path: root/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT/photon/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT/photon/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/')
-rwxr-xr-xbundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT/photon/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/TableItem.java1032
1 files changed, 1032 insertions, 0 deletions
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT/photon/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/
@@ -0,0 +1,1032 @@
+package org.eclipse.swt.widgets;
+import org.eclipse.swt.*;
+import java.util.*;
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM,
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2000 All Rights Reserved
+ */
+ * A table item is a selectable user interface object
+ * that represents an item in a table.
+ * Table items can consist of multiple columns called sub items.
+ */
+public /*final*/ class TableItem extends SelectableItem {
+ private static final int FIRST_COLUMN_IMAGE_INDENT = 2; // Space in front of image - first column only
+ private static final int FIRST_COLUMN_TEXT_INDENT = 4; // Space in front of text - first column only
+ private static final int TEXT_INDENT_NO_IMAGE = 2; // Space in front of item text when no item in the column has an image - first column only
+ private static final int TEXT_INDENT = 6; // Space in front of item text - all other columns
+ private static final int SELECTION_PADDING = 6; // Space behind text in a selected item
+ private Vector dataLabels = new Vector(); // Original text set by the user. Items that don't
+ // have a label are represented by a null slot
+ private String[] trimmedLabels = new String[0]; // Text that is actually displayed, may be trimmed
+ // to fit the column
+ private Vector images = new Vector(); // Item images. Items that don't have an image
+ // are represented by a null slot
+ private Point selectionExtent; // Size of the rectangle drawn to indicate a
+ // selected item.
+ private int imageIndent = 0; // the factor by which the item image and check box, if any,
+ // are indented. The multiplier is the image width.
+ private int index; // index of the item in the parent widget
+ * Create a table item in the table widget 'parent'. Append the new
+ * item to the existing items in 'parent'.
+ * @param parent - table widget the new item is added to.
+ * @param style - widget style. See Widget class for details
+ */
+public TableItem(Table parent, int style) {
+ this(parent, style, checkNull(parent).getItemCount());
+ * Create a table item in the table widget 'parent'. Add the new
+ * item at position 'index' to the existing items in 'parent'.
+ * @param parent - table widget the new item is added to.
+ * @param style - widget style. See Widget class for details
+ * @param index - position the new item is inserted at in 'parent'
+ */
+public TableItem(Table parent, int style, int index) {
+ super(parent, style);
+ parent.addItem(this, index);
+ * Calculate the size of the rectangle drawn to indicate a selected
+ * item. This is also used to draw the selection focus rectangle.
+ * The selection extent is calculated for the first column only (the
+ * only column the selection is drawn in).
+ */
+void calculateSelectionExtent() {
+ Table parent = getParent();
+ TableColumn column = parent.internalGetColumn(TableColumn.FIRST);
+ GC gc = new GC(parent);
+ String trimmedText = getText(gc, column);
+ int gridLineWidth = parent.getGridLineWidth();
+ if (trimmedText != null) {
+ selectionExtent = new Point(gc.stringExtent(trimmedText).x, parent.getItemHeight());
+ selectionExtent.x += getTextIndent(TableColumn.FIRST) + SELECTION_PADDING;
+ selectionExtent.x = Math.min(
+ selectionExtent.x, column.getWidth() - getImageStopX(column.getIndex()) - gridLineWidth);
+ if (parent.getLinesVisible() == true) {
+ selectionExtent.y -= gridLineWidth;
+ }
+ }
+ gc.dispose();
+ * Throw an SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT exception if 'table' is null.
+ * Otherwise return 'table'
+ */
+static Table checkNull(Table table) {
+ if (table == null) SWT.error(SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
+ return table;
+protected void checkSubclass () {
+ if (!isValidSubclass ()) error (SWT.ERROR_INVALID_SUBCLASS);
+ * The receiver is destroyed. Remove it from its parent widget.
+ */
+void disposeItem() {
+ getParent().removeItem(this);
+ dataLabels = null;
+ trimmedLabels = null;
+ images = null;
+ selectionExtent = null;
+ super.disposeItem();
+ * Draw the image of the receiver for column 'index' at
+ * 'destinationPosition' using 'gc'.
+ * Stretch/shrink the image to the fixed image size of the receiver's
+ * parent.
+ * @param gc - GC to draw on.
+ * @param destinationPosition - position on the GC to draw at.
+ * @param index - index of the image to draw
+ * @return Answer the position where drawing stopped.
+ */
+Point drawImage(GC gc, Point destinationPosition, int index) {
+ Table parent = getParent();
+ Image image = getImage(index);
+ Rectangle sourceImageBounds;
+ Point destinationImageExtent = parent.getImageExtent();
+ if (image != null) {
+ sourceImageBounds = image.getBounds();
+ // full row select would obscure transparent images in all but the first column
+ // so always clear the image area in this case. Fixes 1FYNITC
+ if ((parent.getStyle() & SWT.FULL_SELECTION) != 0 && index != TableColumn.FIRST) {
+ gc.fillRectangle(
+ destinationPosition.x, destinationPosition.y,
+ destinationImageExtent.x, destinationImageExtent.y);
+ }
+ gc.drawImage(
+ image, 0, 0, // source x, y
+ sourceImageBounds.width, sourceImageBounds.height, // source width, height
+ destinationPosition.x, destinationPosition.y, // destination x, y
+ destinationImageExtent.x, destinationImageExtent.y); // destination width, height
+ }
+ if (((index == TableColumn.FIRST && // always add the image width for the first column
+ parent.hasFirstColumnImage() == true) || // if any item in the first column has an image
+ (index != TableColumn.FIRST && // add the image width if it's not the first column
+ image != null)) && // only when the item actually has an image
+ destinationImageExtent != null) {
+ destinationPosition.x += destinationImageExtent.x;
+ }
+ return destinationPosition;
+ * Draw the label of the receiver for column 'index' at 'position'
+ * using 'gc'.
+ * The background color is set to the selection background color if
+ * the item is selected and the text is drawn for the first column.
+ * @param gc - GC to draw on.
+ * @param position - position on the GC to draw at.
+ * @param index - specifies which subitem text to draw
+ */
+void drawText(String label, GC gc, Point position, int index) {
+ Table parent = getParent();
+ boolean drawSelection;
+ int textOffset;
+ int textHeight;
+ if (label != null) {
+ drawSelection = (index == TableColumn.FIRST || (parent.getStyle() & SWT.FULL_SELECTION) != 0);
+ if (isSelected() == true && drawSelection == true) {
+ gc.setBackground(getSelectionBackgroundColor());
+ gc.setForeground(getSelectionForegroundColor());
+ }
+ textHeight = gc.stringExtent(label).y;
+ textOffset = (parent.getItemHeight() - textHeight) / 2; // vertically center the text
+ gc.drawString(label, position.x, position.y + textOffset);
+ if (isSelected() == true && drawSelection == true) {
+ gc.setBackground(parent.getBackground());
+ gc.setForeground(parent.getForeground());
+ }
+ }
+* Gets the item bounds at an index
+* <p>
+* @return the item bounds
+* when called from the wrong thread
+* when the widget has been disposed
+public Rectangle getBounds(int index) {
+ if (!isValidThread ()) error (SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);
+ if (!isValidWidget ()) error (SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED);
+ Rectangle itemBounds;
+ Rectangle columnBounds;
+ Rectangle checkboxBounds;
+ Table parent = getParent();
+ TableColumn column;
+ int itemIndex = parent.indexOf(this);
+ int itemHeight = parent.getItemHeight();
+ int gridLineWidth = parent.getGridLineWidth();
+ int itemYPos;
+ if (itemIndex == -1 || index < 0 || index >= parent.internalGetColumnCount()) {
+ itemBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ else {
+ column = parent.internalGetColumn(index);
+ columnBounds = column.getBounds();
+ itemYPos = columnBounds.y + itemHeight * itemIndex;
+ itemBounds = new Rectangle(
+ columnBounds.x, itemYPos,
+ columnBounds.width - gridLineWidth, itemHeight - gridLineWidth);
+ if (index == TableColumn.FIRST) {
+ if (isCheckable() == true) {
+ checkboxBounds = getCheckboxBounds();
+ itemBounds.x += checkboxBounds.x + checkboxBounds.width + CHECKBOX_PADDING; // add checkbox start, width and space behind checkbox
+ itemBounds.width -= itemBounds.x;
+ }
+ else {
+ itemBounds.x += getImageIndentPixel();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return itemBounds;
+ * Return whether or not the receiver is checked.
+ * Always return false if the parent of the receiver does not
+ * have the CHECK style.
+ */
+public boolean getChecked() {
+ if (!isValidThread ()) error (SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);
+ if (!isValidWidget ()) error (SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED);
+ return super.getChecked();
+ * Answer the x position of the item check box
+ */
+int getCheckboxXPosition() {
+ return getImageIndentPixel();
+ * Answer the item labels set by the user.
+ * These may not be the same as those drawn on the screen. The latter
+ * may be trimmed to fit the column. Items that don't have a label are
+ * represented by a null slot in the vector.
+ * @return Vector - the item labels set by the user.
+ */
+Vector getDataLabels() {
+ return dataLabels;
+ * Answer the display of the receiver's parent widget.
+ */
+public Display getDisplay() {
+ return super.getDisplay();
+ * Return the position at which the string starts that is used
+ * to indicate a truncated item text.
+ * @param columnIndex - index of the column for which the position of
+ * the truncation replacement should be calculated
+ * @param columnWidth - width of the column for which the position of
+ * the truncation replacement should be calculated
+ * @return -1 when the item text is not truncated
+ */
+int getDotStartX(int columnIndex, int columnWidth) {
+ GC gc;
+ Table parent = getParent();
+ String label = getText(columnIndex);
+ int dotStartX = -1;
+ int maxWidth;
+ if (label != null) {
+ gc = new GC(parent);
+ maxWidth = getMaxTextWidth(columnIndex, columnWidth);
+ label = parent.trimItemText(label, maxWidth, gc);
+ if (label.endsWith(Table.DOT_STRING) == true) {
+ dotStartX = gc.stringExtent(label).x - parent.getDotsWidth(gc);
+ // add indents, margins and image width
+ dotStartX += getImageStopX(columnIndex);
+ dotStartX += getTextIndent(columnIndex);
+ }
+ gc.dispose();
+ }
+ return dotStartX;
+ * Gets the grayed state.
+ * <p>
+ * @return the item grayed state.
+ *
+ * @exception SWTError <ul>
+ * <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS when called from the wrong thread</li>
+ * <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED when the widget has been disposed</li>
+ * </ul>
+ */
+public boolean getGrayed() {
+ if (!isValidThread ()) error (SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);
+ if (!isValidWidget ()) error (SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED);
+ return super.getGrayed();
+ * Answer the item image of the first column.
+ */
+public Image getImage() {
+ if (!isValidThread ()) error (SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);
+ if (!isValidWidget ()) error (SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED);
+ return getImage(0);
+ * Answer the item image of the column identified by 'columnIndex' or
+ * null if no image has been set for that column.
+ * @param columnIndex - the column whose image should be answered
+ */
+public Image getImage(int columnIndex) {
+ if (!isValidThread ()) error (SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);
+ if (!isValidWidget ()) error (SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED);
+ Image image = null;
+ Vector images = getImages();
+ int itemIndex = getParent().indexOf(this);
+ if (itemIndex != -1 && columnIndex >= 0 && columnIndex < images.size()) {
+ image = (Image) images.elementAt(columnIndex);
+ }
+ return image;
+* Gets the image bounds at an index
+* <p>
+* @return the item icon's bounds
+* when called from the wrong thread
+* when the widget has been disposed
+public Rectangle getImageBounds(int index) {
+ if (!isValidThread ()) error (SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);
+ if (!isValidWidget ()) error (SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED);
+ Table parent = getParent();
+ int itemIndex = parent.indexOf (this);
+ int imageWidth = 0;
+ Point imageExtent = parent.getImageExtent();
+ Rectangle checkboxBounds;
+ Rectangle imageBounds = getBounds(index);
+ if (itemIndex == -1) {
+ imageBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ if (imageExtent != null) {
+ if (index == TableColumn.FIRST || getImage(index) != null) {
+ imageWidth = imageExtent.x;
+ }
+ }
+ imageBounds.width = imageWidth;
+ return imageBounds;
+* Gets the image indent.
+* <p>
+* @return the indent
+* when called from the wrong thread
+* when the widget has been disposed
+public int getImageIndent() {
+ if (isValidThread() == false) error(SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);
+ if (isValidWidget() == false) error(SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED);
+ int index = getParent().indexOf(this);
+ if (index == -1) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return imageIndent;
+ * Answer the number of pixels the image in the first column is
+ * indented. Calculation starts at the column start and counts
+ * all pixels except the check box.
+ */
+int getImageIndentPixel() {
+ int indentPixel = FIRST_COLUMN_IMAGE_INDENT;
+ Point imageExtent = getParent().getImageExtent();
+ if (imageExtent != null) {
+ indentPixel += imageExtent.x * getImageIndent();
+ }
+ return indentPixel;
+ * Answer the item images set by the user. Items that don't have an
+ * image are represented by a null slot in the vector.
+ */
+Vector getImages() {
+ return images;
+ * Calculate the x coordinate where the item image of column
+ * 'columnIndex' stops.
+ * @param columnIndex - the column for which the stop position of the
+ * image should be calculated.
+ */
+int getImageStopX(int columnIndex) {
+ int imageStopX = 0;
+ Table parent = getParent();
+ Rectangle checkboxBounds;
+ if (columnIndex == TableColumn.FIRST) {
+ if (isCheckable() == true) {
+ checkboxBounds = getCheckboxBounds();
+ imageStopX += checkboxBounds.x + checkboxBounds.width + CHECKBOX_PADDING;
+ }
+ else {
+ imageStopX = getImageIndentPixel();
+ }
+ }
+ if (((columnIndex == TableColumn.FIRST && // always add the image width for the first column
+ parent.hasFirstColumnImage() == true) || // if any item in the first column has an image
+ (columnIndex != TableColumn.FIRST && // add the image width if it's not the first column
+ getImage(columnIndex) != null)) && // only when the item actually has an image
+ parent.getImageExtent() != null) {
+ imageStopX += parent.getImageExtent().x;
+ }
+ return imageStopX;
+ * Return the index of the item in its parent widget.
+ */
+int getIndex() {
+ return index;
+ * Return the item extent in the specified column
+ * The extent includes the actual width of the item including checkbox,
+ * image and text.
+ */
+Point getItemExtent(TableColumn column) {
+ Table parent = getParent();
+ int columnIndex = column.getIndex();
+ Point extent = new Point(getImageStopX(columnIndex), parent.getItemHeight() - parent.getGridLineWidth());
+ GC gc = new GC(parent);
+ String trimmedText = getText(gc, column);
+ if (trimmedText != null && trimmedText.length() > 0) {
+ extent.x += gc.stringExtent(trimmedText).x + getTextIndent(columnIndex);
+ }
+ if (columnIndex == TableColumn.FIRST) {
+ extent.x += SELECTION_PADDING;
+ }
+ gc.dispose();
+ return extent;
+ * Answer the maximum width in pixel of the text that fits in the
+ * column identified by 'columnIndex' without trimming the text.
+ * @param columnIndex - the column for which the maximum text width
+ * should be calculated.
+ * @param columnWidth - width of the column 'columnIndex'
+ */
+int getMaxTextWidth(int columnIndex, int columnWidth) {
+ int itemWidth = getImageStopX(columnIndex) + getTextIndent(columnIndex) * 2;
+ return columnWidth - itemWidth;
+ * Answer the parent widget of the receiver.
+ */
+public Table getParent() {
+ if (!isValidThread ()) error (SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);
+ if (!isValidWidget ()) error (SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED);
+ return (Table) super.getSelectableParent();
+ * Answer the width of the item required to display the complete contents.
+ */
+int getPreferredWidth(int index) {
+ int size = getImageStopX(index);
+ String text = getText(index);
+ if (text != null) {
+ size += getParent().getTextWidth(text) + getTextIndent(index) * 2 + 1;
+ }
+ return size;
+ * Return the size of the rectangle drawn to indicate a selected item.
+ * This is also used to draw the selection focus rectangle and drop
+ * insert marker.
+ * Implements SelectableItem#getSelectionExtent
+ */
+Point getSelectionExtent() {
+ Table parent = getParent();
+ Point extent;
+ if ((parent.getStyle() & SWT.FULL_SELECTION) == 0) { // regular, first column, selection?
+ if (selectionExtent == null) {
+ calculateSelectionExtent();
+ }
+ extent = selectionExtent;
+ }
+ else {
+ extent = parent.getFullSelectionExtent(this);
+ }
+ return extent;
+ * Return the x position of the selection rectangle
+ * Implements SelectableItem#getSelectionX
+ */
+int getSelectionX() {
+ return getImageStopX(TableColumn.FIRST) + getParent().getHorizontalOffset();
+ * Answer the item text of the first column.
+ */
+public String getText() {
+ if (!isValidThread ()) error (SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);
+ if (!isValidWidget ()) error (SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED);
+ return getText(0);
+ * Answer the item tezt of the column identified by 'columnIndex'.
+ * Answer null if no text has been set for that column.
+ * @param columnIndex - the column whose text should be answered.
+ * null if no text has been set for that column.
+ */
+public String getText(int columnIndex) {
+ if (!isValidThread ()) error (SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);
+ if (!isValidWidget ()) error (SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED);
+ int itemIndex = getParent().indexOf(this);
+ Vector labels = getDataLabels();
+ String label = null;
+ if (itemIndex == -1) {
+ }
+ if (columnIndex >= 0 && columnIndex < labels.size()) {
+ label = (String) labels.elementAt(columnIndex);
+ }
+ if (label == null) {
+ label = ""; // label vector is initialized with null instead of empty Strings
+ }
+ return label;
+ * Answer the text that is going to be drawn in 'column'. This
+ * text may be a trimmed copy of the original text set by the
+ * user if it doesn't fit into the column. In that case the last
+ * characters are replaced with Table.DOT_STRING.
+ * A cached copy of the trimmed text is returned if available.
+ * @param gc - GC to use for measuring the text extent
+ * @param column - TableColumn for which the text should be returned
+ */
+String getText(GC gc, TableColumn column) {
+ int columnIndex = column.getIndex();
+ String label = getTrimmedText(columnIndex);
+ int maxWidth;
+ if (label == null) {
+ maxWidth = getMaxTextWidth(columnIndex, column.getWidth());
+ label = getParent().trimItemText(getText(columnIndex), maxWidth, gc);
+ }
+ return label;
+ * Answer the indent of the text in column 'columnIndex' in pixel.
+ * This indent is used in front of and behind the item text.
+ * @param columnIndex - specifies the column for which the indent
+ * should be calculated.
+ */
+int getTextIndent(int columnIndex) {
+ int textIndent;
+ if (columnIndex == TableColumn.FIRST) {
+ if (getParent().hasFirstColumnImage() == false) {
+ textIndent = TEXT_INDENT_NO_IMAGE;
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ textIndent = TEXT_INDENT;
+ }
+ return textIndent;
+ * Answer the cached trimmed text for column 'columnIndex'.
+ * Answer null if it hasn't been calculated yet.
+ * @param columnIndex - specifies the column for which the
+ * trimmed text should be answered.
+ */
+String getTrimmedText(int columnIndex) {
+ String label = null;
+ String labels[] = getTrimmedTexts();
+ if (columnIndex < labels.length) {
+ label = labels[columnIndex];
+ }
+ return label;
+ * Answer an array of cached trimmed labels.
+ */
+String [] getTrimmedTexts() {
+ return trimmedLabels;
+ * Ensure that the image and label vectors have at least
+ * 'newSize' number of elements.
+ */
+void growVectors(int newSize) {
+ Vector images = getImages();
+ Vector labels = getDataLabels();
+ if (newSize > images.size()){
+ images.setSize(newSize);
+ }
+ if (newSize > labels.size()){
+ labels.setSize(newSize);
+ }
+ * Insert 'column' into the receiver.
+ */
+void insertColumn(TableColumn column) {
+ Vector data = getDataLabels();
+ Vector images = getImages();
+ String stringData[];
+ Image imageData[];
+ int index = column.getIndex();
+ if (index < data.size()) {
+ data.insertElementAt(null, index);
+ }
+ else {
+ data.addElement(null);
+ }
+ stringData = new String[data.size()];
+ data.copyInto(stringData);
+ setText(stringData);
+ if (index < images.size()) {
+ images.insertElementAt(null, index);
+ }
+ else {
+ images.addElement(null);
+ }
+ imageData = new Image[images.size()];
+ images.copyInto(imageData);
+ setImage(imageData);
+ * Sets the image at an index.
+ * <p>
+ * @param image the new image (or null)
+ *
+ * when called from the wrong thread
+ * @exception SWTError(ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED)
+ * when the widget has been disposed
+ */
+void internalSetImage(int columnIndex, Image image) {
+ Vector images = getImages();
+ boolean imageWasNull = false;
+ Table parent = getParent();
+ if (columnIndex >= 0 &&
+ columnIndex < parent.internalGetColumnCount()) {
+ if (columnIndex >= images.size()) {
+ growVectors(columnIndex + 1);
+ }
+ if (((Image) images.elementAt(columnIndex)) == null && image != null) {
+ imageWasNull = true;
+ }
+ images.setElementAt(image, columnIndex);
+ reset(columnIndex); // new image may cause text to no longer fit in the column
+ notifyImageChanged(columnIndex, imageWasNull);
+ }
+* Sets the widget text.
+* <p>
+* The widget text for an item is the label of the
+* item or the label of the text specified by a column
+* number.
+* @param index the column number
+* @param text the new text
+void internalSetText(int columnIndex, String string) {
+ Vector labels = getDataLabels();
+ Table parent = getParent();
+ String oldText;
+ if (columnIndex >= 0 &&
+ columnIndex < parent.internalGetColumnCount()) {
+ if (columnIndex >= labels.size()) {
+ growVectors(columnIndex + 1);
+ }
+ oldText = (String) labels.elementAt(columnIndex);
+ if (string.equals(oldText) == false) {
+ labels.setElementAt(string, columnIndex);
+ reset(columnIndex);
+ notifyTextChanged(columnIndex, oldText == null);
+ }
+ }
+ * Answer whether the click at 'xPosition' on the receiver is a
+ * selection click.
+ * A selection click occurred when the click was behind the image
+ * and before the end of the item text.
+ * @return
+ * true - 'xPosition' is a selection click.
+ * false - otherwise
+ */
+boolean isSelectionHit(int xPosition) {
+ int itemStopX = getImageStopX(TableColumn.FIRST);
+ Point selectionExtent = getSelectionExtent();
+ if (selectionExtent != null) {
+ itemStopX += selectionExtent.x;
+ }
+ return (xPosition > getCheckboxBounds().x + getCheckboxBounds().width) && (xPosition <= itemStopX);
+ * The image for the column identified by 'columnIndex' has changed.
+ * Notify the parent widget and supply redraw coordinates, if possible.
+ * @param columnIndex - index of the column that has a new image.
+ */
+void notifyImageChanged(int columnIndex, boolean imageWasNull) {
+ Table parent = getParent();
+ Rectangle changedColumnBounds;
+ int redrawStartX = 0;
+ int redrawWidth = 0;
+ int columnCount = parent.internalGetColumnCount();
+ if (columnIndex >= 0 && columnIndex < columnCount && parent.getVisibleRedrawY(this) != -1) {
+ changedColumnBounds = parent.internalGetColumn(columnIndex).getBounds();
+ redrawStartX = Math.max(0, getImageBounds(columnIndex).x);
+ if (parent.getImageExtent() != null && imageWasNull == false) {
+ redrawWidth = getImageStopX(columnIndex);
+ }
+ else {
+ redrawWidth = changedColumnBounds.width;
+ }
+ redrawWidth += changedColumnBounds.x - redrawStartX;
+ }
+ parent.itemChanged(this, redrawStartX, redrawWidth);
+ * The label for the column identified by 'columnIndex' has changed.
+ * Notify the parent widget and supply redraw coordinates, if possible.
+ * @param columnIndex - index of the column that has a new label.
+ */
+void notifyTextChanged(int columnIndex, boolean textWasNull) {
+ Table parent = getParent();
+ String text;
+ Rectangle columnBounds;
+ int redrawStartX = 0;
+ int redrawWidth = 0;
+ int columnCount = parent.internalGetColumnCount();
+ if (columnIndex >= 0 && columnIndex < columnCount && parent.getVisibleRedrawY(this) != -1) {
+ text = (String) getDataLabels().elementAt(columnIndex);
+ columnBounds = parent.internalGetColumn(columnIndex).getBounds();
+ redrawStartX = columnBounds.x;
+ if (getImage(columnIndex) != null) {
+ redrawStartX += getImageStopX(columnIndex);
+ }
+ redrawStartX = Math.max(0, redrawStartX);
+ // don't redraw if text changed from null to empty string
+ if (textWasNull == false || text.length() > 0) {
+ redrawWidth = columnBounds.x + columnBounds.width - redrawStartX;
+ }
+ }
+ parent.itemChanged(this, redrawStartX, redrawWidth);
+ * Draw the receiver at 'paintPosition' in the column identified by
+ * 'columnIndex' using 'gc'.
+ * @param gc - GC to use for drawing
+ * @param paintPosition - position where the receiver should be drawing.
+ * @param column - the column to draw in
+ */
+void paint(GC gc, Point paintPosition, TableColumn column) {
+ int columnIndex = column.getIndex();
+ String label = getText(gc, column);
+ String oldLabel = getTrimmedText(columnIndex);
+ if (label != null && label.equals(oldLabel) == false) {
+ setTrimmedText(label, columnIndex);
+ selectionExtent = null; // force a recalculation next time the selection extent is needed
+ }
+ if (columnIndex == TableColumn.FIRST) {
+ paintPosition.x += getImageIndentPixel();
+ if (isCheckable() == true) {
+ paintPosition = drawCheckbox(gc, paintPosition);
+ }
+ }
+ paintPosition = drawImage(gc, paintPosition, columnIndex);
+ paintPosition.x += getTextIndent(columnIndex);
+ drawText(label, gc, paintPosition, columnIndex);
+ * Remove 'column' from the receiver.
+ */
+void removeColumn(TableColumn column) {
+ Vector data = getDataLabels();
+ Vector images = getImages();
+ String stringData[];
+ Image imageData[];
+ int index = column.getIndex();
+ if (index < data.size()) {
+ data.removeElementAt(index);
+ stringData = new String[data.size()];
+ data.copyInto(stringData);
+ setText(stringData);
+ }
+ if (index < images.size()) {
+ images.removeElementAt(index);
+ imageData = new Image[images.size()];
+ images.copyInto(imageData);
+ setImage(imageData);
+ }
+ * Reset the cached trimmed label for the sub item identified by
+ * 'index'.
+ * @param index - index of the label that should be reset.
+ */
+void reset(int index) {
+ String trimmedLabels[] = getTrimmedTexts();
+ if (index >= 0 && index < trimmedLabels.length) {
+ trimmedLabels[index] = null;
+ }
+ if (index == TableColumn.FIRST) {
+ selectionExtent = null;
+ }
+* Warning: API under construction.
+public void setImage(Image [] images) {
+ if (!isValidThread()) error(SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);
+ if (!isValidWidget()) error(SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED);
+ if (images == null) {
+ }
+ if (getParent().indexOf(this) == -1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
+ internalSetImage(i, images[i]);
+ }
+ * Sets the image at an index.
+ * <p>
+ * @param image the new image (or null)
+ *
+ * when called from the wrong thread
+ * @exception SWTError(ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED)
+ * when the widget has been disposed
+ */
+public void setImage(int columnIndex, Image image) {
+ if (!isValidThread()) error(SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);
+ if (!isValidWidget()) error(SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED);
+ if (getParent().indexOf(this) != -1) {
+ internalSetImage(columnIndex, image);
+ }
+ * Set the item image of the first column to 'image'.
+ * @param image - the item image of the first column. Image
+ * will be removed if this is null.
+ */
+public void setImage(Image image) {
+ if (!isValidThread ()) error (SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);
+ if (!isValidWidget ()) error (SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED);
+ setImage(0, image);
+* Sets the image indent.
+* <p>
+* @param indent the new indent
+* when called from the wrong thread
+* when the widget has been disposed
+public void setImageIndent(int indent) {
+ if (!isValidThread()) error(SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);
+ if (!isValidWidget()) error(SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED);
+ Table parent = getParent();
+ TableColumn column;
+ int index = parent.indexOf(this);
+ if (index != -1 && indent >= 0 && indent != imageIndent) {
+ imageIndent = indent;
+ column = parent.internalGetColumn(TableColumn.FIRST);
+ parent.redraw(
+ 0, parent.getRedrawY(this),
+ column.getWidth(), parent.getItemHeight(), false);
+ }
+ * Warning: API under construction.
+ */
+public void setText(String [] strings) {
+ if (!isValidThread()) error(SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);
+ if (!isValidWidget()) error(SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED);
+ if (strings == null) {
+ }
+ if (getParent().indexOf(this) == -1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
+ String string = strings[i];
+ if (string != null) {
+ internalSetText(i, string);
+ }
+ }
+* Sets the widget text.
+* <p>
+* The widget text for an item is the label of the
+* item or the label of the text specified by a column
+* number.
+* @param index the column number
+* @param text the new text
+* when called from the wrong thread
+* when the widget has been disposed
+* @exception SWTError(ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT)
+* when string is null
+public void setText (int columnIndex, String string) {
+ if (!isValidThread()) error(SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);
+ if (!isValidWidget()) error(SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED);
+ if (string == null) {
+ }
+ if (getParent().indexOf(this) != -1) {
+ internalSetText(columnIndex, string);
+ }
+ * Set the item text of the first column to 'text'.
+ * @param text - the item text of the first column. May be null if the
+ * text label should be removed.
+ */
+public void setText(String text) {
+ if (!isValidThread ()) error (SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);
+ if (!isValidWidget ()) error (SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED);
+ if (text == null) {
+ }
+ setText(0, text);
+ * Set the trimmed text of column 'columnIndex' to label. The trimmed
+ * text is the one that is displayed in a column. It may be shorter than
+ * the text originally set by the user via setText(...) to fit the
+ * column.
+ * @param label - the text label of column 'columnIndex'. May be trimmed
+ * to fit the column.
+ * @param columnIndex - specifies the column whose text label should be
+ * set.
+ */
+void setTrimmedText(String label, int columnIndex) {
+ String labels[] = getTrimmedTexts();
+ if (columnIndex < labels.length) {
+ labels[columnIndex] = label;
+ }
+ * Set the checked state to 'checked' if the parent of the
+ * receiver has the CHECK style.
+ */
+public void setChecked(boolean checked) {
+ if (!isValidThread ()) error (SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);
+ if (!isValidWidget ()) error (SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED);
+ super.setChecked(checked);
+ * Sets the grayed state.
+ * <p>
+ * @param grayed the new grayed state.
+ *
+ * @exception SWTError <ul>
+ * <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS when called from the wrong thread</li>
+ * <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED when the widget has been disposed</li>
+ * </ul>
+ */
+public void setGrayed (boolean grayed) {
+ if (!isValidThread ()) error (SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);
+ if (!isValidWidget ()) error (SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED);
+ super.setGrayed(grayed);
+ * Set the index of this item in its parent widget to 'newIndex'.
+ */
+void setIndex(int newIndex) {
+ index = newIndex;
+} \ No newline at end of file