File: python-ethtool/ethtool.c
Function: get_interfaces_info
Error: calling PyTuple_SetItem with NULL as argument 1 (args) at python-ethtool/ethtool.c:326
246  */
247 static PyObject *get_interfaces_info(PyObject *self __unused, PyObject *args) {
248 	PyObject *devlist = NULL, *ethinf_py = NULL;
249 	PyObject *inargs = NULL;
250 	char **fetch_devs;
251 	int i = 0, fetch_devs_len = 0;
253 	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|O", &inargs)) {
when PyArg_ParseTuple() succeeds
taking False path
254 		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_LookupError,
255 				"Argument must be either a string, list or a tuple");
256 		return NULL;
257 	}
259 	/* Parse input arguments if we got them */
260 	if( inargs != NULL ) {
taking True path
261 		if( PyString_Check(inargs) ) { /* Input argument is just a string */
when treating unknown struct _typeobject * from python-ethtool/ethtool.c:261 as non-NULL
when considering value == (long int)0 from python-ethtool/ethtool.c:261
taking False path
262 			fetch_devs_len = 1;
263 			fetch_devs = calloc(1, sizeof(char *));
264 			fetch_devs[0] = PyString_AsString(inargs);
265 		} else if( PyTuple_Check(inargs) ) { /* Input argument is a tuple list with devices */
when treating unknown struct _typeobject * from python-ethtool/ethtool.c:265 as non-NULL
when considering value == (long int)0 from python-ethtool/ethtool.c:265
taking False path
266 			int j = 0;
268 			fetch_devs_len = PyTuple_Size(inargs);
269 			fetch_devs = calloc(fetch_devs_len+1, sizeof(char *));
270 			for( i = 0; i < fetch_devs_len; i++ ) {
271 				PyObject *elmt = PyTuple_GetItem(inargs, i);
272 				if( elmt && PyString_Check(elmt) ) {
273 					fetch_devs[j++] = PyString_AsString(elmt);
274 				}
275 			}
276 			fetch_devs_len = j;
277 		} else if( PyList_Check(inargs) ) { /* Input argument is a list with devices */
when treating unknown struct _typeobject * from python-ethtool/ethtool.c:277 as non-NULL
when considering range: 1 <= value <= 0x2000000
taking True path
278 			int j = 0;
280 			fetch_devs_len = PyList_Size(inargs);
when PyList_Size() returns ob_size
281 			fetch_devs = calloc(fetch_devs_len+1, sizeof(char *));
282 			for( i = 0; i < fetch_devs_len; i++ ) {
when considering range: 1 <= fetch_devs_len <= 0x7fffffff
taking True path
when considering fetch_devs_len == (int)1 from python-ethtool/ethtool.c:280
taking False path
283 				PyObject *elmt = PyList_GetItem(inargs, i);
284 				if( elmt && PyString_Check(elmt) ) {
taking True path
when considering range: 1 <= value <= 0x8000000
taking True path
285 					fetch_devs[j++] = PyString_AsString(elmt);
when PyString_AsString() succeeds
when treating unknown char * * from python-ethtool/ethtool.c:285 as non-NULL
286 				}
287 			}
288 			fetch_devs_len = j;
289 		} else {
290 			PyErr_SetString(PyExc_LookupError,
291 					"Argument must be either a string, list or a tuple");
292 			return NULL;
293 		}
294 	}
296 	devlist = PyList_New(0);
when PyList_New() succeeds
297 	for( i = 0; i < fetch_devs_len; i++ ) {
taking True path
298 		struct etherinfo_obj_data *objdata = NULL;
300 		/* Allocate memory for data structures for each device */
301 		objdata = calloc(1, sizeof(struct etherinfo_obj_data));
302 		if( !objdata ) {
when treating unknown void * from python-ethtool/ethtool.c:301 as non-NULL
taking False path
303 			PyErr_SetString(PyExc_OSError, strerror(errno));
304 			return NULL;
305 		}
307 		objdata->ethinfo = calloc(1, sizeof(struct etherinfo));
308 		if( !objdata->ethinfo ) {
when treating unknown void * from python-ethtool/ethtool.c:307 as non-NULL
taking False path
309 			PyErr_SetString(PyExc_OSError, strerror(errno));
310 			return NULL;
311 		}
313 		/* Store the device name and a reference to the NETLINK connection for
314 		 * objects to use when quering for device info
315 		 */
316 		objdata->ethinfo->device = strdup(fetch_devs[i]);
when treating unknown char * * from python-ethtool/ethtool.c:316 as non-NULL
317 		objdata->ethinfo->index = -1;
318 		objdata->nlc = &nlconnection;
319 		objdata->nlc_users = &nlconnection_users;
321 		/* Instantiate a new etherinfo object with the device information */
322 		ethinf_py = PyCObject_FromVoidPtr(objdata, NULL);
when PyCObject_FromVoidPtr() succeeds
323 		if( ethinf_py ) {
taking True path
324 			/* Prepare the argument list for the object constructor */
325 			PyObject *args = PyTuple_New(1);
when PyTuple_New() fails
326 			PyTuple_SetItem(args, 0, ethinf_py);
calling PyTuple_SetItem with NULL as argument 1 (args) at python-ethtool/ethtool.c:326
PyTuple_SetItem() invokes Py_TYPE() on the pointer via the PyTuple_Check() macro, thus accessing (NULL)->ob_type
328 			/* Create the object */
329 			PyObject *dev = PyObject_CallObject((PyObject *)&ethtool_etherinfoType, args);
330 			if( dev ) {
331 				PyList_Append(devlist, dev);
332 				Py_DECREF(dev);
333 			}
334 			Py_DECREF(args);
335 		}
336 	}
337 	if( fetch_devs_len > 0 ) {
338 		free(fetch_devs);
339 	}
341 	return devlist;
342 }