File: xattr.c
Function: pygetxattr
Error: returning (PyObject*)NULL without setting an exception
192 static PyObject *
193 pygetxattr(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
194 {
195     PyObject *myarg;
196     target_t tgt;
197     int nofollow = 0;
198     char *attrname = NULL;
199     char *buf;
200     ssize_t nalloc, nret;
201     PyObject *res;
203     /* Parse the arguments */
204     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Oet|i", &myarg, NULL, &attrname, &nofollow))
when _PyArg_ParseTuple_SizeT() succeeds
taking False path
205         return NULL;
206     if(!convertObj(myarg, &tgt, nofollow)) {
when considering value == (int)0 from xattr.c:206
taking True path
207         res = NULL;
208         goto freearg;
209     }
211     /* Find out the needed size of the buffer */
212     if((nalloc = _get_obj(&tgt, attrname, NULL, 0)) == -1) {
213         res = PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError);
214         goto freetgt;
215     }
217     /* Try to allocate the memory, using Python's allocator */
218     if((buf = PyMem_Malloc(nalloc)) == NULL) {
219         res = PyErr_NoMemory();
220         goto freetgt;
221     }
223     /* Now retrieve the attribute value */
224     if((nret = _get_obj(&tgt, attrname, buf, nalloc)) == -1) {
225         res = PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError);
226         goto freebuf;
227     }
229     /* Create the string which will hold the result */
230     res = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(buf, nret);
232  freebuf:
233     /* Free the buffer, now it is no longer needed */
234     PyMem_Free(buf);
235  freetgt:
236     free_tgt(&tgt);
237  freearg:
238     PyMem_Free(attrname);
240     /* Return the result */
241     return res;
242 }
returning (PyObject*)NULL without setting an exception