diff options
authorVincent S. Cojot <>2017-02-15 14:57:59 -0500
committerVincent S. Cojot <>2017-02-15 14:57:59 -0500
commite5485846e6bfc205fb9ed35a631cb7448ba4fb6d (patch)
parent2e9e6edd3907715852fd689656f9bff6f1fcba06 (diff)
Updated for MOP steps..
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/files/SevoneOSPprereqsMOPV8.txt b/files/SevoneOSPprereqsMOPV8.txt
index 82cf7da..ec1f19f 100644
--- a/files/SevoneOSPprereqsMOPV8.txt
+++ b/files/SevoneOSPprereqsMOPV8.txt
@@ -38,12 +38,8 @@ In this section you will create the policy directory structure under the stack u
II. Upload the policy.json files to the controllers
-[stack@ospdirector ~]$ cd ~/policydir
-[stack@ospdirector ~]$ for x in $(find -name *policy*); do echo $x ; cat $x | json_verify ; done
-[stack@ospdirector ~]$ for i in $(nova host-list | awk '/consoleauth/ {split($2,a,"."); print a[1]}') ; do echo "$i:" ; for x in $(find -name *policy*); do cat $x | ssh heat-admin@$i "sudo sh -c 'cat > /$x'" ; echo "$x is copied." ; done; echo "" ; done
-[stack@ospdirector ~]$ cd ~
+[stack@ospdirector ~]$ for x in $(find ./policydir -name "*.json"); do echo $x ; cat $x | json_verify ; done
+[stack@ospdirector ~]$ ./policydir/files/
III. Restart services; ensure all cluster managed services are up before continuing
@@ -58,18 +54,11 @@ In this section you will create the policy directory structure under the stack u
If controller services do not fully restart, or there is a suspicion that something may be wrong with the policy files, revert policy files to the previous state.
-[stack@ospdirector ~]$ cd ~/policydir/files
-[stack@ospdirector ~]$ tar -xf backupdir.tar
-[stack@ospdirector ~]$ cd backupdir
+[stack@ospdirector ~]$ for x in $(find ./policydir -name "*.json"); do echo $x ; cat $x | json_verify ; done
+[stack@ospdirector ~]$ ./policydir/files/
-[stack@ospdirector ~]$ for x in $(find -name *policy*); do echo $x ; cat $x ; $x | json_verify ; done
-[stack@ospdirector ~]$ for i in $(nova host-list | awk '/consoleauth/ {split($2,a,"."); print a[1]}') ; do echo "$i:" ; for x in $(find -name *policy*); do cat $x | ssh heat-admin@$i "sudo sh -c 'cat > /$x'" ; echo "$x is copied." ; done; echo "" ; done
-[stack@ospdirector ~]$ cd ~
[stack@ospdirector ~]$ ssh heat-admin@$(nova host-list | awk '/consoleauth/ {split($2,a,"."); print a[1]}' | head -n 1) sudo pcs resource restart haproxy-clone
-[stack@ospdirector ~]$ rm -rf ~/policydir/files/backupdir