File: _imaging.c
Function: im_setmode
Error: returning (PyObject*)NULL without setting an exception
1530 static PyObject* 
1531 im_setmode(ImagingObject* self, PyObject* args)
1532 {
1533     /* attempt to modify the mode of an image in place */
1535     Imaging im;
1537     char* mode;
1538     int modelen;
1539     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s#:setmode", &mode, &modelen))
when PyArg_ParseTuple() succeeds
taking False path
1540 	return NULL;
1542     im = self->image;
1544     /* move all logic in here to the libImaging primitive */
1546     if (!strcmp(im->mode, mode)) {
when treating unknown struct ImagingMemoryInstance * from _imaging.c:1542 as non-NULL
when considering range: -0x80000000 <= value <= -1
taking False path
1547         ; /* same mode; always succeeds */
1548     } else if (IS_RGB(im->mode) && IS_RGB(mode)) {
taking True path
when considering range: -0x80000000 <= value <= -1
taking False path
taking False path
taking False path
when considering range: -0x80000000 <= value <= -1
taking False path
taking False path
when considering value == (int)0 from _imaging.c:1548
taking True path
taking True path
when treating unknown const char * from _imaging.c:1539 as non-NULL
when considering range: -255 <= value <= -1
taking False path
taking False path
taking False path
when considering range: 1 <= value <= 0x7fffffff
taking False path
taking False path
when considering range: -0x80000000 <= value <= -1
taking False path
1549         /* color to color */
1550         strcpy(im->mode, mode);
1551         im->bands = modelen;
1552         if (!strcmp(mode, "RGBA"))
1553             (void) ImagingFillBand(im, 3, 255);
1554     } else {
1555         /* trying doing an in-place conversion */
1556         if (!ImagingConvertInPlace(im, mode))
when treating unknown struct ImagingMemoryInstance * from _imaging.c:1556 as NULL
taking True path
1557             return NULL;
1558     }
1560     if (self->access)
1561         ImagingAccessDelete(im, self->access);
1562     self->access = ImagingAccessNew(im);
1564     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
1565     return Py_None;
1566 }
returning (PyObject*)NULL without setting an exception
found 3 similar trace(s) to this