
Source file src/victortoso.com/qapi-go/pkg/qapi/structs.go

Documentation: victortoso.com/qapi-go/pkg/qapi

     1  package qapi
     3  // A fat type wrapping 'str', to be embedded in lists.
     4  //
     5  // Since: 1.2
     6  type String struct {
     7  	Str string `json:"str"`
     8  }
    10  // Since: 6.2
    11  type HumanReadableText struct {
    12  	HumanReadableText string `json:"human-readable-text"` // Formatted output intended for humans.
    13  }
    15  type InetSocketAddressBase struct {
    16  	Host string `json:"host"` // host part of the address
    17  	Port string `json:"port"` // port part of the address
    18  }
    20  // Captures a socket address or address range in the Internet namespace.
    21  //
    22  // Since: 1.3
    23  type InetSocketAddress struct {
    24  	// Base type for this struct
    25  	InetSocketAddressBase
    26  	Numeric   *bool   `json:"numeric,omitempty"`    // true if the host/port are guaranteed to be numeric, false if name resolution should be attempted. Defaults to false. (Since 2.9)
    27  	To        *uint16 `json:"to,omitempty"`         // If present, this is range of possible addresses, with port between @port and @to.
    28  	Ipv4      *bool   `json:"ipv4,omitempty"`       // whether to accept IPv4 addresses, default try both IPv4 and IPv6
    29  	Ipv6      *bool   `json:"ipv6,omitempty"`       // whether to accept IPv6 addresses, default try both IPv4 and IPv6
    30  	KeepAlive *bool   `json:"keep-alive,omitempty"` // enable keep-alive when connecting to this socket. Not supported for passive sockets. (Since 4.2)
    31  	Mptcp     *bool   `json:"mptcp,omitempty"`      // enable multi-path TCP. (Since 6.1)
    32  }
    34  // Captures a socket address in the local ("Unix socket") namespace.
    35  //
    36  // Since: 1.3
    37  type UnixSocketAddress struct {
    38  	Path     string `json:"path"`               // filesystem path to use
    39  	Abstract *bool  `json:"abstract,omitempty"` // if true, this is a Linux abstract socket address. @path will be prefixed by a null byte, and optionally padded with null bytes. Defaults to false. (Since 5.1)
    40  	Tight    *bool  `json:"tight,omitempty"`    // if false, pad an abstract socket address with enough null bytes to make it fill struct sockaddr_un member sun_path. Defaults to true. (Since 5.1)
    41  }
    43  // Captures a socket address in the vsock namespace.
    44  //
    45  // Note: string types are used to allow for possible future hostname or
    46  // service resolution support.
    47  //
    48  // Since: 2.8
    49  type VsockSocketAddress struct {
    50  	Cid  string `json:"cid"`  // unique host identifier
    51  	Port string `json:"port"` // port
    52  }
    54  // Since: 1.3
    55  type InetSocketAddressWrapper struct {
    56  	Data InetSocketAddress `json:"data"`
    57  }
    59  // Since: 1.3
    60  type UnixSocketAddressWrapper struct {
    61  	Data UnixSocketAddress `json:"data"`
    62  }
    64  // Since: 2.8
    65  type VsockSocketAddressWrapper struct {
    66  	Data VsockSocketAddress `json:"data"`
    67  }
    69  // Since: 1.3
    70  type StringWrapper struct {
    71  	Data string `json:"data"`
    72  }
    74  // Information about VCPU run state
    75  //
    76  // Since: 0.14
    77  //
    78  // Notes: @singlestep is enabled through the GDB stub
    79  type StatusInfo struct {
    80  	Running    bool     `json:"running"`    // true if all VCPUs are runnable, false if not runnable
    81  	Singlestep bool     `json:"singlestep"` // true if VCPUs are in single-step mode
    82  	Status     RunState `json:"status"`     // the virtual machine @RunState
    83  }
    85  // Hyper-V specific guest panic information (HV crash MSRs)
    86  //
    87  // Since: 2.9
    88  type GuestPanicInformationHyperV struct {
    89  	Arg1 uint64 `json:"arg1"`
    90  	Arg2 uint64 `json:"arg2"`
    91  	Arg3 uint64 `json:"arg3"`
    92  	Arg4 uint64 `json:"arg4"`
    93  	Arg5 uint64 `json:"arg5"`
    94  }
    96  // S390 specific guest panic information (PSW)
    97  //
    98  // Since: 2.12
    99  type GuestPanicInformationS390 struct {
   100  	Core    uint32          `json:"core"`     // core id of the CPU that crashed
   101  	PswMask uint64          `json:"psw-mask"` // control fields of guest PSW
   102  	PswAddr uint64          `json:"psw-addr"` // guest instruction address
   103  	Reason  S390CrashReason `json:"reason"`   // guest crash reason
   104  }
   106  // Additional information on memory failures.
   107  //
   108  // Since: 5.2
   109  type MemoryFailureFlags struct {
   110  	ActionRequired bool `json:"action-required"` // whether a memory failure event is action-required or action-optional (e.g. a failure during memory scrub).
   111  	Recursive      bool `json:"recursive"`       // whether the failure occurred while the previous failure was still in progress.
   112  }
   114  // The common options that apply to all full disk
   115  // encryption formats
   116  //
   117  // Since: 2.6
   118  type QCryptoBlockOptionsBase struct {
   119  	Format QCryptoBlockFormat `json:"format"` // the encryption format
   120  }
   122  // The options that apply to QCow/QCow2 AES-CBC encryption format
   123  //
   124  // Since: 2.6
   125  type QCryptoBlockOptionsQCow struct {
   126  	KeySecret *string `json:"key-secret,omitempty"` // the ID of a QCryptoSecret object providing the decryption key. Mandatory except when probing image for metadata only.
   127  }
   129  // The options that apply to LUKS encryption format
   130  //
   131  // Since: 2.6
   132  type QCryptoBlockOptionsLUKS struct {
   133  	KeySecret *string `json:"key-secret,omitempty"` // the ID of a QCryptoSecret object providing the decryption key. Mandatory except when probing image for metadata only.
   134  }
   136  // The options that apply to LUKS encryption format initialization
   137  //
   138  // Since: 2.6
   139  type QCryptoBlockCreateOptionsLUKS struct {
   140  	// Base type for this struct
   141  	QCryptoBlockOptionsLUKS
   142  	CipherAlg    *QCryptoCipherAlgorithm `json:"cipher-alg,omitempty"`     // the cipher algorithm for data encryption Currently defaults to 'aes-256'.
   143  	CipherMode   *QCryptoCipherMode      `json:"cipher-mode,omitempty"`    // the cipher mode for data encryption Currently defaults to 'xts'
   144  	IvgenAlg     *QCryptoIVGenAlgorithm  `json:"ivgen-alg,omitempty"`      // the initialization vector generator Currently defaults to 'plain64'
   145  	IvgenHashAlg *QCryptoHashAlgorithm   `json:"ivgen-hash-alg,omitempty"` // the initialization vector generator hash Currently defaults to 'sha256'
   146  	HashAlg      *QCryptoHashAlgorithm   `json:"hash-alg,omitempty"`       // the master key hash algorithm Currently defaults to 'sha256'
   147  	IterTime     *int64                  `json:"iter-time,omitempty"`      // number of milliseconds to spend in PBKDF passphrase processing. Currently defaults to 2000. (since 2.8)
   148  }
   150  // The common information that applies to all full disk
   151  // encryption formats
   152  //
   153  // Since: 2.7
   154  type QCryptoBlockInfoBase struct {
   155  	Format QCryptoBlockFormat `json:"format"` // the encryption format
   156  }
   158  // Information about the LUKS block encryption key
   159  // slot options
   160  //
   161  // Since: 2.7
   162  type QCryptoBlockInfoLUKSSlot struct {
   163  	Active    bool   `json:"active"`            // whether the key slot is currently in use
   164  	Iters     *int64 `json:"iters,omitempty"`   // number of PBKDF2 iterations for key material
   165  	Stripes   *int64 `json:"stripes,omitempty"` // number of stripes for splitting key material
   166  	KeyOffset int64  `json:"key-offset"`        // offset to the key material in bytes
   167  }
   169  // Information about the LUKS block encryption options
   170  //
   171  // Since: 2.7
   172  type QCryptoBlockInfoLUKS struct {
   173  	CipherAlg      QCryptoCipherAlgorithm     `json:"cipher-alg"`               // the cipher algorithm for data encryption
   174  	CipherMode     QCryptoCipherMode          `json:"cipher-mode"`              // the cipher mode for data encryption
   175  	IvgenAlg       QCryptoIVGenAlgorithm      `json:"ivgen-alg"`                // the initialization vector generator
   176  	IvgenHashAlg   *QCryptoHashAlgorithm      `json:"ivgen-hash-alg,omitempty"` // the initialization vector generator hash
   177  	HashAlg        QCryptoHashAlgorithm       `json:"hash-alg"`                 // the master key hash algorithm
   178  	PayloadOffset  int64                      `json:"payload-offset"`           // offset to the payload data in bytes
   179  	MasterKeyIters int64                      `json:"master-key-iters"`         // number of PBKDF2 iterations for key material
   180  	Uuid           string                     `json:"uuid"`                     // unique identifier for the volume
   181  	Slots          []QCryptoBlockInfoLUKSSlot `json:"slots"`                    // information about each key slot
   182  }
   184  // This struct defines the update parameters that activate/de-activate set
   185  // of keyslots
   186  //
   187  // None: Since 5.1
   188  type QCryptoBlockAmendOptionsLUKS struct {
   189  	State     QCryptoBlockLUKSKeyslotState `json:"state"`                // the desired state of the keyslots
   190  	NewSecret *string                      `json:"new-secret,omitempty"` // The ID of a QCryptoSecret object providing the password to be written into added active keyslots
   191  	OldSecret *string                      `json:"old-secret,omitempty"` // Optional (for deactivation only) If given will deactivate all keyslots that match password located in QCryptoSecret with this ID
   192  	Keyslot   *int64                       `json:"keyslot,omitempty"`    // Optional. ID of the keyslot to activate/deactivate. For keyslot activation, keyslot should not be active already (this is unsafe to update an active keyslot), but possible if 'force' parameter is given. If keyslot is not given, first free keyslot will be written. For keyslot deactivation, this parameter specifies the exact keyslot to deactivate
   193  	IterTime  *int64                       `json:"iter-time,omitempty"`  // Optional (for activation only) Number of milliseconds to spend in PBKDF passphrase processing for the newly activated keyslot. Currently defaults to 2000.
   194  	Secret    *string                      `json:"secret,omitempty"`     // Optional. The ID of a QCryptoSecret object providing the password to use to retrieve current master key. Defaults to the same secret that was used to open the image
   195  }
   197  // Properties for objects of classes derived from secret-common.
   198  //
   199  // Since: 2.6
   200  type SecretCommonProperties struct {
   201  	Loaded *bool                `json:"loaded,omitempty"` // if true, the secret is loaded immediately when applying this option and will probably fail when processing the next option. Don't use; only provided for compatibility. (default: false)
   202  	Format *QCryptoSecretFormat `json:"format,omitempty"` // the data format that the secret is provided in (default: raw)
   203  	Keyid  *string              `json:"keyid,omitempty"`  // the name of another secret that should be used to decrypt the provided data. If not present, the data is assumed to be unencrypted.
   204  	Iv     *string              `json:"iv,omitempty"`     // the random initialization vector used for encryption of this particular secret. Should be a base64 encrypted string of the 16-byte IV. Mandatory if @keyid is given. Ignored if @keyid is absent.
   205  }
   207  // Properties for secret objects.
   208  //
   209  // Either @data or @file must be provided, but not both.
   210  //
   211  // Since: 2.6
   212  type SecretProperties struct {
   213  	// Base type for this struct
   214  	SecretCommonProperties
   215  	Data *string `json:"data,omitempty"` // the associated with the secret from
   216  	File *string `json:"file,omitempty"` // the filename to load the data associated with the secret from
   217  }
   219  // Properties for secret_keyring objects.
   220  //
   221  // Since: 5.1
   222  type SecretKeyringProperties struct {
   223  	// Base type for this struct
   224  	SecretCommonProperties
   225  	Serial int32 `json:"serial"` // serial number that identifies a key to get from the kernel
   226  }
   228  // Properties for objects of classes derived from tls-creds.
   229  //
   230  // Since: 2.5
   231  type TlsCredsProperties struct {
   232  	VerifyPeer *bool                    `json:"verify-peer,omitempty"` // if true the peer credentials will be verified once the handshake is completed. This is a no-op for anonymous credentials. (default: true)
   233  	Dir        *string                  `json:"dir,omitempty"`         // the path of the directory that contains the credential files
   234  	Endpoint   *QCryptoTLSCredsEndpoint `json:"endpoint,omitempty"`    // whether the QEMU network backend that uses the credentials will be acting as a client or as a server (default: client)
   235  	Priority   *string                  `json:"priority,omitempty"`    // a gnutls priority string as described at https://gnutls.org/manual/html_node/Priority-Strings.html
   236  }
   238  // Properties for tls-creds-anon objects.
   239  //
   240  // Since: 2.5
   241  type TlsCredsAnonProperties struct {
   242  	// Base type for this struct
   243  	TlsCredsProperties
   244  	Loaded *bool `json:"loaded,omitempty"` // if true, the credentials are loaded immediately when applying this option and will ignore options that are processed later. Don't use; only provided for compatibility. (default: false)
   245  }
   247  // Properties for tls-creds-psk objects.
   248  //
   249  // Since: 3.0
   250  type TlsCredsPskProperties struct {
   251  	// Base type for this struct
   252  	TlsCredsProperties
   253  	Loaded   *bool   `json:"loaded,omitempty"`   // if true, the credentials are loaded immediately when applying this option and will ignore options that are processed later. Don't use; only provided for compatibility. (default: false)
   254  	Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` // the username which will be sent to the server. For clients only. If absent, "qemu" is sent and the property will read back as an empty string.
   255  }
   257  // Properties for tls-creds-x509 objects.
   258  //
   259  // Since: 2.5
   260  type TlsCredsX509Properties struct {
   261  	// Base type for this struct
   262  	TlsCredsProperties
   263  	Loaded      *bool   `json:"loaded,omitempty"`       // if true, the credentials are loaded immediately when applying this option and will ignore options that are processed later. Don't use; only provided for compatibility. (default: false)
   264  	SanityCheck *bool   `json:"sanity-check,omitempty"` // if true, perform some sanity checks before using the credentials (default: true)
   265  	Passwordid  *string `json:"passwordid,omitempty"`   // For the server-key.pem and client-key.pem files which contain sensitive private keys, it is possible to use an encrypted version by providing the @passwordid parameter. This provides the ID of a previously created secret object containing the password for decryption.
   266  }
   268  // Information about a persistent reservation manager
   269  //
   270  // Since: 3.0
   271  type PRManagerInfo struct {
   272  	Id        string `json:"id"`        // the identifier of the persistent reservation manager
   273  	Connected bool   `json:"connected"` // true if the persistent reservation manager is connected to the underlying storage or helper
   274  }
   276  // Since: 1.3
   277  type SnapshotInfo struct {
   278  	Id          string `json:"id"`               // unique snapshot id
   279  	Name        string `json:"name"`             // user chosen name
   280  	VmStateSize int64  `json:"vm-state-size"`    // size of the VM state
   281  	DateSec     int64  `json:"date-sec"`         // UTC date of the snapshot in seconds
   282  	DateNsec    int64  `json:"date-nsec"`        // fractional part in nano seconds to be used with date-sec
   283  	VmClockSec  int64  `json:"vm-clock-sec"`     // VM clock relative to boot in seconds
   284  	VmClockNsec int64  `json:"vm-clock-nsec"`    // fractional part in nano seconds to be used with vm-clock-sec
   285  	Icount      *int64 `json:"icount,omitempty"` // Current instruction count. Appears when execution record/replay is enabled. Used for "time-traveling" to match the moment in the recorded execution with the snapshots. This counter may be obtained through @query-replay command (since 5.2)
   286  }
   288  // Since: 2.10
   289  type ImageInfoSpecificQCow2EncryptionBase struct {
   290  	Format BlockdevQcow2EncryptionFormat `json:"format"` // The encryption format
   291  }
   293  // Since: 1.7
   294  type ImageInfoSpecificQCow2 struct {
   295  	Compat          string                            `json:"compat"`                   // compatibility level
   296  	DataFile        *string                           `json:"data-file,omitempty"`      // the filename of the external data file that is stored in the image and used as a default for opening the image (since: 4.0)
   297  	DataFileRaw     *bool                             `json:"data-file-raw,omitempty"`  // True if the external data file must stay valid as a standalone (read-only) raw image without looking at qcow2 metadata (since: 4.0)
   298  	ExtendedL2      *bool                             `json:"extended-l2,omitempty"`    // true if the image has extended L2 entries; only valid for compat >= 1.1 (since 5.2)
   299  	LazyRefcounts   *bool                             `json:"lazy-refcounts,omitempty"` // on or off; only valid for compat >= 1.1
   300  	Corrupt         *bool                             `json:"corrupt,omitempty"`        // true if the image has been marked corrupt; only valid for compat >= 1.1 (since 2.2)
   301  	RefcountBits    int64                             `json:"refcount-bits"`            // width of a refcount entry in bits (since 2.3)
   302  	Encrypt         *ImageInfoSpecificQCow2Encryption `json:"encrypt,omitempty"`        // details about encryption parameters; only set if image is encrypted (since 2.10)
   303  	Bitmaps         []Qcow2BitmapInfo                 `json:"bitmaps,omitempty"`        // A list of qcow2 bitmap details (since 4.0)
   304  	CompressionType Qcow2CompressionType              `json:"compression-type"`         // the image cluster compression method (since 5.1)
   305  }
   307  // Since: 1.7
   308  type ImageInfoSpecificVmdk struct {
   309  	CreateType string      `json:"create-type"` // The create type of VMDK image
   310  	Cid        int64       `json:"cid"`         // Content id of image
   311  	ParentCid  int64       `json:"parent-cid"`  // Parent VMDK image's cid
   312  	Extents    []ImageInfo `json:"extents"`     // List of extent files
   313  }
   315  // Since: 6.1
   316  type ImageInfoSpecificRbd struct {
   317  	EncryptionFormat *RbdImageEncryptionFormat `json:"encryption-format,omitempty"` // Image encryption format
   318  }
   320  // Since: 1.7
   321  type ImageInfoSpecificQCow2Wrapper struct {
   322  	Data ImageInfoSpecificQCow2 `json:"data"`
   323  }
   325  // Since: 6.1
   326  type ImageInfoSpecificVmdkWrapper struct {
   327  	Data ImageInfoSpecificVmdk `json:"data"`
   328  }
   330  // Since: 2.7
   331  type ImageInfoSpecificLUKSWrapper struct {
   332  	Data QCryptoBlockInfoLUKS `json:"data"`
   333  }
   335  // Since: 6.1
   336  type ImageInfoSpecificRbdWrapper struct {
   337  	Data ImageInfoSpecificRbd `json:"data"`
   338  }
   340  // Information about a QEMU image file
   341  //
   342  // Since: 1.3
   343  type ImageInfo struct {
   344  	Filename              string             `json:"filename"`                          // name of the image file
   345  	Format                string             `json:"format"`                            // format of the image file
   346  	DirtyFlag             *bool              `json:"dirty-flag,omitempty"`              // true if image is not cleanly closed
   347  	ActualSize            *int64             `json:"actual-size,omitempty"`             // actual size on disk in bytes of the image
   348  	VirtualSize           int64              `json:"virtual-size"`                      // maximum capacity in bytes of the image
   349  	ClusterSize           *int64             `json:"cluster-size,omitempty"`            // size of a cluster in bytes
   350  	Encrypted             *bool              `json:"encrypted,omitempty"`               // true if the image is encrypted
   351  	Compressed            *bool              `json:"compressed,omitempty"`              // true if the image is compressed (Since 1.7)
   352  	BackingFilename       *string            `json:"backing-filename,omitempty"`        // name of the backing file
   353  	FullBackingFilename   *string            `json:"full-backing-filename,omitempty"`   // full path of the backing file
   354  	BackingFilenameFormat *string            `json:"backing-filename-format,omitempty"` // the format of the backing file
   355  	Snapshots             []SnapshotInfo     `json:"snapshots,omitempty"`               // list of VM snapshots
   356  	BackingImage          *ImageInfo         `json:"backing-image,omitempty"`           // info of the backing image (since 1.6)
   357  	FormatSpecific        *ImageInfoSpecific `json:"format-specific,omitempty"`         // structure supplying additional format-specific information (since 1.7)
   358  }
   360  // Information about a QEMU image file check
   361  //
   362  // Since: 1.4
   363  type ImageCheck struct {
   364  	Filename           string `json:"filename"`                      // name of the image file checked
   365  	Format             string `json:"format"`                        // format of the image file checked
   366  	CheckErrors        int64  `json:"check-errors"`                  // number of unexpected errors occurred during check
   367  	ImageEndOffset     *int64 `json:"image-end-offset,omitempty"`    // offset (in bytes) where the image ends, this field is present if the driver for the image format supports it
   368  	Corruptions        *int64 `json:"corruptions,omitempty"`         // number of corruptions found during the check if any
   369  	Leaks              *int64 `json:"leaks,omitempty"`               // number of leaks found during the check if any
   370  	CorruptionsFixed   *int64 `json:"corruptions-fixed,omitempty"`   // number of corruptions fixed during the check if any
   371  	LeaksFixed         *int64 `json:"leaks-fixed,omitempty"`         // number of leaks fixed during the check if any
   372  	TotalClusters      *int64 `json:"total-clusters,omitempty"`      // total number of clusters, this field is present if the driver for the image format supports it
   373  	AllocatedClusters  *int64 `json:"allocated-clusters,omitempty"`  // total number of allocated clusters, this field is present if the driver for the image format supports it
   374  	FragmentedClusters *int64 `json:"fragmented-clusters,omitempty"` // total number of fragmented clusters, this field is present if the driver for the image format supports it
   375  	CompressedClusters *int64 `json:"compressed-clusters,omitempty"` // total number of compressed clusters, this field is present if the driver for the image format supports it
   376  }
   378  // Mapping information from a virtual block range to a host file range
   379  //
   380  // Since: 2.6
   381  type MapEntry struct {
   382  	Start    int64   `json:"start"`              // virtual (guest) offset of the first byte described by this entry
   383  	Length   int64   `json:"length"`             // the number of bytes of the mapped virtual range
   384  	Data     bool    `json:"data"`               // reading the image will actually read data from a file (in particular, if @offset is present this means that the sectors are not simply preallocated, but contain actual data in raw format)
   385  	Zero     bool    `json:"zero"`               // whether the virtual blocks read as zeroes
   386  	Depth    int64   `json:"depth"`              // number of layers (0 = top image, 1 = top image's backing file, ..., n - 1 = bottom image (where n is the number of images in the chain)) before reaching one for which the range is allocated
   387  	Present  bool    `json:"present"`            // true if this layer provides the data, false if adding a backing layer could impact this region (since 6.1)
   388  	Offset   *int64  `json:"offset,omitempty"`   // if present, the image file stores the data for this range in raw format at the given (host) offset
   389  	Filename *string `json:"filename,omitempty"` // filename that is referred to by @offset
   390  }
   392  // Cache mode information for a block device
   393  //
   394  // Since: 2.3
   395  type BlockdevCacheInfo struct {
   396  	Writeback bool `json:"writeback"` // true if writeback mode is enabled
   397  	Direct    bool `json:"direct"`    // true if the host page cache is bypassed (O_DIRECT)
   398  	NoFlush   bool `json:"no-flush"`  // true if flush requests are ignored for the device
   399  }
   401  // Information about the backing device for a block device.
   402  //
   403  // Since: 0.14
   404  type BlockDeviceInfo struct {
   405  	File             string                      `json:"file"`                         // the filename of the backing device
   406  	NodeName         *string                     `json:"node-name,omitempty"`          // the name of the block driver node (Since 2.0)
   407  	Ro               bool                        `json:"ro"`                           // true if the backing device was open read-only
   408  	Drv              string                      `json:"drv"`                          // the name of the block format used to open the backing device. As of 0.14 this can be: 'blkdebug', 'bochs', 'cloop', 'cow', 'dmg', 'file', 'file', 'ftp', 'ftps', 'host_cdrom', 'host_device', 'http', 'https', 'luks', 'nbd', 'parallels', 'qcow', 'qcow2', 'raw', 'vdi', 'vmdk', 'vpc', 'vvfat' 2.2: 'archipelago' added, 'cow' dropped 2.3: 'host_floppy' deprecated 2.5: 'host_floppy' dropped 2.6: 'luks' added 2.8: 'replication' added, 'tftp' dropped 2.9: 'archipelago' dropped
   409  	BackingFile      *string                     `json:"backing_file,omitempty"`       // the name of the backing file (for copy-on-write)
   410  	BackingFileDepth int64                       `json:"backing_file_depth"`           // number of files in the backing file chain (since: 1.2)
   411  	Encrypted        bool                        `json:"encrypted"`                    // true if the backing device is encrypted
   412  	DetectZeroes     BlockdevDetectZeroesOptions `json:"detect_zeroes"`                // detect and optimize zero writes (Since 2.1)
   413  	Bps              int64                       `json:"bps"`                          // total throughput limit in bytes per second is specified
   414  	BpsRd            int64                       `json:"bps_rd"`                       // read throughput limit in bytes per second is specified
   415  	BpsWr            int64                       `json:"bps_wr"`                       // write throughput limit in bytes per second is specified
   416  	Iops             int64                       `json:"iops"`                         // total I/O operations per second is specified
   417  	IopsRd           int64                       `json:"iops_rd"`                      // read I/O operations per second is specified
   418  	IopsWr           int64                       `json:"iops_wr"`                      // write I/O operations per second is specified
   419  	Image            ImageInfo                   `json:"image"`                        // the info of image used (since: 1.6)
   420  	BpsMax           *int64                      `json:"bps_max,omitempty"`            // total throughput limit during bursts, in bytes (Since 1.7)
   421  	BpsRdMax         *int64                      `json:"bps_rd_max,omitempty"`         // read throughput limit during bursts, in bytes (Since 1.7)
   422  	BpsWrMax         *int64                      `json:"bps_wr_max,omitempty"`         // write throughput limit during bursts, in bytes (Since 1.7)
   423  	IopsMax          *int64                      `json:"iops_max,omitempty"`           // total I/O operations per second during bursts, in bytes (Since 1.7)
   424  	IopsRdMax        *int64                      `json:"iops_rd_max,omitempty"`        // read I/O operations per second during bursts, in bytes (Since 1.7)
   425  	IopsWrMax        *int64                      `json:"iops_wr_max,omitempty"`        // write I/O operations per second during bursts, in bytes (Since 1.7)
   426  	BpsMaxLength     *int64                      `json:"bps_max_length,omitempty"`     // maximum length of the @bps_max burst period, in seconds. (Since 2.6)
   427  	BpsRdMaxLength   *int64                      `json:"bps_rd_max_length,omitempty"`  // maximum length of the @bps_rd_max burst period, in seconds. (Since 2.6)
   428  	BpsWrMaxLength   *int64                      `json:"bps_wr_max_length,omitempty"`  // maximum length of the @bps_wr_max burst period, in seconds. (Since 2.6)
   429  	IopsMaxLength    *int64                      `json:"iops_max_length,omitempty"`    // maximum length of the @iops burst period, in seconds. (Since 2.6)
   430  	IopsRdMaxLength  *int64                      `json:"iops_rd_max_length,omitempty"` // maximum length of the @iops_rd_max burst period, in seconds. (Since 2.6)
   431  	IopsWrMaxLength  *int64                      `json:"iops_wr_max_length,omitempty"` // maximum length of the @iops_wr_max burst period, in seconds. (Since 2.6)
   432  	IopsSize         *int64                      `json:"iops_size,omitempty"`          // an I/O size in bytes (Since 1.7)
   433  	Group            *string                     `json:"group,omitempty"`              // throttle group name (Since 2.4)
   434  	Cache            BlockdevCacheInfo           `json:"cache"`                        // the cache mode used for the block device (since: 2.3)
   435  	WriteThreshold   int64                       `json:"write_threshold"`              // configured write threshold for the device. 0 if disabled. (Since 2.3)
   436  	DirtyBitmaps     []BlockDirtyInfo            `json:"dirty-bitmaps,omitempty"`      // dirty bitmaps information (only present if node has one or more dirty bitmaps) (Since 4.2)
   437  }
   439  // Block dirty bitmap information.
   440  //
   441  // Since: 1.3
   442  type BlockDirtyInfo struct {
   443  	Name         *string `json:"name,omitempty"`         // the name of the dirty bitmap (Since 2.4)
   444  	Count        int64   `json:"count"`                  // number of dirty bytes according to the dirty bitmap
   445  	Granularity  uint32  `json:"granularity"`            // granularity of the dirty bitmap in bytes (since 1.4)
   446  	Recording    bool    `json:"recording"`              // true if the bitmap is recording new writes from the guest. Replaces ``active`` and ``disabled`` statuses. (since 4.0)
   447  	Busy         bool    `json:"busy"`                   // true if the bitmap is in-use by some operation (NBD or jobs) and cannot be modified via QMP or used by another operation. Replaces ``locked`` and ``frozen`` statuses. (since 4.0)
   448  	Persistent   bool    `json:"persistent"`             // true if the bitmap was stored on disk, is scheduled to be stored on disk, or both. (since 4.0)
   449  	Inconsistent *bool   `json:"inconsistent,omitempty"` // true if this is a persistent bitmap that was improperly stored. Implies @persistent to be true; @recording and @busy to be false. This bitmap cannot be used. To remove it, use @block-dirty-bitmap-remove. (Since 4.0)
   450  }
   452  // Qcow2 bitmap information.
   453  //
   454  // Since: 4.0
   455  type Qcow2BitmapInfo struct {
   456  	Name        string                 `json:"name"`        // the name of the bitmap
   457  	Granularity uint32                 `json:"granularity"` // granularity of the bitmap in bytes
   458  	Flags       []Qcow2BitmapInfoFlags `json:"flags"`       // flags of the bitmap
   459  }
   461  // Block latency histogram.
   462  //
   463  // None: ::
   464  //
   465  //        5|           *
   466  //        4|           *
   467  //        3| *         *
   468  //        2| *         *    *
   469  //        1| *    *    *    *
   470  //         +------------------
   471  //             10   50   100
   472  //
   473  // Since: 4.0
   474  type BlockLatencyHistogramInfo struct {
   475  	Boundaries []uint64 `json:"boundaries"` // list of interval boundary values in nanoseconds, all greater than zero and in ascending order. For example, the list [10, 50, 100] produces the following histogram intervals: [0, 10), [10, 50), [50, 100), [100, +inf).
   476  	Bins       []uint64 `json:"bins"`       // list of io request counts corresponding to histogram intervals. len(@bins) = len(@boundaries) + 1 For the example above, @bins may be something like [3, 1, 5, 2], and corresponding histogram looks like:
   477  }
   479  // Block device information.  This structure describes a virtual device and
   480  // the backing device associated with it.
   481  //
   482  // Since: 0.14
   483  type BlockInfo struct {
   484  	Device    string               `json:"device"`              // The device name associated with the virtual device.
   485  	Qdev      *string              `json:"qdev,omitempty"`      // The qdev ID, or if no ID is assigned, the QOM path of the block device. (since 2.10)
   486  	Type      string               `json:"type"`                // This field is returned only for compatibility reasons, it should not be used (always returns 'unknown')
   487  	Removable bool                 `json:"removable"`           // True if the device supports removable media.
   488  	Locked    bool                 `json:"locked"`              // True if the guest has locked this device from having its media removed
   489  	Inserted  *BlockDeviceInfo     `json:"inserted,omitempty"`  // @BlockDeviceInfo describing the device if media is present
   490  	TrayOpen  *bool                `json:"tray_open,omitempty"` // True if the device's tray is open (only present if it has a tray)
   491  	IoStatus  *BlockDeviceIoStatus `json:"io-status,omitempty"` // @BlockDeviceIoStatus. Only present if the device supports it and the VM is configured to stop on errors (supported device models: virtio-blk, IDE, SCSI except scsi-generic)
   492  }
   494  // Image file size calculation information.  This structure describes the size
   495  // requirements for creating a new image file.
   496  //
   497  // The size requirements depend on the new image file format.  File size always
   498  // equals virtual disk size for the 'raw' format, even for sparse POSIX files.
   499  // Compact formats such as 'qcow2' represent unallocated and zero regions
   500  // efficiently so file size may be smaller than virtual disk size.
   501  //
   502  // The values are upper bounds that are guaranteed to fit the new image file.
   503  // Subsequent modification, such as internal snapshot or further bitmap
   504  // creation, may require additional space and is not covered here.
   505  //
   506  // Since: 2.10
   507  type BlockMeasureInfo struct {
   508  	Required       int64  `json:"required"`          // Size required for a new image file, in bytes, when copying just allocated guest-visible contents.
   509  	FullyAllocated int64  `json:"fully-allocated"`   // Image file size, in bytes, once data has been written to all sectors, when copying just guest-visible contents.
   510  	Bitmaps        *int64 `json:"bitmaps,omitempty"` // Additional size required if all the top-level bitmap metadata in the source image were to be copied to the destination, present only when source and destination both support persistent bitmaps. (since 5.1)
   511  }
   513  // Statistics of a block device during a given interval of time.
   514  //
   515  // Since: 2.5
   516  type BlockDeviceTimedStats struct {
   517  	IntervalLength    int64   `json:"interval_length"`      // Interval used for calculating the statistics, in seconds.
   518  	MinRdLatencyNs    int64   `json:"min_rd_latency_ns"`    // Minimum latency of read operations in the defined interval, in nanoseconds.
   519  	MaxRdLatencyNs    int64   `json:"max_rd_latency_ns"`    // Maximum latency of read operations in the defined interval, in nanoseconds.
   520  	AvgRdLatencyNs    int64   `json:"avg_rd_latency_ns"`    // Average latency of read operations in the defined interval, in nanoseconds.
   521  	MinWrLatencyNs    int64   `json:"min_wr_latency_ns"`    // Minimum latency of write operations in the defined interval, in nanoseconds.
   522  	MaxWrLatencyNs    int64   `json:"max_wr_latency_ns"`    // Maximum latency of write operations in the defined interval, in nanoseconds.
   523  	AvgWrLatencyNs    int64   `json:"avg_wr_latency_ns"`    // Average latency of write operations in the defined interval, in nanoseconds.
   524  	MinFlushLatencyNs int64   `json:"min_flush_latency_ns"` // Minimum latency of flush operations in the defined interval, in nanoseconds.
   525  	MaxFlushLatencyNs int64   `json:"max_flush_latency_ns"` // Maximum latency of flush operations in the defined interval, in nanoseconds.
   526  	AvgFlushLatencyNs int64   `json:"avg_flush_latency_ns"` // Average latency of flush operations in the defined interval, in nanoseconds.
   527  	AvgRdQueueDepth   float64 `json:"avg_rd_queue_depth"`   // Average number of pending read operations in the defined interval.
   528  	AvgWrQueueDepth   float64 `json:"avg_wr_queue_depth"`   // Average number of pending write operations in the defined interval.
   529  }
   531  // Statistics of a virtual block device or a block backing device.
   532  //
   533  // Since: 0.14
   534  type BlockDeviceStats struct {
   535  	RdBytes                int64                      `json:"rd_bytes"`                          // The number of bytes read by the device.
   536  	WrBytes                int64                      `json:"wr_bytes"`                          // The number of bytes written by the device.
   537  	UnmapBytes             int64                      `json:"unmap_bytes"`                       // The number of bytes unmapped by the device (Since 4.2)
   538  	RdOperations           int64                      `json:"rd_operations"`                     // The number of read operations performed by the device.
   539  	WrOperations           int64                      `json:"wr_operations"`                     // The number of write operations performed by the device.
   540  	FlushOperations        int64                      `json:"flush_operations"`                  // The number of cache flush operations performed by the device (since 0.15)
   541  	UnmapOperations        int64                      `json:"unmap_operations"`                  // The number of unmap operations performed by the device (Since 4.2)
   542  	RdTotalTimeNs          int64                      `json:"rd_total_time_ns"`                  // Total time spent on reads in nanoseconds (since 0.15).
   543  	WrTotalTimeNs          int64                      `json:"wr_total_time_ns"`                  // Total time spent on writes in nanoseconds (since 0.15).
   544  	FlushTotalTimeNs       int64                      `json:"flush_total_time_ns"`               // Total time spent on cache flushes in nanoseconds (since 0.15).
   545  	UnmapTotalTimeNs       int64                      `json:"unmap_total_time_ns"`               // Total time spent on unmap operations in nanoseconds (Since 4.2)
   546  	WrHighestOffset        int64                      `json:"wr_highest_offset"`                 // The offset after the greatest byte written to the device. The intended use of this information is for growable sparse files (like qcow2) that are used on top of a physical device.
   547  	RdMerged               int64                      `json:"rd_merged"`                         // Number of read requests that have been merged into another request (Since 2.3).
   548  	WrMerged               int64                      `json:"wr_merged"`                         // Number of write requests that have been merged into another request (Since 2.3).
   549  	UnmapMerged            int64                      `json:"unmap_merged"`                      // Number of unmap requests that have been merged into another request (Since 4.2)
   550  	IdleTimeNs             *int64                     `json:"idle_time_ns,omitempty"`            // Time since the last I/O operation, in nanoseconds. If the field is absent it means that there haven't been any operations yet (Since 2.5).
   551  	FailedRdOperations     int64                      `json:"failed_rd_operations"`              // The number of failed read operations performed by the device (Since 2.5)
   552  	FailedWrOperations     int64                      `json:"failed_wr_operations"`              // The number of failed write operations performed by the device (Since 2.5)
   553  	FailedFlushOperations  int64                      `json:"failed_flush_operations"`           // The number of failed flush operations performed by the device (Since 2.5)
   554  	FailedUnmapOperations  int64                      `json:"failed_unmap_operations"`           // The number of failed unmap operations performed by the device (Since 4.2)
   555  	InvalidRdOperations    int64                      `json:"invalid_rd_operations"`             // The number of invalid read operations performed by the device (Since 2.5)
   556  	InvalidWrOperations    int64                      `json:"invalid_wr_operations"`             // The number of invalid write operations performed by the device (Since 2.5)
   557  	InvalidFlushOperations int64                      `json:"invalid_flush_operations"`          // The number of invalid flush operations performed by the device (Since 2.5)
   558  	InvalidUnmapOperations int64                      `json:"invalid_unmap_operations"`          // The number of invalid unmap operations performed by the device (Since 4.2)
   559  	AccountInvalid         bool                       `json:"account_invalid"`                   // Whether invalid operations are included in the last access statistics (Since 2.5)
   560  	AccountFailed          bool                       `json:"account_failed"`                    // Whether failed operations are included in the latency and last access statistics (Since 2.5)
   561  	TimedStats             []BlockDeviceTimedStats    `json:"timed_stats"`                       // Statistics specific to the set of previously defined intervals of time (Since 2.5)
   562  	RdLatencyHistogram     *BlockLatencyHistogramInfo `json:"rd_latency_histogram,omitempty"`    // @BlockLatencyHistogramInfo. (Since 4.0)
   563  	WrLatencyHistogram     *BlockLatencyHistogramInfo `json:"wr_latency_histogram,omitempty"`    // @BlockLatencyHistogramInfo. (Since 4.0)
   564  	FlushLatencyHistogram  *BlockLatencyHistogramInfo `json:"flush_latency_histogram,omitempty"` // @BlockLatencyHistogramInfo. (Since 4.0)
   565  }
   567  // File driver statistics
   568  //
   569  // Since: 4.2
   570  type BlockStatsSpecificFile struct {
   571  	DiscardNbOk     uint64 `json:"discard-nb-ok"`     // The number of successful discard operations performed by the driver.
   572  	DiscardNbFailed uint64 `json:"discard-nb-failed"` // The number of failed discard operations performed by the driver.
   573  	DiscardBytesOk  uint64 `json:"discard-bytes-ok"`  // The number of bytes discarded by the driver.
   574  }
   576  // NVMe driver statistics
   577  //
   578  // Since: 5.2
   579  type BlockStatsSpecificNvme struct {
   580  	CompletionErrors  uint64 `json:"completion-errors"`  // The number of completion errors.
   581  	AlignedAccesses   uint64 `json:"aligned-accesses"`   // The number of aligned accesses performed by the driver.
   582  	UnalignedAccesses uint64 `json:"unaligned-accesses"` // The number of unaligned accesses performed by the driver.
   583  }
   585  // Statistics of a virtual block device or a block backing device.
   586  //
   587  // Since: 0.14
   588  type BlockStats struct {
   589  	Device         *string             `json:"device,omitempty"`          // If the stats are for a virtual block device, the name corresponding to the virtual block device.
   590  	Qdev           *string             `json:"qdev,omitempty"`            // The qdev ID, or if no ID is assigned, the QOM path of the block device. (since 3.0)
   591  	NodeName       *string             `json:"node-name,omitempty"`       // The node name of the device. (Since 2.3)
   592  	Stats          BlockDeviceStats    `json:"stats"`                     // A @BlockDeviceStats for the device.
   593  	DriverSpecific *BlockStatsSpecific `json:"driver-specific,omitempty"` // Optional driver-specific stats. (Since 4.2)
   594  	Parent         *BlockStats         `json:"parent,omitempty"`          // This describes the file block device if it has one. Contains recursively the statistics of the underlying protocol (e.g. the host file for a qcow2 image). If there is no underlying protocol, this field is omitted
   595  	Backing        *BlockStats         `json:"backing,omitempty"`         // This describes the backing block device if it has one. (Since 2.0)
   596  }
   598  // Information about a long-running block device operation.
   599  //
   600  // Since: 1.1
   601  type BlockJobInfo struct {
   602  	Type         string              `json:"type"`            // the job type ('stream' for image streaming)
   603  	Device       string              `json:"device"`          // The job identifier. Originally the device name but other values are allowed since QEMU 2.7
   604  	Len          int64               `json:"len"`             // Estimated @offset value at the completion of the job. This value can arbitrarily change while the job is running, in both directions.
   605  	Offset       int64               `json:"offset"`          // Progress made until now. The unit is arbitrary and the value can only meaningfully be used for the ratio of @offset to @len. The value is monotonically increasing.
   606  	Busy         bool                `json:"busy"`            // false if the job is known to be in a quiescent state, with no pending I/O. Since 1.3.
   607  	Paused       bool                `json:"paused"`          // whether the job is paused or, if @busy is true, will pause itself as soon as possible. Since 1.3.
   608  	Speed        int64               `json:"speed"`           // the rate limit, bytes per second
   609  	IoStatus     BlockDeviceIoStatus `json:"io-status"`       // the status of the job (since 1.3)
   610  	Ready        bool                `json:"ready"`           // true if the job may be completed (since 2.2)
   611  	Status       JobStatus           `json:"status"`          // Current job state/status (since 2.12)
   612  	AutoFinalize bool                `json:"auto-finalize"`   // Job will finalize itself when PENDING, moving to the CONCLUDED state. (since 2.12)
   613  	AutoDismiss  bool                `json:"auto-dismiss"`    // Job will dismiss itself when CONCLUDED, moving to the NULL state and disappearing from the query list. (since 2.12)
   614  	Error        *string             `json:"error,omitempty"` // Error information if the job did not complete successfully. Not set if the job completed successfully. (since 2.12.1)
   615  }
   617  // Either @device or @node-name must be set but not both.
   618  type BlockdevSnapshotSync struct {
   619  	Device           *string       `json:"device,omitempty"`             // the name of the device to take a snapshot of.
   620  	NodeName         *string       `json:"node-name,omitempty"`          // graph node name to generate the snapshot from (Since 2.0)
   621  	SnapshotFile     string        `json:"snapshot-file"`                // the target of the new overlay image. If the file exists, or if it is a device, the overlay will be created in the existing file/device. Otherwise, a new file will be created.
   622  	SnapshotNodeName *string       `json:"snapshot-node-name,omitempty"` // the graph node name of the new image (Since 2.0)
   623  	Format           *string       `json:"format,omitempty"`             // the format of the overlay image, default is 'qcow2'.
   624  	Mode             *NewImageMode `json:"mode,omitempty"`               // whether and how QEMU should create a new image, default is 'absolute-paths'.
   625  }
   627  // Since: 2.5
   628  type BlockdevSnapshot struct {
   629  	Node    string `json:"node"`    // device or node name that will have a snapshot taken.
   630  	Overlay string `json:"overlay"` // reference to the existing block device that will become the overlay of @node, as part of taking the snapshot. It must not have a current backing file (this can be achieved by passing "backing": null to blockdev-add).
   631  }
   633  // Optional parameters for backup. These parameters don't affect
   634  // functionality, but may significantly affect performance.
   635  //
   636  // Since: 6.0
   637  type BackupPerf struct {
   638  	UseCopyRange *bool  `json:"use-copy-range,omitempty"` // Use copy offloading. Default false.
   639  	MaxWorkers   *int64 `json:"max-workers,omitempty"`    // Maximum number of parallel requests for the sustained background copying process. Doesn't influence copy-before-write operations. Default 64.
   640  	MaxChunk     *int64 `json:"max-chunk,omitempty"`      // Maximum request length for the sustained background copying process. Doesn't influence copy-before-write operations. 0 means unlimited. If max-chunk is non-zero then it should not be less than job cluster size which is calculated as maximum of target image cluster size and 64k. Default 0.
   641  }
   643  // Note: @on-source-error and @on-target-error only affect background
   644  // I/O.  If an error occurs during a guest write request, the device's
   645  // rerror/werror actions will be used.
   646  //
   647  // Since: 4.2
   648  type BackupCommon struct {
   649  	JobId          *string          `json:"job-id,omitempty"`           // identifier for the newly-created block job. If omitted, the device name will be used. (Since 2.7)
   650  	Device         string           `json:"device"`                     // the device name or node-name of a root node which should be copied.
   651  	Sync           MirrorSyncMode   `json:"sync"`                       // what parts of the disk image should be copied to the destination (all the disk, only the sectors allocated in the topmost image, from a dirty bitmap, or only new I/O).
   652  	Speed          *int64           `json:"speed,omitempty"`            // the maximum speed, in bytes per second. The default is 0, for unlimited.
   653  	Bitmap         *string          `json:"bitmap,omitempty"`           // The name of a dirty bitmap to use. Must be present if sync is "bitmap" or "incremental". Can be present if sync is "full" or "top". Must not be present otherwise. (Since 2.4 (drive-backup), 3.1 (blockdev-backup))
   654  	BitmapMode     *BitmapSyncMode  `json:"bitmap-mode,omitempty"`      // Specifies the type of data the bitmap should contain after the operation concludes. Must be present if a bitmap was provided, Must NOT be present otherwise. (Since 4.2)
   655  	Compress       *bool            `json:"compress,omitempty"`         // true to compress data, if the target format supports it. (default: false) (since 2.8)
   656  	OnSourceError  *BlockdevOnError `json:"on-source-error,omitempty"`  // the action to take on an error on the source, default 'report'. 'stop' and 'enospc' can only be used if the block device supports io-status (see BlockInfo).
   657  	OnTargetError  *BlockdevOnError `json:"on-target-error,omitempty"`  // the action to take on an error on the target, default 'report' (no limitations, since this applies to a different block device than @device).
   658  	AutoFinalize   *bool            `json:"auto-finalize,omitempty"`    // When false, this job will wait in a PENDING state after it has finished its work, waiting for @block-job-finalize before making any block graph changes. When true, this job will automatically perform its abort or commit actions. Defaults to true. (Since 2.12)
   659  	AutoDismiss    *bool            `json:"auto-dismiss,omitempty"`     // When false, this job will wait in a CONCLUDED state after it has completely ceased all work, and awaits @block-job-dismiss. When true, this job will automatically disappear from the query list without user intervention. Defaults to true. (Since 2.12)
   660  	FilterNodeName *string          `json:"filter-node-name,omitempty"` // the node name that should be assigned to the filter driver that the backup job inserts into the graph above node specified by @drive. If this option is not given, a node name is autogenerated. (Since: 4.2)
   661  	XPerf          *BackupPerf      `json:"x-perf,omitempty"`           // Performance options. (Since 6.0)
   662  }
   664  // Since: 1.6
   665  type DriveBackup struct {
   666  	// Base type for this struct
   667  	BackupCommon
   668  	Target string        `json:"target"`           // the target of the new image. If the file exists, or if it is a device, the existing file/device will be used as the new destination. If it does not exist, a new file will be created.
   669  	Format *string       `json:"format,omitempty"` // the format of the new destination, default is to probe if @mode is 'existing', else the format of the source
   670  	Mode   *NewImageMode `json:"mode,omitempty"`   // whether and how QEMU should create a new image, default is 'absolute-paths'.
   671  }
   673  // Since: 2.3
   674  type BlockdevBackup struct {
   675  	// Base type for this struct
   676  	BackupCommon
   677  	Target string `json:"target"` // the device name or node-name of the backup target node.
   678  }
   680  // Since: 4.0
   681  type XDbgBlockGraphNode struct {
   682  	Id   uint64                 `json:"id"`   // Block graph node identifier. This @id is generated only for x-debug-query-block-graph and does not relate to any other identifiers in Qemu.
   683  	Type XDbgBlockGraphNodeType `json:"type"` // Type of graph node. Can be one of block-backend, block-job or block-driver-state.
   684  	Name string                 `json:"name"` // Human readable name of the node. Corresponds to node-name for block-driver-state nodes; is not guaranteed to be unique in the whole graph (with block-jobs and block-backends).
   685  }
   687  // Block Graph edge description for x-debug-query-block-graph.
   688  //
   689  // Since: 4.0
   690  type XDbgBlockGraphEdge struct {
   691  	Parent     uint64            `json:"parent"`      // parent id
   692  	Child      uint64            `json:"child"`       // child id
   693  	Name       string            `json:"name"`        // name of the relation (examples are 'file' and 'backing')
   694  	Perm       []BlockPermission `json:"perm"`        // granted permissions for the parent operating on the child
   695  	SharedPerm []BlockPermission `json:"shared-perm"` // permissions that can still be granted to other users of the child while it is still attached to this parent
   696  }
   698  // Block Graph - list of nodes and list of edges.
   699  //
   700  // Since: 4.0
   701  type XDbgBlockGraph struct {
   702  	Nodes []XDbgBlockGraphNode `json:"nodes"`
   703  	Edges []XDbgBlockGraphEdge `json:"edges"`
   704  }
   706  // A set of parameters describing drive mirror setup.
   707  //
   708  // Since: 1.3
   709  type DriveMirror struct {
   710  	JobId         *string          `json:"job-id,omitempty"`          // identifier for the newly-created block job. If omitted, the device name will be used. (Since 2.7)
   711  	Device        string           `json:"device"`                    // the device name or node-name of a root node whose writes should be mirrored.
   712  	Target        string           `json:"target"`                    // the target of the new image. If the file exists, or if it is a device, the existing file/device will be used as the new destination. If it does not exist, a new file will be created.
   713  	Format        *string          `json:"format,omitempty"`          // the format of the new destination, default is to probe if @mode is 'existing', else the format of the source
   714  	NodeName      *string          `json:"node-name,omitempty"`       // the new block driver state node name in the graph (Since 2.1)
   715  	Replaces      *string          `json:"replaces,omitempty"`        // with sync=full graph node name to be replaced by the new image when a whole image copy is done. This can be used to repair broken Quorum files. By default, @device is replaced, although implicitly created filters on it are kept. (Since 2.1)
   716  	Sync          MirrorSyncMode   `json:"sync"`                      // what parts of the disk image should be copied to the destination (all the disk, only the sectors allocated in the topmost image, or only new I/O).
   717  	Mode          *NewImageMode    `json:"mode,omitempty"`            // whether and how QEMU should create a new image, default is 'absolute-paths'.
   718  	Speed         *int64           `json:"speed,omitempty"`           // the maximum speed, in bytes per second
   719  	Granularity   *uint32          `json:"granularity,omitempty"`     // granularity of the dirty bitmap, default is 64K if the image format doesn't have clusters, 4K if the clusters are smaller than that, else the cluster size. Must be a power of 2 between 512 and 64M (since 1.4).
   720  	BufSize       *int64           `json:"buf-size,omitempty"`        // maximum amount of data in flight from source to target (since 1.4).
   721  	OnSourceError *BlockdevOnError `json:"on-source-error,omitempty"` // the action to take on an error on the source, default 'report'. 'stop' and 'enospc' can only be used if the block device supports io-status (see BlockInfo).
   722  	OnTargetError *BlockdevOnError `json:"on-target-error,omitempty"` // the action to take on an error on the target, default 'report' (no limitations, since this applies to a different block device than @device).
   723  	Unmap         *bool            `json:"unmap,omitempty"`           // Whether to try to unmap target sectors where source has only zero. If true, and target unallocated sectors will read as zero, target image sectors will be unmapped; otherwise, zeroes will be written. Both will result in identical contents. Default is true. (Since 2.4)
   724  	CopyMode      *MirrorCopyMode  `json:"copy-mode,omitempty"`       // when to copy data to the destination; defaults to 'background' (Since: 3.0)
   725  	AutoFinalize  *bool            `json:"auto-finalize,omitempty"`   // When false, this job will wait in a PENDING state after it has finished its work, waiting for @block-job-finalize before making any block graph changes. When true, this job will automatically perform its abort or commit actions. Defaults to true. (Since 3.1)
   726  	AutoDismiss   *bool            `json:"auto-dismiss,omitempty"`    // When false, this job will wait in a CONCLUDED state after it has completely ceased all work, and awaits @block-job-dismiss. When true, this job will automatically disappear from the query list without user intervention. Defaults to true. (Since 3.1)
   727  }
   729  // Since: 2.4
   730  type BlockDirtyBitmap struct {
   731  	Node string `json:"node"` // name of device/node which the bitmap is tracking
   732  	Name string `json:"name"` // name of the dirty bitmap
   733  }
   735  // Since: 2.4
   736  type BlockDirtyBitmapAdd struct {
   737  	Node        string  `json:"node"`                  // name of device/node which the bitmap is tracking
   738  	Name        string  `json:"name"`                  // name of the dirty bitmap (must be less than 1024 bytes)
   739  	Granularity *uint32 `json:"granularity,omitempty"` // the bitmap granularity, default is 64k for block-dirty-bitmap-add
   740  	Persistent  *bool   `json:"persistent,omitempty"`  // the bitmap is persistent, i.e. it will be saved to the corresponding block device image file on its close. For now only Qcow2 disks support persistent bitmaps. Default is false for block-dirty-bitmap-add. (Since: 2.10)
   741  	Disabled    *bool   `json:"disabled,omitempty"`    // the bitmap is created in the disabled state, which means that it will not track drive changes. The bitmap may be enabled with block-dirty-bitmap-enable. Default is false. (Since: 4.0)
   742  }
   744  // Since: 4.0
   745  type BlockDirtyBitmapMerge struct {
   746  	Node    string                        `json:"node"`    // name of device/node which the @target bitmap is tracking
   747  	Target  string                        `json:"target"`  // name of the destination dirty bitmap
   748  	Bitmaps []BlockDirtyBitmapMergeSource `json:"bitmaps"` // name(s) of the source dirty bitmap(s) at @node and/or fully specified BlockDirtyBitmap elements. The latter are supported since 4.1.
   749  }
   751  // SHA256 hash of dirty bitmap data
   752  //
   753  // Since: 2.10
   754  type BlockDirtyBitmapSha256 struct {
   755  	Sha256 string `json:"sha256"` // ASCII representation of SHA256 bitmap hash
   756  }
   758  // A set of parameters describing block throttling.
   759  //
   760  // Since: 1.1
   761  type BlockIOThrottle struct {
   762  	Device          *string `json:"device,omitempty"`             // Block device name
   763  	Id              *string `json:"id,omitempty"`                 // The name or QOM path of the guest device (since: 2.8)
   764  	Bps             int64   `json:"bps"`                          // total throughput limit in bytes per second
   765  	BpsRd           int64   `json:"bps_rd"`                       // read throughput limit in bytes per second
   766  	BpsWr           int64   `json:"bps_wr"`                       // write throughput limit in bytes per second
   767  	Iops            int64   `json:"iops"`                         // total I/O operations per second
   768  	IopsRd          int64   `json:"iops_rd"`                      // read I/O operations per second
   769  	IopsWr          int64   `json:"iops_wr"`                      // write I/O operations per second
   770  	BpsMax          *int64  `json:"bps_max,omitempty"`            // total throughput limit during bursts, in bytes (Since 1.7)
   771  	BpsRdMax        *int64  `json:"bps_rd_max,omitempty"`         // read throughput limit during bursts, in bytes (Since 1.7)
   772  	BpsWrMax        *int64  `json:"bps_wr_max,omitempty"`         // write throughput limit during bursts, in bytes (Since 1.7)
   773  	IopsMax         *int64  `json:"iops_max,omitempty"`           // total I/O operations per second during bursts, in bytes (Since 1.7)
   774  	IopsRdMax       *int64  `json:"iops_rd_max,omitempty"`        // read I/O operations per second during bursts, in bytes (Since 1.7)
   775  	IopsWrMax       *int64  `json:"iops_wr_max,omitempty"`        // write I/O operations per second during bursts, in bytes (Since 1.7)
   776  	BpsMaxLength    *int64  `json:"bps_max_length,omitempty"`     // maximum length of the @bps_max burst period, in seconds. It must only be set if @bps_max is set as well. Defaults to 1. (Since 2.6)
   777  	BpsRdMaxLength  *int64  `json:"bps_rd_max_length,omitempty"`  // maximum length of the @bps_rd_max burst period, in seconds. It must only be set if @bps_rd_max is set as well. Defaults to 1. (Since 2.6)
   778  	BpsWrMaxLength  *int64  `json:"bps_wr_max_length,omitempty"`  // maximum length of the @bps_wr_max burst period, in seconds. It must only be set if @bps_wr_max is set as well. Defaults to 1. (Since 2.6)
   779  	IopsMaxLength   *int64  `json:"iops_max_length,omitempty"`    // maximum length of the @iops burst period, in seconds. It must only be set if @iops_max is set as well. Defaults to 1. (Since 2.6)
   780  	IopsRdMaxLength *int64  `json:"iops_rd_max_length,omitempty"` // maximum length of the @iops_rd_max burst period, in seconds. It must only be set if @iops_rd_max is set as well. Defaults to 1. (Since 2.6)
   781  	IopsWrMaxLength *int64  `json:"iops_wr_max_length,omitempty"` // maximum length of the @iops_wr_max burst period, in seconds. It must only be set if @iops_wr_max is set as well. Defaults to 1. (Since 2.6)
   782  	IopsSize        *int64  `json:"iops_size,omitempty"`          // an I/O size in bytes (Since 1.7)
   783  	Group           *string `json:"group,omitempty"`              // throttle group name (Since 2.4)
   784  }
   786  // Limit parameters for throttling.
   787  // Since some limit combinations are illegal, limits should always be set in one
   788  // transaction. All fields are optional. When setting limits, if a field is
   789  // missing the current value is not changed.
   790  //
   791  // Since: 2.11
   792  type ThrottleLimits struct {
   793  	IopsTotal          *int64 `json:"iops-total,omitempty"`            // limit total I/O operations per second
   794  	IopsTotalMax       *int64 `json:"iops-total-max,omitempty"`        // I/O operations burst
   795  	IopsTotalMaxLength *int64 `json:"iops-total-max-length,omitempty"` // length of the iops-total-max burst period, in seconds It must only be set if @iops-total-max is set as well.
   796  	IopsRead           *int64 `json:"iops-read,omitempty"`             // limit read operations per second
   797  	IopsReadMax        *int64 `json:"iops-read-max,omitempty"`         // I/O operations read burst
   798  	IopsReadMaxLength  *int64 `json:"iops-read-max-length,omitempty"`  // length of the iops-read-max burst period, in seconds It must only be set if @iops-read-max is set as well.
   799  	IopsWrite          *int64 `json:"iops-write,omitempty"`            // limit write operations per second
   800  	IopsWriteMax       *int64 `json:"iops-write-max,omitempty"`        // I/O operations write burst
   801  	IopsWriteMaxLength *int64 `json:"iops-write-max-length,omitempty"` // length of the iops-write-max burst period, in seconds It must only be set if @iops-write-max is set as well.
   802  	BpsTotal           *int64 `json:"bps-total,omitempty"`             // limit total bytes per second
   803  	BpsTotalMax        *int64 `json:"bps-total-max,omitempty"`         // total bytes burst
   804  	BpsTotalMaxLength  *int64 `json:"bps-total-max-length,omitempty"`  // length of the bps-total-max burst period, in seconds. It must only be set if @bps-total-max is set as well.
   805  	BpsRead            *int64 `json:"bps-read,omitempty"`              // limit read bytes per second
   806  	BpsReadMax         *int64 `json:"bps-read-max,omitempty"`          // total bytes read burst
   807  	BpsReadMaxLength   *int64 `json:"bps-read-max-length,omitempty"`   // length of the bps-read-max burst period, in seconds It must only be set if @bps-read-max is set as well.
   808  	BpsWrite           *int64 `json:"bps-write,omitempty"`             // limit write bytes per second
   809  	BpsWriteMax        *int64 `json:"bps-write-max,omitempty"`         // total bytes write burst
   810  	BpsWriteMaxLength  *int64 `json:"bps-write-max-length,omitempty"`  // length of the bps-write-max burst period, in seconds It must only be set if @bps-write-max is set as well.
   811  	IopsSize           *int64 `json:"iops-size,omitempty"`             // when limiting by iops max size of an I/O in bytes
   812  }
   814  // Properties for throttle-group objects.
   815  //
   816  // Since: 2.11
   817  type ThrottleGroupProperties struct {
   818  	Limits              *ThrottleLimits `json:"limits,omitempty"` // limits to apply for this throttle group
   819  	XIopsTotal          *int64          `json:"x-iops-total,omitempty"`
   820  	XIopsTotalMax       *int64          `json:"x-iops-total-max,omitempty"`
   821  	XIopsTotalMaxLength *int64          `json:"x-iops-total-max-length,omitempty"`
   822  	XIopsRead           *int64          `json:"x-iops-read,omitempty"`
   823  	XIopsReadMax        *int64          `json:"x-iops-read-max,omitempty"`
   824  	XIopsReadMaxLength  *int64          `json:"x-iops-read-max-length,omitempty"`
   825  	XIopsWrite          *int64          `json:"x-iops-write,omitempty"`
   826  	XIopsWriteMax       *int64          `json:"x-iops-write-max,omitempty"`
   827  	XIopsWriteMaxLength *int64          `json:"x-iops-write-max-length,omitempty"`
   828  	XBpsTotal           *int64          `json:"x-bps-total,omitempty"`
   829  	XBpsTotalMax        *int64          `json:"x-bps-total-max,omitempty"`
   830  	XBpsTotalMaxLength  *int64          `json:"x-bps-total-max-length,omitempty"`
   831  	XBpsRead            *int64          `json:"x-bps-read,omitempty"`
   832  	XBpsReadMax         *int64          `json:"x-bps-read-max,omitempty"`
   833  	XBpsReadMaxLength   *int64          `json:"x-bps-read-max-length,omitempty"`
   834  	XBpsWrite           *int64          `json:"x-bps-write,omitempty"`
   835  	XBpsWriteMax        *int64          `json:"x-bps-write-max,omitempty"`
   836  	XBpsWriteMaxLength  *int64          `json:"x-bps-write-max-length,omitempty"`
   837  	XIopsSize           *int64          `json:"x-iops-size,omitempty"`
   838  }
   840  // Includes cache-related options for block devices
   841  //
   842  // Since: 2.9
   843  type BlockdevCacheOptions struct {
   844  	Direct  *bool `json:"direct,omitempty"`   // enables use of O_DIRECT (bypass the host page cache; default: false)
   845  	NoFlush *bool `json:"no-flush,omitempty"` // ignore any flush requests for the device (default: false)
   846  }
   848  // Driver specific block device options for the file backend.
   849  //
   850  // Since: 2.9
   851  type BlockdevOptionsFile struct {
   852  	Filename           string              `json:"filename"`                        // path to the image file
   853  	PrManager          *string             `json:"pr-manager,omitempty"`            // the id for the object that will handle persistent reservations for this device (default: none, forward the commands via SG_IO; since 2.11)
   854  	Locking            *OnOffAuto          `json:"locking,omitempty"`               // whether to enable file locking. If set to 'auto', only enable when Open File Descriptor (OFD) locking API is available (default: auto, since 2.10)
   855  	Aio                *BlockdevAioOptions `json:"aio,omitempty"`                   // AIO backend (default: threads) (since: 2.8)
   856  	AioMaxBatch        *int64              `json:"aio-max-batch,omitempty"`         // maximum number of requests to batch together into a single submission in the AIO backend. The smallest value between this and the aio-max-batch value of the IOThread object is chosen. 0 means that the AIO backend will handle it automatically. (default: 0, since 6.2)
   857  	DropCache          *bool               `json:"drop-cache,omitempty"`            // invalidate page cache during live migration. This prevents stale data on the migration destination with cache.direct=off. Currently only supported on Linux hosts. (default: on, since: 4.0)
   858  	XCheckCacheDropped *bool               `json:"x-check-cache-dropped,omitempty"` // whether to check that page cache was dropped on live migration. May cause noticeable delays if the image file is large, do not use in production. (default: off) (since: 3.0)
   859  }
   861  // Driver specific block device options for the null backend.
   862  //
   863  // Since: 2.9
   864  type BlockdevOptionsNull struct {
   865  	Size       *int64  `json:"size,omitempty"`        // size of the device in bytes.
   866  	LatencyNs  *uint64 `json:"latency-ns,omitempty"`  // emulated latency (in nanoseconds) in processing requests. Default to zero which completes requests immediately. (Since 2.4)
   867  	ReadZeroes *bool   `json:"read-zeroes,omitempty"` // if true, reads from the device produce zeroes; if false, the buffer is left unchanged. (default: false; since: 4.1)
   868  }
   870  // Driver specific block device options for the NVMe backend.
   871  //
   872  // None: Note that the PCI @device must have been unbound from any host
   873  // kernel driver before instructing QEMU to add the blockdev.
   874  //
   875  // Since: 2.12
   876  type BlockdevOptionsNVMe struct {
   877  	Device    string `json:"device"`    // PCI controller address of the NVMe device in format hhhh:bb:ss.f (host:bus:slot.function)
   878  	Namespace int64  `json:"namespace"` // namespace number of the device, starting from 1.
   879  }
   881  // Driver specific block device options for the vvfat protocol.
   882  //
   883  // Since: 2.9
   884  type BlockdevOptionsVVFAT struct {
   885  	Dir     string  `json:"dir"`                // directory to be exported as FAT image
   886  	FatType *int64  `json:"fat-type,omitempty"` // FAT type: 12, 16 or 32
   887  	Floppy  *bool   `json:"floppy,omitempty"`   // whether to export a floppy image (true) or partitioned hard disk (false; default)
   888  	Label   *string `json:"label,omitempty"`    // set the volume label, limited to 11 bytes. FAT16 and FAT32 traditionally have some restrictions on labels, which are ignored by most operating systems. Defaults to "QEMU VVFAT". (since 2.4)
   889  	Rw      *bool   `json:"rw,omitempty"`       // whether to allow write operations (default: false)
   890  }
   892  // Driver specific block device options for image format that have no option
   893  // besides their data source.
   894  //
   895  // Since: 2.9
   896  type BlockdevOptionsGenericFormat struct {
   897  	File BlockdevRef `json:"file"` // reference to or definition of the data source block device
   898  }
   900  // Driver specific block device options for LUKS.
   901  //
   902  // Since: 2.9
   903  type BlockdevOptionsLUKS struct {
   904  	// Base type for this struct
   905  	BlockdevOptionsGenericFormat
   906  	KeySecret *string `json:"key-secret,omitempty"` // the ID of a QCryptoSecret object providing the decryption key (since 2.6). Mandatory except when doing a metadata-only probe of the image.
   907  }
   909  // Driver specific block device options for image format that have no option
   910  // besides their data source and an optional backing file.
   911  //
   912  // Since: 2.9
   913  type BlockdevOptionsGenericCOWFormat struct {
   914  	// Base type for this struct
   915  	BlockdevOptionsGenericFormat
   916  	Backing *BlockdevRefOrNull `json:"backing,omitempty"` // reference to or definition of the backing file block device, null disables the backing file entirely. Defaults to the backing file stored the image file.
   917  }
   919  // Structure of flags for each metadata structure. Setting a field to 'true'
   920  // makes qemu guard that structure against unintended overwriting. The default
   921  // value is chosen according to the template given.
   922  //
   923  // Since: 2.9
   924  type Qcow2OverlapCheckFlags struct {
   925  	Template        *Qcow2OverlapCheckMode `json:"template,omitempty"` // Specifies a template mode which can be adjusted using the other flags, defaults to 'cached'
   926  	MainHeader      *bool                  `json:"main-header,omitempty"`
   927  	ActiveL1        *bool                  `json:"active-l1,omitempty"`
   928  	ActiveL2        *bool                  `json:"active-l2,omitempty"`
   929  	RefcountTable   *bool                  `json:"refcount-table,omitempty"`
   930  	RefcountBlock   *bool                  `json:"refcount-block,omitempty"`
   931  	SnapshotTable   *bool                  `json:"snapshot-table,omitempty"`
   932  	InactiveL1      *bool                  `json:"inactive-l1,omitempty"`
   933  	InactiveL2      *bool                  `json:"inactive-l2,omitempty"`
   934  	BitmapDirectory *bool                  `json:"bitmap-directory,omitempty"` // since 3.0
   935  }
   937  // Driver specific block device options for qcow.
   938  //
   939  // Since: 2.10
   940  type BlockdevOptionsQcow struct {
   941  	// Base type for this struct
   942  	BlockdevOptionsGenericCOWFormat
   943  	Encrypt *BlockdevQcowEncryption `json:"encrypt,omitempty"` // Image decryption options. Mandatory for encrypted images, except when doing a metadata-only probe of the image.
   944  }
   946  // Filter driver intended to be inserted between format and protocol node
   947  // and do preallocation in protocol node on write.
   948  //
   949  // Since: 6.0
   950  type BlockdevOptionsPreallocate struct {
   951  	// Base type for this struct
   952  	BlockdevOptionsGenericFormat
   953  	PreallocAlign *int64 `json:"prealloc-align,omitempty"` // on preallocation, align file length to this number, default 1048576 (1M)
   954  	PreallocSize  *int64 `json:"prealloc-size,omitempty"`  // how much to preallocate, default 134217728 (128M)
   955  }
   957  // Driver specific block device options for qcow2.
   958  //
   959  // Since: 2.9
   960  type BlockdevOptionsQcow2 struct {
   961  	// Base type for this struct
   962  	BlockdevOptionsGenericCOWFormat
   963  	LazyRefcounts       *bool                    `json:"lazy-refcounts,omitempty"`        // whether to enable the lazy refcounts feature (default is taken from the image file)
   964  	PassDiscardRequest  *bool                    `json:"pass-discard-request,omitempty"`  // whether discard requests to the qcow2 device should be forwarded to the data source
   965  	PassDiscardSnapshot *bool                    `json:"pass-discard-snapshot,omitempty"` // whether discard requests for the data source should be issued when a snapshot operation (e.g. deleting a snapshot) frees clusters in the qcow2 file
   966  	PassDiscardOther    *bool                    `json:"pass-discard-other,omitempty"`    // whether discard requests for the data source should be issued on other occasions where a cluster gets freed
   967  	OverlapCheck        *Qcow2OverlapChecks      `json:"overlap-check,omitempty"`         // which overlap checks to perform for writes to the image, defaults to 'cached' (since 2.2)
   968  	CacheSize           *int64                   `json:"cache-size,omitempty"`            // the maximum total size of the L2 table and refcount block caches in bytes (since 2.2)
   969  	L2CacheSize         *int64                   `json:"l2-cache-size,omitempty"`         // the maximum size of the L2 table cache in bytes (since 2.2)
   970  	L2CacheEntrySize    *int64                   `json:"l2-cache-entry-size,omitempty"`   // the size of each entry in the L2 cache in bytes. It must be a power of two between 512 and the cluster size. The default value is the cluster size (since 2.12)
   971  	RefcountCacheSize   *int64                   `json:"refcount-cache-size,omitempty"`   // the maximum size of the refcount block cache in bytes (since 2.2)
   972  	CacheCleanInterval  *int64                   `json:"cache-clean-interval,omitempty"`  // clean unused entries in the L2 and refcount caches. The interval is in seconds. The default value is 600 on supporting platforms, and 0 on other platforms. 0 disables this feature. (since 2.5)
   973  	Encrypt             *BlockdevQcow2Encryption `json:"encrypt,omitempty"`               // Image decryption options. Mandatory for encrypted images, except when doing a metadata-only probe of the image. (since 2.10)
   974  	DataFile            *BlockdevRef             `json:"data-file,omitempty"`             // reference to or definition of the external data file. This may only be specified for images that require an external data file. If it is not specified for such an image, the data file name is loaded from the image file. (since 4.0)
   975  }
   977  // Since: 2.12
   978  type SshHostKeyHash struct {
   979  	Type SshHostKeyCheckHashType `json:"type"` // The hash algorithm used for the hash
   980  	Hash string                  `json:"hash"` // The expected hash value
   981  }
   983  // Since: 2.9
   984  type BlockdevOptionsSsh struct {
   985  	Server       InetSocketAddress `json:"server"`                   // host address
   986  	Path         string            `json:"path"`                     // path to the image on the host
   987  	User         *string           `json:"user,omitempty"`           // user as which to connect, defaults to current local user name
   988  	HostKeyCheck *SshHostKeyCheck  `json:"host-key-check,omitempty"` // Defines how and what to check the host key against (default: known_hosts)
   989  }
   991  // Describes a single error injection for blkdebug.
   992  //
   993  // Since: 2.9
   994  type BlkdebugInjectErrorOptions struct {
   995  	Event       BlkdebugEvent   `json:"event"`                 // trigger event
   996  	State       *int64          `json:"state,omitempty"`       // the state identifier blkdebug needs to be in to actually trigger the event; defaults to "any"
   997  	Iotype      *BlkdebugIOType `json:"iotype,omitempty"`      // the type of I/O operations on which this error should be injected; defaults to "all read, write, write-zeroes, discard, and flush operations" (since: 4.1)
   998  	Errno       *int64          `json:"errno,omitempty"`       // error identifier (errno) to be returned; defaults to EIO
   999  	Sector      *int64          `json:"sector,omitempty"`      // specifies the sector index which has to be affected in order to actually trigger the event; defaults to "any sector"
  1000  	Once        *bool           `json:"once,omitempty"`        // disables further events after this one has been triggered; defaults to false
  1001  	Immediately *bool           `json:"immediately,omitempty"` // fail immediately; defaults to false
  1002  }
  1004  // Describes a single state-change event for blkdebug.
  1005  //
  1006  // Since: 2.9
  1007  type BlkdebugSetStateOptions struct {
  1008  	Event    BlkdebugEvent `json:"event"`           // trigger event
  1009  	State    *int64        `json:"state,omitempty"` // the current state identifier blkdebug needs to be in; defaults to "any"
  1010  	NewState int64         `json:"new_state"`       // the state identifier blkdebug is supposed to assume if this event is triggered
  1011  }
  1013  // Driver specific block device options for blkdebug.
  1014  //
  1015  // Since: 2.9
  1016  type BlockdevOptionsBlkdebug struct {
  1017  	Image             BlockdevRef                  `json:"image"`                         // underlying raw block device (or image file)
  1018  	Config            *string                      `json:"config,omitempty"`              // filename of the configuration file
  1019  	Align             *int64                       `json:"align,omitempty"`               // required alignment for requests in bytes, must be positive power of 2, or 0 for default
  1020  	MaxTransfer       *int32                       `json:"max-transfer,omitempty"`        // maximum size for I/O transfers in bytes, must be positive multiple of @align and of the underlying file's request alignment (but need not be a power of 2), or 0 for default (since 2.10)
  1021  	OptWriteZero      *int32                       `json:"opt-write-zero,omitempty"`      // preferred alignment for write zero requests in bytes, must be positive multiple of @align and of the underlying file's request alignment (but need not be a power of 2), or 0 for default (since 2.10)
  1022  	MaxWriteZero      *int32                       `json:"max-write-zero,omitempty"`      // maximum size for write zero requests in bytes, must be positive multiple of @align, of @opt-write-zero, and of the underlying file's request alignment (but need not be a power of 2), or 0 for default (since 2.10)
  1023  	OptDiscard        *int32                       `json:"opt-discard,omitempty"`         // preferred alignment for discard requests in bytes, must be positive multiple of @align and of the underlying file's request alignment (but need not be a power of 2), or 0 for default (since 2.10)
  1024  	MaxDiscard        *int32                       `json:"max-discard,omitempty"`         // maximum size for discard requests in bytes, must be positive multiple of @align, of @opt-discard, and of the underlying file's request alignment (but need not be a power of 2), or 0 for default (since 2.10)
  1025  	InjectError       []BlkdebugInjectErrorOptions `json:"inject-error,omitempty"`        // array of error injection descriptions
  1026  	SetState          []BlkdebugSetStateOptions    `json:"set-state,omitempty"`           // array of state-change descriptions
  1027  	TakeChildPerms    []BlockPermission            `json:"take-child-perms,omitempty"`    // Permissions to take on @image in addition to what is necessary anyway (which depends on how the blkdebug node is used). Defaults to none. (since 5.0)
  1028  	UnshareChildPerms []BlockPermission            `json:"unshare-child-perms,omitempty"` // Permissions not to share on @image in addition to what cannot be shared anyway (which depends on how the blkdebug node is used). Defaults to none. (since 5.0)
  1029  }
  1031  // Driver specific block device options for blklogwrites.
  1032  //
  1033  // Since: 3.0
  1034  type BlockdevOptionsBlklogwrites struct {
  1035  	File                   BlockdevRef `json:"file"`                                // block device
  1036  	Log                    BlockdevRef `json:"log"`                                 // block device used to log writes to @file
  1037  	LogSectorSize          *uint32     `json:"log-sector-size,omitempty"`           // sector size used in logging writes to @file, determines granularity of offsets and sizes of writes (default: 512)
  1038  	LogAppend              *bool       `json:"log-append,omitempty"`                // append to an existing log (default: false)
  1039  	LogSuperUpdateInterval *uint64     `json:"log-super-update-interval,omitempty"` // interval of write requests after which the log super block is updated to disk (default: 4096)
  1040  }
  1042  // Driver specific block device options for blkverify.
  1043  //
  1044  // Since: 2.9
  1045  type BlockdevOptionsBlkverify struct {
  1046  	Test BlockdevRef `json:"test"` // block device to be tested
  1047  	Raw  BlockdevRef `json:"raw"`  // raw image used for verification
  1048  }
  1050  // Driver specific block device options for blkreplay.
  1051  //
  1052  // Since: 4.2
  1053  type BlockdevOptionsBlkreplay struct {
  1054  	Image BlockdevRef `json:"image"` // disk image which should be controlled with blkreplay
  1055  }
  1057  // Driver specific block device options for Quorum
  1058  //
  1059  // Since: 2.9
  1060  type BlockdevOptionsQuorum struct {
  1061  	Blkverify        *bool              `json:"blkverify,omitempty"`         // true if the driver must print content mismatch set to false by default
  1062  	Children         []BlockdevRef      `json:"children"`                    // the children block devices to use
  1063  	VoteThreshold    int64              `json:"vote-threshold"`              // the vote limit under which a read will fail
  1064  	RewriteCorrupted *bool              `json:"rewrite-corrupted,omitempty"` // rewrite corrupted data when quorum is reached (Since 2.1)
  1065  	ReadPattern      *QuorumReadPattern `json:"read-pattern,omitempty"`      // choose read pattern and set to quorum by default (Since 2.2)
  1066  }
  1068  // Driver specific block device options for Gluster
  1069  //
  1070  // Since: 2.9
  1071  type BlockdevOptionsGluster struct {
  1072  	Volume  string          `json:"volume"`            // name of gluster volume where VM image resides
  1073  	Path    string          `json:"path"`              // absolute path to image file in gluster volume
  1074  	Server  []SocketAddress `json:"server"`            // gluster servers description
  1075  	Debug   *int64          `json:"debug,omitempty"`   // libgfapi log level (default '4' which is Error) (Since 2.8)
  1076  	Logfile *string         `json:"logfile,omitempty"` // libgfapi log file (default /dev/stderr) (Since 2.8)
  1077  }
  1079  // None: Driver specific block device options for iscsi
  1080  //
  1081  // Since: 2.9
  1082  type BlockdevOptionsIscsi struct {
  1083  	Transport      IscsiTransport     `json:"transport"`                 // The iscsi transport type
  1084  	Portal         string             `json:"portal"`                    // The address of the iscsi portal
  1085  	Target         string             `json:"target"`                    // The target iqn name
  1086  	Lun            *int64             `json:"lun,omitempty"`             // LUN to connect to. Defaults to 0.
  1087  	User           *string            `json:"user,omitempty"`            // User name to log in with. If omitted, no CHAP authentication is performed.
  1088  	PasswordSecret *string            `json:"password-secret,omitempty"` // The ID of a QCryptoSecret object providing the password for the login. This option is required if @user is specified.
  1089  	InitiatorName  *string            `json:"initiator-name,omitempty"`  // The iqn name we want to identify to the target as. If this option is not specified, an initiator name is generated automatically.
  1090  	HeaderDigest   *IscsiHeaderDigest `json:"header-digest,omitempty"`   // The desired header digest. Defaults to none-crc32c.
  1091  	Timeout        *int64             `json:"timeout,omitempty"`         // Timeout in seconds after which a request will timeout. 0 means no timeout and is the default.
  1092  }
  1094  // Since: 6.1
  1095  type RbdEncryptionOptionsLUKSBase struct {
  1096  	KeySecret string `json:"key-secret"` // ID of a QCryptoSecret object providing a passphrase for unlocking the encryption
  1097  }
  1099  // Since: 6.1
  1100  type RbdEncryptionCreateOptionsLUKSBase struct {
  1101  	// Base type for this struct
  1102  	RbdEncryptionOptionsLUKSBase
  1103  	CipherAlg *QCryptoCipherAlgorithm `json:"cipher-alg,omitempty"` // The encryption algorithm
  1104  }
  1106  // Since: 6.1
  1107  type RbdEncryptionOptionsLUKS struct {
  1108  	// Base type for this struct
  1109  	RbdEncryptionOptionsLUKSBase
  1110  }
  1112  // Since: 6.1
  1113  type RbdEncryptionOptionsLUKS2 struct {
  1114  	// Base type for this struct
  1115  	RbdEncryptionOptionsLUKSBase
  1116  }
  1118  // Since: 6.1
  1119  type RbdEncryptionCreateOptionsLUKS struct {
  1120  	// Base type for this struct
  1121  	RbdEncryptionCreateOptionsLUKSBase
  1122  }
  1124  // Since: 6.1
  1125  type RbdEncryptionCreateOptionsLUKS2 struct {
  1126  	// Base type for this struct
  1127  	RbdEncryptionCreateOptionsLUKSBase
  1128  }
  1130  // Since: 2.9
  1131  type BlockdevOptionsRbd struct {
  1132  	Pool               string                  `json:"pool"`                           // Ceph pool name.
  1133  	Namespace          *string                 `json:"namespace,omitempty"`            // Rados namespace name in the Ceph pool. (Since 5.0)
  1134  	Image              string                  `json:"image"`                          // Image name in the Ceph pool.
  1135  	Conf               *string                 `json:"conf,omitempty"`                 // path to Ceph configuration file. Values in the configuration file will be overridden by options specified via QAPI.
  1136  	Snapshot           *string                 `json:"snapshot,omitempty"`             // Ceph snapshot name.
  1137  	Encrypt            *RbdEncryptionOptions   `json:"encrypt,omitempty"`              // Image encryption options. (Since 6.1)
  1138  	User               *string                 `json:"user,omitempty"`                 // Ceph id name.
  1139  	AuthClientRequired []RbdAuthMode           `json:"auth-client-required,omitempty"` // Acceptable authentication modes. This maps to Ceph configuration option "auth_client_required". (Since 3.0)
  1140  	KeySecret          *string                 `json:"key-secret,omitempty"`           // ID of a QCryptoSecret object providing a key for cephx authentication. This maps to Ceph configuration option "key". (Since 3.0)
  1141  	Server             []InetSocketAddressBase `json:"server,omitempty"`               // Monitor host address and port. This maps to the "mon_host" Ceph option.
  1142  }
  1144  // Driver specific block device options for replication
  1145  //
  1146  // Since: 2.9
  1147  type BlockdevOptionsReplication struct {
  1148  	// Base type for this struct
  1149  	BlockdevOptionsGenericFormat
  1150  	Mode  ReplicationMode `json:"mode"`             // the replication mode
  1151  	TopId *string         `json:"top-id,omitempty"` // In secondary mode, node name or device ID of the root node who owns the replication node chain. Must not be given in primary mode.
  1152  }
  1154  // Captures the address of the socket
  1155  //
  1156  // Since: 2.9
  1157  type NFSServer struct {
  1158  	Type NFSTransport `json:"type"` // transport type used for NFS (only TCP supported)
  1159  	Host string       `json:"host"` // host address for NFS server
  1160  }
  1162  // Driver specific block device option for NFS
  1163  //
  1164  // Since: 2.9
  1165  type BlockdevOptionsNfs struct {
  1166  	Server        NFSServer `json:"server"`                    // host address
  1167  	Path          string    `json:"path"`                      // path of the image on the host
  1168  	User          *int64    `json:"user,omitempty"`            // UID value to use when talking to the server (defaults to 65534 on Windows and getuid() on unix)
  1169  	Group         *int64    `json:"group,omitempty"`           // GID value to use when talking to the server (defaults to 65534 on Windows and getgid() in unix)
  1170  	TcpSynCount   *int64    `json:"tcp-syn-count,omitempty"`   // number of SYNs during the session establishment (defaults to libnfs default)
  1171  	ReadaheadSize *int64    `json:"readahead-size,omitempty"`  // set the readahead size in bytes (defaults to libnfs default)
  1172  	PageCacheSize *int64    `json:"page-cache-size,omitempty"` // set the pagecache size in bytes (defaults to libnfs default)
  1173  	Debug         *int64    `json:"debug,omitempty"`           // set the NFS debug level (max 2) (defaults to libnfs default)
  1174  }
  1176  // Driver specific block device options shared by all protocols supported by the
  1177  // curl backend.
  1178  //
  1179  // Since: 2.9
  1180  type BlockdevOptionsCurlBase struct {
  1181  	Url                 string  `json:"url"`                             // URL of the image file
  1182  	Readahead           *int64  `json:"readahead,omitempty"`             // Size of the read-ahead cache; must be a multiple of 512 (defaults to 256 kB)
  1183  	Timeout             *int64  `json:"timeout,omitempty"`               // Timeout for connections, in seconds (defaults to 5)
  1184  	Username            *string `json:"username,omitempty"`              // Username for authentication (defaults to none)
  1185  	PasswordSecret      *string `json:"password-secret,omitempty"`       // ID of a QCryptoSecret object providing a password for authentication (defaults to no password)
  1186  	ProxyUsername       *string `json:"proxy-username,omitempty"`        // Username for proxy authentication (defaults to none)
  1187  	ProxyPasswordSecret *string `json:"proxy-password-secret,omitempty"` // ID of a QCryptoSecret object providing a password for proxy authentication (defaults to no password)
  1188  }
  1190  // Driver specific block device options for HTTP connections over the curl
  1191  // backend.  URLs must start with "http://".
  1192  //
  1193  // Since: 2.9
  1194  type BlockdevOptionsCurlHttp struct {
  1195  	// Base type for this struct
  1196  	BlockdevOptionsCurlBase
  1197  	Cookie       *string `json:"cookie,omitempty"`        // List of cookies to set; format is "name1=content1; name2=content2;" as explained by CURLOPT_COOKIE(3). Defaults to no cookies.
  1198  	CookieSecret *string `json:"cookie-secret,omitempty"` // ID of a QCryptoSecret object providing the cookie data in a secure way. See @cookie for the format. (since 2.10)
  1199  }
  1201  // Driver specific block device options for HTTPS connections over the curl
  1202  // backend.  URLs must start with "https://".
  1203  //
  1204  // Since: 2.9
  1205  type BlockdevOptionsCurlHttps struct {
  1206  	// Base type for this struct
  1207  	BlockdevOptionsCurlBase
  1208  	Cookie       *string `json:"cookie,omitempty"`        // List of cookies to set; format is "name1=content1; name2=content2;" as explained by CURLOPT_COOKIE(3). Defaults to no cookies.
  1209  	Sslverify    *bool   `json:"sslverify,omitempty"`     // Whether to verify the SSL certificate's validity (defaults to true)
  1210  	CookieSecret *string `json:"cookie-secret,omitempty"` // ID of a QCryptoSecret object providing the cookie data in a secure way. See @cookie for the format. (since 2.10)
  1211  }
  1213  // Driver specific block device options for FTP connections over the curl
  1214  // backend.  URLs must start with "ftp://".
  1215  //
  1216  // Since: 2.9
  1217  type BlockdevOptionsCurlFtp struct {
  1218  	// Base type for this struct
  1219  	BlockdevOptionsCurlBase
  1220  }
  1222  // Driver specific block device options for FTPS connections over the curl
  1223  // backend.  URLs must start with "ftps://".
  1224  //
  1225  // Since: 2.9
  1226  type BlockdevOptionsCurlFtps struct {
  1227  	// Base type for this struct
  1228  	BlockdevOptionsCurlBase
  1229  	Sslverify *bool `json:"sslverify,omitempty"` // Whether to verify the SSL certificate's validity (defaults to true)
  1230  }
  1232  // Driver specific block device options for NBD.
  1233  //
  1234  // Since: 2.9
  1235  type BlockdevOptionsNbd struct {
  1236  	Server         SocketAddress `json:"server"`                    // NBD server address
  1237  	Export         *string       `json:"export,omitempty"`          // export name
  1238  	TlsCreds       *string       `json:"tls-creds,omitempty"`       // TLS credentials ID
  1239  	TlsHostname    *string       `json:"tls-hostname,omitempty"`    // TLS hostname override for certificate validation (Since 7.0)
  1240  	XDirtyBitmap   *string       `json:"x-dirty-bitmap,omitempty"`  // A metadata context name such as "qemu:dirty-bitmap:NAME" or "qemu:allocation-depth" to query in place of the traditional "base:allocation" block status (see NBD_OPT_LIST_META_CONTEXT in the NBD protocol; and yes, naming this option x-context would have made more sense) (since 3.0)
  1241  	ReconnectDelay *uint32       `json:"reconnect-delay,omitempty"` // On an unexpected disconnect, the nbd client tries to connect again until succeeding or encountering a serious error. During the first @reconnect-delay seconds, all requests are paused and will be rerun on a successful reconnect. After that time, any delayed requests and all future requests before a successful reconnect will immediately fail. Default 0 (Since 4.2)
  1242  	OpenTimeout    *uint32       `json:"open-timeout,omitempty"`    // In seconds. If zero, the nbd driver tries the connection only once, and fails to open if the connection fails. If non-zero, the nbd driver will repeat connection attempts until successful or until @open-timeout seconds have elapsed. Default 0 (Since 7.0)
  1243  }
  1245  // Driver specific block device options for the raw driver.
  1246  //
  1247  // Since: 2.9
  1248  type BlockdevOptionsRaw struct {
  1249  	// Base type for this struct
  1250  	BlockdevOptionsGenericFormat
  1251  	Offset *int64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` // position where the block device starts
  1252  	Size   *int64 `json:"size,omitempty"`   // the assumed size of the device
  1253  }
  1255  // Driver specific block device options for the throttle driver
  1256  //
  1257  // Since: 2.11
  1258  type BlockdevOptionsThrottle struct {
  1259  	ThrottleGroup string      `json:"throttle-group"` // the name of the throttle-group object to use. It must already exist.
  1260  	File          BlockdevRef `json:"file"`           // reference to or definition of the data source block device
  1261  }
  1263  // Driver specific block device options for the copy-on-read driver.
  1264  //
  1265  // Since: 6.0
  1266  type BlockdevOptionsCor struct {
  1267  	// Base type for this struct
  1268  	BlockdevOptionsGenericFormat
  1269  	Bottom *string `json:"bottom,omitempty"` // The name of a non-filter node (allocation-bearing layer) that limits the COR operations in the backing chain (inclusive), so that no data below this node will be copied by this filter. If option is absent, the limit is not applied, so that data from all backing layers may be copied.
  1270  }
  1272  // Driver specific block device options for the copy-before-write driver,
  1273  // which does so called copy-before-write operations: when data is
  1274  // written to the filter, the filter first reads corresponding blocks
  1275  // from its file child and copies them to @target child. After successfully
  1276  // copying, the write request is propagated to file child. If copying
  1277  // fails, the original write request is failed too and no data is written
  1278  // to file child.
  1279  //
  1280  // Since: 6.2
  1281  type BlockdevOptionsCbw struct {
  1282  	// Base type for this struct
  1283  	BlockdevOptionsGenericFormat
  1284  	Target BlockdevRef       `json:"target"`           // The target for copy-before-write operations.
  1285  	Bitmap *BlockDirtyBitmap `json:"bitmap,omitempty"` // If specified, copy-before-write filter will do copy-before-write operations only for dirty regions of the bitmap. Bitmap size must be equal to length of file and target child of the filter. Note also, that bitmap is used only to initialize internal bitmap of the process, so further modifications (or removing) of specified bitmap doesn't influence the filter. (Since 7.0)
  1286  }
  1288  // Driver specific image creation options for file.
  1289  //
  1290  // Since: 2.12
  1291  type BlockdevCreateOptionsFile struct {
  1292  	Filename       string        `json:"filename"`                   // Filename for the new image file
  1293  	Size           uint64        `json:"size"`                       // Size of the virtual disk in bytes
  1294  	Preallocation  *PreallocMode `json:"preallocation,omitempty"`    // Preallocation mode for the new image (default: off; allowed values: off, falloc (if CONFIG_POSIX_FALLOCATE), full (if CONFIG_POSIX))
  1295  	Nocow          *bool         `json:"nocow,omitempty"`            // Turn off copy-on-write (valid only on btrfs; default: off)
  1296  	ExtentSizeHint *uint64       `json:"extent-size-hint,omitempty"` // Extent size hint to add to the image file; 0 for not adding an extent size hint (default: 1 MB, since 5.1)
  1297  }
  1299  // Driver specific image creation options for gluster.
  1300  //
  1301  // Since: 2.12
  1302  type BlockdevCreateOptionsGluster struct {
  1303  	Location      BlockdevOptionsGluster `json:"location"`                // Where to store the new image file
  1304  	Size          uint64                 `json:"size"`                    // Size of the virtual disk in bytes
  1305  	Preallocation *PreallocMode          `json:"preallocation,omitempty"` // Preallocation mode for the new image (default: off; allowed values: off, falloc (if CONFIG_GLUSTERFS_FALLOCATE), full (if CONFIG_GLUSTERFS_ZEROFILL))
  1306  }
  1308  // Driver specific image creation options for LUKS.
  1309  //
  1310  // Since: 2.12
  1311  type BlockdevCreateOptionsLUKS struct {
  1312  	// Base type for this struct
  1313  	QCryptoBlockCreateOptionsLUKS
  1314  	File          BlockdevRef   `json:"file"`                    // Node to create the image format on
  1315  	Size          uint64        `json:"size"`                    // Size of the virtual disk in bytes
  1316  	Preallocation *PreallocMode `json:"preallocation,omitempty"` // Preallocation mode for the new image (since: 4.2) (default: off; allowed values: off, metadata, falloc, full)
  1317  }
  1319  // Driver specific image creation options for NFS.
  1320  //
  1321  // Since: 2.12
  1322  type BlockdevCreateOptionsNfs struct {
  1323  	Location BlockdevOptionsNfs `json:"location"` // Where to store the new image file
  1324  	Size     uint64             `json:"size"`     // Size of the virtual disk in bytes
  1325  }
  1327  // Driver specific image creation options for parallels.
  1328  //
  1329  // Since: 2.12
  1330  type BlockdevCreateOptionsParallels struct {
  1331  	File        BlockdevRef `json:"file"`                   // Node to create the image format on
  1332  	Size        uint64      `json:"size"`                   // Size of the virtual disk in bytes
  1333  	ClusterSize *uint64     `json:"cluster-size,omitempty"` // Cluster size in bytes (default: 1 MB)
  1334  }
  1336  // Driver specific image creation options for qcow.
  1337  //
  1338  // Since: 2.12
  1339  type BlockdevCreateOptionsQcow struct {
  1340  	File        BlockdevRef                `json:"file"`                   // Node to create the image format on
  1341  	Size        uint64                     `json:"size"`                   // Size of the virtual disk in bytes
  1342  	BackingFile *string                    `json:"backing-file,omitempty"` // File name of the backing file if a backing file should be used
  1343  	Encrypt     *QCryptoBlockCreateOptions `json:"encrypt,omitempty"`      // Encryption options if the image should be encrypted
  1344  }
  1346  // Driver specific image creation options for qcow2.
  1347  //
  1348  // Since: 2.12
  1349  type BlockdevCreateOptionsQcow2 struct {
  1350  	File            BlockdevRef                `json:"file"`                       // Node to create the image format on
  1351  	DataFile        *BlockdevRef               `json:"data-file,omitempty"`        // Node to use as an external data file in which all guest data is stored so that only metadata remains in the qcow2 file (since: 4.0)
  1352  	DataFileRaw     *bool                      `json:"data-file-raw,omitempty"`    // True if the external data file must stay valid as a standalone (read-only) raw image without looking at qcow2 metadata (default: false; since: 4.0)
  1353  	ExtendedL2      *bool                      `json:"extended-l2,omitempty"`      // True to make the image have extended L2 entries (default: false; since 5.2)
  1354  	Size            uint64                     `json:"size"`                       // Size of the virtual disk in bytes
  1355  	Version         *BlockdevQcow2Version      `json:"version,omitempty"`          // Compatibility level (default: v3)
  1356  	BackingFile     *string                    `json:"backing-file,omitempty"`     // File name of the backing file if a backing file should be used
  1357  	BackingFmt      *BlockdevDriver            `json:"backing-fmt,omitempty"`      // Name of the block driver to use for the backing file
  1358  	Encrypt         *QCryptoBlockCreateOptions `json:"encrypt,omitempty"`          // Encryption options if the image should be encrypted
  1359  	ClusterSize     *uint64                    `json:"cluster-size,omitempty"`     // qcow2 cluster size in bytes (default: 65536)
  1360  	Preallocation   *PreallocMode              `json:"preallocation,omitempty"`    // Preallocation mode for the new image (default: off; allowed values: off, falloc, full, metadata)
  1361  	LazyRefcounts   *bool                      `json:"lazy-refcounts,omitempty"`   // True if refcounts may be updated lazily (default: off)
  1362  	RefcountBits    *int64                     `json:"refcount-bits,omitempty"`    // Width of reference counts in bits (default: 16)
  1363  	CompressionType *Qcow2CompressionType      `json:"compression-type,omitempty"` // The image cluster compression method (default: zlib, since 5.1)
  1364  }
  1366  // Driver specific image creation options for qed.
  1367  //
  1368  // Since: 2.12
  1369  type BlockdevCreateOptionsQed struct {
  1370  	File        BlockdevRef     `json:"file"`                   // Node to create the image format on
  1371  	Size        uint64          `json:"size"`                   // Size of the virtual disk in bytes
  1372  	BackingFile *string         `json:"backing-file,omitempty"` // File name of the backing file if a backing file should be used
  1373  	BackingFmt  *BlockdevDriver `json:"backing-fmt,omitempty"`  // Name of the block driver to use for the backing file
  1374  	ClusterSize *uint64         `json:"cluster-size,omitempty"` // Cluster size in bytes (default: 65536)
  1375  	TableSize   *int64          `json:"table-size,omitempty"`   // L1/L2 table size (in clusters)
  1376  }
  1378  // Driver specific image creation options for rbd/Ceph.
  1379  //
  1380  // Since: 2.12
  1381  type BlockdevCreateOptionsRbd struct {
  1382  	Location    BlockdevOptionsRbd          `json:"location"`               // Where to store the new image file. This location cannot point to a snapshot.
  1383  	Size        uint64                      `json:"size"`                   // Size of the virtual disk in bytes
  1384  	ClusterSize *uint64                     `json:"cluster-size,omitempty"` // RBD object size
  1385  	Encrypt     *RbdEncryptionCreateOptions `json:"encrypt,omitempty"`      // Image encryption options. (Since 6.1)
  1386  }
  1388  // Driver specific image creation options for VMDK.
  1389  //
  1390  // Since: 4.0
  1391  type BlockdevCreateOptionsVmdk struct {
  1392  	File         BlockdevRef              `json:"file"`                   // Where to store the new image file. This refers to the image file for monolithcSparse and streamOptimized format, or the descriptor file for other formats.
  1393  	Size         uint64                   `json:"size"`                   // Size of the virtual disk in bytes
  1394  	Extents      []BlockdevRef            `json:"extents,omitempty"`      // Where to store the data extents. Required for monolithcFlat, twoGbMaxExtentSparse and twoGbMaxExtentFlat formats. For monolithicFlat, only one entry is required; for twoGbMaxExtent* formats, the number of entries required is calculated as extent_number = virtual_size / 2GB. Providing more extents than will be used is an error.
  1395  	Subformat    *BlockdevVmdkSubformat   `json:"subformat,omitempty"`    // The subformat of the VMDK image. Default: "monolithicSparse".
  1396  	BackingFile  *string                  `json:"backing-file,omitempty"` // The path of backing file. Default: no backing file is used.
  1397  	AdapterType  *BlockdevVmdkAdapterType `json:"adapter-type,omitempty"` // The adapter type used to fill in the descriptor. Default: ide.
  1398  	Hwversion    *string                  `json:"hwversion,omitempty"`    // Hardware version. The meaningful options are "4" or "6". Default: "4".
  1399  	Toolsversion *string                  `json:"toolsversion,omitempty"` // VMware guest tools version. Default: "2147483647" (Since 6.2)
  1400  	ZeroedGrain  *bool                    `json:"zeroed-grain,omitempty"` // Whether to enable zeroed-grain feature for sparse subformats. Default: false.
  1401  }
  1403  // Driver specific image creation options for SSH.
  1404  //
  1405  // Since: 2.12
  1406  type BlockdevCreateOptionsSsh struct {
  1407  	Location BlockdevOptionsSsh `json:"location"` // Where to store the new image file
  1408  	Size     uint64             `json:"size"`     // Size of the virtual disk in bytes
  1409  }
  1411  // Driver specific image creation options for VDI.
  1412  //
  1413  // Since: 2.12
  1414  type BlockdevCreateOptionsVdi struct {
  1415  	File          BlockdevRef   `json:"file"`                    // Node to create the image format on
  1416  	Size          uint64        `json:"size"`                    // Size of the virtual disk in bytes
  1417  	Preallocation *PreallocMode `json:"preallocation,omitempty"` // Preallocation mode for the new image (default: off; allowed values: off, metadata)
  1418  }
  1420  // Driver specific image creation options for vhdx.
  1421  //
  1422  // Since: 2.12
  1423  type BlockdevCreateOptionsVhdx struct {
  1424  	File           BlockdevRef            `json:"file"`                       // Node to create the image format on
  1425  	Size           uint64                 `json:"size"`                       // Size of the virtual disk in bytes
  1426  	LogSize        *uint64                `json:"log-size,omitempty"`         // Log size in bytes, must be a multiple of 1 MB (default: 1 MB)
  1427  	BlockSize      *uint64                `json:"block-size,omitempty"`       // Block size in bytes, must be a multiple of 1 MB and not larger than 256 MB (default: automatically choose a block size depending on the image size)
  1428  	Subformat      *BlockdevVhdxSubformat `json:"subformat,omitempty"`        // vhdx subformat (default: dynamic)
  1429  	BlockStateZero *bool                  `json:"block-state-zero,omitempty"` // Force use of payload blocks of type 'ZERO'. Non-standard, but default. Do not set to 'off' when using 'qemu-img convert' with subformat=dynamic.
  1430  }
  1432  // Driver specific image creation options for vpc (VHD).
  1433  //
  1434  // Since: 2.12
  1435  type BlockdevCreateOptionsVpc struct {
  1436  	File      BlockdevRef           `json:"file"`                 // Node to create the image format on
  1437  	Size      uint64                `json:"size"`                 // Size of the virtual disk in bytes
  1438  	Subformat *BlockdevVpcSubformat `json:"subformat,omitempty"`  // vhdx subformat (default: dynamic)
  1439  	ForceSize *bool                 `json:"force-size,omitempty"` // Force use of the exact byte size instead of rounding to the next size that can be represented in CHS geometry (default: false)
  1440  }
  1442  // Driver specific image amend options for LUKS.
  1443  //
  1444  // Since: 5.1
  1445  type BlockdevAmendOptionsLUKS struct {
  1446  	// Base type for this struct
  1447  	QCryptoBlockAmendOptionsLUKS
  1448  }
  1450  // Driver specific image amend options for qcow2.
  1451  // For now, only encryption options can be amended
  1452  //
  1453  // @encrypt          Encryption options to be amended
  1454  //
  1455  // Since: 5.1
  1456  type BlockdevAmendOptionsQcow2 struct {
  1457  	Encrypt *QCryptoBlockAmendOptions `json:"encrypt,omitempty"`
  1458  }
  1460  // Notes: In transaction, if @name is empty, or any snapshot matching @name
  1461  // exists, the operation will fail. Only some image formats support it,
  1462  // for example, qcow2, and rbd.
  1463  //
  1464  // Since: 1.7
  1465  type BlockdevSnapshotInternal struct {
  1466  	Device string `json:"device"` // the device name or node-name of a root node to generate the snapshot from
  1467  	Name   string `json:"name"`   // the name of the internal snapshot to be created
  1468  }
  1470  // Information about a job.
  1471  //
  1472  // Since: 3.0
  1473  type JobInfo struct {
  1474  	Id              string    `json:"id"`               // The job identifier
  1475  	Type            JobType   `json:"type"`             // The kind of job that is being performed
  1476  	Status          JobStatus `json:"status"`           // Current job state/status
  1477  	CurrentProgress int64     `json:"current-progress"` // Progress made until now. The unit is arbitrary and the value can only meaningfully be used for the ratio of @current-progress to @total-progress. The value is monotonically increasing.
  1478  	TotalProgress   int64     `json:"total-progress"`   // Estimated @current-progress value at the completion of the job. This value can arbitrarily change while the job is running, in both directions.
  1479  	Error           *string   `json:"error,omitempty"`  // If this field is present, the job failed; if it is still missing in the CONCLUDED state, this indicates successful completion. The value is a human-readable error message to describe the reason for the job failure. It should not be parsed by applications.
  1480  }
  1482  // Keep this type consistent with the nbd-server-start arguments. The only
  1483  // intended difference is using SocketAddress instead of SocketAddressLegacy.
  1484  //
  1485  // Since: 4.2
  1486  type NbdServerOptions struct {
  1487  	Addr           SocketAddress `json:"addr"`                      // Address on which to listen.
  1488  	TlsCreds       *string       `json:"tls-creds,omitempty"`       // ID of the TLS credentials object (since 2.6).
  1489  	TlsAuthz       *string       `json:"tls-authz,omitempty"`       // ID of the QAuthZ authorization object used to validate the client's x509 distinguished name. This object is is only resolved at time of use, so can be deleted and recreated on the fly while the NBD server is active. If missing, it will default to denying access (since 4.0).
  1490  	MaxConnections *uint32       `json:"max-connections,omitempty"` // The maximum number of connections to allow at the same time, 0 for unlimited. (since 5.2; default: 0)
  1491  }
  1493  // An NBD block export (common options shared between nbd-server-add and
  1494  // the NBD branch of block-export-add).
  1495  //
  1496  // Since: 5.0
  1497  type BlockExportOptionsNbdBase struct {
  1498  	Name        *string `json:"name,omitempty"`        // Export name. If unspecified, the @device parameter is used as the export name. (Since 2.12)
  1499  	Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Free-form description of the export, up to 4096 bytes. (Since 5.0)
  1500  }
  1502  // An NBD block export (distinct options used in the NBD branch of
  1503  // block-export-add).
  1504  //
  1505  // Since: 5.2
  1506  type BlockExportOptionsNbd struct {
  1507  	// Base type for this struct
  1508  	BlockExportOptionsNbdBase
  1509  	Bitmaps         []string `json:"bitmaps,omitempty"`          // Also export each of the named dirty bitmaps reachable from @device, so the NBD client can use NBD_OPT_SET_META_CONTEXT with the metadata context name "qemu:dirty-bitmap:BITMAP" to inspect each bitmap.
  1510  	AllocationDepth *bool    `json:"allocation-depth,omitempty"` // Also export the allocation depth map for @device, so the NBD client can use NBD_OPT_SET_META_CONTEXT with the metadata context name "qemu:allocation-depth" to inspect allocation details. (since 5.2)
  1511  }
  1513  // A vhost-user-blk block export.
  1514  //
  1515  // Since: 5.2
  1516  type BlockExportOptionsVhostUserBlk struct {
  1517  	Addr             SocketAddress `json:"addr"`                         // The vhost-user socket on which to listen. Both 'unix' and 'fd' SocketAddress types are supported. Passed fds must be UNIX domain sockets.
  1518  	LogicalBlockSize *uint64       `json:"logical-block-size,omitempty"` // Logical block size in bytes. Defaults to 512 bytes.
  1519  	NumQueues        *uint16       `json:"num-queues,omitempty"`         // Number of request virtqueues. Must be greater than 0. Defaults to 1.
  1520  }
  1522  // Options for exporting a block graph node on some (file) mountpoint
  1523  // as a raw image.
  1524  //
  1525  // Since: 6.0
  1526  type BlockExportOptionsFuse struct {
  1527  	Mountpoint string                `json:"mountpoint"`            // Path on which to export the block device via FUSE. This must point to an existing regular file.
  1528  	Growable   *bool                 `json:"growable,omitempty"`    // Whether writes beyond the EOF should grow the block node accordingly. (default: false)
  1529  	AllowOther *FuseExportAllowOther `json:"allow-other,omitempty"` // If this is off, only qemu's user is allowed access to this export. That cannot be changed even with chmod or chown. Enabling this option will allow other users access to the export with the FUSE mount option "allow_other". Note that using allow_other as a non-root user requires user_allow_other to be enabled in the global fuse.conf configuration file. In auto mode (the default), the FUSE export driver will first attempt to mount the export with allow_other, and if that fails, try again without. (since 6.1; default: auto)
  1530  }
  1532  // An NBD block export, per legacy nbd-server-add command.
  1533  //
  1534  // Since: 5.0
  1535  type NbdServerAddOptions struct {
  1536  	// Base type for this struct
  1537  	BlockExportOptionsNbdBase
  1538  	Device   string  `json:"device"`             // The device name or node name of the node to be exported
  1539  	Writable *bool   `json:"writable,omitempty"` // Whether clients should be able to write to the device via the NBD connection (default false).
  1540  	Bitmap   *string `json:"bitmap,omitempty"`   // Also export a single dirty bitmap reachable from @device, so the NBD client can use NBD_OPT_SET_META_CONTEXT with the metadata context name "qemu:dirty-bitmap:BITMAP" to inspect the bitmap (since 4.0).
  1541  }
  1543  // Information about a single block export.
  1544  //
  1545  // Since: 5.2
  1546  type BlockExportInfo struct {
  1547  	Id           string          `json:"id"`            // The unique identifier for the block export
  1548  	Type         BlockExportType `json:"type"`          // The block export type
  1549  	NodeName     string          `json:"node-name"`     // The node name of the block node that is exported
  1550  	ShuttingDown bool            `json:"shutting-down"` // True if the export is shutting down (e.g. after a block-export-del command, but before the shutdown has completed)
  1551  }
  1553  // Information about a character device.
  1554  //
  1555  // Notes: @filename is encoded using the QEMU command line character device
  1556  // encoding.  See the QEMU man page for details.
  1557  //
  1558  // Since: 0.14
  1559  type ChardevInfo struct {
  1560  	Label        string `json:"label"`         // the label of the character device
  1561  	Filename     string `json:"filename"`      // the filename of the character device
  1562  	FrontendOpen bool   `json:"frontend-open"` // shows whether the frontend device attached to this backend (eg. with the chardev=... option) is in open or closed state (since 2.1)
  1563  }
  1565  // Information about a character device backend
  1566  //
  1567  // Since: 2.0
  1568  type ChardevBackendInfo struct {
  1569  	Name string `json:"name"` // The backend name
  1570  }
  1572  // Configuration shared across all chardev backends
  1573  //
  1574  // Since: 2.6
  1575  type ChardevCommon struct {
  1576  	Logfile   *string `json:"logfile,omitempty"`   // The name of a logfile to save output
  1577  	Logappend *bool   `json:"logappend,omitempty"` // true to append instead of truncate (default to false to truncate)
  1578  }
  1580  // Configuration info for file chardevs.
  1581  //
  1582  // Since: 1.4
  1583  type ChardevFile struct {
  1584  	// Base type for this struct
  1585  	ChardevCommon
  1586  	In     *string `json:"in,omitempty"`     // The name of the input file
  1587  	Out    string  `json:"out"`              // The name of the output file
  1588  	Append *bool   `json:"append,omitempty"` // Open the file in append mode (default false to truncate) (Since 2.6)
  1589  }
  1591  // Configuration info for device and pipe chardevs.
  1592  //
  1593  // Since: 1.4
  1594  type ChardevHostdev struct {
  1595  	// Base type for this struct
  1596  	ChardevCommon
  1597  	Device string `json:"device"` // The name of the special file for the device, i.e. /dev/ttyS0 on Unix or COM1: on Windows
  1598  }
  1600  // Configuration info for (stream) socket chardevs.
  1601  //
  1602  // Since: 1.4
  1603  type ChardevSocket struct {
  1604  	// Base type for this struct
  1605  	ChardevCommon
  1606  	Addr      SocketAddressLegacy `json:"addr"`                // socket address to listen on (server=true) or connect to (server=false)
  1607  	TlsCreds  *string             `json:"tls-creds,omitempty"` // the ID of the TLS credentials object (since 2.6)
  1608  	TlsAuthz  *string             `json:"tls-authz,omitempty"` // the ID of the QAuthZ authorization object against which the client's x509 distinguished name will be validated. This object is only resolved at time of use, so can be deleted and recreated on the fly while the chardev server is active. If missing, it will default to denying access (since 4.0)
  1609  	Server    *bool               `json:"server,omitempty"`    // create server socket (default: true)
  1610  	Wait      *bool               `json:"wait,omitempty"`      // wait for incoming connection on server sockets (default: false). Silently ignored with server: false. This use is deprecated.
  1611  	Nodelay   *bool               `json:"nodelay,omitempty"`   // set TCP_NODELAY socket option (default: false)
  1612  	Telnet    *bool               `json:"telnet,omitempty"`    // enable telnet protocol on server sockets (default: false)
  1613  	Tn3270    *bool               `json:"tn3270,omitempty"`    // enable tn3270 protocol on server sockets (default: false) (Since: 2.10)
  1614  	Websocket *bool               `json:"websocket,omitempty"` // enable websocket protocol on server sockets (default: false) (Since: 3.1)
  1615  	Reconnect *int64              `json:"reconnect,omitempty"` // For a client socket, if a socket is disconnected, then attempt a reconnect after the given number of seconds. Setting this to zero disables this function. (default: 0) (Since: 2.2)
  1616  }
  1618  // Configuration info for datagram socket chardevs.
  1619  //
  1620  // Since: 1.5
  1621  type ChardevUdp struct {
  1622  	// Base type for this struct
  1623  	ChardevCommon
  1624  	Remote SocketAddressLegacy  `json:"remote"`          // remote address
  1625  	Local  *SocketAddressLegacy `json:"local,omitempty"` // local address
  1626  }
  1628  // Configuration info for mux chardevs.
  1629  //
  1630  // Since: 1.5
  1631  type ChardevMux struct {
  1632  	// Base type for this struct
  1633  	ChardevCommon
  1634  	Chardev string `json:"chardev"` // name of the base chardev.
  1635  }
  1637  // Configuration info for stdio chardevs.
  1638  //
  1639  // Since: 1.5
  1640  type ChardevStdio struct {
  1641  	// Base type for this struct
  1642  	ChardevCommon
  1643  	Signal *bool `json:"signal,omitempty"` // Allow signals (such as SIGINT triggered by ^C) be delivered to qemu. Default: true.
  1644  }
  1646  // Configuration info for spice vm channel chardevs.
  1647  //
  1648  // Since: 1.5
  1649  type ChardevSpiceChannel struct {
  1650  	// Base type for this struct
  1651  	ChardevCommon
  1652  	Type string `json:"type"` // kind of channel (for example vdagent).
  1653  }
  1655  // Configuration info for spice port chardevs.
  1656  //
  1657  // Since: 1.5
  1658  type ChardevSpicePort struct {
  1659  	// Base type for this struct
  1660  	ChardevCommon
  1661  	Fqdn string `json:"fqdn"` // name of the channel (see docs/spice-port-fqdn.txt)
  1662  }
  1664  // Configuration info for DBus chardevs.
  1665  //
  1666  // Since: 7.0
  1667  type ChardevDBus struct {
  1668  	// Base type for this struct
  1669  	ChardevCommon
  1670  	Name string `json:"name"` // name of the channel (following docs/spice-port-fqdn.txt)
  1671  }
  1673  // Configuration info for virtual console chardevs.
  1674  //
  1675  // Since: 1.5
  1676  type ChardevVC struct {
  1677  	// Base type for this struct
  1678  	ChardevCommon
  1679  	Width  *int64 `json:"width,omitempty"`  // console width, in pixels
  1680  	Height *int64 `json:"height,omitempty"` // console height, in pixels
  1681  	Cols   *int64 `json:"cols,omitempty"`   // console width, in chars
  1682  	Rows   *int64 `json:"rows,omitempty"`   // console height, in chars
  1683  }
  1685  // Configuration info for ring buffer chardevs.
  1686  //
  1687  // Since: 1.5
  1688  type ChardevRingbuf struct {
  1689  	// Base type for this struct
  1690  	ChardevCommon
  1691  	Size *int64 `json:"size,omitempty"` // ring buffer size, must be power of two, default is 65536
  1692  }
  1694  // Configuration info for qemu vdagent implementation.
  1695  //
  1696  // Since: 6.1
  1697  type ChardevQemuVDAgent struct {
  1698  	// Base type for this struct
  1699  	ChardevCommon
  1700  	Mouse     *bool `json:"mouse,omitempty"`     // enable/disable mouse, default is enabled.
  1701  	Clipboard *bool `json:"clipboard,omitempty"` // enable/disable clipboard, default is disabled.
  1702  }
  1704  // Since: 1.4
  1705  type ChardevFileWrapper struct {
  1706  	Data ChardevFile `json:"data"`
  1707  }
  1709  // Since: 1.4
  1710  type ChardevHostdevWrapper struct {
  1711  	Data ChardevHostdev `json:"data"`
  1712  }
  1714  // Since: 1.4
  1715  type ChardevSocketWrapper struct {
  1716  	Data ChardevSocket `json:"data"`
  1717  }
  1719  // Since: 1.5
  1720  type ChardevUdpWrapper struct {
  1721  	Data ChardevUdp `json:"data"`
  1722  }
  1724  // Since: 2.6
  1725  type ChardevCommonWrapper struct {
  1726  	Data ChardevCommon `json:"data"`
  1727  }
  1729  // Since: 1.5
  1730  type ChardevMuxWrapper struct {
  1731  	Data ChardevMux `json:"data"`
  1732  }
  1734  // Since: 1.5
  1735  type ChardevStdioWrapper struct {
  1736  	Data ChardevStdio `json:"data"`
  1737  }
  1739  // Since: 1.5
  1740  type ChardevSpiceChannelWrapper struct {
  1741  	Data ChardevSpiceChannel `json:"data"`
  1742  }
  1744  // Since: 1.5
  1745  type ChardevSpicePortWrapper struct {
  1746  	Data ChardevSpicePort `json:"data"`
  1747  }
  1749  // Since: 6.1
  1750  type ChardevQemuVDAgentWrapper struct {
  1751  	Data ChardevQemuVDAgent `json:"data"`
  1752  }
  1754  // Since: 7.0
  1755  type ChardevDBusWrapper struct {
  1756  	Data ChardevDBus `json:"data"`
  1757  }
  1759  // Since: 1.5
  1760  type ChardevVCWrapper struct {
  1761  	Data ChardevVC `json:"data"`
  1762  }
  1764  // Since: 1.5
  1765  type ChardevRingbufWrapper struct {
  1766  	Data ChardevRingbuf `json:"data"`
  1767  }
  1769  // Return info about the chardev backend just created.
  1770  //
  1771  // Since: 1.4
  1772  type ChardevReturn struct {
  1773  	Pty *string `json:"pty,omitempty"` // name of the slave pseudoterminal device, present if and only if a chardev of type 'pty' was created
  1774  }
  1776  // The result format for 'query-dump'.
  1777  //
  1778  // Since: 2.6
  1779  type DumpQueryResult struct {
  1780  	Status    DumpStatus `json:"status"`    // enum of @DumpStatus, which shows current dump status
  1781  	Completed int64      `json:"completed"` // bytes written in latest dump (uncompressed)
  1782  	Total     int64      `json:"total"`     // total bytes to be written in latest dump (uncompressed)
  1783  }
  1785  // A list of the available formats for dump-guest-memory
  1786  //
  1787  // Since: 2.0
  1788  type DumpGuestMemoryCapability struct {
  1789  	Formats []DumpGuestMemoryFormat `json:"formats"`
  1790  }
  1792  // Create a new Network Interface Card.
  1793  //
  1794  // Since: 1.2
  1795  type NetLegacyNicOptions struct {
  1796  	Netdev  *string `json:"netdev,omitempty"`  // id of -netdev to connect to
  1797  	Macaddr *string `json:"macaddr,omitempty"` // MAC address
  1798  	Model   *string `json:"model,omitempty"`   // device model (e1000, rtl8139, virtio etc.)
  1799  	Addr    *string `json:"addr,omitempty"`    // PCI device address
  1800  	Vectors *uint32 `json:"vectors,omitempty"` // number of MSI-x vectors, 0 to disable MSI-X
  1801  }
  1803  // Use the user mode network stack which requires no administrator privilege to
  1804  // run.
  1805  //
  1806  // Since: 1.2
  1807  type NetdevUserOptions struct {
  1808  	Hostname       *string  `json:"hostname,omitempty"`         // client hostname reported by the builtin DHCP server
  1809  	Restrict       *bool    `json:"restrict,omitempty"`         // isolate the guest from the host
  1810  	Ipv4           *bool    `json:"ipv4,omitempty"`             // whether to support IPv4, default true for enabled (since 2.6)
  1811  	Ipv6           *bool    `json:"ipv6,omitempty"`             // whether to support IPv6, default true for enabled (since 2.6)
  1812  	Ip             *string  `json:"ip,omitempty"`               // legacy parameter, use net= instead
  1813  	Net            *string  `json:"net,omitempty"`              // IP network address that the guest will see, in the form addr[/netmask] The netmask is optional, and can be either in the form a.b.c.d or as a number of valid top-most bits. Default is
  1814  	Host           *string  `json:"host,omitempty"`             // guest-visible address of the host
  1815  	Tftp           *string  `json:"tftp,omitempty"`             // root directory of the built-in TFTP server
  1816  	Bootfile       *string  `json:"bootfile,omitempty"`         // BOOTP filename, for use with tftp=
  1817  	Dhcpstart      *string  `json:"dhcpstart,omitempty"`        // the first of the 16 IPs the built-in DHCP server can assign
  1818  	Dns            *string  `json:"dns,omitempty"`              // guest-visible address of the virtual nameserver
  1819  	Dnssearch      []string `json:"dnssearch,omitempty"`        // list of DNS suffixes to search, passed as DHCP option to the guest
  1820  	Domainname     *string  `json:"domainname,omitempty"`       // guest-visible domain name of the virtual nameserver (since 3.0)
  1821  	Ipv6Prefix     *string  `json:"ipv6-prefix,omitempty"`      // IPv6 network prefix (default is fec0::) (since 2.6). The network prefix is given in the usual hexadecimal IPv6 address notation.
  1822  	Ipv6Prefixlen  *int64   `json:"ipv6-prefixlen,omitempty"`   // IPv6 network prefix length (default is 64) (since 2.6)
  1823  	Ipv6Host       *string  `json:"ipv6-host,omitempty"`        // guest-visible IPv6 address of the host (since 2.6)
  1824  	Ipv6Dns        *string  `json:"ipv6-dns,omitempty"`         // guest-visible IPv6 address of the virtual nameserver (since 2.6)
  1825  	Smb            *string  `json:"smb,omitempty"`              // root directory of the built-in SMB server
  1826  	Smbserver      *string  `json:"smbserver,omitempty"`        // IP address of the built-in SMB server
  1827  	Hostfwd        []string `json:"hostfwd,omitempty"`          // redirect incoming TCP or UDP host connections to guest endpoints
  1828  	Guestfwd       []string `json:"guestfwd,omitempty"`         // forward guest TCP connections
  1829  	TftpServerName *string  `json:"tftp-server-name,omitempty"` // RFC2132 "TFTP server name" string (Since 3.1)
  1830  }
  1832  // Used to configure a host TAP network interface backend.
  1833  //
  1834  // Since: 1.2
  1835  type NetdevTapOptions struct {
  1836  	Ifname     *string `json:"ifname,omitempty"`     // interface name
  1837  	Fd         *string `json:"fd,omitempty"`         // file descriptor of an already opened tap
  1838  	Fds        *string `json:"fds,omitempty"`        // multiple file descriptors of already opened multiqueue capable tap
  1839  	Script     *string `json:"script,omitempty"`     // script to initialize the interface
  1840  	Downscript *string `json:"downscript,omitempty"` // script to shut down the interface
  1841  	Br         *string `json:"br,omitempty"`         // bridge name (since 2.8)
  1842  	Helper     *string `json:"helper,omitempty"`     // command to execute to configure bridge
  1843  	Sndbuf     *uint64 `json:"sndbuf,omitempty"`     // send buffer limit. Understands [TGMKkb] suffixes.
  1844  	VnetHdr    *bool   `json:"vnet_hdr,omitempty"`   // enable the IFF_VNET_HDR flag on the tap interface
  1845  	Vhost      *bool   `json:"vhost,omitempty"`      // enable vhost-net network accelerator
  1846  	Vhostfd    *string `json:"vhostfd,omitempty"`    // file descriptor of an already opened vhost net device
  1847  	Vhostfds   *string `json:"vhostfds,omitempty"`   // file descriptors of multiple already opened vhost net devices
  1848  	Vhostforce *bool   `json:"vhostforce,omitempty"` // vhost on for non-MSIX virtio guests
  1849  	Queues     *uint32 `json:"queues,omitempty"`     // number of queues to be created for multiqueue capable tap
  1850  	PollUs     *uint32 `json:"poll-us,omitempty"`    // maximum number of microseconds that could be spent on busy polling for tap (since 2.7)
  1851  }
  1853  // Socket netdevs are used to establish a network connection to another
  1854  // QEMU virtual machine via a TCP socket.
  1855  //
  1856  // Since: 1.2
  1857  type NetdevSocketOptions struct {
  1858  	Fd        *string `json:"fd,omitempty"`        // file descriptor of an already opened socket
  1859  	Listen    *string `json:"listen,omitempty"`    // port number, and optional hostname, to listen on
  1860  	Connect   *string `json:"connect,omitempty"`   // port number, and optional hostname, to connect to
  1861  	Mcast     *string `json:"mcast,omitempty"`     // UDP multicast address and port number
  1862  	Localaddr *string `json:"localaddr,omitempty"` // source address and port for multicast and udp packets
  1863  	Udp       *string `json:"udp,omitempty"`       // UDP unicast address and port number
  1864  }
  1866  // Configure an Ethernet over L2TPv3 tunnel.
  1867  //
  1868  // Since: 2.1
  1869  type NetdevL2TPv3Options struct {
  1870  	Src        string  `json:"src"`                  // source address
  1871  	Dst        string  `json:"dst"`                  // destination address
  1872  	Srcport    *string `json:"srcport,omitempty"`    // source port - mandatory for udp, optional for ip
  1873  	Dstport    *string `json:"dstport,omitempty"`    // destination port - mandatory for udp, optional for ip
  1874  	Ipv6       *bool   `json:"ipv6,omitempty"`       // force the use of ipv6
  1875  	Udp        *bool   `json:"udp,omitempty"`        // use the udp version of l2tpv3 encapsulation
  1876  	Cookie64   *bool   `json:"cookie64,omitempty"`   // use 64 bit coookies
  1877  	Counter    *bool   `json:"counter,omitempty"`    // have sequence counter
  1878  	Pincounter *bool   `json:"pincounter,omitempty"` // pin sequence counter to zero - workaround for buggy implementations or networks with packet reorder
  1879  	Txcookie   *uint64 `json:"txcookie,omitempty"`   // 32 or 64 bit transmit cookie
  1880  	Rxcookie   *uint64 `json:"rxcookie,omitempty"`   // 32 or 64 bit receive cookie
  1881  	Txsession  uint32  `json:"txsession"`            // 32 bit transmit session
  1882  	Rxsession  *uint32 `json:"rxsession,omitempty"`  // 32 bit receive session - if not specified set to the same value as transmit
  1883  	Offset     *uint32 `json:"offset,omitempty"`     // additional offset - allows the insertion of additional application-specific data before the packet payload
  1884  }
  1886  // Connect to a vde switch running on the host.
  1887  //
  1888  // Since: 1.2
  1889  type NetdevVdeOptions struct {
  1890  	Sock  *string `json:"sock,omitempty"`  // socket path
  1891  	Port  *uint16 `json:"port,omitempty"`  // port number
  1892  	Group *string `json:"group,omitempty"` // group owner of socket
  1893  	Mode  *uint16 `json:"mode,omitempty"`  // permissions for socket
  1894  }
  1896  // Connect a host TAP network interface to a host bridge device.
  1897  //
  1898  // Since: 1.2
  1899  type NetdevBridgeOptions struct {
  1900  	Br     *string `json:"br,omitempty"`     // bridge name
  1901  	Helper *string `json:"helper,omitempty"` // command to execute to configure bridge
  1902  }
  1904  // Connect two or more net clients through a software hub.
  1905  //
  1906  // Since: 1.2
  1907  type NetdevHubPortOptions struct {
  1908  	Hubid  int32   `json:"hubid"`            // hub identifier number
  1909  	Netdev *string `json:"netdev,omitempty"` // used to connect hub to a netdev instead of a device (since 2.12)
  1910  }
  1912  // Connect a client to a netmap-enabled NIC or to a VALE switch port
  1913  //
  1914  // Since: 2.0
  1915  type NetdevNetmapOptions struct {
  1916  	Ifname  string  `json:"ifname"`            // Either the name of an existing network interface supported by netmap, or the name of a VALE port (created on the fly). A VALE port name is in the form 'valeXXX:YYY', where XXX and YYY are non-negative integers. XXX identifies a switch and YYY identifies a port of the switch. VALE ports having the same XXX are therefore connected to the same switch.
  1917  	Devname *string `json:"devname,omitempty"` // path of the netmap device (default: '/dev/netmap').
  1918  }
  1920  // Vhost-user network backend
  1921  //
  1922  // Since: 2.1
  1923  type NetdevVhostUserOptions struct {
  1924  	Chardev    string `json:"chardev"`              // name of a unix socket chardev
  1925  	Vhostforce *bool  `json:"vhostforce,omitempty"` // vhost on for non-MSIX virtio guests (default: false).
  1926  	Queues     *int64 `json:"queues,omitempty"`     // number of queues to be created for multiqueue vhost-user (default: 1) (Since 2.5)
  1927  }
  1929  // Vhost-vdpa network backend
  1930  //
  1931  // vDPA device is a device that uses a datapath which complies with the virtio
  1932  // specifications with a vendor specific control path.
  1933  //
  1934  // Since: 5.1
  1935  type NetdevVhostVDPAOptions struct {
  1936  	Vhostdev *string `json:"vhostdev,omitempty"` // path of vhost-vdpa device (default:'/dev/vhost-vdpa-0')
  1937  	Queues   *int64  `json:"queues,omitempty"`   // number of queues to be created for multiqueue vhost-vdpa (default: 1)
  1938  }
  1940  // Rx-filter information for a NIC.
  1941  //
  1942  // Since: 1.6
  1943  type RxFilterInfo struct {
  1944  	Name              string   `json:"name"`               // net client name
  1945  	Promiscuous       bool     `json:"promiscuous"`        // whether promiscuous mode is enabled
  1946  	Multicast         RxState  `json:"multicast"`          // multicast receive state
  1947  	Unicast           RxState  `json:"unicast"`            // unicast receive state
  1948  	Vlan              RxState  `json:"vlan"`               // vlan receive state (Since 2.0)
  1949  	BroadcastAllowed  bool     `json:"broadcast-allowed"`  // whether to receive broadcast
  1950  	MulticastOverflow bool     `json:"multicast-overflow"` // multicast table is overflowed or not
  1951  	UnicastOverflow   bool     `json:"unicast-overflow"`   // unicast table is overflowed or not
  1952  	MainMac           string   `json:"main-mac"`           // the main macaddr string
  1953  	VlanTable         []int64  `json:"vlan-table"`         // a list of active vlan id
  1954  	UnicastTable      []string `json:"unicast-table"`      // a list of unicast macaddr string
  1955  	MulticastTable    []string `json:"multicast-table"`    // a list of multicast macaddr string
  1956  }
  1958  // Parameters for self-announce timers
  1959  //
  1960  // Since: 4.0
  1961  type AnnounceParameters struct {
  1962  	Initial    int64    `json:"initial"`              // Initial delay (in ms) before sending the first GARP/RARP announcement
  1963  	Max        int64    `json:"max"`                  // Maximum delay (in ms) between GARP/RARP announcement packets
  1964  	Rounds     int64    `json:"rounds"`               // Number of self-announcement attempts
  1965  	Step       int64    `json:"step"`                 // Delay increase (in ms) after each self-announcement attempt
  1966  	Interfaces []string `json:"interfaces,omitempty"` // An optional list of interface names, which restricts the announcement to the listed interfaces. (Since 4.1)
  1967  	Id         *string  `json:"id,omitempty"`         // A name to be used to identify an instance of announce-timers and to allow it to modified later. Not for use as part of the migration parameters. (Since 4.1)
  1968  }
  1970  // Rocker switch information.
  1971  //
  1972  // Since: 2.4
  1973  type RockerSwitch struct {
  1974  	Name  string `json:"name"`  // switch name
  1975  	Id    uint64 `json:"id"`    // switch ID
  1976  	Ports uint32 `json:"ports"` // number of front-panel ports
  1977  }
  1979  // Rocker switch port information.
  1980  //
  1981  // Since: 2.4
  1982  type RockerPort struct {
  1983  	Name    string            `json:"name"`    // port name
  1984  	Enabled bool              `json:"enabled"` // port is enabled for I/O
  1985  	LinkUp  bool              `json:"link-up"` // physical link is UP on port
  1986  	Speed   uint32            `json:"speed"`   // port link speed in Mbps
  1987  	Duplex  RockerPortDuplex  `json:"duplex"`  // port link duplex
  1988  	Autoneg RockerPortAutoneg `json:"autoneg"` // port link autoneg
  1989  }
  1991  // Rocker switch OF-DPA flow key
  1992  //
  1993  // Note: optional members may or may not appear in the flow key
  1994  // depending if they're relevant to the flow key.
  1995  //
  1996  // Since: 2.4
  1997  type RockerOfDpaFlowKey struct {
  1998  	Priority uint32  `json:"priority"`            // key priority, 0 being lowest priority
  1999  	TblId    uint32  `json:"tbl-id"`              // flow table ID
  2000  	InPport  *uint32 `json:"in-pport,omitempty"`  // physical input port
  2001  	TunnelId *uint32 `json:"tunnel-id,omitempty"` // tunnel ID
  2002  	VlanId   *uint16 `json:"vlan-id,omitempty"`   // VLAN ID
  2003  	EthType  *uint16 `json:"eth-type,omitempty"`  // Ethernet header type
  2004  	EthSrc   *string `json:"eth-src,omitempty"`   // Ethernet header source MAC address
  2005  	EthDst   *string `json:"eth-dst,omitempty"`   // Ethernet header destination MAC address
  2006  	IpProto  *uint8  `json:"ip-proto,omitempty"`  // IP Header protocol field
  2007  	IpTos    *uint8  `json:"ip-tos,omitempty"`    // IP header TOS field
  2008  	IpDst    *string `json:"ip-dst,omitempty"`    // IP header destination address
  2009  }
  2011  // Rocker switch OF-DPA flow mask
  2012  //
  2013  // Note: optional members may or may not appear in the flow mask
  2014  // depending if they're relevant to the flow mask.
  2015  //
  2016  // Since: 2.4
  2017  type RockerOfDpaFlowMask struct {
  2018  	InPport  *uint32 `json:"in-pport,omitempty"`  // physical input port
  2019  	TunnelId *uint32 `json:"tunnel-id,omitempty"` // tunnel ID
  2020  	VlanId   *uint16 `json:"vlan-id,omitempty"`   // VLAN ID
  2021  	EthSrc   *string `json:"eth-src,omitempty"`   // Ethernet header source MAC address
  2022  	EthDst   *string `json:"eth-dst,omitempty"`   // Ethernet header destination MAC address
  2023  	IpProto  *uint8  `json:"ip-proto,omitempty"`  // IP Header protocol field
  2024  	IpTos    *uint8  `json:"ip-tos,omitempty"`    // IP header TOS field
  2025  }
  2027  // Rocker switch OF-DPA flow action
  2028  //
  2029  // Note: optional members may or may not appear in the flow action
  2030  // depending if they're relevant to the flow action.
  2031  //
  2032  // Since: 2.4
  2033  type RockerOfDpaFlowAction struct {
  2034  	GotoTbl     *uint32 `json:"goto-tbl,omitempty"`     // next table ID
  2035  	GroupId     *uint32 `json:"group-id,omitempty"`     // group ID
  2036  	TunnelLport *uint32 `json:"tunnel-lport,omitempty"` // tunnel logical port ID
  2037  	VlanId      *uint16 `json:"vlan-id,omitempty"`      // VLAN ID
  2038  	NewVlanId   *uint16 `json:"new-vlan-id,omitempty"`  // new VLAN ID
  2039  	OutPport    *uint32 `json:"out-pport,omitempty"`    // physical output port
  2040  }
  2042  // Rocker switch OF-DPA flow
  2043  //
  2044  // Since: 2.4
  2045  type RockerOfDpaFlow struct {
  2046  	Cookie uint64                `json:"cookie"` // flow unique cookie ID
  2047  	Hits   uint64                `json:"hits"`   // count of matches (hits) on flow
  2048  	Key    RockerOfDpaFlowKey    `json:"key"`    // flow key
  2049  	Mask   RockerOfDpaFlowMask   `json:"mask"`   // flow mask
  2050  	Action RockerOfDpaFlowAction `json:"action"` // flow action
  2051  }
  2053  // Rocker switch OF-DPA group
  2054  //
  2055  // Note: optional members may or may not appear in the group depending
  2056  // if they're relevant to the group type.
  2057  //
  2058  // Since: 2.4
  2059  type RockerOfDpaGroup struct {
  2060  	Id        uint32   `json:"id"`                    // group unique ID
  2061  	Type      uint8    `json:"type"`                  // group type
  2062  	VlanId    *uint16  `json:"vlan-id,omitempty"`     // VLAN ID
  2063  	Pport     *uint32  `json:"pport,omitempty"`       // physical port number
  2064  	Index     *uint32  `json:"index,omitempty"`       // group index, unique with group type
  2065  	OutPport  *uint32  `json:"out-pport,omitempty"`   // output physical port number
  2066  	GroupId   *uint32  `json:"group-id,omitempty"`    // next group ID
  2067  	SetVlanId *uint16  `json:"set-vlan-id,omitempty"` // VLAN ID to set
  2068  	PopVlan   *uint8   `json:"pop-vlan,omitempty"`    // pop VLAN headr from packet
  2069  	GroupIds  []uint32 `json:"group-ids,omitempty"`   // list of next group IDs
  2070  	SetEthSrc *string  `json:"set-eth-src,omitempty"` // set source MAC address in Ethernet header
  2071  	SetEthDst *string  `json:"set-eth-dst,omitempty"` // set destination MAC address in Ethernet header
  2072  	TtlCheck  *uint8   `json:"ttl-check,omitempty"`   // perform TTL check
  2073  }
  2075  // Information about the TPM passthrough type
  2076  //
  2077  // Since: 1.5
  2078  type TPMPassthroughOptions struct {
  2079  	Path       *string `json:"path,omitempty"`        // string describing the path used for accessing the TPM device
  2080  	CancelPath *string `json:"cancel-path,omitempty"` // string showing the TPM's sysfs cancel file for cancellation of TPM commands while they are executing
  2081  }
  2083  // Information about the TPM emulator type
  2084  //
  2085  // Since: 2.11
  2086  type TPMEmulatorOptions struct {
  2087  	Chardev string `json:"chardev"` // Name of a unix socket chardev
  2088  }
  2090  // Since: 1.5
  2091  type TPMPassthroughOptionsWrapper struct {
  2092  	Data TPMPassthroughOptions `json:"data"`
  2093  }
  2095  // Since: 2.11
  2096  type TPMEmulatorOptionsWrapper struct {
  2097  	Data TPMEmulatorOptions `json:"data"`
  2098  }
  2100  // Information about the TPM
  2101  //
  2102  // Since: 1.5
  2103  type TPMInfo struct {
  2104  	Id      string         `json:"id"`      // The Id of the TPM
  2105  	Model   TpmModel       `json:"model"`   // The TPM frontend model
  2106  	Options TpmTypeOptions `json:"options"` // The TPM (backend) type configuration options
  2107  }
  2109  // Options for set_password specific to the VNC procotol.
  2110  //
  2111  // Since: 7.0
  2112  type SetPasswordOptionsVnc struct {
  2113  	Display *string `json:"display,omitempty"` // The id of the display where the password should be changed. Defaults to the first.
  2114  }
  2116  // Options for expire_password specific to the VNC procotol.
  2117  //
  2118  // Since: 7.0
  2119  type ExpirePasswordOptionsVnc struct {
  2120  	Display *string `json:"display,omitempty"` // The id of the display where the expiration should be changed. Defaults to the first.
  2121  }
  2123  // The basic information for SPICE network connection
  2124  //
  2125  // Since: 2.1
  2126  type SpiceBasicInfo struct {
  2127  	Host   string               `json:"host"`   // IP address
  2128  	Port   string               `json:"port"`   // port number
  2129  	Family NetworkAddressFamily `json:"family"` // address family
  2130  }
  2132  // Information about a SPICE server
  2133  //
  2134  // Since: 2.1
  2135  type SpiceServerInfo struct {
  2136  	// Base type for this struct
  2137  	SpiceBasicInfo
  2138  	Auth *string `json:"auth,omitempty"` // authentication method
  2139  }
  2141  // Information about a SPICE client channel.
  2142  //
  2143  // Since: 0.14
  2144  type SpiceChannel struct {
  2145  	// Base type for this struct
  2146  	SpiceBasicInfo
  2147  	ConnectionId int64 `json:"connection-id"` // SPICE connection id number. All channels with the same id belong to the same SPICE session.
  2148  	ChannelType  int64 `json:"channel-type"`  // SPICE channel type number. "1" is the main control channel, filter for this one if you want to track spice sessions only
  2149  	ChannelId    int64 `json:"channel-id"`    // SPICE channel ID number. Usually "0", might be different when multiple channels of the same type exist, such as multiple display channels in a multihead setup
  2150  	Tls          bool  `json:"tls"`           // true if the channel is encrypted, false otherwise.
  2151  }
  2153  // Information about the SPICE session.
  2154  //
  2155  // Since: 0.14
  2156  type SpiceInfo struct {
  2157  	Enabled         bool                `json:"enabled"`                    // true if the SPICE server is enabled, false otherwise
  2158  	Migrated        bool                `json:"migrated"`                   // true if the last guest migration completed and spice migration had completed as well. false otherwise. (since 1.4)
  2159  	Host            *string             `json:"host,omitempty"`             // The hostname the SPICE server is bound to. This depends on the name resolution on the host and may be an IP address.
  2160  	Port            *int64              `json:"port,omitempty"`             // The SPICE server's port number.
  2161  	TlsPort         *int64              `json:"tls-port,omitempty"`         // The SPICE server's TLS port number.
  2162  	Auth            *string             `json:"auth,omitempty"`             // the current authentication type used by the server - 'none' if no authentication is being used - 'spice' uses SASL or direct TLS authentication, depending on command line options
  2163  	CompiledVersion *string             `json:"compiled-version,omitempty"` // SPICE server version.
  2164  	MouseMode       SpiceQueryMouseMode `json:"mouse-mode"`                 // The mode in which the mouse cursor is displayed currently. Can be determined by the client or the server, or unknown if spice server doesn't provide this information. (since: 1.1)
  2165  	Channels        []SpiceChannel      `json:"channels,omitempty"`         // a list of @SpiceChannel for each active spice channel
  2166  }
  2168  // The basic information for vnc network connection
  2169  //
  2170  // Since: 2.1
  2171  type VncBasicInfo struct {
  2172  	Host      string               `json:"host"`      // IP address
  2173  	Service   string               `json:"service"`   // The service name of the vnc port. This may depend on the host system's service database so symbolic names should not be relied on.
  2174  	Family    NetworkAddressFamily `json:"family"`    // address family
  2175  	Websocket bool                 `json:"websocket"` // true in case the socket is a websocket (since 2.3).
  2176  }
  2178  // The network connection information for server
  2179  //
  2180  // Since: 2.1
  2181  type VncServerInfo struct {
  2182  	// Base type for this struct
  2183  	VncBasicInfo
  2184  	Auth *string `json:"auth,omitempty"` // authentication method used for the plain (non-websocket) VNC server
  2185  }
  2187  // Information about a connected VNC client.
  2188  //
  2189  // Since: 0.14
  2190  type VncClientInfo struct {
  2191  	// Base type for this struct
  2192  	VncBasicInfo
  2193  	X509Dname    *string `json:"x509_dname,omitempty"`    // If x509 authentication is in use, the Distinguished Name of the client.
  2194  	SaslUsername *string `json:"sasl_username,omitempty"` // If SASL authentication is in use, the SASL username used for authentication.
  2195  }
  2197  // Information about the VNC session.
  2198  //
  2199  // Since: 0.14
  2200  type VncInfo struct {
  2201  	Enabled bool                  `json:"enabled"`           // true if the VNC server is enabled, false otherwise
  2202  	Host    *string               `json:"host,omitempty"`    // The hostname the VNC server is bound to. This depends on the name resolution on the host and may be an IP address.
  2203  	Family  *NetworkAddressFamily `json:"family,omitempty"`  // - 'ipv6' if the host is listening for IPv6 connections - 'ipv4' if the host is listening for IPv4 connections - 'unix' if the host is listening on a unix domain socket - 'unknown' otherwise
  2204  	Service *string               `json:"service,omitempty"` // The service name of the server's port. This may depends on the host system's service database so symbolic names should not be relied on.
  2205  	Auth    *string               `json:"auth,omitempty"`    // the current authentication type used by the server - 'none' if no authentication is being used - 'vnc' if VNC authentication is being used - 'vencrypt+plain' if VEncrypt is used with plain text authentication - 'vencrypt+tls+none' if VEncrypt is used with TLS and no authentication - 'vencrypt+tls+vnc' if VEncrypt is used with TLS and VNC authentication - 'vencrypt+tls+plain' if VEncrypt is used with TLS and plain text auth - 'vencrypt+x509+none' if VEncrypt is used with x509 and no auth - 'vencrypt+x509+vnc' if VEncrypt is used with x509 and VNC auth - 'vencrypt+x509+plain' if VEncrypt is used with x509 and plain text auth - 'vencrypt+tls+sasl' if VEncrypt is used with TLS and SASL auth - 'vencrypt+x509+sasl' if VEncrypt is used with x509 and SASL auth
  2206  	Clients []VncClientInfo       `json:"clients,omitempty"` // a list of @VncClientInfo of all currently connected clients
  2207  }
  2209  // The network connection information for server
  2210  //
  2211  // Since: 2.9
  2212  type VncServerInfo2 struct {
  2213  	// Base type for this struct
  2214  	VncBasicInfo
  2215  	Auth     VncPrimaryAuth      `json:"auth"`               // The current authentication type used by the servers
  2216  	Vencrypt *VncVencryptSubAuth `json:"vencrypt,omitempty"` // The vencrypt sub authentication type used by the servers, only specified in case auth == vencrypt.
  2217  }
  2219  // Information about a vnc server
  2220  //
  2221  // Since: 2.3
  2222  type VncInfo2 struct {
  2223  	Id       string              `json:"id"`                 // vnc server name.
  2224  	Server   []VncServerInfo2    `json:"server"`             // A list of @VncBasincInfo describing all listening sockets. The list can be empty (in case the vnc server is disabled). It also may have multiple entries: normal + websocket, possibly also ipv4 + ipv6 in the future.
  2225  	Clients  []VncClientInfo     `json:"clients"`            // A list of @VncClientInfo of all currently connected clients. The list can be empty, for obvious reasons.
  2226  	Auth     VncPrimaryAuth      `json:"auth"`               // The current authentication type used by the non-websockets servers
  2227  	Vencrypt *VncVencryptSubAuth `json:"vencrypt,omitempty"` // The vencrypt authentication type used by the servers, only specified in case auth == vencrypt.
  2228  	Display  *string             `json:"display,omitempty"`  // The display device the vnc server is linked to.
  2229  }
  2231  // Information about a mouse device.
  2232  //
  2233  // Since: 0.14
  2234  type MouseInfo struct {
  2235  	Name     string `json:"name"`     // the name of the mouse device
  2236  	Index    int64  `json:"index"`    // the index of the mouse device
  2237  	Current  bool   `json:"current"`  // true if this device is currently receiving mouse events
  2238  	Absolute bool   `json:"absolute"` // true if this device supports absolute coordinates as input
  2239  }
  2241  // Since: 1.3
  2242  type IntWrapper struct {
  2243  	Data int64 `json:"data"`
  2244  }
  2246  // Since: 1.3
  2247  type QKeyCodeWrapper struct {
  2248  	Data QKeyCode `json:"data"`
  2249  }
  2251  // Keyboard input event.
  2252  //
  2253  // Since: 2.0
  2254  type InputKeyEvent struct {
  2255  	Key  KeyValue `json:"key"`  // Which key this event is for.
  2256  	Down bool     `json:"down"` // True for key-down and false for key-up events.
  2257  }
  2259  // Pointer button input event.
  2260  //
  2261  // Since: 2.0
  2262  type InputBtnEvent struct {
  2263  	Button InputButton `json:"button"` // Which button this event is for.
  2264  	Down   bool        `json:"down"`   // True for key-down and false for key-up events.
  2265  }
  2267  // Pointer motion input event.
  2268  //
  2269  // Since: 2.0
  2270  type InputMoveEvent struct {
  2271  	Axis  InputAxis `json:"axis"`  // Which axis is referenced by @value.
  2272  	Value int64     `json:"value"` // Pointer position. For absolute coordinates the valid range is 0 -> 0x7ffff
  2273  }
  2275  // Since: 2.0
  2276  type InputKeyEventWrapper struct {
  2277  	Data InputKeyEvent `json:"data"`
  2278  }
  2280  // Since: 2.0
  2281  type InputBtnEventWrapper struct {
  2282  	Data InputBtnEvent `json:"data"`
  2283  }
  2285  // Since: 2.0
  2286  type InputMoveEventWrapper struct {
  2287  	Data InputMoveEvent `json:"data"`
  2288  }
  2290  // GTK display options.
  2291  //
  2292  // Since: 2.12
  2293  type DisplayGTK struct {
  2294  	GrabOnHover *bool `json:"grab-on-hover,omitempty"` // Grab keyboard input on mouse hover.
  2295  	ZoomToFit   *bool `json:"zoom-to-fit,omitempty"`   // Zoom guest display to fit into the host window. When turned off the host window will be resized instead. In case the display device can notify the guest on window resizes (virtio-gpu) this will default to "on", assuming the guest will resize the display to match the window size then. Otherwise it defaults to "off". Since 3.1
  2296  }
  2298  // EGL headless display options.
  2299  //
  2300  // Since: 3.1
  2301  type DisplayEGLHeadless struct {
  2302  	Rendernode *string `json:"rendernode,omitempty"` // Which DRM render node should be used. Default is the first available node on the host.
  2303  }
  2305  // DBus display options.
  2306  //
  2307  // Since: 7.0
  2308  type DisplayDBus struct {
  2309  	Rendernode *string `json:"rendernode,omitempty"` // Which DRM render node should be used. Default is the first available node on the host.
  2310  	Addr       *string `json:"addr,omitempty"`       // The D-Bus bus address (default to the session bus).
  2311  	P2P        *bool   `json:"p2p,omitempty"`        // Whether to use peer-to-peer connections (accepted through ``add_client``).
  2312  	Audiodev   *string `json:"audiodev,omitempty"`   // Use the specified DBus audiodev to export audio.
  2313  }
  2315  // Curses display options.
  2316  //
  2317  // Since: 4.0
  2318  type DisplayCurses struct {
  2319  	Charset *string `json:"charset,omitempty"` // Font charset used by guest (default: CP437).
  2320  }
  2322  // Cocoa display options.
  2323  //
  2324  // Since: 7.0
  2325  type DisplayCocoa struct {
  2326  	LeftCommandKey *bool `json:"left-command-key,omitempty"` // Enable/disable forwarding of left command key to guest. Allows command-tab window switching on the host without sending this key to the guest when "off". Defaults to "on"
  2327  	FullGrab       *bool `json:"full-grab,omitempty"`        // Capture all key presses, including system combos. This requires accessibility permissions, since it performs a global grab on key events. (default: off) See https://support.apple.com/en-in/guide/mac-help/mh32356/mac
  2328  	SwapOptCmd     *bool `json:"swap-opt-cmd,omitempty"`     // Swap the Option and Command keys so that their key codes match their position on non-Mac keyboards and you can use Meta/Super and Alt where you expect them. (default: off)
  2329  }
  2331  // Specify the VNC reload options.
  2332  //
  2333  // Since: 6.0
  2334  type DisplayReloadOptionsVNC struct {
  2335  	TlsCerts *bool `json:"tls-certs,omitempty"` // reload tls certs or not.
  2336  }
  2338  // A single authorization rule.
  2339  //
  2340  // Since: 4.0
  2341  type QAuthZListRule struct {
  2342  	Match  string            `json:"match"`            // a string or glob to match against a user identity
  2343  	Policy QAuthZListPolicy  `json:"policy"`           // the result to return if @match evaluates to true
  2344  	Format *QAuthZListFormat `json:"format,omitempty"` // the format of the @match rule (default 'exact')
  2345  }
  2347  // Properties for authz-list objects.
  2348  //
  2349  // Since: 4.0
  2350  type AuthZListProperties struct {
  2351  	Policy *QAuthZListPolicy `json:"policy,omitempty"` // Default policy to apply when no rule matches (default: deny)
  2352  	Rules  []QAuthZListRule  `json:"rules,omitempty"`  // Authorization rules based on matching user
  2353  }
  2355  // Properties for authz-listfile objects.
  2356  //
  2357  // Since: 4.0
  2358  type AuthZListFileProperties struct {
  2359  	Filename string `json:"filename"`          // File name to load the configuration from. The file must contain valid JSON for AuthZListProperties.
  2360  	Refresh  *bool  `json:"refresh,omitempty"` // If true, inotify is used to monitor the file, automatically reloading changes. If an error occurs during reloading, all authorizations will fail until the file is next successfully loaded. (default: true if the binary was built with CONFIG_INOTIFY1, false otherwise)
  2361  }
  2363  // Properties for authz-pam objects.
  2364  //
  2365  // Since: 4.0
  2366  type AuthZPAMProperties struct {
  2367  	Service string `json:"service"` // PAM service name to use for authorization
  2368  }
  2370  // Properties for authz-simple objects.
  2371  //
  2372  // Since: 4.0
  2373  type AuthZSimpleProperties struct {
  2374  	Identity string `json:"identity"` // Identifies the allowed user. Its format depends on the network service that authorization object is associated with. For authorizing based on TLS x509 certificates, the identity must be the x509 distinguished name.
  2375  }
  2377  // Detailed migration status.
  2378  //
  2379  // Since: 0.14
  2380  type MigrationStats struct {
  2381  	Transferred      int64   `json:"transferred"`       // amount of bytes already transferred to the target VM
  2382  	Remaining        int64   `json:"remaining"`         // amount of bytes remaining to be transferred to the target VM
  2383  	Total            int64   `json:"total"`             // total amount of bytes involved in the migration process
  2384  	Duplicate        int64   `json:"duplicate"`         // number of duplicate (zero) pages (since 1.2)
  2385  	Skipped          int64   `json:"skipped"`           // number of skipped zero pages (since 1.5)
  2386  	Normal           int64   `json:"normal"`            // number of normal pages (since 1.2)
  2387  	NormalBytes      int64   `json:"normal-bytes"`      // number of normal bytes sent (since 1.2)
  2388  	DirtyPagesRate   int64   `json:"dirty-pages-rate"`  // number of pages dirtied by second by the guest (since 1.3)
  2389  	Mbps             float64 `json:"mbps"`              // throughput in megabits/sec. (since 1.6)
  2390  	DirtySyncCount   int64   `json:"dirty-sync-count"`  // number of times that dirty ram was synchronized (since 2.1)
  2391  	PostcopyRequests int64   `json:"postcopy-requests"` // The number of page requests received from the destination (since 2.7)
  2392  	PageSize         int64   `json:"page-size"`         // The number of bytes per page for the various page-based statistics (since 2.10)
  2393  	MultifdBytes     uint64  `json:"multifd-bytes"`     // The number of bytes sent through multifd (since 3.0)
  2394  	PagesPerSecond   uint64  `json:"pages-per-second"`  // the number of memory pages transferred per second (Since 4.0)
  2395  	PrecopyBytes     uint64  `json:"precopy-bytes"`     // The number of bytes sent in the pre-copy phase (since 7.0).
  2396  	DowntimeBytes    uint64  `json:"downtime-bytes"`    // The number of bytes sent while the guest is paused (since 7.0).
  2397  	PostcopyBytes    uint64  `json:"postcopy-bytes"`    // The number of bytes sent during the post-copy phase (since 7.0).
  2398  }
  2400  // Detailed XBZRLE migration cache statistics
  2401  //
  2402  // Since: 1.2
  2403  type XBZRLECacheStats struct {
  2404  	CacheSize     uint64  `json:"cache-size"`      // XBZRLE cache size
  2405  	Bytes         int64   `json:"bytes"`           // amount of bytes already transferred to the target VM
  2406  	Pages         int64   `json:"pages"`           // amount of pages transferred to the target VM
  2407  	CacheMiss     int64   `json:"cache-miss"`      // number of cache miss
  2408  	CacheMissRate float64 `json:"cache-miss-rate"` // rate of cache miss (since 2.1)
  2409  	EncodingRate  float64 `json:"encoding-rate"`   // rate of encoded bytes (since 5.1)
  2410  	Overflow      int64   `json:"overflow"`        // number of overflows
  2411  }
  2413  // Detailed migration compression statistics
  2414  //
  2415  // Since: 3.1
  2416  type CompressionStats struct {
  2417  	Pages           int64   `json:"pages"`            // amount of pages compressed and transferred to the target VM
  2418  	Busy            int64   `json:"busy"`             // count of times that no free thread was available to compress data
  2419  	BusyRate        float64 `json:"busy-rate"`        // rate of thread busy
  2420  	CompressedSize  int64   `json:"compressed-size"`  // amount of bytes after compression
  2421  	CompressionRate float64 `json:"compression-rate"` // rate of compressed size
  2422  }
  2424  // Detailed VFIO devices migration statistics
  2425  //
  2426  // Since: 5.2
  2427  type VfioStats struct {
  2428  	Transferred int64 `json:"transferred"` // amount of bytes transferred to the target VM by VFIO devices
  2429  }
  2431  // Information about current migration process.
  2432  //
  2433  // Since: 0.14
  2434  type MigrationInfo struct {
  2435  	Status                *MigrationStatus  `json:"status,omitempty"`                  // @MigrationStatus describing the current migration status. If this field is not returned, no migration process has been initiated
  2436  	Ram                   *MigrationStats   `json:"ram,omitempty"`                     // @MigrationStats containing detailed migration status, only returned if status is 'active' or 'completed'(since 1.2)
  2437  	Disk                  *MigrationStats   `json:"disk,omitempty"`                    // @MigrationStats containing detailed disk migration status, only returned if status is 'active' and it is a block migration
  2438  	Vfio                  *VfioStats        `json:"vfio,omitempty"`                    // @VfioStats containing detailed VFIO devices migration statistics, only returned if VFIO device is present, migration is supported by all VFIO devices and status is 'active' or 'completed' (since 5.2)
  2439  	XbzrleCache           *XBZRLECacheStats `json:"xbzrle-cache,omitempty"`            // @XBZRLECacheStats containing detailed XBZRLE migration statistics, only returned if XBZRLE feature is on and status is 'active' or 'completed' (since 1.2)
  2440  	TotalTime             *int64            `json:"total-time,omitempty"`              // total amount of milliseconds since migration started. If migration has ended, it returns the total migration time. (since 1.2)
  2441  	ExpectedDowntime      *int64            `json:"expected-downtime,omitempty"`       // only present while migration is active expected downtime in milliseconds for the guest in last walk of the dirty bitmap. (since 1.3)
  2442  	Downtime              *int64            `json:"downtime,omitempty"`                // only present when migration finishes correctly total downtime in milliseconds for the guest. (since 1.3)
  2443  	SetupTime             *int64            `json:"setup-time,omitempty"`              // amount of setup time in milliseconds *before* the iterations begin but *after* the QMP command is issued. This is designed to provide an accounting of any activities (such as RDMA pinning) which may be expensive, but do not actually occur during the iterative migration rounds themselves. (since 1.6)
  2444  	CpuThrottlePercentage *int64            `json:"cpu-throttle-percentage,omitempty"` // percentage of time guest cpus are being throttled during auto-converge. This is only present when auto-converge has started throttling guest cpus. (Since 2.7)
  2445  	ErrorDesc             *string           `json:"error-desc,omitempty"`              // the human readable error description string, when @status is 'failed'. Clients should not attempt to parse the error strings. (Since 2.7)
  2446  	BlockedReasons        []string          `json:"blocked-reasons,omitempty"`         // A list of reasons an outgoing migration is blocked. Present and non-empty when migration is blocked. (since 6.0)
  2447  	PostcopyBlocktime     *uint32           `json:"postcopy-blocktime,omitempty"`      // total time when all vCPU were blocked during postcopy live migration. This is only present when the postcopy-blocktime migration capability is enabled. (Since 3.0)
  2448  	PostcopyVcpuBlocktime []uint32          `json:"postcopy-vcpu-blocktime,omitempty"` // list of the postcopy blocktime per vCPU. This is only present when the postcopy-blocktime migration capability is enabled. (Since 3.0)
  2449  	Compression           *CompressionStats `json:"compression,omitempty"`             // migration compression statistics, only returned if compression feature is on and status is 'active' or 'completed' (Since 3.1)
  2450  	SocketAddress         []SocketAddress   `json:"socket-address,omitempty"`          // Only used for tcp, to know what the real port is (Since 4.0)
  2451  }
  2453  // Migration capability information
  2454  //
  2455  // Since: 1.2
  2456  type MigrationCapabilityStatus struct {
  2457  	Capability MigrationCapability `json:"capability"` // capability enum
  2458  	State      bool                `json:"state"`      // capability state bool
  2459  }
  2461  // Since: 6.0
  2462  type BitmapMigrationBitmapAliasTransform struct {
  2463  	Persistent *bool `json:"persistent,omitempty"` // If present, the bitmap will be made persistent or transient depending on this parameter.
  2464  }
  2466  // Since: 5.2
  2467  type BitmapMigrationBitmapAlias struct {
  2468  	Name      string                               `json:"name"`                // The name of the bitmap.
  2469  	Alias     string                               `json:"alias"`               // An alias name for migration (for example the bitmap name on the opposite site).
  2470  	Transform *BitmapMigrationBitmapAliasTransform `json:"transform,omitempty"` // Allows the modification of the migrated bitmap. (since 6.0)
  2471  }
  2473  // Maps a block node name and the bitmaps it has to aliases for dirty
  2474  // bitmap migration.
  2475  //
  2476  // Since: 5.2
  2477  type BitmapMigrationNodeAlias struct {
  2478  	NodeName string                       `json:"node-name"` // A block node name.
  2479  	Alias    string                       `json:"alias"`     // An alias block node name for migration (for example the node name on the opposite site).
  2480  	Bitmaps  []BitmapMigrationBitmapAlias `json:"bitmaps"`   // Mappings for the bitmaps on this node.
  2481  }
  2483  // Since: 2.4
  2484  type MigrateSetParameters struct {
  2485  	AnnounceInitial          *uint64                    `json:"announce-initial,omitempty"`           // Initial delay (in milliseconds) before sending the first announce (Since 4.0)
  2486  	AnnounceMax              *uint64                    `json:"announce-max,omitempty"`               // Maximum delay (in milliseconds) between packets in the announcement (Since 4.0)
  2487  	AnnounceRounds           *uint64                    `json:"announce-rounds,omitempty"`            // Number of self-announce packets sent after migration (Since 4.0)
  2488  	AnnounceStep             *uint64                    `json:"announce-step,omitempty"`              // Increase in delay (in milliseconds) between subsequent packets in the announcement (Since 4.0)
  2489  	CompressLevel            *uint8                     `json:"compress-level,omitempty"`             // compression level
  2490  	CompressThreads          *uint8                     `json:"compress-threads,omitempty"`           // compression thread count
  2491  	CompressWaitThread       *bool                      `json:"compress-wait-thread,omitempty"`       // Controls behavior when all compression threads are currently busy. If true (default), wait for a free compression thread to become available; otherwise, send the page uncompressed. (Since 3.1)
  2492  	DecompressThreads        *uint8                     `json:"decompress-threads,omitempty"`         // decompression thread count
  2493  	ThrottleTriggerThreshold *uint8                     `json:"throttle-trigger-threshold,omitempty"` // The ratio of bytes_dirty_period and bytes_xfer_period to trigger throttling. It is expressed as percentage. The default value is 50. (Since 5.0)
  2494  	CpuThrottleInitial       *uint8                     `json:"cpu-throttle-initial,omitempty"`       // Initial percentage of time guest cpus are throttled when migration auto-converge is activated. The default value is 20. (Since 2.7)
  2495  	CpuThrottleIncrement     *uint8                     `json:"cpu-throttle-increment,omitempty"`     // throttle percentage increase each time auto-converge detects that migration is not making progress. The default value is 10. (Since 2.7)
  2496  	CpuThrottleTailslow      *bool                      `json:"cpu-throttle-tailslow,omitempty"`      // Make CPU throttling slower at tail stage At the tail stage of throttling, the Guest is very sensitive to CPU percentage while the @cpu-throttle -increment is excessive usually at tail stage. If this parameter is true, we will compute the ideal CPU percentage used by the Guest, which may exactly make the dirty rate match the dirty rate threshold. Then we will choose a smaller throttle increment between the one specified by @cpu-throttle-increment and the one generated by ideal CPU percentage. Therefore, it is compatible to traditional throttling, meanwhile the throttle increment won't be excessive at tail stage. The default value is false. (Since 5.1)
  2497  	TlsCreds                 *StrOrNull                 `json:"tls-creds,omitempty"`                  // ID of the 'tls-creds' object that provides credentials for establishing a TLS connection over the migration data channel. On the outgoing side of the migration, the credentials must be for a 'client' endpoint, while for the incoming side the credentials must be for a 'server' endpoint. Setting this to a non-empty string enables TLS for all migrations. An empty string means that QEMU will use plain text mode for migration, rather than TLS (Since 2.9) Previously (since 2.7), this was reported by omitting tls-creds instead.
  2498  	TlsHostname              *StrOrNull                 `json:"tls-hostname,omitempty"`               // hostname of the target host for the migration. This is required when using x509 based TLS credentials and the migration URI does not already include a hostname. For example if using fd: or exec: based migration, the hostname must be provided so that the server's x509 certificate identity can be validated. (Since 2.7) An empty string means that QEMU will use the hostname associated with the migration URI, if any. (Since 2.9) Previously (since 2.7), this was reported by omitting tls-hostname instead.
  2499  	TlsAuthz                 *StrOrNull                 `json:"tls-authz,omitempty"`
  2500  	MaxBandwidth             *uint64                    `json:"max-bandwidth,omitempty"`          // to set maximum speed for migration. maximum speed in bytes per second. (Since 2.8)
  2501  	DowntimeLimit            *uint64                    `json:"downtime-limit,omitempty"`         // set maximum tolerated downtime for migration. maximum downtime in milliseconds (Since 2.8)
  2502  	XCheckpointDelay         *uint32                    `json:"x-checkpoint-delay,omitempty"`     // the delay time between two COLO checkpoints. (Since 2.8)
  2503  	BlockIncremental         *bool                      `json:"block-incremental,omitempty"`      // Affects how much storage is migrated when the block migration capability is enabled. When false, the entire storage backing chain is migrated into a flattened image at the destination; when true, only the active qcow2 layer is migrated and the destination must already have access to the same backing chain as was used on the source. (since 2.10)
  2504  	MultifdChannels          *uint8                     `json:"multifd-channels,omitempty"`       // Number of channels used to migrate data in parallel. This is the same number that the number of sockets used for migration. The default value is 2 (since 4.0)
  2505  	XbzrleCacheSize          *uint64                    `json:"xbzrle-cache-size,omitempty"`      // cache size to be used by XBZRLE migration. It needs to be a multiple of the target page size and a power of 2 (Since 2.11)
  2506  	MaxPostcopyBandwidth     *uint64                    `json:"max-postcopy-bandwidth,omitempty"` // Background transfer bandwidth during postcopy. Defaults to 0 (unlimited). In bytes per second. (Since 3.0)
  2507  	MaxCpuThrottle           *uint8                     `json:"max-cpu-throttle,omitempty"`       // maximum cpu throttle percentage. The default value is 99. (Since 3.1)
  2508  	MultifdCompression       *MultiFDCompression        `json:"multifd-compression,omitempty"`    // Which compression method to use. Defaults to none. (Since 5.0)
  2509  	MultifdZlibLevel         *uint8                     `json:"multifd-zlib-level,omitempty"`     // Set the compression level to be used in live migration, the compression level is an integer between 0 and 9, where 0 means no compression, 1 means the best compression speed, and 9 means best compression ratio which will consume more CPU. Defaults to 1. (Since 5.0)
  2510  	MultifdZstdLevel         *uint8                     `json:"multifd-zstd-level,omitempty"`     // Set the compression level to be used in live migration, the compression level is an integer between 0 and 20, where 0 means no compression, 1 means the best compression speed, and 20 means best compression ratio which will consume more CPU. Defaults to 1. (Since 5.0)
  2511  	BlockBitmapMapping       []BitmapMigrationNodeAlias `json:"block-bitmap-mapping,omitempty"`   // Maps block nodes and bitmaps on them to aliases for the purpose of dirty bitmap migration. Such aliases may for example be the corresponding names on the opposite site. The mapping must be one-to-one, but not necessarily complete: On the source, unmapped bitmaps and all bitmaps on unmapped nodes will be ignored. On the destination, encountering an unmapped alias in the incoming migration stream will result in a report, and all further bitmap migration data will then be discarded. Note that the destination does not know about bitmaps it does not receive, so there is no limitation or requirement regarding the number of bitmaps received, or how they are named, or on which nodes they are placed. By default (when this parameter has never been set), bitmap names are mapped to themselves. Nodes are mapped to their block device name if there is one, and to their node name otherwise. (Since 5.2)
  2512  }
  2514  // The optional members aren't actually optional.
  2515  //
  2516  // Since: 2.4
  2517  type MigrationParameters struct {
  2518  	AnnounceInitial          *uint64                    `json:"announce-initial,omitempty"`           // Initial delay (in milliseconds) before sending the first announce (Since 4.0)
  2519  	AnnounceMax              *uint64                    `json:"announce-max,omitempty"`               // Maximum delay (in milliseconds) between packets in the announcement (Since 4.0)
  2520  	AnnounceRounds           *uint64                    `json:"announce-rounds,omitempty"`            // Number of self-announce packets sent after migration (Since 4.0)
  2521  	AnnounceStep             *uint64                    `json:"announce-step,omitempty"`              // Increase in delay (in milliseconds) between subsequent packets in the announcement (Since 4.0)
  2522  	CompressLevel            *uint8                     `json:"compress-level,omitempty"`             // compression level
  2523  	CompressThreads          *uint8                     `json:"compress-threads,omitempty"`           // compression thread count
  2524  	CompressWaitThread       *bool                      `json:"compress-wait-thread,omitempty"`       // Controls behavior when all compression threads are currently busy. If true (default), wait for a free compression thread to become available; otherwise, send the page uncompressed. (Since 3.1)
  2525  	DecompressThreads        *uint8                     `json:"decompress-threads,omitempty"`         // decompression thread count
  2526  	ThrottleTriggerThreshold *uint8                     `json:"throttle-trigger-threshold,omitempty"` // The ratio of bytes_dirty_period and bytes_xfer_period to trigger throttling. It is expressed as percentage. The default value is 50. (Since 5.0)
  2527  	CpuThrottleInitial       *uint8                     `json:"cpu-throttle-initial,omitempty"`       // Initial percentage of time guest cpus are throttled when migration auto-converge is activated. (Since 2.7)
  2528  	CpuThrottleIncrement     *uint8                     `json:"cpu-throttle-increment,omitempty"`     // throttle percentage increase each time auto-converge detects that migration is not making progress. (Since 2.7)
  2529  	CpuThrottleTailslow      *bool                      `json:"cpu-throttle-tailslow,omitempty"`      // Make CPU throttling slower at tail stage At the tail stage of throttling, the Guest is very sensitive to CPU percentage while the @cpu-throttle -increment is excessive usually at tail stage. If this parameter is true, we will compute the ideal CPU percentage used by the Guest, which may exactly make the dirty rate match the dirty rate threshold. Then we will choose a smaller throttle increment between the one specified by @cpu-throttle-increment and the one generated by ideal CPU percentage. Therefore, it is compatible to traditional throttling, meanwhile the throttle increment won't be excessive at tail stage. The default value is false. (Since 5.1)
  2530  	TlsCreds                 *string                    `json:"tls-creds,omitempty"`                  // ID of the 'tls-creds' object that provides credentials for establishing a TLS connection over the migration data channel. On the outgoing side of the migration, the credentials must be for a 'client' endpoint, while for the incoming side the credentials must be for a 'server' endpoint. An empty string means that QEMU will use plain text mode for migration, rather than TLS (Since 2.7) Note: 2.8 reports this by omitting tls-creds instead.
  2531  	TlsHostname              *string                    `json:"tls-hostname,omitempty"`               // hostname of the target host for the migration. This is required when using x509 based TLS credentials and the migration URI does not already include a hostname. For example if using fd: or exec: based migration, the hostname must be provided so that the server's x509 certificate identity can be validated. (Since 2.7) An empty string means that QEMU will use the hostname associated with the migration URI, if any. (Since 2.9) Note: 2.8 reports this by omitting tls-hostname instead.
  2532  	TlsAuthz                 *string                    `json:"tls-authz,omitempty"`                  // ID of the 'authz' object subclass that provides access control checking of the TLS x509 certificate distinguished name. (Since 4.0)
  2533  	MaxBandwidth             *uint64                    `json:"max-bandwidth,omitempty"`              // to set maximum speed for migration. maximum speed in bytes per second. (Since 2.8)
  2534  	DowntimeLimit            *uint64                    `json:"downtime-limit,omitempty"`             // set maximum tolerated downtime for migration. maximum downtime in milliseconds (Since 2.8)
  2535  	XCheckpointDelay         *uint32                    `json:"x-checkpoint-delay,omitempty"`         // the delay time between two COLO checkpoints. (Since 2.8)
  2536  	BlockIncremental         *bool                      `json:"block-incremental,omitempty"`          // Affects how much storage is migrated when the block migration capability is enabled. When false, the entire storage backing chain is migrated into a flattened image at the destination; when true, only the active qcow2 layer is migrated and the destination must already have access to the same backing chain as was used on the source. (since 2.10)
  2537  	MultifdChannels          *uint8                     `json:"multifd-channels,omitempty"`           // Number of channels used to migrate data in parallel. This is the same number that the number of sockets used for migration. The default value is 2 (since 4.0)
  2538  	XbzrleCacheSize          *uint64                    `json:"xbzrle-cache-size,omitempty"`          // cache size to be used by XBZRLE migration. It needs to be a multiple of the target page size and a power of 2 (Since 2.11)
  2539  	MaxPostcopyBandwidth     *uint64                    `json:"max-postcopy-bandwidth,omitempty"`     // Background transfer bandwidth during postcopy. Defaults to 0 (unlimited). In bytes per second. (Since 3.0)
  2540  	MaxCpuThrottle           *uint8                     `json:"max-cpu-throttle,omitempty"`           // maximum cpu throttle percentage. Defaults to 99. (Since 3.1)
  2541  	MultifdCompression       *MultiFDCompression        `json:"multifd-compression,omitempty"`        // Which compression method to use. Defaults to none. (Since 5.0)
  2542  	MultifdZlibLevel         *uint8                     `json:"multifd-zlib-level,omitempty"`         // Set the compression level to be used in live migration, the compression level is an integer between 0 and 9, where 0 means no compression, 1 means the best compression speed, and 9 means best compression ratio which will consume more CPU. Defaults to 1. (Since 5.0)
  2543  	MultifdZstdLevel         *uint8                     `json:"multifd-zstd-level,omitempty"`         // Set the compression level to be used in live migration, the compression level is an integer between 0 and 20, where 0 means no compression, 1 means the best compression speed, and 20 means best compression ratio which will consume more CPU. Defaults to 1. (Since 5.0)
  2544  	BlockBitmapMapping       []BitmapMigrationNodeAlias `json:"block-bitmap-mapping,omitempty"`       // Maps block nodes and bitmaps on them to aliases for the purpose of dirty bitmap migration. Such aliases may for example be the corresponding names on the opposite site. The mapping must be one-to-one, but not necessarily complete: On the source, unmapped bitmaps and all bitmaps on unmapped nodes will be ignored. On the destination, encountering an unmapped alias in the incoming migration stream will result in a report, and all further bitmap migration data will then be discarded. Note that the destination does not know about bitmaps it does not receive, so there is no limitation or requirement regarding the number of bitmaps received, or how they are named, or on which nodes they are placed. By default (when this parameter has never been set), bitmap names are mapped to themselves. Nodes are mapped to their block device name if there is one, and to their node name otherwise. (Since 5.2)
  2545  }
  2547  // The result format for 'query-xen-replication-status'.
  2548  //
  2549  // Since: 2.9
  2550  type ReplicationStatus struct {
  2551  	Error bool    `json:"error"`          // true if an error happened, false if replication is normal.
  2552  	Desc  *string `json:"desc,omitempty"` // the human readable error description string, when @error is 'true'.
  2553  }
  2555  // The result format for 'query-colo-status'.
  2556  //
  2557  // Since: 3.1
  2558  type COLOStatus struct {
  2559  	Mode     COLOMode       `json:"mode"`      // COLO running mode. If COLO is running, this field will return 'primary' or 'secondary'.
  2560  	LastMode COLOMode       `json:"last-mode"` // COLO last running mode. If COLO is running, this field will return same like mode field, after failover we can use this field to get last colo mode. (since 4.0)
  2561  	Reason   COLOExitReason `json:"reason"`    // describes the reason for the COLO exit.
  2562  }
  2564  // Dirty rate of vcpu.
  2565  //
  2566  // Since: 6.2
  2567  type DirtyRateVcpu struct {
  2568  	Id        int64 `json:"id"`         // vcpu index.
  2569  	DirtyRate int64 `json:"dirty-rate"` // dirty rate.
  2570  }
  2572  // Information about current dirty page rate of vm.
  2573  //
  2574  // Since: 5.2
  2575  type DirtyRateInfo struct {
  2576  	DirtyRate     *int64               `json:"dirty-rate,omitempty"`      // an estimate of the dirty page rate of the VM in units of MB/s, present only when estimating the rate has completed.
  2577  	Status        DirtyRateStatus      `json:"status"`                    // status containing dirtyrate query status includes 'unstarted' or 'measuring' or 'measured'
  2578  	StartTime     int64                `json:"start-time"`                // start time in units of second for calculation
  2579  	CalcTime      int64                `json:"calc-time"`                 // time in units of second for sample dirty pages
  2580  	SamplePages   uint64               `json:"sample-pages"`              // page count per GB for sample dirty pages the default value is 512 (since 6.1)
  2581  	Mode          DirtyRateMeasureMode `json:"mode"`                      // mode containing method of calculate dirtyrate includes 'page-sampling' and 'dirty-ring' (Since 6.2)
  2582  	VcpuDirtyRate []DirtyRateVcpu      `json:"vcpu-dirty-rate,omitempty"` // dirtyrate for each vcpu if dirty-ring mode specified (Since 6.2)
  2583  }
  2585  // This action can be used to test transaction failure.
  2586  //
  2587  // Since: 1.6
  2588  type Abort struct{}
  2590  // Since: 1.6
  2591  type AbortWrapper struct {
  2592  	Data Abort `json:"data"`
  2593  }
  2595  // Since: 2.5
  2596  type BlockDirtyBitmapAddWrapper struct {
  2597  	Data BlockDirtyBitmapAdd `json:"data"`
  2598  }
  2600  // Since: 2.5
  2601  type BlockDirtyBitmapWrapper struct {
  2602  	Data BlockDirtyBitmap `json:"data"`
  2603  }
  2605  // Since: 4.0
  2606  type BlockDirtyBitmapMergeWrapper struct {
  2607  	Data BlockDirtyBitmapMerge `json:"data"`
  2608  }
  2610  // Since: 2.3
  2611  type BlockdevBackupWrapper struct {
  2612  	Data BlockdevBackup `json:"data"`
  2613  }
  2615  // Since: 2.5
  2616  type BlockdevSnapshotWrapper struct {
  2617  	Data BlockdevSnapshot `json:"data"`
  2618  }
  2620  // Since: 1.7
  2621  type BlockdevSnapshotInternalWrapper struct {
  2622  	Data BlockdevSnapshotInternal `json:"data"`
  2623  }
  2625  // Since: 1.1
  2626  type BlockdevSnapshotSyncWrapper struct {
  2627  	Data BlockdevSnapshotSync `json:"data"`
  2628  }
  2630  // Since: 1.6
  2631  type DriveBackupWrapper struct {
  2632  	Data DriveBackup `json:"data"`
  2633  }
  2635  // Optional arguments to modify the behavior of a Transaction.
  2636  //
  2637  // Since: 2.5
  2638  type TransactionProperties struct {
  2639  	CompletionMode *ActionCompletionMode `json:"completion-mode,omitempty"` // Controls how jobs launched asynchronously by Actions will complete or fail as a group. See @ActionCompletionMode for details.
  2640  }
  2642  // Information of a tracing event.
  2643  //
  2644  // None: An event is per-vCPU if it has the "vcpu" property in the "trace-events"
  2645  // files.
  2646  //
  2647  // Since: 2.2
  2648  type TraceEventInfo struct {
  2649  	Name  string          `json:"name"`  // Event name.
  2650  	State TraceEventState `json:"state"` // Tracing state.
  2651  	Vcpu  bool            `json:"vcpu"`  // Whether this is a per-vCPU event (since 2.7).
  2652  }
  2654  // Policy for handling deprecated management interfaces.
  2655  //
  2656  // This is intended for testing users of the management interfaces.
  2657  //
  2658  // Limitation: covers only syntactic aspects of QMP, i.e. stuff tagged
  2659  // with feature 'deprecated'.  We may want to extend it to cover
  2660  // semantic aspects and CLI.
  2661  //
  2662  // Limitation: deprecated-output policy @hide is not implemented for
  2663  // enumeration values.  They behave the same as with policy @accept.
  2664  //
  2665  // Since: 6.0
  2666  type CompatPolicy struct {
  2667  	DeprecatedInput  *CompatPolicyInput  `json:"deprecated-input,omitempty"`  // how to handle deprecated input (default 'accept')
  2668  	DeprecatedOutput *CompatPolicyOutput `json:"deprecated-output,omitempty"` // how to handle deprecated output (default 'accept')
  2669  	UnstableInput    *CompatPolicyInput  `json:"unstable-input,omitempty"`    // how to handle unstable input (default 'accept') (since 6.2)
  2670  	UnstableOutput   *CompatPolicyOutput `json:"unstable-output,omitempty"`   // how to handle unstable output (default 'accept') (since 6.2)
  2671  }
  2673  // A three-part version number.
  2674  //
  2675  // Since: 2.4
  2676  type VersionTriple struct {
  2677  	Major int64 `json:"major"` // The major version number.
  2678  	Minor int64 `json:"minor"` // The minor version number.
  2679  	Micro int64 `json:"micro"` // The micro version number.
  2680  }
  2682  // A description of QEMU's version.
  2683  //
  2684  // Since: 0.14
  2685  type VersionInfo struct {
  2686  	Qemu    VersionTriple `json:"qemu"`    // The version of QEMU. By current convention, a micro version of 50 signifies a development branch. A micro version greater than or equal to 90 signifies a release candidate for the next minor version. A micro version of less than 50 signifies a stable release.
  2687  	Package string        `json:"package"` // QEMU will always set this field to an empty string. Downstream versions of QEMU should set this to a non-empty string. The exact format depends on the downstream however it highly recommended that a unique name is used.
  2688  }
  2690  // Information about a QMP command
  2691  //
  2692  // Since: 0.14
  2693  type CommandInfo struct {
  2694  	Name string `json:"name"` // The command name
  2695  }
  2697  // Options to be used for adding a new monitor.
  2698  //
  2699  // Since: 5.0
  2700  type MonitorOptions struct {
  2701  	Id      *string      `json:"id,omitempty"`     // Name of the monitor
  2702  	Mode    *MonitorMode `json:"mode,omitempty"`   // Selects the monitor mode (default: readline in the system emulator, control in qemu-storage-daemon)
  2703  	Pretty  *bool        `json:"pretty,omitempty"` // Enables pretty printing (QMP only)
  2704  	Chardev string       `json:"chardev"`          // Name of a character device to expose the monitor on
  2705  }
  2707  // Additional SchemaInfo members for meta-type 'builtin'.
  2708  //
  2709  // Since: 2.5
  2710  type SchemaInfoBuiltin struct {
  2711  	JsonType JSONType `json:"json-type"` // the JSON type used for this type on the wire.
  2712  }
  2714  // Additional SchemaInfo members for meta-type 'enum'.
  2715  //
  2716  // None: Values of this type are JSON string on the wire.
  2717  //
  2718  // Since: 2.5
  2719  type SchemaInfoEnum struct {
  2720  	Members []SchemaInfoEnumMember `json:"members"` // the enum type's members, in no particular order (since 6.2).
  2721  	Values  []string               `json:"values"`  // the enumeration type's member names, in no particular order. Redundant with @members. Just for backward compatibility.
  2722  }
  2724  // An object member.
  2725  //
  2726  // Since: 6.2
  2727  type SchemaInfoEnumMember struct {
  2728  	Name     string   `json:"name"`               // the member's name, as defined in the QAPI schema.
  2729  	Features []string `json:"features,omitempty"` // names of features associated with the member, in no particular order.
  2730  }
  2732  // Additional SchemaInfo members for meta-type 'array'.
  2733  //
  2734  // None: Values of this type are JSON array on the wire.
  2735  //
  2736  // Since: 2.5
  2737  type SchemaInfoArray struct {
  2738  	ElementType string `json:"element-type"` // the array type's element type.
  2739  }
  2741  // Additional SchemaInfo members for meta-type 'object'.
  2742  //
  2743  // None: Values of this type are JSON object on the wire.
  2744  //
  2745  // Since: 2.5
  2746  type SchemaInfoObject struct {
  2747  	Members  []SchemaInfoObjectMember  `json:"members"`            // the object type's (non-variant) members, in no particular order.
  2748  	Tag      *string                   `json:"tag,omitempty"`      // the name of the member serving as type tag. An element of @members with this name must exist.
  2749  	Variants []SchemaInfoObjectVariant `json:"variants,omitempty"` // variant members, i.e. additional members that depend on the type tag's value. Present exactly when @tag is present. The variants are in no particular order, and may even differ from the order of the values of the enum type of the @tag.
  2750  }
  2752  // An object member.
  2753  //
  2754  // Since: 2.5
  2755  type SchemaInfoObjectMember struct {
  2756  	Name     string   `json:"name"`               // the member's name, as defined in the QAPI schema.
  2757  	Type     string   `json:"type"`               // the name of the member's type.
  2758  	Default  *Any     `json:"default,omitempty"`  // default when used as command parameter. If absent, the parameter is mandatory. If present, the value must be null. The parameter is optional, and behavior when it's missing is not specified here. Future extension: if present and non-null, the parameter is optional, and defaults to this value.
  2759  	Features []string `json:"features,omitempty"` // names of features associated with the member, in no particular order. (since 5.0)
  2760  }
  2762  // The variant members for a value of the type tag.
  2763  //
  2764  // Since: 2.5
  2765  type SchemaInfoObjectVariant struct {
  2766  	Case string `json:"case"` // a value of the type tag.
  2767  	Type string `json:"type"` // the name of the object type that provides the variant members when the type tag has value @case.
  2768  }
  2770  // Additional SchemaInfo members for meta-type 'alternate'.
  2771  //
  2772  // None: On the wire, this can be any of the members.
  2773  //
  2774  // Since: 2.5
  2775  type SchemaInfoAlternate struct {
  2776  	Members []SchemaInfoAlternateMember `json:"members"` // the alternate type's members, in no particular order. The members' wire encoding is distinct, see docs/devel/qapi-code-gen.txt section Alternate types.
  2777  }
  2779  // An alternate member.
  2780  //
  2781  // Since: 2.5
  2782  type SchemaInfoAlternateMember struct {
  2783  	Type string `json:"type"` // the name of the member's type.
  2784  }
  2786  // Additional SchemaInfo members for meta-type 'command'.
  2787  //
  2788  // Since: 2.5
  2789  type SchemaInfoCommand struct {
  2790  	ArgType  string `json:"arg-type"`            // the name of the object type that provides the command's parameters.
  2791  	RetType  string `json:"ret-type"`            // the name of the command's result type.
  2792  	AllowOob *bool  `json:"allow-oob,omitempty"` // whether the command allows out-of-band execution, defaults to false (Since: 2.12)
  2793  }
  2795  // Additional SchemaInfo members for meta-type 'event'.
  2796  //
  2797  // Since: 2.5
  2798  type SchemaInfoEvent struct {
  2799  	ArgType string `json:"arg-type"` // the name of the object type that provides the event's parameters.
  2800  }
  2802  // Since: 1.2
  2803  type ObjectPropertyInfo struct {
  2804  	Name         string  `json:"name"`                    // the name of the property
  2805  	Type         string  `json:"type"`                    // the type of the property. This will typically come in one of four forms: 1) A primitive type such as 'u8', 'u16', 'bool', 'str', or 'double'. These types are mapped to the appropriate JSON type. 2) A child type in the form 'child<subtype>' where subtype is a qdev device type name. Child properties create the composition tree. 3) A link type in the form 'link<subtype>' where subtype is a qdev device type name. Link properties form the device model graph.
  2806  	Description  *string `json:"description,omitempty"`   // if specified, the description of the property.
  2807  	DefaultValue *Any    `json:"default-value,omitempty"` // the default value, if any (since 5.0)
  2808  }
  2810  // This structure describes a search result from @qom-list-types
  2811  //
  2812  // Since: 1.1
  2813  type ObjectTypeInfo struct {
  2814  	Name     string  `json:"name"`               // the type name found in the search
  2815  	Abstract *bool   `json:"abstract,omitempty"` // the type is abstract and can't be directly instantiated. Omitted if false. (since 2.10)
  2816  	Parent   *string `json:"parent,omitempty"`   // Name of parent type, if any (since 2.10)
  2817  }
  2819  // Properties for can-host-socketcan objects.
  2820  //
  2821  // Since: 2.12
  2822  type CanHostSocketcanProperties struct {
  2823  	If     string `json:"if"`     // interface name of the host system CAN bus to connect to
  2824  	Canbus string `json:"canbus"` // object ID of the can-bus object to connect to the host interface
  2825  }
  2827  // Properties for colo-compare objects.
  2828  //
  2829  // Since: 2.8
  2830  type ColoCompareProperties struct {
  2831  	PrimaryIn        string  `json:"primary_in"`                   // name of the character device backend to use for the primary input (incoming packets are redirected to @outdev)
  2832  	SecondaryIn      string  `json:"secondary_in"`                 // name of the character device backend to use for secondary input (incoming packets are only compared to the input on @primary_in and then dropped)
  2833  	Outdev           string  `json:"outdev"`                       // name of the character device backend to use for output
  2834  	Iothread         string  `json:"iothread"`                     // name of the iothread to run in
  2835  	NotifyDev        *string `json:"notify_dev,omitempty"`         // name of the character device backend to be used to communicate with the remote colo-frame (only for Xen COLO)
  2836  	CompareTimeout   *uint64 `json:"compare_timeout,omitempty"`    // the maximum time to hold a packet from @primary_in for comparison with an incoming packet on @secondary_in in milliseconds (default: 3000)
  2837  	ExpiredScanCycle *uint32 `json:"expired_scan_cycle,omitempty"` // the interval at which colo-compare checks whether packets from @primary have timed out, in milliseconds (default: 3000)
  2838  	MaxQueueSize     *uint32 `json:"max_queue_size,omitempty"`     // the maximum number of packets to keep in the queue for comparing with incoming packets from @secondary_in. If the queue is full and additional packets are received, the additional packets are dropped. (default: 1024)
  2839  	VnetHdrSupport   *bool   `json:"vnet_hdr_support,omitempty"`   // if true, vnet header support is enabled (default: false)
  2840  }
  2842  // Properties for cryptodev-backend and cryptodev-backend-builtin objects.
  2843  //
  2844  // Since: 2.8
  2845  type CryptodevBackendProperties struct {
  2846  	Queues *uint32 `json:"queues,omitempty"` // the number of queues for the cryptodev backend. Ignored for cryptodev-backend and must be 1 for cryptodev-backend-builtin. (default: 1)
  2847  }
  2849  // Properties for cryptodev-vhost-user objects.
  2850  //
  2851  // Since: 2.12
  2852  type CryptodevVhostUserProperties struct {
  2853  	// Base type for this struct
  2854  	CryptodevBackendProperties
  2855  	Chardev string `json:"chardev"` // the name of a Unix domain socket character device that connects to the vhost-user server
  2856  }
  2858  // Properties for dbus-vmstate objects.
  2859  //
  2860  // Since: 5.0
  2861  type DBusVMStateProperties struct {
  2862  	Addr   string  `json:"addr"`              // the name of the DBus bus to connect to
  2863  	IdList *string `json:"id-list,omitempty"` // a comma separated list of DBus IDs of helpers whose data should be included in the VM state on migration
  2864  }
  2866  // Properties for objects of classes derived from netfilter.
  2867  //
  2868  // Since: 2.5
  2869  type NetfilterProperties struct {
  2870  	Netdev   string              `json:"netdev"`             // id of the network device backend to filter
  2871  	Queue    *NetFilterDirection `json:"queue,omitempty"`    // indicates which queue(s) to filter (default: all)
  2872  	Status   *string             `json:"status,omitempty"`   // indicates whether the filter is enabled ("on") or disabled ("off") (default: "on")
  2873  	Position *string             `json:"position,omitempty"` // specifies where the filter should be inserted in the filter list. "head" means the filter is inserted at the head of the filter list, before any existing filters. "tail" means the filter is inserted at the tail of the filter list, behind any existing filters (default). "id=<id>" means the filter is inserted before or behind the filter specified by <id>, depending on the @insert property. (default: "tail")
  2874  	Insert   *NetfilterInsert    `json:"insert,omitempty"`   // where to insert the filter relative to the filter given in @position. Ignored if @position is "head" or "tail". (default: behind)
  2875  }
  2877  // Properties for filter-buffer objects.
  2878  //
  2879  // Since: 2.5
  2880  type FilterBufferProperties struct {
  2881  	// Base type for this struct
  2882  	NetfilterProperties
  2883  	Interval uint32 `json:"interval"` // a non-zero interval in microseconds. All packets arriving in the given interval are delayed until the end of the interval.
  2884  }
  2886  // Properties for filter-dump objects.
  2887  //
  2888  // Since: 2.5
  2889  type FilterDumpProperties struct {
  2890  	// Base type for this struct
  2891  	NetfilterProperties
  2892  	File   string  `json:"file"`             // the filename where the dumped packets should be stored
  2893  	Maxlen *uint32 `json:"maxlen,omitempty"` // maximum number of bytes in a packet that are stored (default: 65536)
  2894  }
  2896  // Properties for filter-mirror objects.
  2897  //
  2898  // Since: 2.6
  2899  type FilterMirrorProperties struct {
  2900  	// Base type for this struct
  2901  	NetfilterProperties
  2902  	Outdev         string `json:"outdev"`                     // the name of a character device backend to which all incoming packets are mirrored
  2903  	VnetHdrSupport *bool  `json:"vnet_hdr_support,omitempty"` // if true, vnet header support is enabled (default: false)
  2904  }
  2906  // Properties for filter-redirector objects.
  2907  //
  2908  // At least one of @indev or @outdev must be present.  If both are present, they
  2909  // must not refer to the same character device backend.
  2910  //
  2911  // Since: 2.6
  2912  type FilterRedirectorProperties struct {
  2913  	// Base type for this struct
  2914  	NetfilterProperties
  2915  	Indev          *string `json:"indev,omitempty"`            // the name of a character device backend from which packets are received and redirected to the filtered network device
  2916  	Outdev         *string `json:"outdev,omitempty"`           // the name of a character device backend to which all incoming packets are redirected
  2917  	VnetHdrSupport *bool   `json:"vnet_hdr_support,omitempty"` // if true, vnet header support is enabled (default: false)
  2918  }
  2920  // Properties for filter-rewriter objects.
  2921  //
  2922  // Since: 2.8
  2923  type FilterRewriterProperties struct {
  2924  	// Base type for this struct
  2925  	NetfilterProperties
  2926  	VnetHdrSupport *bool `json:"vnet_hdr_support,omitempty"` // if true, vnet header support is enabled (default: false)
  2927  }
  2929  // Properties for input-barrier objects.
  2930  //
  2931  // Since: 4.2
  2932  type InputBarrierProperties struct {
  2933  	Name    string  `json:"name"`               // the screen name as declared in the screens section of barrier.conf
  2934  	Server  *string `json:"server,omitempty"`   // hostname of the Barrier server (default: "localhost")
  2935  	Port    *string `json:"port,omitempty"`     // TCP port of the Barrier server (default: "24800")
  2936  	XOrigin *string `json:"x-origin,omitempty"` // x coordinate of the leftmost pixel on the guest screen (default: "0")
  2937  	YOrigin *string `json:"y-origin,omitempty"` // y coordinate of the topmost pixel on the guest screen (default: "0")
  2938  	Width   *string `json:"width,omitempty"`    // the width of secondary screen in pixels (default: "1920")
  2939  	Height  *string `json:"height,omitempty"`   // the height of secondary screen in pixels (default: "1080")
  2940  }
  2942  // Properties for input-linux objects.
  2943  //
  2944  // Since: 2.6
  2945  type InputLinuxProperties struct {
  2946  	Evdev      string          `json:"evdev"`                 // the path of the host evdev device to use
  2947  	GrabAll    *bool           `json:"grab_all,omitempty"`    // if true, grab is toggled for all devices (e.g. both keyboard and mouse) instead of just one device (default: false)
  2948  	Repeat     *bool           `json:"repeat,omitempty"`      // enables auto-repeat events (default: false)
  2949  	GrabToggle *GrabToggleKeys `json:"grab-toggle,omitempty"` // the key or key combination that toggles device grab (default: ctrl-ctrl)
  2950  }
  2952  // Properties for iothread objects.
  2953  //
  2954  // Since: 2.0
  2955  type IothreadProperties struct {
  2956  	PollMaxNs   *int64 `json:"poll-max-ns,omitempty"`   // the maximum number of nanoseconds to busy wait for events. 0 means polling is disabled (default: 32768 on POSIX hosts, 0 otherwise)
  2957  	PollGrow    *int64 `json:"poll-grow,omitempty"`     // the multiplier used to increase the polling time when the algorithm detects it is missing events due to not polling long enough. 0 selects a default behaviour (default: 0)
  2958  	PollShrink  *int64 `json:"poll-shrink,omitempty"`   // the divisor used to decrease the polling time when the algorithm detects it is spending too long polling without encountering events. 0 selects a default behaviour (default: 0)
  2959  	AioMaxBatch *int64 `json:"aio-max-batch,omitempty"` // maximum number of requests in a batch for the AIO engine, 0 means that the engine will use its default (default:0, since 6.1)
  2960  }
  2962  // Properties for objects of classes derived from memory-backend.
  2963  //
  2964  // Note: prealloc=true and reserve=false cannot be set at the same time. With
  2965  // reserve=true, the behavior depends on the operating system: for example,
  2966  // Linux will not reserve swap space for shared file mappings --
  2967  // "not applicable". In contrast, reserve=false will bail out if it cannot
  2968  // be configured accordingly.
  2969  //
  2970  // Since: 2.1
  2971  type MemoryBackendProperties struct {
  2972  	Dump                           *bool          `json:"dump,omitempty"`                                 // if true, include the memory in core dumps (default depends on the machine type)
  2973  	HostNodes                      []uint16       `json:"host-nodes,omitempty"`                           // the list of NUMA host nodes to bind the memory to
  2974  	Merge                          *bool          `json:"merge,omitempty"`                                // if true, mark the memory as mergeable (default depends on the machine type)
  2975  	Policy                         *HostMemPolicy `json:"policy,omitempty"`                               // the NUMA policy (default: 'default')
  2976  	Prealloc                       *bool          `json:"prealloc,omitempty"`                             // if true, preallocate memory (default: false)
  2977  	PreallocThreads                *uint32        `json:"prealloc-threads,omitempty"`                     // number of CPU threads to use for prealloc (default: 1)
  2978  	Share                          *bool          `json:"share,omitempty"`                                // if false, the memory is private to QEMU; if true, it is shared (default: false)
  2979  	Reserve                        *bool          `json:"reserve,omitempty"`                              // if true, reserve swap space (or huge pages) if applicable (default: true) (since 6.1)
  2980  	Size                           uint64         `json:"size"`                                           // size of the memory region in bytes
  2981  	XUseCanonicalPathForRamblockId *bool          `json:"x-use-canonical-path-for-ramblock-id,omitempty"` // if true, the canoncial path is used for ramblock-id. Disable this for 4.0 machine types or older to allow migration with newer QEMU versions. (default: false generally, but true for machine types <= 4.0)
  2982  }
  2984  // Properties for memory-backend-file objects.
  2985  //
  2986  // Since: 2.1
  2987  type MemoryBackendFileProperties struct {
  2988  	// Base type for this struct
  2989  	MemoryBackendProperties
  2990  	Align       *uint64 `json:"align,omitempty"`        // the base address alignment when QEMU mmap(2)s @mem-path. Some backend stores specified by @mem-path require an alignment different than the default one used by QEMU, e.g. the device DAX /dev/dax0.0 requires 2M alignment rather than 4K. In such cases, users can specify the required alignment via this option. 0 selects a default alignment (currently the page size). (default: 0)
  2991  	DiscardData *bool   `json:"discard-data,omitempty"` // if true, the file contents can be destroyed when QEMU exits, to avoid unnecessarily flushing data to the backing file. Note that ``discard-data`` is only an optimization, and QEMU might not discard file contents if it aborts unexpectedly or is terminated using SIGKILL. (default: false)
  2992  	MemPath     string  `json:"mem-path"`               // the path to either a shared memory or huge page filesystem mount
  2993  	Pmem        *bool   `json:"pmem,omitempty"`         // specifies whether the backing file specified by @mem-path is in host persistent memory that can be accessed using the SNIA NVM programming model (e.g. Intel NVDIMM).
  2994  	Readonly    *bool   `json:"readonly,omitempty"`     // if true, the backing file is opened read-only; if false, it is opened read-write. (default: false)
  2995  }
  2997  // Properties for memory-backend-memfd objects.
  2998  //
  2999  // The @share boolean option is true by default with memfd.
  3000  //
  3001  // Since: 2.12
  3002  type MemoryBackendMemfdProperties struct {
  3003  	// Base type for this struct
  3004  	MemoryBackendProperties
  3005  	Hugetlb     *bool   `json:"hugetlb,omitempty"`     // if true, the file to be created resides in the hugetlbfs filesystem (default: false)
  3006  	Hugetlbsize *uint64 `json:"hugetlbsize,omitempty"` // the hugetlb page size on systems that support multiple hugetlb page sizes (it must be a power of 2 value supported by the system). 0 selects a default page size. This option is ignored if @hugetlb is false. (default: 0)
  3007  	Seal        *bool   `json:"seal,omitempty"`        // if true, create a sealed-file, which will block further resizing of the memory (default: true)
  3008  }
  3010  // Properties for memory-backend-epc objects.
  3011  //
  3012  // The @share boolean option is true by default with epc
  3013  //
  3014  // The @merge boolean option is false by default with epc
  3015  //
  3016  // The @dump boolean option is false by default with epc
  3017  //
  3018  // Since: 6.2
  3019  type MemoryBackendEpcProperties struct {
  3020  	// Base type for this struct
  3021  	MemoryBackendProperties
  3022  }
  3024  // Properties for pr-manager-helper objects.
  3025  //
  3026  // Since: 2.11
  3027  type PrManagerHelperProperties struct {
  3028  	Path string `json:"path"` // the path to a Unix domain socket for connecting to the external helper
  3029  }
  3031  // Properties for qtest objects.
  3032  //
  3033  // Since: 6.0
  3034  type QtestProperties struct {
  3035  	Chardev string  `json:"chardev"`       // the chardev to be used to receive qtest commands on.
  3036  	Log     *string `json:"log,omitempty"` // the path to a log file
  3037  }
  3039  // Properties for x-remote-object objects.
  3040  //
  3041  // Since: 6.0
  3042  type RemoteObjectProperties struct {
  3043  	Fd    string `json:"fd"`    // file descriptor name previously passed via 'getfd' command
  3044  	Devid string `json:"devid"` // the id of the device to be associated with the file descriptor
  3045  }
  3047  // Properties for objects of classes derived from rng.
  3048  //
  3049  // Since: 1.3
  3050  type RngProperties struct {
  3051  	Opened *bool `json:"opened,omitempty"` // if true, the device is opened immediately when applying this option and will probably fail when processing the next option. Don't use; only provided for compatibility. (default: false)
  3052  }
  3054  // Properties for rng-egd objects.
  3055  //
  3056  // Since: 1.3
  3057  type RngEgdProperties struct {
  3058  	// Base type for this struct
  3059  	RngProperties
  3060  	Chardev string `json:"chardev"` // the name of a character device backend that provides the connection to the RNG daemon
  3061  }
  3063  // Properties for rng-random objects.
  3064  //
  3065  // Since: 1.3
  3066  type RngRandomProperties struct {
  3067  	// Base type for this struct
  3068  	RngProperties
  3069  	Filename *string `json:"filename,omitempty"` // the filename of the device on the host to obtain entropy from (default: "/dev/urandom")
  3070  }
  3072  // Properties for sev-guest objects.
  3073  //
  3074  // Since: 2.12
  3075  type SevGuestProperties struct {
  3076  	SevDevice       *string `json:"sev-device,omitempty"`    // SEV device to use (default: "/dev/sev")
  3077  	DhCertFile      *string `json:"dh-cert-file,omitempty"`  // guest owners DH certificate (encoded with base64)
  3078  	SessionFile     *string `json:"session-file,omitempty"`  // guest owners session parameters (encoded with base64)
  3079  	Policy          *uint32 `json:"policy,omitempty"`        // SEV policy value (default: 0x1)
  3080  	Handle          *uint32 `json:"handle,omitempty"`        // SEV firmware handle (default: 0)
  3081  	Cbitpos         *uint32 `json:"cbitpos,omitempty"`       // C-bit location in page table entry (default: 0)
  3082  	ReducedPhysBits uint32  `json:"reduced-phys-bits"`       // number of bits in physical addresses that become unavailable when SEV is enabled
  3083  	KernelHashes    *bool   `json:"kernel-hashes,omitempty"` // if true, add hashes of kernel/initrd/cmdline to a designated guest firmware page for measured boot with -kernel (default: false) (since 6.2)
  3084  }
  3086  // Additional information about a virtual S390 CPU
  3087  //
  3088  // Since: 2.12
  3089  type CpuInfoS390 struct {
  3090  	CpuState CpuS390State `json:"cpu-state"` // the virtual CPU's state
  3091  }
  3093  // Information describing a machine.
  3094  //
  3095  // Since: 1.2
  3096  type MachineInfo struct {
  3097  	Name             string  `json:"name"`                       // the name of the machine
  3098  	Alias            *string `json:"alias,omitempty"`            // an alias for the machine name
  3099  	IsDefault        *bool   `json:"is-default,omitempty"`       // whether the machine is default
  3100  	CpuMax           int64   `json:"cpu-max"`                    // maximum number of CPUs supported by the machine type (since 1.5)
  3101  	HotpluggableCpus bool    `json:"hotpluggable-cpus"`          // cpu hotplug via -device is supported (since 2.7)
  3102  	NumaMemSupported bool    `json:"numa-mem-supported"`         // true if '-numa node,mem' option is supported by the machine type and false otherwise (since 4.1)
  3103  	Deprecated       bool    `json:"deprecated"`                 // if true, the machine type is deprecated and may be removed in future versions of QEMU according to the QEMU deprecation policy (since 4.1)
  3104  	DefaultCpuType   *string `json:"default-cpu-type,omitempty"` // default CPU model typename if none is requested via the -cpu argument. (since 4.2)
  3105  	DefaultRamId     *string `json:"default-ram-id,omitempty"`   // the default ID of initial RAM memory backend (since 5.2)
  3106  }
  3108  // Information describing the running machine parameters.
  3109  //
  3110  // Since: 4.0
  3111  type CurrentMachineParams struct {
  3112  	WakeupSuspendSupport bool `json:"wakeup-suspend-support"` // true if the machine supports wake up from suspend
  3113  }
  3115  // Information describing the QEMU target.
  3116  //
  3117  // Since: 1.2
  3118  type TargetInfo struct {
  3119  	Arch SysEmuTarget `json:"arch"` // the target architecture
  3120  }
  3122  // Guest UUID information (Universally Unique Identifier).
  3123  //
  3124  // Since: 0.14
  3125  //
  3126  // Notes: If no UUID was specified for the guest, a null UUID is returned.
  3127  type UuidInfo struct {
  3128  	Uuid string `json:"UUID"` // the UUID of the guest
  3129  }
  3131  // GUID information.
  3132  //
  3133  // Since: 2.9
  3134  type GuidInfo struct {
  3135  	Guid string `json:"guid"` // the globally unique identifier
  3136  }
  3138  // Information about support for KVM acceleration
  3139  //
  3140  // Since: 0.14
  3141  type KvmInfo struct {
  3142  	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` // true if KVM acceleration is active
  3143  	Present bool `json:"present"` // true if KVM acceleration is built into this executable
  3144  }
  3146  // Create a guest NUMA node. (for OptsVisitor)
  3147  //
  3148  // Since: 2.1
  3149  type NumaNodeOptions struct {
  3150  	Nodeid    *uint16  `json:"nodeid,omitempty"`    // NUMA node ID (increase by 1 from 0 if omitted)
  3151  	Cpus      []uint16 `json:"cpus,omitempty"`      // VCPUs belonging to this node (assign VCPUS round-robin if omitted)
  3152  	Mem       *uint64  `json:"mem,omitempty"`       // memory size of this node; mutually exclusive with @memdev. Equally divide total memory among nodes if both @mem and @memdev are omitted.
  3153  	Memdev    *string  `json:"memdev,omitempty"`    // memory backend object. If specified for one node, it must be specified for all nodes.
  3154  	Initiator *uint16  `json:"initiator,omitempty"` // defined in ACPI 6.3 Chapter Table 5-145, points to the nodeid which has the memory controller responsible for this NUMA node. This field provides additional information as to the initiator node that is closest (as in directly attached) to this node, and therefore has the best performance (since 5.0)
  3155  }
  3157  // Set the distance between 2 NUMA nodes.
  3158  //
  3159  // Since: 2.10
  3160  type NumaDistOptions struct {
  3161  	Src uint16 `json:"src"` // source NUMA node.
  3162  	Dst uint16 `json:"dst"` // destination NUMA node.
  3163  	Val uint8  `json:"val"` // NUMA distance from source node to destination node. When a node is unreachable from another node, set the distance between them to 255.
  3164  }
  3166  // Information about a X86 CPU feature word
  3167  //
  3168  // Since: 1.5
  3169  type X86CPUFeatureWordInfo struct {
  3170  	CpuidInputEax int64            `json:"cpuid-input-eax"`           // Input EAX value for CPUID instruction for that feature word
  3171  	CpuidInputEcx *int64           `json:"cpuid-input-ecx,omitempty"` // Input ECX value for CPUID instruction for that feature word
  3172  	CpuidRegister X86CPURegister32 `json:"cpuid-register"`            // Output register containing the feature bits
  3173  	Features      int64            `json:"features"`                  // value of output register, containing the feature bits
  3174  }
  3176  // Not used by QMP; hack to let us use X86CPUFeatureWordInfoList internally
  3177  //
  3178  // Since: 2.5
  3179  type DummyForceArrays struct {
  3180  	Unused []X86CPUFeatureWordInfo `json:"unused"`
  3181  }
  3183  // Option "-numa cpu" overrides default cpu to node mapping.
  3184  // It accepts the same set of cpu properties as returned by
  3185  // query-hotpluggable-cpus[].props, where node-id could be used to
  3186  // override default node mapping.
  3187  //
  3188  // Since: 2.10
  3189  type NumaCpuOptions struct {
  3190  	// Base type for this struct
  3191  	CpuInstanceProperties
  3192  }
  3194  // Set the system locality latency and bandwidth information
  3195  // between Initiator and Target proximity Domains.
  3196  //
  3197  // For more information about @NumaHmatLBOptions, see chapter
  3198  // Table 5-146 of ACPI 6.3 spec.
  3199  //
  3200  // Since: 5.0
  3201  type NumaHmatLBOptions struct {
  3202  	Initiator uint16                `json:"initiator"`           // the Initiator Proximity Domain.
  3203  	Target    uint16                `json:"target"`              // the Target Proximity Domain.
  3204  	Hierarchy HmatLBMemoryHierarchy `json:"hierarchy"`           // the Memory Hierarchy. Indicates the performance of memory or side cache.
  3205  	DataType  HmatLBDataType        `json:"data-type"`           // presents the type of data, access/read/write latency or hit latency.
  3206  	Latency   *uint64               `json:"latency,omitempty"`   // the value of latency from @initiator to @target proximity domain, the latency unit is "ns(nanosecond)".
  3207  	Bandwidth *uint64               `json:"bandwidth,omitempty"` // the value of bandwidth between @initiator and @target proximity domain, the bandwidth unit is "Bytes per second".
  3208  }
  3210  // Set the memory side cache information for a given memory domain.
  3211  //
  3212  // For more information of @NumaHmatCacheOptions, see chapter
  3213  // Table 5-147: Field "Cache Attributes" of ACPI 6.3 spec.
  3214  //
  3215  // Since: 5.0
  3216  type NumaHmatCacheOptions struct {
  3217  	NodeId        uint32                 `json:"node-id"`       // the memory proximity domain to which the memory belongs.
  3218  	Size          uint64                 `json:"size"`          // the size of memory side cache in bytes.
  3219  	Level         uint8                  `json:"level"`         // the cache level described in this structure.
  3220  	Associativity HmatCacheAssociativity `json:"associativity"` // the cache associativity, none/direct-mapped/complex(complex cache indexing).
  3221  	Policy        HmatCacheWritePolicy   `json:"policy"`        // the write policy, none/write-back/write-through.
  3222  	Line          uint16                 `json:"line"`          // the cache Line size in bytes.
  3223  }
  3225  // Information about memory backend
  3226  //
  3227  // Since: 2.1
  3228  type Memdev struct {
  3229  	Id        *string       `json:"id,omitempty"`      // backend's ID if backend has 'id' property (since 2.9)
  3230  	Size      uint64        `json:"size"`              // memory backend size
  3231  	Merge     bool          `json:"merge"`             // whether memory merge support is enabled
  3232  	Dump      bool          `json:"dump"`              // whether memory backend's memory is included in a core dump
  3233  	Prealloc  bool          `json:"prealloc"`          // whether memory was preallocated
  3234  	Share     bool          `json:"share"`             // whether memory is private to QEMU or shared (since 6.1)
  3235  	Reserve   *bool         `json:"reserve,omitempty"` // whether swap space (or huge pages) was reserved if applicable. This corresponds to the user configuration and not the actual behavior implemented in the OS to perform the reservation. For example, Linux will never reserve swap space for shared file mappings. (since 6.1)
  3236  	HostNodes []uint16      `json:"host-nodes"`        // host nodes for its memory policy
  3237  	Policy    HostMemPolicy `json:"policy"`            // memory policy of memory backend
  3238  }
  3240  // List of properties to be used for hotplugging a CPU instance,
  3241  // it should be passed by management with device_add command when
  3242  // a CPU is being hotplugged.
  3243  //
  3244  // Note: currently there are 5 properties that could be present
  3245  // but management should be prepared to pass through other
  3246  // properties with device_add command to allow for future
  3247  // interface extension. This also requires the filed names to be kept in
  3248  // sync with the properties passed to -device/device_add.
  3249  //
  3250  // Since: 2.7
  3251  type CpuInstanceProperties struct {
  3252  	NodeId   *int64 `json:"node-id,omitempty"`   // NUMA node ID the CPU belongs to
  3253  	SocketId *int64 `json:"socket-id,omitempty"` // socket number within node/board the CPU belongs to
  3254  	DieId    *int64 `json:"die-id,omitempty"`    // die number within socket the CPU belongs to (since 4.1)
  3255  	CoreId   *int64 `json:"core-id,omitempty"`   // core number within die the CPU belongs to
  3256  	ThreadId *int64 `json:"thread-id,omitempty"` // thread number within core the CPU belongs to
  3257  }
  3259  // Since: 2.7
  3260  type HotpluggableCPU struct {
  3261  	Type       string                `json:"type"`               // CPU object type for usage with device_add command
  3262  	VcpusCount int64                 `json:"vcpus-count"`        // number of logical VCPU threads @HotpluggableCPU provides
  3263  	Props      CpuInstanceProperties `json:"props"`              // list of properties to be used for hotplugging CPU
  3264  	QomPath    *string               `json:"qom-path,omitempty"` // link to existing CPU object if CPU is present or omitted if CPU is not present.
  3265  }
  3267  // Information about the guest balloon device.
  3268  //
  3269  // Since: 0.14
  3270  type BalloonInfo struct {
  3271  	Actual int64 `json:"actual"` // the logical size of the VM in bytes Formula used: logical_vm_size = vm_ram_size - balloon_size
  3272  }
  3274  // Actual memory information in bytes.
  3275  //
  3276  // Since: 2.11
  3277  type MemoryInfo struct {
  3278  	BaseMemory    uint64  `json:"base-memory"`              // size of "base" memory specified with command line option -m.
  3279  	PluggedMemory *uint64 `json:"plugged-memory,omitempty"` // size of memory that can be hot-unplugged. This field is omitted if target doesn't support memory hotplug (i.e. CONFIG_MEM_DEVICE not defined at build time).
  3280  }
  3282  // PCDIMMDevice state information
  3283  //
  3284  // Since: 2.1
  3285  type PCDIMMDeviceInfo struct {
  3286  	Id           *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // device's ID
  3287  	Addr         int64   `json:"addr"`         // physical address, where device is mapped
  3288  	Size         int64   `json:"size"`         // size of memory that the device provides
  3289  	Slot         int64   `json:"slot"`         // slot number at which device is plugged in
  3290  	Node         int64   `json:"node"`         // NUMA node number where device is plugged in
  3291  	Memdev       string  `json:"memdev"`       // memory backend linked with device
  3292  	Hotplugged   bool    `json:"hotplugged"`   // true if device was hotplugged
  3293  	Hotpluggable bool    `json:"hotpluggable"` // true if device if could be added/removed while machine is running
  3294  }
  3296  // VirtioPMEM state information
  3297  //
  3298  // Since: 4.1
  3299  type VirtioPMEMDeviceInfo struct {
  3300  	Id      *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // device's ID
  3301  	Memaddr uint64  `json:"memaddr"`      // physical address in memory, where device is mapped
  3302  	Size    uint64  `json:"size"`         // size of memory that the device provides
  3303  	Memdev  string  `json:"memdev"`       // memory backend linked with device
  3304  }
  3306  // VirtioMEMDevice state information
  3307  //
  3308  // Since: 5.1
  3309  type VirtioMEMDeviceInfo struct {
  3310  	Id            *string `json:"id,omitempty"`   // device's ID
  3311  	Memaddr       uint64  `json:"memaddr"`        // physical address in memory, where device is mapped
  3312  	RequestedSize uint64  `json:"requested-size"` // the user requested size of the device
  3313  	Size          uint64  `json:"size"`           // the (current) size of memory that the device provides
  3314  	MaxSize       uint64  `json:"max-size"`       // the maximum size of memory that the device can provide
  3315  	BlockSize     uint64  `json:"block-size"`     // the block size of memory that the device provides
  3316  	Node          int64   `json:"node"`           // NUMA node number where device is assigned to
  3317  	Memdev        string  `json:"memdev"`         // memory backend linked with the region
  3318  }
  3320  // Sgx EPC state information
  3321  //
  3322  // Since: 6.2
  3323  type SgxEPCDeviceInfo struct {
  3324  	Id      *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // device's ID
  3325  	Memaddr uint64  `json:"memaddr"`      // physical address in memory, where device is mapped
  3326  	Size    uint64  `json:"size"`         // size of memory that the device provides
  3327  	Node    int64   `json:"node"`         // the numa node (Since: 7.0)
  3328  	Memdev  string  `json:"memdev"`       // memory backend linked with device
  3329  }
  3331  // Since: 2.1
  3332  type PCDIMMDeviceInfoWrapper struct {
  3333  	Data PCDIMMDeviceInfo `json:"data"`
  3334  }
  3336  // Since: 2.1
  3337  type VirtioPMEMDeviceInfoWrapper struct {
  3338  	Data VirtioPMEMDeviceInfo `json:"data"`
  3339  }
  3341  // Since: 2.1
  3342  type VirtioMEMDeviceInfoWrapper struct {
  3343  	Data VirtioMEMDeviceInfo `json:"data"`
  3344  }
  3346  // Since: 6.2
  3347  type SgxEPCDeviceInfoWrapper struct {
  3348  	Data SgxEPCDeviceInfo `json:"data"`
  3349  }
  3351  // Sgx EPC cmdline information
  3352  //
  3353  // Since: 6.2
  3354  type SgxEPC struct {
  3355  	Memdev string `json:"memdev"` // memory backend linked with device
  3356  	Node   int64  `json:"node"`   // the numa node (Since: 7.0)
  3357  }
  3359  // SGX properties of machine types.
  3360  //
  3361  // Since: 6.2
  3362  type SgxEPCProperties struct {
  3363  	SgxEpc []SgxEPC `json:"sgx-epc"` // list of ids of memory-backend-epc objects.
  3364  }
  3366  // Schema for CPU topology configuration.  A missing value lets
  3367  // QEMU figure out a suitable value based on the ones that are provided.
  3368  //
  3369  // Since: 6.1
  3370  type SMPConfiguration struct {
  3371  	Cpus     *int64 `json:"cpus,omitempty"`     // number of virtual CPUs in the virtual machine
  3372  	Sockets  *int64 `json:"sockets,omitempty"`  // number of sockets in the CPU topology
  3373  	Dies     *int64 `json:"dies,omitempty"`     // number of dies per socket in the CPU topology
  3374  	Clusters *int64 `json:"clusters,omitempty"` // number of clusters per die in the CPU topology (since 7.0)
  3375  	Cores    *int64 `json:"cores,omitempty"`    // number of cores per cluster in the CPU topology
  3376  	Threads  *int64 `json:"threads,omitempty"`  // number of threads per core in the CPU topology
  3377  	Maxcpus  *int64 `json:"maxcpus,omitempty"`  // maximum number of hotpluggable virtual CPUs in the virtual machine
  3378  }
  3380  // Virtual CPU model.
  3381  //
  3382  // A CPU model consists of the name of a CPU definition, to which
  3383  // delta changes are applied (e.g. features added/removed). Most magic values
  3384  // that an architecture might require should be hidden behind the name.
  3385  // However, if required, architectures can expose relevant properties.
  3386  //
  3387  // Since: 2.8
  3388  type CpuModelInfo struct {
  3389  	Name  string `json:"name"`            // the name of the CPU definition the model is based on
  3390  	Props *Any   `json:"props,omitempty"` // a dictionary of QOM properties to be applied
  3391  }
  3393  // The result of a CPU model baseline.
  3394  //
  3395  // Since: 2.8
  3396  type CpuModelBaselineInfo struct {
  3397  	Model CpuModelInfo `json:"model"` // the baselined CpuModelInfo.
  3398  }
  3400  // The result of a CPU model comparison.
  3401  //
  3402  // None: @responsible-properties is a list of QOM property names that led to
  3403  // both CPUs not being detected as identical. For identical models, this
  3404  // list is empty.
  3405  // If a QOM property is read-only, that means there's no known way to make the
  3406  // CPU models identical. If the special property name "type" is included, the
  3407  // models are by definition not identical and cannot be made identical.
  3408  //
  3409  // Since: 2.8
  3410  type CpuModelCompareInfo struct {
  3411  	Result                CpuModelCompareResult `json:"result"`                 // The result of the compare operation.
  3412  	ResponsibleProperties []string              `json:"responsible-properties"` // List of properties that led to the comparison result not being identical.
  3413  }
  3415  // The result of a cpu model expansion.
  3416  //
  3417  // Since: 2.8
  3418  type CpuModelExpansionInfo struct {
  3419  	Model CpuModelInfo `json:"model"` // the expanded CpuModelInfo.
  3420  }
  3422  // Virtual CPU definition.
  3423  //
  3424  // None: @unavailable-features is a list of QOM property names that
  3425  // represent CPU model attributes that prevent the CPU from running.
  3426  // If the QOM property is read-only, that means there's no known
  3427  // way to make the CPU model run in the current host. Implementations
  3428  // that choose not to provide specific information return the
  3429  // property name "type".
  3430  // If the property is read-write, it means that it MAY be possible
  3431  // to run the CPU model in the current host if that property is
  3432  // changed. Management software can use it as hints to suggest or
  3433  // choose an alternative for the user, or just to generate meaningful
  3434  // error messages explaining why the CPU model can't be used.
  3435  // If @unavailable-features is an empty list, the CPU model is
  3436  // runnable using the current host and machine-type.
  3437  // If @unavailable-features is not present, runnability
  3438  // information for the CPU is not available.
  3439  //
  3440  // Since: 1.2
  3441  type CpuDefinitionInfo struct {
  3442  	Name                string   `json:"name"`                           // the name of the CPU definition
  3443  	MigrationSafe       *bool    `json:"migration-safe,omitempty"`       // whether a CPU definition can be safely used for migration in combination with a QEMU compatibility machine when migrating between different QEMU versions and between hosts with different sets of (hardware or software) capabilities. If not provided, information is not available and callers should not assume the CPU definition to be migration-safe. (since 2.8)
  3444  	Static              bool     `json:"static"`                         // whether a CPU definition is static and will not change depending on QEMU version, machine type, machine options and accelerator options. A static model is always migration-safe. (since 2.8)
  3445  	UnavailableFeatures []string `json:"unavailable-features,omitempty"` // List of properties that prevent the CPU model from running in the current host. (since 2.8)
  3446  	Typename            string   `json:"typename"`                       // Type name that can be used as argument to @device-list-properties, to introspect properties configurable using -cpu or -global. (since 2.9)
  3447  	AliasOf             *string  `json:"alias-of,omitempty"`             // Name of CPU model this model is an alias for. The target of the CPU model alias may change depending on the machine type. Management software is supposed to translate CPU model aliases in the VM configuration, because aliases may stop being migration-safe in the future (since 4.1)
  3448  	Deprecated          bool     `json:"deprecated"`                     // If true, this CPU model is deprecated and may be removed in in some future version of QEMU according to the QEMU deprecation policy. (since 5.2)
  3449  }
  3451  // Record/replay information.
  3452  //
  3453  // Since: 5.2
  3454  type ReplayInfo struct {
  3455  	Mode     ReplayMode `json:"mode"`               // current mode.
  3456  	Filename *string    `json:"filename,omitempty"` // name of the record/replay log file. It is present only in record or replay modes, when the log is recorded or replayed.
  3457  	Icount   int64      `json:"icount"`             // current number of executed instructions.
  3458  }
  3460  // Specifies which block graph node to yank. See @YankInstance for more
  3461  // information.
  3462  //
  3463  // Since: 6.0
  3464  type YankInstanceBlockNode struct {
  3465  	NodeName string `json:"node-name"` // the name of the block graph node
  3466  }
  3468  // Specifies which character device to yank. See @YankInstance for more
  3469  // information.
  3470  //
  3471  // Since: 6.0
  3472  type YankInstanceChardev struct {
  3473  	Id string `json:"id"` // the chardev's ID
  3474  }
  3476  // Guest name information.
  3477  //
  3478  // Since: 0.14
  3479  type NameInfo struct {
  3480  	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The name of the guest
  3481  }
  3483  // Information about an iothread
  3484  //
  3485  // Since: 2.0
  3486  type IOThreadInfo struct {
  3487  	Id          string `json:"id"`            // the identifier of the iothread
  3488  	ThreadId    int64  `json:"thread-id"`     // ID of the underlying host thread
  3489  	PollMaxNs   int64  `json:"poll-max-ns"`   // maximum polling time in ns, 0 means polling is disabled (since 2.9)
  3490  	PollGrow    int64  `json:"poll-grow"`     // how many ns will be added to polling time, 0 means that it's not configured (since 2.9)
  3491  	PollShrink  int64  `json:"poll-shrink"`   // how many ns will be removed from polling time, 0 means that it's not configured (since 2.9)
  3492  	AioMaxBatch int64  `json:"aio-max-batch"` // maximum number of requests in a batch for the AIO engine, 0 means that the engine will use its default (since 6.1)
  3493  }
  3495  // Information about a file descriptor that was added to an fd set.
  3496  //
  3497  // Since: 1.2
  3498  type AddfdInfo struct {
  3499  	FdsetId int64 `json:"fdset-id"` // The ID of the fd set that @fd was added to.
  3500  	Fd      int64 `json:"fd"`       // The file descriptor that was received via SCM rights and added to the fd set.
  3501  }
  3503  // Information about a file descriptor that belongs to an fd set.
  3504  //
  3505  // Since: 1.2
  3506  type FdsetFdInfo struct {
  3507  	Fd     int64   `json:"fd"`               // The file descriptor value.
  3508  	Opaque *string `json:"opaque,omitempty"` // A free-form string that can be used to describe the fd.
  3509  }
  3511  // Information about an fd set.
  3512  //
  3513  // Since: 1.2
  3514  type FdsetInfo struct {
  3515  	FdsetId int64         `json:"fdset-id"` // The ID of the fd set.
  3516  	Fds     []FdsetFdInfo `json:"fds"`      // A list of file descriptors that belong to this fd set.
  3517  }
  3519  // Details about a single parameter of a command line option.
  3520  //
  3521  // Since: 1.5
  3522  type CommandLineParameterInfo struct {
  3523  	Name    string                   `json:"name"`              // parameter name
  3524  	Type    CommandLineParameterType `json:"type"`              // parameter @CommandLineParameterType
  3525  	Help    *string                  `json:"help,omitempty"`    // human readable text string, not suitable for parsing.
  3526  	Default *string                  `json:"default,omitempty"` // default value string (since 2.1)
  3527  }
  3529  // Details about a command line option, including its list of parameter details
  3530  //
  3531  // Since: 1.5
  3532  type CommandLineOptionInfo struct {
  3533  	Option     string                     `json:"option"`     // option name
  3534  	Parameters []CommandLineParameterInfo `json:"parameters"` // an array of @CommandLineParameterInfo
  3535  }
  3537  // Information about Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV) support
  3538  //
  3539  // Since: 2.12
  3540  type SevInfo struct {
  3541  	Enabled  bool     `json:"enabled"`   // true if SEV is active
  3542  	ApiMajor uint8    `json:"api-major"` // SEV API major version
  3543  	ApiMinor uint8    `json:"api-minor"` // SEV API minor version
  3544  	BuildId  uint8    `json:"build-id"`  // SEV FW build id
  3545  	Policy   uint32   `json:"policy"`    // SEV policy value
  3546  	State    SevState `json:"state"`     // SEV guest state
  3547  	Handle   uint32   `json:"handle"`    // SEV firmware handle
  3548  }
  3550  // SEV Guest Launch measurement information
  3551  //
  3552  // Since: 2.12
  3553  type SevLaunchMeasureInfo struct {
  3554  	Data string `json:"data"` // the measurement value encoded in base64
  3555  }
  3557  // The struct describes capability for a Secure Encrypted Virtualization
  3558  // feature.
  3559  //
  3560  // Since: 2.12
  3561  type SevCapability struct {
  3562  	Pdh             string `json:"pdh"`               // Platform Diffie-Hellman key (base64 encoded)
  3563  	CertChain       string `json:"cert-chain"`        // PDH certificate chain (base64 encoded)
  3564  	Cbitpos         int64  `json:"cbitpos"`           // C-bit location in page table entry
  3565  	ReducedPhysBits int64  `json:"reduced-phys-bits"` // Number of physical Address bit reduction when SEV is enabled
  3566  }
  3568  // The struct describes attestation report for a Secure Encrypted
  3569  // Virtualization feature.
  3570  //
  3571  // Since: 6.1
  3572  type SevAttestationReport struct {
  3573  	Data string `json:"data"` // guest attestation report (base64 encoded)
  3574  }
  3576  // The struct describes capability for a specific GIC (Generic
  3577  // Interrupt Controller) version. These bits are not only decided by
  3578  // QEMU/KVM software version, but also decided by the hardware that
  3579  // the program is running upon.
  3580  //
  3581  // Since: 2.6
  3582  type GICCapability struct {
  3583  	Version  int64 `json:"version"`  // version of GIC to be described. Currently, only 2 and 3 are supported.
  3584  	Emulated bool  `json:"emulated"` // whether current QEMU/hardware supports emulated GIC device in user space.
  3585  	Kernel   bool  `json:"kernel"`   // whether current QEMU/hardware supports hardware accelerated GIC device in kernel.
  3586  }
  3588  // Information about intel SGX EPC section info
  3589  //
  3590  // Since: 7.0
  3591  type SGXEPCSection struct {
  3592  	Node int64  `json:"node"` // the numa node
  3593  	Size uint64 `json:"size"` // the size of EPC section
  3594  }
  3596  // Information about intel Safe Guard eXtension (SGX) support
  3597  //
  3598  // Since: 6.2
  3599  type SGXInfo struct {
  3600  	Sgx         bool            `json:"sgx"`          // true if SGX is supported
  3601  	Sgx1        bool            `json:"sgx1"`         // true if SGX1 is supported
  3602  	Sgx2        bool            `json:"sgx2"`         // true if SGX2 is supported
  3603  	Flc         bool            `json:"flc"`          // true if FLC is supported
  3604  	SectionSize uint64          `json:"section-size"` // The EPC section size for guest Redundant with @sections. Just for backward compatibility.
  3605  	Sections    []SGXEPCSection `json:"sections"`     // The EPC sections info for guest (Since: 7.0)
  3606  }
  3608  // General audio backend options that are used for both playback and
  3609  // recording.
  3610  //
  3611  // Since: 4.0
  3612  type AudiodevPerDirectionOptions struct {
  3613  	MixingEngine  *bool        `json:"mixing-engine,omitempty"`  // use QEMU's mixing engine to mix all streams inside QEMU and convert audio formats when not supported by the backend. When set to off, fixed-settings must be also off (default on, since 4.2)
  3614  	FixedSettings *bool        `json:"fixed-settings,omitempty"` // use fixed settings for host input/output. When off, frequency, channels and format must not be specified (default true)
  3615  	Frequency     *uint32      `json:"frequency,omitempty"`      // frequency to use when using fixed settings (default 44100)
  3616  	Channels      *uint32      `json:"channels,omitempty"`       // number of channels when using fixed settings (default 2)
  3617  	Voices        *uint32      `json:"voices,omitempty"`         // number of voices to use (default 1)
  3618  	Format        *AudioFormat `json:"format,omitempty"`         // sample format to use when using fixed settings (default s16)
  3619  	BufferLength  *uint32      `json:"buffer-length,omitempty"`  // the buffer length in microseconds
  3620  }
  3622  // Generic driver-specific options.
  3623  //
  3624  // Since: 4.0
  3625  type AudiodevGenericOptions struct {
  3626  	In  *AudiodevPerDirectionOptions `json:"in,omitempty"`  // options of the capture stream
  3627  	Out *AudiodevPerDirectionOptions `json:"out,omitempty"` // options of the playback stream
  3628  }
  3630  // Options of the ALSA backend that are used for both playback and
  3631  // recording.
  3632  //
  3633  // Since: 4.0
  3634  type AudiodevAlsaPerDirectionOptions struct {
  3635  	// Base type for this struct
  3636  	AudiodevPerDirectionOptions
  3637  	Dev          *string `json:"dev,omitempty"`           // the name of the ALSA device to use (default 'default')
  3638  	PeriodLength *uint32 `json:"period-length,omitempty"` // the period length in microseconds
  3639  	TryPoll      *bool   `json:"try-poll,omitempty"`      // attempt to use poll mode, falling back to non-polling access on failure (default true)
  3640  }
  3642  // Options of the ALSA audio backend.
  3643  //
  3644  // Since: 4.0
  3645  type AudiodevAlsaOptions struct {
  3646  	In        *AudiodevAlsaPerDirectionOptions `json:"in,omitempty"`        // options of the capture stream
  3647  	Out       *AudiodevAlsaPerDirectionOptions `json:"out,omitempty"`       // options of the playback stream
  3648  	Threshold *uint32                          `json:"threshold,omitempty"` // set the threshold (in microseconds) when playback starts
  3649  }
  3651  // Options of the Core Audio backend that are used for both playback and
  3652  // recording.
  3653  //
  3654  // Since: 4.0
  3655  type AudiodevCoreaudioPerDirectionOptions struct {
  3656  	// Base type for this struct
  3657  	AudiodevPerDirectionOptions
  3658  	BufferCount *uint32 `json:"buffer-count,omitempty"` // number of buffers
  3659  }
  3661  // Options of the coreaudio audio backend.
  3662  //
  3663  // Since: 4.0
  3664  type AudiodevCoreaudioOptions struct {
  3665  	In  *AudiodevCoreaudioPerDirectionOptions `json:"in,omitempty"`  // options of the capture stream
  3666  	Out *AudiodevCoreaudioPerDirectionOptions `json:"out,omitempty"` // options of the playback stream
  3667  }
  3669  // Options of the DirectSound audio backend.
  3670  //
  3671  // Since: 4.0
  3672  type AudiodevDsoundOptions struct {
  3673  	In      *AudiodevPerDirectionOptions `json:"in,omitempty"`      // options of the capture stream
  3674  	Out     *AudiodevPerDirectionOptions `json:"out,omitempty"`     // options of the playback stream
  3675  	Latency *uint32                      `json:"latency,omitempty"` // add extra latency to playback in microseconds (default 10000)
  3676  }
  3678  // Options of the JACK backend that are used for both playback and
  3679  // recording.
  3680  //
  3681  // Since: 5.1
  3682  type AudiodevJackPerDirectionOptions struct {
  3683  	// Base type for this struct
  3684  	AudiodevPerDirectionOptions
  3685  	ServerName   *string `json:"server-name,omitempty"`   // select from among several possible concurrent server instances (default: environment variable $JACK_DEFAULT_SERVER if set, else "default")
  3686  	ClientName   *string `json:"client-name,omitempty"`   // the client name to use. The server will modify this name to create a unique variant, if needed unless @exact-name is true (default: the guest's name)
  3687  	ConnectPorts *string `json:"connect-ports,omitempty"` // if set, a regular expression of JACK client port name(s) to monitor for and automatically connect to
  3688  	StartServer  *bool   `json:"start-server,omitempty"`  // start a jack server process if one is not already present (default: false)
  3689  	ExactName    *bool   `json:"exact-name,omitempty"`    // use the exact name requested otherwise JACK automatically generates a unique one, if needed (default: false)
  3690  }
  3692  // Options of the JACK audio backend.
  3693  //
  3694  // Since: 5.1
  3695  type AudiodevJackOptions struct {
  3696  	In  *AudiodevJackPerDirectionOptions `json:"in,omitempty"`  // options of the capture stream
  3697  	Out *AudiodevJackPerDirectionOptions `json:"out,omitempty"` // options of the playback stream
  3698  }
  3700  // Options of the OSS backend that are used for both playback and
  3701  // recording.
  3702  //
  3703  // Since: 4.0
  3704  type AudiodevOssPerDirectionOptions struct {
  3705  	// Base type for this struct
  3706  	AudiodevPerDirectionOptions
  3707  	Dev         *string `json:"dev,omitempty"`          // file name of the OSS device (default '/dev/dsp')
  3708  	BufferCount *uint32 `json:"buffer-count,omitempty"` // number of buffers
  3709  	TryPoll     *bool   `json:"try-poll,omitempty"`     // attempt to use poll mode, falling back to non-polling access on failure (default true)
  3710  }
  3712  // Options of the OSS audio backend.
  3713  //
  3714  // Since: 4.0
  3715  type AudiodevOssOptions struct {
  3716  	In        *AudiodevOssPerDirectionOptions `json:"in,omitempty"`         // options of the capture stream
  3717  	Out       *AudiodevOssPerDirectionOptions `json:"out,omitempty"`        // options of the playback stream
  3718  	TryMmap   *bool                           `json:"try-mmap,omitempty"`   // try using memory-mapped access, falling back to non-memory-mapped access on failure (default true)
  3719  	Exclusive *bool                           `json:"exclusive,omitempty"`  // open device in exclusive mode (vmix won't work) (default false)
  3720  	DspPolicy *uint32                         `json:"dsp-policy,omitempty"` // set the timing policy of the device (between 0 and 10, where smaller number means smaller latency but higher CPU usage) or -1 to use fragment mode (option ignored on some platforms) (default 5)
  3721  }
  3723  // Options of the Pulseaudio backend that are used for both playback and
  3724  // recording.
  3725  //
  3726  // Since: 4.0
  3727  type AudiodevPaPerDirectionOptions struct {
  3728  	// Base type for this struct
  3729  	AudiodevPerDirectionOptions
  3730  	Name       *string `json:"name,omitempty"`        // name of the sink/source to use
  3731  	StreamName *string `json:"stream-name,omitempty"` // name of the PulseAudio stream created by qemu. Can be used to identify the stream in PulseAudio when you create multiple PulseAudio devices or run multiple qemu instances (default: audiodev's id, since 4.2)
  3732  	Latency    *uint32 `json:"latency,omitempty"`     // latency you want PulseAudio to achieve in microseconds (default 15000)
  3733  }
  3735  // Options of the PulseAudio audio backend.
  3736  //
  3737  // Since: 4.0
  3738  type AudiodevPaOptions struct {
  3739  	In     *AudiodevPaPerDirectionOptions `json:"in,omitempty"`     // options of the capture stream
  3740  	Out    *AudiodevPaPerDirectionOptions `json:"out,omitempty"`    // options of the playback stream
  3741  	Server *string                        `json:"server,omitempty"` // PulseAudio server address (default: let PulseAudio choose)
  3742  }
  3744  // Options of the SDL audio backend that are used for both playback and
  3745  // recording.
  3746  //
  3747  // Since: 6.0
  3748  type AudiodevSdlPerDirectionOptions struct {
  3749  	// Base type for this struct
  3750  	AudiodevPerDirectionOptions
  3751  	BufferCount *uint32 `json:"buffer-count,omitempty"` // number of buffers (default 4)
  3752  }
  3754  // Options of the SDL audio backend.
  3755  //
  3756  // Since: 6.0
  3757  type AudiodevSdlOptions struct {
  3758  	In  *AudiodevSdlPerDirectionOptions `json:"in,omitempty"`  // options of the recording stream
  3759  	Out *AudiodevSdlPerDirectionOptions `json:"out,omitempty"` // options of the playback stream
  3760  }
  3762  // Options of the wav audio backend.
  3763  //
  3764  // Since: 4.0
  3765  type AudiodevWavOptions struct {
  3766  	In   *AudiodevPerDirectionOptions `json:"in,omitempty"`   // options of the capture stream
  3767  	Out  *AudiodevPerDirectionOptions `json:"out,omitempty"`  // options of the playback stream
  3768  	Path *string                      `json:"path,omitempty"` // name of the wav file to record (default 'qemu.wav')
  3769  }
  3771  // Specify an ACPI table on the command line to load.
  3772  //
  3773  // At most one of @file and @data can be specified. The list of files specified
  3774  // by any one of them is loaded and concatenated in order. If both are omitted,
  3775  // @data is implied.
  3776  //
  3777  // Other fields / optargs can be used to override fields of the generic ACPI
  3778  // table header; refer to the ACPI specification 5.0, section 5.2.6 System
  3779  // Description Table Header. If a header field is not overridden, then the
  3780  // corresponding value from the concatenated blob is used (in case of @file), or
  3781  // it is filled in with a hard-coded value (in case of @data).
  3782  //
  3783  // String fields are copied into the matching ACPI member from lowest address
  3784  // upwards, and silently truncated / NUL-padded to length.
  3785  //
  3786  // Since: 1.5
  3787  type AcpiTableOptions struct {
  3788  	Sig            *string `json:"sig,omitempty"`              // table signature / identifier (4 bytes)
  3789  	Rev            *uint8  `json:"rev,omitempty"`              // table revision number (dependent on signature, 1 byte)
  3790  	OemId          *string `json:"oem_id,omitempty"`           // OEM identifier (6 bytes)
  3791  	OemTableId     *string `json:"oem_table_id,omitempty"`     // OEM table identifier (8 bytes)
  3792  	OemRev         *uint32 `json:"oem_rev,omitempty"`          // OEM-supplied revision number (4 bytes)
  3793  	AslCompilerId  *string `json:"asl_compiler_id,omitempty"`  // identifier of the utility that created the table (4 bytes)
  3794  	AslCompilerRev *uint32 `json:"asl_compiler_rev,omitempty"` // revision number of the utility that created the table (4 bytes)
  3795  	File           *string `json:"file,omitempty"`             // colon (:) separated list of pathnames to load and concatenate as table data. The resultant binary blob is expected to have an ACPI table header. At least one file is required. This field excludes @data.
  3796  	Data           *string `json:"data,omitempty"`             // colon (:) separated list of pathnames to load and concatenate as table data. The resultant binary blob must not have an ACPI table header. At least one file is required. This field excludes @file.
  3797  }
  3799  // OSPM Status Indication for a device
  3800  // For description of possible values of @source and @status fields
  3801  // see "_OST (OSPM Status Indication)" chapter of ACPI5.0 spec.
  3802  //
  3803  // Since: 2.1
  3804  type ACPIOSTInfo struct {
  3805  	Device   *string      `json:"device,omitempty"` // device ID associated with slot
  3806  	Slot     string       `json:"slot"`             // slot ID, unique per slot of a given @slot-type
  3807  	SlotType ACPISlotType `json:"slot-type"`        // type of the slot
  3808  	Source   int64        `json:"source"`           // an integer containing the source event
  3809  	Status   int64        `json:"status"`           // an integer containing the status code
  3810  }
  3812  // A PCI device memory region
  3813  //
  3814  // Since: 0.14
  3815  type PciMemoryRange struct {
  3816  	Base  int64 `json:"base"`  // the starting address (guest physical)
  3817  	Limit int64 `json:"limit"` // the ending address (guest physical)
  3818  }
  3820  // Information about a PCI device I/O region.
  3821  //
  3822  // Since: 0.14
  3823  type PciMemoryRegion struct {
  3824  	Bar       int64  `json:"bar"`  // the index of the Base Address Register for this region
  3825  	Type      string `json:"type"` // - 'io' if the region is a PIO region - 'memory' if the region is a MMIO region
  3826  	Address   int64  `json:"address"`
  3827  	Size      int64  `json:"size"`                  // memory size
  3828  	Prefetch  *bool  `json:"prefetch,omitempty"`    // if @type is 'memory', true if the memory is prefetchable
  3829  	MemType64 *bool  `json:"mem_type_64,omitempty"` // if @type is 'memory', true if the BAR is 64-bit
  3830  }
  3832  // Information about a bus of a PCI Bridge device
  3833  //
  3834  // Since: 2.4
  3835  type PciBusInfo struct {
  3836  	Number            int64          `json:"number"`             // primary bus interface number. This should be the number of the bus the device resides on.
  3837  	Secondary         int64          `json:"secondary"`          // secondary bus interface number. This is the number of the main bus for the bridge
  3838  	Subordinate       int64          `json:"subordinate"`        // This is the highest number bus that resides below the bridge.
  3839  	IoRange           PciMemoryRange `json:"io_range"`           // The PIO range for all devices on this bridge
  3840  	MemoryRange       PciMemoryRange `json:"memory_range"`       // The MMIO range for all devices on this bridge
  3841  	PrefetchableRange PciMemoryRange `json:"prefetchable_range"` // The range of prefetchable MMIO for all devices on this bridge
  3842  }
  3844  // Information about a PCI Bridge device
  3845  //
  3846  // Since: 0.14
  3847  type PciBridgeInfo struct {
  3848  	Bus     PciBusInfo      `json:"bus"`               // information about the bus the device resides on
  3849  	Devices []PciDeviceInfo `json:"devices,omitempty"` // a list of @PciDeviceInfo for each device on this bridge
  3850  }
  3852  // Information about the Class of a PCI device
  3853  //
  3854  // Since: 2.4
  3855  type PciDeviceClass struct {
  3856  	Desc  *string `json:"desc,omitempty"` // a string description of the device's class
  3857  	Class int64   `json:"class"`          // the class code of the device
  3858  }
  3860  // Information about the Id of a PCI device
  3861  //
  3862  // Since: 2.4
  3863  type PciDeviceId struct {
  3864  	Device          int64  `json:"device"`                     // the PCI device id
  3865  	Vendor          int64  `json:"vendor"`                     // the PCI vendor id
  3866  	Subsystem       *int64 `json:"subsystem,omitempty"`        // the PCI subsystem id (since 3.1)
  3867  	SubsystemVendor *int64 `json:"subsystem-vendor,omitempty"` // the PCI subsystem vendor id (since 3.1)
  3868  }
  3870  // Information about a PCI device
  3871  //
  3872  // Notes: the contents of @class_info.desc are not stable and should only be
  3873  // treated as informational.
  3874  //
  3875  // Since: 0.14
  3876  type PciDeviceInfo struct {
  3877  	Bus       int64             `json:"bus"`                  // the bus number of the device
  3878  	Slot      int64             `json:"slot"`                 // the slot the device is located in
  3879  	Function  int64             `json:"function"`             // the function of the slot used by the device
  3880  	ClassInfo PciDeviceClass    `json:"class_info"`           // the class of the device
  3881  	Id        PciDeviceId       `json:"id"`                   // the PCI device id
  3882  	Irq       *int64            `json:"irq,omitempty"`        // if an IRQ is assigned to the device, the IRQ number
  3883  	IrqPin    int64             `json:"irq_pin"`              // the IRQ pin, zero means no IRQ (since 5.1)
  3884  	QdevId    string            `json:"qdev_id"`              // the device name of the PCI device
  3885  	PciBridge *PciBridgeInfo    `json:"pci_bridge,omitempty"` // if the device is a PCI bridge, the bridge information
  3886  	Regions   []PciMemoryRegion `json:"regions"`              // a list of the PCI I/O regions associated with the device
  3887  }
  3889  // Information about a PCI bus
  3890  //
  3891  // Since: 0.14
  3892  type PciInfo struct {
  3893  	Bus     int64           `json:"bus"`     // the bus index
  3894  	Devices []PciDeviceInfo `json:"devices"` // a list of devices on this bus
  3895  }

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