofax Image Products
-1297 Holco Enterprise Co, Ltd/Shuttle Computer
-1298 Spellcaster Telecommunications Inc.
-1299 Knowledge Technology Lab.
-129a VMetro, inc.
-129b Image Access
-129c Jaycor
-129d Compcore Multimedia, Inc.
-129e Victor Company of Japan, Ltd.
-129f OEC Medical Systems, Inc.
-12a0 Allen-Bradley Company
-12a1 Simpact Associates, Inc.
-12a2 Newgen Systems Corporation
-12a3 Lucent Technologies
-12a4 NTT Electronics Technology Company
-12a5 Vision Dynamics Ltd.
-12a6 Scalable Networks, Inc.
-12a7 AMO GmbH
-12a8 News Datacom
-12a9 Xiotech Corporation
-12aa SDL Communications, Inc.
-12ab Yuan Yuan Enterprise Co., Ltd.
-12ac Measurex Corporation
-12ad Multidata GmbH
-12ae Alteon Networks Inc.
- 0001 AceNIC Gigabit Ethernet
-12af TDK USA Corp
-12b0 Jorge Scientific Corp
-12b1 GammaLink
-12b2 General Signal Networks
-12b3 Inter-Face Co Ltd
-12b4 FutureTel Inc
-12b5 Granite Systems Inc.
-12b6 Natural Microsystems
-12b7 Cognex Modular Vision Systems Div. - Acumen Inc.
-12b8 Korg
-12b9 US Robotics/3Com
- 1006 WinModem
-12ba PMC Sierra
-12bb Nippon Unisoft Corporation
-12bc Array Microsystems
-12bd Computerm Corp.
-12be Anchor Chips Inc.
- 3041 AN3041Q CO-MEM
- 3042 AN3042Q CO-MEM Lite
-12bf Fujifilm Microdevices
-12c0 Infimed
-12c1 GMM Research Corp
-12c2 Mentec Limited
-12c3 Holtek Microelectronics Inc
-12c4 Connect Tech Inc
-12c5 Picture Elements Incorporated
- 0081 PCIVST [Grayscale Thresholding Engine]
-12c6 Mitani Corporation
-12c7 Dialogic Corp
-12c8 G Force Co, Ltd
-12c9 Gigi Operations
-12ca Integrated Computing Engines
-12cb Antex Electronics Corporation
-12cc Pluto Technologies International
-12cd Aims Lab
-12ce Netspeed Inc.
-12cf Prophet Systems, Inc.
-12d0 GDE Systems, Inc.
-12d1 PSITech
-12d2 NVidia / SGS Thomson (Joint Venture)
- 0008 NV1
- 0009 DAC64
- 0018 Riva128
- 0019 Riva128ZX
- 0020 TNT
- 0028 TNT2
- 0029 UTNT2
- 002C VTNT2
- 00A0 ITNT2
-12d3 Vingmed Sound A/S
-12d4 DGM&S
-12d5 Equator Technologies
-12d6 Analogic Corp
-12d7 Biotronic SRL
-12d8 Pericom Semiconductor
-12d9 Aculab PLC
-12da True Time Inc.
-12db Annapolis Micro Systems, Inc
-12dc Symicron Computer Communication Ltd.
-12dd Management Graphics
-12de Rainbow Technologies
-12df SBS Technologies Inc
-12e0 Chase Research
- 0010 ST16C654 Quad UART
- 0020 ST16C654 Quad UART
- 0030 ST16C654 Quad UART
-12e1 Nintendo Co, Ltd
-12e2 Datum Inc. Bancomm-Timing Division
-12e3 Imation Corp - Medical Imaging Systems
-12e4 Brooktrout Technology Inc
-12e5 Apex Semiconductor Inc
-12e6 Cirel Systems
-12e7 Sunsgroup Corporation
-12e8 Crisc Corp
-12e9 GE Spacenet
-12ea Zuken
-12eb Aureal Semiconductor
- 0001 Vortex 1
- 0002 Vortex 2
-12ec 3A International, Inc.
-12ed Optivision Inc.
-12ee Orange Micro
-12ef Vienna Systems
-12f0 Pentek
-12f1 Sorenson Vision Inc
-12f2 Gammagraphx, Inc.
-12f3 Radstone Technology
-12f4 Megatel
-12f5 Forks
-12f6 Dawson France
-12f7 Cognex
-12f8 Electronic Design GmbH
- 0002 VideoMaker
-12f9 Four Fold Ltd
-12fb Spectrum Signal Processing
-12fc Capital Equipment Corp
-12fd I2S
-12fe ESD Electronic System Design GmbH
-12ff Lexicon
-1300 Harman International Industries Inc
-1302 Computer Sciences Corp
-1303 Innovative Integration
-1304 Juniper Networks
-1305 Netphone, Inc
-1306 Duet Technologies
-1307 Computer Boards
- 0001 DAS1602/16
-1308 Jato Technologies Inc.
- 0001 NetCelerator Adapter
-1309 AB Semiconductor Ltd
-130a Mitsubishi Electric Microcomputer
-130b Colorgraphic Communications Corp
-130c Ambex Technologies, Inc
-130d Accelerix Inc
-130e Yamatake-Honeywell Co. Ltd
-130f Advanet Inc
-1310 Gespac
-1311 Videoserver, Inc
-1312 Acuity Imaging, Inc
-1313 Yaskawa Electric Co.
-1316 Teradyne Inc
-1317 Bridgecom, Inc
-1318 Packet Engines Inc.
-1319 Fortemedia, Inc
-131a Finisar Corp.
-131c Nippon Electro-Sensory Devices Corp
-131d Sysmic, Inc.
-131e Xinex Networks Inc
-131f Siig Inc
- 1020 CyberParallel
- 1021 CyberParallel
-1320 Crypto AG
-1321 Arcobel Graphics BV
-1322 MTT Co., Ltd
-1323 Dome Inc
-1324 Sphere Communications
-1325 Salix Technologies, Inc
-1326 Seachange international
-1327 Voss scientific
-1328 quadrant international
-1329 Productivity Enhancement
-132a Microcom Inc.
-132b Broadband Technologies
-132c Micrel Inc
-132d Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc.
-1330 MMC Networks
-1331 Radisys Corp.
-1332 Micro Memory
-1334 Redcreek Communications, Inc
-1335 Videomail, Inc
-1337 Third Planet Publishing
-1338 BT Electronics
-133a Vtel Corp
-133b Softcom Microsystems
-133c Holontech Corp
-133d SS Technologies
-133e Virtual Computer Corp
-133f SCM Microsystems
-1340 Atalla Corp
-1341 Kyoto Microcomputer Co
-1342 Promax Systems Inc
-1343 Phylon Communications Inc
-1344 Crucial Technology
-1345 Arescom Inc
-1347 Odetics
-1349 Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
-134a DTC Technology Corp.
- 0001 Domex 536
-134b ARK Research Corp.
-134c Chori Joho System Co. Ltd
-134d PCTel Inc
-134e CSTI
-134f Algo System Co Ltd
-1350 Systec Co. Ltd
-1351 Sonix Inc
-1353 Dassault A.T.
-1354 Dwave System Inc
-1355 Kratos Analytical Ltd
-1356 The Logical Co
-1359 Prisa Networks
-135a Brain Boxes
-135b Giganet Inc
-135c Quatech Inc
-135d ABB Network Partner AB
-135e Sealevel Systems Inc
-135f I-Data International A-S
-1360 Meinberg Funkuhren
-1361 Soliton Systems K.K.
-1362 Fujifacom Corporation
-1363 Phoenix Technology Ltd
-1364 ATM Communications Inc
-1365 Hypercope GmbH
-1366 Teijin Seiki Co. Ltd
-1367 Hitachi Zosen Corporation
-1368 Skyware Corporation
-1369 Digigram
-136a High Soft Tech
-136b Kawasaki Steel Corporation
-136c Adtek System Science Co Ltd
-136d Gigalabs Inc
-136f Applied Magic Inc
-1370 ATL Products
-1371 CNet Technology Inc
-1373 Silicon Vision Inc
-1374 Silicom Ltd
-1375 Argosystems Inc
-1376 LMC
-1377 Electronic Equipment Production & Distribution GmbH
-1378 Telemann Co. Ltd
-1379 Asahi Kasei Microsystems Co Ltd
-137a Mark of the Unicorn Inc
-137b PPT Vision
-137c Iwatsu Electric Co Ltd
-137d Dynachip Corporation
-137e Patriot Scientific Corporation
-137f Japan Satellite Systems Inc
-1380 Sanritz Automation Co Ltd
-1381 Brains Co. Ltd
-1382 Marian - Electronic & Software
-1383 Controlnet Inc
-1384 Reality Simulation Systems Inc
-1385 Netgear
- 620a GA620
-1386 Video Domain Technologies
-1387 Systran Corp
-1388 Hitachi Information Technology Co Ltd
-1389 Applicom International
- 0001 PCI1500PFB [Intelligent fieldbus adaptor]
-138a Fusion Micromedia Corp
-138b Tokimec Inc
-138c Silicon Reality
-138d Future Techno Designs pte Ltd
-138e Basler GmbH
-138f Patapsco Designs Inc
-1390 Concept Development Inc
-1391 Development Concepts Inc
-1392 Medialight Inc
-1393 Moxa Technologies Co Ltd
-1394 Level One Communications
-1395 Ambicom Inc
-1396 Cipher Systems Inc
-1397 Cologne Chip Designs GmbH
-1398 Clarion co. Ltd
-1399 Rios systems Co Ltd
-139a Alacritech Inc
-139b Mediasonic Multimedia Systems Ltd
-139c Quantum 3d Inc
-139d EPL limited
-139e Media4
-139f Aethra s.r.l.
-13a0 Crystal Group Inc
-13a1 Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd
-13a2 Ositech Communications Inc
-13a3 Hi-Fn
-13a4 Rascom Inc
-13a5 Audio Digital Imaging Inc
-13a6 Videonics Inc
-13a7 Teles AG
-13a8 Exar Corp.
-13a9 Siemens Medical Systems, Ultrasound Group
-13aa Broadband Networks Inc
-13ab Arcom Control Systems Ltd
-13ac Motion Media Technology Ltd
-13ad Nexus Inc
-13ae ALD Technology Ltd
-13af T.Sqware
-13b0 Maxspeed Corp
-13b1 Tamura corporation
-13b2 Techno Chips Co. Ltd
-13b3 Lanart Corporation
-13b4 Wellbean Co Inc
-13b5 ARM
-13b6 Dlog GmbH
-13b7 Logic Devices Inc
-13b8 Nokia Telecommunications oy
-13b9 Elecom Co Ltd
-13ba Oxford Instruments
-13bb Sanyo Technosound Co Ltd
-13bc Bitran Corporation
-13bd Sharp corporation
-13be Miroku Jyoho Service Co. Ltd
-13bf Sharewave Inc
-13c0 Microgate Corporation
- 0010 SyncLink WAN Adapter
-13c1 3ware Inc
-13c2 Technotrend Systemtechnik GmbH
-13c3 Janz Computer AG
-13c4 Phase Metrics
-13c5 Alphi Technology Corp
-13c6 Condor Engineering Inc
-13c7 Blue Chip Technology Ltd
-13c8 Apptech Inc
-13c9 Eaton Corporation
-13ca Iomega Corporation
-13cb Yano Electric Co Ltd
-13cc Metheus Corporation
-13cd Compatible Systems Corporation
-13ce Cocom A/S
-13cf Studio Audio & Video Ltd
-13d0 Techsan Electronics Co Ltd
-13d1 Abocom Systems Inc
-13d2 Shark Multimedia Inc
-13d3 IMC Networks
-13d4 Graphics Microsystems Inc
-13d5 Media 100 Inc
-13d6 K.I. Technology Co Ltd
-13d7 Toshiba Engineering Corporation
-13d8 Phobos corporation
-13d9 Apex PC Solutions Inc
-13da Intresource Systems pte Ltd
-13db Janich & Klass Computertechnik GmbH
-13dc Netboost Corporation
-13dd Multimedia Bundle Inc
-13de ABB Robotics Products AB
-13df E-Tech Inc
- 0001 PCI56RVP Modem
-13e0 GVC Corporation
-13e1 Silicom Multimedia Systems Inc
-13e2 Dynamics Research Corporation
-13e3 Nest Inc
-13e4 Calculex Inc
-13e5 Telesoft Design Ltd
-13e6 Argosy research Inc
-13e7 NAC Incorporated
-13e8 Chip Express Corporation
-13e9 Chip Express Corporation
-13ea Dallas Semiconductor
-13eb Hauppauge Computer Works Inc
-13ec Zydacron Inc
-13ed Raytheion E-Systems
-13ee Hayes Microcomputer Products Inc
-13ef Coppercom Inc
-13f0 Sundance technology Inc
-13f1 Oce' - Technologies B.V.
-13f2 Ford Microelectronics Inc
-13f3 Mcdata Corporation
-13f4 Troika Design Inc
-13f5 Kansai Electric Co. Ltd
-13f6 C-Media Electronics Inc
- 0100 CMI8338
-13f7 Wildfire Communications
-13f8 Ad Lib Multimedia Inc
-13f9 NTT Advanced Technology Corp.
-13fa Pentland Systems Ltd
-13fb Aydin Corp
-13fc Computer Peripherals International
-13fd Micro Science Inc
-13fe Advantech Co. Ltd
-13ff Silicon Spice Inc
-1400 Artx Inc
-1401 CR-Systems A/S
-1402 Meilhaus Electronic GmbH
-1403 Ascor Inc
-1404 Fundamental Software Inc
-1405 Excalibur Systems Inc
-1406 Oce' Printing Systems GmbH
-1407 Lava Computer mfg Inc
-1408 Aloka Co. Ltd
-1409 Timedia Technology Co Ltd
-140a DSP Research Inc
-140b Ramix Inc
-140c Elmic Systems Inc
-140d Matsushita Electric Works Ltd
-140e Goepel Electronic GmbH
-140f Salient Systems Corp
-1410 Midas lab Inc
-1411 Ikos Systems Inc
-1412 IC Ensemble Inc
-1413 Addonics
-1414 Microsoft Corporation
-1415 Oxford Semiconductor Ltd
-1416 Multiwave Innovation pte Ltd
-1417 Convergenet Technologies Inc
-1418 Kyushu electronics systems Inc
-1419 Excel Switching Corp
-141a Apache Micro Peripherals Inc
-141b Zoom Telephonics Inc
-141d Digitan Systems Inc
-141e Fanuc Ltd
-141f Visiontech Ltd
-1420 Psion Dacom plc
-1421 Ads Technologies Inc
-1422 Ygrec Systems Co Ltd
-1423 Custom Technology Corp.
-1424 Videoserver Connections
-1425 ASIC Designers Inc
-1426 Storage Technology Corp.
-1427 Better On-Line Solutions
-1428 Edec Co Ltd
-1429 Unex Technology Corp.
-142a Kingmax Technology Inc
-142b Radiolan
-142c Minton Optic Industry Co Ltd
-142d Pix stream Inc
-142e Vitec Multimedia
-142f Radicom Research Inc
-1430 ITT Aerospace/Communications Division
-1431 Gilat Satellite Networks
-1432 Edimax Computer Co.
-1433 Eltec Elektronik GmbH
-1435 Real Time Devices US Inc.
-1436 CIS Technology Inc
-1437 Nissin Inc Co
-1438 Atmel-dream
-1439 Outsource Engineering & Mfg. Inc
-143a Stargate Solutions Inc
-143b Canon Research Center, America
-143c Amlogic Inc
-143d Tamarack Microelectronics Inc
-143e Jones Futurex Inc
-143f Lightwell Co Ltd - Zax Division
-1440 ALGOL Corp.
-1441 AGIE Ltd
-1442 Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co.
-1443 Unibrain S.A.
-1444 TRW
-1445 Logical DO Ltd
-1446 Graphin Co Ltd
-1447 AIM GmBH
-1448 Alesis Studio Electronics
-1449 TUT Systems Inc
-144a Adlink Technology
-144b Loronix Information Systems Inc
-144c Catalina Research Inc
-144d Samsung Electronics Co Ltd
-144e OLITEC
-144f Askey Computer Corp.
-1450 Octave Communications Ind.
-1451 SP3D Chip Design GmBH
-1453 MYCOM Inc
-1454 Altiga Networks
-1455 Logic Plus Plus Inc
-1456 Advanced Hardware Architectures
-1457 Nuera Communications Inc
-1458 Giga-byte Technology
-1459 DOOIN Electronics
-145a Escalate Networks Inc
-145c Cryptek
-145d Gallant Computer Inc
-145e Aashima Technology B.V.
-145f Baldor Electric Company
-1461 Avermedia Technologies Inc
-1462 Micro-star International Co Ltd
-1463 Fast Corporation
-1464 Interactive Circuits & Systems Ltd
-1465 GN NETTEST Telecom DIV.
-1466 Designpro Inc.
-1468 AMBIT Microsystem Corp.
-1469 Cleveland Motion Controls
-146a IFR
-146b Parascan Technologies Ltd
-146c Ruby Tech Corp.
-146d Tachyon, INC.
-146e Williams Electronics Games, Inc.
-146f Multi Dimensional Consulting Inc
-1470 Bay Networks
-1471 Integrated Telecom Express Inc
-1472 DAIKIN Industries, Ltd
-1473 ZAPEX Technologies Inc
-1474 Doug Carson & Associates
-1475 PICAZO Communications
-1476 MORTARA Instrument Inc
-1477 Net Insight
-1478 DIATREND Corporation
-1479 TORAY Industries Inc
-147a FORMOSA Industrial Computing
-147b ABIT Computer Corp.
-147c AWARE, Inc.
-147d Interworks Computer Products
-147e Matsushita Graphic Communication Systems, Inc.
-147f NIHON UNISYS, Ltd.
-1480 SCII Telecom
-1481 BIOPAC Systems Inc
-1482 ISYTEC - Integrierte Systemtechnik GmBH
-1483 LABWAY Corporation
-1484 Logic Corporation
-1485 ERMA - Electronic GmBH
-1486 L3 Communications Telemetry & Instrumentation
-1487 MARQUETTE Medical Systems
-1488 KONTRON Electronik GmBH
-1489 KYE Systems Corporation
-148a OPTO
-148c C.P. Technology Co. Ltd
-148d DIGICOM Systems, Inc.
-148e OSI Plus Corporation
-148f Plant Equipment, Inc.
-1490 Stone Microsystems PTY Ltd.
-1491 ZEAL Corporation
-1492 Time Logic Corporation
-1493 MAKER Communications
-1494 WINTOP Technology, Inc.
-1495 TOKAI Communications Industry Co. Ltd
-1496 JOYTECH Computer Co., Ltd.
-1497 SMA Regelsysteme GmBH
-1498 TEWS Datentechnik GmBH
-1499 EMTEC CO., Ltd
-149a ANDOR Technology Ltd
-149b SEIKO Instruments Inc
-149c OVISLINK Corp.
-149D NEWTEK Inc
-149e Mapletree Networks Inc.
-149f LECTRON Co Ltd
-14a1 Systembase Co Ltd
-14a2 Millennium Engineering Inc
-14a3 Maverick Networks
-14a4 GVC/BCM Advanced Research
-14a5 XIONICS Document Technologies Inc
-14a6 INOVA Computers GmBH & Co KG
-14a7 MYTHOS Systems Inc
-14a8 FEATRON Technologies Corporation
-14a9 HIVERTEC Inc
-14aa Advanced MOS Technology Inc
-14ab Mentor Graphics Corp.
-14ac Novaweb Technologies Inc
-14ad Time Space Radio AB
-14ae CTI, Inc
-14af Guillemot Corporation
-14b0 BST Communication Technology Ltd
-14b1 Nextcom K.K.
-14b2 ENNOVATE Networks Inc
-14b3 XPEED Inc
-14b4 PHILIPS Business Electronics B.V.
-14b5 Creamware GmBH
-14b6 Quantum Data Corp.
-14b7 PROXIM Inc
-14b8 Techsoft Technology Co Ltd
-14b9 AIRONET Wireless Communications
- 0001 PC4800
-14ba INTERNIX Inc.
-14bb SEMTECH Corporation
-14bc Globespan Semiconductor Inc.
-14bd CARDIO Control N.V.
-14be L3 Communications
-14bf SPIDER Communications Inc.
-14c0 COMPAL Electronics Inc
-14c1 MYRICOM Inc.
-14c2 DTK Computer
-14c3 MEDIATEK Corp.
-14c4 IWASAKI Information Systems Co Ltd
-14c5 Automation Products AB
-14c6 Data Race Inc
-14c7 Modular Technology Holdings Ltd
-14c8 Turbocomm Tech. Inc.
-14c9 ODIN Telesystems Inc
-14ca PE Logic Corp.
-14cb Billionton Systems Inc
-14cc NAKAYO Telecommunications Inc
-14cd Universal Scientific Ind.
-14ce Whistle Communications
-14cf TEK Microsystems Inc.
-14d0 Ericsson Axe R & D
-14d1 Computer Hi-Tech Co Ltd
-14d2 Titan Electronics Inc
-14d3 CIRTECH (UK) Ltd
-14d4 Panacom Technology Corp
-14d5 Nitsuko Corporation
-14d6 Accusys Inc
-14d7 Hirakawa Hewtech Corp
-14d8 HOPF Elektronik GmBH
-14d9 Alpha Processor Inc
-14da National Aerospace Laboratories
-14db AFAVLAB Technology Inc
-14dc Amplicon Liveline Ltd
-14dd Boulder Design Labs Inc
-14de Applied Integration Corporation
-14df ASIC Communications Corp
-14e4 BROADCOM Corporation
-14e5 Pixelfusion Ltd
-14e6 SHINING Technology Inc
-14e7 3CX
-14e8 RAYCER Inc
-14e9 GARNETS System CO Ltd
-14eb SEIKO EPSON Corp
-14ef CARRY Computer ENG. CO Ltd
-14f2 MOBILITY Electronics
-14f4 TOKYO Electronic Industry CO Ltd
-14f5 SOPAC Ltd
-14f6 COYOTE Technologies LLC
-14f7 WOLF Technology Inc
-14fc QUADRICS Supercomputers World
-14fd JAPAN Computer Industry Inc
-1500 DELTA Electronics, Inc
-1504 KAISER Electronics
-1506 CHAMELEON Systems Inc
-# 1507 HTEC Ltd
-# Commented out because there are no known HTEC chips and 1507 is already
-# used by mistake by Motorola (see vendor ID 1057)
-150b YAMASHITA Systems Corp
-150c KYOPAL CO Ltd
-150e C-PORT Corp
-150f INTEC GmbH
-1510 BEHAVIOR TECH Computer Corp
-1511 CENTILLIUM Technology Corp
-1512 ROSUN Technologies Inc
-1513 Raychem
-1514 TFL LAN Inc
-1515 Advent design
-1516 MYSON Technology Inc
-1517 ECHOTEK Corp
-1518 PEP MODULAR Computers GmbH
-151a GLOBETEK Inc
-151b COMBOX Ltd
-151d Fujitsu Computer Products Of America
-151e MATRIX Corp
-1520 CHAPLET System Inc
-1521 BELL Corp
-1522 MainPine Ltd
-1523 MUSIC Semiconductors
-1524 ENE Technology Inc
-1525 IMPACT Technologies
-1526 ISS, Inc
-1528 ACKSYS
-1529 AMERICAN MICROSystems Inc
-152b FLYTECH Technology CO Ltd
-152c MACRAIGOR Systems LLC
-152d QUANTA Computer Inc
-152e MELEC Inc
-1530 ACQIS Technology Inc
-1531 CHRYON Corp
-1532 ECHELON Corp
-1534 ROAD Corp
-1535 EVERGREEN Technologies Inc
-1538 ARALION Inc
-153b TERRATEC Electronic GmbH
-153c ANTAL Electronic
-153d FILANET Corp
-153e TECHWELL Inc
-1541 MACHONE Communications
-1542 VIVID Technology Inc
-1543 SILICON Laboratories
-1544 DCM DATA Systems
-1546 IOI Technology Corp
-1547 MITUTOYO Corp
-1548 JET PROPULSION Laboratory
-1549 INTERCONNECT Systems Solutions
-154a MAX Technologies Inc
-154b COMPUTEX Co Ltd
-154c VISUAL Technology Inc
-154d PAN INTERNATIONAL Industrial Corp
-154f STRATABEAM Technology
-1553 CHICONY Electronics Co Ltd
-1554 PROLINK Microsystems Corp
-1557 MEDIASTAR Co Ltd
-1558 CLEVO/KAPOK Computer
-1559 SI LOGIC Ltd
-1668 Action Tec Electronics Inc
-1a08 Sierra semiconductor
- 0000 SC15064
-1b13 Jaton Corp
-1c1c Symphony
- 0001 82C101
-1d44 DPT
- a400 PM2x24/PM3224
-1de1 Tekram Technology Co.,Ltd.
- 2020 DC-390
- 690c 690c
- dc29 DC290
-2001 Temporal Research Ltd
-21c3 21st Century Computer Corp.
-2348 Racore
- 2010 8142 100VG/AnyLAN
-2646 Kingston Technologies
-270b Xantel Corporation
-270f Chaintech Computer Co. Ltd
-2711 AVID Technology Inc.
-3000 Hansol Electronics Inc.
-3142 Post Impression Systems.
-3388 Hint Corp
- 8011 VXPro II Chipset
- 8012 VXPro II Chipset
- 8013 VXPro II Chipset
-3513 ARCOM Control Systems Ltd
-3d3d 3DLabs
- 0001 GLINT 300SX
- 0002 GLINT 500TX
- 0003 GLINT Delta
- 0004 Permedia
- 0005 Permedia
- 0006 GLINT MX
- 0007 3D Extreme
- 0009 Permedia II 2D+3D
- 0100 Permedia II 2D+3D
- 1004 Permedia
- 3d04 Permedia
- ffff Glint VGA
-4005 Avance Logic Inc.
- 1064 ALG-2064
- 2064 ALG-2064i
- 2128 ALG-2364A GUI Accelerator
- 2301 ALG-2301
- 2302 ALG-2302
- 2303 AVG-2302 GUI Accelerator
- 2364 ALG-2364A
- 2464 ALG-2464
- 2501 ALG-2564A/25128A
-4033 Addtron Technology Co, Inc.
-4444 Internext Compression Inc
-4468 Bridgeport machines
-4594 Cogetec Informatique Inc
-45fb Baldor Electric Company
-4680 Umax Computer Corp
-4843 Hercules Computer Technology Inc
-4943 Growth Networks
-4978 Axil Computer Inc
-4a14 NetVin
- 5000 NV5000SC
-4b10 Buslogic Inc.
-4c48 LUNG HWA Electronics
-4d51 MEDIAQ Inc.
-4ddc ILC Data Device Corp
-5053 Voyetra Technologies
- 2010 Daytona Audio Adapter
-5136 S S Technologies
-5143 Qualcomm Inc
-5145 Ensoniq (Old)
- 3031 Concert AudioPCI
-5301 Alliance Semiconductor Corp.
- 0001 ProMotion aT3D
-5333 S3 Inc.
- 0551 Plato/PX (system)
- 5631 86c325 [ViRGE]
- 8800 86c866 [Vision 866]
- 8801 86c964 [Vision 964]
- 8810 86c764_0 [Trio 32 vers 0]
- 8811 86c764/765 [Trio32/64/64V+]
- 8812 86cM65 [Aurora64V+]
- 8813 86c764_3 [Trio 32/64 vers 3]
- 8814 86c767 [Trio 64UV+]
- 8815 86cM65 [Aurora 128]
- 883d 86c988 [ViRGE/VX]
- 8870 FireGL
- 8880 86c868 [Vision 868 VRAM] vers 0
- 8881 86c868 [Vision 868 VRAM] vers 1
- 8882 86c868 [Vision 868 VRAM] vers 2
- 8883 86c868 [Vision 868 VRAM] vers 3
- 88b0 86c928 [Vision 928 VRAM] vers 0
- 88b1 86c928 [Vision 928 VRAM] vers 1
- 88b2 86c928 [Vision 928 VRAM] vers 2
- 88b3 86c928 [Vision 928 VRAM] vers 3
- 88c0 86c864 [Vision 864 DRAM] vers 0
- 88c1 86c864 [Vision 864 DRAM] vers 1
- 88c2 86c864 [Vision 864-P DRAM] vers 2
- 88c3 86c864 [Vision 864-P DRAM] vers 3
- 88d0 86c964 [Vision 964 VRAM] vers 0
- 88d1 86c964 [Vision 964 VRAM] vers 1
- 88d2 86c964 [Vision 964-P VRAM] vers 2
- 88d3 86c964 [Vision 964-P VRAM] vers 3
- 88f0 86c968 [Vision 968 VRAM] rev 0
- 88f1 86c968 [Vision 968 VRAM] rev 1
- 88f2 86c968 [Vision 968 VRAM] rev 2
- 88f3 86c968 [Vision 968 VRAM] rev 3
- 8900 86c755 [Trio 64V2/DX]
- 8901 Trio 64V2/DX or /GX
- 8902 Plato/PX
- 8903 Trio 3D business multimedia
- 8904 Trio 64 3D
- 8905 Trio 64V+ family
- 8906 Trio 64V+ family
- 8907 Trio 64V+ family
- 8908 Trio 64V+ family
- 8909 Trio 64V+ family
- 890a Trio 64V+ family
- 890b Trio 64V+ family
- 890c Trio 64V+ family
- 890d Trio 64V+ family
- 890e Trio 64V+ family
- 890f Trio 64V+ family
- 8a01 ViRGE/DX or /GX
- 8a10 ViRGE/GX2
- 8a13 86c368 [Trio 3D/2X]
- 8a20 86c794 [Savage 3D]
- 8a21 86c795 [Savage 3D/MV]
- 8a22 Savage 4
- 8a23 Savage 4
- 8c00 ViRGE/M3
- 8c01 ViRGE/MX
- 8c02 ViRGE/MX+
- 8c03 ViRGE/MX+MV
- ca00 SonicVibes
-544c Teralogic Inc
-5455 Technische University Berlin
- 4458 S5933
-5519 Cnet Technologies, Inc.
-5555 Genroco, Inc
- 0003 TURBOstor HFP-832 [HiPPI NIC]
-5700 Netpower
-6356 UltraStor
-6374 c't Magazin für Computertechnik
- 6773 GPPCI
-6409 Logitec Corp.
-6666 Decision Computer International Co.
- 0001 PCCOM4
-7604 O.N. Electronic Co Ltd.
-7bde MIDAC Corporation
-8008 Quancom Electronic GmbH
- 0010 WDOG1 [PCI-Watchdog 1]
- 0011 PWDOG2 [PCI-Watchdog 2]
-8086 Intel Corporation
- 0007 82379AB
- 0039 21145
- 0122 82437FX
- 0482 82375EB
- 0483 82424ZX [Saturn]
- 0484 82378IB [SIO ISA Bridge]
- 0486 82430ZX [Aries]
- 04a3 82434LX [Mercury/Neptune]
- 04d0 82437FX [Triton FX]
- 0960 80960RP [i960 RP Microprocessor/Bridge]
- 1000 82542 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
- 1221 82092AA_0
- 1222 82092AA_1
- 1223 SAA7116
- 1225 82452KX/GX [Orion]
- 1226 82596
- 1227 82865 [Ether Express Pro 100]
- 1228 82556 [Ether Express Pro 100 Smart]
- 1229 82557 [Ethernet Pro 100]
- 122d 430FX - 82437FX TSC [Triton I]
- 122e 82371FB PIIX ISA [Triton I]
- 1230 82371FB PIIX IDE [Triton I]
- 1231 DSVD Modem
- 1234 430MX - 82371MX MPIIX [430MX PCIset - 82371MX Mobile PCI I/O IDE Xcelerator (MPIIX)]
- 1235 430MX - 82437MX MTSC [430MX PCIset - 82437MX Mobile System Controller (MTSC) and 82438MX Mobile Data Path (MTDP)]
- 1237 440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]
- 1239 82371FB
- 123b 82380PB
- 123c 82380AB
- 1240 752 AGP
- 124b 82380FB
- 1250 430HX - 82439HX TXC [Triton II]
- 1960 80960RP [i960RP Microprocessor]
- 5200 EtherExpress PRO/100
- 5201 EtherExpress PRO/100
- 7000 82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]
- 7010 82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]
- 7020 82371SB PIIX3 USB [Natoma/Triton II]
- 7030 430VX - 82437VX TVX [Triton VX]
- 7100 430TX - 82439TX MTXC
- 7110 82371AB PIIX4 ISA
- 7111 82371AB PIIX4 IDE
- 7112 82371AB PIIX4 USB
- 7113 82371AB PIIX4 ACPI
- 7120 82810 GMCH [Graphics Memory Controller Hub]
- 7121 82810 CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller]
- 7122 82810-DC100 GMCH [Graphics Memory Controller Hub]
- 7123 82810-DC100 CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller]
- 7180 440LX - 82443LX Host bridge
- 7181 440LX - 82443LX AGP bridge
- 7190 440BX/ZX - 82443BX/ZX Host bridge
- 7191 440BX/ZX - 82443BX/ZX AGP bridge
- 7192 440BX/ZX - 82443BX/ZX Host bridge (AGP disabled)
- 71a0 440GX - 82443GX Host bridge
- 71a1 440GX - 82443GX AGP bridge
- 71a2 440GX - 82443GX Host bridge (AGP disabled)
- 7602 82372FB [PCI-to-USB UHCI]
- 7800 i740
- 84c4 450KX/GX [Orion] - 82454KX/GX PCI bridge
- 84c5 450KX/GX [Orion] - 82453KX/GX Memory controller
- 84ca 450NX - 82451NX Memory & I/O Controller
- 84cb 450NX - 82454NX PCI Expander Bridge
- ffff 450NX/GX [Orion] - 82453KX/GX Memory controller [BUG]
-8800 Trigem Computer Inc.
- 2008 Video assistent component
-8866 T-Square Design Inc.
-8888 Silicon Magic
-8e0e Computone Corporation
-8e2e KTI
- 3000 ET32P2
-9004 Adaptec
-# FIXME: [dj] In one document I have, lot of these AIC's are actually AHA's
- 1078 AIC-7810
- 1160 AIC-1160 [Family Fiber Channel Adapter]
- 2178 AIC-7821
- 3860 AHA-2930CU
- 3b78 AHA-4844W/4844UW
- 5075 AIC-755x
- 5078 AHA-7850
- 5175 AIC-755x
- 5178 AIC-7851
- 5275 AIC-755x
- 5278 AIC-7852
- 5375 AIC-755x
- 5378 AIC-7850
- 5475 AIC-2930
- 5478 AIC-7850
- 5575 AVA-2930
- 5578 AIC-7855
- 5675 AIC-755x
- 5678 AIC-7850
- 5775 AIC-755x
- 5778 AIC-7850
- 5800 AIC-5800
- 5900 ANA-5910/5930/5940 ATM155 & 25 LAN Adapter
- 5905 ANA-5910A/5930A/5940A ATM Adapter
- 6038 AIC-3860
-# FIXME: This is a cardbus card. The declaration may be duplicative.
- 6075 AIC-1480 / APA-1480
- 6078 AIC-7860
- 6178 AIC-7861
- 6278 AIC-7860
- 6378 AIC-7860
- 6478 AIC-786
- 6578 AIC-786x
- 6678 AIC-786
- 6778 AIC-786x
- 6915 ANA620xx/ANA69011A Fast Ethernet
- 7078 AHA-294x / AIC-7870
- 7178 AHA-294x / AIC-7871
- 7278 AHA-3940 / AIC-7872
- 7378 AHA-3985 / AIC-7873
- 7478 AHA-2944 / AIC-7874
-# FIXME: [dj] Where did the 3rd number come from in 0x7578 & 0x7678 ?
- 7578 AHA-3944 / AHA-3944W / 7875
- 7678 AHA-4944W/UW / 7876
- 7778 AIC-787x
- 7810 AIC-7810
- 7850 AIC-7850
- 7855 AHA-2930
- 7860 AIC-7860
- 7870 AIC-7870
- 7871 AHA-2940
- 7872 AHA-3940
- 7873 AHA-3980
- 7874 AHA-2944
- 7880 AIC-7880P
- 7890 AIC-7890
- 7891 AIC-789x
- 7892 AIC-789x
- 7893 AIC-789x
- 7894 AIC-789x
- 7895 AHA-2940U/UW / AHA-39xx / AIC-7895
- 7896 AIC-789x
- 7897 AIC-789x
- 8078 AIC-7880U
- 8178 AIC-7881U
- 8278 AHA-3940U/UW / AIC-7882U
- 8378 AHA-3940U/UW / AIC-7883U
- 8478 AHA-294x / AIC-7884U
- 8578 AHA-3944U / AHA-3944UWD / 7885
- 8678 AHA-4944UW / 7886
- 8778 AIC-788x
- 8878 7888
- 8b78 ABA-1030
- ec78 AHA-4944W/UW
-9005 Adaptec
- 0010 AHA-2940U2/W
- 0011 2930U2
- 0013 78902
- 001f AHA-2940U2/W / 7890
- 0020 AIC-7890
- 002f AIC-7890
- 0030 AIC-7890
- 003f AIC-7890
- 0050 3940U2
- 0051 3950U2D
- 005f 7896
- 0080 7892A
- 0081 7892B
- 0083 7892D
- 008f 7892P
- 00c0 7899A
- 00c1 7899B
- 00c3 7899D
- 00cf 7899P
-907f Atronics
- 2015 IDE-2015PL
-9412 Holtek
- 6565 6565
-a0a0 AOPEN Inc.
-a0f1 UNISYS Corporation
-a200 NEC Corporation
-a259 Hewlett Packard
-a25b Hewlett Packard GmbH PL24-MKT
-a304 Sony
-a727 3Com Corporation
-aa42 Scitex Digital Video
-b1b3 Shiva Europe Limited
-c001 TSI Telsys
-c0a9 Micron/Crucial Technology
-c0de Motorola
-c0fe Motion Engineering, Inc.
-cafe Chrysalis-ITS
-cccc Catapult Communications
-d4d4 Dy4 Systems Inc
-e000 Winbond
- e000 W89C940
-e159 Tiger Jet Network Inc.
- 0001 300
-eabb Aashima Technology B.V.
-ecc0 Echo Corporation
-edd8 ARK Logic Inc
- a091 1000PV [Stingray]
- a099 2000PV [Stingray]
- a0a1 2000MT
- a0a9 2000MI
-feda Epigram Inc
-fffe VMWare Inc
- 0710 Virtual SVGA
-ffff Illegal Vendor ID
-# List of known device classes and subclasses
-C 00 Unclassified device
- 0000 Non-VGA unclassified device
- 0001 VGA compatible unclassified device
-C 01 Mass storage controller
- 0000 SCSI storage controller
- 0001 IDE interface
- 0002 Floppy disk controller
- 0003 IPI bus controller
- 0004 RAID bus controller
- 0080 Unknown mass storage controller
-C 02 Network controller
- 0000 Ethernet controller
- 0001 Token ring network controller
- 0002 FDDI network controller
- 0003 ATM network controller
- 0080 Network controller
-C 03 Display controller
- 0000 VGA compatible controller
- 0001 XGA compatible controller
- 0080 Display controller
-C 04 Multimedia controller
- 0000 Multimedia video controller
- 0001 Multimedia audio controller
- 0080 Multimedia controller
-C 05 Memory controller
- 0000 RAM memory
- 0001 FLASH memory
- 0080 Memory
-C 06 Bridge
- 0000 Host bridge
- 0001 ISA bridge
- 0002 EISA bridge
- 0003 MicroChannel bridge
- 0004 PCI bridge
- 0005 PCMCIA bridge
- 0006 NuBus bridge
- 0007 CardBus bridge
- 0080 Bridge
-C 07 Communication controller
- 0000 Serial controller
- 0001 Parallel controller
- 0080 Communication controller
-C 08 Generic system peripheral
- 0000 PIC
- 0001 DMA controller
- 0002 Timer
- 0003 RTC
- 0080 System peripheral
-C 09 Input device controller
- 0000 Keyboard controller
- 0001 Digitizer Pen
- 0002 Mouse controller
- 0080 Input device controller
-C 0A Docking station
- 0000 Generic Docking Station
- 0080 Docking Station
-C 0B Processor
- 0000 386
- 0001 486
- 0002 Pentium
- 0010 Alpha
- 0020 Power PC
- 0040 Co-processor
-C 0C Serial bus controller
- 0000 FireWire (IEEE 1394)
- 0001 ACCESS Bus
- 0002 SSA
- 0003 USB Controller
- 0004 Fiber Channel
-C 0E Intelligent controller
- 0000 I2O
-S 1092 Diamond Multimedia
- 8760 Fireport 40 Dual SCSI Host Adapter
- 4820 Viper V550 Graphics Accelerator
-S 10b4 STB Systems Inc
- 273e Velocity 4400
-S 1102 Creative Labs
- 1015 Graphics Blaster CT6710
-S 125c Aurora Technologies, Inc.
- 0640 Aries 16000P
diff --git a/isys/pci/pciprobe.c b/isys/pci/pciprobe.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 65d4e8ed9..000000000
--- a/isys/pci/pciprobe.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <pci/pci.h>
-#include "pciprobe.h"
-static struct pciDevice * pciDeviceList = NULL;
-static int numPciDevices = 0;
-static struct pci_access *pacc=NULL;
-static int devCmp(const void * a, const void * b) {
- const struct pciDevice * one = a;
- const struct pciDevice * two = b;
- int x=0,y=0;
- x = (one->vendor - two->vendor);
- y = (one->device - two->device);
- if (x)
- return x;
- else
- return y;
-static int vendCmp(const void * a, const void * b) {
- const struct pciDevice * one = a;
- const struct pciDevice * two = b;
- return (one->vendor - two->vendor);
-static char *getVendor(unsigned int vendor) {
- struct pciDevice *searchDev, key;
- char *tmpstr;
- key.vendor = vendor;
- searchDev = bsearch(&key,pciDeviceList,numPciDevices,
- sizeof(struct pciDevice), vendCmp);
- if (searchDev) {
- int x;
- x=strchr(searchDev->desc,'|')-searchDev->desc-1;
- tmpstr=calloc(x,sizeof(char));
- tmpstr=strncpy(tmpstr,searchDev->desc,x);
- return tmpstr;
- } else {
- return NULL;
- }
-void probePciFreeDrivers(void) {
- int i;
- if (!pciDeviceList) return;
- for (i = 0; i < numPciDevices; i++) {
- free(pciDeviceList[i].driver);
- free(pciDeviceList[i].desc);
- }
- free(pciDeviceList);
- pciDeviceList = NULL;
- numPciDevices = 0;
-int probePciReadDrivers(const char * fn) {
- int fd;
- struct stat sb;
- char * buf;
- int numDrivers;
- char * start, * chptr;
- struct pciDevice * nextDevice;
- char module[5000];
- char descrip[5000];
- fd = open(fn, O_RDONLY);
- if (fd < 0) return -1;
- fstat(fd, &sb);
- buf = alloca(sb.st_size + 1);
- read(fd, buf, sb.st_size);
- buf[sb.st_size] = '\0';
- close(fd);
- /* upper bound */
- numDrivers = 1;
- start = buf;
- while ((start = strchr(start, '\n'))) {
- numDrivers++;
- start++;
- }
- pciDeviceList = realloc(pciDeviceList, sizeof(*pciDeviceList) *
- (numPciDevices + numDrivers));
- nextDevice = pciDeviceList + numPciDevices;
- start = buf;
- while (start && *start) {
- while (isspace(*start)) start++;
- if (*start != '#' && *start != '\n') {
- if (sscanf(start, "%x %x %s \"%[^\"]", &nextDevice->vendor,
- &nextDevice->device, module, descrip ) == 4) {
- numPciDevices++;
- chptr = strchr(module, '.');
- if (chptr) *chptr = '\0';
- nextDevice->driver = strdup(module);
- nextDevice->desc = strdup(descrip);
- nextDevice++;
- }
- }
- start = strchr(start, '\n');
- if (start) start++;
- }
- qsort(pciDeviceList, numPciDevices, sizeof(*pciDeviceList), devCmp);
- return 0;
-static struct pciDevice * pciGetDeviceInfo(unsigned int vend, unsigned int dev) {
- struct pciDevice *searchDev, key;
- key.vendor = vend;
- key.device = dev;
- searchDev = bsearch(&key,pciDeviceList,numPciDevices,
- sizeof(struct pciDevice), devCmp);
- if (!searchDev) {
- char *namebuf;
- searchDev = malloc(sizeof(struct pciDevice));
- searchDev->vendor = vend;
- searchDev->device = dev;
- searchDev->driver = strdup("unknown");
- searchDev->desc = calloc(128, sizeof(char));
- namebuf = getVendor(vend);
- if (!namebuf) {
- snprintf(searchDev->desc,128,
- "Unknown vendor unknown device %04x:%04x",
- searchDev->vendor, searchDev->device);
- } else {
- snprintf(searchDev->desc,128,
- "%s unknown device %04x:%04x",
- namebuf, searchDev->vendor, searchDev->device);
- }
- }
- return searchDev;
-struct pciDevice ** probePci(unsigned int type, int all) {
- struct pciDevice **devices=NULL;
- struct pci_dev *p;
- int numDevices=0;
- pacc = pci_alloc();
- if (!pacc) return NULL;
- pci_init(pacc);
- pci_scan_bus(pacc);
- for (p = pacc->devices; p; p=p->next) {
- byte config[256];
- int x=64;
- struct pciDevice *dev;
- memset(config,256,0);
- pci_read_block(p, 0, config, x);
- if (x<128 && (config[PCI_HEADER_TYPE] & 0x7f) == PCI_HEADER_TYPE_CARDBUS) {
- pci_read_block(p, 0, config+64, 64);
- x=128;
- }
- dev = pciGetDeviceInfo(p->vendor_id,p->device_id);
- dev->type = config[PCI_CLASS_DEVICE+1] << 8 | config[PCI_CLASS_DEVICE];
- if (all || (strcmp(dev->driver,"unknown") && strcmp(dev->driver,"ignore"))) {
- if (!type || (type<0xff && (type==dev->type>>8))
- || (type==dev->type)) {
- if (!numDevices) {
- devices = malloc(sizeof(struct pciDevice *));
- } else {
- devices = realloc(devices,(numDevices+1)*sizeof(struct pciDevice *));
- }
- devices[numDevices] = dev;
- numDevices++;
- }
- }
- }
- pci_cleanup(pacc);
- if (devices) {
- devices = realloc(devices,(numDevices+1)*sizeof(struct pciDevice *));
- devices[numDevices] = NULL;
- }
- return devices;
-#ifdef TESTING
-int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- struct pciDevice **list,*dev;
- int x=0;
- if (probePciReadDrivers("pcitable")) {
- perror("error reading pci table");
- exit(0);
- }
- list = probePci(0,1);
- if (list)
- while ((dev=list[x])) {
- printf("%04x %04x %s (%s)\n",dev->vendor,dev->device,
- dev->desc, dev->driver);
- x++;
- }
- exit(0);
diff --git a/isys/pci/pciprobe.h b/isys/pci/pciprobe.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a225606d..000000000
--- a/isys/pci/pciprobe.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-struct pciDevice {
- unsigned int vendor, device, type;
- char * driver;
- char * desc;
-int probePciReadDrivers(const char *fn);
-void probePciFreeDrivers(void);
-struct pciDevice **probePci(unsigned int type, int all);
diff --git a/isys/pci/pcitable b/isys/pci/pcitable
deleted file mode 100644
index da8bad394..000000000
--- a/isys/pci/pcitable
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1449 +0,0 @@
-# This file is automatically generated from isys/pci. Edit
-# it by hand to change a driver mapping. Other changes will
-# be lost at the next merge - you have been warned.
-# The format is ("%d\t%d\t%s\t"%s"\n", classid, devid, moduleName, cardDescription)
-0x0675 0x1700 unknown "Dynalink|IS64PH ISDN Adapter"
-0x0675 0x1702 unknown "Dynalink|IS64PH ISDN Adapter"
-0x0e11 0x0001 unknown "Compaq|PCI to EISA Bridge"
-0x0e11 0x0002 unknown "Compaq|PCI to ISA Bridge"
-0x0e11 0x0508 unknown "Compaq|Netelligent 4/16"
-0x0e11 0x1000 unknown "Compaq|Triflex/Pentium Bridge, Model 1000"
-0x0e11 0x2000 unknown "Compaq|Triflex/Pentium Bridge, Model 2000"
-0x0e11 0x3032 unknown "Compaq|QVision 1280/p"
-0x0e11 0x3033 unknown "Compaq|QVision 1280/p"
-0x0e11 0x3034 unknown "Compaq|QVision 1280/p"
-0x0e11 0x4000 unknown "Compaq|4000 [Triflex]"
-0x0e11 0xa0f3 unknown "Compaq|Triflex PCI to ISA Bridge"
-0x0e11 0xae10 cpqarray.o "Compaq|Smart-2/P RAID Controller"
-0x0e11 0xae29 unknown "Compaq|MIS-L"
-0x0e11 0xae2a unknown "Compaq|MPC"
-0x0e11 0xae2b unknown "Compaq|MIS-E"
-0x0e11 0xae32 tlan.o "Compaq|Netelligent 10/100"
-0x0e11 0xae34 tlan.o "Compaq|Netelligent 10"
-0x0e11 0xae35 tlan.o "Compaq|Integrated NetFlex-3/P"
-0x0e11 0xae40 tlan.o "Compaq|Netelligent 10/100 Dual"
-0x0e11 0xae43 tlan.o "Compaq|ProLiant Integrated Netelligent 10/100"
-0x0e11 0xae69 unknown "Compaq|CETUS-L"
-0x0e11 0xae6c tlan.o "Compaq|Northstar"
-0x0e11 0xb011 tlan.o "Compaq|Integrated Netelligent 10/100"
-0x0e11 0xb012 tlan.o "Compaq|Netelligent 10 T/2"
-0x0e11 0xb030 unknown "Compaq|Netelligent WS 5100"
-0x0e11 0xb04a unknown "Compaq|10/100TX WOL UTP Controller"
-0x0e11 0xb060 cciss.o "Compaq|Smart Array 5300 Controller"
-0x0e11 0xb0c6 unknown "Compaq|10/100TX Embedded WOL UTP Controller"
-0x0e11 0xb0d7 unknown "Compaq|NC3121 (Rev A & B)"
-0x0e11 0xf130 tlan.o "Compaq|NetFlex-3/P ThunderLAN 1.0"
-0x0e11 0xf150 tlan.o "Compaq|NetFlex-3/P ThunderLAN 2.3"
-0x1000 0x0001 53c7,8xx.o "Symbios|53c810"
-0x1000 0x0002 53c7,8xx.o "Symbios|53c820"
-0x1000 0x0003 53c7,8xx.o "Symbios|53c825"
-0x1000 0x0004 53c7,8xx.o "Symbios|53c815"
-0x1000 0x0005 53c7,8xx.o "Symbios|53c810AP"
-0x1000 0x0006 53c7,8xx.o "Symbios|53c860"
-0x1000 0x000b 53c7,8xx.o "Symbios|53c896"
-0x1000 0x000c 53c7,8xx.o "Symbios|53c895"
-0x1000 0x000d 53c7,8xx.o "Symbios|53c885"
-0x1000 0x000f 53c7,8xx.o "Symbios|53c875"
-0x1000 0x0012 sym53c8xx.o "Symbios|53c895a"
-0x1000 0x008f 53c7,8xx.o "Symbios|53c875J"
-0x1000 0x0701 yellowfin.o "Symbios|83C885 gigabit ethernet"
-0x1000 0x0702 yellowfin.o "Symbios|Yellowfin G-NIC gigabit ethernet"
-0x1000 0x0901 unknown "Symbios|61C102"
-0x1000 0x1000 unknown "Symbios|63C815"
-0x1001 0x9100 unknown "Initio|INI-9100/9100W SCSI Host"
-0x1002 0x4158 ignore "ATI|68800AX [Mach32]"
-0x1002 0x4354 ignore "ATI|215CT [Mach64 CT]"
-0x1002 0x4358 ignore "ATI|210888CX [Mach64 CX]"
-0x1002 0x4554 ignore "ATI|210888ET [Mach64 ET]"
-0x1002 0x4654 unknown "ATI|Mach64 VT"
-0x1002 0x4742 ignore "ATI|3D Rage Pro AGP 1X/2X"
-0x1002 0x4744 ignore "ATI|3D Rage Pro AGP 1X"
-0x1002 0x4747 unknown "ATI|3D Rage Pro"
-0x1002 0x4749 ignore "ATI|3D Rage Pro"
-0x1002 0x474c unknown "ATI|Rage XC"
-0x1002 0x474d unknown "ATI|Rage XL AGP"
-0x1002 0x474e unknown "ATI|Rage XC AGP"
-0x1002 0x474f unknown "ATI|Rage XL"
-0x1002 0x4750 ignore "ATI|3D Rage Pro 215GP"
-0x1002 0x4751 ignore "ATI|3D Rage Pro 215GQ"
-0x1002 0x4753 unknown "ATI|Rage XC"
-0x1002 0x4754 ignore "ATI|3D Rage I/II 215GT [Mach64 GT]"
-0x1002 0x4755 ignore "ATI|3D Rage II+ 215GTB [Mach64 GTB]"
-0x1002 0x4756 ignore "ATI|3D Rage IIC 215IIC [Mach64 GT IIC]"
-0x1002 0x4757 unknown "ATI|3D Rage IIC AGP"
-0x1002 0x4758 ignore "ATI|210888GX [Mach64 GX]"
-0x1002 0x4759 unknown "ATI|3D Rage IIC"
-0x1002 0x475a unknown "ATI|3D Rage IIC AGP"
-0x1002 0x4c42 unknown "ATI|3D Rage LT Pro AGP-133"
-0x1002 0x4c44 unknown "ATI|3D Rage LT Pro AGP-66"
-0x1002 0x4c47 ignore "ATI|3D Rage LT-G 215LG"
-0x1002 0x4c49 unknown "ATI|3D Rage LT Pro"
-0x1002 0x4c4d unknown "ATI|3D Rage P/M Mobility AGP 2x"
-0x1002 0x4c4e unknown "ATI|3D Rage L Mobility AGP 2x"
-0x1002 0x4c50 unknown "ATI|3D Rage LT Pro"
-0x1002 0x4c51 unknown "ATI|3D Rage LT Pro"
-0x1002 0x4c52 unknown "ATI|3D Rage P/M Mobility"
-0x1002 0x4c53 unknown "ATI|3D Rage L Mobility"
-0x1002 0x4c54 ignore "ATI|264LT [Mach64 LT]"
-0x1002 0x5041 unknown "ATI|Rage 128 Pro"
-0x1002 0x5042 unknown "ATI|Rage 128 Pro AGP 2x"
-0x1002 0x5043 unknown "ATI|Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x"
-0x1002 0x5044 unknown "ATI|Rage 128 Pro"
-0x1002 0x5045 unknown "ATI|Rage 128 Pro AGP 2x"
-0x1002 0x5046 unknown "ATI|Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x"
-0x1002 0x5047 unknown "ATI|Rage 128 Pro"
-0x1002 0x5048 unknown "ATI|Rage 128 Pro AGP 2x"
-0x1002 0x5049 unknown "ATI|Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x"
-0x1002 0x504a unknown "ATI|Rage 128 Pro"
-0x1002 0x504b unknown "ATI|Rage 128 Pro AGP 2x"
-0x1002 0x504c unknown "ATI|Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x"
-0x1002 0x504d unknown "ATI|Rage 128 Pro"
-0x1002 0x504e unknown "ATI|Rage 128 Pro AGP 2x"
-0x1002 0x504f unknown "ATI|Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x"
-0x1002 0x5050 unknown "ATI|Rage 128 Pro"
-0x1002 0x5051 unknown "ATI|Rage 128 Pro AGP 2x"
-0x1002 0x5052 unknown "ATI|Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x"
-0x1002 0x5053 unknown "ATI|Rage 128 Pro"
-0x1002 0x5054 unknown "ATI|Rage 128 Pro AGP 2x"
-0x1002 0x5055 unknown "ATI|Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x"
-0x1002 0x5056 unknown "ATI|Rage 128 Pro"
-0x1002 0x5057 unknown "ATI|Rage 128 Pro AGP 2x"
-0x1002 0x5058 unknown "ATI|Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x"
-0x1002 0x5245 unknown "ATI|Rage 128 GL"
-0x1002 0x5246 unknown "ATI|Rage 128 GL AGP 1x/2x"
-0x1002 0x524b unknown "ATI|Rage 128 VR"
-0x1002 0x524c unknown "ATI|Rage 128 VR AGP 1x/2x"
-0x1002 0x5345 unknown "ATI|Rage 128 4x"
-0x1002 0x5346 unknown "ATI|Rage 128 4x AGP 2x"
-0x1002 0x5347 unknown "ATI|Rage 128 4x AGP 4x"
-0x1002 0x5348 unknown "ATI|Rage 128 4x"
-0x1002 0x534b unknown "ATI|Rage 128 4x"
-0x1002 0x534c unknown "ATI|Rage 128 4x AGP 2x"
-0x1002 0x534d unknown "ATI|Rage 128 4x AGP 4x"
-0x1002 0x534e unknown "ATI|Rage 128 4x"
-0x1002 0x5354 unknown "ATI|Mach64 ST"
-0x1002 0x5654 ignore "ATI|264VT [Mach64 VT]"
-0x1002 0x5655 ignore "ATI|264VT3 [Mach64 VT3]"
-0x1002 0x5656 ignore "ATI|264VT4 [Mach64 VT4]"
-0x1003 0x0201 unknown "ULSI Systems|US201"
-0x1004 0x0005 ignore "VLSI|82C592-FC1"
-0x1004 0x0006 ignore "VLSI|82C593-FC1"
-0x1004 0x0007 ignore "VLSI|82C594-AFC2"
-0x1004 0x0008 ignore "VLSI|82C596/7 [Wildcat]"
-0x1004 0x0009 ignore "VLSI|82C597-AFC2"
-0x1004 0x000c ignore "VLSI|82C541 [Lynx]"
-0x1004 0x000d ignore "VLSI|82C543 [Lynx]"
-0x1004 0x0101 ignore "VLSI|82C532"
-0x1004 0x0102 ignore "VLSI|82C534"
-0x1004 0x0103 ignore "VLSI|82C538"
-0x1004 0x0104 ignore "VLSI|82C535"
-0x1004 0x0105 ignore "VLSI|82C147"
-0x1004 0x0200 ignore "VLSI|82C975"
-0x1004 0x0280 ignore "VLSI|82C925"
-0x1004 0x0702 ignore "VLSI|VAS96011 [Golden Gate II]"
-0x1005 0x2064 unknown "Avance Logic Inc. [ALI]|ALG2032/2064"
-0x1005 0x2128 unknown "Avance Logic Inc. [ALI]|ALG2364A"
-0x1005 0x2301 unknown "Avance Logic Inc. [ALI]|ALG2301"
-0x1005 0x2302 unknown "Avance Logic Inc. [ALI]|ALG2302"
-0x1005 0x2364 unknown "Avance Logic Inc. [ALI]|ALG2364"
-0x1005 0x2464 unknown "Avance Logic Inc. [ALI]|ALG2364A"
-0x1005 0x2501 unknown "Avance Logic Inc. [ALI]|ALG2564A/25128A"
-0x100b 0x0001 unknown "National Semi|DP83810"
-0x100b 0x0002 unknown "National Semi|87415"
-0x100b 0xd001 unknown "National Semi|87410"
-0x100c 0x3202 ignore "Tseng Labs Inc|ET4000/W32p rev A"
-0x100c 0x3205 ignore "Tseng Labs Inc|ET4000/W32p rev B"
-0x100c 0x3206 ignore "Tseng Labs Inc|ET4000/W32p rev C"
-0x100c 0x3207 ignore "Tseng Labs Inc|ET4000/W32p rev D"
-0x100c 0x3208 ignore "Tseng Labs Inc|ET6000"
-0x100c 0x4702 unknown "Tseng Labs Inc|ET6300"
-0x100e 0x9000 unknown "Weitek|P9000"
-0x100e 0x9001 ignore "Weitek|P9000"
-0x100e 0x9100 ignore "Weitek|P9100"
-0x1011 0x0001 tulip.o "DEC|DECchip 21050"
-0x1011 0x0002 tulip.o "DEC|DECchip 21040 [Tulip]"
-0x1011 0x0004 ignore "DEC|DECchip 21030 [TGA]"
-0x1011 0x0007 unknown "DEC|NVRAM [Zephyr NVRAM]"
-0x1011 0x0008 unknown "DEC|KZPSA [KZPSA]"
-0x1011 0x0009 tulip.o "DEC|DECchip 21140 [FasterNet]"
-0x1011 0x000a unknown "DEC|21230 Video Codec"
-0x1011 0x000d ignore "DEC|PBXGB [TGA2]"
-0x1011 0x000f unknown "DEC|DEFPA"
-0x1011 0x0014 tulip.o "DEC|DECchip 21041 [Tulip Pass 3]"
-0x1011 0x0016 unknown "DEC|DGLPB [OPPO]"
-0x1011 0x0019 tulip.o "DEC|DECchip 21142/43"
-0x1011 0x0021 tulip.o "DEC|DECchip 21052"
-0x1011 0x0022 tulip.o "DEC|DECchip 21150"
-0x1011 0x0024 tulip.o "DEC|DECchip 21152"
-0x1011 0x0025 tulip.o "DEC|DECchip 21153"
-0x1011 0x0026 unknown "DEC|DECchip 21154"
-0x1011 0x0045 unknown "DEC|DECchip 21553"
-0x1011 0x0046 unknown "DEC|DECchip 21554"
-0x1013 0x0038 ignore "Cirrus Logic|GD 7548"
-0x1013 0x0040 unknown "Cirrus Logic|GD 7555 Flat Panel GUI Accelerator"
-0x1013 0x004c unknown "Cirrus Logic|GD 7556 Video/Graphics LCD/CRT Ctrlr"
-0x1013 0x00a0 ignore "Cirrus Logic|GD 5430/40 [Alpine]"
-0x1013 0x00a2 unknown "Cirrus Logic|GD 5432 [Alpine]"
-0x1013 0x00a4 ignore "Cirrus Logic|GD 5434-4 [Alpine]"
-0x1013 0x00a8 ignore "Cirrus Logic|GD 5434-8 [Alpine]"
-0x1013 0x00ac ignore "Cirrus Logic|GD 5436 [Alpine]"
-0x1013 0x00b0 unknown "Cirrus Logic|GD 5440"
-0x1013 0x00b8 ignore "Cirrus Logic|GD 5446"
-0x1013 0x00bc ignore "Cirrus Logic|GD 5480"
-0x1013 0x00d0 ignore "Cirrus Logic|GD 5462"
-0x1013 0x00d2 unknown "Cirrus Logic|GD 5462 [Laguna I]"
-0x1013 0x00d4 ignore "Cirrus Logic|GD 5464 [Laguna]"
-0x1013 0x00d6 ignore "Cirrus Logic|GD 5465 [Laguna]"
-0x1013 0x00e8 unknown "Cirrus Logic|GD 5436U"
-0x1013 0x1100 ignore "Cirrus Logic|CL 6729"
-0x1013 0x1110 ignore "Cirrus Logic|PD 6832"
-0x1013 0x1112 unknown "Cirrus Logic|PD 6834 PCMCIA/CardBus Ctrlr"
-0x1013 0x1113 unknown "Cirrus Logic|PD 6833 PCMCIA/CardBus Ctrlr"
-0x1013 0x1200 ignore "Cirrus Logic|GD 7542 [Nordic]"
-0x1013 0x1202 ignore "Cirrus Logic|GD 7543 [Viking]"
-0x1013 0x1204 ignore "Cirrus Logic|GD 7541 [Nordic Light]"
-0x1013 0x4400 unknown "Cirrus Logic|CD 4400"
-0x1013 0x6001 unknown "Cirrus Logic|CS 4610/11 [CrystalClear SoundFusion Audio Accelerator]"
-0x1013 0x6003 unknown "Cirrus Logic|CS 4614/22/24 [CrystalClear SoundFusion Audio Accelerator]"
-0x1014 0x0002 unknown "IBM|PCI to MCA Bridge"
-0x1014 0x0005 unknown "IBM|Alta Lite"
-0x1014 0x0007 unknown "IBM|Alta MP"
-0x1014 0x000a unknown "IBM|Fire Coral"
-0x1014 0x0018 unknown "IBM|TR Auto LANstreamer"
-0x1014 0x001b unknown "IBM|GXT-150P"
-0x1014 0x001d unknown "IBM|82G2675"
-0x1014 0x0020 unknown "IBM|MCA"
-0x1014 0x0022 unknown "IBM|IBM27-82351"
-0x1014 0x002d unknown "IBM|Python"
-0x1014 0x002e unknown "IBM|ServeRAID controller"
-0x1014 0x0036 unknown "IBM|Miami"
-0x1014 0x003e unknown "IBM|TR_Wake"
-0x1014 0x0046 unknown "IBM|MPIC interrupt controller"
-0x1014 0x0053 unknown "IBM|25 MBit ATM Controller"
-0x1014 0x0057 unknown "IBM|MPEG PCI Bridge"
-0x1014 0x005C unknown "IBM|i82557B 10/100 PCI Ethernet Adapter"
-0x1014 0x007d unknown "IBM|3780IDSP [MWave]"
-0x1014 0x0095 unknown "IBM|20H2999 PCI Docking Bridge"
-0x1014 0x00b7 unknown "IBM|256-bit Graphics Rasterizer [Fire GL1]"
-0x1014 0xffff unknown "IBM|MPIC-2 interrupt controller"
-0x1017 0x5343 unknown "SPEA Software AG|SPEA 3D Accelerator"
-0x101a 0x0005 unknown "AT&T GIS (NCR)|100VG ethernet"
-0x101c 0x0193 unknown "Western Digital|33C193A"
-0x101c 0x0196 unknown "Western Digital|33C196A"
-0x101c 0x0197 unknown "Western Digital|33C197A"
-0x101c 0x0296 unknown "Western Digital|33C296A"
-0x101c 0x3193 unknown "Western Digital|7193"
-0x101c 0x3197 unknown "Western Digital|7197"
-0x101c 0x3296 unknown "Western Digital|33C296A"
-0x101c 0x4296 unknown "Western Digital|34C296"
-0x101c 0x9710 unknown "Western Digital|Pipeline 9710"
-0x101c 0x9712 unknown "Western Digital|Pipeline 9712"
-0x101c 0xc24a unknown "Western Digital|90C"
-0x101e 0x9010 megaraid.o "AMI|MegaRAID"
-0x101e 0x9060 megaraid.o "AMI|MegaRAID"
-0x1022 0x2000 lance.o "Advanced Micro Devices [AMD]|79c970 [PCnet LANCE]"
-0x1022 0x2001 unknown "Advanced Micro Devices [AMD]|79c978 [HomePNA]"
-0x1022 0x2020 unknown "Advanced Micro Devices [AMD]|53c974 [PCscsi]"
-0x1022 0x2040 unknown "Advanced Micro Devices [AMD]|79c974"
-0x1023 0x0194 unknown "Trident Microsystems|82C194"
-0x1023 0x2000 unknown "Trident Microsystems|4DWave DX"
-0x1023 0x2001 unknown "Trident Microsystems|4DWave NX"
-0x1023 0x9320 ignore "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9320"
-0x1023 0x9382 unknown "Trident Microsystems|Cyber 9382 [Reference design]"
-0x1023 0x9383 unknown "Trident Microsystems|Cyber 9383 [Reference design]"
-0x1023 0x9385 unknown "Trident Microsystems|Cyber 9385 [Reference design]"
-0x1023 0x9386 unknown "Trident Microsystems|Cyber 9386"
-0x1023 0x9388 unknown "Trident Microsystems|Cyber 9388"
-0x1023 0x9397 ignore "Trident Microsystems|Cyber 9397"
-0x1023 0x939a unknown "Trident Microsystems|Cyber 9397DVD"
-0x1023 0x9420 ignore "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9420"
-0x1023 0x9430 ignore "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9430"
-0x1023 0x9440 ignore "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9440"
-0x1023 0x9460 unknown "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9460"
-0x1023 0x9470 unknown "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9470"
-0x1023 0x9520 unknown "Trident Microsystems|Cyber 9520"
-0x1023 0x9525 unknown "Trident Microsystems|Cyber 9525"
-0x1023 0x9660 ignore "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9660/968x/968x"
-0x1023 0x9680 unknown "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9680"
-0x1023 0x9682 unknown "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9682"
-0x1023 0x9683 unknown "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9683"
-0x1023 0x9685 unknown "Trident Microsystems|ProVIDIA 9685"
-0x1023 0x9750 ignore "Trident Microsystems|3DIm`age 975"
-0x1023 0x9753 unknown "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9753"
-0x1023 0x9754 unknown "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9754"
-0x1023 0x9759 unknown "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 975"
-0x1023 0x9783 unknown "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9783"
-0x1023 0x9785 unknown "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9785"
-0x1023 0x9850 unknown "Trident Microsystems|3DImage 9850"
-0x1023 0x9880 unknown "Trident Microsystems|Blade 3D PCI/AGP"
-0x1025 0x1435 ignore "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1435"
-0x1025 0x1445 ignore "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1445"
-0x1025 0x1449 ignore "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1449"
-0x1025 0x1451 ignore "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1451"
-0x1025 0x1461 ignore "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1461"
-0x1025 0x1489 unknown "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1489"
-0x1025 0x1511 unknown "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1511"
-0x1025 0x1513 unknown "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1513"
-0x1025 0x1531 unknown "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1531"
-0x1025 0x1533 unknown "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1533"
-0x1025 0x3141 ignore "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M3141"
-0x1025 0x3143 ignore "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M3143"
-0x1025 0x3145 ignore "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M3145"
-0x1025 0x3147 ignore "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M3147"
-0x1025 0x3149 ignore "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M3149"
-0x1025 0x3151 ignore "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M3151"
-0x1025 0x5217 unknown "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M5217H"
-0x1025 0x5219 unknown "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M5219"
-0x1025 0x5225 unknown "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M5225"
-0x1025 0x5229 unknown "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M5229"
-0x1025 0x5235 unknown "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M5235"
-0x102a 0x0000 unknown "LSI Logic|HYDRA"
-0x102a 0x0010 unknown "LSI Logic|ASPEN"
-0x102b 0x0010 unknown "Matrox|MGA-I [Impression]"
-0x102b 0x0518 ignore "Matrox|MGA-II [Athena]"
-0x102b 0x0519 ignore "Matrox|MGA 2064W [Millennium]"
-0x102b 0x051a ignore "Matrox|MGA 1064SG [Mystique]"
-0x102b 0x051b ignore "Matrox|MGA 2164W [Millennium II]"
-0x102b 0x051e unknown "Matrox|MGA 1064SG [Mystique] AGP"
-0x102b 0x051f ignore "Matrox|MGA 2164W [Millennium II] AGP"
-0x102b 0x0520 ignore "Matrox|MGA G200"
-0x102b 0x0521 ignore "Matrox|MGA G200 AGP [Millennium] AGP"
-0x102b 0x0525 unknown "Matrox|MGA G400 AGP"
-0x102b 0x0d10 ignore "Matrox|MGA Ultima/Impression"
-0x102b 0x1000 ignore "Matrox|MGA G100 [Productiva]"
-0x102b 0x1001 ignore "Matrox|MGA G100 [Productiva] AGP"
-0x102b 0x2007 unknown "Matrox|MGA Mistral"
-0x102c 0x00b8 ignore "C&T|64310"
-0x102c 0x00c0 unknown "C&T|F69000 HiQVideo"
-0x102c 0x00d0 unknown "C&T|F65545"
-0x102c 0x00d8 ignore "C&T|65545"
-0x102c 0x00dc ignore "C&T|65548"
-0x102c 0x00e0 ignore "C&T|65550"
-0x102c 0x00e4 ignore "C&T|65554"
-0x102c 0x00e5 ignore "C&T|65555"
-0x102c 0x00f0 unknown "C&T|F68554"
-0x102c 0x00f4 unknown "C&T|F68554 HiQVision"
-0x102c 0x00f5 unknown "C&T|F68555"
-0x102d 0x50dc unknown "Wyse Technology Inc.|3328 Audio"
-0x102f 0x0009 unknown "Toshiba America|r4x00"
-0x102f 0x0020 unknown "Toshiba America|ATM Meteor 155"
-0x1031 0x5601 unknown "Miro|DC20 ASIC"
-0x1031 0x5607 unknown "Miro|Video I/O & motion JPEG compressor"
-0x1031 0x5631 unknown "Miro|Media 3D"
-0x1031 0x6057 unknown "Miro|MiroVideo DC10/DC30+"
-0x1033 0x0001 unknown "NEC|PCI to 486-like bus Bridge"
-0x1033 0x0002 unknown "NEC|PCI to VL98 Bridge"
-0x1033 0x0003 unknown "NEC|ATM Controller"
-0x1033 0x0004 unknown "NEC|R4000 PCI Bridge"
-0x1033 0x0005 unknown "NEC|PCI to 486-like bus Bridge"
-0x1033 0x0007 unknown "NEC|PCI to UX-Bus Bridge"
-0x1033 0x0029 unknown "NEC|PowerVR PCX1"
-0x1033 0x002a unknown "NEC|PowerVR 3D"
-0x1033 0x0035 unknown "NEC|USB"
-0x1033 0x0046 unknown "NEC|PowerVR PCX2 [midas]"
-0x1033 0x0063 unknown "NEC|Firewarden"
-0x1033 0x0074 unknown "NEC|56k Voice Modem"
-0x1036 0x0000 unknown "Future Domain|TMC-18C30 [36C70]"
-0x1039 0x0001 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|5591/5592 AGP"
-0x1039 0x0002 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SG86C202"
-0x1039 0x0006 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|85C501/2/3"
-0x1039 0x0008 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|85C503/5513"
-0x1039 0x0009 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|ACPI"
-0x1039 0x0200 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|5597/5598 VGA"
-0x1039 0x0204 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|82C204"
-0x1039 0x0205 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SG86C205"
-0x1039 0x0406 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|85C501/2"
-0x1039 0x0496 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|85C496"
-0x1039 0x0597 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|5513C"
-0x1039 0x0601 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|85C601"
-0x1039 0x0900 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS900 10/100 Ethernet"
-0x1039 0x3602 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|83C602"
-0x1039 0x5107 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|5107"
-0x1039 0x5511 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|5511/5512"
-0x1039 0x5513 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|5513"
-0x1039 0x5517 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|5517"
-0x1039 0x5571 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|5571"
-0x1039 0x5591 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|5591/5592 Host"
-0x1039 0x5597 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|5597 [SiS5582]"
-0x1039 0x6204 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|Video decoder & MPEG interface"
-0x1039 0x6236 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|6236 AGP"
-0x1039 0x6326 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|86C326"
-0x1039 0x7001 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|7001"
-0x1039 0x7007 unknown "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|OHCI Compliant FireWire Controller"
-0x103c 0x1030 unknown "HP|J2585A"
-0x103c 0x1031 unknown "HP|J2585B"
-0x103c 0x1040 unknown "HP|J2973A DeskDirect 10BaseT NIC"
-0x103c 0x1041 unknown "HP|J2585B DeskDirect 10/100 NIC"
-0x103c 0x1042 unknown "HP|J2970A DeskDirect 10BaseT/2 NIC"
-0x103c 0x1064 unknown "HP|79C970 PCnet Ethernet Controller"
-0x103c 0x2910 unknown "HP|E2910A"
-0x103c 0x2925 unknown "HP|E2925A"
-0x1042 0x1000 unknown "Micron|FDC 37C665"
-0x1042 0x1001 unknown "Micron|37C922"
-0x1042 0x3000 unknown "Micron|Samurai_0"
-0x1042 0x3010 unknown "Micron|Samurai_1"
-0x1042 0x3020 unknown "Micron|Samurai_IDE"
-0x1044 0x1012 unknown "Distributed Tech|Domino RAID Engine"
-0x1044 0xa400 unknown "Distributed Tech|SmartCache/Raid I-IV Controller"
-0x1044 0xa500 unknown "Distributed Tech|PCI Bridge"
-0x1044 0xa501 unknown "Distributed Tech|SmartRAID V Controller"
-0x1045 0xa0f8 unknown "OPTi Inc.|82C750 [Vendetta] USB Controller"
-0x1045 0xc101 unknown "OPTi Inc.|92C264"
-0x1045 0xc178 ignore "OPTi Inc.|92C178"
-0x1045 0xc556 unknown "OPTi Inc.|82X556 [Viper]"
-0x1045 0xc557 ignore "OPTi Inc.|82C557 [Viper-M]"
-0x1045 0xc558 ignore "OPTi Inc.|82C558 [Viper-M ISA+IDE]"
-0x1045 0xc567 unknown "OPTi Inc.|82C750 [Vendetta], device 0"
-0x1045 0xc568 unknown "OPTi Inc.|82C750 [Vendetta], device 1"
-0x1045 0xc569 unknown "OPTi Inc.|82C579 [Viper XPress+ Chipset]"
-0x1045 0xc621 ignore "OPTi Inc.|82C621"
-0x1045 0xc700 ignore "OPTi Inc.|82C700"
-0x1045 0xc701 ignore "OPTi Inc.|82C701 [FireStar Plus]"
-0x1045 0xc814 ignore "OPTi Inc.|82C814 [Firebridge 1]"
-0x1045 0xc822 ignore "OPTi Inc.|82C822"
-0x1045 0xc824 ignore "OPTi Inc.|82C824"
-0x1045 0xc825 unknown "OPTi Inc.|82C825 [Firebridge 2]"
-0x1045 0xc861 ignore "OPTi Inc.|82C861"
-0x1045 0xc895 unknown "OPTi Inc.|82C895"
-0x1045 0xd568 ignore "OPTi Inc.|82C825 [Firebridge 2]"
-0x1048 0x1000 unknown "Elsa AG|QuickStep 1000pro"
-0x104a 0x0008 unknown "SGS Thomson|STG 2000X"
-0x104a 0x0009 unknown "SGS Thomson|STG 1764X"
-0x104a 0x1746 unknown "SGS Thomson|STG 1764X"
-0x104a 0x3520 unknown "SGS Thomson|MPEG-II decoder card"
-0x104b 0x0140 BusLogic.o "BusLogic|BT-946C (old) [multimaster 01]"
-0x104b 0x1040 BusLogic.o "BusLogic|BT-946C (BA80C30) [MultiMaster 10]"
-0x104b 0x8130 BusLogic.o "BusLogic|Flashpoint LT"
-0x104c 0x0500 unknown "Texas Instruments|100 MBit LAN Controller"
-0x104c 0x0508 unknown "Texas Instruments|TMS380C2X Compressor Interface"
-0x104c 0x1000 unknown "Texas Instruments|Eagle i/f AS"
-0x104c 0x3d04 ignore "Texas Instruments|TVP4010 [Permedia]"
-0x104c 0x3d07 ignore "Texas Instruments|TVP4020 [Permedia 2]"
-0x104c 0x8000 unknown "Texas Instruments|LYNX FireWire Host Controller"
-0x104c 0x8009 unknown "Texas Instruments|OHCI Compliant FireWire Controller"
-0x104c 0x8019 unknown "Texas Instruments|TSB12LV23 OHCI Compliant IEEE-1394 Controller"
-0x104c 0xa001 ignore "Texas Instruments|TDC1570"
-0x104c 0xa100 ignore "Texas Instruments|TDC1561"
-0x104c 0xac10 ignore "Texas Instruments|PCI1050"
-0x104c 0xac11 ignore "Texas Instruments|PCI1053"
-0x104c 0xac12 ignore "Texas Instruments|PCI1130"
-0x104c 0xac13 ignore "Texas Instruments|PCI1031"
-0x104c 0xac15 ignore "Texas Instruments|PCI1131"
-0x104c 0xac16 ignore "Texas Instruments|PCI1250"
-0x104c 0xac17 ignore "Texas Instruments|PCI1220"
-0x104c 0xac18 unknown "Texas Instruments|PCI1260"
-0x104c 0xac19 unknown "Texas Instruments|PCI1221"
-0x104c 0xac1a unknown "Texas Instruments|PCI1210"
-0x104c 0xac1b unknown "Texas Instruments|PCI1221"
-0x104c 0xac1c unknown "Texas Instruments|PCI1225"
-0x104c 0xac1d unknown "Texas Instruments|PCI1251"
-0x104c 0xac20 unknown "Texas Instruments|TI 2030"
-0x104c 0xfe03 unknown "Texas Instruments|12C01A FireWire Host Controller"
-0x104e 0x0017 unknown "Oak Technology, Inc|OTI-64017"
-0x104e 0x0107 unknown "Oak Technology, Inc|OTI-107 [Spitfire]"
-0x104e 0x0111 unknown "Oak Technology, Inc|OTI-64111 [Spitfire]"
-0x104e 0x0217 unknown "Oak Technology, Inc|OTI-64217"
-0x104e 0x0317 unknown "Oak Technology, Inc|OTI-64317"
-0x1050 0x0000 unknown "Winbond Electronics Corp|NE2000"
-0x1050 0x0001 unknown "Winbond Electronics Corp|W83769F"
-0x1050 0x0105 unknown "Winbond Electronics Corp|W82C105"
-0x1050 0x0840 unknown "Winbond Electronics Corp|89C840"
-0x1050 0x0940 unknown "Winbond Electronics Corp|89C940"
-0x1050 0x9970 unknown "Winbond Electronics Corp|W9970CF"
-0x1507 0x0001 unknown "Motorola Computer Group|MPC105 [Eagle]"
-0x1507 0x0002 unknown "Motorola Computer Group|MPC106 [Grackle]"
-0x1507 0x0431 unknown "Motorola Computer Group|KTI829c 100VG"
-0x1507 0x4801 unknown "Motorola Computer Group|Raven"
-0x1507 0x4802 unknown "Motorola Computer Group|Falcon"
-0x1507 0x4803 unknown "Motorola Computer Group|Hawk"
-0x1507 0x4806 unknown "Motorola Computer Group|CPX8216"
-0x1057 0x0001 ignore "Motorola Computer Group|MPC105 [Eagle]"
-0x1057 0x0002 ignore "Motorola Computer Group|MPC106 [Grackle]"
-0x1057 0x0431 unknown "Motorola Computer Group|KTI829c 100VG"
-0x1057 0x4801 ignore "Motorola Computer Group|Raven"
-0x1057 0x4802 unknown "Motorola Computer Group|Falcon"
-0x1057 0x4803 unknown "Motorola Computer Group|Hawk"
-0x1057 0x4806 unknown "Motorola Computer Group|CPX8216"
-0x105a 0x4d33 unknown "Promise Technology, Inc.|20246"
-0x105a 0x4d38 unknown "Promise Technology, Inc.|20262"
-0x105a 0x5300 unknown "Promise Technology, Inc.|DC5300"
-0x105d 0x2309 ignore "Number 9|Imagine 128"
-0x105d 0x2339 ignore "Number 9|Imagine 128-II"
-0x105d 0x493d ignore "Number 9|Imagine 128 T2R [Ticket to Ride]"
-0x105d 0x5348 unknown "Number 9|Revolution 4"
-0x1060 0x0001 ignore "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM82C881"
-0x1060 0x0002 ignore "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM82C886"
-0x1060 0x0101 ignore "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8673F"
-0x1060 0x0881 ignore "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8881"
-0x1060 0x0886 ignore "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8886F"
-0x1060 0x0891 ignore "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8891A"
-0x1060 0x1001 ignore "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM886A"
-0x1060 0x673a ignore "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8886BF"
-0x1060 0x8710 ignore "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8710"
-0x1060 0x886a ignore "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8886A"
-0x1060 0x8881 ignore "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8881F"
-0x1060 0x8886 ignore "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8886F"
-0x1060 0x888a ignore "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8886A"
-0x1060 0x8891 ignore "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8891A"
-0x1060 0x9017 ignore "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM9017F"
-0x1060 0x9018 unknown "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM9018"
-0x1060 0x9026 unknown "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM9026"
-0x1060 0xe881 ignore "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8881N"
-0x1060 0xe886 ignore "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8886N"
-0x1060 0xe891 ignore "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8891N"
-0x1061 0x0001 unknown "I.I.T.|AGX016"
-0x1061 0x0002 unknown "I.I.T.|IIT3204/3501"
-0x1066 0x0000 ignore "PicoPower Technology|PT80C826"
-0x1066 0x0001 ignore "PicoPower Technology|PT86C52x [Vesuvius]"
-0x1066 0x0002 ignore "PicoPower Technology|PT80C524 [Nile]"
-0x1066 0x0005 unknown "PicoPower Technology|National PC87550 System Controller"
-0x1066 0x8002 ignore "PicoPower Technology|PT80C524 [Nile]"
-0x1069 0x0001 dac960.o "Mylex Corporation|DAC960P"
-0x1069 0x0002 unknown "Mylex Corporation|DAC960PD"
-0x1069 0x0010 unknown "Mylex Corporation|DAC960PX"
-0x1069 0xba55 unknown "Mylex Corporation|eXtremeRAID support Device"
-0x106b 0x0001 ignore "Apple Computer Inc.|Bandit PowerPC host bridge"
-0x106b 0x0002 ignore "Apple Computer Inc.|Grand Central I/O"
-0x106b 0x0003 ignore "Apple Computer Inc.|Control Video"
-0x106b 0x0004 ignore "Apple Computer Inc.|PlanB Video-In"
-0x106b 0x0007 unknown "Apple Computer Inc.|O'Hare I/O"
-0x106b 0x000e ignore "Apple Computer Inc.|Hydra Mac I/O"
-0x106b 0x0010 unknown "Apple Computer Inc.|Heathrow Mac I/O"
-0x106b 0x0017 unknown "Apple Computer Inc.|Paddington Mac I/O"
-0x106c 0x8803 unknown "Hyundai Electronics America|Dual Window Graphics Accelerator"
-0x106c 0x8804 unknown "Hyundai Electronics America|PCI LAN Controller"
-0x106c 0x8805 unknown "Hyundai Electronics America|100-BaseT LAN"
-0x1073 0x0002 unknown "Yamaha Corporation|YGV615 [RPA3 3D-Graphics Controller]"
-0x1073 0x0003 unknown "Yamaha Corporation|YMF-740"
-0x1073 0x0004 unknown "Yamaha Corporation|YMF-724"
-0x1073 0x000C unknown "Yamaha Corporation|YMF-740C [DS-1L Audio Controller]"
-0x1073 0x000D unknown "Yamaha Corporation|YMF-724F [DS-1 Audio Controller]"
-0x1073 0x0010 unknown "Yamaha Corporation|YMF-744B [DS-1S Audio Controller]"
-0x1074 0x4e78 unknown "NexGen Microsystems|82c500/1"
-0x1077 0x1020 qlogicisp.o "Q Logic|ISP1020"
-0x1077 0x1022 qlogicisp.o "Q Logic|ISP1022"
-0x1077 0x1080 unknown "Q Logic|ISP1080"
-0x1077 0x1240 unknown "Q Logic|ISP1240"
-0x1077 0x2020 unknown "Q Logic|ISP2020A"
-0x1077 0x2100 qlogicisp.o "Q Logic|ISP2100"
-0x1078 0x0000 unknown "Cyrix Corporation|5510 [Grappa]"
-0x1078 0x0001 unknown "Cyrix Corporation|PCI Master"
-0x1078 0x0002 unknown "Cyrix Corporation|5520 [Cognac]"
-0x1078 0x0100 unknown "Cyrix Corporation|5530 Legacy [Kahlua]"
-0x1078 0x0101 unknown "Cyrix Corporation|5530 SMI [Kahlua]"
-0x1078 0x0102 unknown "Cyrix Corporation|5530 IDE [Kahlua]"
-0x1078 0x0103 unknown "Cyrix Corporation|5530 Audio [Kahlua]"
-0x1078 0x0104 unknown "Cyrix Corporation|5530 Video [Kahlua]"
-0x107d 0x0000 unknown "LeadTek Research Inc.|P86C850"
-0x107e 0x0001 unknown "Interphase Corporation|ATM Interface Card"
-0x107e 0x0002 unknown "Interphase Corporation|100 VG AnyLan Controller"
-0x107e 0x0008 unknown "Interphase Corporation|155 Mbit ATM Controller"
-0x107f 0x0802 unknown "Data Technology|SL82C105"
-0x1080 0x0600 unknown "Contaq Microsystems|82C599"
-0x1080 0xc691 unknown "Contaq Microsystems|Cypress CY82C691"
-0x1080 0xc693 unknown "Contaq Microsystems|82c693"
-0x1081 0x0d47 unknown "Supermac Technology|Radius PCI to NuBUS Bridge"
-0x1083 0x0001 unknown "Forex|FR710"
-0x108a 0x0001 unknown "Bit3 Computer Corp.|VME Bridge Model 617"
-0x108a 0x0010 unknown "Bit3 Computer Corp.|VME Bridge Model 618"
-0x108a 0x3000 unknown "Bit3 Computer Corp.|VME Bridge Model 2706"
-0x108d 0x0001 unknown "Olicom|OC-3136/3137"
-0x108d 0x0002 unknown "Olicom|16/4 Token Ring"
-0x108d 0x0004 unknown "Olicom|OC-3139/3140 RapidFire Token-Ring 16/4"
-0x108d 0x0005 unknown "Olicom|OC-3250 GoCard Token-Ring 16/4"
-0x108d 0x0006 unknown "Olicom|OC-3530 RapidFire Token-Ring 100"
-0x108d 0x0007 unknown "Olicom|OC-3141 RapidFire Token-Ring 16/4"
-0x108d 0x0011 unknown "Olicom|OC-2315"
-0x108d 0x0012 unknown "Olicom|OC-2325"
-0x108d 0x0013 unknown "Olicom|OC-2183/2185"
-0x108d 0x0014 unknown "Olicom|OC-2326"
-0x108d 0x0021 unknown "Olicom|OC-6151/6152 [RapidFire ATM PCI 155]"
-0x108d 0x0022 unknown "Olicom|ATM Adapter"
-0x108e 0x0001 unknown "Sun|EBUS"
-0x108e 0x1000 unknown "Sun|EBUS"
-0x108e 0x1001 unknown "Sun|Happy Meal"
-0x108e 0x5000 unknown "Sun|Simba Advanced PCI Bridge"
-0x108e 0x8000 unknown "Sun|PCI Bus Module"
-0x108e 0xa000 unknown "Sun|Ultra IIi PCI"
-0x1091 0x0020 unknown "Intergraph Corporation|3D graphics processor"
-0x1091 0x0021 unknown "Intergraph Corporation|3D graphics processor w/Texturing"
-0x1091 0x0040 unknown "Intergraph Corporation|3D graphics frame buffer"
-0x1091 0x0041 unknown "Intergraph Corporation|3D graphics frame buffer"
-0x1091 0x0060 unknown "Intergraph Corporation|Proprietary bus bridge"
-0x1091 0x00E4 unknown "Intergraph Corporation|Powerstorm 4D50T"
-0x1091 0x0720 unknown "Intergraph Corporation|Motion JPEG codec"
-0x1092 0x00a0 unknown "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Speedstar Pro SE"
-0x1092 0x00a8 unknown "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Speedstar 64"
-0x1092 0x08d4 unknown "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Supra 2260 Modem"
-0x1092 0x1092 unknown "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Viper V330"
-0x1092 0x6120 unknown "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Maximum DVD"
-0x1092 0x8810 unknown "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Stealth SE"
-0x1092 0x8811 unknown "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Stealth 64/SE"
-0x1092 0x8880 unknown "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Stealth"
-0x1092 0x8881 unknown "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Stealth"
-0x1092 0x88b0 unknown "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Stealth 64"
-0x1092 0x88b1 unknown "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Stealth 64"
-0x1092 0x88c0 unknown "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Stealth 64"
-0x1092 0x88c1 unknown "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Stealth 64"
-0x1092 0x88d0 unknown "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Stealth 64"
-0x1092 0x88d1 unknown "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Stealth 64"
-0x1092 0x88f0 unknown "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Stealth 64"
-0x1092 0x88f1 unknown "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Stealth 64"
-0x1092 0x9999 unknown "Diamond Multimedia Systems|DMD-I0928-1 "Monster sound" sound chip"
-0x1093 0xc801 unknown "National Instruments|PCI_GPIB"
-0x1095 0x0640 unknown "CMD Technology Inc|PCI0640"
-0x1095 0x0643 unknown "CMD Technology Inc|PCI0643"
-0x1095 0x0646 unknown "CMD Technology Inc|PCI0646"
-0x1095 0x0650 unknown "CMD Technology Inc|PBC0650A"
-0x1095 0x0647 unknown "CMD Technology Inc|PCI0647"
-0x1095 0x0670 unknown "CMD Technology Inc|USB0670"
-0x1095 0x0673 unknown "CMD Technology Inc|USB0673"
-0x1098 0x0001 unknown "Quantum Designs|QD-8500"
-0x1098 0x0002 unknown "Quantum Designs|QD-8580"
-0x109e 0x0350 unknown "Brooktree Corporation|Bt848 TV with DMA push"
-0x109e 0x0351 unknown "Brooktree Corporation|Bt849A Video capture"
-0x109e 0x036e unknown "Brooktree Corporation|Bt878"
-0x109e 0x036f unknown "Brooktree Corporation|Bt879"
-0x109e 0x0878 unknown "Brooktree Corporation|Bt878"
-0x109e 0x2115 unknown "Brooktree Corporation|BtV 2115 Mediastream controller"
-0x109e 0x2125 unknown "Brooktree Corporation|BtV 2125 Mediastream controller"
-0x109e 0x2164 unknown "Brooktree Corporation|BtV 2164"
-0x109e 0x2165 unknown "Brooktree Corporation|BtV 2165"
-0x109e 0x8230 unknown "Brooktree Corporation|Bt8230 ATM Segment/Reassembly Ctrlr (SRC)"
-0x109e 0x8472 unknown "Brooktree Corporation|Bt8472"
-0x109e 0x8474 unknown "Brooktree Corporation|Bt8474"
-0x10a8 0x0000 unknown "Sierra Semiconductor|STB Horizon 64"
-0x10aa 0x0000 unknown "ACC Microelectronics|ACCM 2188"
-0x10ad 0x0001 unknown "Symphony Labs|W83769F"
-0x10ad 0x0003 unknown "Symphony Labs|SL82C103"
-0x10ad 0x0005 unknown "Symphony Labs|SL82C105"
-0x10ad 0x0103 unknown "Symphony Labs|SL82c103"
-0x10ad 0x0105 unknown "Symphony Labs|SL82c105"
-0x10ad 0x0565 unknown "Symphony Labs|W83C553"
-0x10b3 0x3106 unknown "Databook Inc|DB87144"
-0x10b3 0xb106 unknown "Databook Inc|DB87144"
-0x10b4 0x1b1d unknown "STB Systems Inc|Velocity 128 3D"
-0x10b5 0x0001 unknown "PLX Technology, Inc.|i960 PCI bus interface"
-0x10b5 0x1076 unknown "PLX Technology, Inc.|VScom 800 8 port serial adaptor"
-0x10b5 0x1077 unknown "PLX Technology, Inc.|VScom 400 4 port serial adaptor"
-0x10b5 0x9036 unknown "PLX Technology, Inc.|9036"
-0x10b5 0x9050 unknown "PLX Technology, Inc.|PCI <-> IOBus Bridge"
-0x10b5 0x9060 unknown "PLX Technology, Inc.|9060"
-0x10b5 0x906d unknown "PLX Technology, Inc.|9060SD"
-0x10b5 0x906e unknown "PLX Technology, Inc.|9060ES"
-0x10b5 0x9080 unknown "PLX Technology, Inc.|9080"
-0x10b6 0x0001 unknown "Madge Networks|Smart 16/4 Ringnode"
-0x10b6 0x0002 unknown "Madge Networks|Smart 16/4 BM Mk2 Ringnode"
-0x10b6 0x0003 unknown "Madge Networks|Smart 16/4 Ringnode"
-0x10b6 0x0004 unknown "Madge Networks|Smart 16/4 Ringnode (BM)"
-0x10b6 0x0006 unknown "Madge Networks|16/4 Cardbus Adapter"
-0x10b6 0x0007 unknown "Madge Networks|Presto"
-0x10b6 0x1000 unknown "Madge Networks|Collage 25 ATM adaptor"
-0x10b6 0x1001 unknown "Madge Networks|Collage 155 Server"
-0x10b7 0x0001 unknown "3Com Corporation|3c985 1000BaseSX"
-0x10b7 0x3390 unknown "3Com Corporation|Token Link Velocity"
-0x10b7 0x3590 unknown "3Com Corporation|3c359 TokenLink Velocity XL"
-0x10b7 0x5057 unknown "3Com Corporation|3c575 [Megahertz] 10/100 LAN CardBus"
-0x10b7 0x5157 unknown "3Com Corporation|3c575 [Megahertz] 10/100 LAN CardBus"
-0x10b7 0x5900 3c59x.o "3Com Corporation|3c590 10BaseT [Vortex]"
-0x10b7 0x5950 3c59x.o "3Com Corporation|3c595 100BaseTX [Vortex]"
-0x10b7 0x5951 3c59x.o "3Com Corporation|3c595 100BaseT4 [Vortex]"
-0x10b7 0x5952 3c59x.o "3Com Corporation|3c595 100Base-MII [Vortex]"
-0x10b7 0x8811 unknown "3Com Corporation|Token ring"
-0x10b7 0x9000 3c59x.o "3Com Corporation|3c900 10BaseT [Boomerang]"
-0x10b7 0x9001 3c59x.o "3Com Corporation|3c900 Combo [Boomerang]"
-0x10b7 0x9004 unknown "3Com Corporation|3c900B-TPO [Etherlink XL TPO]"
-0x10b7 0x9005 unknown "3Com Corporation|3c900B-Combo [Etherlink XL Combo]"
-0x10b7 0x9006 unknown "3Com Corporation|3c900B-TPC [Etherlink XL TPC]"
-0x10b7 0x900A unknown "3Com Corporation|3c900B-FL [Etherlink XL FL]"
-0x10b7 0x9050 3c59x.o "3Com Corporation|3c905 100BaseTX [Boomerang]"
-0x10b7 0x9051 3c59x.o "3Com Corporation|3c905 100BaseT4"
-0x10b7 0x9055 3c59x.o "3Com Corporation|3c905B 100BaseTX [Cyclone]"
-0x10b7 0x9058 unknown "3Com Corporation|3c905B-Combo [Deluxe Etherlink XL 10/100]"
-0x10b7 0x905A unknown "3Com Corporation|3c905B-FX [Fast Etherlink XL FX 10/100]"
-0x10b7 0x9200 unknown "3Com Corporation|3c905C-TX [Fast Etherlink]"
-0x10b7 0x9800 unknown "3Com Corporation|3c980-TX [Fast Etherlink XL Server Adapter]"
-0x10b8 0x0005 unknown "Standard Microsystems Corp [SMC]|9432 TX"
-0x10b8 0x1000 unknown "Standard Microsystems Corp [SMC]|37c665"
-0x10b8 0x1001 unknown "Standard Microsystems Corp [SMC]|37C922"
-0x10b8 0xa011 unknown "Standard Microsystems Corp [SMC]|83C170QF"
-0x10b8 0xb106 unknown "Standard Microsystems Corp [SMC]|SMC34C90"
-0x10b9 0x1435 ignore "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M1435"
-0x10b9 0x1445 ignore "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M1445"
-0x10b9 0x1449 ignore "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M1449"
-0x10b9 0x1451 ignore "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M1451"
-0x10b9 0x1461 ignore "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M1461"
-0x10b9 0x1489 unknown "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M1489"
-0x10b9 0x1511 unknown "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M1511 [Aladdin]"
-0x10b9 0x1512 unknown "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M1512 [Aladdin]"
-0x10b9 0x1513 unknown "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M1513 [Aladdin]"
-0x10b9 0x1521 unknown "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M1521 [Aladdin III]"
-0x10b9 0x1523 unknown "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M1523"
-0x10b9 0x1531 unknown "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M1531 [Aladdin IV]"
-0x10b9 0x1533 unknown "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M1533 [Aladdin IV]"
-0x10b9 0x1541 unknown "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M1541"
-0x10b9 0x1543 unknown "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M1543"
-0x10b9 0x1621 unknown "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M1621"
-0x10b9 0x3141 ignore "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M3141"
-0x10b9 0x3143 ignore "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M3143"
-0x10b9 0x3145 ignore "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M3145"
-0x10b9 0x3147 ignore "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M3147"
-0x10b9 0x3149 ignore "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M3149"
-0x10b9 0x3151 ignore "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M3151"
-0x10b9 0x3307 unknown "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M3307"
-0x10b9 0x3309 unknown "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M3309"
-0x10b9 0x5212 unknown "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M4803"
-0x10b9 0x5215 unknown "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|MS4803"
-0x10b9 0x5217 unknown "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M5217H"
-0x10b9 0x5219 unknown "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M5219"
-0x10b9 0x5225 unknown "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M5225"
-0x10b9 0x5229 unknown "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M5229"
-0x10b9 0x5235 unknown "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M5225"
-0x10b9 0x5237 unknown "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M5237"
-0x10b9 0x5243 unknown "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M5243"
-0x10b9 0x5247 unknown "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M5247"
-0x10b9 0x7101 unknown "Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]|M7101"
-0x10ba 0x0301 unknown "Mitsubishi Electric Corp.|AccelGraphics AccelECLIPSE"
-0x10bd 0x0e34 unknown "Surecom Technology|NE-34PCI LAN"
-0x10c3 0x1100 unknown "Samsung Semiconductors, Inc.|Smartether100 SC1100 LAN Adapter (i82557B)"
-0x10c8 0x0001 ignore "Neomagic Corporation|NM2070 [MagicGraph NM2070]"
-0x10c8 0x0002 ignore "Neomagic Corporation|NM2090 [MagicGraph 128V]"
-0x10c8 0x0003 ignore "Neomagic Corporation|NM2093 [MagicGraph 128ZV]"
-0x10c8 0x0004 ignore "Neomagic Corporation|NM2160 [MagicGraph 128XD]"
-0x10c8 0x0005 ignore "Neomagic Corporation|[MagicGraph 256AV]"
-0x10c8 0x0006 unknown "Neomagic Corporation|[MagicGraph 256ZX]"
-0x10c8 0x0083 ignore "Neomagic Corporation|[MagicGraph 128ZV Plus]"
-0x10c8 0x8005 unknown "Neomagic Corporation|[MagicMedia 256AV]"
-0x10cd 0x1100 unknown "Advanced System Products|ASC1100"
-0x10cd 0x1200 unknown "Advanced System Products|ASC1200 [(abp940) Fast SCSI-II]"
-0x10cd 0x1300 unknown "Advanced System Products|ABP940-U"
-0x10cd 0x2300 unknown "Advanced System Products|ABP940-UW"
-0x10cf 0x2001 ignore "Citicorp TTI|mb86605"
-0x10d9 0x0512 unknown "Macronix, Inc. [MXIC]|MX98713"
-0x10d9 0x0531 unknown "Macronix, Inc. [MXIC]|MX987x5"
-0x10d9 0x8625 unknown "Macronix, Inc. [MXIC]|MX86250"
-0x10d9 0x8888 unknown "Macronix, Inc. [MXIC]|MX86200"
-0x10da 0x0508 unknown "Compaq IPG-Austin|TC4048"
-0x10da 0x3390 unknown "Compaq IPG-Austin|Tl3c3x9"
-0x10dc 0x0001 unknown "CERN/ECP/EDU|STAR/RD24 SCI-PCI (PMC)"
-0x10dc 0x0002 unknown "CERN/ECP/EDU|TAR/RD24 SCI-PCI (PMC) [ATT 2C15-3 (FPGA) SCI bridge on PCI 5 Volt card]"
-0x10dc 0x0021 unknown "CERN/ECP/EDU|HIPPI destination"
-0x10dc 0x0022 unknown "CERN/ECP/EDU|HIPPI source"
-0x10dc 0x10dc unknown "CERN/ECP/EDU|ATT2C15-3 FPGA"
-0x10de 0x0008 unknown "Nvidia Corporation|NV1 EDGE 3D"
-0x10de 0x0009 unknown "Nvidia Corporation|NV1 EDGE 3D"
-0x10de 0x0020 unknown "Nvidia Corporation|Riva TNT 128"
-0x10de 0x0028 unknown "Nvidia Corporation|Riva TNT2"
-0x10de 0x002c unknown "Nvidia Corporation|Vanta"
-0x10de 0x002d unknown "Nvidia Corporation|Riva TNT2 Model 64"
-0x10de 0x00a0 unknown "Nvidia Corporation|Riva TNT2"
-0x10df 0x10df unknown "Emulex Corporation|Light Pulse Fibre Channel Adapter"
-0x10df 0x1ae5 unknown "Emulex Corporation|LP6000 Fibre Channel Host Adapter"
-0x10df 0xf700 unknown "Emulex Corporation|LP7000 Fibre Channel Host Adapter"
-0x10e0 0x5026 unknown "Integrated Micro|IMS5026/27/28"
-0x10e0 0x5027 unknown "Integrated Micro|IMS5027"
-0x10e0 0x5028 unknown "Integrated Micro|IMS5028"
-0x10e0 0x8849 unknown "Integrated Micro|IMS8849"
-0x10e0 0x8853 unknown "Integrated Micro|IMS8853"
-0x10e0 0x9128 unknown "Integrated Micro|IMS9129 [Twin turbo 128]"
-0x10e1 0x690c unknown "Tekram|DC-690c"
-0x10e1 0xdc29 unknown "Tekram|DC-290"
-0x10e3 0x0000 unknown "Tundra Semiconductor Corp.|CA91C042 [Universe]"
-0x10e3 0x0860 unknown "Tundra Semiconductor Corp.|CA91C860 [QSpan]"
-0x10e8 0x2011 unknown "Applied Micro|Q-Motion Video Capture/Edit board"
-0x10e8 0x4750 unknown "Applied Micro|S5930 [Matchmaker]"
-0x10e8 0x5920 unknown "Applied Micro|S5920"
-0x10e8 0x8043 unknown "Applied Micro|LANai4.x [Myrinet LANai interface chip]"
-0x10e8 0x8062 unknown "Applied Micro|S5933_PARASTATION"
-0x10e8 0x807d unknown "Applied Micro|S5933 [Matchmaker]"
-0x10e8 0x8088 unknown "Applied Micro|Kingsberg Spacetec Format Synchronizer"
-0x10e8 0x8089 unknown "Applied Micro|Kingsberg Spacetec Serial Output Board"
-0x10e8 0x809c unknown "Applied Micro|S5933_HEPC3"
-0x10e8 0x811a unknown "Applied Micro|PCI-IEEE1355-DS-DE Interface"
-0x10e8 0x8170 unknown "Applied Micro|S5933 "Matchmaker" PCI Chipset Development Tool"
-0x10ea 0x1680 unknown "Intergraphics Systems|IGA-1680"
-0x10ea 0x1682 unknown "Intergraphics Systems|IGA-1682"
-0x10ea 0x1683 unknown "Intergraphics Systems|IGA-1683"
-0x10ea 0x2000 unknown "Intergraphics Systems|CyberPro 2000"
-0x10ea 0x2010 unknown "Intergraphics Systems|CyberPro 2000A"
-0x10eb 0x0101 unknown "Artists Graphics|3GA"
-0x10eb 0x8111 unknown "Artists Graphics|Twist3 Frame Grabber"
-0x10ec 0x8029 unknown "Realtek|8029"
-0x10ec 0x8129 unknown "Realtek|8129"
-0x10ec 0x8139 unknown "Realtek|8139"
-0x10ed 0x7310 unknown "Ascii Corporation|V7310"
-0x10ef 0x8154 unknown "Racore Computer Products, Inc.|M815x Token Ring Adapter"
-0x10f5 0xa001 unknown "NKK Corporation|NDR4000 [NR4600 Bridge]"
-0x10fa 0x000c unknown "Truevision|TARGA 1000"
-0x1101 0x9100 unknown "Initio Corporation|INI-9100/9100W"
-0x1101 0x9400 unknown "Initio Corporation|INI-940"
-0x1101 0x9401 unknown "Initio Corporation|INI-950"
-0x1101 0x9500 unknown "Initio Corporation|360P"
-0x1102 0x0002 ignore "Creative Labs|SB Live!"
-0x1102 0x7002 ignore "Creative Labs|SB Live!"
-0x1103 0x0003 unknown "Triones|HPT343"
-0x1105 0x8300 unknown "Sigma Designs, Inc.|REALmagic Hollywood Plus DVD Decoder"
-0x1106 0x0505 ignore "VIA Technologies|VT82C505"
-0x1106 0x0561 ignore "VIA Technologies|VT82C561"
-0x1106 0x0571 ignore "VIA Technologies|VT82C586 IDE [Apollo]"
-0x1106 0x0576 ignore "VIA Technologies|VT82C576 3V [Apollo Master]"
-0x1106 0x0585 ignore "VIA Technologies|VT82C585VP [Apollo VP1/VPX]"
-0x1106 0x0586 ignore "VIA Technologies|VT82C586 ISA [Apollo VP]"
-0x1106 0x0595 ignore "VIA Technologies|VT82C595 [Apollo VP2]"
-0x1106 0x0596 ignore "VIA Technologies|VT82C596 ISA [Apollo PRO]"
-0x1106 0x0597 ignore "VIA Technologies|VT82C597 [Apollo VP3]"
-0x1106 0x0598 ignore "VIA Technologies|VT82C598 [Apollo MVP3]"
-0x1106 0x0691 ignore "VIA Technologies|VT82C691 [Apollo PRO]"
-0x1106 0x0693 unknown "VIA Technologies|VT82C693 [Apollo Pro Plus]"
-0x1106 0x0926 ignore "VIA Technologies|VT82C926 [Amazon]"
-0x1106 0x1000 ignore "VIA Technologies|VT82C570MV"
-0x1106 0x1106 ignore "VIA Technologies|VT82C570MV"
-0x1106 0x1571 ignore "VIA Technologies|VT82C416MV"
-0x1106 0x1595 ignore "VIA Technologies|VT82C595/97 [Apollo VP2/97]"
-0x1106 0x3038 ignore "VIA Technologies|VT82C586B USB"
-0x1106 0x3040 ignore "VIA Technologies|VT82C586B ACPI"
-0x1106 0x3043 unknown "VIA Technologies|VT86C100A [Rhine 10/100]"
-0x1106 0x5030 ignore "VIA Technologies|VT82C596 ACPI [Apollo PRO]"
-0x1106 0x6100 ignore "VIA Technologies|VT85C100A [Rhine II]"
-0x1106 0x8596 ignore "VIA Technologies|VT82C596 [Apollo PRO AGP]"
-0x1106 0x8597 ignore "VIA Technologies|VT82C597 [Apollo VP3 AGP]"
-0x1106 0x8598 ignore "VIA Technologies|VT82C598 [Apollo MVP3 AGP]"
-0x1106 0x8691 unknown "VIA Technologies|VT82C691 [Apollo Pro]"
-0x1107 0x0576 unknown "Stratus Computers|VIA VT82C570MV [Apollo] (Wrong vendor ID!)"
-0x1108 0x0100 unknown "Proteon, Inc.|p1690plus_AA"
-0x1108 0x0101 unknown "Proteon, Inc.|p1690plus_AB"
-0x1108 0x0105 unknown "Proteon, Inc.|P1690Plus"
-0x1108 0x0108 unknown "Proteon, Inc.|P1690Plus"
-0x1108 0x0138 unknown "Proteon, Inc.|P1690Plus"
-0x1108 0x0139 unknown "Proteon, Inc.|P1690Plus"
-0x1108 0x013C unknown "Proteon, Inc.|P1690Plus"
-0x1108 0x013D unknown "Proteon, Inc.|P1690Plus"
-0x1109 0x1400 unknown "Cogent Data|EM110TX [EX110TX]"
-0x110a 0x0002 unknown "Siemens Nixdorf AG|Pirahna 2-port"
-0x110a 0x0005 unknown "Siemens Nixdorf AG|Tulip controller, power management, switch extender"
-0x110a 0x4942 unknown "Siemens Nixdorf AG|FPGA I-Bus Tracer for MBD"
-0x110a 0x6120 unknown "Siemens Nixdorf AG|SZB6120"
-0x110b 0x0001 unknown "Chromatic Research Inc.|Mpact Media Processor"
-0x1110 0x6037 unknown "Powerhouse Systems|Firepower Powerized SMP I/O ASIC"
-0x1110 0x6073 unknown "Powerhouse Systems|Firepower Powerized SMP I/O ASIC"
-0x1112 0x2200 unknown "RNS - Div. of Meret Communications Inc|FDDI Adapter"
-0x1112 0x2340 unknown "RNS - Div. of Meret Communications Inc|4 Port Fast Ethernet Adapter"
-0x1112 0x2400 unknown "RNS - Div. of Meret Communications Inc|ATM Adapter"
-0x1113 0x1211 unknown "Accton|SMC2-1211TX"
-0x1113 0x1217 unknown "Accton|EN-1217 Ethernet Adapter"
-0x1113 0x5105 unknown "Accton|10Mbps Network card"
-0x1113 0x9211 unknown "Accton|EN-1207D Fast Ethernet Adapter"
-0x1117 0x9500 unknown "Datacube, Inc|Max-1C SVGA card"
-0x1117 0x9501 unknown "Datacube, Inc|Max-1C image processing"
-0x1119 0x0000 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6000/6020/6050"
-0x1119 0x0001 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6000b/6010"
-0x1119 0x0002 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6110/6510"
-0x1119 0x0003 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6120/6520"
-0x1119 0x0004 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6530"
-0x1119 0x0005 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6550"
-0x1119 0x0006 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6x17"
-0x1119 0x0007 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6x27"
-0x1119 0x0008 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6537"
-0x1119 0x0009 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 5557"
-0x1119 0x000a gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6x15"
-0x1119 0x000b gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6x25"
-0x1119 0x000c gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6535"
-0x1119 0x000d gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6555"
-0x1119 0x0100 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6117RP/6517RP"
-0x1119 0x0101 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6127RP/6527RP"
-0x1119 0x0102 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6537RP"
-0x1119 0x0103 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6557RP"
-0x1119 0x0104 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6111RP/6511RP"
-0x1119 0x0105 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6121RP/6521RP"
-0x1119 0x0110 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6117RP1/6517RP1"
-0x1119 0x0111 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6127RP1/6527RP1"
-0x1119 0x0112 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6537RP1"
-0x1119 0x0113 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6557RP1"
-0x1119 0x0114 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6111RP1/6511RP1"
-0x1119 0x0115 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6121RP1/6521RP1"
-0x1119 0x0118 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6x18RD"
-0x1119 0x0119 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6x28RD"
-0x1119 0x011A gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6x38RD"
-0x1119 0x011B gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6x58RD"
-0x1119 0x0120 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6117RP2/6517RP2"
-0x1119 0x0121 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6127RP2/6527RP2"
-0x1119 0x0122 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6537RP2"
-0x1119 0x0123 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6557RP2"
-0x1119 0x0124 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6111RP2/6511RP2"
-0x1119 0x0125 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6121RP2/6521RP2"
-0x1119 0x0168 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 7x18RN"
-0x1119 0x0169 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 7x28RN"
-0x1119 0x016A gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 7x38RN"
-0x1119 0x016B gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 7x58RN"
-0x1119 0x0210 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6x19RD"
-0x1119 0x0211 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 6x29RD"
-0x1119 0x0260 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 7x19RN"
-0x1119 0x0261 gdth.o "ICP Vortex|GDT 7x29RN"
-0x111a 0x0000 unknown "Efficient Networks, Inc|155P-MF1 (FPGA)"
-0x111a 0x0002 unknown "Efficient Networks, Inc|155P-MF1 (ASIC)"
-0x111a 0x0003 unknown "Efficient Networks, Inc|ENI-25P ATM Adapter"
-0x111a 0x0005 unknown "Efficient Networks, Inc|ENI-25P ATM Adapter"
-0x111c 0x0001 unknown "Tricord Systems Inc.|Powerbis Bridge"
-0x111d 0x0001 unknown "Integrated Device Tech|IDT77211 ATM Adapter"
-0x111f 0x4a47 unknown "Precision Digital Images|Precision MX Video engine interface"
-0x111f 0x5243 unknown "Precision Digital Images|Frame capture bus interface"
-0x1127 0x0200 unknown "FORE Systems Inc|ForeRunner PCA-200 ATM"
-0x1127 0x0210 unknown "FORE Systems Inc|PCA-200PC"
-0x1127 0x0250 unknown "FORE Systems Inc|ATM"
-0x1127 0x0300 unknown "FORE Systems Inc|PCA-200E"
-0x1127 0x0310 unknown "FORE Systems Inc|ATM"
-0x1127 0x0400 unknown "FORE Systems Inc|ForeRunnerHE ATM Adapter"
-0x112f 0x0000 unknown "Imaging Technology Inc|MVC IC-PCI"
-0x112f 0x0001 unknown "Imaging Technology Inc|Video frame grabber/processor"
-0x1131 0x7145 unknown "Philips Semiconductors|SAA7145"
-0x1131 0x7146 unknown "Philips Semiconductors|SAA7146"
-0x1133 0x7901 unknown "Eicon|EiconCard S90"
-0x1133 0x7902 unknown "Eicon|EiconCard S90"
-0x1133 0x7911 unknown "Eicon|EiconCard S91"
-0x1133 0x7912 unknown "Eicon|EiconCard S91"
-0x1133 0x7941 unknown "Eicon|EiconCard S94"
-0x1133 0x7942 unknown "Eicon|EiconCard S94"
-0x1133 0xb921 unknown "Eicon|EiconCard P92"
-0x1133 0xb922 unknown "Eicon|EiconCard P92"
-0x1133 0xe001 unknown "Eicon|DIVA 20PRO"
-0x1133 0xe002 unknown "Eicon|DIVA 20"
-0x1133 0xe003 unknown "Eicon|DIVA 20PRO_U"
-0x1133 0xe004 unknown "Eicon|DIVA 20_U"
-0x1133 0xe010 unknown "Eicon|DIVA Server BRI-2M"
-0x1133 0xe014 unknown "Eicon|DIVA Server PRO-30M"
-0x1134 0x0001 unknown "Mercury Computer Systems|Raceway Bridge"
-0x1135 0x0001 unknown "Fuji Xerox Co Ltd|Printer controller"
-0x1138 0x8905 unknown "Ziatech Corporation|8905 [STD 32 Bridge]"
-0x113c 0x0000 unknown "Cyclone Microsystems, Inc.|PCI-9060 i960 Bridge"
-0x113c 0x0001 unknown "Cyclone Microsystems, Inc.|PCI-SDK [PCI i960 Evaluation Platform]"
-0x113c 0x0911 unknown "Cyclone Microsystems, Inc.|PCI-911 [PCI-based i960Jx Intelligent I/O Controller]"
-0x113c 0x0912 unknown "Cyclone Microsystems, Inc.|PCI-912 [i960CF-based Intelligent I/O Controller]"
-0x113c 0x0913 unknown "Cyclone Microsystems, Inc.|PCI-913"
-0x113c 0x0914 unknown "Cyclone Microsystems, Inc.|PCI-914 [I/O Controller w/ secondary PCI bus]"
-0x113f 0x0808 unknown "Equinox Systems, Inc.|SST-64P Adapter"
-0x113f 0x1010 unknown "Equinox Systems, Inc.|SST-128P Adapter"
-0x113f 0x80C0 unknown "Equinox Systems, Inc.|SST-16P Adapter"
-0x113f 0x80C4 unknown "Equinox Systems, Inc.|SST-16P Adapter"
-0x113f 0x80C8 unknown "Equinox Systems, Inc.|SST-16P Adapter"
-0x113f 0x8888 unknown "Equinox Systems, Inc.|SST-4P Adapter"
-0x113f 0x9090 unknown "Equinox Systems, Inc.|SST-8P Adapter"
-0x1142 0x3210 unknown "Alliance|AP6410"
-0x1142 0x6422 unknown "Alliance|ProVideo 6422"
-0x1142 0x6424 unknown "Alliance|ProVideo 6424"
-0x1142 0x6425 unknown "Alliance|ProMotion AT25"
-0x1142 0x643d unknown "Alliance|ProMotion AT3D"
-0x1144 0x0001 unknown "Cincinnati Milacron|Noservo controller"
-0x1148 0x4000 unknown "Syskonnect (Schneider & Koch)|FDDI Adapter"
-0x1148 0x4200 unknown "Syskonnect (Schneider & Koch)|Token ring adaptor"
-0x1148 0x4300 unknown "Syskonnect (Schneider & Koch)|GE"
-0x114a 0x7587 unknown "VMIC|VMIVME-7587"
-0x114f 0x0002 unknown "Digi International|AccelePort EPC"
-0x114f 0x0003 unknown "Digi International|RightSwitch SE-6"
-0x114f 0x0004 unknown "Digi International|AccelePort Xem"
-0x114f 0x0005 unknown "Digi International|AccelePort Xr"
-0x114f 0x0006 unknown "Digi International|AccelePort Xr,C/X"
-0x114f 0x0009 unknown "Digi International|AccelePort Xr/J"
-0x114f 0x000a unknown "Digi International|AccelePort EPC/J"
-0x114f 0x000C unknown "Digi International|DataFirePRIme T1 (1-port)"
-0x114f 0x000D unknown "Digi International|SyncPort 2-Port (x.25/FR)"
-0x114f 0x0011 unknown "Digi International|AccelePort 8r EIA-232 (IBM)"
-0x114f 0x0012 unknown "Digi International|AccelePort 8r EIA-422"
-0x114f 0x0013 unknown "Digi International|AccelePort Xr"
-0x114f 0x0014 unknown "Digi International|AccelePort 8r EIA-422"
-0x114f 0x0015 unknown "Digi International|AccelePort Xem"
-0x114f 0x0016 unknown "Digi International|AccelePort EPC/X"
-0x114f 0x0017 unknown "Digi International|AccelePort C/X"
-0x114f 0x001A unknown "Digi International|DataFirePRIme E1 (1-port)"
-0x114f 0x001B unknown "Digi International|AccelePort C/X (IBM)"
-0x114f 0x0026 unknown "Digi International|AccelePort 4r 920"
-0x114f 0x0027 unknown "Digi International|AccelePort Xr 920"
-0x114f 0x0034 unknown "Digi International|AccelePort 2r 920"
-0x114f 0x6001 unknown "Digi International|Avanstar"
-0x1158 0x3011 unknown "Voarx R & D Inc|Tokenet/vg 1001/10m anylan"
-0x1158 0x9050 unknown "Voarx R & D Inc|Lanfleet/Truevalue"
-0x1158 0x9051 unknown "Voarx R & D Inc|Lanfleet/Truevalue"
-0x1159 0x0001 unknown "Mutech Corp|MV-1000"
-0x115d 0x0003 unknown "Xircom|Cardbus Ethernet 10/100"
-0x115d 0x0005 unknown "Xircom|Cardbus Ethernet 10/100"
-0x115d 0x0007 unknown "Xircom|Cardbus Ethernet 10/100"
-0x115d 0x000b unknown "Xircom|Cardbus Ethernet 10/100"
-0x115d 0x000f unknown "Xircom|Cardbus Ethernet 10/100"
-0x115d 0x0101 unknown "Xircom|Cardbus 56k modem"
-0x115d 0x0103 unknown "Xircom|Cardbus Ethernet + 56k Modem"
-0x1163 0x0001 unknown "Rendition|Verite 1000"
-0x1163 0x2000 unknown "Rendition|Verite V2000/V2100/V2200"
-0x1165 0x0001 unknown "Imagraph Corporation|Motion TPEG Recorder/Player with audio"
-0x116a 0x6100 unknown "Polaris Communications|Bus/Tag Channel"
-0x116a 0x6800 unknown "Polaris Communications|Escon Channel"
-0x116a 0x7100 unknown "Polaris Communications|Bus/Tag Channel"
-0x116a 0x7800 unknown "Polaris Communications|Escon Channel"
-0x1179 0x0404 unknown "Toshiba|DVD Decoder card"
-0x1179 0x0406 unknown "Toshiba|Tecra Video Capture device"
-0x1179 0x0407 unknown "Toshiba|DVD Decoder card (Version 2)"
-0x1179 0x0601 unknown "Toshiba|601"
-0x1179 0x0603 unknown "Toshiba|ToPIC95 PCI to CardBus Bridge for Notebooks"
-0x1179 0x060a unknown "Toshiba|ToPIC95"
-0x1179 0x060f unknown "Toshiba|ToPIC97"
-0x1179 0x0701 unknown "Toshiba|FIR Port"
-0x1180 0x0465 unknown "Ricoh Co Ltd|RL5c465"
-0x1180 0x0466 unknown "Ricoh Co Ltd|RL5c466"
-0x1180 0x0475 unknown "Ricoh Co Ltd|RL5c475"
-0x1180 0x0476 unknown "Ricoh Co Ltd|RL5c476"
-0x1180 0x0477 unknown "Ricoh Co Ltd|RL5c477"
-0x1180 0x0478 unknown "Ricoh Co Ltd|RL5c478"
-0x1186 0x0100 unknown "D-Link System Inc|DC21041"
-0x118c 0x0014 unknown "Corollary, Inc|PCIB [C-bus II to PCI bus host bridge chip]"
-0x118d 0x0001 unknown "BitFlow Inc|Raptor-PCI framegrabber"
-0x118d 0x0012 unknown "BitFlow Inc|Model 12 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
-0x118d 0x0014 unknown "BitFlow Inc|Model 14 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
-0x118d 0x0024 unknown "BitFlow Inc|Model 24 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
-0x118d 0x0044 unknown "BitFlow Inc|Model 44 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
-0x118d 0x0112 unknown "BitFlow Inc|Model 12 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
-0x118d 0x0114 unknown "BitFlow Inc|Model 14 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
-0x118d 0x0124 unknown "BitFlow Inc|Model 24 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
-0x118d 0x0144 unknown "BitFlow Inc|Model 44 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
-0x118d 0x0212 unknown "BitFlow Inc|Model 12 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
-0x118d 0x0214 unknown "BitFlow Inc|Model 14 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
-0x118d 0x0224 unknown "BitFlow Inc|Model 24 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
-0x118d 0x0244 unknown "BitFlow Inc|Model 44 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
-0x118d 0x0312 unknown "BitFlow Inc|Model 12 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
-0x118d 0x0314 unknown "BitFlow Inc|Model 14 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
-0x118d 0x0324 unknown "BitFlow Inc|Model 24 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
-0x118d 0x0344 unknown "BitFlow Inc|Model 44 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
-0x1191 0x0004 unknown "Artop Electronic Corp|ATP8400"
-0x1191 0x0005 unknown "Artop Electronic Corp|ATP850UF"
-0x1191 0x8002 unknown "Artop Electronic Corp|AEC6710 SCSI-2 Host Adapter"
-0x1191 0x8010 unknown "Artop Electronic Corp|AEC6712UW SCSI"
-0x1191 0x8020 unknown "Artop Electronic Corp|AEC6712U SCSI"
-0x1191 0x8030 unknown "Artop Electronic Corp|AEC6712S SCSI"
-0x1191 0x8040 unknown "Artop Electronic Corp|AEC6712D SCSI"
-0x1191 0x8050 unknown "Artop Electronic Corp|AEC6712SUW SCSI"
-0x1193 0x0001 unknown "Zeitnet Inc.|1221"
-0x1193 0x0002 unknown "Zeitnet Inc.|1225"
-0x119b 0x1221 unknown "Omega Micro Inc.|82C092G"
-0x11a9 0x4240 unknown "InnoSys Inc.|AMCC S933Q Intelligent Serial Card"
-0x11ab 0x0146 unknown "Galileo Technology Ltd.|GT-64010"
-0x11ab 0x4801 unknown "Galileo Technology Ltd.|GT-48001"
-0x11ab 0xf003 unknown "Galileo Technology Ltd.|GT-64010 Primary Image Piranha Image Generator"
-0x11ad 0x0002 tulip.o "Lite-On|LNE100TX"
-0x11b0 0x0292 unknown "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|V292PBC [Am29030/40 Bridge]"
-0x11b0 0x0960 unknown "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|V96xPBC"
-0x11b0 0xc960 unknown "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|V96DPC"
-0x11b8 0x0001 unknown "XPoint Technologies, Inc|Quad PeerMaster"
-0x11b9 0xc0ed unknown "Pathlight Technology Inc.|SSA Controller"
-0x11bc 0x0001 unknown "Network Peripherals Inc|NP-PCI"
-0x11c1 0x0440 unknown "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem 56k Data+Fax+Dsvd"
-0x11c1 0x0441 unknown "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem 56k Data+Fax"
-0x11c1 0x0442 unknown "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem 56k"
-0x11c1 0x0448 unknown "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem 56k"
-0x11c1 0x0449 unknown "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem 56k"
-0x11c1 0x044A unknown "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem 56k"
-0x11c8 0x0658 unknown "Dolphin|PSB"
-0x11c9 0x0010 unknown "Magma|16-line serial port w/- DMA"
-0x11c9 0x0011 unknown "Magma|4-line serial port w/- DMA"
-0x11cb 0x2000 unknown "Specialix Research Ltd.|PCI_9050"
-0x11cb 0x4000 unknown "Specialix Research Ltd.|SUPI_1"
-0x11cb 0x8000 unknown "Specialix Research Ltd.|T225"
-0x11d1 0x01f7 unknown "Auravision|VxP524"
-0x11d5 0x0115 unknown "Ikon Corporation|10115"
-0x11d5 0x0117 unknown "Ikon Corporation|10117"
-0x11de 0x6057 unknown "Zoran Corporation|ZR36057PQC Video cutting chipset"
-0x11de 0x6120 unknown "Zoran Corporation|ZR36120"
-0x11f0 0x4231 unknown "Compu-Shack|FDDI"
-0x11f0 0x4232 unknown "Compu-Shack|FASTline UTP Quattro"
-0x11f0 0x4233 unknown "Compu-Shack|FASTline FO"
-0x11f0 0x4234 unknown "Compu-Shack|FASTline UTP"
-0x11f0 0x4235 unknown "Compu-Shack|FASTline-II UTP"
-0x11f0 0x4236 unknown "Compu-Shack|FASTline-II FO"
-0x11f0 0x4731 unknown "Compu-Shack|GIGAline"
-0x11f4 0x2915 unknown "Kinetic|CAMAC controller"
-0x11f6 0x0112 unknown "Compex|ENet100VG4"
-0x11f6 0x1401 unknown "Compex|ReadyLink 2000"
-0x11f6 0x2011 unknown "Compex|RL100-ATX 10/100"
-0x11f6 0x2201 unknown "Compex|ReadyLink 100TX (Winbond W89C840)"
-0x11f6 0x9881 unknown "Compex|RL100TX"
-0x11f8 0x7375 unknown "PMC-Sierra Inc.|PM7375 [LASAR-155 ATM SAR]"
-0x11fe 0x0001 ignore "Comtrol Corporation|RocketPort 8 Oct"
-0x11fe 0x0002 ignore "Comtrol Corporation|RocketPort 8 Intf"
-0x11fe 0x0003 ignore "Comtrol Corporation|RocketPort 16 Intf"
-0x11fe 0x0004 ignore "Comtrol Corporation|RocketPort 32 Intf"
-0x11fe 0x0005 ignore "Comtrol Corporation|RocketPort Octacable"
-0x11fe 0x0006 ignore "Comtrol Corporation|RocketPort 8J"
-0x11fe 0x0008 unknown "Comtrol Corporation|RocketPort 8-port"
-0x11fe 0x0009 unknown "Comtrol Corporation|RocketPort 16-port"
-0x11fe 0x000A ignore "Comtrol Corporation|RocketPort Plus Quadcable"
-0x11fe 0x000B ignore "Comtrol Corporation|RocketPort Plus Octacable"
-0x11fe 0x000C ignore "Comtrol Corporation|RocketPort 8-port Modem"
-0x1208 0x4853 unknown "Parsytec GmbH|HS-Link Device"
-0x120e 0x0100 ignore "Cyclades Corporation|Cyclom_Y below first megabyte"
-0x120e 0x0101 ignore "Cyclades Corporation|Cyclom_Y above first megabyte"
-0x120e 0x0102 ignore "Cyclades Corporation|Cyclom_4Y below first megabyte"
-0x120e 0x0103 ignore "Cyclades Corporation|Cyclom_4Y above first megabyte"
-0x120e 0x0104 ignore "Cyclades Corporation|Cyclom_8Y below first megabyte"
-0x120e 0x0105 ignore "Cyclades Corporation|Cyclom_8Y above first megabyte"
-0x120e 0x0200 ignore "Cyclades Corporation|Cyclom_Z below first megabyte"
-0x120e 0x0201 ignore "Cyclades Corporation|Cyclom_Z above first megabyte"
-0x120f 0x0001 unknown "Essential Communications|Roadrunner serial HIPPI"
-0x1217 0x6729 unknown "O2 Micro, Inc.|6729"
-0x1217 0x673a unknown "O2 Micro, Inc.|6730"
-0x1217 0x6832 unknown "O2 Micro, Inc.|6832"
-0x1217 0x6836 unknown "O2 Micro, Inc.|6836"
-0x121a 0x0001 ignore "3Dfx Interactive, Inc.|Voodoo"
-0x121a 0x0002 ignore "3Dfx Interactive, Inc.|Voodoo 2"
-0x121a 0x0003 ignore "3Dfx Interactive, Inc.|Voodoo Banshee"
-0x121a 0x0005 unknown "3Dfx Interactive, Inc.|Voodoo 3 2000"
-0x1220 0x1220 unknown "Ariel Corporation|AMCC 5933 TMS320C80 DSP/Imaging board"
-0x122d 0x1206 unknown "Aztech System Ltd|368DSP"
-0x122d 0x50dc unknown "Aztech System Ltd|3328 Audio"
-0x122d 0x80da unknown "Aztech System Ltd|3328 Audio"
-0x1236 0x0000 unknown "Sigma Designs Corporation|RealMagic64/GX"
-0x1236 0x6401 unknown "Sigma Designs Corporation|REALmagic 64/GX (SD 6425)"
-0x123d 0x0000 unknown "Engineering Design Team, Inc.|EasyConnect 8/32"
-0x123d 0x0002 unknown "Engineering Design Team, Inc.|EasyConnect 8/64"
-0x123d 0x0003 unknown "Engineering Design Team, Inc.|EasyIO"
-0x123f 0x00e4 unknown "C-Cube Microsystems|MPEG"
-0x123f 0x8888 unknown "C-Cube Microsystems|Cinemaster C 3.0 DVD Decoder"
-0x1244 0x0700 unknown "AVM Audiovisuelles|B1 ISDN"
-0x1244 0x0a00 unknown "AVM Audiovisuelles|A1 ISDN [Fritz]"
-0x124d 0x0000 unknown "Stallion|EasyConnection 8/32"
-0x124d 0x0002 unknown "Stallion|EasyConnection 8/64"
-0x124d 0x0003 unknown "Stallion|EasyIO"
-0x124f 0x0041 unknown "Infotrend Technology, Inc.|IFT-2000 Series RAID Controller"
-0x1255 0x1110 unknown "Optibase Ltd|MPEG Forge"
-0x1255 0x1210 unknown "Optibase Ltd|MPEG Fusion"
-0x1255 0x2110 unknown "Optibase Ltd|VideoPlex"
-0x1255 0x2120 unknown "Optibase Ltd|VideoPlex CC"
-0x1255 0x2130 unknown "Optibase Ltd|VideoQuest"
-0x1259 0x2560 unknown "Allied Telesyn International|AT-2560 Fast Ethernet Adapter (i82557B)"
-0x125c 0x0640 unknown "Aurora Technologies, Inc.|Aries 16000P"
-0x125d 0x0000 unknown "ESS Technology|ES336H PCI Fax Modem (Early Model)"
-0x125d 0x1948 unknown "ESS Technology|Solo?"
-0x125d 0x1968 unknown "ESS Technology|ES1968 Maestro 2"
-0x125d 0x1969 unknown "ESS Technology|ES1969 Solo-1 Audiodrive"
-0x125d 0x1978 unknown "ESS Technology|ES1978 Maestro Audiodrive"
-0x125d 0x2808 unknown "ESS Technology|ES336H Fax Modem (Later Model)"
-0x125d 0x2898 unknown "ESS Technology|ES2898 Modem"
-0x1260 0x8130 unknown "Harris Semiconductor|HMP8130 NTSC/PAL Video Decoder"
-0x1260 0x8131 unknown "Harris Semiconductor|HMP8131 NTSC/PAL Video Decoder"
-0x1266 0x0001 unknown "Microdyne Corporation|NE10/100 Adapter (i82557B)"
-0x1266 0x1910 unknown "Microdyne Corporation|NE2000Plus (RT8029) Ethernet Adapter"
-0x1267 0x5352 unknown "S. A. Telecommunications|PCR2101"
-0x1267 0x5a4b unknown "S. A. Telecommunications|Telsat Turbo"
-0x126f 0x0910 unknown "Silicon Motion, Inc.|SM910"
-0x1273 0x0002 unknown "Hughes Network Systems|DirecPC"
-0x1274 0x1371 unknown "Ensoniq|ES1371 [AudioPCI-97]"
-0x1274 0x5000 unknown "Ensoniq|ES1370 [AudioPCI]"
-0x127a 0x1002 unknown "Rockwell International|HCF 56k V90 FaxModem"
-0x127a 0x1003 unknown "Rockwell International|HCF 56k V90 FaxModem"
-0x127a 0x1004 unknown "Rockwell International|HCF 56k V90 FaxModem"
-0x127a 0x1005 unknown "Rockwell International|HCF 56k V90 FaxModem"
-0x127a 0x8234 unknown "Rockwell International|RapidFire 616X ATM155 Adapter"
-0x1283 0x673a unknown "Integrated Technology Express, Inc.|IT8330G"
-0x1283 0x8330 unknown "Integrated Technology Express, Inc.|IT8330G"
-0x1283 0xe886 unknown "Integrated Technology Express, Inc.|IT8330G"
-0x1285 0x0100 unknown "Platform Technologies, Inc.|PT-201C-O-P AGOGO-XP sound chip"
-0x1287 0x001e unknown "M-Pact, Inc.|LS220D DVD Decoder"
-0x1287 0x001f unknown "M-Pact, Inc.|LS220C DVD Decoder"
-0x128d 0x0021 unknown "G2 Networks, Inc.|ATM155 Adapter"
-0x128e 0x0008 unknown "Hoontech Corporation/Samho Multi Tech Ltd.|ST128 WSS/SB"
-0x128e 0x0009 unknown "Hoontech Corporation/Samho Multi Tech Ltd.|ST128 SAM9407"
-0x128e 0x000a unknown "Hoontech Corporation/Samho Multi Tech Ltd.|ST128 Game Port"
-0x128e 0x000b unknown "Hoontech Corporation/Samho Multi Tech Ltd.|ST128 MPU Port"
-0x128e 0x000c unknown "Hoontech Corporation/Samho Multi Tech Ltd.|ST128 Ctrl Port"
-0x12ae 0x0001 unknown "Alteon Networks Inc.|AceNIC Gigabit Ethernet"
-0x12b9 0x1006 unknown "US Robotics/3Com|WinModem"
-0x12be 0x3041 unknown "Anchor Chips Inc.|AN3041Q CO-MEM"
-0x12be 0x3042 unknown "Anchor Chips Inc.|AN3042Q CO-MEM Lite"
-0x12c5 0x0081 unknown "Picture Elements Incorporated|PCIVST [Grayscale Thresholding Engine]"
-0x12d2 0x0008 unknown "NVidia / SGS Thomson|NV1"
-0x12d2 0x0009 unknown "NVidia / SGS Thomson|DAC64"
-0x12d2 0x0018 unknown "NVidia / SGS Thomson|Riva128"
-0x12d2 0x0019 unknown "NVidia / SGS Thomson|Riva128ZX"
-0x12d2 0x0020 unknown "NVidia / SGS Thomson|TNT"
-0x12d2 0x0028 unknown "NVidia / SGS Thomson|TNT2"
-0x12d2 0x0029 unknown "NVidia / SGS Thomson|UTNT2"
-0x12d2 0x002C unknown "NVidia / SGS Thomson|VTNT2"
-0x12d2 0x00A0 unknown "NVidia / SGS Thomson|ITNT2"
-0x12e0 0x0010 unknown "Chase Research|ST16C654 Quad UART"
-0x12e0 0x0020 unknown "Chase Research|ST16C654 Quad UART"
-0x12e0 0x0030 unknown "Chase Research|ST16C654 Quad UART"
-0x12eb 0x0001 unknown "Aureal Semiconductor|Vortex 1"
-0x12eb 0x0002 unknown "Aureal Semiconductor|Vortex 2"
-0x12f8 0x0002 unknown "Electronic Design GmbH|VideoMaker"
-0x1307 0x0001 unknown "Computer Boards|DAS1602/16"
-0x1308 0x0001 unknown "Jato Technologies Inc.|NetCelerator Adapter"
-0x131f 0x1020 unknown "Siig Inc|CyberParallel"
-0x131f 0x1021 unknown "Siig Inc|CyberParallel"
-0x134a 0x0001 unknown "DTC Technology Corp.|Domex 536"
-0x1385 0x620a unknown "Netgear|GA620"
-0x1389 0x0001 unknown "Applicom International|PCI1500PFB [Intelligent fieldbus adaptor]"
-0x13c0 0x0010 unknown "Microgate Corporation|SyncLink WAN Adapter"
-0x13df 0x0001 unknown "E-Tech Inc|PCI56RVP Modem"
-0x13f6 0x0100 unknown "C-Media Electronics Inc|CMI8338"
-0x14b9 0x0001 unknown "AIRONET Wireless Communications|PC4800"
-0x1c1c 0x0001 unknown "Symphony|82C101"
-0x1d44 0xa400 unknown "DPT|PM2x24/PM3224"
-0x1de1 0x2020 unknown "Tekram|DC-390"
-0x1de1 0x690c unknown "Tekram|690c"
-0x1de1 0xdc29 unknown "Tekram|DC290"
-0x2348 0x2010 unknown "Racore|8142 100VG/AnyLAN"
-0x3388 0x8011 unknown "Hint Corp|VXPro II Chipset"
-0x3388 0x8012 unknown "Hint Corp|VXPro II Chipset"
-0x3388 0x8013 unknown "Hint Corp|VXPro II Chipset"
-0x3d3d 0x0001 unknown "3DLabs|GLINT 300SX"
-0x3d3d 0x0002 unknown "3DLabs|GLINT 500TX"
-0x3d3d 0x0003 unknown "3DLabs|GLINT Delta"
-0x3d3d 0x0004 unknown "3DLabs|Permedia"
-0x3d3d 0x0005 unknown "3DLabs|Permedia"
-0x3d3d 0x0006 unknown "3DLabs|GLINT MX"
-0x3d3d 0x0007 unknown "3DLabs|3D Extreme"
-0x3d3d 0x0009 unknown "3DLabs|Permedia II 2D+3D"
-0x3d3d 0x0100 unknown "3DLabs|Permedia II 2D+3D"
-0x3d3d 0x1004 unknown "3DLabs|Permedia"
-0x3d3d 0x3d04 unknown "3DLabs|Permedia"
-0x3d3d 0xffff unknown "3DLabs|Glint VGA"
-0x4005 0x1064 unknown "Avance Logic Inc.|ALG-2064"
-0x4005 0x2064 unknown "Avance Logic Inc.|ALG-2064i"
-0x4005 0x2128 unknown "Avance Logic Inc.|ALG-2364A GUI Accelerator"
-0x4005 0x2301 unknown "Avance Logic Inc.|ALG-2301"
-0x4005 0x2302 unknown "Avance Logic Inc.|ALG-2302"
-0x4005 0x2303 unknown "Avance Logic Inc.|AVG-2302 GUI Accelerator"
-0x4005 0x2364 unknown "Avance Logic Inc.|ALG-2364A"
-0x4005 0x2464 unknown "Avance Logic Inc.|ALG-2464"
-0x4005 0x2501 unknown "Avance Logic Inc.|ALG-2564A/25128A"
-0x4a14 0x5000 unknown "NetVin|NV5000SC"
-0x5053 0x2010 unknown "Voyetra Technologies|Daytona Audio Adapter"
-0x5145 0x3031 unknown "Ensoniq (Old)|Concert AudioPCI"
-0x5301 0x0001 unknown "Alliance Semiconductor Corp.|ProMotion aT3D"
-0x5333 0x0551 ignore "S3 Inc.|Plato/PX (system)"
-0x5333 0x5631 ignore "S3 Inc.|86c325 [ViRGE]"
-0x5333 0x8800 unknown "S3 Inc.|86c866 [Vision 866]"
-0x5333 0x8801 unknown "S3 Inc.|86c964 [Vision 964]"
-0x5333 0x8810 ignore "S3 Inc.|86c764_0 [Trio 32 vers 0]"
-0x5333 0x8811 ignore "S3 Inc.|86c764/765 [Trio32/64/64V+]"
-0x5333 0x8812 ignore "S3 Inc.|86cM65 [Aurora64V+]"
-0x5333 0x8813 ignore "S3 Inc.|86c764_3 [Trio 32/64 vers 3]"
-0x5333 0x8814 ignore "S3 Inc.|86c767 [Trio 64UV+]"
-0x5333 0x8815 ignore "S3 Inc.|86cM65 [Aurora 128]"
-0x5333 0x883d ignore "S3 Inc.|86c988 [ViRGE/VX]"
-0x5333 0x8870 unknown "S3 Inc.|FireGL"
-0x5333 0x8880 ignore "S3 Inc.|86c868 [Vision 868 VRAM] vers 0"
-0x5333 0x8881 ignore "S3 Inc.|86c868 [Vision 868 VRAM] vers 1"
-0x5333 0x8882 ignore "S3 Inc.|86c868 [Vision 868 VRAM] vers 2"
-0x5333 0x8883 ignore "S3 Inc.|86c868 [Vision 868 VRAM] vers 3"
-0x5333 0x88b0 ignore "S3 Inc.|86c928 [Vision 928 VRAM] vers 0"
-0x5333 0x88b1 ignore "S3 Inc.|86c928 [Vision 928 VRAM] vers 1"
-0x5333 0x88b2 ignore "S3 Inc.|86c928 [Vision 928 VRAM] vers 2"
-0x5333 0x88b3 ignore "S3 Inc.|86c928 [Vision 928 VRAM] vers 3"
-0x5333 0x88c0 ignore "S3 Inc.|86c864 [Vision 864 DRAM] vers 0"
-0x5333 0x88c1 ignore "S3 Inc.|86c864 [Vision 864 DRAM] vers 1"
-0x5333 0x88c2 ignore "S3 Inc.|86c864 [Vision 864-P DRAM] vers 2"
-0x5333 0x88c3 ignore "S3 Inc.|86c864 [Vision 864-P DRAM] vers 3"
-0x5333 0x88d0 ignore "S3 Inc.|86c964 [Vision 964 VRAM] vers 0"
-0x5333 0x88d1 ignore "S3 Inc.|86c964 [Vision 964 VRAM] vers 1"
-0x5333 0x88d2 ignore "S3 Inc.|86c964 [Vision 964-P VRAM] vers 2"
-0x5333 0x88d3 ignore "S3 Inc.|86c964 [Vision 964-P VRAM] vers 3"
-0x5333 0x88f0 ignore "S3 Inc.|86c968 [Vision 968 VRAM] rev 0"
-0x5333 0x88f1 ignore "S3 Inc.|86c968 [Vision 968 VRAM] rev 1"
-0x5333 0x88f2 ignore "S3 Inc.|86c968 [Vision 968 VRAM] rev 2"
-0x5333 0x88f3 ignore "S3 Inc.|86c968 [Vision 968 VRAM] rev 3"
-0x5333 0x8900 unknown "S3 Inc.|86c755 [Trio 64V2/DX]"
-0x5333 0x8901 ignore "S3 Inc.|Trio 64V2/DX or /GX"
-0x5333 0x8902 ignore "S3 Inc.|Plato/PX"
-0x5333 0x8903 unknown "S3 Inc.|Trio 3D business multimedia"
-0x5333 0x8904 unknown "S3 Inc.|Trio 64 3D"
-0x5333 0x8905 unknown "S3 Inc.|Trio 64V+ family"
-0x5333 0x8906 unknown "S3 Inc.|Trio 64V+ family"
-0x5333 0x8907 unknown "S3 Inc.|Trio 64V+ family"
-0x5333 0x8908 unknown "S3 Inc.|Trio 64V+ family"
-0x5333 0x8909 unknown "S3 Inc.|Trio 64V+ family"
-0x5333 0x890a unknown "S3 Inc.|Trio 64V+ family"
-0x5333 0x890b unknown "S3 Inc.|Trio 64V+ family"
-0x5333 0x890c unknown "S3 Inc.|Trio 64V+ family"
-0x5333 0x890d unknown "S3 Inc.|Trio 64V+ family"
-0x5333 0x890e unknown "S3 Inc.|Trio 64V+ family"
-0x5333 0x890f unknown "S3 Inc.|Trio 64V+ family"
-0x5333 0x8a01 ignore "S3 Inc.|ViRGE/DX or /GX"
-0x5333 0x8a10 ignore "S3 Inc.|ViRGE/GX2"
-0x5333 0x8a13 unknown "S3 Inc.|86c368 [Trio 3D/2X]"
-0x5333 0x8a20 unknown "S3 Inc.|86c794 [Savage 3D]"
-0x5333 0x8a21 unknown "S3 Inc.|86c795 [Savage 3D/MV]"
-0x5333 0x8a22 unknown "S3 Inc.|Savage 4"
-0x5333 0x8a23 unknown "S3 Inc.|Savage 4"
-0x5333 0x8c00 unknown "S3 Inc.|ViRGE/M3"
-0x5333 0x8c01 ignore "S3 Inc.|ViRGE/MX"
-0x5333 0x8c02 ignore "S3 Inc.|ViRGE/MX+"
-0x5333 0x8c03 ignore "S3 Inc.|ViRGE/MX+MV"
-0x5333 0xca00 ignore "S3 Inc.|SonicVibes"
-0x5455 0x4458 unknown "Technische University Berlin|S5933"
-0x5555 0x0003 unknown "Genroco, Inc|TURBOstor HFP-832 [HiPPI NIC]"
-0x6374 0x6773 unknown "c't Magazin|GPPCI"
-0x6666 0x0001 unknown "Decision Computer|PCCOM4"
-0x8008 0x0010 unknown "Quancom Electronic GmbH|WDOG1 [PCI-Watchdog 1]"
-0x8008 0x0011 unknown "Quancom Electronic GmbH|PWDOG2 [PCI-Watchdog 2]"
-0x8086 0x0007 unknown "Intel Corporation|82379AB"
-0x8086 0x0039 unknown "Intel Corporation|21145"
-0x8086 0x0122 unknown "Intel Corporation|82437FX"
-0x8086 0x0482 unknown "Intel Corporation|82375EB"
-0x8086 0x0483 unknown "Intel Corporation|82424ZX [Saturn]"
-0x8086 0x0484 unknown "Intel Corporation|82378IB [SIO ISA Bridge]"
-0x8086 0x0486 unknown "Intel Corporation|82430ZX [Aries]"
-0x8086 0x04a3 unknown "Intel Corporation|82434LX [Mercury/Neptune]"
-0x8086 0x04d0 unknown "Intel Corporation|82437FX [Triton FX]"
-0x8086 0x0960 unknown "Intel Corporation|80960RP [i960 RP Microprocessor/Bridge]"
-0x8086 0x1000 unknown "Intel Corporation|82542 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter"
-0x8086 0x1221 unknown "Intel Corporation|82092AA_0"
-0x8086 0x1222 unknown "Intel Corporation|82092AA_1"
-0x8086 0x1223 unknown "Intel Corporation|SAA7116"
-0x8086 0x1225 unknown "Intel Corporation|82452KX/GX [Orion]"
-0x8086 0x1226 unknown "Intel Corporation|82596"
-0x8086 0x1227 eepro100 "Intel Corporation|82865 [Ether Express Pro 100]"
-0x8086 0x1228 eepro100 "Intel Corporation|82556 [Ether Express Pro 100 Smart]"
-0x8086 0x1229 eepro100 "Intel Corporation|82557 [Ethernet Pro 100]"
-0x8086 0x122d unknown "Intel Corporation|430FX - 82437FX TSC [Triton I]"
-0x8086 0x122e unknown "Intel Corporation|82371FB PIIX ISA [Triton I]"
-0x8086 0x1230 unknown "Intel Corporation|82371FB PIIX IDE [Triton I]"
-0x8086 0x1231 unknown "Intel Corporation|DSVD Modem"
-0x8086 0x1234 unknown "Intel Corporation|430MX - 82371MX MPIIX [430MX PCIset - 82371MX Mobile PCI I/O IDE Xcelerator (MPIIX)]"
-0x8086 0x1235 unknown "Intel Corporation|430MX - 82437MX MTSC [430MX PCIset - 82437MX Mobile System Controller (MTSC) and 82438MX Mobile Data Path (MTDP)]"
-0x8086 0x1237 unknown "Intel Corporation|440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]"
-0x8086 0x1239 unknown "Intel Corporation|82371FB"
-0x8086 0x123b unknown "Intel Corporation|82380PB"
-0x8086 0x123c unknown "Intel Corporation|82380AB"
-0x8086 0x1240 unknown "Intel Corporation|752 AGP"
-0x8086 0x124b unknown "Intel Corporation|82380FB"
-0x8086 0x1250 unknown "Intel Corporation|430HX - 82439HX TXC [Triton II]"
-0x8086 0x1960 unknown "Intel Corporation|80960RP [i960RP Microprocessor]"
-0x8086 0x5200 eepro100 "Intel Corporation|EtherExpress PRO/100"
-0x8086 0x5201 eepro100 "Intel Corporation|EtherExpress PRO/100"
-0x8086 0x7000 unknown "Intel Corporation|82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]"
-0x8086 0x7010 unknown "Intel Corporation|82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]"
-0x8086 0x7020 unknown "Intel Corporation|82371SB PIIX3 USB [Natoma/Triton II]"
-0x8086 0x7030 unknown "Intel Corporation|430VX - 82437VX TVX [Triton VX]"
-0x8086 0x7100 unknown "Intel Corporation|430TX - 82439TX MTXC"
-0x8086 0x7110 unknown "Intel Corporation|82371AB PIIX4 ISA"
-0x8086 0x7111 unknown "Intel Corporation|82371AB PIIX4 IDE"
-0x8086 0x7112 unknown "Intel Corporation|82371AB PIIX4 USB"
-0x8086 0x7113 unknown "Intel Corporation|82371AB PIIX4 ACPI"
-0x8086 0x7120 unknown "Intel Corporation|82810 GMCH [Graphics Memory Controller Hub]"
-0x8086 0x7121 unknown "Intel Corporation|82810 CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller]"
-0x8086 0x7122 unknown "Intel Corporation|82810-DC100 GMCH [Graphics Memory Controller Hub]"
-0x8086 0x7123 unknown "Intel Corporation|82810-DC100 CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller]"
-0x8086 0x7180 unknown "Intel Corporation|440LX - 82443LX Host bridge"
-0x8086 0x7181 unknown "Intel Corporation|440LX - 82443LX AGP bridge"
-0x8086 0x7190 unknown "Intel Corporation|440BX/ZX - 82443BX/ZX Host bridge"
-0x8086 0x7191 unknown "Intel Corporation|440BX/ZX - 82443BX/ZX AGP bridge"
-0x8086 0x7192 unknown "Intel Corporation|440BX/ZX - 82443BX/ZX Host bridge (AGP disabled)"
-0x8086 0x71a0 unknown "Intel Corporation|440GX - 82443GX Host bridge"
-0x8086 0x71a1 unknown "Intel Corporation|440GX - 82443GX AGP bridge"
-0x8086 0x71a2 unknown "Intel Corporation|440GX - 82443GX Host bridge (AGP disabled)"
-0x8086 0x7602 unknown "Intel Corporation|82372FB [PCI-to-USB UHCI]"
-0x8086 0x7800 unknown "Intel Corporation|i740"
-0x8086 0x84c4 unknown "Intel Corporation|450KX/GX [Orion] - 82454KX/GX PCI bridge"
-0x8086 0x84c5 unknown "Intel Corporation|450KX/GX [Orion] - 82453KX/GX Memory controller"
-0x8086 0x84ca unknown "Intel Corporation|450NX - 82451NX Memory & I/O Controller"
-0x8086 0x84cb unknown "Intel Corporation|450NX - 82454NX PCI Expander Bridge"
-0x8086 0xffff unknown "Intel Corporation|450NX/GX [Orion] - 82453KX/GX Memory controller [BUG]"
-0x8800 0x2008 unknown "Trigem Computer Inc.|Video assistent component"
-0x8e2e 0x3000 unknown "KTI|ET32P2"
-0x9004 0x1078 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-7810"
-0x9004 0x1160 unknown "Adaptec|AIC-1160 [Family Fiber Channel Adapter]"
-0x9004 0x2178 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-7821"
-0x9004 0x3860 unknown "Adaptec|AHA-2930CU"
-0x9004 0x3b78 unknown "Adaptec|AHA-4844W/4844UW"
-0x9004 0x5075 unknown "Adaptec|AIC-755x"
-0x9004 0x5078 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AHA-7850"
-0x9004 0x5175 unknown "Adaptec|AIC-755x"
-0x9004 0x5178 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-7851"
-0x9004 0x5275 unknown "Adaptec|AIC-755x"
-0x9004 0x5278 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-7852"
-0x9004 0x5375 unknown "Adaptec|AIC-755x"
-0x9004 0x5378 unknown "Adaptec|AIC-7850"
-0x9004 0x5475 unknown "Adaptec|AIC-2930"
-0x9004 0x5478 unknown "Adaptec|AIC-7850"
-0x9004 0x5575 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AVA-2930"
-0x9004 0x5578 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-7855"
-0x9004 0x5675 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-755x"
-0x9004 0x5678 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-7850"
-0x9004 0x5775 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-755x"
-0x9004 0x5778 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-7850"
-0x9004 0x5800 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-5800"
-0x9004 0x5900 unknown "Adaptec|ANA-5910/5930/5940 ATM155 & 25 LAN Adapter"
-0x9004 0x5905 unknown "Adaptec|ANA-5910A/5930A/5940A ATM Adapter"
-0x9004 0x6038 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-3860"
-0x9004 0x6075 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-1480 / APA-1480"
-0x9004 0x6078 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-7860"
-0x9004 0x6178 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-7861"
-0x9004 0x6278 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-7860"
-0x9004 0x6378 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-7860"
-0x9004 0x6478 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-786"
-0x9004 0x6578 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-786x"
-0x9004 0x6678 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-786"
-0x9004 0x6778 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-786x"
-0x9004 0x6915 unknown "Adaptec|ANA620xx/ANA69011A Fast Ethernet"
-0x9004 0x7078 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AHA-294x / AIC-7870"
-0x9004 0x7178 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AHA-294x / AIC-7871"
-0x9004 0x7278 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AHA-3940 / AIC-7872"
-0x9004 0x7378 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AHA-3985 / AIC-7873"
-0x9004 0x7478 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AHA-2944 / AIC-7874"
-0x9004 0x7578 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AHA-3944 / AHA-3944W / 7875"
-0x9004 0x7678 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AHA-4944W/UW / 7876"
-0x9004 0x7778 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-787x"
-0x9004 0x7810 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-7810"
-0x9004 0x7850 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-7850"
-0x9004 0x7855 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AHA-2930"
-0x9004 0x7860 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-7860"
-0x9004 0x7870 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-7870"
-0x9004 0x7871 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AHA-2940"
-0x9004 0x7872 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AHA-3940"
-0x9004 0x7873 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AHA-3980"
-0x9004 0x7874 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AHA-2944"
-0x9004 0x7880 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-7880P"
-0x9004 0x7890 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-7890"
-0x9004 0x7891 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-789x"
-0x9004 0x7892 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-789x"
-0x9004 0x7893 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-789x"
-0x9004 0x7894 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-789x"
-0x9004 0x7895 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AHA-2940U/UW / AHA-39xx / AIC-7895"
-0x9004 0x7896 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-789x"
-0x9004 0x7897 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-789x"
-0x9004 0x8078 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-7880U"
-0x9004 0x8178 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-7881U"
-0x9004 0x8278 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AHA-3940U/UW / AIC-7882U"
-0x9004 0x8378 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AHA-3940U/UW / AIC-7883U"
-0x9004 0x8478 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AHA-294x / AIC-7884U"
-0x9004 0x8578 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AHA-3944U / AHA-3944UWD / 7885"
-0x9004 0x8678 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AHA-4944UW / 7886"
-0x9004 0x8778 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-788x"
-0x9004 0x8878 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|7888"
-0x9004 0x8b78 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|ABA-1030"
-0x9004 0xec78 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AHA-4944W/UW"
-0x9005 0x0010 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AHA-2940U2/W"
-0x9005 0x0011 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|2930U2"
-0x9005 0x0013 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|78902"
-0x9005 0x001f aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AHA-2940U2/W / 7890"
-0x9005 0x0020 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-7890"
-0x9005 0x002f aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-7890"
-0x9005 0x0030 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-7890"
-0x9005 0x003f aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|AIC-7890"
-0x9005 0x0050 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|3940U2"
-0x9005 0x0051 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|3950U2D"
-0x9005 0x005f aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|7896"
-0x9005 0x0080 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|7892A"
-0x9005 0x0081 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|7892B"
-0x9005 0x0083 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|7892D"
-0x9005 0x008f aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|7892P"
-0x9005 0x00c0 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|7899A"
-0x9005 0x00c1 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|7899B"
-0x9005 0x00c3 aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|7899D"
-0x9005 0x00cf aic7xxx.o "Adaptec|7899P"
-0x907f 0x2015 unknown "Atronics|IDE-2015PL"
-0x9412 0x6565 ignore "Holtek|6565"
-0xe000 0xe000 unknown "Winbond|W89C940"
-0xe159 0x0001 ignore "Tiger Jet Network Inc.|300"
-0xedd8 0xa091 ignore "ARK Logic Inc|1000PV [Stingray]"
-0xedd8 0xa099 ignore "ARK Logic Inc|2000PV [Stingray]"
-0xedd8 0xa0a1 ignore "ARK Logic Inc|2000MT"
-0xedd8 0xa0a9 ignore "ARK Logic Inc|2000MI"
-0xfffe 0x0710 unknown "VMWare Inc|Virtual SVGA"
diff --git a/isys/pci/translations b/isys/pci/translations
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a4e584ce..000000000
--- a/isys/pci/translations
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-$classtr{"Compaq Computer Corporation"} = "Compaq";
-$classtr{"Symbios Logic Inc. (formerly NCR)"} = "Symbios";
-$classtr{"ATI Technologies Inc"} = "ATI";
-$classtr{"VLSI Technology Inc"} = "VLSI";
-$classtr{"National Semiconductor Corporation"} = "National Semi";
-$classtr{"Digital Equipment Corporation"} = "DEC";
-$classtr{"Acer Incorporated"} = "Acer";
-$classtr{"NEC Corporation"} = "NEC";
-$classtr{"Chips and Technologies"} = "C&T";
-$classtr{"Matrox Graphics, Inc."} = "Matrox";
-$classtr{"Silicon Integrated Systems"} = "SIS";
-$classtr{"Hewlett-Packard Company"} = "HP";
-$classtr{"Sun Microsystems Computer Corp."} = "Sun";
-$classtr{"Distributed Processing Technology"} = "Distributed Tech";
-$classtr{"Miro Computer Products AG"} = "Miro";
-$classtr{"Future Domain Corp."} = "Future Domain";
-$classtr{"SGS Thomson Microelectronics"} = "SGS Thomson";
-$classtr{"Data Technology Corporation"} = "Data Technology";
-$classtr{"Forex Computer Corporation"} = "Forex";
-$classtr{"Quantum Designs (H.K.) Ltd"} = "Quantum Designs";
-$classtr{"Advanced System Products, Inc"} = "Advanced System Products";
-$classtr{"Integrated Micro Solutions Inc."} = "Integrated Micro";
-$classtr{"Tekram Technology Co.,Ltd."} = "Tekram";
-$classtr{"Applied Micro Circuits Corporation"} = "Applied Micro";
-$classtr{"Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd."} = "Realtek";
-$classtr{"Triones Technologies, Inc."} = "Triones";
-$classtr{"Cogent Data Technologies, Inc."} = "Cogent Data";
-$classtr{"Accton Technology Corporation"} = "Accton";
-$classtr{"ICP Vortex Computersysteme GmbH"} = "ICP Vortex";
-$classtr{"Alliance Semiconductor Corporation"} = "Alliance";
-$classtr{"Toshiba America Info Systems"} = "Toshiba";
-$classtr{"Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS"} = "Dolphin";
-$classtr{"Kinetic Systems Corporation"} = "Kinetic";
-$classtr{"AVM Audiovisuelles MKTG & Computer System GmbH"} = "AVM Audiovisuelles";
-$classtr{"Stallion Technologies, Inc."} = "Stallion";
-$classtr{"NVidia / SGS Thomson (Joint Venture)"} = "NVidia / SGS Thomson";
-$classtr{"Tekram Technology Co.,Ltd."} = "Tekram";
-$classtr{"c't Magazin für Computertechnik"} = "c't Magazin";
-$classtr{"Decision Computer International Co."} = "Decision Computer";
-$classtr{"Eicon Technology Corporation"} = "Eicon";
-$classtr{"American Megatrends Inc."} = "AMI";
-$classtr{"Number 9 Computer Company"} = "Number 9";
-$classtr{"United Microelectronics"} = "United";
-$classtr{"Acer Laboratories Inc."} = "Acer";
-$classtr{"VIA Technologies, Inc."} = "VIA Technologies";
-$classtr{"Lite-On Communications Inc"} = "Lite-On";