path: root/kittystore/sa/
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Diffstat (limited to 'kittystore/sa/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 412 deletions
diff --git a/kittystore/sa/ b/kittystore/sa/
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index efad3c6..0000000
--- a/kittystore/sa/
+++ /dev/null
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-KittySAStore - an object mapper and interface to a SQL database
- representation of emails for mailman 3.
-Copyright (C) 2012 Pierre-Yves Chibon
-Author: Pierre-Yves Chibon <>
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
-your option) any later version.
-See for the full text of the
-import datetime
-from kittystore import MessageNotFound
-from kittystore.utils import get_message_id_hash, parseaddr, parsedate
-from kittystore.utils import header_to_unicode
-from kittystore.scrub import Scrubber
-from kittystore.utils import get_ref_and_thread_id
-from import get_class_object
-from zope.interface import implements
-from mailman.interfaces.messages import IMessageStore
-from sqlalchemy import create_engine, distinct, MetaData, and_, desc, or_
-from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
-from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
-from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
-def list_to_table_name(list_name):
- """ For a given fully qualified list name, return the table name.
- What the method does is to transform the special characters from the
- list name to underscore ('_') and append the 'KS_' prefix in front.
- (KS stands for KittyStore).
- Characters replaced: -.@
- :arg list_name, the fully qualified list name to be transformed to
- the table name.
- """
- for char in ['-', '.', '@']:
- list_name = list_name.replace(char, '_')
- return 'HK_%s' % list_name
-class KittySAStore(object):
- """
- SQL-Alchemy powered interface to query emails from the database.
- """
- implements(IMessageStore)
- def __init__(self, url, debug=False):
- """ Constructor.
- Create the session using the engine defined in the url.
- :arg url, URL used to connect to the database. The URL contains
- information with regards to the database engine, the host to connect
- to, the user and password and the database name.
- ie: <engine>://<user>:<password>@<host>/<dbname>
- ie: mysql://mm3_user:mm3_password@localhost/mm3
- :kwarg debug, a boolean to set the debug mode on or off.
- """
- connect_args = {}
- if url.startswith('sqlite://'):
- connect_args["check_same_thread"] = False
- self.engine = create_engine(url, echo=debug, connect_args=connect_args)
- self.metadata = MetaData(self.engine)
- session = sessionmaker(bind=self.engine)
- self.session = session()
- def add(self, message):
- """Add the message to the store.
- :param message: An email.message.Message instance containing at
- least a unique Message-ID header. The message will be given
- an X-Message-ID-Hash header, overriding any existing such
- header.
- :returns: The calculated X-Message-ID-Hash header.
- :raises ValueError: if the message is missing a Message-ID
- header.
- The storage service is also allowed to raise this exception
- if it find, but disallows collisions.
- """
- # Not sure this is useful: a message should always be in a list
- raise NotImplementedError
- def add_to_list(self, list_name, message):
- """Add the message to a specific list of the store.
- :param list_name: The fully qualified list name to which the
- message should be added.
- :param message: An email.message.Message instance containing at
- least a unique Message-ID header. The message will be given
- an X-Message-ID-Hash header, overriding any existing such
- header.
- :returns: The calculated X-Message-ID-Hash header.
- :raises ValueError: if the message is missing a Message-ID
- header.
- The storage service is also allowed to raise this exception
- if it find, but disallows collisions.
- """
- email = get_class_object(list_to_table_name(list_name), 'email',
- MetaData(self.engine), create=True)
- if not message.has_key("Message-Id"):
- raise ValueError("No 'Message-Id' header in email", message)
- msg_id = message['Message-Id'].strip("<>")
- msg_id_hash = get_message_id_hash(msg_id)
- if self.get_message_by_id_from_list(list_name, msg_id) is not None:
- print ("Duplicate email from %s: %s" %
- (message['From'], message.get('Subject', '""')))
- return msg_id_hash
- # Find thread id
- ref, thread_id = get_ref_and_thread_id(message, list_name, self)
- if thread_id is None:
- # make up the thread_id if not found
- thread_id = msg_id_hash
- from_name, from_email = parseaddr(message['From'])
- from_name = header_to_unicode(from_name)
- full = message.as_string()
- scrubber = Scrubber(list_name, message, self)
- payload = scrubber.scrub() # modifies the message in-place
- #category = 'Question' # TODO: enum + i18n ?
- #if ('agenda' in message.get('Subject', '').lower() or
- # 'reminder' in message.get('Subject', '').lower()):
- # # i18n!
- # category = 'Agenda'
- mail = email(
- sender=from_name,
- email=from_email,
- subject=header_to_unicode(message.get('Subject')),
- content=payload.encode("utf-8"),
- date=parsedate(message.get("Date")),
- message_id=msg_id,
- stable_url_id=msg_id_hash,
- thread_id=thread_id,
- references=ref,
- full=full,
- )
- self.session.add(mail)
- return msg_id_hash
- def delete_message(self, message_id):
- """Remove the given message from the store.
- :param message: The Message-ID of the mesage to delete from the
- store.
- :raises LookupError: if there is no such message.
- """
- # Not sure this is useful: a message should always be in a list
- raise NotImplementedError
- def delete_message_from_list(self, list_name, message_id):
- """Remove the given message for a specific list from the store.
- :param list_name: The fully qualified list name to which the
- message should be added.
- :param message: The Message-ID of the mesage to delete from the
- store.
- :raises LookupError: if there is no such message.
- """
- email = get_class_object(list_to_table_name(list_name), 'email',
- self.metadata, create=False)
- msg = self.get_message_by_id_from_list(list_name, message_id)
- if msg is None:
- raise MessageNotFound(list_name, message_id)
- self.session.delete(msg)
- def get_list_size(self, list_name):
- """ Return the number of emails stored for a given mailing list.
- :arg list_name, name of the mailing list in which this email
- should be searched.
- """
- email = get_class_object(list_to_table_name(list_name), 'email',
- self.metadata)
- return self.session.query(email).count()
- def get_message_by_hash(self, message_id_hash):
- """Return the message with the matching X-Message-ID-Hash.
- :param message_id_hash: The X-Message-ID-Hash header contents to
- search for.
- :returns: The message, or None if no matching message was found.
- """
- # Not sure this is useful: a message should always be in a list
- raise NotImplementedError
- def get_message_by_hash_from_list(self, list_name, message_id_hash):
- """Return the message with the matching X-Message-ID-Hash.
- :param message_id_hash: The X-Message-ID-Hash header contents to
- search for.
- :returns: The message, or None if no matching message was found.
- """
- email = get_class_object(list_to_table_name(list_name), 'email',
- self.metadata)
- try:
- return self.session.query(email).filter_by(
- stable_url_id=message_id_hash).one()
- except NoResultFound:
- return None
- def get_message_by_id(self, message_id):
- """Return the message with a matching Message-ID.
- :param message_id: The Message-ID header contents to search for.
- :returns: The message, or None if no matching message was found.
- """
- # Not sure this is useful: a message should always be in a list
- raise NotImplementedError
- def get_message_by_id_from_list(self, list_name, message_id):
- """Return the message with a matching Message-ID.
- :param list_name: The fully qualified list name to which the
- message should be added.
- :param message_id: The Message-ID header contents to search for.
- :returns: The message, or None if no matching message was found.
- """
- email = get_class_object(list_to_table_name(list_name), 'email',
- self.metadata)
- try:
- return self.session.query(email).filter_by(
- message_id=message_id).one()
- except NoResultFound:
- return None
- def search_list_for_content(self, list_name, keyword):
- """ Returns a list of email containing the specified keyword in
- their content.
- :param list_name: name of the mailing list in which this email
- should be searched.
- :param keyword: keyword to search in the content of the emails.
- """
- email = get_class_object(list_to_table_name(list_name), 'email',
- self.metadata)
- mails = self.session.query(email).filter(
- email.content.ilike('%{0}%'.format(keyword))
- ).order_by(
- mails.reverse() # TODO: change the SQL order above
- return mails
- def search_list_for_content_subject(self, list_name, keyword):
- """ Returns a list of email containing the specified keyword in
- their content or their subject.
- :param list_name: name of the mailing list in which this email
- should be searched.
- :param keyword: keyword to search in the content or subject of
- the emails.
- """
- email = get_class_object(list_to_table_name(list_name), 'email',
- self.metadata)
- mails = self.session.query(email).filter(or_(
- email.content.ilike('%{0}%'.format(keyword)),
- email.subject.ilike('%{0}%'.format(keyword))
- )).order_by(
- mails.reverse() # TODO: change the SQL order above
- return mails
- def search_list_for_sender(self, list_name, keyword):
- """ Returns a list of email containing the specified keyword in
- the name or email address of the sender of the email.
- :param list_name: name of the mailing list in which this email
- should be searched.
- :param keyword: keyword to search in the database.
- """
- email = get_class_object(list_to_table_name(list_name), 'email',
- self.metadata)
- mails = self.session.query(email).filter(or_(
- email.sender.ilike('%{0}%'.format(keyword)),
- )).order_by(
- mails.reverse() # TODO: change the SQL order above
- return mails
- def search_list_for_subject(self, list_name, keyword):
- """ Returns a list of email containing the specified keyword in
- their subject.
- :param list_name: name of the mailing list in which this email
- should be searched.
- :param keyword: keyword to search in the subject of the emails.
- """
- email = get_class_object(list_to_table_name(list_name), 'email',
- self.metadata)
- mails = self.session.query(email).filter(
- email.subject.ilike('%{0}%'.format(keyword))
- ).order_by(
- mails.reverse() # TODO: change the SQL order above
- return mails
- @property
- def messages(self):
- """An iterator over all messages in this message store."""
- raise NotImplementedError
- def get_archives(self, list_name, start, end):
- """ Return all the thread started emails between two given dates.
- :arg list_name, name of the mailing list in which this email
- should be searched.
- :arg start, a datetime object representing the starting date of
- the interval to query.
- :arg end, a datetime object representing the ending date of
- the interval to query.
- """
- # Beginning of thread == No 'References' header
- email = get_class_object(list_to_table_name(list_name), 'email',
- self.metadata)
- mails = self.session.query(email).filter(
- and_(
- >= start,
- <= end,
- email.references == None)
- ).order_by(
- mails.reverse()
- return mails
- def get_archives_length(self, list_name):
- """ Return a dictionnary of years, months for which there are
- potentially archives available for a given list (based on the
- oldest post on the list).
- :arg list_name, name of the mailing list in which this email
- should be searched.
- """
- archives = {}
- email = get_class_object(list_to_table_name(list_name), 'email',
- self.metadata)
- entry = self.session.query(email).order_by(
- now =
- year =
- month =
- while year < now.year:
- archives[year] = range(1, 13)[(month -1):]
- year = year + 1
- month = 1
- archives[now.year] = range(1, 13)[:now.month]
- return archives
- def get_thread(self, list_name, thread_id):
- """ Return all the emails present in a thread. This thread
- is uniquely identified by its thread_id.
- :arg list_name, name of the mailing list in which this email
- should be searched.
- :arg thread_id, thread_id as used in the web-pages.
- Used here to uniquely identify the thread in the database.
- """
- email = get_class_object(list_to_table_name(list_name), 'email',
- self.metadata)
- try:
- return self.session.query(email).filter_by(
- thread_id=thread_id).order_by(
- except NoResultFound:
- return None
- def get_thread_length(self, list_name, thread_id):
- """ Return the number of email present in a thread. This thread
- is uniquely identified by its thread_id.
- :arg list_name, name of the mailing list in which this email
- should be searched.
- :arg thread_id, unique identifier of the thread as specified in
- the database.
- """
- email = get_class_object(list_to_table_name(list_name), 'email',
- self.metadata)
- return self.session.query(email).filter_by(
- thread_id=thread_id).count()
- def get_thread_participants(self, list_name, thread_id):
- """ Return the list of participant in a thread. This thread
- is uniquely identified by its thread_id.
- :arg list_name, name of the mailing list in which this email
- should be searched.
- :arg thread_id, unique identifier of the thread as specified in
- the database.
- """
- email = get_class_object(list_to_table_name(list_name), 'email',
- self.metadata)
- return self.session.query(distinct(email.sender)).filter(
- email.thread_id == thread_id).all()
- def flush(self):
- self.session.flush()
- def commit(self):
- self.session.commit()