path: root/swtbot-library.xml
diff options
authorRoland Grunberg <>2013-08-28 14:09:33 -0400
committerRoland Grunberg <>2013-08-28 14:09:33 -0400
commitba0467e5b48796e1733412f3126c15e4f2bb2c18 (patch)
tree55fdae9145c8b7327c5edc14e854437dabd6df93 /swtbot-library.xml
Initial Commit.
Diffstat (limited to 'swtbot-library.xml')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/swtbot-library.xml b/swtbot-library.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e43c96c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swtbot-library.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+this has been copied from o.e.test plugin with some targets for SWTBot
+<project name="swtbot-library-headless-junit4" default="usage" basedir=".">
+ <target name="usage">
+ <echo message="Please refer to the testframework.html in org.eclipse.test for instructions on usage." />
+ </target>
+ <target name="init">
+ <!--
+ Parameters:
+ (Mandatory)
+ data-dir - the directory for Eclipse to write its data
+ plugin-name - the name of the plugin to test
+ classname - the name of the test class
+ (Optional - overrides defaults set in script)
+ testProduct - a string containing the product id to test.
+ testApplication - a string containing the application id to test.
+ vmargs - a string containing arguments to pass to the VM.
+ extraVMargs - allows separate setting of VM args from separate caller.
+ timeout - overrides default test timeout value (in milliseconds).
+ test-output - overrides default output file produced from test run.
+ plugin-path - path to root of plug-in
+ useEclipseExe - property setting forces test to launch via eclipse executable.
+ junit-report-output - output directory for junit reports produced for specified classname.
+ -->
+ <tstamp>
+ <format property="TIMENOW" pattern="HHmmssSSSS" />
+ </tstamp>
+ <!--property setting useEclipseExe launches tests using the eclipse executable-->
+ <condition property="launchTarget" value="eclipse-test">
+ <isset property="useEclipseExe" />
+ </condition>
+ <!--default launch target for launching tests-->
+ <property name="launchTarget" value="java-test" />
+ <!-- default product/application to launch -->
+ <condition property="testproduct.if.available" value="-product ${testProduct}">
+ <isset property="testProduct" />
+ </condition>
+ <property name="testproduct.if.available" value="" />
+ <condition property="testapplication.if.available" value="-testApplication ${testApplication}">
+ <isset property="testApplication" />
+ </condition>
+ <property name="testapplication.if.available" value="" />
+ <!--default heap sizes when running performance tests-->
+ <condition property="vmargs" value=" -Xms256M -Xmx256M">
+ <equals arg1="${}" arg2="performance" />
+ </condition>
+ <property name="extraVMargs" value="" />
+ <property name="plugin-path" value="" />
+ <property name="timeout" value="7200000" />
+ <property name="test-output" value="${eclipse-home}/${classname}.xml" />
+ <property name="junit-report-output" value="${eclipse-home}/results" />
+ <mkdir dir="${junit-report-output}" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="swtbot-test" description="Eclipse application used to launch UI plugin tests." depends="init">
+ <antcall target="${launchTarget}">
+ <!--param name="application" value="org.eclipse.test.uitestapplication"/-->
+ <param name="application" value="org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.junit.headless.swtbottestapplication" />
+ </antcall>
+ </target>
+ <target name="java-test">
+ <!--default vm args-->
+ <property name="vmargs" value="-Xms256m -Xmx512m" />
+ <!-- this argument is needed for macosx -->
+ <condition property="jvmOption" value="-XstartOnFirstThread -Dorg.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.smallFonts">
+ <os family="mac" />
+ </condition>
+ <property name="jvmOption" value="" />
+ <!--set default jvm to use for testing-->
+ <property name="jvm" value="${java.home}/bin/java" />
+ <property name="launcher-arg-line" value="
+ -application ${application}
+ ${testproduct.if.available}
+ ${testapplication.if.available}
+ -data ${data-dir}
+ -testPluginName ${plugin-name}
+ -className ${classname}
+ -os ${os}
+ -ws ${ws}
+ -arch ${arch}
+ -consoleLog
+ -debug" />
+ <property name="jvm-arg-line" value="${vmargs} ${extraVMargs} ${jvmOption}" />
+ <echo>======================================</echo>
+ <echo>Running swtbot junit tests in ${classname}</echo>
+ <echo>Command line args are ${launcher-arg-line}</echo>
+ <echo>JVM args are ${jvm-arg-line}</echo>
+ <echo>JUnit Result File: ${junit-report-output}/${classname}.xml.</echo>
+ <echo>Console output File: ${junit-report-output}/${classname}.txt.</echo>
+ <echo>======================================</echo>
+ <fail unless="application" message="variable 'application' not defined." />
+ <fail unless="data-dir" message="variable 'data-dir' not defined." />
+ <fail unless="test-output" message="variable 'test-output' not defined" />
+ <fail unless="plugin-name" message="variable 'plugin-name' not defined" />
+ <fail unless="classname" message="variable 'classname' not defined" />
+ <fail unless="os" message="variable 'os' not defined. os can be one of win32, linux, macosx" />
+ <fail unless="ws" message="variable 'ws' not defined. ws can be one of win32, wpf, gtk, carbon, cocoa" />
+ <fail unless="arch" message="variable 'arch' not defined. arch can be one of x86, x86_64, ppc" />
+ <pathconvert property="foundJunit3" setonempty="false" pathsep=" ">
+ <path>
+ <fileset dir="${eclipse-home}/plugins" includes="org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.junit3.headless*/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" />
+ <fileset dir="${eclipse-home}/plugins" includes="org.eclipse.swtbot.ant.optional.junit3*" />
+ </path>
+ </pathconvert>
+ <fail if="foundJunit3">
+ .
+ Found org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.junit3.headless or org.eclipse.swtbot.ant.optional.junit3 in the plugins directory.
+ JUnit 3.x and 4.x don't play well together.
+ Please remove org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.junit3.headless and org.eclipse.swtbot.ant.optional.junit3 from the plugins dir.
+ </fail>
+ <java fork="true" dir="." timeout="${timeout}" jvm="${jvm}" logError="true" classname="org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main" output="${junit-report-output}/${classname}.txt">
+ <classpath>
+ <fileset dir="${eclipse-home}/plugins">
+ <include name="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar" />
+ </fileset>
+ </classpath>
+ <arg line="${launcher-arg-line}" />
+ <jvmarg line="${jvm-arg-line}" />
+ <sysproperty key="PLUGIN_PATH" value="${plugin-path}" />
+ </java>
+ <echo>======================================</echo>
+ <echo>If you see errors above please see the file ${junit-report-output}/${classname}.txt for more information.</echo>
+ <echo>Errors are generally caused by missing or incorrect dependencies.</echo>
+ <echo>======================================</echo>
+ <antcall target="collect-results" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="collect-results">
+ <dirname property="output-dir" file="${test-output}" />
+ <basename property="output-file-name" file="${test-output}" />
+ <junitreport todir="${junit-report-output}" tofile="${classname}.xml">
+ <fileset dir="${output-dir}">
+ <include name="${output-file-name}" />
+ </fileset>
+ </junitreport>
+ <dirname property="swtbot.junit4.headless.dir" file="${ant.file.swtbot-library-headless-junit4}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${junit-report-output}/screenshots" />
+ <move todir="${junit-report-output}/screenshots" failonerror="false">
+ <fileset dir="${eclipse-home}/screenshots" includes="*.*" />
+ </move>
+ <xslt style="${swtbot.junit4.headless.dir}/JUNIT.XSL" basedir="${junit-report-output}" includes="${classname}.xml" destdir="${junit-report-output}">
+ <param name="screenshot_dir" expression="screenshots"/>
+ <!--
+ Only use this if you've set SWTBotPreferences#SCREENSHOT_FORMAT preference
+ Optional: possible values are bmp, gif, ico, jpeg, jpg, png or tiff
+ <param name="screenshot_format" expression="jpeg"/>
+ -->
+ </xslt>
+ <!--save .log content and *.log content from configuration directory-->
+ <concat destfile="${junit-report-output}/${classname}.log">
+ <fileset dir="${eclipse-home}" includes="${data-dir}/.metadata/*.log" />
+ <fileset dir="${eclipse-home}" includes="configuration/*.log" />
+ </concat>
+ </target>
+ <target name="collect">
+ <!--
+ This target can be used to aggragate test runs from multiple test suites into a single report.
+ Parameters to this target:
+ includes - the names of the files to include
+ output-file - the name of the output file to produce
+ -->
+ <junitreport todir="." tofile="${output-file}">
+ <fileset dir=".">
+ <include name="${includes}" />
+ </fileset>
+ </junitreport>
+ </target>