File: src/BTrees/SetTemplate.c
Function: set_item
Error: ob_refcnt of new ref from (unknown) IndexError is 1 too high
262 static PyObject *
263 set_item(Bucket *self, Py_ssize_t index)
264 {
taking True path
265   PyObject *r=0;
267   PER_USE_OR_RETURN(self, NULL);
when considering range: -128 <= value <= -2
taking False path
when considering value == (signed char)0 from src/BTrees/SetTemplate.c:267
taking True path
268   if (index >= 0 && index < self->len)
when considering range: -0x8000000000000000 <= value <= -1
taking False path
269     {
270       COPY_KEY_TO_OBJECT(r, self->keys[index]);
271     }
272   else
273     IndexError(index);
when IndexError() succeeds
new ref from (unknown) IndexError allocated at:     IndexError(index);
ob_refcnt is now refs: 1 + N where N >= 0
275   PER_UNUSE(self);
when treating unknown struct cPersistenceCAPIstruct * from src/persistent/cPersistence.h:112 as non-NULL
calling unknown void (*) (struct cPersistentObject *) from src/BTrees/SetTemplate.c:275
277   return r;
278 }
ob_refcnt of new ref from (unknown) IndexError is 1 too high
was expecting final ob_refcnt to be N + 0 (for some unknown N)
but final ob_refcnt is N + 1
found 6 similar trace(s) to this

File: src/BTrees/SetTemplate.c
Function: set_item
Error: returning (PyObject*)NULL without setting an exception
262 static PyObject *
263 set_item(Bucket *self, Py_ssize_t index)
264 {
taking True path
265   PyObject *r=0;
267   PER_USE_OR_RETURN(self, NULL);
when considering range: -128 <= value <= -2
taking False path
when considering value == (signed char)0 from src/BTrees/SetTemplate.c:267
taking True path
268   if (index >= 0 && index < self->len)
when considering range: -0x8000000000000000 <= value <= -1
taking False path
269     {
270       COPY_KEY_TO_OBJECT(r, self->keys[index]);
271     }
272   else
273     IndexError(index);
when IndexError() succeeds
275   PER_UNUSE(self);
when treating unknown struct cPersistenceCAPIstruct * from src/persistent/cPersistence.h:112 as non-NULL
calling unknown void (*) (struct cPersistentObject *) from src/BTrees/SetTemplate.c:275
277   return r;
278 }
returning (PyObject*)NULL without setting an exception
found 6 similar trace(s) to this