File: src/python/pysss.c
Function: py_sss_useradd
Error: returning (PyObject*)NULL without setting an exception
154 static PyObject *py_sss_useradd(PySssLocalObject *self,
155                                 PyObject *args,
156                                 PyObject *kwds)
157 {
158     struct tools_ctx *tctx = NULL;
159     unsigned long uid = 0;
160     unsigned long gid = 0;
161     const char *gecos = NULL;
162     const char *home = NULL;
163     const char *shell = NULL;
164     const char *skel = NULL;
165     char *username = NULL;
166     int ret;
167     const char * const kwlist[] = { "username", "uid", "gid", "gecos",
168                                     "homedir", "shell", "skel",
169                                     "create_home", "groups", NULL };
170     PyObject *py_groups = Py_None;
171     PyObject *py_create_home = Py_None;
172     int create_home = 0;
174     /* parse arguments */
175     if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds,
176                                      discard_const_p(char, "s|kkssssO!O!"),
when PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords() succeeds
taking False path
177                                      discard_const_p(char *, kwlist),
178                                      &username,
179                                      &uid,
180                                      &gid,
181                                      &gecos,
182                                      &home,
183                                      &shell,
184                                      &skel,
185                                      &PyBool_Type,
186                                      &py_create_home,
187                                      &PyList_Type,
188                                      &py_groups)) {
189         goto fail;
190     }
192     tctx = init_ctx(self->mem_ctx, self);
193     if (!tctx) {
194         PyErr_NoMemory();
when treating unknown struct tools_ctx * from src/python/pysss.c:193 as non-NULL
taking False path
195         return NULL;
196     }
198     if (py_groups != Py_None) {
199         tctx->octx->addgroups = PyList_AsStringList(tctx, py_groups, "groups");
taking True path
200         if (!tctx->octx->addgroups) {
when treating unknown struct ops_ctx * from src/python/pysss.c:200 as non-NULL
201             PyErr_NoMemory();
when treating unknown struct ops_ctx * from src/python/pysss.c:201 as non-NULL
when treating unknown char * * from src/python/pysss.c:201 as non-NULL
taking False path
202             return NULL;
203         }
204     }
206     /* user-wise the parameter is only bool - do or don't,
207      * however we must have a third state - undecided, pick default */
208     if (py_create_home == Py_True) {
209         create_home = DO_CREATE_HOME;
taking False path
210     } else if (py_create_home == Py_False) {
211         create_home = DO_NOT_CREATE_HOME;
taking False path
212     }
214     tctx->octx->name = username;
215     tctx->octx->uid = uid;
when treating unknown struct ops_ctx * from src/python/pysss.c:215 as non-NULL
when treating unknown struct ops_ctx * from src/python/pysss.c:216 as non-NULL
217     /* fill in defaults */
218     ret = useradd_defaults(tctx,
219                            self->confdb,
220                            tctx->octx, gecos,
221                            home, shell,
222                            create_home,
223                            skel);
224     if (ret != EOK) {
225         PyErr_SetSssError(ret);
when considering value == (int)0 from src/python/pysss.c:219
taking False path
226         goto fail;
227     }
229     /* Add the user within a transaction */
230     tctx->error = sysdb_transaction_start(tctx->sysdb);
231     if (tctx->error != EOK) {
232         PyErr_SetSssError(tctx->error);
when considering value == (int)0 from src/python/pysss.c:231
taking False path
233         goto fail;
234     }
236     /* useradd */
237     tctx->error = useradd(tctx, tctx->sysdb, tctx->octx);
238     if (tctx->error) {
239         /* cancel transaction */
when considering value == (int)0 from src/python/pysss.c:238
taking False path
240         sysdb_transaction_cancel(tctx->sysdb);
241         PyErr_SetSssError(tctx->error);
242         goto fail;
243     }
245     tctx->error = sysdb_transaction_commit(tctx->sysdb);
246     if (tctx->error) {
247         PyErr_SetSssError(tctx->error);
when considering value == (int)0 from src/python/pysss.c:246
taking False path
248         goto fail;
249     }
251     /* Create user's home directory and/or mail spool */
252     if (tctx->octx->create_homedir) {
253         /* We need to know the UID and GID of the user, if
when treating unknown struct ops_ctx * from src/python/pysss.c:253 as non-NULL
when taking True path
254          * sysdb did assign it automatically, do a lookup */
255         if (tctx->octx->uid == 0 || tctx->octx->gid == 0) {
256             ret = sysdb_getpwnam_sync(tctx,
when treating unknown struct ops_ctx * from src/python/pysss.c:256 as non-NULL
when considering value == (uid_t)0 from src/python/pysss.c:256
taking True path
257                                       tctx->sysdb,
258                                       tctx->octx->name,
259                                       tctx->local,
when treating unknown struct ops_ctx * from src/python/pysss.c:259 as non-NULL
260                                       tctx->octx);
261             if (ret != EOK) {
262                 PyErr_SetSssError(ret);
when considering range: -0x80000000 <= value <= -1
taking True path
263                 goto fail;
264             }
265         }
267         ret = create_homedir(tctx,
268                              tctx->octx->skeldir,
269                              tctx->octx->home,
270                              tctx->octx->name,
271                              tctx->octx->uid,
272                              tctx->octx->gid,
273                              tctx->octx->umask);
274         if (ret != EOK) {
275             PyErr_SetSssError(ret);
276             goto fail;
277         }
279         /* failure here should not be fatal */
280         create_mail_spool(tctx,
281                           tctx->octx->name,
282                           tctx->octx->maildir,
283                           tctx->octx->uid,
284                           tctx->octx->gid);
285     }
287     talloc_zfree(tctx);
288     Py_RETURN_NONE;
290 fail:
291     talloc_zfree(tctx);
292     return NULL;
293 }
returning (PyObject*)NULL without setting an exception found 7 similar trace(s) to this