path: root/examples/org.eclipse.swt.examples/src/org/eclipse/swt/examples/graphics/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/org.eclipse.swt.examples/src/org/eclipse/swt/examples/graphics/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 192 deletions
diff --git a/examples/org.eclipse.swt.examples/src/org/eclipse/swt/examples/graphics/ b/examples/org.eclipse.swt.examples/src/org/eclipse/swt/examples/graphics/
deleted file mode 100644
index 89ba22ce0c..0000000000
--- a/examples/org.eclipse.swt.examples/src/org/eclipse/swt/examples/graphics/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-import org.eclipse.swt.*;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.*;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;
- * This tab demonstrates antialiasing for text. Antialiasing is used for
- * smoothing jagged edges in graphics. This tab allows the user to see the
- * effects of different antialiasing values.
- */
-public class TextAntialiasTab extends GraphicsTab {
- Combo aliasCombo;
- static int[] aliasValues = { SWT.OFF, SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.ON };
- Button colorButton;
- Menu menu;
- GraphicsBackground textColor;
- String text = GraphicsExample.getResourceString("SWT");
-public TextAntialiasTab(GraphicsExample example) {
- super(example);
-public String getCategory() {
- return GraphicsExample.getResourceString("Antialiasing"); //$NON-NLS-1$
-public String getText() {
- return GraphicsExample.getResourceString("Text"); //$NON-NLS-1$
-public String getDescription() {
- return GraphicsExample.getResourceString("AntialiasingTextDesc"); //$NON-NLS-1$
-public void dispose() {
- if (menu != null) {
- menu.dispose();
- menu = null;
- }
-public void createControlPanel(Composite parent) {
- Composite comp;
- // create drop down combo for antialiasing
- comp = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
- comp.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, false));
- new Label(comp, SWT.CENTER).setText(GraphicsExample
- .getResourceString("Antialiasing")); //$NON-NLS-1$
- aliasCombo = new Combo(comp, SWT.DROP_DOWN);
- aliasCombo.add("OFF");
- aliasCombo.add("DEFAULT");
- aliasCombo.add("ON");
- aliasCombo.addListener(SWT.Selection, new Listener() {
- public void handleEvent(Event event) {
- example.redraw();
- }
- });
- ColorMenu cm = new ColorMenu();
- cm.setColorItems(true);
- menu = cm.createMenu(parent.getParent(), new ColorListener() {
- public void setColor(GraphicsBackground gb) {
- textColor = gb;
- colorButton.setImage(gb.getThumbNail());
- example.redraw();
- }
- });
- // create color button
- comp = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
- comp.setLayout(new GridLayout());
- // initialize the color to black
- textColor = (GraphicsBackground)menu.getItem(1).getData();
- colorButton = new Button(comp, SWT.PUSH);
- colorButton.setText(GraphicsExample.getResourceString("Color")); //$NON-NLS-1$
- colorButton.setImage(textColor.getThumbNail());
- colorButton.addListener(SWT.Selection, new Listener() {
- public void handleEvent(Event event) {
- final Button button = (Button) event.widget;
- final Composite parent = button.getParent();
- Rectangle bounds = button.getBounds();
- Point point = parent.toDisplay(new Point(bounds.x, bounds.y));
- menu.setLocation(point.x, point.y + bounds.height);
- menu.setVisible(true);
- }
- });
-/* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see, int, int)
- */
-public void paint(GC gc, int width, int height) {
- if (!example.checkAdvancedGraphics()) return;
- Device device = gc.getDevice();
- if (textColor != null && textColor.getBgColor1() != null)
- gc.setForeground(textColor.getBgColor1());
- gc.setTextAntialias(aliasValues[aliasCombo.getSelectionIndex()]);
- // column 1, row 1
- Font font = new Font(device, getPlatformFontFace(0), 100, SWT.NORMAL);
- gc.setFont(font);
- Point size = gc.stringExtent(text);
- gc.drawString(text, width/4 - size.x/2, height/4 - size.y/2, true);
- font.dispose();
- // column 1, row 2
- font = new Font(device, getPlatformFontFace(1), 100, SWT.NORMAL);
- gc.setFont(font);
- size = gc.stringExtent(text);
- gc.drawString(text, width/4 - size.x/2, 3*height/4 - size.y/2, true);
- font.dispose();
- // column 2, row 1
- font = new Font(device, getPlatformFontFace(2), 50, SWT.NORMAL);
- gc.setFont(font);
- size = gc.stringExtent(text);
- gc.drawString(text, (width-size.x)/2, 0, true);
- font.dispose();
- // column 2, row 2
- font = new Font(device, getPlatformFontFace(3), 100, SWT.ITALIC);
- gc.setFont(font);
- size = gc.stringExtent(text);
- gc.drawString(text, (width-size.x)/2, (height-size.y)/2, true);
- font.dispose();
- // column 2, row 3
- font = new Font(device, getPlatformFontFace(4), 50, SWT.NORMAL);
- gc.setFont(font);
- size = gc.stringExtent(text);
- gc.drawString(text, (width-size.x)/2, height-size.y, true);
- font.dispose();
- // column 3, row 1
- font = new Font(device, getPlatformFontFace(5), 100, SWT.NORMAL);
- gc.setFont(font);
- size = gc.stringExtent(text);
- gc.drawString(text, 3*width/4 - size.x/2, height/4 - size.y/2, true);
- font.dispose();
- // column 3, row 2
- font = new Font(device, getPlatformFontFace(6), 100, SWT.NORMAL);
- gc.setFont(font);
- size = gc.stringExtent(text);
- gc.drawString(text, 3*width/4 - size.x/2, 3*height/4 - size.y/2, true);
- font.dispose();
- * Returns the name of a valid font for the host platform.
- *
- * @param index
- * index is used to determine the appropriate font face
- */
-static String getPlatformFontFace(int index) {
- if(SWT.getPlatform() == "win32" || SWT.getPlatform() == "wpf") {
- return new String [] {"Bookman Old Style", "Century Gothic", "Comic Sans MS", "Impact", "Garamond", "Lucida Console", "Monotype Corsiva"} [index];
- } else if (SWT.getPlatform() == "motif") {
- return new String [] {"urw palladio l", "Courier", "qub", "URW Gothic L", "Times", "Lucida", "URW ChanceryL"} [index];
- } else if (SWT.getPlatform() == "gtk") {
- return new String [] {"Luxi Mono", "KacstTitleL", "Baekmuk Batang", "Baekmuk Headline", "KacstFarsi", "Baekmuk Gulim", "URW Chancery L"} [index];
- } else if (SWT.getPlatform() == "carbon") {
- return new String [] {"Apple Chancery", "Brush Script MT", "Comic Sans MS", "Impact", "Herculanum", "Lucida Grande", "Papyrus"} [index];
- } else { // photon, etc ...
- return new String [] {"Courier", "Verdana", "Verdana", "Verdana", "Verdana", "Verdana", "Verdana"} [index];
- }