File: helpers/src/_nc_cntr.c
Function: cntr_trace
Error: returning (PyObject*)NULL without setting an exception
1465 static PyObject *
1466 cntr_trace(Csite *site, double levels[], int nlevels, int points, long nchunk)
1467 {
1468     PyObject *c_list;
1469     double *xp0;
1470     double *yp0;
1471     long *nseg0;
1472     int iseg;
1474     /* long nchunk = 30; was hardwired */
1475     long n;
1476     long nparts = 0;
1477     long ntotal = 0;
1478     long nparts2 = 0;
1479     long ntotal2 = 0;
1481     site->zlevel[0] = levels[0];
when treating unknown double * from helpers/src/_nc_cntr.c:1466 as non-NULL
when treating unknown struct Csite * from helpers/src/_nc_cntr.c:1466 as non-NULL
1482     site->zlevel[1] = levels[0];
1483     if (nlevels == 2)
when considering range: -0x80000000 <= value <= 1
taking False path
1484     {
1485         site->zlevel[1] = levels[1];
1486     }
1487     site->n = site->count = 0;
1488     data_init (site, 0, nchunk);
1490     /* make first pass to compute required sizes for second pass */
1491     for (;;)
1492     {
1493         n = curve_tracer (site, 0);
1495         if (!n)
when considering range: -0x8000000000000000 <= value <= -1
taking False path
when considering value == (long int)0 from helpers/src/_nc_cntr.c:1493
taking True path
1496             break;
1497         if (n > 0)
taking False path
1498         {
1499             nparts++;
1500             ntotal += n;
1501         }
1502         else
1503         {
1504             ntotal -= n;
1505         }
1506     }
1507     xp0 = (double *) PyMem_Malloc(ntotal * sizeof(double));
when PyMem_Malloc() fails
1508     yp0 = (double *) PyMem_Malloc(ntotal * sizeof(double));
when PyMem_Malloc() succeeds
1509     nseg0 = (long *) PyMem_Malloc(nparts * sizeof(long));
when PyMem_Malloc() succeeds
1510     if (xp0 == NULL || yp0 == NULL || nseg0 == NULL) goto error;
taking True path
1512     /* second pass */
1513     site->xcp = xp0;
1514     site->ycp = yp0;
1515     iseg = 0;
1516     for (;;iseg++)
1517     {
1518         n = curve_tracer (site, 1);
1519         if (ntotal2 + n > ntotal)
1520         {
1521             PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError,
1522                 "curve_tracer: ntotal2, pass 2 exceeds ntotal, pass 1");
1523             goto error;
1524         }
1525         if (n == 0)
1526             break;
1527         if (n > 0)
1528         {
1529             /* could add array bounds checking */
1530             nseg0[iseg] = n;
1531             site->xcp += n;
1532             site->ycp += n;
1533             ntotal2 += n;
1534             nparts2++;
1535         }
1536         else
1537         {
1538             PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError,
1539                 "Negative n from curve_tracer in pass 2");
1540             goto error;
1541         }
1542     }
1545     if (points)
1546     {
1547         c_list = build_cntr_list_p(nseg0, xp0, yp0, nparts, ntotal);
1548     }
1549     else
1550     {
1551         c_list = build_cntr_list_v2(nseg0, xp0, yp0, nparts, ntotal);
1552     }
1553     PyMem_Free(xp0); PyMem_Free(yp0); PyMem_Free(nseg0);
1554     site->xcp = NULL; site->ycp = NULL;
1555     return c_list;
1557     error:
1558     PyMem_Free(xp0); PyMem_Free(yp0); PyMem_Free(nseg0);
calling PyMem_Free on NULL
calling PyMem_Free on PyMem_Malloc allocated at helpers/src/_nc_cntr.c:1508
calling PyMem_Free on PyMem_Malloc allocated at helpers/src/_nc_cntr.c:1509
1559     site->xcp = NULL; site->ycp = NULL;
1560     return NULL;
1561 }
returning (PyObject*)NULL without setting an exception
found 3 similar trace(s) to this