path: root/install/ui/aci.js
diff options
authorAdam Young <>2011-03-18 16:43:54 -0400
committerAdam Young <>2011-03-31 17:29:33 -0400
commit4270e26adb56b6d1b7a9e80433581b82519d9eec (patch)
treedcb0982b741d92c0be37e262e70b7cd0969e06d0 /install/ui/aci.js
parentdb91321fd2c94680361ae8196ba9227615f92c39 (diff)
define entities using builder and more declarative syntax
merged hbac and sudo in to single files associaton facet and table supports linking
Diffstat (limited to 'install/ui/aci.js')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 233 deletions
diff --git a/install/ui/aci.js b/install/ui/aci.js
index bb3bcbea4..d51741245 100644
--- a/install/ui/aci.js
+++ b/install/ui/aci.js
@@ -23,6 +23,170 @@
/* REQUIRES: ipa.js, details.js, search.js, add.js, entity.js */
+IPA.entity_factories.permission = function() {
+ return IPA.entity_builder().
+ entity('permission').
+ search_facet({
+ columns:['cn'],
+ add_fields:[
+ 'cn',
+ {
+ factory:IPA.rights_widget,
+ name: 'permissions',
+ join: true, undo: false
+ },
+ {
+ factory: IPA.target_section,
+ section: 'target',
+ label:,
+ undo: false
+ }]}).
+ details_facet([
+ {
+ section:'identity',
+ fields: [{
+ factory: IPA.text_widget,
+ name: 'cn',
+ read_only: true
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ section:'rights',
+ factory:IPA.rights_section
+ },
+ {
+ section:'target',
+ factory:IPA.target_section,
+ label:
+ }]).
+ standard_associations().
+ build();
+IPA.entity_factories.privilege = function() {
+ return IPA.entity_builder().
+ entity('privilege').
+ search_facet({
+ columns:['cn','description'],
+ add_fields:['cn', 'description']}).
+ details_facet([
+ {
+ section:'identity',
+ label: IPA.messages.details.identity,
+ fields:['cn','description']
+ }]).
+ association_facet({
+ name: 'member_role',
+ add_method: 'add_privilege',
+ remove_method: 'remove_privilege',
+ associator: IPA.serial_associator
+ }).
+ association_facet({
+ name: 'memberof_permission',
+ add_method: 'add_permission',
+ remove_method: 'remove_permission'
+ }).
+ standard_associations().
+ build();
+IPA.entity_factories.role = function() {
+ return IPA.entity_builder().
+ entity('role').
+ search_facet({
+ columns:['cn','description'],
+ add_fields:['cn', 'description']}).
+ details_facet([
+ {
+ section:'identity',
+ label:IPA.messages.objects.role.identity,
+ fields:['cn','description']}]).
+ association_facet({
+ name: 'memberof_privilege',
+ add_method: 'add_privilege',
+ remove_method: 'remove_privilege'
+ }).
+ standard_associations().
+ build();
+IPA.entity_factories.selfservice = function() {
+ return IPA.entity_builder().
+ entity('selfservice').
+ search_facet({
+ columns:['aciname'],
+ add_fields:[
+ 'aciname',
+ {factory:IPA.attributes_widget,
+ object_type:'user',
+ name:'attrs',
+ undo: false
+ }]}).
+ details_facet([
+ {
+ section:'general',
+ label: IPA.messages.details.general,
+ fields: [
+ 'aciname',
+ {
+ factory:IPA.attributes_widget,
+ object_type:'user',
+ name:'attrs'
+ }]}]).
+ build();
+IPA.entity_factories.delegation = function() {
+ return IPA.entity_builder().
+ entity('delegation').
+ search_facet({
+ columns:['aciname'],
+ add_fields:[
+ 'aciname',
+ {
+ factory:IPA.entity_select_widget,
+ name: 'group', entity: 'group', undo: false
+ },
+ {
+ factory:IPA.entity_select_widget,
+ name: 'memberof', entity: 'group',
+ join: true, undo: false
+ },
+ {
+ factory:IPA.attributes_widget,
+ name: 'attrs', object_type: 'user',
+ join: true, undo: false
+ }]}).
+ details_facet([
+ {
+ section:'general',
+ label: IPA.messages.details.general,
+ fields:[
+ 'aciname',
+ {
+ factory:IPA.entity_select_widget,
+ name: 'group', entity: 'group'
+ },
+ {
+ factory:IPA.entity_select_widget,
+ name: 'memberof', entity: 'group',
+ join: true
+ },
+ {
+ factory:IPA.attributes_widget,
+ name: 'attrs', object_type: 'user',
+ join: true
+ }]}]).
+ standard_associations().
+ build();
IPA.attributes_widget = function(spec) {
@@ -516,238 +680,5 @@ IPA.permission_details_facet = function(spec) {
var that = IPA.details_facet(spec);
- that.refresh = function() {
- var pkey = $.bbq.getState(that.entity_name + '-pkey', true) || '';
- var command = IPA.command({
- 'name': that.entity_name+'_show_'+pkey,
- 'method': that.entity_name+'_show',
- 'args': [pkey],
- 'options': { 'all': true, 'rights': true }
- });
- command.on_success = function(data, text_status, xhr) {
- that.load(data.result.result);
- };
- command.on_error = function(xhr, text_status, error_thrown) {
- var details = $('.details', that.container).empty();
- details.append('<p>Error: ''</p>');
- details.append('<p>'+error_thrown.title+'</p>');
- details.append('<p>'+error_thrown.message+'</p>');
- };
- command.execute();
- };
- return that;
-IPA.entity_factories.permission = function() {
- return IPA.entity({
- 'name': 'permission'
- }).
- facet(
- IPA.search_facet().
- column({name:'cn'}).
- dialog(
- IPA.add_dialog({
- name: 'add',
- title: IPA.messages.objects.permission.add,
- width: '700px'
- }).
- field(IPA.text_widget({name: 'cn', undo: false})).
- field(IPA.rights_widget({
- name: 'permissions',
- join: true, undo: false})).
- section(IPA.target_section({
- name: 'target',
- label:,
- undo: false
- })))).
- facet(
- IPA.permission_details_facet({ name: 'details' }).
- section(
- IPA.stanza({
- name:'identity',
- label: IPA.messages.objects.permission.identity
- }).
- input({name: 'cn', read_only: true})).
- section(IPA.rights_section()).
- section(IPA.target_section({
- name: 'target',
- label:
- }))).
- standard_associations();
-IPA.entity_factories.privilege = function() {
- var that = IPA.entity({
- 'name': 'privilege'
- }).
- facet(
- IPA.search_facet().
- column({name:'cn'}).
- column({name:'description'}).
- dialog(
- IPA.add_dialog({
- name: 'add',
- title: IPA.messages.objects.privilege.add
- }).
- field(IPA.text_widget({ name: 'cn', undo: false})).
- field(IPA.text_widget(
- { name: 'description', undo: false})))).
- facet(
- IPA.details_facet({name:'details'}).
- section(
- IPA.stanza({
- name:'identity',
- label: IPA.messages.objects.privilege.identity
- }).
- input({name: 'cn'}).
- input({name: 'description'}))).
- facet(
- IPA.association_facet({
- name: 'member_role',
- add_method: 'add_privilege',
- remove_method: 'remove_privilege',
- associator: IPA.serial_associator
- })).
- facet(
- IPA.association_facet({
- name: 'memberof_permission',
- add_method: 'add_permission',
- remove_method: 'remove_permission'
- })).
- standard_associations();
return that;
-IPA.entity_factories.role = function() {
- return IPA.entity({
- 'name': 'role'
- }).
- facet(
- IPA.search_facet().
- column({name:'cn'}).
- column({name:'description'}).
- dialog(
- IPA.add_dialog({
- name: 'add',
- title: IPA.messages.objects.role.add
- }).
- field(IPA.text_widget({ name: 'cn', undo: false})).
- field(IPA.text_widget(
- { name: 'description', undo: false})))).
- facet(
- IPA.details_facet({name:'details'}).
- section(
- IPA.stanza({
- name:'identity',
- label:IPA.messages.objects.role.identity
- }).
- input({name: 'cn'}).
- input({name: 'description'}))).
- facet(
- IPA.association_facet({
- name: 'memberof_privilege',
- add_method: 'add_privilege',
- remove_method: 'remove_privilege'
- })).
- standard_associations();
-IPA.entity_factories.selfservice = function() {
- return IPA.entity({
- 'name': 'selfservice'
- }).
- facet(
- IPA.search_facet().
- column({name:'aciname'}).
- dialog(
- IPA.add_dialog({
- name: 'add',
- title: IPA.messages.objects.selfservice.add
- }).
- field(IPA.text_widget({ name: 'aciname', undo: false})).
- field(IPA.attributes_widget({
- object_type:'user',
- name:'attrs', undo: false
- })))).
- facet(
- IPA.details_facet({'name':'details'}).
- section(
- IPA.stanza({
- name: 'general',
- label: IPA.messages.details.general
- }).
- input({name:'aciname'}).
- custom_input(IPA.attributes_widget({
- object_type:'user',
- name:'attrs'
- }))));
-IPA.entity_factories.delegation = function() {
- var that = IPA.entity({
- 'name': 'delegation'
- }).
- facet(
- IPA.search_facet().
- column({name:'aciname'}).
- dialog(
- IPA.add_dialog({
- name: 'add',
- title: IPA.messages.objects.delegation.add,
- width: '700px'
- }).
- field(IPA.text_widget({
- name: 'aciname', undo: false
- })).
- field(IPA.entity_select_widget({
- name: 'group', entity: 'group', undo: false
- })).
- field(IPA.entity_select_widget({
- name: 'memberof', entity: 'group',
- join: true, undo: false
- })).
- field(IPA.attributes_widget({
- name: 'attrs', object_type: 'user',
- join: true, undo: false
- })))).
- facet(
- IPA.details_facet().
- section(
- IPA.stanza({
- name: 'general',
- label: IPA.messages.details.general
- }).
- input({name:'aciname'}).
- custom_input(IPA.entity_select_widget({
- name:'group', entity:'group'
- })).
- custom_input(IPA.entity_select_widget({
- name:'memberof',
- entity:'group', join: true
- })).
- custom_input(IPA.rights_widget({
- name: 'permissions',
- direction: 'horizontal', join: true
- })).
- custom_input(IPA.attributes_widget({
- name:'attrs', object_type:'user',
- join: true
- })))).
- standard_associations();
- return that;