Download the Publican installer from
Browse to the folder to which you downloaded Publican-Installer-version.exe
Double-click the Publican-Installer-version.exe
The installer presents you with a series of license agreements. All of the files that constitute a Publican installation are available under a free license. However, because different licenses are more suitable for certain parts of Publican than others, the Publican files are not all available under the same free license. Each license grants you a different set of rights and responsibilities when you copy or modify the files in your Publican installation. We chose this combination of licenses to allow you to use Publican as freely as possible and to allow you to choose whatever license you prefer for the documents that you publish with Publican.
Read the terms of the various license agreements. If you agree to their terms, click
on each of them, otherwise, click .
The installer offers to install several components: Publican itself (labeled Main
in the installer window), a number of brands (including RedHat
, JBoss
, and fedora
), and two DocBook components (the DocBook Data Type Definition (DTD) and DocBook Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) stylesheets). The three brands are grouped under the collapsible heading Brands
and the DocBook components are grouped under the collapsible heading DocBook
in the installer window. Refer to Chapter 5, Branding for an explanation of brands in Publican. Publican uses the DTD and the XSL stylesheets to render XML documents in other presentation formats (such as HTML and PDF). If you do not install these components, Publican must download this data from the Internet every time it processes a document, which creates lengthy delays.
All components are selected by default. Click the checkboxes to deselect any components that you do not require and click to continue.
By default, the installer software creates a folder named Publican
within the %ProgramFiles%
folder of your computer — typically C:\Program Files\Publican
. You can manually edit the path displayed in the Destination Folder box to select a different folder.
When you are satisfied with the destination folder, click
.The installer displays a progress bar as it installs Publican. To see more detailed information about the progress of the installation, click .
When the process finishes, the installer notifies you with the message Completed
to close the installer.