File: Modules/LDAPObject.c
Function: l_ldap_result4
Error: returning (PyObject*)NULL without setting an exception
917 static PyObject *
918 l_ldap_result4( LDAPObject* self, PyObject *args )
919 {
920     int msgid = LDAP_RES_ANY;
921     int all = 1;
922     double timeout = -1.0;
923     int add_ctrls = 0;
924     int add_intermediates = 0;
925     int add_extop = 0;
926     struct timeval tv;
927     struct timeval* tvp;
928     int res_type;
929     LDAPMessage *msg = NULL;
930     PyObject *result_str, *retval, *pmsg, *pyctrls = 0;
931     int res_msgid = 0;
932     char *retoid = 0;
933     PyObject *valuestr = 0;
935     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "|iidiii", &msgid, &all, &timeout, &add_ctrls, &add_intermediates, &add_extop ))
when _PyArg_ParseTuple_SizeT() succeeds
taking False path
936         return NULL;
937     if (not_valid(self)) return NULL;
when considering range: -0x80000000 <= value <= -1
taking True path
939     if (timeout >= 0) {
940         tvp = &tv;
941         set_timeval_from_double( tvp, timeout );
942     } else {
943         tvp = NULL;
944     }
947     res_type = ldap_result( self->ldap, msgid, all, tvp, &msg );
948     LDAP_END_ALLOW_THREADS( self );
950     if (res_type < 0)   /* LDAP or system error */
951         return LDAPerror( self->ldap, "ldap_result4" );
953     if (res_type == 0) {
954         /* Polls return (None, None, None, None); timeouts raise an exception */
955         if (timeout == 0) {
956             if (add_extop) {
957                 return Py_BuildValue("(OOOOOO)", Py_None, Py_None, Py_None, Py_None, Py_None, Py_None);
958             } else {
959                 return Py_BuildValue("(OOOO)", Py_None, Py_None, Py_None, Py_None);
960             }
961         }
962         else
963             return LDAPerr(LDAP_TIMEOUT);
964     }
966     if (msg)
967         res_msgid = ldap_msgid(msg);
969     int result = LDAP_SUCCESS;
970     char **refs = NULL;
971     LDAPControl **serverctrls = 0;
973     if (res_type == LDAP_RES_SEARCH_ENTRY) {
974         /* LDAPmessage_to_python will parse entries and read the controls for each entry */
975     } else if (res_type == LDAP_RES_SEARCH_REFERENCE) {
976         /* LDAPmessage_to_python will parse refs and read the controls for each res */
977     } else if (res_type == LDAP_RES_INTERMEDIATE) {
978         /* LDAPmessage_to_python will parse intermediates and controls */
979     } else {
980         int rc;
981         if (res_type == LDAP_RES_EXTENDED) {
982             struct berval *retdata = 0;
983             rc = ldap_parse_extended_result( self->ldap, msg, &retoid, &retdata, 0 );
984             /* handle error rc!=0 here? */
985             if (rc == LDAP_SUCCESS) {
986                 valuestr = LDAPberval_to_object(retdata);
987             }
988             ber_bvfree( retdata );
989         }
991         rc = ldap_parse_result( self->ldap, msg, &result, NULL, NULL, &refs,
992                                 &serverctrls, 0 );
993     }
994     LDAP_END_ALLOW_THREADS( self );
996     if (result != LDAP_SUCCESS) {               /* result error */
997         char *e, err[1024];
998         if (result == LDAP_REFERRAL && refs && refs[0]) {
999             snprintf(err, sizeof(err), "Referral:\n%s", refs[0]);
1000             e = err;
1001         } else
1002             e = "ldap_parse_result";
1003         ldap_msgfree(msg);
1004         return LDAPerror( self->ldap, e );
1005     }
1007     if (!(pyctrls = LDAPControls_to_List(serverctrls))) {
1008         int err = LDAP_NO_MEMORY;
1009         ldap_set_option(self->ldap, LDAP_OPT_ERROR_NUMBER, &err);
1010         ldap_msgfree(msg);
1011         return LDAPerror(self->ldap, "LDAPControls_to_List");
1012     }
1013     ldap_controls_free(serverctrls);
1015     pmsg = LDAPmessage_to_python( self->ldap, msg, add_ctrls, add_intermediates );
1017     result_str = LDAPconstant( res_type );
1019     if (pmsg == NULL) {
1020             retval = NULL;
1021     } else {
1022         /* s handles NULL, but O does not */
1023         if (add_extop) {
1024             retval = Py_BuildValue("(OOiOsO)", result_str, pmsg, res_msgid,
1025                                    pyctrls, retoid, valuestr ? valuestr : Py_None);
1026         } else {
1027             retval = Py_BuildValue("(OOiO)", result_str, pmsg, res_msgid, pyctrls);
1028         }
1030         if (pmsg != Py_None) {
1031         Py_DECREF(pmsg);
1032         }
1033     }
1034     if (valuestr) {
1035         Py_DECREF(valuestr);
1036     }
1037     Py_XDECREF(pyctrls);
1038     Py_DECREF(result_str);
1039     return retval;
1040 }
returning (PyObject*)NULL without setting an exception