path: root/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT/cocoa/org/eclipse
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* After javadoc bash for 3.5RC3v3549aBEFORE_COPYRIGHT_BASH_FOR_35RC3AFTER_JAVADOC_BASH_FOR_35RC3Carolyn MacLeod2009-05-2744-46/+238
* 277539 - GLCanvas renders garbageSilenio Quarti2009-05-264-43/+34
* Bug 277631: Cannot move cursor after cancelling IME input by pressing escape ...Felipe Heidrich2009-05-261-0/+7
* 277437 - [Cocoa] GC#drawText font background issueSilenio Quarti2009-05-262-0/+11
* removing fix for 276532Silenio Quarti2009-05-213-7/+7
* 277314 - Cocoa - Application crashes while copying an imageSilenio Quarti2009-05-211-1/+4
* 277193 - Graphics drawing in unwanted places when scrolling bundles in a laun...Silenio Quarti2009-05-202-2/+2
* 277195 - FileDialog NPE's when attempting to upload an attachment with MylynKevin Barnes2009-05-201-1/+1
* 276569 - Cocoa: exception gets logged when opening views while a detached vie...Kevin Barnes2009-05-201-2/+2
* 277173 - ToolItems and Buttons are not accessible on Cocoa (regression)Carolyn MacLeod2009-05-201-0/+1
* 276532 - Debug toolbar button glows, key bindings stop workingCarolyn MacLeod2009-05-203-7/+7
* 274925 - Drag view shows outline in wrong location with multiple monitorsCarolyn MacLeod2009-05-201-6/+2
* 276531 - Selection jumps in treeSilenio Quarti2009-05-202-12/+18
* 276553 - Cocoa: Menus completely gray after drag-and-drop to detached viewSilenio Quarti2009-05-201-2/+14
* 276683 - Tree item icons drawn into next columnSilenio Quarti2009-05-192-0/+2
* 276760 - GC#drawRoundRectangle(..) draw too big radii on CocoaSilenio Quarti2009-05-191-2/+2
* 276131 - Browser Test crashingSilenio Quarti2009-05-152-22/+30
* 223703 - FileDialog.setOverwrite(boolean) does nothing on CocoaKevin Barnes2009-05-151-2/+2
* 275875 - crash: Cmd+Q only closes first shell in SnippetLauncherCarolyn MacLeod2009-05-151-8/+6
* 275552 - Font loading slow for font that is not there (ie. 'Sans Serif')Kevin Barnes2009-05-151-14/+26
* 275631 - don't forward ctrl+tab/ctrl-shift-tab to the window once we explicit...Scott Kovatch2009-05-131-2/+0
* 274925 - fixed coordinate transforms to draw in right spot.Scott Kovatch2009-05-081-12/+20
* 266172 - Shell setFullScreen not implementedKevin Barnes2009-05-081-27/+57
* 274001 - Rollover tooltips for all truncated tree and table itemsSilenio Quarti2009-05-087-137/+258
* 252109 - remove incorrect overrideScott Kovatch2009-05-083-21/+0
* 274385, 274387 - Final fix for drag initiation in tables and trees. Also, don...Scott Kovatch2009-05-072-2/+49
* Bug 273354: Form Feed (\f) makes StyledText go crazyFelipe Heidrich2009-05-071-0/+16
* 274120 - Update progress bar from UI thread does not work on Cocoav3547aKevin Barnes2009-05-061-0/+8
* 274141 - [content assist] Additional info of newly selected proposal not shownSilenio Quarti2009-05-062-2/+8
* 274161 - Cannot create circular Shell on CocoaSilenio Quarti2009-05-061-0/+2
* 273099 - Save As.. dialog is not seeded with selection's file nameSilenio Quarti2009-05-062-4/+5
* 274890 - SWT crashSilenio Quarti2009-05-054-110/+82
* 274696 - Checkbox Tree wastes a lot of space beween box and itemSilenio Quarti2009-05-052-2/+4
* 274022 - Text from DirectoryDialog#setMessage(..) not visibleSilenio Quarti2009-05-041-0/+1
* 273661 - [KeyBindings] copy/paste doesn't always work in dialogsSilenio Quarti2009-05-045-92/+78
* 274188 - create caret from image does not workSilenio Quarti2009-05-042-10/+28
* 274538 - Shells with SWT.SHEET do not hide with setVisible(false) (only when ...Silenio Quarti2009-05-041-2/+1
* 274230 - Using content assist in the new Java class wizard crashes the VMv3545aSilenio Quarti2009-04-291-1/+0
* 165251 - Not enough information in Calendar control's SelectionEventCarolyn MacLeod2009-04-291-1/+25
* 64 bitv3544aSilenio Quarti2009-04-281-1/+1
* getSystemColors is really slow in new macSilenio Quarti2009-04-283-50/+54
* 273934 - No need to see if the view is flipped before printing.Scott Kovatch2009-04-281-11/+7
* 273934 - fixed transform for re-inverting image when printing.Scott Kovatch2009-04-281-1/+2
* 273635 - don't mess with the selection when determining if a drag can start.Scott Kovatch2009-04-272-24/+2
* 273492 - go back to CGPostKeyboardEvent for posting key events.Scott Kovatch2009-04-271-20/+8
* Bug 159465: Accessibilities: Improve traverse order for SWT ToolBarFelipe Heidrich2009-04-274-17/+21
* 273631 - Second call to fillRectangle/fillOval uses black background instead ...Silenio Quarti2009-04-272-3/+7
* fix malloc() -> free()Grant Gayed2009-04-271-1/+1
* use superSilenio Quarti2009-04-272-10/+2
* 272412 - Checkboxes with images have incorrect image alignmentKevin Barnes2009-04-243-26/+80