diff options
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f92fad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+from collections import namedtuple
+import cStringIO
+import difflib
+import os
+from pprint import pprint
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import urllib2
+from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
+def get_mw():
+ # Get the MediaWiki source (plus some HTML textarea markup) for the
+ # "Python 3 already in Fedora" section of the wiki page
+ # (section 2 is the one we want)
+ URL = ''
+ f = urllib2.urlopen(URL)
+ html =
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
+ # print(soup.prettify())
+ lines = soup('textarea')
+ return str(lines[0])
+class PackageLine:
+ ATTRNAMES = ('pymodule', 'fedpy2', 'upstream', 'fedpy3')
+ def __init__(self, pymodule, fedpy2, upstream, fedpy3):
+ self.pymodule = pymodule
+ self.fedpy2 = fedpy2
+ self.upstream = upstream
+ self.fedpy3 = fedpy3
+ def write_mw(self, f):
+ f.write('|-\n')
+ columns = []
+ for attrname in self.ATTRNAMES:
+ field = getattr(self, attrname)
+ if field == '':
+ field = ' '
+ else:
+ field = ' %s ' % field
+ columns.append(field)
+ f.write('|' + ('||'.join(columns)).rstrip() + '\n')
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ for attrname in self.ATTRNAMES:
+ j = cmp(getattr(self, attrname).lower(),
+ getattr(other, attrname).lower())
+ if j: return j
+ return 0
+class PackageTable:
+ def __init__(self, text):
+ self.packages = []
+ state = []
+ for line in text.splitlines():
+ if line.startswith('|') and not line.startswith('|-') \
+ and not line.startswith('|}'):
+ if 0:
+ print('line: %r' % line)
+ fields = line[1:].split('||')
+ if len(fields) == 3:
+ fields.append('')
+ fields = [field.strip() for field in fields]
+ p = PackageLine(*fields)
+ self.packages.append(p)
+ def sort(self):
+ def sorter(a, b):
+ return cmp(a, b)
+ self.packages.sort(sorter)
+ def write_mw(self, f):
+ f.write('== Python 3 already in Fedora ==\n')
+ f.write('{|\n')
+ f.write('! Python Module !! Fedora Python 2 package !! Upstream status of Python 3 !! Fedora Python 3 package\n')
+ for pkg in self.packages:
+ pkg.write_mw(f)
+ f.write('|}')
+ def add_srpm(self, srpmname, subpackages):
+ for package in self.packages:
+ if srpmname == package.fedpy2 or \
+ srpmname in package.fedpy3:
+ # already in table;
+ return
+ # Generating the modules list is the slow part:
+ pymodule = ' '.join(sorted(get_modules_for_subpackages(subpackages)))
+ fedpy2 = ''
+ upstream = ''
+ names = ' '.join(["'''%s'''" % name
+ for name in sorted(subpackages)])
+ if len(subpackages) > 1:
+ fedpy3 = ("In Fedora as subpackages %s of %s"
+ % (names, srpmname))
+ else:
+ fedpy3 = ("In Fedora as %s subpackage of %s"
+ % (names, srpmname))
+ newline = PackageLine(pymodule, fedpy2, upstream, fedpy3)
+ self.packages.append(newline)
+def parse_table(text):
+ return PackageTable(text)
+def get_modules_for_subpackages(subpackages):
+ result = set()
+ for subpackage in subpackages:
+ result = result.union(get_modules(subpackage))
+ for pkg in list(result):
+ if pkg.startswith('_') and pkg[1:] in result:
+ result.discard(pkg)
+ return result
+def get_modules(subpackage):
+ specialcases = {'dreampie-python3': 'dreampielib',
+ 'nose': 'nose',
+ 'python3-nose1.1': 'nose',
+ 'waf-python3': 'waflib',
+ 'znc-modpython': 'znc',
+ }
+ if subpackage in specialcases:
+ return set([specialcases[subpackage]])
+ cmd = ['repoquery',
+ '--list', subpackage]
+ result = set()
+ print('subpackage: %r' % subpackage)
+ for line in subprocess.check_output(cmd).splitlines():
+ if 1:
+ print('line: %r' % line)
+ dirname, basename = os.path.split(line)
+ if dirname.endswith('site-packages'):
+ if basename == '__pycache__':
+ continue
+ if basename.endswith('egg-info'):
+ continue
+ if basename.endswith('.egg'):
+ continue
+ if basename.endswith('.pth'):
+ continue
+ m = re.match('(.+).cpython-(.+).so', basename)
+ if m:
+ result.add(
+ continue
+ if basename.endswith('.py'):
+ result.add(basename[:-3])
+ elif basename.endswith('.pyc'):
+ result.add(basename[:-4])
+ elif basename.endswith('.pyo'):
+ result.add(basename[:-4])
+ else:
+ result.add(basename)
+ return result
+def get_srpms():
+ # Get srpms that build something requiring python3
+ # Returns a dict, mapping from srpm names to sets of subpackage names
+ # requiring python3
+ # e.g. {'mpi4py': set(['python3-mpi4py-mpich2',
+ # 'python3-mpi4py-openmpi']),
+ # 'numpy': set(['python3-numpy', 'python3-numpy-f2py']),
+ # ...etc...
+ # }
+ result = {}
+ cmd = ['repoquery',
+ '--qf', '%{sourcerpm} %{name}',
+ '--whatrequires', 'python3']
+ for line in subprocess.check_output(cmd).splitlines():
+ sourcerpm, subpackagename = line.split()
+ # e.g. 'cobbler-2.2.2-1.fc17.src.rpm', 'cobbler-web'
+ srpmname = re.match('(.+)-(.+)-(.+)', sourcerpm).group(1)
+ if srpmname in result:
+ result[srpmname].add(subpackagename)
+ else:
+ result[srpmname] = set([subpackagename])
+ return result
+if 1:
+ oldcontent = get_mw()
+ table = parse_table(oldcontent)
+ if 1:
+ for srpmname, subpackages in get_srpms().iteritems():
+ table.add_srpm(srpmname, subpackages)
+ table.sort()
+ #pprint(table.lines)
+ newcontent = cStringIO.StringIO()
+ table.write_mw(newcontent)
+ newcontent = newcontent.getvalue()
+ def unified_diff(oldtxt, newtxt):
+ def _make_lines(text):
+ return [line + '\n' for line in text.splitlines()]
+ diff = difflib.unified_diff(_make_lines(oldtxt),
+ _make_lines(newtxt))
+ return ''.join(diff)
+ # Show diff between old and proposed new content:
+ print(unified_diff(oldcontent, newcontent))
+ # Show new content, for ease of pasting into the edit textarea:
+ print(newcontent)