File: src/python/pysss.c
Function: py_sss_groupmod
Error: returning (PyObject*)NULL without setting an exception
643 static PyObject *py_sss_groupmod(PySssLocalObject *self,
644                                 PyObject *args,
645                                 PyObject *kwds)
646 {
647     struct tools_ctx *tctx = NULL;
648     PyObject *py_addgroups = Py_None;
649     PyObject *py_rmgroups = Py_None;
650     unsigned long gid = 0;
651     char *groupname = NULL;
652     const char * const kwlist[] = { "groupname", "gid", "addgroups",
653                                     "rmgroups", NULL };
655     /* parse arguments */
656     if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds,
657                                      discard_const_p(char, "s|kO!O!"),
when PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords() succeeds
taking False path
658                                      discard_const_p(char *, kwlist),
659                                      &groupname,
660                                      &gid,
661                                      &PyList_Type,
662                                      &py_addgroups,
663                                      &PyList_Type,
664                                      &py_rmgroups)) {
665         goto fail;
666     }
668     tctx = init_ctx(self->mem_ctx, self);
669     if (!tctx) {
670         PyErr_NoMemory();
when treating unknown struct tools_ctx * from src/python/pysss.c:669 as non-NULL
taking False path
671         return NULL;
672     }
674     if (py_addgroups != Py_None) {
675         tctx->octx->addgroups = PyList_AsStringList(tctx,
taking True path
676                                              py_addgroups,
when treating unknown struct ops_ctx * from src/python/pysss.c:676 as non-NULL
677                                              "addgroups");
678         if (!tctx->octx->addgroups) {
679             return NULL;
when treating unknown struct ops_ctx * from src/python/pysss.c:679 as non-NULL
when treating unknown char * * from src/python/pysss.c:679 as non-NULL
taking False path
680         }
681     }
683     if (py_rmgroups != Py_None) {
684         tctx->octx->rmgroups = PyList_AsStringList(tctx,
taking True path
685                                             py_rmgroups,
when treating unknown struct ops_ctx * from src/python/pysss.c:685 as non-NULL
686                                             "rmgroups");
687         if (!tctx->octx->rmgroups) {
688             return NULL;
when treating unknown struct ops_ctx * from src/python/pysss.c:688 as non-NULL
when treating unknown char * * from src/python/pysss.c:688 as non-NULL
taking False path
689         }
690     }
692     tctx->octx->name = groupname;
693     tctx->octx->gid = gid;
when treating unknown struct ops_ctx * from src/python/pysss.c:693 as non-NULL
when treating unknown struct ops_ctx * from src/python/pysss.c:694 as non-NULL
695     /* Modify the group within a transaction */
696     tctx->error = sysdb_transaction_start(tctx->sysdb);
697     if (tctx->error != EOK) {
698         PyErr_SetSssError(tctx->error);
when considering range: -0x80000000 <= value <= -1
taking True path
699         goto fail;
700     }
702     /* groupmod */
703     tctx->error = groupmod(tctx, tctx->sysdb, tctx->octx);
704     if (tctx->error) {
705         /* cancel transaction */
706         sysdb_transaction_cancel(tctx->sysdb);
707         PyErr_SetSssError(tctx->error);
708         goto fail;
709     }
711     tctx->error = sysdb_transaction_commit(tctx->sysdb);
712     if (tctx->error) {
713         PyErr_SetSssError(tctx->error);
714         goto fail;
715     }
717     talloc_zfree(tctx);
718     Py_RETURN_NONE;
720 fail:
721     talloc_zfree(tctx);
722     return NULL;
723 }
returning (PyObject*)NULL without setting an exception found 7 similar trace(s) to this