File: gstpad.override
Function: pad_task_handler
Error: ob_refcnt of '*args' is 1 too high
1584 static void
1585 pad_task_handler(void *data) {
1586     PyGILState_STATE state;
1587     PyObject *callback, *args = NULL;
1588     PyObject *py_user_data;
1590     if (data == NULL)
when taking False path
1591 	return;
ob_refcnt of '*args' is 1 too high
was expecting final ob_refcnt to be N + 0 (for some unknown N)
but final ob_refcnt is N + 1
found 1 similar trace(s) to this
1593     state = pyg_gil_state_ensure();
when treating unknown struct _PyGObject_Functions * from /usr/include/pygtk-2.0/pygobject.h:207 as non-NULL
calling unknown int (*) (void) from gstpad.override:1593
1594     py_user_data = (PyObject*) data;
1596     callback = PyTuple_GetItem(py_user_data, 0);
when treating unknown void * from gstpad.override:1585 as non-NULL
1597     if (!(PyCallable_Check(callback))) {
when PyCallable_Check() returns 1 (true)
taking False path
1598 	PyErr_Print();
1599 	goto beach;
1600     }
1601     if (!(args = PyTuple_GetSlice(py_user_data, 1, PyTuple_Size(py_user_data)))) {
when PyTuple_Size() returns ob_size
when PyTuple_GetSlice() succeeds
taking False path
new ref from (unknown) PyTuple_GetSlice allocated at:     if (!(args = PyTuple_GetSlice(py_user_data, 1, PyTuple_Size(py_user_data)))) {
ob_refcnt is now refs: 1 + N where N >= 0
1602 	PyErr_Print();
1603 	goto beach;
1604     }
1606     if (!(PyTuple_Check(args))) {
when considering value == (long int)0 from gstpad.override:1606
taking True path
1607 	PyErr_Print();
calling PyErr_Print()
1608 	goto beach;
1609     }
1611     PyObject_CallObject(callback, args);
1613     if(PyErr_Occurred())
1614 	PyErr_Print();
1616     Py_DECREF(args);
1618  beach:
1619     pyg_gil_state_release(state);
calling unknown void (*) (int) from gstpad.override:1619
1620 }

File: gstpad.override
Function: pad_task_handler
Error: ob_refcnt of new ref from call to PyObject_CallObject is 1 too high
1584 static void
1585 pad_task_handler(void *data) {
1586     PyGILState_STATE state;
1587     PyObject *callback, *args = NULL;
1588     PyObject *py_user_data;
1590     if (data == NULL)
when taking False path
1591 	return;
ob_refcnt of new ref from call to PyObject_CallObject is 1 too high
was expecting final ob_refcnt to be N + 0 (for some unknown N)
but final ob_refcnt is N + 1
found 3 similar trace(s) to this
1593     state = pyg_gil_state_ensure();
when treating unknown struct _PyGObject_Functions * from /usr/include/pygtk-2.0/pygobject.h:207 as non-NULL
calling unknown int (*) (void) from gstpad.override:1593
1594     py_user_data = (PyObject*) data;
1596     callback = PyTuple_GetItem(py_user_data, 0);
when treating unknown void * from gstpad.override:1585 as non-NULL
1597     if (!(PyCallable_Check(callback))) {
when PyCallable_Check() returns 1 (true)
taking False path
1598 	PyErr_Print();
1599 	goto beach;
1600     }
1601     if (!(args = PyTuple_GetSlice(py_user_data, 1, PyTuple_Size(py_user_data)))) {
when PyTuple_Size() returns ob_size
when PyTuple_GetSlice() succeeds
taking False path
1602 	PyErr_Print();
1603 	goto beach;
1604     }
1606     if (!(PyTuple_Check(args))) {
when considering range: 1 <= value <= 0x4000000
taking False path
1607 	PyErr_Print();
1608 	goto beach;
1609     }
1611     PyObject_CallObject(callback, args);
when PyObject_CallObject() succeeds
new ref from call to PyObject_CallObject allocated at:     PyObject_CallObject(callback, args);
ob_refcnt is now refs: 1 + N where N >= 0
1613     if(PyErr_Occurred())
taking False path
1614 	PyErr_Print();
1616     Py_DECREF(args);
when taking True path
1618  beach:
1619     pyg_gil_state_release(state);
calling unknown void (*) (int) from gstpad.override:1619
1620 }