path: root/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT/motif/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT/motif/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/')
-rwxr-xr-xbundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT/motif/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/ColorDialog.java525
1 files changed, 525 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT/motif/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/ b/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT/motif/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..a57ccd7cda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT/motif/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+package org.eclipse.swt.widgets;
+* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM,
+* SWT - The Simple Widget Toolkit,
+* (c) Copyright IBM Corp 1998, 1999.
+import org.eclipse.swt.*;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.*;
+ * A color dialog allows the user to select a color
+ * from all available colors in the current pallette
+ */
+public /*final*/ class ColorDialog extends Dialog {
+ private static final int DEPTH_4 = 0; // index for COLOR_SWATCH_EXTENTS
+ private static final int DEPTH_8 = 1; // index for COLOR_SWATCH_EXTENTS
+ private static final int COLOR_SWATCH_EXTENTS[] = {40, 10}; // extents of the squares drawn to display a
+ // color out of 4 bit and 8 bit color depth
+ private static final int COLOR_SWATCH_BORDER = 1; // border between each color pad
+ private Shell shell; // the dialog shell
+ private Canvas colorsCanvas;
+ private Label sampleLabel;
+ private Canvas sampleCanvas;
+ private Label selectionLabel;
+ private Canvas selectionCanvas;
+ private Button ok;
+ private Button cancel;
+ private boolean okSelected; // true if the dialog was hidden
+ // because the ok button was selected
+ private RGB dialogResult;
+ private int colorDepth; // color depth of the display
+ private int colorSwatchExtent; // the size of on square used
+ // to display one color
+ private Color colorGrid[][]; // the colors displayed in the dialog
+public ColorDialog(Shell parent) {
+ this(parent, SWT.NULL);
+public ColorDialog(Shell parent, int style) {
+ super(parent, style | SWT.TITLE | SWT.BORDER | SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL);
+void createChildren() {
+ Shell dialog = getDialogShell();
+ GridData gridData = new GridData();
+ GridLayout layout = new GridLayout();
+ final int ButtonHeight = 30;
+ final int ColorChooserWidth = COLOR_SWATCH_EXTENTS[DEPTH_8] * 32 - COLOR_SWATCH_BORDER; // extent of one color field multiplied with number of fields in a row
+ final int ColorChooserHeight = COLOR_SWATCH_EXTENTS[DEPTH_8] * 8 - COLOR_SWATCH_BORDER; // extent of one color field multiplied with number of rows
+ layout.numColumns = 3;
+ layout.marginWidth = 15;
+ layout.marginHeight = 15;
+ layout.horizontalSpacing = 10;
+ layout.verticalSpacing = 2;
+ dialog.setLayout(layout);
+ // row one
+ colorsCanvas = new Canvas(dialog, SWT.BORDER);
+ gridData.widthHint = ColorChooserWidth;
+ gridData.heightHint = ColorChooserHeight;
+ gridData.verticalSpan = 2;
+ gridData.horizontalSpan = 2;
+ colorsCanvas.setLayoutData(gridData);
+ // create ok and cancel buttons (row two and three)
+ createOkCancel();
+ // row three - empty row
+ Label fillLabel = new Label(dialog, SWT.NULL);
+ gridData = new GridData();
+ gridData.heightHint = 5;
+ gridData.horizontalSpan = layout.numColumns;
+ fillLabel.setLayoutData(gridData);
+ // row four - setup group box with sample text and canvas
+ createSampleGroup(ColorChooserWidth);
+ createSelectionGroup();
+void createSampleGroup(int colorChooserWidth) {
+ Shell dialog = getDialogShell();
+ Group sampleGroup = new Group(dialog, SWT.NULL);
+ GridData gridData = new GridData();
+ GridLayout layout = new GridLayout();
+ int sampleGroupWidth;
+ sampleGroup.setText("Sample");
+ gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
+ sampleGroup.setLayoutData(gridData);
+ sampleGroup.setLayout(layout);
+ sampleGroupWidth = (colorChooserWidth - layout.marginWidth * 4 - layout.horizontalSpacing * 4) / 2;
+ sampleLabel = new Label(sampleGroup, SWT.CENTER | SWT.BORDER);
+ sampleLabel.setAlignment(SWT.CENTER);
+ sampleLabel.setText("A Sample Text");
+ gridData = new GridData();
+ gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
+ gridData.widthHint = sampleGroupWidth;
+ sampleLabel.setLayoutData(gridData);
+ sampleCanvas = new Canvas(sampleGroup, SWT.BORDER);
+ gridData = new GridData();
+ gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
+ gridData.heightHint = 15;
+ gridData.widthHint = sampleGroupWidth;
+ sampleCanvas.setLayoutData(gridData);
+void createSelectionGroup() {
+ Shell dialog = getDialogShell();
+ Group selectionGroup = new Group(dialog, SWT.NULL);
+ GridData gridData = new GridData();
+ GridLayout layout = new GridLayout();
+ selectionGroup.setText("Selection");
+ gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
+ selectionGroup.setLayoutData(gridData);
+ selectionGroup.setLayout(layout);
+ selectionLabel = new Label(selectionGroup, SWT.CENTER | SWT.BORDER);
+ selectionLabel.setAlignment(SWT.CENTER);
+ selectionLabel.setText("Current Selection");
+ gridData = new GridData();
+ gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
+ gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
+ selectionLabel.setLayoutData(gridData);
+ selectionCanvas = new Canvas(selectionGroup, SWT.BORDER);
+ gridData = new GridData();
+ gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
+ gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
+ gridData.heightHint = 15;
+ selectionCanvas.setLayoutData(gridData);
+void disposeColors() {
+ for (int row = 0; row < colorGrid.length; row++) {
+ for (int column = 0; column < colorGrid[row].length; column++) {
+ colorGrid[row][column].dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ * Insert the method's description here.
+ * Creation date: (7/6/99 5:07:09 PM)
+ */
+void drawColor(int xIndex, int yIndex, Color color, GC gc) {
+ int colorSwatchExtent = getColorSwatchExtent();
+ int colorExtent = colorSwatchExtent - COLOR_SWATCH_BORDER;
+ gc.setBackground(color);
+ gc.fillRectangle(
+ xIndex * colorSwatchExtent, yIndex * colorSwatchExtent,
+ colorExtent, colorExtent);
+ * Insert the method's description here.
+ * Creation date: (7/6/99 5:07:09 PM)
+ */
+Canvas getColorCanvas() {
+ return colorsCanvas;
+ * Insert the method's description here.
+ * Creation date: (7/6/99 5:07:09 PM)
+ */
+int getColorDepth() {
+ return colorDepth;
+ * Insert the method's description here.
+ * Creation date: (7/6/99 5:07:09 PM)
+ */
+Color [][] getColorGrid() {
+ return colorGrid;
+ * Insert the method's description here.
+ * Creation date: (7/6/99 5:07:09 PM)
+ */
+int getColorSwatchExtent() {
+ return colorSwatchExtent;
+public RGB getRGB() {
+ return dialogResult;
+ * Insert the method's description here.
+ * Creation date: (7/6/99 5:07:09 PM)
+ */
+Canvas getSampleCanvas() {
+ return sampleCanvas;
+ * Insert the method's description here.
+ * Creation date: (7/6/99 5:07:09 PM)
+ */
+Label getSampleText() {
+ return sampleLabel;
+ * Insert the method's description here.
+ * Creation date: (7/6/99 5:07:09 PM)
+ */
+Canvas getSelectionCanvas() {
+ return selectionCanvas;
+ * Insert the method's description here.
+ * Creation date: (7/6/99 5:07:09 PM)
+ */
+Label getSelectionText() {
+ return selectionLabel;
+void handleEvents(Event event) {
+ Color selectionColor;
+ if (event.type == SWT.Paint) {
+ paint(event);
+ }
+ else
+ if (event.type == SWT.MouseDown) {
+ mouseDown(event);
+ }
+ else
+ if (event.type == SWT.MouseMove) {
+ mouseMove(event);
+ }
+ else
+ if (event.type == SWT.Selection) {
+ if (event.widget == getOKButton()) {
+ setOkSelected(true);
+ getDialogShell().setVisible(false);
+ }
+ else
+ if (event.widget == getCancelButton()) {
+ setOkSelected(false);
+ getDialogShell().setVisible(false);
+ }
+ }
+ * Insert the method's description here.
+ * Creation date: (7/6/99 5:07:09 PM)
+ */
+void initialize4BitColors() {
+ Display display = getDialogShell().getDisplay();
+ colorGrid[0][0] = new Color(display, 0, 0, 0);
+ colorGrid[0][1] = new Color(display, 255, 255, 255);
+ colorGrid[1][0] = new Color(display, 128, 128, 128);
+ colorGrid[1][1] = new Color(display, 192, 192, 192);
+ colorGrid[2][0] = new Color(display, 0, 0, 128);
+ colorGrid[2][1] = new Color(display, 0, 0, 255);
+ colorGrid[3][0] = new Color(display, 0, 128, 128);
+ colorGrid[3][1] = new Color(display, 0, 255, 255);
+ colorGrid[4][0] = new Color(display, 0, 128, 0);
+ colorGrid[4][1] = new Color(display, 0, 255, 0);
+ colorGrid[5][0] = new Color(display, 128, 128, 0);
+ colorGrid[5][1] = new Color(display, 255, 255, 0);
+ colorGrid[6][0] = new Color(display, 128, 0, 0);
+ colorGrid[6][1] = new Color(display, 255, 0, 0);
+ colorGrid[7][0] = new Color(display, 128, 0, 128);
+ colorGrid[7][1] = new Color(display, 255, 0, 255);
+ * Insert the method's description here.
+ * Creation date: (7/6/99 5:07:09 PM)
+ */
+void initialize8BitColors() {
+ Display display = getDialogShell().getDisplay();
+ int numColumns = colorGrid.length;
+ int numRows = colorGrid[0].length;
+ int iterationStep = 51;
+ int row = 0;
+ int column = 0;
+ int red;
+ int green;
+ int blue;
+ for (red = 0; red <= 255; red += iterationStep) {
+ for (blue = 0; blue <= 255; blue += iterationStep) {
+ if (blue == iterationStep && column < 20) { // hack to evenly distribute 256 colors on 32 columns
+ blue += iterationStep;
+ }
+ for (green = 0; green <= 255; green += iterationStep) {
+ if (row == 2 || row == 5) { // hack to evenly distribute 256 colors on 8 rows
+ colorGrid[column][row++] = new Color(display, red, green - iterationStep / 2, blue);
+ }
+ if (row == numRows) {
+ row = 0;
+ column++;
+ }
+ colorGrid[column][row++] = new Color(display, red, green, blue);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void initializeWidgets() {
+ Display display = getDialogShell().getDisplay();
+ Color selectionColor;
+ RGB rgb = getRGB();
+ if (rgb != null) {
+ selectionColor = new Color(display, rgb);
+ getSelectionCanvas().setBackground(selectionColor);
+ getSelectionText().setBackground(selectionColor);
+ selectionColor.dispose();
+ }
+ setColorDepth(display.getDepth());
+void installListeners() {
+ Canvas colorCanvas = getColorCanvas();
+ Listener listener = new Listener() {
+ public void handleEvent(Event event) {handleEvents(event);}
+ };
+ getOKButton().addListener(SWT.Selection, listener);
+ getCancelButton().addListener(SWT.Selection, listener);
+ colorCanvas.addListener(SWT.Paint, listener);
+ colorCanvas.addListener(SWT.MouseDown, listener);
+ colorCanvas.addListener(SWT.MouseMove, listener);
+ * Insert the method's description here.
+ * Creation date: (7/19/99 7:13:21 PM)
+ */
+void mouseDown(Event event) {
+ int swatchExtent = getColorSwatchExtent();
+ Color colorGrid[][] = getColorGrid();
+ Color color = colorGrid[event.x / swatchExtent][event.y / swatchExtent];
+ getSelectionCanvas().setBackground(color);
+ getSelectionText().setBackground(color);
+ * Insert the method's description here.
+ * Creation date: (7/19/99 7:13:21 PM)
+ */
+void mouseMove(Event event) {
+ int swatchExtent = getColorSwatchExtent();
+ Color colorGrid[][] = getColorGrid();
+ Color color = colorGrid[event.x / swatchExtent][event.y / swatchExtent];
+ getSampleCanvas().setBackground(color);
+ getSampleText().setBackground(color);
+public RGB open() {
+ Color selectionColor;
+ RGB dialogResult = null;
+ Shell dialog = new Shell(getParent(), getStyle() | SWT.TITLE | SWT.BORDER | SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL);
+ setDialogShell(dialog);
+ createChildren();
+ installListeners();
+ openModal();
+ if (isOkSelected() == true) {
+ selectionColor = getSelectionCanvas().getBackground();
+ dialogResult = new RGB(
+ selectionColor.getRed(),
+ selectionColor.getGreen(),
+ selectionColor.getBlue());
+ setRGB(dialogResult);
+ }
+ disposeColors();
+ // Fix for 1G5NLY7
+ if (dialog.isDisposed() == false) {
+ dialog.dispose();
+ }
+ return dialogResult;
+ * Insert the method's description here.
+ * Creation date: (7/6/99 5:07:09 PM)
+ */
+void paint(Event event) {
+ Color colorGrid[][] = getColorGrid();
+ for (int column = 0; column < colorGrid.length; column++) {
+ for (int row = 0; row < colorGrid[0].length; row++) {
+ drawColor(column, row, colorGrid[column][row], event.gc);
+ }
+ }
+ * Insert the method's description here.
+ * Creation date: (7/6/99 5:07:09 PM)
+ */
+void setColorDepth(int bits) {
+ colorDepth = bits;
+ if (bits == 4) {
+ colorSwatchExtent = COLOR_SWATCH_EXTENTS[DEPTH_4];
+ colorGrid = new Color[8][2];
+ initialize4BitColors();
+ }
+ else {
+ colorSwatchExtent = COLOR_SWATCH_EXTENTS[DEPTH_8];
+ colorGrid = new Color[32][8];
+ initialize8BitColors();
+ }
+ *
+ */
+public void setRGB(RGB rgb) {
+ dialogResult = rgb;
+ * Create the widgets of the dialog.
+ */
+void createOkCancel() {
+ Shell dialog = getDialogShell();
+ GridData gridData;
+ ok = new Button(dialog, SWT.PUSH);
+ ok.setText("OK");
+ dialog.setDefaultButton(ok);
+ gridData = new GridData();
+ gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
+ gridData.widthHint = 70;
+ ok.setLayoutData(gridData);
+ cancel = new Button(dialog, SWT.PUSH);
+ cancel.setText("Cancel");
+ gridData = new GridData();
+ gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
+ gridData.verticalAlignment = GridData.BEGINNING;
+ cancel.setLayoutData(gridData);
+ * Answer the cancel button
+ */
+Button getCancelButton() {
+ return cancel;
+ * Answer the dialog shell.
+ */
+Shell getDialogShell() {
+ return shell;
+ * Answer the ok button.
+ */
+Button getOKButton() {
+ return ok;
+ * Insert the method's description here.
+ * Creation date: (08/05/99 12:34:43)
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+boolean isOkSelected() {
+ return okSelected;
+ * Open the receiver and set its size to the size calculated by
+ * the layout manager.
+ */
+void openDialog() {
+ Shell dialog = getDialogShell();
+ Point pt;
+ Rectangle displayRect;
+ int widthLimit;
+ // Start everything off by setting the shell size to its computed size.
+ pt = dialog.computeSize(-1, -1, false);
+ // Ensure that the width of the shell fits the display.
+ displayRect = dialog.getDisplay().getBounds();
+ widthLimit = displayRect.width * 7 / 8;
+ if (pt.x > widthLimit) {
+ pt = dialog.computeSize (widthLimit, -1, false);
+ }
+ dialog.setBounds (0, 0, pt.x, pt.y);
+ dialog.setText(getText());
+ // Open the window.
+ * Initialize the widgets of the receiver, open the dialog
+ * and block the method until the dialog is closed by the user.
+ */
+void openModal() {
+ Shell dialog = getDialogShell();
+ Display display = dialog.getDisplay();
+ initializeWidgets();
+ setRGB(null);
+ openDialog();
+ while (dialog.isDisposed() == false && dialog.getVisible() == true) {
+ if (display.readAndDispatch() == false) {
+ display.sleep();
+ }
+ }
+ * Insert the method's description here.
+ * Creation date: (08/05/99 12:34:43)
+ * @param newOkSelected boolean
+ */
+void setOkSelected(boolean newOkSelected) {
+ okSelected = newOkSelected;
+ * Set the shell used as the dialog window.
+ */
+void setDialogShell(Shell shell) {
+ = shell;