path: root/
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Add the missing EPL license header.HEADmasterRoland Grunberg2013-10-101-0/+6
* Add prefix for lookup path of o.e.equinox.launcher jar.Roland Grunberg2013-10-091-1/+1
* Remove dependence on Tycho by using Eclipse's Equinox Launcher.Roland Grunberg2013-09-091-12/+2
| | | | | | Instead of the equinox launcher from /usr/share/java/tycho/ use the one provided by Eclipse in /usr/lib*/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar.
* Use 'dir' bundle shape for test bundles and mimic Tycho's test setup.Roland Grunberg2013-08-291-0/+23
- Eclipse test bundles should have a directory bundle shape (Eclipse-BundleShape: dir) - Eclipse test bundles' contents should be unpacked/placed into the directory from which the test suite is run to permit tests that access their test bundle resources improperly to pass.